TweetERA Report

Original Search Term: addams family
All Search Terms: black spider, crochet lace, addams family
Start Date: 2022-09-24
End Date: 2022-10-19
Total Tweets Obtained: 18111
Average Tweets per Day: 248

Overall, users felt mostly Surprise about the topic, with a total tweet count of 7940.
With an average tweet count by sentiment being 2587.29, this is 306.88% above the mean.

Tweet Trends and Forecast

The trend analysis of this search term indicates volume is Growing. This trend is Gaining approximately 3.64 tweets per day.

The following chart can be used to see how much a trend is growing or shrinking. The top half shows the average tweet volume per day, and the
bottom shows the sentiment trend. Selecting a segment on the top will allow you to focus on a section below. Selecting an emotion will
filter all others. Press F5 or reload to reset the chart. This chart can help isolate spikes in emotions based on Twitter users' exposure to new information
in the timeline.

The following chart shows a prediction of tweets over the next 10 days. The black line indicates the current average volume, while the
magenta line indicates the predictions. If a search term has little volume, predictions can be hard to make and should be evaluated in context of the tweet volume.


This chart shows the hashtag use by volume. A hashtag-driven topic is immediately popular at a particular time; these may provide
good alternate search terms.

User Locations

This data represents users who entered enough location data to identify their home state and does not reflect the location of a user
at the time they created a tweet. You will notice that tweet volume is lower in this section. Lower tweet volume by location is
dependent on the number of users with a set location.