Last updated: 2020-10-27
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File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 5a6cc2a | DongyueXie | 2020-10-27 | wflow_publish(c(“analysis/index.Rmd”, “analysis/kl.Rmd”, “analysis/polya_gamma.Rmd”, |
This paper provides a connection between Jaakkola and Jordan (2000) and Polya-gamma augmentation for logistic regression.
David Blei’s paper, Variational inference: A review for statisticians, has been cited a lot as good VB introduction.(I guess I should re-read it several times, and often). VB tries to find a tractable approximation of the posterir distribution p(θ|y) where θ is coeffients and y is observed data.
The approximation is posed as an optimization problem, by minimizing KL divergence, KL(q(θ)||p(θ|y))=∫q(θ)logq(θ)p(θ|y)dθ=∫q(θ)logq(θ)p(y)p(y,θ)dθ.
(On why its KL(q(θ)||p(θ|y)) instead of KL(p(θ|y)||q(θ)))
The evidence lower bound ELBO is ELBO(q(θ))=∫q(θ))logp(y,θ)q(θ)=logp(y)−KL(q(θ)||p(θ|y))=E(logp(y|θ))−KL(q(θ)||p(θ))
The optimal qj(θj) is proportional to the exp expected log of complete likelihood, q∗j(θj)∝exp{E−jlogp(θj|θ−j,y)}.
(Why? ELBO(qj)=EjE−jlogp(θj,θ−j,y)−Ejlogqj(θj)+constant=−Ejlogqjexp(E−jlogp(θj,θ−j,y)))
Suppose each complete conditional is in the exponential family p(θj|θ−j,y)=h(θj)exp{ηj(θ−j,y)Tθj−a(ηj(θ−j,y))} where h is a base measure and a(⋅) is the log normalizer and η is the canonical parameter.
(The exponential family is f(y;θ,ϕ)=exp{(yθ−b(θ))/a(ϕ)+c(y,ϕ)}. If the dispersion parameter ϕ is known, this is an exponential family model with canonical parameter θ. often a(ϕ)=1, c(y,ϕ)=c(y))
Then the update is qj(θj)∝exp{logh(θj)+E(ηj(θ−j,y))Tθj−E(a(ηj(θ−j,y)))}∝h(θj)exp{E(ηj(θ−j,y))Tθj}
Let β be the global coefficients and z be the local variables, and y the observed data, then the joint distribution of y,β,z is p(y,β,z)=p(β)Πip(zi|β)p(yi|zi,β)=p(β)Πip(yi,zi|β) where Πip(yi,zi|β) is from an exponential family and p(β) is a conjugate prior for the density.