class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
An interactive dashboard about
commuting in Germany 🚈 ## The what, the why, and the how ### Long Nguyen ###
CorrelAidX Bremen
### 2020-11-06 --- background-image: url(figs/dashboard.png) background-size: contain --- class: center, inverse, middle, mline # What? --- # "Commuter" statistics Source: German Federal Employment Agency **commuters:** > employees whose workplace is located in a different municipality from the one in which they live -- > regardless of whether and how often they actually commute ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ --- class: center, inverse, middle, mline # Why? --- # Why commuter statistics? - Identify regionally important industry/business locations - Compare the relative importance of districts/states for work -- - For Bremen especially interesting: commuting between suburbs ("Speckgürtel") and urban area --- # Why a dashboard? <div style="text-align:center"> <img alt="Academic Calendar" src="figs/calendar.png" width="95%"> </div> --- class: center, inverse, middle, mline # How? --- # Collecting commuter data with <span style='font-family:var(--code-font-family);font-size:0.75em;color:#8fbcbb;'>datenguidepy</span> - Ginormous collection of regional statistics at different administrative levels -- - Querying data is straightforward - <span style='font-size:0.8em'>... but may take some time with a large number of regions and/or indicators</span> -- - Regions can change their IDs at some point in time 😱 --- # Creating a dashboard with <span style='font-family:var(--code-font-family);font-size:0.75em;color:#8fbcbb;'>flexdashboard</span> & <span style='font-family:var(--code-font-family);font-size:0.75em;color:#8fbcbb;'>shiny</span> - `{flexdashboard}`: easier than `{shinydashboard}` -- - `runtime: shiny_prerendered` for interactivity - <span style='font-size:0.8em'>and speed 🚀 (compared to `runtime: shiny`)</span> -- - `{reactable}`: default looks nicer than `{DT}` - `{highcharter}`: default looks nicer than `{plotly}` --- class: center, inverse, middle, mline # What we learned --- class: middle - A lot about "commuting" patterns in Germany - <span style='font-size:0.8em'>What about 2020?</span> -- - Python is cool, `pandas` is cool, `datenguidepy` is cool -- - **Open, accessible data is important!** (Thanks [Datenguide](!) --- class: center, middle 👉 [****]( Source code: <img alt="File:But It's Honest Work.jpg" src="" height="320">