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  • Introduction
  • NULL sc-dataset DE
    • Summary - NULL
  • RUV methods for RNA-seq
    • Summary - RUV

Last updated: 2020-01-06

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Two review papers on single cell differential expression analysis I found: Wang et al, and Sonenson and Robinson.

One review paper on RNA-seq bulk data differential expression analysis: Sonenson and Delorenzi.

Single cell RNA seq datasets: conquer

What are UMI data sets?, Full length vs UMI

The data object contains: TPM, counts, length-scaled TPMs, the average length of the transcripts expressed in each sample for each gene.


  1. Whether we need to RUV? Apply some single cell DE method like MAST, D3E, scDD, SCDE, DEsngle etc, maybe also try methods for RNA seq data like edgeR, Deseq2, voomlimma.

– in paper Sonenson and Robinson(2018), the did an experiment on null datasets and found that for unfiltered data sets, many methods struggled to correctly control the type I error.

  1. If need to RUV, how does current methods like SVA and MOUTHWASH work?

  2. If current method does not work, why? How to improve?

For this GSE45719 datasets: mouse, total 291 cells, among which 50 cells are 16-cell stage blastomere and 50 cells are Mid blastocyst cell (92-94h post-fertilization).

To create NULL datasets, we can use only 16-cell stage cells and randomly partition the cells into two groups.

NULL sc-dataset DE

datax<- readRDS("~/Downloads/GSE45719.rds")
datax_gene = experiments(datax)[["gene"]]
                      GSM1112490 GSM1112491 GSM1112492 GSM1112493
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   2178.0000   1111.000    654.000         91
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000      0.000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   350.9997   1191.996   3001.005       1074
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000      0.000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16    32.0000      0.000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000      0.000      0.000          0
                      GSM1112494 GSM1112495 GSM1112496 GSM1112497
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    1589.000  1033.0000       2154  2874.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1738.003   999.9997        516   311.0005
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000     0.0000          0     2.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11    328.000     0.0000          0     0.0000
                      GSM1112498 GSM1112499 GSM1112500 GSM1112501
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    2642.000        206   601.0000       1991
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   2767.997       3350   300.9997        736
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0     0.0000          0
                      GSM1112502 GSM1112503 GSM1112504 GSM1112505
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         762        399        115          0
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1024       1903       1246        299
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0         16        146          0
                      GSM1112506 GSM1112507 GSM1112508 GSM1112509
ENSMUSG00000000001.4           0          0        960       1445
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        276          0        624          0
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112510 GSM1112511 GSM1112512 GSM1112513
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         794    141.000  917.00000   305.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0      0.000    0.00000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          1   1837.001 1255.00000   535.0005
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0      0.000    0.00000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0      0.000   14.00002     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0      0.000    0.00000     0.0000
                      GSM1112514 GSM1112515 GSM1112516 GSM1112517
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        1330  1092.0000       2519  1693.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          9   582.0004       2930   607.0003
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0     0.0000          0     0.0000
                      GSM1112518 GSM1112519 GSM1112520 GSM1112521
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        3398   2859.000   723.0000  1413.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0      0.000     0.0000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        790   1994.002   821.0004   978.0002
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0      0.000     0.0000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0      0.000     0.0000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0      0.000     0.0000     0.0000
                      GSM1112522 GSM1112523 GSM1112524 GSM1112525
ENSMUSG00000000001.4           0       1722        513    422.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          0       2860       1028   1893.002
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0      0.000
                      GSM1112526 GSM1112527 GSM1112528 GSM1112529
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2434       2546   1861.000        687
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14         40        834   2688.005        648
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0      0.000          0
                       GSM1112530 GSM1112531 GSM1112532 GSM1112533
ENSMUSG00000000001.4  1210.000000        526        449    500.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15    0.000000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   12.000000       1071        567   2886.003
ENSMUSG00000000031.15    0.000000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16    1.999997          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11    0.000000          0          0      0.000
                      GSM1112534 GSM1112535 GSM1112536 GSM1112537
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         378         46        288        139
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1527       8013       1804        327
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0        382          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112538 GSM1112539 GSM1112540 GSM1112541
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     500.000        439    953.000       1832
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14    683.792         24   8900.003       6589
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0      0.000          0
                      GSM1112542  GSM1112543 GSM1112544 GSM1112545
ENSMUSG00000000001.4  1131.00000  668.000000   503.0000    316.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15    0.00000    0.000000     0.0000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14 2973.99800 4329.000000  2523.9960   2762.003
ENSMUSG00000000031.15    0.00000    0.000000     0.0000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   19.99999    1.999995   482.0003    153.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11    0.00000    0.000000     9.0000    137.000
                      GSM1112546 GSM1112547 GSM1112548  GSM1112549
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   1200.0000   1071.000       2108  340.000000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000      0.000          0    0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  3851.0030   5071.005       5161 7362.000000
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000      0.000          0    0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   343.0004      1.000         48    2.000002
ENSMUSG00000000049.11   315.0000      0.000          0   81.000000
                      GSM1112550 GSM1112551 GSM1112552 GSM1112553
ENSMUSG00000000001.4      78.000        993    922.000    771.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   3672.996       1069   2585.997   4305.004
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      1.000         67      8.000      6.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0      0.000      3.000
                       GSM1112554  GSM1112555 GSM1112556 GSM1112557
ENSMUSG00000000001.4  459.0000000 1071.000000         17        102
ENSMUSG00000000003.15   0.0000000    0.000000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14 407.0004700 2023.003000         96         85
ENSMUSG00000000031.15   0.0000000    0.000000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   0.9999997    2.000001          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11   0.0000000    0.000000          0          0
                      GSM1112558 GSM1112559 GSM1112560 GSM1112561
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        1442        839  1515.0000    487.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0     0.0000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1379       1205   940.0003   5124.996
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0     0.0000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0     0.0000    417.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0     0.0000      0.000
                      GSM1112562 GSM1112563 GSM1112564 GSM1112565
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    1792.000 2320.00000   1619.000         34
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000    0.00000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1118.999  846.00000   1413.004       1245
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000    0.00000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000    0.00000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000   35.99995      0.000          0
                      GSM1112566 GSM1112567 GSM1112568 GSM1112569
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     587.000      9.000       1848   3478.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000      0.000          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   2254.996   1344.002       2937   1828.004
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000      0.000          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      1.000      0.000          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000      0.000          0      0.000
                      GSM1112570 GSM1112571 GSM1112572 GSM1112573
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    2464.000       1193        440        794
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   2582.004       1247        947        350
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0          0
                      GSM1112574 GSM1112575 GSM1112576 GSM1112577
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         486       2030   1039.000  2651.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        821        774   2288.999  2355.0030
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0      0.000   139.9999
ENSMUSG00000000049.11         14          0    320.000     1.0000
                      GSM1112578 GSM1112579 GSM1112580 GSM1112581
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        1320        488   1256.000        510
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        949        596   2125.001        347
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0         36      0.000          0
                      GSM1112590 GSM1112591 GSM1112592 GSM1112593
ENSMUSG00000000001.4           0        645         18          0
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11       4185      16703       9696       9259
                      GSM1112594 GSM1112595 GSM1112596 GSM1112597
ENSMUSG00000000001.4           1   2767.000   2484.000   2775.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          0   2749.998   2827.002   2499.999
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0   3712.995   3422.993   3687.002
ENSMUSG00000000049.11       2147      0.000      0.000      0.000
                      GSM1112598 GSM1112599 GSM1112600 GSM1112601
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    3064.000   3148.000   2078.000   3155.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1774.002   2513.998   2054.997   1080.000
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   3889.000   3934.000   3085.999   3178.007
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
                      GSM1112602 GSM1112603 GSM1112604 GSM1112605
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   2631.0000  2052.0000   3016.000  2152.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000     0.0000      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   801.9999   581.9995    985.000   746.0004
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000     1.0000      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16  2304.9966   539.9999   1454.999   809.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000     0.0000      2.000     0.0000
                      GSM1112606 GSM1112607 GSM1112608 GSM1112609
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        3069   2794.000   4003.000   2600.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1632   2608.997   3261.989   2093.004
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16       1031   1283.000   1489.001   1204.001
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0      0.000      0.000      0.000
                      GSM1112610 GSM1112611 GSM1112612 GSM1112613
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    5720.000       2421       3871   4233.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   2922.007       1732         97   2761.004
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   1599.004          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0      0.000
                      GSM1112614 GSM1112615 GSM1112616 GSM1112617
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     5.00000       4521       3337    557.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15    0.00000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   23.99997         33       2926   1476.005
ENSMUSG00000000031.15    0.00000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16    0.00000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11    0.00000          0          0      0.000
                      GSM1112618 GSM1112619 GSM1112620 GSM1112621
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   1636.0000        846   1373.000       3813
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   607.0003       1245   2071.815       3729
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16     0.0000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000          0      0.000          0
                      GSM1112622 GSM1112623 GSM1112624 GSM1112625
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    1428.000       1689   4079.000         32
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1811.003       1356   1920.005       3883
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0      0.000          0
                      GSM1112626 GSM1112627 GSM1112628 GSM1112629
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2107    11.0000        812        703
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1333   469.0005       1042       2395
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0     0.0000          0          0
                      GSM1112630 GSM1112631 GSM1112632 GSM1112633
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    1822.000       1825     75.000  1228.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1577.999        776   2064.999   303.0001
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0      0.000     0.0000
                      GSM1112634 GSM1112635 GSM1112636 GSM1112637
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   1552.0000   874.0000       1359       1284
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   643.0001   130.0005       1400        984
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16     0.0000     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000     0.0000          0          0
                      GSM1112638 GSM1112639 GSM1112640 GSM1112641
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         922        394       1681       1638
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          0          7        191          2
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112642 GSM1112643 GSM1112644 GSM1112645
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2145       1655        555        875
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       2708         39        618       1453
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112646 GSM1112647 GSM1112648 GSM1112649
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    4651.000   708.0000     22.000       1234
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000     0.0000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   2016.999   175.0005   2331.998        833
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000     0.0000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000     0.0000      0.000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000     0.0000      0.000          0
                      GSM1112650 GSM1112651 GSM1112652 GSM1112653
ENSMUSG00000000001.4           0       3545       1805       1206
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14         29       1114       1249        987
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112654 GSM1112655 GSM1112656 GSM1112657
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    1310.000   5238.000  8580.0000    4957.00
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000      0.000     0.0000       0.00
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  10776.690  19212.955 26761.9700   22267.97
ENSMUSG00000000031.15   3147.001      0.000     0.0000       0.00
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   1511.996   1181.004   290.0005    1179.00
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000      0.000    46.0000       0.00
                      GSM1112658 GSM1112659 GSM1112660 GSM1112661
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    2943.000   4275.000    7631.00  1051.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000      0.000       0.00     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   7678.996  20073.037   14125.03 12857.0000
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000      0.000       0.00     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16    768.000   1492.004    3442.00   934.0003
ENSMUSG00000000049.11    120.000      0.000       9.00     1.0000
                      GSM1112662 GSM1112663 GSM1112664 GSM1112665
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    3526.000   5134.000       1073        882
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000      0.000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  24224.990  15175.000       1265        517
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000   2700.999          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   2121.997   2425.998          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000      0.000          0          0
                      GSM1112666 GSM1112667 GSM1112668 GSM1112669
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2435 1127.00000 1912.00000  1031.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0    0.00000    0.00000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          0   23.00004   25.00004   225.9999
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0    0.00000    0.00000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0    0.00000    0.00000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0    0.00000    0.00000     0.0000
                      GSM1112670 GSM1112671 GSM1112672 GSM1112673
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         468     53.000       1214   296.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0      0.000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14         78   1488.001       1514   380.9999
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0      0.000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0      0.000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0      0.000          0     0.0000
                      GSM1112674 GSM1112675 GSM1112676 GSM1112677
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     539.000 2580.00000   773.0000         65
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000    0.00000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1629.001   16.99997   251.0004          0
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000    0.00000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000    0.00000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000    0.00000     0.0000          0
                      GSM1112678 GSM1112679 GSM1112680 GSM1112681
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2509        297       1353       3147
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          0        124        777       1315
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0         33          0
                      GSM1112682 GSM1112683 GSM1112684 GSM1112685
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2191        805       1295       1788
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        484        692        838        573
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112686 GSM1112687 GSM1112688 GSM1112689
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     787.000       4292       1054       4614
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1288.004          8        848       5100
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0          0
                      GSM1112690 GSM1112691 GSM1112692 GSM1112693
ENSMUSG00000000001.4          12       2704       2762       1887
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        395       4691       1592        630
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112694 GSM1112695 GSM1112696 GSM1112697
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    362.0000    62.0000    17.0000    522.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  1186.0000   955.0000   836.9998    972.934
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   230.0004   703.9997   815.9999   1641.002
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000      0.000
                      GSM1112698 GSM1112699 GSM1112700 GSM1112701
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   864.00000   734.0000        144   100.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15    0.00000     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  882.00000  2061.9960        603   752.0002
ENSMUSG00000000031.15    0.00000     0.0000          0     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   61.00005   432.0004        150   159.9996
ENSMUSG00000000049.11    9.00000     0.0000          0     0.0000
                      GSM1112702 GSM1112703 GSM1112704 GSM1112705
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     55.0000    92.0000    38.0000    91.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  1087.7650   963.5002   568.9995  1247.0040
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   480.9997   271.0000   303.0002   541.9998
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000    10.0000
                      GSM1112706 GSM1112707 GSM1112708 GSM1112709
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         970  1253.0000  2065.0000       1666
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0     0.0000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14          5   714.0005   699.0004       1221
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0     0.0000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0     0.0000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0     3.0000     0.0000          0
                      GSM1112710 GSM1112711 GSM1112712 GSM1112713
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    2985.000       2481       1154 872.000000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0   0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   2107.999       1335        810 427.000000
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0   0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0          0   5.000005
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0   0.000000
                      GSM1112714 GSM1112715 GSM1112716 GSM1112717
ENSMUSG00000000001.4   1030.0000     34.000          0       1579
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000      0.000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14  1310.0000    170.000        910         12
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000      0.000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   119.0002   2445.995          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000      0.000          0          0
                      GSM1112718 GSM1112719 GSM1112720 GSM1112721
ENSMUSG00000000001.4     167.000        323       2034    134.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1607.003          0       2828   2254.002
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0          0      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0      0.000
                      GSM1112722 GSM1112723 GSM1112724 GSM1112725
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    3245.000          8         64          7
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1449.995        550       3340       2342
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0          0
                      GSM1112726 GSM1112727 GSM1112728 GSM1112729
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        1739        762        939        766
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        802        101        979        862
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          1          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112730 GSM1112731 GSM1112732 GSM1112733
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         944       1588    486.000   626.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1387        570   1596.997   125.9998
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16        160          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0      0.000     0.0000
                      GSM1112734 GSM1112735 GSM1112736 GSM1112737
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         193       3515       1750       1406
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1927       3793        113       2895
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          1          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112738 GSM1112739 GSM1112740 GSM1112741
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         632       1120       2248        601
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       1039       2047       2850       1371
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          1          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          1          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0         15
                      GSM1112742 GSM1112743 GSM1112744 GSM1112745
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    1830.000        376  362.00000        506
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0    0.00000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1575.996        362  331.00000        223
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0    0.00000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0   47.99999          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          7    0.00000          0
                      GSM1112746 GSM1112747 GSM1112748 GSM1112749
ENSMUSG00000000001.4          30       1170        391       3335
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14         79       1171          0          4
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1112750 GSM1112751 GSM1112752 GSM1112753
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    328.0000   4470.000  2097.0000       1859
ENSMUSG00000000003.15     0.0000      0.000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   437.9997   1360.996   593.9998          1
ENSMUSG00000000031.15     0.0000      0.000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16     0.0000      0.000     0.0000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11     0.0000      0.000     0.0000          0
                      GSM1112754 GSM1112755 GSM1112756 GSM1112757
ENSMUSG00000000001.4           2  3088.0000 423.000000       2267
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0     0.0000   0.000000          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14         60   283.9999   1.999996        738
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0     0.0000   0.000000          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0     0.0000   0.000000          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0     0.0000   0.000000          0
                      GSM1112758 GSM1112759 GSM1112760 GSM1112761
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        2863  1658.0000       1377       1173
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14       2058   676.0005        947       2977
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0     0.0000          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0     0.0000          0          0
                      GSM1112762 GSM1112763 GSM1112764 GSM1112765
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    2031.000       3001       2445        540
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   1903.001        347        767         13
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16      0.000          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000          0          0          0
                      GSM1112766 GSM1112767 GSM1112768 GSM1112769
ENSMUSG00000000001.4    4087.000   4795.000   5989.000   3332.000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14   4074.001   2612.997   1901.999   1587.998
ENSMUSG00000000031.15      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16   1733.999   2261.001   2185.000   1156.000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
                      GSM1278017 GSM1278018 GSM1278019 GSM1278020
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         763        578       1663        286
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        825        625        582        452
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1278021 GSM1278022 GSM1278023 GSM1278024
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         600        232        532       1471
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        859        803        720        641
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1278025 GSM1278036 GSM1278037 GSM1278038
ENSMUSG00000000001.4         876       1329       3065       1832
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        722          0          3        212
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0          0
                      GSM1278039 GSM1278040 GSM1278041 GSM1278042
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        6864       4112   5833.000  5332.0000
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000028.14         21          0   2075.003   513.0003
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0      0.000     0.0000
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0        723      0.000     0.0000
                      GSM1278043 GSM1278044 GSM1278045
ENSMUSG00000000001.4        1473       3889       2872
ENSMUSG00000000003.15          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000028.14        476       1683          0
ENSMUSG00000000031.15          0          0        124
ENSMUSG00000000037.16          0          0          0
ENSMUSG00000000049.11          0          0          0
cell16_idx = 1:50

cell16_readcounts = (assays(datax_gene)[["count"]])[,1:50]

#filter out genes that are not expressed

cell16_reads = cell16_readcounts[rowSums(cell16_readcounts)!=0,]


[1] 27517    50
[1] 0.5125835

# task 1
# randomly partition the data into 2 groups, then simply use a two sample t test

# first partition
group1_idx = sample(1:ncol(cell16),ncol(cell16)/2)
group1 = cell16[,group1_idx]
group2 = cell16[,-group1_idx]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
0.0003378 0.2663421 0.3651364 0.4512739 0.6531414 1.0000000 

A lot of p-values are around 0.3-0.35. Take a look at gene 12:

 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t.test(cell16[12,group1_idx],cell16[12,-group1_idx],alternative = 'two.sided')$p.value
[1] 0.3272869

Only one cell has non-zero read counts among two groups. To apply two-sample t-test, we should try to avoid this situation. So choose the top 1000 expressed genes:

#Choose the top 1000 expressed genes 
top_expressed_genes = (order(rowSums(cell16_reads),decreasing = TRUE))[1:1000]
cell16 = cell16_reads[top_expressed_genes,]

[1] 1000   50
[1] 0.00876

# task 1
# randomly partition the data into 2 groups, then simply use a two sample t test

# first partition
group1_idx = sample(1:ncol(cell16),ncol(cell16)/2)
group1 = cell16[,group1_idx]
group2 = cell16[,-group1_idx]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value


    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  p_values1
D = 0.090775, p-value = 1.392e-07
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

# second partition

group1_idx = sample(1:ncol(cell16),ncol(cell16)/2)
group1 = cell16[,group1_idx]
group2 = cell16[,-group1_idx]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value

    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  p_values1
D = 0.24902, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

# third partition

group1_idx = sample(1:ncol(cell16),ncol(cell16)/2)
group1 = cell16[,group1_idx]
group2 = cell16[,-group1_idx]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value

    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  p_values1
D = 0.044142, p-value = 0.0406
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

Summary - NULL

If not accounting for 0’s in scData, then the null distribution of p-values is certainly not uniform. Mainly because two-sample t test is not applicable.

If removing genes with two many 0’s, then the p-value distributions deviate from uniform.

RUV methods for RNA-seq

First apply on NULL data then add signals to genes using Poisson thinning.


group1_idx = sample(1:ncol(cell16),ncol(cell16)/2)
group1 = cell16[,group1_idx]
group2 = cell16[,-group1_idx]

group_indicator = rep(0,ncol(cell16))
group_indicator[group1_idx] = 1

X = model.matrix(~group_indicator)

Y = t(cell16)

num_sv     <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "be")
num_sv_l   <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "leek")

[1] 4
[1] 48

Two approaches give very different number of surrogate variables! Try to use 4 SVs in the following analysis.

mout = mouthwash(Y,X,k=num_sv,cov_of_interest = 2,include_intercept = FALSE)
Running mouthwash on 50 x 2 matrix X and 50 x 1000 matrix Y.
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.017 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0 seconds.
 - Running second step of mouthwash:
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 2.627 seconds.
    + Generating adaptive shrinkage (ash) output.
    + Computation took 0.199 seconds.
 - Second step took 3.638 seconds.
 - Estimating additional hidden confounders.
 - Computation took 0.015 seconds.
[1] 0.9922996

cate_cate   <- cate::cate.fit(X.primary = X[, 2, drop = FALSE], X.nuis = X[, -2, drop = FALSE],
                              Y = Y, r = num_sv, adj.method = "rr")

# this method is vey slow!
#leapp_leapp <- leapp::leapp(data = t(Y), pred.prim = X[, 2, drop = FALSE], 
#                            pred.covar = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], num.fac = num_sv)

sva_sva     <- sva::sva(dat = t(Y), mod = X, mod0 = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], n.sv = num_sv)
Number of significant surrogate variables is:  4 
Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5  
X.sva <- cbind(X, sva_sva$sv)
lmout <- limma::lmFit(object = t(Y), design = X.sva)
eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
svaout           <- list()
svaout$betahat   <- lmout$coefficients[, 2]
svaout$sebetahat <- lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * sqrt(eout$s2.post)
svaout$pvalues   <- eout$p.value[, 2]



    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  svaout$pvalues
D = 0.032173, p-value = 0.2518
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(cate_cate$beta.p.value,breaks = 15)


    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  cate_cate$beta.p.value
D = 0.085223, p-value = 9.83e-07
alternative hypothesis: two-sided

Add some signal to the NULL dataset.

#tt = thin_diff(round(cell16), design_fixed = X[,2,drop=FALSE])
thinout = thin_2group(round(cell16),0.9,signal_fun = stats::rexp,signal_params = list(rate=0.5))

#check null groups

group1 = cell16[,which(thinout$designmat==1)]
group2 = cell16[,which(thinout$designmat==0)]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value

    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  p_values1
D = 0.1421, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

Y = t(thinout$mat)

X = model.matrix(~thinout$designmat)

num_sv     <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "be")
num_sv_l   <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "leek")

[1] 4
[1] 48
mean(abs(thinout$coef) < 10^-6)
[1] 0.9
mout = mouthwash(Y,X,k=num_sv,cov_of_interest = 2,include_intercept = FALSE)
Running mouthwash on 50 x 2 matrix X and 50 x 1000 matrix Y.
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.015 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0 seconds.
 - Running second step of mouthwash:
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 2.245 seconds.
    + Generating adaptive shrinkage (ash) output.
    + Computation took 0.107 seconds.
 - Second step took 3.137 seconds.
 - Estimating additional hidden confounders.
 - Computation took 0.019 seconds.
[1] 0.806857
bout <- backwash(Y = Y, X = X, k = num_sv, cov_of_interest = 2, include_intercept = FALSE)
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.015 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0 seconds.
 - Running second step of backwash:
    + Initializing parameters for EM algorithm.
    + Computation took 0.19 seconds.
    + Running one round of parameter updates.
    + Computation took 0.03 seconds.
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 9.111 seconds.
    + Generating posterior statistics.
    + Computation took 0.002 seconds.
 - Second step took 10.908 seconds.
 - Generating final backwash outputs.
 - Computation took 0.013 seconds.
[1] 0.8127092
cate_cate = cate::cate.fit(X.primary = X[, 2, drop = FALSE], X.nuis = X[, -2, drop = FALSE],
                              Y = Y, r = num_sv, adj.method = "rr")

sva_sva     <- sva::sva(dat = t(Y), mod = X, mod0 = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], n.sv = num_sv)
Number of significant surrogate variables is:  4 
Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5  
X.sva <- cbind(X, sva_sva$sv)
lmout <- limma::lmFit(object = t(Y), design = X.sva)
eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
svaout           <- list()
svaout$betahat   <- lmout$coefficients[, 2]
svaout$sebetahat <- lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * sqrt(eout$s2.post)
svaout$pvalues   <- eout$p.value[, 2]

which_null = c(1*(abs(thinout$coef) < 10^-6))

# plot ROC curve
roc_out <- list(
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(mout$result$lfdr)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(bout$result$lfdr)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(cate_cate$beta.p.value)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(svaout$pvalues)))
name_vec <- c("MOUTHWASH", 'BACKWASH',"CATErr", "SVA")
names(roc_out) <- name_vec

sout <- lapply(roc_out, function(x) { data.frame(TPR = x$sensitivities, FPR = 1 - x$specificities)})
for (index in 1:length(sout)) {
  sout[[index]]$Method <- name_vec[index]
longdat <- do.call(rbind, sout)

shortdat <- dplyr::filter(longdat, Method == "MOUTHWASH" | Method == "BACKWASH" |
                            Method == "CATErr" | Method == "SVA" | Method == "LEAPP")
ggplot(data = shortdat, mapping = aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, col = Method)) +
  geom_path() + theme_bw() + ggtitle("ROC Curves")

auc_vec <- sapply(roc_out, FUN = function(x) { x$auc })
knitr::kable(sort(auc_vec, decreasing = TRUE), col.names = "AUC", digits = 3)
SVA 0.943
CATErr 0.918
# estimate pi0
method_list <- list()
method_list$CATErr           <- list()
method_list$CATErr$betahat   <- c(cate_cate$beta)
method_list$CATErr$sebetahat <- c(sqrt(cate_cate$beta.cov.row * c(cate_cate$beta.cov.col)) / sqrt(nrow(X)))

method_list$SVA             <- list()
method_list$SVA$betahat     <- c(svaout$betahat)
method_list$SVA$sebetahat   <- c(svaout$sebetahat)

ashfit <- lapply(method_list, FUN = function(x) { ashr::ash(x$betahat, x$sebetahat)})
api0 <- sapply(ashfit, FUN = ashr::get_pi0)
api0 <- c(api0, MOUTHWASH = mout$pi0)
api0 <- c(api0, BACKWASH = bout$pi0)

knitr::kable(sort(api0, decreasing = TRUE), col.names = "Estimate of Pi0")
Estimate of Pi0
BACKWASH 0.8127092
SVA 0.8126893
MOUTHWASH 0.8068570
CATErr 0.4149302

Weaker signal: rexp(,rate=1)

thinout = thin_2group(round(cell16),0.9,signal_fun = stats::rexp,signal_params = list(rate=1))

#check null groups

group1 = cell16[,which(thinout$designmat==1)]
group2 = cell16[,which(thinout$designmat==0)]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value

    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  p_values1
D = 0.1421, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

Y = t(thinout$mat)

X = model.matrix(~thinout$designmat)

num_sv     <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "be")
num_sv_l   <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "leek")

[1] 4
[1] 48
mean(abs(thinout$coef) < 10^-6)
[1] 0.9
mout = mouthwash(Y,X,k=num_sv,cov_of_interest = 2,include_intercept = FALSE)
Running mouthwash on 50 x 2 matrix X and 50 x 1000 matrix Y.
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.011 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0.001 seconds.
 - Running second step of mouthwash:
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 4.454 seconds.
    + Generating adaptive shrinkage (ash) output.
    + Computation took 0.109 seconds.
 - Second step took 5.386 seconds.
 - Estimating additional hidden confounders.
 - Computation took 0.018 seconds.
[1] 0.8120897
bout <- backwash(Y = Y, X = X, k = num_sv, cov_of_interest = 2, include_intercept = FALSE)
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.015 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0 seconds.
 - Running second step of backwash:
    + Initializing parameters for EM algorithm.
    + Computation took 0.168 seconds.
    + Running one round of parameter updates.
    + Computation took 0.031 seconds.
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 7.884 seconds.
    + Generating posterior statistics.
    + Computation took 0.004 seconds.
 - Second step took 9.774 seconds.
 - Generating final backwash outputs.
 - Computation took 0.013 seconds.
[1] 0.8210579
cate_cate = cate::cate.fit(X.primary = X[, 2, drop = FALSE], X.nuis = X[, -2, drop = FALSE],
                              Y = Y, r = num_sv, adj.method = "rr")

sva_sva     <- sva::sva(dat = t(Y), mod = X, mod0 = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], n.sv = num_sv)
Number of significant surrogate variables is:  4 
Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5  
X.sva <- cbind(X, sva_sva$sv)
lmout <- limma::lmFit(object = t(Y), design = X.sva)
eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
svaout           <- list()
svaout$betahat   <- lmout$coefficients[, 2]
svaout$sebetahat <- lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * sqrt(eout$s2.post)
svaout$pvalues   <- eout$p.value[, 2]

which_null = c(1*(abs(thinout$coef) < 10^-6))

roc_out <- list(
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(mout$result$lfdr)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(bout$result$lfdr)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(cate_cate$beta.p.value)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(svaout$pvalues)))
name_vec <- c("MOUTHWASH", 'BACKWASH',"CATErr", "SVA")
names(roc_out) <- name_vec

sout <- lapply(roc_out, function(x) { data.frame(TPR = x$sensitivities, FPR = 1 - x$specificities)})
for (index in 1:length(sout)) {
  sout[[index]]$Method <- name_vec[index]
longdat <- do.call(rbind, sout)

shortdat <- dplyr::filter(longdat, Method == "MOUTHWASH" | Method == "BACKWASH" |
                            Method == "CATErr" | Method == "SVA" | Method == "LEAPP")
ggplot(data = shortdat, mapping = aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, col = Method)) +
  geom_path() + theme_bw() + ggtitle("ROC Curves")

auc_vec <- sapply(roc_out, FUN = function(x) { x$auc })
knitr::kable(sort(auc_vec, decreasing = TRUE), col.names = "AUC", digits = 3)
SVA 0.888
CATErr 0.859
method_list <- list()
method_list$CATErr           <- list()
method_list$CATErr$betahat   <- c(cate_cate$beta)
method_list$CATErr$sebetahat <- c(sqrt(cate_cate$beta.cov.row * c(cate_cate$beta.cov.col)) / sqrt(nrow(X)))

method_list$SVA             <- list()
method_list$SVA$betahat     <- c(svaout$betahat)
method_list$SVA$sebetahat   <- c(svaout$sebetahat)

ashfit <- lapply(method_list, FUN = function(x) { ashr::ash(x$betahat, x$sebetahat)})
api0 <- sapply(ashfit, FUN = ashr::get_pi0)
api0 <- c(api0, MOUTHWASH = mout$pi0)
api0 <- c(api0, BACKWASH = bout$pi0)

knitr::kable(sort(api0, decreasing = TRUE), col.names = "Estimate of Pi0")
Estimate of Pi0
SVA 0.8212793
BACKWASH 0.8210579
MOUTHWASH 0.8120897
CATErr 0.4781507

Stronger signal: rexp(,rate = 0.2)

thinout = thin_2group(round(cell16),0.9,signal_fun = stats::rexp,signal_params = list(rate=0.2))

#check null groups

group1 = cell16[,which(thinout$designmat==1)]
group2 = cell16[,which(thinout$designmat==0)]
## for each gene, run a two-sample t test

p_values1 = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cell16)){
  p_values1[i] = t.test(group1[i,],group2[i,],alternative='two.sided')$p.value

    One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  p_values1
D = 0.1421, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
hist(p_values1,breaks = 15)

Y = t(thinout$mat)

X = model.matrix(~thinout$designmat)

num_sv     <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "be")
num_sv_l   <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "leek")

[1] 4
[1] 48
mean(abs(thinout$coef) < 10^-6)
[1] 0.9
mout = mouthwash(Y,X,k=num_sv,cov_of_interest = 2,include_intercept = FALSE)
Running mouthwash on 50 x 2 matrix X and 50 x 1000 matrix Y.
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.014 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0 seconds.
 - Running second step of mouthwash:
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 2.225 seconds.
    + Generating adaptive shrinkage (ash) output.
    + Computation took 0.104 seconds.
 - Second step took 3.094 seconds.
 - Estimating additional hidden confounders.
 - Computation took 0.015 seconds.
[1] 0.7596616
bout <- backwash(Y = Y, X = X, k = num_sv, cov_of_interest = 2, include_intercept = FALSE)
 - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition.
 - Computation took 0.013 seconds.
 - Running additional preprocessing steps.
 - Computation took 0 seconds.
 - Running second step of backwash:
    + Initializing parameters for EM algorithm.
    + Computation took 0.186 seconds.
    + Running one round of parameter updates.
    + Computation took 0.027 seconds.
    + Estimating model parameters using EM.
    + Computation took 20.594 seconds.
    + Generating posterior statistics.
    + Computation took 0.003 seconds.
 - Second step took 22.836 seconds.
 - Generating final backwash outputs.
 - Computation took 0.016 seconds.
[1] 0.8159548
cate_cate = cate::cate.fit(X.primary = X[, 2, drop = FALSE], X.nuis = X[, -2, drop = FALSE],
                              Y = Y, r = num_sv, adj.method = "rr")

sva_sva     <- sva::sva(dat = t(Y), mod = X, mod0 = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], n.sv = num_sv)
Number of significant surrogate variables is:  4 
Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5  
X.sva <- cbind(X, sva_sva$sv)
lmout <- limma::lmFit(object = t(Y), design = X.sva)
eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
svaout           <- list()
svaout$betahat   <- lmout$coefficients[, 2]
svaout$sebetahat <- lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * sqrt(eout$s2.post)
svaout$pvalues   <- eout$p.value[, 2]

which_null = c(1*(abs(thinout$coef) < 10^-6))

roc_out <- list(
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(mout$result$lfdr)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(bout$result$lfdr)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(cate_cate$beta.p.value)),
  pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(svaout$pvalues)))
name_vec <- c("MOUTHWASH", 'BACKWASH',"CATErr", "SVA")
names(roc_out) <- name_vec

sout <- lapply(roc_out, function(x) { data.frame(TPR = x$sensitivities, FPR = 1 - x$specificities)})
for (index in 1:length(sout)) {
  sout[[index]]$Method <- name_vec[index]
longdat <- do.call(rbind, sout)

shortdat <- dplyr::filter(longdat, Method == "MOUTHWASH" | Method == "BACKWASH" |
                            Method == "CATErr" | Method == "SVA" | Method == "LEAPP")
ggplot(data = shortdat, mapping = aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, col = Method)) +
  geom_path() + theme_bw() + ggtitle("ROC Curves")

auc_vec <- sapply(roc_out, FUN = function(x) { x$auc })
knitr::kable(sort(auc_vec, decreasing = TRUE), col.names = "AUC", digits = 3)
SVA 0.974
CATErr 0.951
method_list <- list()
method_list$CATErr           <- list()
method_list$CATErr$betahat   <- c(cate_cate$beta)
method_list$CATErr$sebetahat <- c(sqrt(cate_cate$beta.cov.row * c(cate_cate$beta.cov.col)) / sqrt(nrow(X)))

method_list$SVA             <- list()
method_list$SVA$betahat     <- c(svaout$betahat)
method_list$SVA$sebetahat   <- c(svaout$sebetahat)

ashfit <- lapply(method_list, FUN = function(x) { ashr::ash(x$betahat, x$sebetahat)})
api0 <- sapply(ashfit, FUN = ashr::get_pi0)
api0 <- c(api0, MOUTHWASH = mout$pi0)
api0 <- c(api0, BACKWASH = bout$pi0)

knitr::kable(sort(api0, decreasing = TRUE), col.names = "Estimate of Pi0")
Estimate of Pi0
SVA 0.8503571
BACKWASH 0.8159548
MOUTHWASH 0.7596616
CATErr 0.5565965

Summary - RUV

  1. Applying SVA on NULL data gives uniformly distributed p-values. Cate with robust regression didn’t make p-values uniformly distributed but considerabley more small p-values. MOUTHWASH outputs ˆπ0 very close to 1.

  2. Adding signals to NULL dataset.

  3. What i didnn’t look at: two many 0’s in the dataset.

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] seqgendiff_1.1.1            cate_1.1                   
 [3] vicar_0.1-10                MultiAssayExperiment_1.10.4
 [5] SummarizedExperiment_1.14.1 DelayedArray_0.10.0        
 [7] BiocParallel_1.18.1         matrixStats_0.55.0         
 [9] Biobase_2.44.0              GenomicRanges_1.36.1       
[11] GenomeInfoDb_1.20.0         IRanges_2.18.3             
[13] S4Vectors_0.22.1            BiocGenerics_0.30.0        
[15] ggplot2_3.2.1              

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] nlme_3.1-141           svd_0.5                bitops_1.0-6          
 [4] fs_1.3.1               bit64_0.9-7            doParallel_1.0.15     
 [7] rprojroot_1.3-2        tools_3.6.1            backports_1.1.5       
[10] R6_2.4.0               DBI_1.0.0              lazyeval_0.2.2        
[13] mgcv_1.8-29            colorspace_1.4-1       withr_2.1.2           
[16] gridExtra_2.3          tidyselect_0.2.5       bit_1.1-14            
[19] compiler_3.6.1         git2r_0.26.1           labeling_0.3          
[22] scales_1.0.0           SQUAREM_2017.10-1      genefilter_1.66.0     
[25] mixsqp_0.1-97          stringr_1.4.0          esaBcv_1.2.1          
[28] digest_0.6.21          rmarkdown_1.16         XVector_0.24.0        
[31] pscl_1.5.2             pkgconfig_2.0.3        htmltools_0.4.0       
[34] highr_0.8              ruv_0.9.7.1            limma_3.40.6          
[37] rlang_0.4.0            RSQLite_2.1.2          leapp_1.2             
[40] dplyr_0.8.3            RCurl_1.95-4.12        magrittr_1.5          
[43] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.1 Matrix_1.2-17          Rcpp_1.0.2            
[46] munsell_0.5.0          pROC_1.15.3            stringi_1.4.3         
[49] whisker_0.4            yaml_2.2.0             MASS_7.3-51.4         
[52] zlibbioc_1.30.0        plyr_1.8.4             grid_3.6.1            
[55] blob_1.2.0             promises_1.1.0         crayon_1.3.4          
[58] lattice_0.20-38        splines_3.6.1          annotate_1.62.0       
[61] zeallot_0.1.0          knitr_1.25             pillar_1.4.2          
[64] corpcor_1.6.9          codetools_0.2-16       XML_3.98-1.20         
[67] glue_1.3.1             evaluate_0.14          vctrs_0.2.0           
[70] httpuv_1.5.2           foreach_1.4.7          gtable_0.3.0          
[73] purrr_0.3.2            assertthat_0.2.1       ashr_2.2-38           
[76] xfun_0.10              xtable_1.8-4           later_1.0.0           
[79] survival_2.44-1.1      truncnorm_1.0-8        tibble_2.1.3          
[82] iterators_1.0.12       AnnotationDbi_1.46.1   memoise_1.1.0         
[85] workflowr_1.5.0        sva_3.32.1