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  • Earlier analysis
    • Taylor series approximation
    • Large np
    • Small np

Last updated: 2020-04-01

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File Version Author Date Message
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html 7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01 Build site.
Rmd bfa4266 DongyueXie 2020-04-01 wflow_publish(“analysis/binomthinultimate.Rmd”)
html 9576644 DongyueXie 2020-03-21 Build site.
Rmd d6cf110 DongyueXie 2020-03-21 wflow_publish(“analysis/binomthinultimate.Rmd”)
html 9d09fc0 DongyueXie 2020-03-21 Build site.
Rmd c7baf57 DongyueXie 2020-03-21 wflow_publish(“analysis/binomthinultimate.Rmd”)

I observe that for a real single cell RNA-Seq dataset, if applying binomial thinning, taking log1p, and fitting linear models, then effects with larger standard error tend to be larger. This is seen from the fact that setting α=1 in ash gives higher likelihood than setting α=0. I want to figure out why this happens.

Binomial thinning: given observed counts n , effect size β and two groups, draw y either from Binomial(n,exp(β)1exp(β)) or Binomial(n,11exp(β)), depending on group. Without loss of generality, we assign p = \exp(\beta)}{1\exp(\beta) to group one and 1p to group two.

How I tackle this: The standard error of estimated effects is proportional to square root residual variance. Hence, I need to understand the relationship between effects and residual variance. Residual variance is basically var(log(y+s)), where s is usually taken to be 0.5 or 1.

Of course, different counts and thinning probabilities result in heterogeneity so a linear model with constant variance is not strictly adequate. Most RUV methods do not consider this heterogeneity. How about voom-ruv-limma-ash combination?

Observed counts vary from 0 to a few hundreds of thousands.

By doing theoretical analysis via Taylor series expansion and extensive simulations, my conclusion is that

  1. For group one with p=expβexpβ+1, var(log(y+s)) is a unimodal bell shaped function of β given n and s. Based on first order Taylor series expansion, variance of log(y+s) where yBinomial(n,expβ1+expβ) is nexpβ((n+s)expβ+s)2, which is maximized at log(sn+s). Let’s see some plots for true variance function based on simulating 105 binomial samples.

Plots on the left in figure below show variance of log(y+0.5) vs β relationships for n=1,5,10,50. The ones in the middle change β to p on x axis. The y axis in right plots are sum of var(log(y+0.5)) of two groups, i.e. var(log(y1)+0.5)+var(log(y2)+0.5), where y1Binomial(n,p) and y2Binomial(n,p). The idea of these plots are that suppose we have two samples with the same observed counts n and we assign them to two different groups, we want to understand how total variances(proportional to residual variance) vary with β?

Plots on the left show that as n goes larger, the β maximizing the curve becomes smaller, which conforms to the Taylor series expansion analysis.

The plots in the middle show that the n=1 curve is similar to a binomial distribution curve(p vs np(1p)) while the other ones skew to right.

par(mfrow = c(4,3))

b = seq(-5,5,length.out = 101)
n_list = c(1,5,10,50)


for(n in n_list){
  true_var1 = c()
  true_var2 = c()
  p1 = c()
  p2 = c()
  for(i in 1:length(b)){
    p1[i] = exp(b[i])/(1+exp(b[i]))
    p2[i] = 1/(1+exp(b[i]))
    true_var1 = c(true_var1,var(log(rbinom(1e5,n,p1[i])+s)))
    true_var2 = c(true_var2,var(log(rbinom(1e5,n,p2[i])+s)))
  plot(b,true_var1,type='l',xlab='beta',ylab='variance',main = paste('n = ',n))
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  plot(n*p1,true_var1,type='l',xlab='p',ylab='variance',main = paste('n = ',n))
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  plot(b,true_var1 + true_var2,type='l',xlab='beta',ylab='variance',main = paste('n = ',n, ', sum of two groups'))
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  # first order taylor series expansion approximated one
  #lines(b, n*exp(b)*(((2*n+2*s+1)*exp(b)+2*s-1)^2+2*(n-1)*exp(b)) / (4*((n+s)*exp(b)+s)^4),col=4)

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

If we consider |β|2.5, then roughly when n15, s.e.(ˆβ) should be monotonically increasing with |β|.

CDT = as.matrix(CDT)
remove.idx = which(rowSums(CDT>0)<=20)
CDT = CDT[-remove.idx,]

#'@param Z count matrix, sample by features
#'@param x 1 for group 1, 0 for group 2
#'@param beta effect of fearures,  0 for null.
#'@return W, thinned matrix
bi_thin = function(Z,x,beta){

  # group index
  g1 = which(x==1)
  g2 = which(x==0)
  p2 = 1/(1+exp(beta))
  p1 = 1-p2
  P = matrix(nrow = n,ncol = p)
  P[g1,] = t(replicate(length(g1),p1))
  P[g2,] = t(replicate(length(g2),p2))
  W = matrix(rbinom(n*p,Z,P),nrow=n)


#beta = sample(seq(-2.5,2.5,length.out = nrow(CDT)))

beta = rnorm(nrow(CDT),0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:nrow(CDT),round(0.5*nrow(CDT)))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,ncol(CDT))

x[sample(1:ncol(CDT),round(ncol(CDT)/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(CDT),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]


#plot(abs(beta),out$sebetahat,ylab = 's.e.')
plot(abs(out$betahat),out$sebetahat,xlab = 'abs(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)

plot(alphas,loglik,type='l',xlab = 'alpha')
plot(alphas,auc,type='l',xlab = 'alpha')

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Another run:

#beta = sample(seq(-2.5,2.5,length.out = nrow(CDT)))

beta = rnorm(nrow(CDT),0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:nrow(CDT),round(0.5*nrow(CDT)))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,ncol(CDT))

x[sample(1:ncol(CDT),round(ncol(CDT)/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(CDT),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]


#plot(abs(beta),out$sebetahat,ylab = 's.e.')
plot(abs(out$betahat),out$sebetahat,xlab = 'abs(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)

plot(alphas,loglik,type='l',xlab = 'alpha')
plot(alphas,auc,type='l',xlab = 'alpha')

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

The plot of β vs ˆβ shows that if ˆβ is large, then β is large. But if β is large, ˆβ is not necessarily large because counts are small, the most we can thin is limited. In this sense, some of the ‘true’ βs used to thin the counts are not really ‘true’ since data do not contain such information.

As long as ˆβ is a consistent estimator, and sample size is large(701 here, large rnough), ˆβ should be close enough to β.

However, it seems that the Taylor series and log Binomial analysis still cannot explain the α stuff. Becuase according to above analysis, since most genes have small counts, then effects with larger s.e. should be smaller. This is certainly not true here. On the other hand, if we only consider genes with maximum counts less or equal to 1, then apply binomial thinning, the results are:

ii = which(rowMax(CDT)<=1)


#beta = sample(seq(-2.5,2.5,length.out = nrow(CDT)))

beta = rnorm(nrow(CDT[ii,]),0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:nrow(CDT[ii,]),round(0.5*nrow(CDT[ii,])))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,ncol(CDT[ii,]))

x[sample(1:ncol(CDT[ii,]),round(ncol(CDT[ii,])/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(CDT[ii,]),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]

plot(abs(out$betahat),out$sebetahat,pch = 18,xlab = 'abs(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)


Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Another run

beta = rnorm(nrow(CDT[ii,]),0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:nrow(CDT[ii,]),round(0.5*nrow(CDT[ii,])))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,ncol(CDT[ii,]))

x[sample(1:ncol(CDT[ii,]),round(ncol(CDT[ii,])/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(CDT[ii,]),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]

plot(abs(out$betahat),out$sebetahat,pch = 18,xlab = 'abs(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)


Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

If we only consider genes with maximum counts greater or equal to 50, then apply binomial thinning, the results are:

ii = which(rowMax(CDT)>=50)


#beta = sample(seq(-2.5,2.5,length.out = nrow(CDT)))

beta = rnorm(nrow(CDT[ii,]),0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:nrow(CDT[ii,]),round(0.5*nrow(CDT[ii,])))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,ncol(CDT[ii,]))

x[sample(1:ncol(CDT[ii,]),round(ncol(CDT[ii,])/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(CDT[ii,]),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]

plot(abs(out$betahat),out$sebetahat,pch = 18,xlab = 'abs(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)


Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Another run

beta = rnorm(nrow(CDT[ii,]),0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:nrow(CDT[ii,]),round(0.5*nrow(CDT[ii,])))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,ncol(CDT[ii,]))

x[sample(1:ncol(CDT[ii,]),round(ncol(CDT[ii,])/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(CDT[ii,]),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]

plot(abs(out$betahat),out$sebetahat,pch = 18,xlab = 'abs(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)


Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

So there must have something to do with the 0’s.

Let’s directly work with ˆσ2,


where ˉy1 is the sample mean of group 1. Let n1 be the number of samples in group, p01 be the proportion of zeros or log(s) in group 1, and y0 denote zero or log(s), then

Y = matrix(0,nrow=G,ncol=n)
Y = t(Y)
Y[1:10,] = 1
Y[51:60,] = 1
Y = t(Y)

beta = rnorm(G,0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:G,round(0.5*G))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,n)

x[sample(1:n,round(n/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(Y),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]

plot((out$betahat),out$sebetahat,pch = 18,xlab = '(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)

Y = matrix(0,nrow=G,ncol=n)
Y = t(Y)
Y[1:5,] = 1
Y[6:10,] = 50
Y[51:55,] = 1
Y[56:60,] = 1
Y = t(Y)

beta = rnorm(G,0,0.8)

null_idx = sample(1:G,round(0.5*G))

beta[null_idx] = 0

which_null = 1*(beta==0)

x = rep(0,n)

x[sample(1:n,round(n/2))] = 1

Y = bi_thin(t(Y),x,beta)

#Y = Y[,-which(colSums(Y!=0)<10)]

X = model.matrix(~x)

lmout = limma::lmFit(object = t(log(Y+0.5)), design = X)
#eout  <- limma::eBayes(lmout)
out           = list()
out$betahat   = lmout$coefficients[, 2]
out$sebetahat = lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2] * lmout$sigma
#out$pvalues   = eout$p.value[, 2]

plot((out$betahat),out$sebetahat,pch = 18,xlab = '(beta_hat)',ylab = 's.e.')

alphas = seq(0,1,length.out = 11)

loglik = c()
auc = c()

for(alpha in alphas){
  ash_ash = ashr::ash(out$betahat,out$sebetahat,alpha=alpha)
  loglik = c(loglik,ash_ash$loglik)
  auc = c(auc,pROC::roc(which_null,ash_ash$result$lfsr)$auc)


Earlier analysis

Taylor series approximation

First order

mean_log = function(n,p,s){

var_log = function(n,p,s){

s = 1

  for(p in c(0.1,0.5,0.9)){
  true_var = c()
  approx_var = c()
  true_mean = c()
  approx_mean = c()
  n_list = 0:ceiling(20/p)
  for(n in n_list){
    y = rbinom(1e5,n,p)
    true_var = c(true_var,var(log(y+s)))
    true_mean = c(true_mean,mean(log(y+s)))
    approx_var = c(approx_var,var_log(n,p,s))
    approx_mean = c(approx_mean,mean_log(n,p,s))
  par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plot(n_list*p,true_mean,type='l',col=2,xlab = 'n*p',ylab = 'mean',ylim = range(c(true_mean,approx_mean)),main = paste('p =',p))
  plot(n_list*p,true_var,type='l',col=2,xlab = 'n*p',ylab = 'varaince',ylim = range(c(true_var,approx_var)),main = paste('p =',p))


Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Second order

mean_log = function(n,p,s){

var_log = function(n,p,s){
  n*p*(1-p)/(n*p+s)^2 + n*p*(1-p)*(1+(2*n-6)*p*(1-p))/(4*(n*p+s)^4) - n*p*(1-p)*(1-2*p)/(n*p+s)^3

s = 0.5

  for(p in c(0.1,0.5,0.9)){
  true_var = c()
  approx_var = c()
  true_mean = c()
  approx_mean = c()
  n_list = 0:ceiling(20/p)
  for(n in n_list){
    y = rbinom(1e5,n,p)
    true_var = c(true_var,var(log(y+s)))
    true_mean = c(true_mean,mean(log(y+s)))
    approx_var = c(approx_var,var_log(n,p,s))
    approx_mean = c(approx_mean,mean_log(n,p,s))
  par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plot(n_list*p,true_mean,type='l',col=2,xlab = 'n*p',ylab = 'mean',ylim = range(c(true_mean,approx_mean)),main = paste('p =',p))
  plot(n_list*p,true_var,type='l',col=2,xlab = 'n*p',ylab = 'varaince',ylim = range(c(true_var,approx_var)),main = paste('p =',p))


Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Large np

p_list = seq(0.1,0.5,length.out = 100)

n = 50
s = 0.5

true_var = c()
approx_var = c()
for(p in p_list){
  y1 = rbinom(1e5,n,p)
  y2 = rbinom(1e5,n,1-p)
  true_var = c(true_var,var(log(y1+s))+var(log(y2+s)))
  approx_var = c(approx_var,var_log(n,p,s)+var_log(n,1-p,s))


plot(log(1/p_list-1),true_var,xlab = 'beta', ylab= 'variance',type='l',col=2,ylim = range(c(true_var,approx_var)))

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Small np

p_list = seq(0.1,0.5,length.out = 100)

n = 5
s = 0.5

true_var = c()
approx_var = c()
for(p in p_list){
  y1 = rbinom(1e5,n,p)
  y2 = rbinom(1e5,n,1-p)
  true_var = c(true_var,var(log(y1+s))+var(log(y2+s)))
  approx_var = c(approx_var,var_log(n,p,s)+var_log(n,1-p,s))


plot(log(1/p_list-1),true_var,xlab = 'beta', ylab= 'variance',type='l',col=2,ylim = range(c(true_var,approx_var)))

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01
n_list = 0:100

s = 0.5
p = 0.1

true_var = c()
approx_var = c()
for(n in n_list){
  y1 = rbinom(1e5,n,p)
  y2 = rbinom(1e5,n,1-p)
  true_var = c(true_var,var(log(y1+s))+var(log(y2+s)))
  approx_var = c(approx_var,var_log(n,p,s)+var_log(n,1-p,s))

plot(n_list,true_var,xlab = 'n', ylab= 'variance',type='l',col=2)

Version Author Date
7177fb2 DongyueXie 2020-04-01

Let’s start with the simplest case: we have a count matrix Y, whose all entries are the same! Then we apply binomial thinning to Y.

In the following simulation, we set the number of samples to be n=500, the number of genes p=5000 and entries of Y vary from 100,50,30,20,10,5,1. Half of samples are from group 1 and the rest are from group 2. About 90% of genes have no effects and the rest have effects βj generated from standard normal distribution.

We fit a simple linear regression to each gene with log transformed counts and compare the log-likelihood from ash, setting α=0 and α=1, and plot β vs ˆβ as well as β vs s.e.(ˆβ) for each case.

#'@param Z count matrix, sample by features
#'@param x 1 for group 1, 0 for group 2
#'@param beta effect of fearures,  0 for null.
#'@return W, thinned matrix
bi_thin = function(Z,x,beta){
  # group index
  g1 = which(x==1)
  g2 = which(x==0)
  p2 = 1/(1+exp(beta))
  p1 = 1-p2
  P = matrix(nrow = n,ncol = p)
  P[g1,] = t(replicate(length(g1),p1))
  P[g2,] = t(replicate(length(g2),p2))
  W = matrix(rbinom(n*p,Z,P),nrow=n)



loglik0 = c()
auc0 = c()
loglik1 = c()
auc1 = c()

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
for(ni in c(100,50,30,20,10,5,1)){
  Y = matrix(rep(ni,n*p),nrow=p,ncol=n)

  group_idx = c(rep(1,n/2),rep(0,n/2))
  X = model.matrix(~group_idx)

  b = seq(1,10,length.out = p)
  b[sample(1:p,0.9*p)] = 0
  which_null = 1*(b==0)

  W = bi_thin(t(Y),group_idx,b)

  lmout <- limma::lmFit(object = t(log(W+0.5)), design = X)

  ash0 = ashr::ash(lmout$coefficients[, 2],lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2]*lmout$sigma,alpha=0)
  loglik0 = c(loglik0,ash0$loglik)
  auc0 = c(auc0,pROC::roc(which_null,ash0$result$lfsr)$auc)

  ash1 = ashr::ash(lmout$coefficients[, 2],lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2]*lmout$sigma,alpha=1)
  loglik1 = c(loglik1,ash1$loglik)
  auc1 = c(auc1,pROC::roc(which_null,ash1$result$lfsr)$auc)
  plot((b),lmout$coefficients[, 2],xlab='beta',ylab='estimated',col='grey60',main=paste('count:',ni))
  plot(abs(b),lmout$stdev.unscaled[, 2]*lmout$sigma,xlab='absolute value of beta',ylab='sd of beta_hat',main=paste('count:',ni))

knitr::kable(cbind(c(100,50,30,20,10,5,1),loglik0,loglik1),col.names = c('Y','alpha0','alpha1'),
             caption = 'log likelihood')

knitr::kable(cbind(c(100,50,30,20,10,5,1),auc0,auc1),col.names = c('Y','alpha0','alpha1'),
             caption = 'AUC')

So when counts in Y are large, setting α=1 gives higher likelihood. Estimated βs are close to true βs and apparently, scale of β and var(ˆβ) are positively correlated. While when counts in Y are small, things are opposite.

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/libopenblas_haswellp-r0.2.19.so

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
[1] Matrix_1.2-15       Biobase_2.42.0      BiocGenerics_0.28.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.2        pillar_1.3.1      plyr_1.8.4       
 [4] compiler_3.5.1    later_0.7.5       git2r_0.26.1     
 [7] workflowr_1.6.0   iterators_1.0.10  tools_3.5.1      
[10] digest_0.6.18     tibble_2.1.1      gtable_0.2.0     
[13] evaluate_0.12     lattice_0.20-38   pkgconfig_2.0.2  
[16] rlang_0.4.0       foreach_1.4.4     yaml_2.2.0       
[19] dplyr_0.8.0.1     stringr_1.3.1     knitr_1.20       
[22] pROC_1.13.0       fs_1.3.1          tidyselect_0.2.5 
[25] rprojroot_1.3-2   grid_3.5.1        glue_1.3.0       
[28] R6_2.3.0          rmarkdown_1.10    mixsqp_0.2-2     
[31] limma_3.38.2      purrr_0.3.2       ggplot2_3.1.1    
[34] ashr_2.2-39       magrittr_1.5      whisker_0.3-2    
[37] scales_1.0.0      backports_1.1.2   promises_1.0.1   
[40] codetools_0.2-15  htmltools_0.3.6   MASS_7.3-51.1    
[43] assertthat_0.2.0  colorspace_1.3-2  httpuv_1.4.5     
[46] stringi_1.2.4     lazyeval_0.2.1    munsell_0.5.0    
[49] doParallel_1.0.14 pscl_1.5.2        truncnorm_1.0-8  
[52] SQUAREM_2017.10-1 crayon_1.3.4