Visualizing Using the GUI ========================================= For all of these tasks, make sure you have done the following: 1. Load your model in NEURON 2. Load BlenderNEURON in NEURON (by either opening the BlenderNEURON.hoc file or running ``from blenderneuron.quick import bn``) 3. Load Blender with the BlenderNEURON add-on (NEURON tab should be visible in Blender left panel) 4. Test the connectivity between NEURON and Blender (Should say "Ready") See `Installation `_ for how to perform steps 2-4. *************************** Visualizing Morphology *************************** Follow these steps to visualize the cell morphology of a NEURON model: 1. Once your model is loaded, click "Send to Blender" button 2. A moment later, your model should appear in Blender 3. Navigate around the Blender scene to inspect the model. If you're not familiar with Blender, `these tutorials `_ will give an overview of basic scene navigation. By default, BlenderNEURON will export the morphology of all cells (sections) in the model. It will use NEURON's x/y/z3d() and diam3d() values to build the 3D meshes in Blender. In BlenderNEURON, 1 cm corresponds to 1 micron in NEURON. If you add or make changes to your model's sections/cells, click the "Re-Gather Sections" before clicking "Send to Blender" to ensure that they are included in the export. *************************** Visualizing Activity *************************** Follow these steps to visualize the morphology and simulated activity of a NEURON model: 1. Once your model is loaded, click "Prepare For Simulation" button. This will add a handler to gather section voltage values during the simulation. 2. Run your simulation 3. Once the simulation is finished, click the "Send to Blender" button 4. A moment later, your model should appear in Blender 5. Use the buttons under the bottom timeline in Blender to re-play the simulation. If your cells emit action potentials (Vm > -20mV), you should be able to see them as glowing compartments. By default, 1 frame in Blender corresponds to 0.5ms in NEURON. 6. You can scrub the timeline to re-play any part of the simulation and use the left/right arrow keys to step through the frames. .. image:: files_static/timeline.JPG