Bedance... Discover the best in the world of performing arts

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It's really easy. On the Bedance home page, enter the choice Of a performer you're looking for and click on 'Search'. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon in the main navigation bar link to View the list of all the artists and sponsors.


You can read the artist's profile and their works by clicking on their photo. You are also able to connect directly with the artist of your choice by clicking on their address in their profile section.


You can then apply online if the artist or promoter of your choice is currently available or hiring. Afterwards, it should only take an average of 2-3 working days for them to get back to you.


There is absolutely no need to stress while you wait for the response from the artist or sponsor of interest. Just relax, and equip and furnish your talent yourself in the meantime by checking out our canon of online resources available for free browsing and downloading.
Over 10,000 artists and organisations registered with us
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No need to spend an hour in transit to find a school in the country
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