09:0009:20K.fosdemWelcome to FOSDEM 2022 FOSDEM Staff
09:0018:00I.infodeskThe Virtual FOSDEM Infodesk (Saturday)
09:3010:00S.libresocWelcome to the LibreSOC Project stand
09:3010:00S.checkmkWelcome to the Checkmk stand
09:3010:00S.box86Welcome to the Box86 stand
09:3010:00S.fsfeWelcome to the Free Software Foundation Europe stand
09:3010:00S.civicrmWelcome to the CiviCRM stand
09:3010:00S.opensuseWelcome to the openSUSE stand
09:3010:00S.xwikiWelcome to the XWiki & CryptPad stand
09:3010:00S.xcpngWelcome to the XCP-ng stand
09:3010:00S.ubuntuWelcome to the Ubuntu stand
09:3010:00S.apacheWelcome to the The Apache Software Foundation stand
09:3010:00S.schulfreiWelcome to the schul-frei stand
09:3010:00S.debianWelcome to the Debian stand
09:3010:00S.eclipseWelcome to the Eclipse Foundation stand
09:3010:00S.fedoraWelcome to the Fedora Project stand
09:3010:00S.foremanWelcome to the Foreman stand
09:3010:00S.opentapWelcome to the OpenTAP stand
09:3010:00S.fossasiaWelcome to the FOSSASIA stand
09:3010:00S.refpersysWelcome to the RefPerSys stand
09:3010:00S.freebsdWelcome to the FreeBSD Project stand
09:3010:00S.pulpWelcome to the Pulp stand
09:3010:00S.postgresqlWelcome to the PostgreSQL stand
09:3010:00S.pharoWelcome to the Pharo stand
09:3010:00S.gnomeWelcome to the GNOME stand
09:3010:00S.gsocWelcome to the Google Summer of Code stand
09:3010:00S.haikuWelcome to the Haiku stand
09:3010:00S.illumosWelcome to the illumos stand
09:3010:00S.kdeWelcome to the KDE Community stand
09:3010:00S.kiwiWelcome to the Kiwi TCMS stand
09:3010:00S.libreofficeWelcome to the LibreOffice stand
09:3010:00S.ow2Welcome to the OW2 Open Source Community stand
09:3010:00S.openwifiWelcome to the openwifi stand
The open-source WiFi chip (FPGA currently)
09:3010:00S.openukWelcome to the OpenUK stand
09:3010:00S.mariadbWelcome to the MariaDB Foundation stand
09:3010:00S.openmandrivaWelcome to the OpenMandriva stand
09:3010:00S.onlyofficeWelcome to the ONLYOFFICE stand
09:3010:00S.oniroWelcome to the Oniro Project stand
The Distributed Operating System That Connects Consumer Devices Big and Small
09:3010:00S.ntopWelcome to the ntop stand
09:3010:00S.matrixWelcome to the Matrix stand
09:3010:00S.mauticWelcome to the Mautic stand
Discover the power of open source marketing automation with Mautic!
09:3010:00S.nextcloudWelcome to the Nextcloud Hub stand
09:3010:00S.reactosWelcome to the ReactOS stand
10:0010:05D.retroWelcome to Retro-Computing devroom
Vintage everywhere!
slides slides Pau Garcia Quiles (pgquiles), François Revol (mmu_man)
10:0010:05D.mariadbWelcome to the MariaDB devroom Ian Gilfillan
10:0010:05D.researchWelcome to the Open Research Tools and Technologies devroom Paul Girard, Matthieu Totet, Mathieu Jacomy, Célya Gruson-Daniel, Yo Yehudi, Maya Anderson-González, Sara Petti
Welcome, overview, lineup
Vasily A. Sartakov, Jo Van Bulck, Fritz Alder
10:0010:05D.rakuRaku devroom intro Andrew Shitov
10:0010:10D.testingWelcome to Testing and Automation devroom slides slides Alexander Todorov, Cyril Hrubis, Anders Roxell, Zaklina Stojnev
10:0010:10M.testTest talk Number One FOSDEM Programme Team
10:0010:20D.designIntroduction to Open Source Design Bernard Tyers, Eriol Fox
10:0010:30D.hpcLow-code data visualization and aggregation with OpenSearch Dashboards Olena Kutsenko
10:0010:30D.web3Decentralized Self Sovereign Trust Graphs Harlan Wood
10:0010:30D.virtualizationWhat's coming in VIRTIO 1.2
New virtual I/O devices and features
slides Stefan Hajnoczi
10:0010:40D.openjdkKeeping Your Java Hot & Fresh in 2022 Simon Ritter
10:0010:45D.infraA practical guide to CUE: patterns for everyday use Marcel van Lohuizen, Paul Jolly
10:0011:00M.rtcJitsi: 20 years of Real Time Communications
How the Jitsi project has adapted and remained current in the RTC industry for almost 20 years
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
10:0011:00S.kdePlasma Mobile in 2022
Bhushan Shah
10:0011:00D.safetySubplot - documenting your criteria for success
Expressing argumentation in a validatable way
Daniel Silverstone
10:0011:00M.communityMaking a community-managed FOSS project sustainable in the medium- to long-term
Strategies and tactics
Italo Vignoli
10:0510:25D.mariadbMariaDB Server's new release model Michael "Monty" Widenius
10:0510:25D.researchFrom pipe dreams and waste to functional accretion: building a capable infrastructure for the Digital Humanities Ian Johnson
10:0510:30D.retroGetting 1K Chess for the ZX81 online
Or, how I used $2 Billion of internet infrastructure to run 672 bytes of code, from 1982
Steven Goodwin
10:0510:30D.trusted-hardwareSGX Enclave Exploit Analysis and Considerations for Defensive SGX Programming slides Shunda Zhang
10:0510:50D.rakuA Raku Grammar for Navigation Lights
code walkthrough with live examples
slides Steve Roe
10:1010:20M.testTest talk Number Two FOSDEM Programme Team, Kat Gerasimova, Michael Weimann
10:1010:50D.mobileMainlining the reMarkable 2 eInk tablet slides Alistair Francis
10:1511:05D.testingAutomating Code Review with Sparse
Project specific static analysis of a large C codebase
Richard Palethorpe
10:2010:30M.testTest talk Number Three Kat Gerasimova, Hubert Chathi
10:2010:45D.designDocumenting a Design System
Lessons learned from open sourcing the Orbit docs
Aaron Collier
10:2011:00D.cadAdvanced PCB simulation with KiCad
Introduction to IBIS and FEM-based simulations
slides Fabien Corona
10:2510:40D.researchCode Liberation and Software Sustainability
The Prospero Experience
Josquin Debaz, Waldir Lisboa Rocha
10:2510:45D.mariadbWhat is new in mariadb 10.6 ? Praveen GR
10:3010:40M.testlightning talk test 1 Kat Gerasimova, Michael Weimann
10:3010:55D.trusted-hardwareGramine Library OS
Overview, current state and future plans
Dmitrii Kuvaiskii
10:3011:00D.hpcUncovering Arcon: A state-first Rust streaming analytics runtime Max Meldrum
10:3011:00D.collabOniro - an open-source starter for fast-paced IoT environments
A retrospect on an open-source project development
slides Ettore Chimenti, Sebastian Serewa
10:3011:00D.virtualizationCross-platform/cross-hypervisor virtio vsock use in go
Usermode networking in CodeReady Containers
slides Christophe Fergeau
10:3011:15D.retroLet's Get Serial!
Histroy and current state of everyone's favourite interface
slides Stephan Hohmann
10:4010:50M.testlightning talk test 2 Kat Gerasimova
10:4010:50D.microkernelIntroduction Martin Děcký, Sebastian Sumpf
10:4011:00D.researchFree Software Development as Observant Participation
Developing textnets, Studying Digital Cultures
John Boy
10:4011:20D.openjdkRecords and Text Blocks: But What Else Is Interesting In OpenJDK 17? Rudy De Busscher
10:4511:10D.mariadbNew features in MariaDB 10.7 and MariaDB 10.8 Ian Gilfillan
10:5011:00M.testlightning talk test 3 Kat Gerasimova
10:5011:20D.microkernelAdvanced Unit Testing in the Hedron Microkernel slides Julian Stecklina
10:5011:35D.rakuFree Software, Dependency Management, and what I got wrong at FOSDEM 21 Daniel Sockwell
10:5511:20D.trusted-hardwareWebAssembly + Confidential Computing
Enarx first release brings WebAssembly to Confidential Computing
Nick Vidal
Bringing freedom to mobile
slides Jozef Mlich
11:0011:10D.firmwareWelome to the Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader devroom Daniel Kiper
11:0011:20D.researchAcademics developing software testimonies panel Paul Girard, Ian Johnson, Josquin Debaz, John Boy, Waldir Lisboa Rocha
Making CryptPad more interoperable with common office formats
David Benque
11:0011:30D.mozillaSuggestions for a Stronger Mozilla Community
Personal Thoughts and Ideas for Possible Improvements
Robert Kaiser
11:0011:30D.virtualizationIntroducing OKD Virtualization slides Simone Tiraboschi, Sandro Bonazzola
11:0011:30M.communityEmpowered for Action: Making open Science Practical in the Global South. Caleb Kibet
11:0011:30D.hpcBuild an Open Source Streaming Data Pipeline slides Olena Kutsenko, Francesco Tisiot
11:0011:45D.apache-openofficeProject Overview 2021/22 slides video Peter Kovacs
11:0011:45D.safetyDon't trust us, trust the math behind immudb
How immudb protects safety critical data (with math and cryptography)
Bartłomiej Święcki
11:0011:45D.infraMigrating Foreman/Katello from EL7 to EL8 using LEAPP/ELevate Evgeni Golov
11:0011:45M.rtcThe Future of WebRTC
New APIs, WHIP, edge and web 2.5
Tim Panton
11:0012:00D.cadFreeCAD Link Branch Development
What's done and what's to come
Florin Curelariu, LEI ZHENG
11:0012:00M.miscBeing Cloud-Native with your Logs using Fluentd
Get more from your logging
Phil Wilkins
11:1011:35D.mariadbMariaDB Server on macOS
Does it make sense to even try?
slides Valerii Kravchuk
11:1012:00D.firmwareFirmware Settings and Menus Daniel Maslowski (CyReVolt)
11:1511:45S.kdeKalendar and the case for Akonadi
Claudio Cambra
11:1512:00D.retroMade by Woz: how Apple-1 operating system works?
Brilliant Steve Wozniak’s code every software engineer should know
Sergey Panarin
11:2011:35D.trusted-hardwareShort break
15 minutes
Fritz Alder
11:2011:40D.researchWriting with data visualization
Multimodal encounters in the making of digital social sciences publications
Robin De Mourat
11:2011:50D.microkernelA practical solution for GNU/Hurd's lack of drivers: NetBSD's rumpkernel framework slides Damien Zammit
11:2011:55D.testingUnit testing Linux kernel drivers Laurent Carlier
11:2012:00D.openjdkIntroducing Kotlin In Your Organization: From The Ground Up Julien Lengrand-Lambert
11:3012:00D.mozillaCollecting Sentences for Common Voice
Collecting Sentences through different means to allow others to record voices for them
slides Michael Kohler
11:3012:00D.collabTracim, the helping hand for all your collaboration needs
Come discover Tracim and its architecture
Sébastien Grignard
11:3012:00D.virtualizationToroV, a kernel in user-space, or sort of slides Matias Vara
11:3512:00D.trusted-hardwarePrivacy-preserving video object detection in WebAssembly inside Veracruz Guilhem Bryant
11:3512:00D.mariadbImproved histograms in MariaDB 10.8 Sergei Petrunia
11:3512:35D.rakuMulti-language Data Wrangling and Acquisition Conversational Agents
Using Raku in data acquisition and wrangling
Anton Antonov
11:4012:00D.researchLivemark: data presentation framework
Express everything in Markdown
slides slides Evgeny Karev
11:4511:50D.conferenceWelcome to the Conference Organisation Dev Room Kyle Robbertze
11:4512:10D.mobileLibrem 5 phone kernel report Martin Kepplinger
11:4512:30D.apache-openofficeRevisiting the Linux packaging for Apache OpenOffice Andrea Pescetti
11:5012:20D.conferenceFree tools that help you run online events in an effective way Francisco Picolini
11:5012:40D.microkernelGenode meets the Pinephone Norman Feske
12:0012:15D.researchMetaindeX and user requirements for a generic catalog application
Discussing user requirements for a generic cataloger app and its implementation with MetaindeX
12:0012:20D.cadLibrePCB Status Update Urban Bruhin
12:0012:25D.trusted-hardwareSymbolic Validation of SGX enclaves using Guardian
Avoid known enclave vulnerabilities by automatically checking for orderliness​
Pedro Antonino, Wojciech Aleksander Woloszyn
12:0012:30M.miscState of Open Source Databases
A discussion on the changes, trends, and database technologies that are going to impact your business in the next 12-18 months.
Peter Zaitsev
12:0012:30D.virtualizationKubeVirt scale test by creating 400 VMIs on a single node Marcelo Amaral
12:0012:30D.mariadbPerformance oriented InnoDB log format changes
How InnoDB crash recovery works
Marko Mäkelä
12:0012:30D.mozillaBabiaXR: Virtual Reality Data Visualizations for the browser slides David Moreno-Lumbreras
12:0012:40D.testingContinuous testing in a cloud based infrastructure using virtualization and real hardware in the loop slides Armand Bénéteau
12:0012:40D.openjdkLet's Talk About Foreign Functions In Java Deepu K Sasidharan
12:0012:45M.rtcWebRTC broadcasting with WHIP Lorenzo Miniero
12:0012:45D.safetyDesigning a new Language for Safety: Fuzion
A minimal language for safety-critical systems
Fridtjof Siebert
12:0012:45D.infraUsing Ansible and Proxmox to manage an embedded RPM distro build factory: lessons learned Vincent Rubiolo
12:0013:25D.retroA Computer Museum
Why and how?
Bart van den Akker
12:1012:35D.designSupporting open design in Bitcoin
Stories and learnings from 1.5 years of supporting designers and open design processes in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Christoph Ono, Johns Beharry
12:1013:00D.firmwareGRUB - Project Status Update Daniel Kiper
12:1512:30D.javascriptJavaScript welcome session - day #1 Ludovic Gasc, Fabien Benetou (@Utopiah)
12:1512:35D.researchVisual inquiries panel Robin De Mourat, Célya Gruson-Daniel, Maya Anderson-González, Laurent MILLET-LACOMBE, Evgeny Karev
12:1513:00M.communityWe've got issues
or how we learnt to squish our bugs
Kat Gerasimova
12:2012:40D.cadngspice - current status and future developments Holger Vogt
12:2513:25D.trusted-hardwareLunch break
1 hour
Fritz Alder
12:3012:55D.mariadbMariaDB Optimizer - ongoing development and changes Michael "Monty" Widenius
12:3013:00D.mozilla"CV Project app": How an Android app can change the Mozilla Common Voice project slides Saverio Morelli
12:3013:00D.conferenceDebConf Conference Infrastructure slides Kyle Robbertze
12:3013:00D.embeddedFive mysteries in Embedded Linux slides Josef Holzmayr
12:3013:00D.mobileTaking a desktop OS to mobile phones
OpenMandriva now runs on the PinePhone - what did we have to do?
Bernhard Rosenkränzer
12:3013:00D.javascriptTechnology kits (choices) that enable to consistently deliver high quality frontend solutions at speed Boubacar Siddighi BARRY
12:3013:00D.virtualizationDevOps, Cloud Native, DPUs: beyond the buzzwords
The future and evolution of on-prem open source virtualization platforms
Olivier Lambert
12:3013:05D.nimNim concurrency
Past, Present and Future
Andreas Rumpf (Araq)
How can it go on?
Mechtilde Stehmann
12:3512:50D.researchOn the dissemination/evaluation loop for Research Software Teresa Gomez-Diaz
12:3513:00D.rakuClass learning analytics with Raku
How Raku helps improve learning in a cloud computing class at the University of Granada
Juan Julián Merelo
12:4013:15D.microkernelManagarm: Design of a pragmatic fully-asynchronous microkernel Alexander van der Grinten
12:4013:20D.openjdkNative Language Access: Project Panama for Newbies Carl Dea
12:4013:40D.cadKiCad Project Update slides
12:5013:05D.researchWhat is special about open source research software and why does it matters?
Reporting about progresses and challenges from the French ecosystem
13:0013:20L.lightningtalksTracking your time with Timewarrior Thomas Lauf
13:0013:20D.goWelcome to the Go Devroom Maartje Eyskens
13:0013:30D.legalHow to teach OSS licenses and compliances at a university
how to teach to the students with some of the use cases
Masafumi Ohta
13:0013:30D.mariadbMySQL 8 vs MariaDB 10.7 Peter Zaitsev
13:0013:30D.embeddedBack to DirectFB!
The revival of DirectFB with DirectFB2
Nicolas Caramelli
13:0013:30D.virtualizationIsolating PCI/CXL Devices: It All Starts with System Launch Daniel Smith
13:0013:35D.llvmEnhanced debuggability support in LLVM for various Fortran language features
Fortran debuggabiliy support in LLVM
slides Alok Sharma, Bhuvanendra Kumar N
13:0013:45M.communityTearing down Barriers for Contributions by Non-coders and Newcomers Dan Čermák
13:0013:45D.mozillaMozilla Support: 24, 7, 365 Paul Wright
13:0013:45D.infraRunning trusted payloads with Nomad and Waypoint slides Bram Vogelaar
13:0014:00D.javascriptDestructuring Frontend monoliths with MicroFrontends Trishul Goel
13:0014:00S.kdeKDE Eco
Joseph De Veaugh-Geiss
13:0014:00M.rtcOn the Far Side of REST
An Architecture for a Future Internet
slides Jens Finkhaeuser
13:0014:00M.miscD.I.Y. Distributions
On the amazing madness of rolling your own flavour of Linux
Stephan Hohmann
13:0513:25D.researchPolicies panel Bastien, Mathieu Jacomy, Teresa Gomez-Diaz
13:0513:40D.nimNext generation micro-controller programming
Zero-cost abstractions for better embedded programming
Peter Munch-Ellingsen
13:1013:35D.firmwareOpen Source Firmware status on AMD platforms 2022
OSF on AMD 3rd edition
Michał Żygowski
13:1013:40D.conferenceUsing OBS, Jitsi and Kdenlive to stream and edit conference videos Johan Thelin
13:1013:55D.designHow do we design open source communities to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive? matt.germonprez
13:1513:50D.microkernelDebugging and Monitoring in Unikraft
Everything beyond printf()
slides Simon Kuenzer, Marc Rittinghaus
13:1513:55D.dart-flutterMake the code work for you: Flutter Code Generation Mangirdas Kazlauskas
13:2013:40L.lightningtalksReconfigure from all over
The case of interdisciplinary open-source communities
slides Bradly Alicea
13:2013:55D.goDissecting Slices, Maps and Channels in Go Jesús Espino
13:2014:00D.openjdkJava Security: Log4J, the SecurityManager, and Funding Erik Costlow
13:2513:45D.researchErsilia, a hub of AI/ML models for infectious disease research
Democratizing the access to state-of-the-art data science to researchers worldwide.
slides Gemma Turon
13:2513:50D.trusted-hardwareLogging, debugging and error management in Confidential Computing
Challenges around maintaining confidentiality and integrity when logging
Mike Bursell
13:2513:55D.retroTrajectware - timeline-based navigation across computing heritage slides Christophe Ponsard
13:3013:50D.mariadbMariaDB Point-in-Time-Recovery Oli Sennhauser
13:3014:00D.virtualizationAutomatic CPU and NUMA pinning Liran Rotenberg
13:3014:00D.safetyTesting Requirements Documents
Integrating Specifications into your CI/CD pipeline
slides Kristoffer Nordström
13:3014:00D.libreofficeWhy ODF is a better standard than OOXML Italo Vignoli
13:3014:00D.legalAn update on the Digital Markets Act
The new European rules for online competition
Vittorio Bertola
13:3014:10D.mobile2 Years of Mobian
Birth and growth of a mobile Linux distribution
Arnaud Ferraris
13:3014:30D.collabXWiki as an FOSS alternative to Confluence and Notion
Status in 2021: realtime editing, livedata feature, confluence migrator and macros
Ludovic Dubost, Anca Luca
13:3014:30D.embeddedAutomotive Ethernet PHY bring-up: lessons learned and debug tips slides Jean-Louis Thekekara
13:3514:00D.llvmHow to write an extension for C
In this talk we will briefly describe how to add your own extension to C, what steps may be needed to do it. And then we will review a small example
Pavel Kosov
13:4014:00L.lightningtalksMeasuring and analyzing humidity data using Python, syslog-ng and Elasticsearch Peter Czanik
13:4014:00D.cadHacking through BIM models
A BIM-oriented hacking session featuring FreeCAD, BlenderBIM and more...
Yorik van Havre
13:4014:20D.nimLibVF.IO: vGPU & SR-IOV on Consumer GPUs using Nim
LibVF.IO is bringing vGPU functionality that's historically been restricted to the enterprise datacenter segment to normal consumer GPUs running free open source desktop operating systems.
Arthur Rasmusson
13:4514:00D.mozillaThunderbird in 2022
Highlights of Thunderbird plans for this year.
Magnus Melin
13:4514:05D.researchImprove diagnostics of typhoid through Open Science: An Artificial Intelligence-based technique paper slides Elisee JAFSIA
13:4514:30M.communityNurturing Developer Communities in Unprecedented Times Shivam Singhal
13:5014:15D.trusted-hardwareSecure boot, TEEs, different OSes and more
Making sense of the trusted computing landscape in Eclipse Oniro embedded distribution
slides Marta Rybczynska
13:5014:20D.mariadbMariabackup + Restic: a simple and efficient online backup solution for your DBs Faustin Lammler
13:5014:20D.conferenceLessons from 6 Virtual Ansible Contributor Summits
a.k.a. I don't know how to come up with a fancy title, I just tell it like it is.
Carol Chen
13:5014:30D.microkernelHardware accelerated applications on Unikernels for Serverless Computing slides Anastassios Nanos, Charalampos Mainas
13:5014:45D.firmwareOST2: A new way to grow security talent for open source projects
Open Security Training 2
Piotr Król, Xeno Kovah
13:5514:30D.retroHack for the Planet
Reverse Engineering Embedded Systems to Reduce E-Waste
Maurits Fennis
13:5514:30D.goMastering Your Error Domain
Graceful error handling in Go
Carl Johnson
13:5514:55D.dart-flutterThe beautiful world of Flutter Testing
Introduction to Flutter Testing
Max Weber
14:0014:20L.lightningtalksJupyter for React.js developers
React.js components to build your custom data product with Jupyter
Eric Charles
14:0014:20D.cadOpen CASCADE Technology status update slides Alexander Malyshev, Vera Sdobnova
14:0014:25D.mysqlEncrypting binary (and relay) logs in MySQL slides Matthias C
14:0014:25D.designSynthesising user testing insights with OSS tool teams Eriol Fox, Kelsey Smith
14:0014:30D.web3Open Source Data with Ceramic
Why the future of the web is self-certifying
slides Joel Thorstensson
14:0014:30D.legalA globally unified governance framework for Open Source
International arbitration to harmonize the security provisions of sovereign states and Open Source? Learning from the Java Virtual Machine, Ceph and abstraction layers
Christopher Klooz
14:0014:30D.virtualizationNetwork interface hotplug for Kubernetes slides Miguel Barroso
14:0014:30D.libreofficeNews from the ODF Toolkit Svante Schubert
14:0014:30D.javascriptBehavior Graph
A proven architecture for complex applications
Sean Levin
14:0014:35D.llvmCoverage for eBPF programs other other other other other Leonardo Di Donato
14:0014:40D.rakuDecentralized Authentication
Authentication and identification techniques on Ethereum blockchain
Konstantin Narkhov
14:0014:40D.testingFrisbee: An advanced suite for the automated testing of cloud apps over Kubernetes slides Fotis Nikolaidis
14:0014:40D.openjdkSecurity Warning: Your Java Attack Surface Just Got Bigger Brian Vermeer
A FOSS cross-platform push notifications protocol
Karmanyaah Malhotra
14:0014:45D.mozillaHow to Start a Language on Mozilla Common Voice?
A case study for under-resourced Turkish Language
slides slides slides slides Bülent Özden
14:0014:45D.infraSimple (but useful) Ansible reporting with ara David Moreau-Simard
14:0015:00M.misc[R]Evolution of open source CI/CD tools
How do Open Source and DevOps cultures impact CI/CD?
Oleg Nenashev
14:0514:20D.researchArtificial Intelligence Panel Yo Yehudi, Elisee JAFSIA, Gemma Turon
14:1514:40D.trusted-hardwareArm CCA enablement through the Trusted Firmware community project Charles Garcia-Tobin, Matteo Carlini
14:2014:35L.lightningtalksC meta-programming for the masses with C%: cmod slides Sirio Bolaños Puchet
14:2014:40D.researchGitBuilding: Open source documentation for open source hardware Julian Stirling
14:2014:40D.cadSparselizard 2021.11 - your multiphysics FEM simulation tool Alexandre Halbach
14:2014:45D.mariadbMariaDB DENY command
Upcoming functionality for sysadmins and database service providers
Vicentiu Ciorbaru
14:2015:00D.nimPolymorph: a compile time approach to entity-component-systems in Nim
Queryless ECS: removing runtime overhead by orienting around systems
Ryan Lipscombe
14:2015:00D.mobilePorting mainline Linux to mobile phones Luca Weiss
14:3014:55D.mysqlHash join in MySQL 8.0 Øystein Grøvlen
14:3014:55D.designWe hear you!
Collecting and processing user feedback, for real!
Clara Garcia
14:3015:00D.libreofficeOOXML Document Analysis Gülşah Köse
14:3015:00D.web3i3-Market Self Sovereign Identity Authentication
Authentication based on Distributed Identity and Verifiable credentials using OpenID Connect and Veramo
14:3015:00D.javascriptCan JS also build the metaverse?
How Javascript can be used to build linked social WebXR applications
Fabien Benetou (@Utopiah)
14:3015:00D.virtualizationThe story of adding TPM support to oVirt slides Milan Zamazal
14:3015:00M.communityHow to ask Good Questions in Open Source Communities
Better questions leads to better answers, saves time and makes you more productive
Navendu Pottekkat
14:3015:00D.microkernelUX/RT - a QNX-like OS based on seL4 slides Andrew Warkentin
14:3015:00D.embeddedBringing RAUC A/B Updates to More Linux Devices slides Leon Anavi
14:3015:00D.legalWhy the pandemic could help FOSS, but was a win for proprietary software Italo Vignoli
14:3015:05D.goGo Further Without Wires
WiFi Programming Using TinyGo
Ron Evans
14:3015:10D.conferenceFOSS Events Primer
Get Out There and Run One!
Deb Nicholson
14:3015:30D.collabNextcloud in 2021
Overview of 3 releases and a bit under a million features
Jos Poortvliet
14:3015:30D.retroKeeping old Unix/Linux up-to-date with pkgsrc
Keeping software on unsupported Unix-ish operating systems up-to-date
Carsten Strotmann
14:3515:00D.llvmLlsoftsecbook: an open source book on software security for compiler developers slides Kristof Beyls
14:4014:55D.trusted-hardwareShort break
15 minutes
Fritz Alder
14:4014:55D.researchBeeHive: a flexible open hardware platform for behavioural experiments Andre Maia Chagas, Ihor Sobianin
14:4015:00L.lightningtalksIntroduction to qbe
A lightweight compiler backend
slides Drew DeVault
14:4015:00D.cadThe CadQuery Ecosystem
A sampling of community projects and extensions
slides slides Jeremy Wright
14:4015:15D.rakuKeeping the past to preserve the future
On the development of a BackPAN for Raku
Elizabeth Mattijsen
14:4015:20D.openjdkSimple Tweaks To Get The Most Out Of Your JVM Jamie Coleman
14:4515:10D.mariadbMariaDB Galera Cluster and M/S replication Oli Sennhauser
14:4515:30D.testing LAVA + OpenQA = Automated, Continuous Full System Testing slides James Thomas, Laurence Urhegyi
Fast code search and indexing
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
14:5515:10D.researchOpen Hardware Panel Matthieu Totet, Andre Maia Chagas, Ihor Sobianin, Julian Stirling
14:5515:20D.trusted-hardwareRethinking the OS for Isolation Flexibility with FlexOS Hugo Lefeuvre
14:5515:55D.dart-flutterBuilding PWA with Flutter Majid Hajian
15:0015:20D.cadPushing the Open Source Hardware Limits with KiCAD
OSHW industrial grade computers and servers running cloud, medical and IoT services without hiding secrets in the hardware
slides Tsvetan Usunov
15:0015:20L.lightningtalksInterPlanetary Wheels
A resilient approach to distributing software
slides other Huy Ngo
15:0015:25D.mysqlProxySQL 2021 Dev Submit Javier Jaramago Fernández
15:0015:25D.designWhen to invest in the UX of (scientific) open source Elizabeth Vu
15:0015:30D.javascriptRapid Prototyping Physical Interfaces with Web Serial and Cheap MCUs.
Quickly and cheaply doing design discovery and prototype development with only a web browser
Louis Foster
15:0015:30D.web3Scaffold a Holochain App in 10 minutes
Demo and workshop for making a simple, functional Holochain App with scaffolding tools
15:0015:30D.hpcUsing OpenStack to reduce HPC service complexity
... no, that is not an oxymoron!
John Garbutt
15:0015:30D.libreofficeLet's Build a 200-Page-Long Lecture Book with LibreOffice Writer
Challanges, tips and tricks that work and that don't
Csongor Halmai
15:0015:30D.legalWhy Device Neutrality is important for Free Software? Lucas Lasota
15:0015:30D.virtualizationDeploying VMs and Containers across Infrastructure Providers
Presenting OpenNebula’s new Edge Cloud Architecture
Alejandro Huertas
15:0015:35D.llvm8-bit Character support on architectures were the smallest addressable unit size is 64-bit in Clang and LLVM
8-bit characters in VIAMPP
slides Thomas Pietsch
15:0015:45D.microkernelRedLeaf: Isolation and Communication in a Safe Operating System Vikram Narayanan, Anton Burtsev
15:0015:45D.infraImmutable Infrastructure with Flatcar Container Linux slides Kai Lüke
15:0015:45D.nimPotato Zombies
Helping a 6 year old build a 3D game using Enu and Nim
Scott Wadden
15:0015:45D.apache-openofficeHow to build OpenOffice today
Virtual machines and containers
Arrigo Marchiori
15:0015:45M.rtcBackgrounds are blurry, but the future is clear
More AI and ML in WebRTC applications
Ravindhran Sankar
15:0016:00D.embeddedply: lightweight eBPF tracing Frank Vasquez
A participative IDS/IPS
Thibault Koechlin
15:0515:40D.goFun with Finite Automata
Optimising the Go regexp package
Bryan Boreham
15:1015:20D.researchBuilding a consensus meta-data standard for actigraphy and light exposure data Manuel Spitschan
15:1016:10D.firmwareAttestation's Requirements
Secure Firmware, now what...
paper Ian Oliver
15:1515:45D.rakuRadically simple testing in Raku Daniel Sockwell
15:1515:45D.mariadbTen Tips for Better MariaDB Performance Peter Zaitsev
15:2015:30D.researchBrAPI: a standard API specification for plant breeding data slides Peter Selby
15:2015:40L.lightningtalksMaking the web preservable with open source tools
An overview of Webrecorder tools
Ilya Kreymer
15:2015:45D.trusted-hardwareIntravisor -- a hypervisor for fine-grained isolation using CHERI Vasily A. Sartakov
15:2016:00D.mobileThe road towards using regular linux on ebook readers
Experiences and progress with Kobo/Tolino readers
Andreas Kemnade
15:2016:00D.openjdkTornadoVM: Hardware Acceleration For Java In Practice slides Thanos Stratikopoulos
15:2016:20D.conferenceUsing pgeu-system to manage your conference Johan Thelin
15:3015:50D.researchStandards panel Mathieu Jacomy, Peter Selby, Manuel Spitschan
15:3015:55D.designWhy Designers are the Mediators of Accessibility
How the designer's perspective leads to a more accessible OSS
Mars Lee
15:3016:00D.web3Building Web3's Video Infrastructure Layer
Why Openness and Decentralization Matters with livepeer
slides Jaron Vietor
15:3016:00D.openpowerFirst impressions developing on an OpenPOWER workstation
15:3016:00D.javascriptBridging the Gap between Jamstack and Big Data Igor Lukanin
15:3016:00D.hpcContainers in HPC
State of Containers in HPC
Christian Kniep
15:3016:00D.collabIntroducing ONLYOFFICE Forms for paperwork automation and smart collaboration Alex Mikheev
15:3016:00D.retroAOSC OS/Retro - An Introduction
An Ongoing Quest for the Possibility of Modern Linux on Vintage Hardware
slides slides Mingcong Bai
15:3016:00D.libreofficeCreating professional templates with LibreOffice Writer
A brief panorama on how much important templates are and what can be done (and automated) inside them.
slides Gabriele Ponzo
15:3016:00D.mysqlBackup/Restore tools performance comparison Vinicius Grippa, Jean Da Silva
15:3016:15D.virtualizationPhyllome OS
A Fedora Remix built to leverage KVM/QEMU virtualization locally
Lukas Greve
15:3016:30D.mozillaFirefox Desktop Development 101
How new Firefox developers are onboarded to the code
Mike Conley
15:3016:30D.legalPanel: Hot Topics
Organizers of the Legal & Policy DevRoom discuss the issues of the day
Bradley M. Kuhn, Karen Sandler, Max Mehl, Alexander Sander
15:3516:00D.llvmLibc++ on Linux - using the example of Oniro
Experiences with switching from libstdc++ to libc++
Bernhard Rosenkränzer
15:4016:00L.lightningtalksLet's escape this vicious circle slides Hendrik Niefeld
15:4016:15D.goFuzzy generics
Several months of using 1.18 features
Alexey Palazhchenko
15:4515:55D.testingOniro CI/Testing integration with LAVA slides Stevan Radaković
15:4516:10D.mariadbCreative uses of triggers
Things you people wouldn't believe
Federico Razzoli
15:4516:10D.trusted-hardwareDeveloping for the AWS Nitro Enclave Platform
A new Enclave Development Platform (EDP) Target
Raoul Strackx
A Nim rules engine for reactive programs and games
Zach Oakes
15:4516:30D.microkernelThe Composite Component-Based OS slides Gabe Parmer
15:4516:30D.apache-openofficeThe way to a new build Environment
goto SCONS
Peter Kovacs
15:4516:35D.rakuGitHub Actions (in|for) Raku
Containerizing Raku for testing and other automation tasks
Juan Julián Merelo
15:5016:10D.researchOntology Development Kit
A toolkit for building, maintaining, and standardising ontologies
Damien Goutte-Gattat
15:5516:55D.dart-flutterArchitectural thinking on Flutter State Management Majid Hajian
16:0016:15D.testingHow (not) to make a mockery of trust
Testing client software for public-key infrastructure
Matthias Valvekens
16:0016:20L.lightningtalksGenerating virtual 3D exhibitions from Wikipedia
Let's dive into some rabbit holes with The Everything Exhibition!
blinry, bleeptrack
16:0016:25D.llvmLLVM and ANTLR: A Starter on a non-Linux Machine Babar Khan
16:0016:30D.javascriptAccessibility testing with HTML-Validate David Sveningsson
16:0016:30D.hpcThis is The Way- A Crash Course on the Intricacies of Managing CPUs in K8s
From homogenous single-socket to heterogenous multi-socket clusters
Swati Sehgal, Marlow Weston
16:0016:30D.collabHow to overcome development challenges when building self-hosted collaboration platform
Our experience with Carbonio Community Edition
Domenico Stragliotto, Davide Baldo
16:0016:30D.embeddedBuild Systems all the way down.
Untangling OpenEmbedded/meta-zephyr/zephyr integration in Eclipse Oniro
audio Eilís Ní Fhlannagáin
16:0016:30D.libreofficeDocument themes in LibreOffice Impress and elsewhere Miklos Vajna
16:0016:30D.web3Mixing Peer to Peer Protocols on the Web
With The Agregore Web Browser
Mauve Signweaver
16:0016:30M.rtcIntroduction to Media Streaming Mesh
Enabling Real-Time Media Applications in Kubernetes
slides Giles Heron
16:0016:30D.retroOld Web Today: Keeping Flash (and other) Retro Web Sites Accessible on the modern web
Techniques for combining web archives and emulation using FOSS tools.
Ilya Kreymer
16:0016:40D.openjdkJava & Alpaca: A Beautiful Friendship Dmitry Chuyko
16:0016:45D.designRemote workshops
Learn how to conduct a successful remote workshop in a remote workshop
Jess Müller
16:0016:45D.infraCentral Infrastructure Management: a user friendly deployment of OpenShift on Bare Metal Jiří Tomášek, Eran Cohen
16:0016:45M.miscOpen Source Network Automation in 2022
How to build a Network Automation strategy around Open Source tooling
Christian Adell Querol
16:0017:00D.openpowerThe Libre-SOC Project
a status update for the OpenPOWER Libre-SOC core: booting linux
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
16:1016:30D.trusted-hardwareShort break
20 minutes
Fritz Alder
16:1016:30D.researchSustainable community building with the Wikibase Stakeholder Group Lozana Rossenova, Dragan Espenschied
16:1516:40D.mariadbMariaDB Connection ID Oli Sennhauser
16:1516:50D.goJSON Serialization - The Fine Print
A journey of JSON serialization
Miki Tebeka
16:1517:15D.virtualizationHardware-accelerated graphics in secure multi-tenant environments
What is the current status, and what is blocking it?
Demi Obenour
16:2016:35D.testingFuzzing, or How I Generated 1,000,000 New Emulator Test Cases in an Afternoon
Fill your boots. Then fill somebody else's.
Thomas Harte
16:2016:50D.firmwareMono Lake Story - how we enabled an open hardware platform Sri Ramkrishna
16:3016:45D.researchKnowledge management communities panel Paul Girard, Damien Goutte-Gattat, Lozana Rossenova, Dragan Espenschied
16:3016:50D.mozillaIntroduction to Foxfooding
A story about how Mozillians test and give feedback for products before release
slides Konstantina Papadea, Krupa Raj
16:3016:50D.web3The Peoples' Web3
Bringing decentralized hosting infrastucture and dapp development to all the corners of the globle.
Nicholas Pawelk
16:3017:00D.hpc Making Apache Spark, Apache Mahout, Kubeflow, and Kubernetes Play Nice Trevor Grant
16:3017:00D.conferenceFOSDEM Conference Infrastructure Wouter Verhelst
16:3017:00D.retroFrogFind and 68k News
Building Modern Web Portals for Vintage Machines
Sean Malseed
16:3017:00D.libreofficeAdvantages of LibreOffice Technology Italo Vignoli
16:3017:00D.nimHPC from Python to Nim
A preliminary introduction to performance optimization
Ayman Al Baz
16:3017:00D.javascriptE2E testing with Microsoft Playwright slides Florian Schade
16:3017:05D.microkernelMitigating Processor Vulnerabilities by Restructuring the Kernel Address Space slides Sebastian Eydam
16:3017:15D.apache-openofficeApache OpenOffice Verification Testing
Build and Functional Testing with JUnit
Carl Marcum
16:3017:30D.embeddedOne stop shop: Best Practices for Programming Embedded FPGAs Babar Khan
16:3017:30D.collabDeploying Containerised Open-Source CSP platforms
Alfresco and Nuxeo in action!
Angel Borroy
16:3017:30D.trusted-hardwareProcess-based abstractions for VM-based environments Marta Rybczynska, Vasily A. Sartakov, Mike Bursell, Jethro G. Beekman, Hugo Lefeuvre, Raoul Strackx
16:3018:00D.mobileStatus of camera support on mobile FOSS devices
An open discussion about the state of cameras on Linux-powered mobile devices
Jacopo Mondi
16:3517:35D.rakuRaku Steering Council Q&A Panel
RSC members to answer live questions.
Juan Julián Merelo, Stefan Seifert (nine), Daniel Sockwell, Elizabeth Mattijsen, Vadim Belman, Geoffrey Broadwell
16:4016:45D.testingHistory of Testing
let's write it together
slides slides Alexander Todorov
16:4017:05D.mariadbMore on bpftrace for MariaDB DBAs and Developers
Summary of recent experience
slides Valerii Kravchuk
16:4017:20D.openjdkJava Threading Essentials Bazlur Rahman
16:4517:00D.researchF-UJI : A Tool for the automated assessment and improvement of the FAIRness of Research Data Patricia Herterich
16:4517:10D.designCalling all UX Designers!
Attracting and keeping UX designers on FOSS projects
Scott Jenson
16:5017:25D.goWhy your next embedded project should be written in Go
Confessions of a recovering C developer
slides Zygmunt Krynicki
16:5017:50D.testing5 OpenSource Test Automation tools in 45 minutes!
See a working example of these cool OSS (Test) Automation Tools and see how they compare.
slides Eric de Graaf
16:5517:25D.dart-flutterFlutter in the NFT world Arjan van Eersel
17:0017:20D.researchInternal R packages for Open Science in Agrometeorology Yanina Bellini Saibene
17:0017:30D.libreofficeCanvas For Rendering UX Gökay Şatır
17:0017:30D.web3Introduction to Neighbourhoods
A Holochain-based framework for reputation data
slides slides Emaline Friedman, Michael Hueschen
17:0017:30D.javascriptSearch and aggregations made easy with NodeJS and OpenSearch Olena Kutsenko
17:0017:40D.nimNim Metaprogramming in the real world Andre von Houck
17:0017:45D.infraRPort remote access and remote management tkramm
17:0017:50D.firmwarePlan 9 CPU command, in Go, for Linux
the network is the computer -- for real this time
Ron Minnich
17:0018:00D.openpowerOpenPOWER Foundation 2.0 James Kulina
17:0018:00M.miscImplementing the NTFS filesystem in Rust
Reusable code from firmware level up to user-mode
Colin Finck
17:0018:00D.retroA Brief History of Spreadsheets
From LANPAR to VisiCalc to Lotus to LibreOffice
Jim Hall
17:0517:35D.mariadbIntroducing MYSQL_JSON plugin Anel Husakovic
17:0518:00D.microkernelUnhackable across 30 Years, End in Sight slides Blaine Garst
17:1517:35D.virtualizationTracing KubeVirt traffic with Istio slides Radim Hrazdil
17:1517:40D.design1 year of the Sustaining open source design podcast
What key themes emerged from 1 year and 17 episodes of design in open source podcasts?
Georgia Bullen, Memo Esparza, Eriol Fox
17:2017:40D.researchUnveiling Hidden Physics at the LHC using Open Data
Making particle physics Open Data usable
slides Clemens Lange
17:2018:00D.openjdkFuzion: A New Language For The OpenJDK Unifying Java's Concepts Fridtjof Siebert
17:2518:00D.goThe State of Go
What's new in Go 1.17 and 1.18
Maartje Eyskens
17:3018:00D.libreofficeInformation Engineering Operations
A DevOps paradigm for Product Documentation Group
slides Vasudev Narayanan
17:3018:00D.embeddedGPIO across Linux and Zephyr kernels
Maximizing code reuse in the example of the Oniro doorlock blueprint
Bernhard Rosenkränzer
17:3018:05D.web3Scaling a Decentralized Metaverse in Browser without Data Leaks
Hacking old tech to achieve new protocols
Mark Nadal
17:3518:00D.mariadbThe future of databases is confidential Felix Schuster
17:4018:00D.researchOpen Data Panel Sara Petti, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Clemens Lange, Patricia Herterich
17:4018:00D.designPitch your project Eriol Fox
09:0018:00I.infodeskThe Virtual FOSDEM Infodesk (Sunday)
10:0010:05D.dependencyDevroom introduction Kate Stewart, Philippe Ombredanne, Antoine Mottier, Michael C. Jaeger
10:0010:10D.sdsMigrate to Ceph-CSI
Migrate your persistent volumes from old volume plugins to Ceph-CSI
Yug Gupta, Subham Rai
10:0010:10D.kotlinKotlin DevRoom Welcoming Remarks Nicola Corti, Martin Bonnin, Marco Gomiero, Holger Steinhauer, Julien Salvi
10:0010:10D.monitoringMonitoring and Observability devroom: Opening Richard Hartmann
10:0010:15S.kdeKDE News
Adam Szopa
10:0010:15D.bsdWelcome to the BSD devroom Rodrigo Osorio
10:0010:15D.adaIntroduction to the Ada DevRoom slides Fernando Oleo Blanco
10:0010:15D.minimalisticDeclarative and Minimalistic Computing
Entry talk
Manolis Ragkousis, Oliver Propst
10:0010:25D.mysqlFlame Graphs for MySQL DBAs
Yet another way to visualize performance data
slides Valerii Kravchuk
10:0010:25M.securitySeamless Kernel Update
Seamless kernel update practice in linux based on kexec and criu
slides Longjun Luo
10:0010:30D.containersBoot2container: An initramfs for reproducible infrastructures
Who needs host OSes for containers anyway?
slides Martin Roukala
10:0010:30D.hpcHPC for Social & Crime Science
Big Data in Police and Crime Research
slides Philipp M. Dau
10:0010:30D.web3Peergos - Combining peer-to-peer connectivity, end-to-end encryption and fine grained access control to build a secure and privacy focused self-certifying web protocol slides kevin o'dwyer
From a NIC to a Platform for In-Network Compute
slides Ulrich Langenbach, Alex Forencich
10:0010:30D.pythonGet to know Apache Kafka with Jupyter Notebooks slides Francesco Tisiot
10:0010:30D.matrixThe Matrix State of the Union
What's the Matrix Core Team up to?
Matthew Hodgson
10:0010:30D.distributionsUnify your distributions
How GNU Guix can run on any of your hardware
slides Mathieu Othacehe
10:0010:30D.libreofficeLibreOffice 7.3 New Features Italo Vignoli
10:0010:35D.cicdInteroperability in the Continuous Delivery space with CDEvents Andrea Frittoli, Erik Sternerson
10:0010:40D.openjdkFundamentals Of Diversity & Inclusion For Technologists Reza Rahman
10:0010:45D.graphicsLVGL: A versatile UI toolkit for MCU & CPU
An UI framework for Eclipse Oniro a cross kernel OS
Philippe Coval, Gabor Kiss-Vamosi
10:0010:45D.emulatorTesting Macromedia director in ScummVM Roland van Laar
10:0011:00M.miscAll the World's a Stage and FOSS is playing many parts
With the spotlight of the world's Governments shining on security, sustainability and software, how will FOSS survive the limelight?
Amanda Brock
10:0011:00D.postgresqlSolving the knapsack problem with recursive queries and PostgreSQL slides Francesco Tisiot
10:0510:20D.dependencyPackage URL and Version range spec
Towards mostly universal dependency resolution
slides slides Philippe Ombredanne
10:1010:40D.kotlinThe State of Kotlin
Q1 2022 Edition
Anton Arhipov
10:1010:50D.monitoringAdopting OpenTelemetry and its collector slides Vincent Behar
10:1510:25D.public-codeWelcome to the Public Code devroom Jan Ainali
10:1510:45D.minimalisticThe manifold joys of metaprogramming
In Raku and elsewhere...
Juan Julián Merelo
10:1510:45D.mobileRunning Mainline Linux on Snapdragon 410
How we support over 25 devices in postmarketOS
Nikita Travkin
10:1511:20D.adaIntroduction to Ada for Beginning and Experienced Programmers slides Jean-Pierre Rosen
10:2010:40D.dependencyHow OSPOs can help secure the software supply chain Ana Jimenez Santamaria
10:2010:55D.bsdFirmware updates for OPNsense and pfSense with fwupd/LVFS
Secure firmware for routers with the BSD based operating systems
Norbert Kamiński
10:3010:50D.public-codeJoint open source development in cross-border context slides Petteri Kivimäki
10:3010:50D.matrixThe next generation of Matrix interfaces
How we're changing the face of bridge and bot integrations in Matrix
Will Hunt
10:3010:55D.pythonIntroducing Asynchronous SQLAlchemy Sebastiaan Zeeff
10:3010:55D.mysqlThe relational model in the modern development age
Towards an improved operational paradigm, illustrated by Vitess
Shlomi Noach
10:3011:00D.distributionsAll's well that tests well
An overview of Flatcar Container Linux test framework
Mathieu Tortuyaux
10:3011:00D.web3Āhau: Māori Identity & Data Sovereignty Mix Irving
10:3011:00S.kdePlasma 5.24 tour
Adam Szopa, Aniqa Khokhar and Paul Brown
10:3011:00D.hpcSCIP: scalable cytometry image processing using Dask in a high performance computing environment
A software for distributed processing of bioimaging datasets
slides Maxim Lippeveld
10:3011:00D.libreofficeImproving Developer Experience at LibreOffice slides Hossein Nourikhah
10:3011:00D.sdsIntroducing Garage, a new storage platform for self-hosted geo-distributed clusters Alex Auvolat
10:3011:20D.geospatialIntroducing a new JS+WebGL map library
Or «why neither Leaflet, OpenLayers nor MapLibreGL meet my needs»
slides Iván Sánchez Ortega
10:3011:20D.open-hardwareCoriolis RTL-to-GDSII Toolchain
State of advancement and planned improvements
Jean-Paul Chaput
10:3511:00D.cicdHow to improve the developer experience in Heptapod/GitLab
Automate the dull works to focus on development
slides Noé Gaumont
10:3511:05D.containersDebugging in containers
Using containers to facilitate debugging by end users
Daniel Black
10:4011:00D.dependencyDeveloping an open source license compliance project : our trials, tribulations and achievements Pierre Marty
10:4011:10D.kotlinAdvanced multi-platform dependency injection with Kotlin Romain Boisselle
10:4011:20D.openjdkOpenJFX: An Update on Java on the Client Johan Vos
10:4511:15D.minimalisticA year of RISC-V adventures: embracing chaos in your software journey
How I started from zero and ended up porting a JIT compilation library and assembling files by hand
slides Ekaitz Zarraga
10:4511:30D.emulatorZ80: the last secrets
Microarchitectural leaks, 45 years later
Anisse Astier
Building a bot using Python3
slides Oleg Fiksel
10:5011:30D.monitoringBootstrapping a multi dc cloud native observability stack paper Bram Vogelaar
11:0011:20D.dependencyHow to manage OSS license obligations and SBoM by SW360's new features Kouki Hama
11:0011:25D.public-codeDevelopers Italia, four years later Riccardo Iaconelli
11:0011:25M.securitysecPaver: Security Policy Development Tool HuaxinLu
11:0011:25D.mysqlProxySQL Cluster: challenges and solutions to synchronizeconfigurationacross multiple decentralized cluster nodes René Cannaò
11:0011:30D.libreofficeTowards an Operational Code Aesthetics slides Stephan Bergmann
11:0011:30D.distributionsModding the Immutable – how to extend Flatcar, an immutable image-based OS slides slides Thilo Fromm
11:0011:30D.pythonHandling Concurrency in Web Application
How *not* to build a URL Shortener
Haki Benita
11:0011:30D.sdsData Replication and Migration from Ceph RGW to Cloud slides Soumya Koduri
11:0011:30D.hpcDistributed Join Algorithms in CrateDB
How We Made Distributed Joins 23 Thousand Times Faster
Marija Selakovic
11:0011:30D.web3WASM for dummies
A very short primer in a series of acts
slides Divya Mohan
11:0011:35D.cicdDecentralized DevOps with Unfurl Adam Souzis
11:0011:40D.mobilePortable Parens: Graphical Lisp programs for mobile devices
Techniques for building responsive, touch-friendly GUI applications with functional programming paradigms
Sebastian Crane
11:0012:00M.miscThe Business Of Open Source
How big money, investors, and greed are changing open source forever
Matt Yonkovit
11:0012:00D.bsdGaming with Steam on FreeBSD / GhostBSD
Suyimazu, automates the playing of Steam Games on FreeBSD/ GhostBSD eliminates all the manual setup to make a game playable on FreeBSD/ GhostBSD makes use of WINE.
other Fred Finster
11:0012:00D.postgresqlJSON in PostgreSQL - Learning with a case study Boriss Mejias
11:1011:30D.containersDevfile file format
Containerized development environment specification
Mario Loriedo
11:1011:40D.matrixEvents for the Uninitiated
A Junior's Guide to Events in Matrix
H. Shay
11:1011:40D.kotlinThe beauty of Kotlin typing system Marcin Moskala
11:1511:45D.minimalisticHow to design powerful DSLs for users
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
John Mercouris
11:2011:45D.adaAda Looks Good, Now Program a Game Without Knowing Anything Stefan Hild
11:2011:50D.open-hardwareBring openwifi to PYNQ-Z1 with ultra low cost Yimin Gu
11:2012:00D.openjdkAI Pathfinding In FXGL Game Engine Almas Baimagambetov
11:2012:00D.dependencyPanel 1: Processing Dependencies and Compositions and Software Maximilian Huber
11:2012:00D.geospatialExplore OSM data with ARLAS
Get instant geo-analytic view of billions OSM data entries
other other Mohamed Hamou
11:3011:55D.mysqlPercona XtraDB Cluster(PXC) Non blocking operations, what you need to know to avoid pitfalls Marco Tusa (the Grinch)
11:3011:55D.pythonSleep better with type-safe Python Jerry Pussinen
11:3012:00D.emulatorCANCELLED Debugging Strategies for Emulator Developers
Are bugs a form of artificial life?
Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis
11:3012:00D.web3AquaVM: Empowering distributed systems with Fluence Mike Voronov
11:3012:00D.libreofficeCurl based HTTP/WebDAV UCP
How we deleted lots of code
Michael Stahl
11:3012:00D.hpcMultidimensional Bloom Filters
A Survey of What, When, Why
slides Claude Warren
11:3012:10D.distributionsSecuring and Hardening a container host Sayan Chowdhury
11:3012:10D.sdsCOSI : a brief update Jiffin Tony Thottan
11:3012:10D.monitoringIntroduction to Continuous Profiling using Pyroscope
How to debug performance issues using profilers
Ryan Perry
11:3512:00D.cicdGit Credentials binding for sh, bat, and powershell
Support Git authentication in Jenkins Pipeline
slides Harshit Chopra
11:3512:05D.containersDistributed Storage in the Cloud Peter Zaitsev
11:3512:10D.public-codeLessons from the Danish OS2
Maturing governance
Rasmus Frey
11:4012:10D.kotlinCode-first process modeling and analysis with kalasim
Understand and optimize real-world processes at ease
Holger Brandl
11:4012:10D.matrixMaking /sync go fast
A deep-dive into Sync v3
Kegan Dougal
11:4512:15D.minimalisticDeclare All Your Needs
Managing computing environment declaratively using GNU Guix
Andrew Tropin
11:4512:20D.adaThe Ada Numerics Model slides Jean-Pierre Rosen
11:5012:10D.open-hardwareWriting GTKWave documents, with style
A Python-based CSS-like mini language for generating GTKWave documents
slides Cesar Strauss
12:0012:25D.web3xHumanity and Web3
xHumanity - reputation, reduction of fake news, and privacy
paper paper Cosmin Vranceanu
12:0012:30D.hpcUtilizing AMD GPUs: Tuning, programming models, and roadmap Georgios Markomanolis
12:0012:30D.postgresqlHow to create (lots!) of sample time-series data with PostgreSQL generate_series() Ryan Booz
12:0012:30D.libreofficeEditing Simulation Mert Tümer
12:0012:30D.geospatialOpen Geodata Digital Spaces
Exploring the digital spaces of OpenStreetMap
slides Muhammad Saleem
12:0012:35D.mobileFrom Android to mainline on the Snapdragon 845
Extending the life of Android devices with upstream kernels and postmarketOS
caleb Connolly
12:0012:40D.openjdkUpdate On Java On The Raspberry Pi Frank Delporte
12:0012:40M.securityWhy safe programming matters and why Rust
Fast, safe and sustainable programming with Rust
Deepu K Sasidharan
12:0012:45D.cicdCICD using jenkins and Nomad slides Bram Vogelaar
12:0012:45D.graphicsThe status of turnip driver development.
What happened in 2021 and will happen in 2022 for turnip.
Hyunjun Ko
12:0012:45M.miscEuropean digital sovereignty and open source
How Europe is regulating big tech and what's in it for FLOSS
Vittorio Bertola
12:0013:00D.mysqlMySQL InnoDB ClusterSet
The integrated solution for disaster recovery of InnoDB Clusters
slides Kenny Gryp, Miguel Araújo
12:0013:00S.kdeLive coding session with Tokodon
Carl Schwan
12:0013:30D.emulatorPlayStation 3 Emulation
(Re)implementing the impossible
Alexandro Sanchez Bach
12:1012:20D.containersExtending Kubernetes with WebAssembly
Making Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Control even more Dynamic Using WebAssembly
slides Rafael Fernández López
12:1012:40D.kotlinKotlin + Maths Dinorah Tovar
12:1013:10D.matrixThe matrix-rust-sdk
One SDK to rule them all
Julian Sparber, Damir Jelić
12:1013:10D.open-hardwarenMigen HDL
a way to create hardware in python
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
12:1512:30D.javascriptJavaScript welcome session - day #2 Ludovic Gasc, Fabien Benetou (@Utopiah)
12:1512:40D.minimalisticGNU Guix behind the scene
Continuous integration for the GNU Guix project
slides Mathieu Othacehe
12:2012:40D.dependencyScanning for known vulnerabilities in an embedded distribution
A return on experience from the Eclipse Oniro project
slides Marta Rybczynska
12:2012:45D.public-codePublicCode.yml - index all public software! Riccardo Iaconelli
12:2012:50D.ada2022 Alire Update Fabien Chouteau, Alejandro R. Mosteo
12:2512:55D.containersFreedom Means That Kubernetes Needs To Disappear Viktor Farcic
12:3013:00D.libreofficeImproved coverage analysis for LibreOffice's CI
Our journey towards deeper integration of coverage analysis tools into Jenkins CI - a PrototypeFund project
Thorsten Behrens
12:3013:00D.postgresqlFuture Postgres Challenges Bruce Momjian
React Virtual Dom
Gabriel Soft
12:3013:05D.web3Commoditizing P2P development
With Aqua language and Fluence
Dmitry Kurinskiy
12:3013:15D.geospatialFast, robust predicates for geometric algorithms
A C++ metaprogramming implementation of fast, robust floating-point arithmetics for geometric predicates
Tinko Sebastian Bartels
12:3013:30D.distributionsHow The Distro Needs Change to Help FOSS on Embedded Linux Alexander Sack
12:4013:00D.dependencyReporting vulnerabilities within a complex software environment
Using the CVE-Bin-Tool
Anthony Harrison
12:4013:05D.minimalisticDesigning a programming language for the desert slides Troels Henriksen
12:4013:10D.kotlinKotlin, CLIs and StarWars!
An introduction to creating CLI applications with Kotlin using Picocli
Julien Lengrand-Lambert
12:4013:20D.openjdkBenefits Of MQTT For IoT Apps And Beyond Mary Grygleski
12:4513:10D.cicdLeveraging Windows Containers in Your Kubernetes-Native CI/CD Pipelines Markus Lippert
A Lightweight Development Framework for the Implementation of Ada-based Software Systems
slides Gabriele Galeotti
12:5513:15D.public-codeWe listed +9000 public code repositories. Now what?
How to build valuable services on top of fragile assets
13:0013:10D.radioWelcome to the Free Software Radio Devroom Andrej Rode
13:0013:20D.dependencyCommoditising Open Source Risk Management
First Open Source SCA Platform
Julian Coccia
13:0013:20L.lightningtalksOpen source to IRL whale card game (python/Golang/WebGL)
How open source helped me create a physical card game
13:0013:25D.mysqlMySQL on Kubernetes demystified
How foolishness can lead you to fell in a very dangerous trap
Marco Tusa (the Grinch)
13:0013:30D.pythonMessing with unicode
A few possible attacks with unicode
slides Julin Shaji
13:0013:30D.libreofficeLibreOfficeKit recent developments Jan Holesovsky
13:0013:30D.networkNetwork Traffic Classification for Cybersecurity and Monitoring slides Luca Deri
13:0013:30D.postgresqlPostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building
This session will focus on introducing how to empower PostgreSQL thanks to the ecosystem provided by Apache ShardingSphere - an open source distributed database, plus an ecosystem users and developers need for their database to provide a customized and cloud-native experience.
Juan Pan
13:0013:30D.containersHarbor - The Container Registry
Harbor 101
Orlin Vasilev
13:0013:30D.embeddedEclipse Amlen: Messaging for IoT/Web/Mobile
MQTT Messaging for Fun & Profit
Jon Levell
13:0013:40D.monitoringMonitoring Kafka without instrumentation using eBPF
A talk about Pixie, Kafka and what's next in observability
Anton Rodriguez, Ruizhe Cheng
13:0013:40D.mobileLinux Mobile vs. The Social Dilemma OIiver Smith
13:0013:45M.securityThe distinctive qualities of Software Bill of Materials Sebastian Crane
13:0014:00D.javascriptWriting less insecure JavaScript
Practical tips to rule out common mistakes
slides André Jaenisch
13:0014:00D.graphicsv3dv: Status Update for Open Source Vulkan Driver for Raspberry Pi 4 Alejandro Piñeiro
The merits of being a bicycle when everything else is a hyperloop.
Sam Gwilym
13:0513:35D.minimalisticFrom tinyscheme to tr7
how to loose time for glory
slides José Bollo
13:1013:15D.matrixBuilding an MMO browser game on Matrix
Managing auth and saves in Matrix
Christian Paul
13:1013:40D.radioOpensource WiFi chip (openwifi) progress and future plan Xianjun Jiao
13:1013:40D.kotlinKSP and Plugins. Optimizing Kotlin Multiplatform common code Anna Zharkova
13:1513:20D.matrixChatStat - An R package for Matrix stats
Shiny stats for your community goodness
Greg Sutcliffe
13:1513:40D.geospatialA Better Public Transport App Ilya Zverev
13:1513:45D.adaUse (and Abuse?) of Ada 2022 Features in Designing a JSON-like Data Structure slides Alejandro R. Mosteo
elegant, modern and secure matrix client
Ajay Bura
13:2013:40L.lightningtalksNetOTA - repository protocol for embedded systems
The sweet spot between global stores and latest-image URLs
slides Zygmunt Krynicki
13:2014:00D.openjdkJakarta EE: Present & Future Reza Rahman
13:2014:00D.dependencyPanel 2: Dependencies for Vulnerability Discovery and Tracking Diomidis Spinellis
13:2513:30D.matrixCollaborative Apps over Matrix using the Collabs Library Matthew Weidner
13:2513:45D.public-codeBeware of culture
– what to do as a community manager?
Charlotte Heikendorf
13:3013:35D.matrixCreate a DIY photoframe using matrix
How to create a DIY photoframe with a raspi and transfer the photos via matrix
13:3013:55D.web3Edges Are Infrastructure: IPFS Everywhere for a More Resilient Future
Adventures in IPFS support across Bluetooth, mobile devices, XR and more!
Dietrich Ayala
13:3014:00D.libreofficeLibreOffice GTK4 Port
A status update
Caolán McNamara
13:3014:00D.networkWhy rule-based monitoring is (still) great Faye Tandog, Robin Gierse
13:3014:00D.postgresqlAutomatically refresh materialized views in PostgreSQL
Tactics to make refreshing a painless process
Attila Tóth
13:3014:00D.embeddedOniro Blueprints for IoT devices
From open-source seeds to products
Philippe Coval, Andrei Gherzan
13:3014:15D.distributionsEclipse Oniro: A production OS
Focus on your applications again
slides Amit Kucheria
13:3014:30M.communityEstablishing an incentivised partners programme in an open source project Ruth Cheesley
13:3014:30D.mysqlMySQL Operator for Kubernetes Johannes Schlüter
13:3513:40D.matrixCustom Stickers and Emotes in Matrix!
MSC2545 Demo
Nicolas Werner
13:3514:00D.cicdMassive Unikernel Matrices with Unikraft, Concourse and More
How Unikraft builds many peremutations of unique unikernels
Alexander Jung
13:3514:05D.containersHow I learned to stop worrying and love Flatcar’s auto-update slides slides Thilo Fromm
13:3514:05D.minimalisticFuzion Language Update
The marathon run 🏃🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ from a language prototype to a full implementation and toolchain.
Fridtjof Siebert
13:4013:45D.matrixDecentralized Collaborative Annotations using Matrix Daniel Fedorin
13:4014:00D.radioImplementing a GNU Radio/LiteX accelerator using a FPGA-based PCIe co-processor Victor Omoniyi
13:4014:00L.lightningtalksRapid Prototyping of a Positioning System
Using the OpenHPS Framework
slides Maxim Van de Wynckel
13:4014:10D.kotlinDataClassGenerate. Shrinking Kotlin data classes Sergei Rybalkin
13:4014:15D.geospatialSpatial query of coordinate reference systems and its integration with GRASS GIS Huidae Cho
13:4014:20D.monitoringPeriskop: Exception Monitoring at Scale
A pull-based exception monitoring service inspired by Prometheus
Jorge Creixell, Marc Tuduri
Little showcase of the cutest messenger in the [matrix]
13:4514:10D.adaGetting Started with AdaWebPack slides Max Reznik
13:4514:25D.open-hardwareEfabless Open ASICs
an update from Mohamed Kassem
Mohamed Kassem
13:5013:55D.matrixMatrix for Command and Control Information Systems Thomas Halwax
13:5014:25D.mobileModemManager in your phone Aleksander Morgado
13:5514:00D.matrixMatrix for Worker Power
Introduction to Wobbly
John Evans
Free Open Source Participatory Democracy for Cities and Organizations
slides Andrés Pereira de Lucena
14:0014:20D.networkPeer-to-peer hole punching without centralized infrastructure
How libp2p can traverse NATs and firewalls without coordination through central STUN and TURN servers.
slides Max Leonard Inden
14:0014:20L.lightningtalksCar Whispering: the AI Mechanic
TinyML Audio Event Detection
Eoin Jordan
14:0014:20D.dependencyLunch Break
14:0014:30D.radioEmitting Hellschreiber from a Raspberry Pi GPIO: combining gr-hellschreiber with gr-rpitx
GNU Radio running on an embedded board as emitter
other paper slides Jean-Michel Friedt, Thomas Lavarenne
14:0014:30D.libreofficeOnline performance
making collaborative editing quicker
Michael Meeks
14:0014:30D.emulatorFuzzing, or How I Generated 1,000,000 New Processor Test Cases in an Afternoon
Fill your boots. Then fill somebody else's.
Thomas Harte
14:0014:30D.web3The Quark Browser
Uncovering the paths through the web
slides Joy Q Zhang
14:0014:30D.javascriptSomebody set up us the bomb
Expansion attacks in Node.js
slides Allon Mureinik
14:0014:35D.cicdMasking known issues across six kernel CI systems Nikolai Kondrashov
14:0014:40D.openjdkDeep Learning for Java Developers Zoran Sevarac
14:0014:45M.securityTrousseau - the Kubernetes Key Management Service provider
How to keep all your Kubernetes secrets safe the native way
slides Romuald Vandepoel
14:0015:00D.embeddedAstarte: from data collection to fleet management
How Astarte evolved from a broker plugin to an IoT ecosystem
14:0015:00D.postgresqlWorking effectively with (-support-) the community
This talk is for those who are new to PostgreSQL or those who just started, or all the others that want to hear a personal story: When I started with PostgreSQL around 10 years ago, I came with an Oracle background. It took me quite some time to understand how the PostgreSQL project is organized, how the community is working and how to deal with issues I've faced when I needed support. This is not a technical talk at all, but it should save you quite some time in your journey with PostgreSQL.
Daniel Westermann
14:0514:35D.minimalisticAdventures in Dataflow Hisham Muhammad
14:1014:40D.containersA cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer
Introduction to k8gb
slides Jiří Kremser
14:1014:40D.matrixAnsible + Matrix: Through The Looking Glass
A 6 month reflection on the Ansible Community's journey with Matrix
Greg Sutcliffe
14:1014:40D.kotlinMocking without reflection for Kotlin/Multiplatform Salomon BRYS
14:1014:40D.adaOverview of Ada GUI slides Jeffrey Carter
14:1514:55D.distributionsBuild and release tools tailored to building, releasing and maintaining Linux distributions and forks Mustafa Gezen
14:2014:40D.networkKeep appetite for the stats, it costs nothing
Presentation of the statistics consumption model in VPP from the costless low-level design to their exploitation in userspace
slides Arthur de Kerhor, Hedi Bouattour
14:2014:40D.dependencyGenerating SBOM for your code using OSS Review Toolkit Thomas Steenbergen
14:2014:40L.lightningtalksOniro project, the new IoT platform from Eclipse Foundation
How to transform existing impediments towards a healthier competition in the IoT & Edge space
14:2015:00D.monitoringProfiling in the cloud-native era Matthias Loibl
14:2015:15D.valgrindUpstreaming the FreeBSD Port slides slides slides Paul Floyd
14:3014:55D.pythonSPyQL - SQL with Python in the middle
Making command-line data processing more intuitive, readable and powerful
slides Daniel Moura
14:3015:00D.web3Swarm, what's in it for me?
Developers edition
Rinke Hendriksen
14:3015:00D.libreofficeLOWA - LibreOffice WebAssembly
Most recent updates, working code, and ample stories of how we got to have LibreOffice run natively in a browser
Thorsten Behrens
14:3015:00D.javascriptShedding Light on the Shadow DOM
Learning how, when, and why to use the shadow DOM
Anthony Giuliano
14:3015:00D.radiogr-ofdmradar: OFDM Radar in GNU Radio David Winter
14:3015:15D.mysqlNewest MySQL component services features
or how to make an HTTP server accessing table data in a component
slides Joro Kodinov
14:3015:30D.emulatorSquirrelJME, Java Flip Phone Emulation
Preserving the history of obsolete cellular devices
Stephanie Gawroriski
14:3015:30D.open-hardwareUsing LibreSilicon
How to actually use the process and scaling it
David Lanzendörfer
14:3015:30M.communityCelebrating failure or success? Why not both? Ixchel Ruiz
14:3515:00D.cicdMulti-master scaling for MariaDB Buildbot Vlad Bogolin
14:3515:05D.minimalisticKnowledge Management Through Minimal Syntaxes
Appreciating How Terse Syntaxes Are Capable of Being Combined In Unexpected Ways
other other Jonathan McHugh
14:4015:00D.dependencySBOM Resolver - Generating detailed SBOMs for Alpine Georg Kunz
14:4015:00L.lightningtalksManage workloads on disconnected far edge
Edge Computing.
14:4015:00D.networkFaster memory reclamation with DPDK RCU
Comparing the DPDK and Userspace RCU libraries
Nathan Brown
14:4015:10D.matrixAll things with moderation
All about moderation in Matrix
David Teller
14:4015:10D.kotlinFrom Mobile to Backend with Kotlin and Ktor Marco Gomiero
14:4015:20D.openjdkFaster Apache Maven Builds Nicolas Frankel
14:4515:05D.containersP2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With Containerd and Nerdctl Kohei Tokunaga
14:4515:20D.mobileWelcome to Libadwaita Tobias Bernard
14:4515:50D.adaSPARKNaCl: A Verified, Fast Re-implementation of TweetNaCl slides Roderick Chapman
14:5015:20D.public-codeBluetooth beyond Digital Contact Tracing
Using Bluetooth for wider public healthcare improvements
slides Adam Fowler
15:0015:20D.dependencyFASTEN: Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks Amir Mir
15:0015:20L.lightningtalksA lightning intro to re-Isearch
re-Isearch, the 27 year old new kid on the search block
Edward Zimmermann
15:0015:30D.embeddedRunning an OpenThread Mesh Network with Linux and Zephyr
Transparent IoT Gatway Blueprint of the Oniro Project
slides Stefan Schmidt
15:0015:30D.libreofficeBuilding Collabora Online UI based on the LibreOffice components Szymon Kłos
15:0015:30D.javascriptBuilding a tiny JavaScript runtime with QuickJS
How I built a runtime with Duktape and then rebuilt it with QuickJS
slides Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
15:0015:30D.web3State of libp2p
Status quo and future roadmap of the peer-to-peer networking library libp2p.
audio Max Leonard Inden
15:0015:30D.hpcExascale PMI on a heterogeneous sub-exascale Slurm cluster slides Alex Domingo
15:0015:30D.networkBGP/OSPF with VPP at >100Mpps
Introducing the Linux Controlplane
slides Pim van Pelt
15:0015:30D.radioVoyager 1 adventures Daniel Estévez
15:0015:35D.cicdOpenTelemetry and CI/CD Victor Martinez, Ivan Fernandez Calvo
15:0015:40D.monitoringThank you Keptn Obvious!
Making SLOs observable with Prometheus and Keptn
Oleg Nenashev
15:0015:40D.distributionsCentOS Stream: stable and continuous Aleksandra Fedorova
15:0015:45D.graphicsFun with border colors in Vulkan
An overview of the story behind VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle
slides Ricardo Garcia
15:0015:45M.securityWhat I wish I knew about security when I started programming slides Allon Mureinik
15:0016:00M.miscDebunking The Myths About The Raku® Language
Let's talk about some common misconceptions about the Raku language and why it is not Perl6 anymore
Vadim Belman
15:0016:00D.postgresqlExploring Linux Memory Usage and IO Performance for Cloud Native Databases Frits Hoogland
15:0515:45D.minimalisticLisp, but Beautiful; Lisp for Everyone Christine Lemmer-Webber, Morgan Lemmer-Webber
15:1015:30D.containersRedpak: Ultra light weight container for embedded systems slides Clément BENIER
15:1015:40D.matrixGrowing Pinecones for P2P Matrix
The journey so far of building an overlay network
Neil Alexander
15:1015:40D.kotlinNavigating between Composables Maryam Alhuthayfi
15:1515:50D.mysqlMySQL 8.0: Logical Backups, Snapshots and PITR like a rockstar Frédéric Descamps
An open-source, open-access web platform implementing international standards for the quantification of light
Somang Nam
15:2015:45D.valgrindEnable AVX-512 instructions in Valgrind slides Tanya Volnina
15:2016:00D.dependencyPanel 3: Creating SBOMs Antoine Mottier
15:2016:00D.openjdkModern Web Apps, 100% Java: Building Web Apps With Vaadin Marcus Hellberg
15:3015:55D.mobileAnatomy of GNOME Calls
What goes into making a call in GNOME Calls
slides Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
15:3016:00D.javascriptFrom microrepos to monorepo: thrilling adventures in refactoring
On how to tame, and accelerate, builds and tests in a 25 module monorepo
Juan Julián Merelo
15:3016:00D.libreofficeCollabora Online on kubernetes
Kubernetes setup & deployment
Pranam Lashkari
15:3016:00D.radioGR 3.10
Update and examples of new features
slides Josh Morman
15:3016:00D.web3Hyper Hyper Space: In-browser p2p applications
A quick tour on using the browser as a p2p node
Santiago Bazerque
15:3016:00D.networkPredictable Network Traffic in Kubernetes Dave Cremins, Abdul Halim
15:3016:00D.embeddedTowards UN R155 compliance with open source stack José Bollo
15:3016:00D.hpcPorting Signal processing algorithms to CuPy for precision measurement Mamta Shukla
15:3016:15M.communityHow Implicit Bias Affects Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source. Anita Ihuman
15:3016:30D.public-codeAlekSIS, the Free School Information System
Taking on digitisation and digital education at once
slides Dominik George, Jonathan Weth, Jonathan K
15:3016:30D.emulatorStatic and Dynamic Analysis for Automatic Emulator Configuration
Or: Not asking the user so many damn questions.
Thomas Harte
15:3516:00D.cicdPorion a new Build Manager slides Stephane Carrez
15:3516:05D.containersSolutions for running MySQL in Kubernetes Mykola Marzhan
15:4016:00L.lightningtalksaretext: minimalist text editor with vim-compatible key bindings Will Daly
15:4016:10D.matrixSelf-sovereign end-to-end encrypted file storage on Matrix
How we built a file system on top of Matrix
Hugh Nimmo-Smith
15:4016:10D.kotlinNot only Python: Kotlin for scripts Nicolas Frankel
15:4016:20D.monitoringUnikraft Performance Monitoring with Prometheus slides Cezar Craciunoiu
15:4516:10D.distributionsDOs and DON'Ts when building a Yocto based distribution
What we have learned in a year of building Oniro
Bernhard Rosenkränzer, Andrei Gherzan
15:4516:25D.minimalisticSpritely Goblins comes to Guile
Distributed, secure, asynchronous programming
Christine Lemmer-Webber
15:5016:25D.adaThe Outsider's Guide to Ada
Lessons from Learning Ada in 2021
slides Paul Jarrett
15:5016:25D.valgrindValgrind and debuginfo Mark Wielaard
15:5516:05D.mysqlWhy your backup strategy is wrong?
A brief overview of MySQL backup concepts
Pep Pla
16:0016:10D.radioIntroducing the M17 Project abraxas3d
16:0016:30D.hpcPIRA: Performance Instrumentation Refinement Automation paper Jan-Patrick Lehr
16:0016:30D.javascriptWeb Application Localization Without Tears
Learn how to translate your JS web app fast
Jan Cizmar
16:0016:30D.web3Collabortive group self-awareness with Where, a Holochain app
A demo of how distributed ledger tech can up-regulate group capacity.
Eric Harris-Braun
16:0016:30D.mobilePhosh Contributors Get Together
Get to meet the other Phosh contributors
Guido Günther
16:0016:30D.networkContour - Kubernetes Ingress Controller and much more 101
Introduction to Contour and Contour community!
Orlin Vasilev
16:0016:30D.libreofficeCollabora Online: Async-Saving Design and Testing Ashod Nakashian
16:0016:30D.pythonMimics - Records operations to replay them later Maarten De Paepe
16:0016:30D.embeddedWhy Embedded Linux Needs a Container Manager Written in C Ricardo Mendoza
16:0016:40D.openjdkPolyglot Cloud Native Debugger: Going Beyond APM Shai Almog
16:0017:00D.postgresqlSlow things down to make them go faster Jimmy Angelakos
16:0017:00D.graphicsOptimal buffer allocation on Wayland
linux-dmabuf feedback
Simon Ser
16:0017:00M.securitySecure Communication with Tls Bruce Momjian
16:1016:30D.containersUserland TCP/IP stack for external container connectivity slides Christophe Fergeau
16:1016:40D.radioP2P SDR to GPU Streaming with Julia and LiteX
High throughput PCIe P2P communication for SDR
Steve Kelly
16:1016:40D.kotlinGradle: a deeper look at the Kotlin DSL
Everything you didn't want to know about Gradle Kotlin APIs
Martin Bonnin
16:1016:40D.matrixMission: threading for all Germain Souquet
16:1017:00D.mysqlEfficient MySQL Performance
A Book in 40 Minutes
Daniel Nichter
16:1517:00M.communityAre we being inclusive with our community recognitions? slides Ray Paik
16:1517:00D.distributionsChimera Linux
A BSD/LLVM distro from scratch
slides Daniel Kolesa
16:2016:40D.dependencyOn Backporting Practices in Package Dependency Networks paper Ahmed Zerouali, Tom Mens
16:2017:00D.monitoringWhat More Can I Learn From My OpenTelemetry Traces? John Pruitt
16:2517:00D.minimalisticConcise Common Workflow Language
Concision and elegance in a workflow language using lisp
slides Arun Isaac
16:2517:05D.adaProving the Correctness of GNAT Light Runtime Library slides Yannick Moy
16:3016:55D.valgrindValgrind on RISC-V Petr Pavlu
16:3016:55D.web3Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers with DIDKit Charles Lehner
16:3017:00D.libreofficeThings you can test in a UITest slides Xisco Fauli
16:3017:00D.javascriptSymbols Symbols everywhere Martin Naughton
16:3017:00D.networkKubernetes networking : is there a cheetah within your Calico?
Even faster kubernetes clusters with Calico, VPP and memif
slides Nathan Skrzypczak, Christopher Tomkins
A set of Benchmarks for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Time Series Tasks
Jean-Christophe Gagnon-Audet
16:3017:00D.embeddedOver-the-air (OTA) software updates with NVIDIA Jetson Luis Ramirez Vargas
16:3017:00D.pythonImplementing and managing feature flags
How to effectively manage your feature flags in a monolitic Django application
Mehdi Raddadi
16:3017:15D.emulatorA Venix/86 emulator
A step in recreating Venix/86 Sources
Warner Losh
16:3018:00D.mobileClosing session Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
16:3516:45D.containersWhat made your container fat?
Visualizing the size of Container Layers
Dan Čermák
16:3517:00D.cicdUsing Kubernetes API To Manage Everything
Explore the principles behind the universal control plane implemented through the open-source project Crossplane.
Viktor Farcic
16:4016:55D.public-codeEducaMadrid, the Free and Educational Technology Platform of Madrid slides Adolfo Sanz De Diego
16:4017:00D.dependencyOperationalize SBOM with OWASP Dependency-Track Steve Springett
16:4017:10D.kotlinLive-coding a web server with Ktor
Set up a web server and a client with Ktor in a live coding session.
Renaud Mathieu
16:4017:10D.matrixBeyond the Matrix: Extend the capabilities of your Synapse homeserver
How to add custom features to Synapse with modules
slides Brendan Abolivier
16:4017:20D.openjdkReleasing Fast, Easy, and Consistently Ixchel Ruiz
16:5017:10D.containersAn easy and elegant way to manage and build your notebook images Kuan Lin Huang
17:0017:20D.libreofficeMacro Dialog feature Henry Castro
17:0017:20D.dependencyTracking Software Dependencies Kate Stewart, Gary O'Neall
17:0017:25D.pythonCubicWeb: bootstraping a web-application from RDF data Fabien Amarger
17:0017:25D.valgrindAdding Power ISA 3.1 instruction support to Valgrind slides Carl Love
17:0017:25D.web3Building Interoperable Applications with Solid in 2022 Jackson Morgan
17:0017:25D.mysqlMySQL Performance on Modern CPU: Intel vs AMD vs ARM Peter Zaitsev
17:0017:30D.javascriptmicro-lc: a new micro-frontend orchestrator
The easiest way to micro-frontend
slides Matteo Pietro Dazzi
17:0017:30D.hpcBringing together open source scientific software development for HPC and beginners paper Jan-Patrick Lehr, Moritz Schwarzmeier
17:0017:30D.networkChallenges and Opportunities in Performance Benchmarking of Service Mesh for the Edge slides Sunku Ranganath, Mrittika Ganguli
17:0017:35D.cicdUnifying Infrastructure and Application Delivery Using Keptn Thomas Schuetz
17:0017:40D.minimalisticA Relational Exploration of McCarthy's 'Amb' William Byrd
17:0017:45D.distributionsCollaboration instead of Competition
The Linux Distributions Working Group at the Open Mainframe Project
Sarah Julia Kriesch
Watch and control your blind spots
Peter Czanik
17:0018:00M.communityEnabling Next Gen of Diverse Maintainers and Employees Through Mentorship Bartek Plotka, Prem Saraswat
17:0018:00D.postgresqlLesser Known PostgreSQL Features
Features you already have but may not know about!
Haki Benita
17:0517:20D.public-codeOpen Source Policy
Creating value beyond code
Ricardo Mirón
17:0517:30D.adaImplementing a Build Manager in Ada slides Stephane Carrez
17:1017:40D.matrixMLS meets Matrix Hubert Chathi
17:1017:45D.kotlinRefactoring Gilded Rose Kata Dmitry Kandalov
17:1517:45D.containersFrom Singularity to Apptainer Forrest Burt
17:1518:00D.emulatorFEX-Emu: Fast(-er) x86 emulation for AArch64
How we're creating a better gaming experience on ARM
slides slides slides Ryan Houdek
17:2018:00D.dependencyPanel 4: Software Compositions and Dependency Tools Philippe Ombredanne
17:2018:00D.openjdkAn Infallible Process to Fix Production Java Apps Vipin Sharma
17:3017:50D.public-codeClosing of the Public Code devroom
Reflections from the day
Boris van Hoytema, Jan Ainali
17:3017:55D.mysqlRelease Note Highlights from 2021
Recap '23 to '27
Dave Stokes
17:3017:55D.adaExporting Ada Software to Python and Julia
Applying GPRbuild to make shared object files
Jan Verschelde
17:3018:00D.libreofficeLibreOffice DevRoom lightning talks
Come to hear last-minute news from the LibreOffice project
Thorsten Behrens
17:3018:00D.web3How to build a free and open cloud Adam Souzis
17:3018:00D.network2-cluster Kubernetes, with Calico, BGP Interconnect and WireGuard... All Without Leaving Your Laptop! Christopher Tomkins
17:3018:00D.valgrind20 years of Valgrind
Julian Seward, Mark Wielaard
17:3018:00D.hpcOpen source tooling in High-Energy Physics Software Valentin Volkl
17:4018:00D.matrixNative Group VoIP and Metaverse on Matrix
Building the Matrix with Matrix
Robert Long
17:4018:00D.minimalisticWhy everyone needs to know some coding: last-mile sandboxing Kartik Agaram
17:5518:00D.adaClosing of the Ada DevRoom Dirk Craeynest, Fernando Oleo Blanco
18:0018:30K.fosdemClosing FOSDEM 2022 FOSDEM Staff