Executive Summary

Our analysis aimed to understand customer purchasing behavior using a dataset comprising 2000 records and 9 variables.

The expectation was to answer three business questions and the primary challenge was twofold: predicting both the likelihood of a purchase (“purchase_yn”) and the specific purchase amount (“purchase_amt”).

Models Applied for Predicting the Categorical Target are as follows (“purchase_yn”)

  • Logistic Model

  • Tuned Random Forest Model - Selected

  • Tuned Decision Tree Model

Models Applied for Predicting the Continuous Target are as follows (“purchase_amt”)

  • Regression Model

  • Decision Tree Model

  • Ridge Regression Model

For predicting purchase decisions, we applied various classification models including logistic regression, decision trees, and random forests. Our “Tuned Random Forest Model” emerged as the most effective, achieving an accuracy of 94.1% and providing valuable insights into customer purchase behavior.

Regarding predicting purchase amounts, we utilized regression models such as linear regression, ridge regression, and decision trees. Despite our efforts, the highest R-squared value obtained was 28.2%, indicating limited success in explaining the variance in purchase amounts.

Business Questions and Answers

Can predictive models accurately forecast whether a customer will make a purchase?

Predictive Modeling for Purchase Decisions: Using the “Tuned Random Forest Model,” we can predict whether a customer will make a purchase with 94.1% accuracy.

How does residential status influence the likelihood of customer purchases?

The pruned regression model suggests that if the address is residential, the expected purchase amount decreases by approximately 6.993 units. However, please note the accuracy of the model is only 28.2%.

What is the impact of web orders on the amount spent by customers?

According to the pruned regression model, if a purchase is made through a web order, the expected purchase amount increases by approximately 13.099 units. However, please note the accuracy of the model is only 28.2%.

Final Recommendations:

  • Implement the “Tuned Random Forest Model” for predicting purchase decisions due to its high accuracy and reliability.

  • Further exploration is warranted to improve the accuracy of predicting specific purchase amounts. This may involve feature engineering, data augmentation, or alternative modeling techniques.

Business Problem

This project focuses on leveraging predictive analytics to address critical business challenges in optimizing sales strategies and enhancing customer targeting. By analyzing the Catalog Sales dataset, we aim to develop predictive models that forecast customer purchasing behavior and identify influential factors such as residential status and web orders on sales. These insights will empower businesses to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and tailor marketing efforts to target potential buyers more efficiently, ultimately driving revenue growth and improving overall performance.

Business Questions:

The project seeks to answer the following business questions:

  1. Can predictive models accurately forecast whether a customer will make a purchase?

  2. How does residential status influence the likelihood of customer purchases?

  3. What is the impact of web orders on the amount spent by customers?

The Data

The Catalog Sales dataset comprises 2000 records and 9 variables, providing comprehensive insights into customer demographics and purchasing behavior.

Target Variables:

  • purchase_yn: Binary variable indicating if a purchase was made (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

  • purchase_amt: Quantitative variable representing the purchase amount.


  • us_yn: Binary variable indicating if the customer is from the US (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

  • freq: Number of transactions in the preceding year.

  • last_update_days_ago: Number of days since the last update to the customer record.

  • first_update_days_ago: Number of days since the first update to the customer record.

  • web_order: Binary variable denoting whether the purchase was made through a web order (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

  • gender_male: Binary variable indicating the gender of the customer (1 for Male, 0 for Female).

  • address_is_res_yn: Binary variable denoting if the address is residential (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

Data Source: Unknown


Here’s a sneak peek into the dataset

us_yn freq last_update_days_ago first_update_days_ago web_order gender_male address_is_res_yn purchase_yn purchase_amt
1 2 3662 3662 1 0 1 1 88.47
1 0 2900 2900 1 1 0 0 0.00
1 2 3883 3914 0 0 0 1 87.48
1 1 829 829 0 1 0 0 0.00
1 1 869 869 0 0 0 0 0.00
1 1 1995 2002 0 0 1 0 0.00
Data Summary

The summary table offers a comprehensive overview of the dataset’s variables, providing insights into their respective ranges.

 us_yn         freq        last_update_days_ago first_update_days_ago web_order
 0: 351   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :   1         Min.   :   1          0:1148   
 1:1649   1st Qu.: 1.000   1st Qu.:1133         1st Qu.:1671          1: 852   
          Median : 1.000   Median :2280         Median :2721                   
          Mean   : 1.417   Mean   :2155         Mean   :2436                   
          3rd Qu.: 2.000   3rd Qu.:3139         3rd Qu.:3353                   
          Max.   :15.000   Max.   :4188         Max.   :4188                   
 gender_male address_is_res_yn purchase_yn  purchase_amt   
 0: 951      0:1558            0:1000      Min.   :  0.00  
 1:1049      1: 442            1:1000      1st Qu.:  0.00  
                                           Median : 18.68  
                                           Mean   : 42.27  
                                           3rd Qu.: 84.81  
                                           Max.   :134.73  
Data Summary Insights

Let’s look at our target variables first.

  • The “purchase_yn” variable has 1000 instances where a purchase was made, and 1000 instances where it was not, indicating a balanced distribution.

  • The “purchase_amt” ranges from 0 to 134.73, with a mean of 42.27 and a median of 18.68. The 0 value may be a concern and needs to be analysed further.

Now let’s see what we can learn about our predictors from this summary.

  • The dataset has 1649 from the US, and 351 customers from outside US.

  • The “freq” variable tells us that the minimum number of transactions in the preceding year is 0, and the maximum is 15. The median number of transactions is 1, indicating that half of the customers made only one transaction in the preceding year.

  • The “last_update_days_ago” and “first_update_days_ago” have a minimum value of 1, suggesting the data has some recent interactions.

  • 852 purchases were made through a web order, and 1148 purchases were not a webvorder. This indicates that web orders are slightly less frequent compared to other purchase methods.

  • The gender column statistics reveal that the dataset has 1049 male customers, and 951 female customers. This suggests a relatively balanced distribution of gender in the dataset.

  • There are 442 instances where the address is residential, and 1558 instances where it is not. This suggests that a majority of customers were non-residential.

Distribution of Continuous Target Variable - purchase_amt

The distribution of “purchase_amt” , appears to be pretty normally distributed except for the 0 values in this column. We will have to think of a way to address this issue.

Distribution of Categorical Target Variable - purchase_yn

In our Summary we saw that the categorical target variable (purchase_yn) is equally distributed and this is visually representated in this barplot.

Correlation Matrix


We observe a strong correlation of 0.81 between “first_update_days_ago” and “last_update_days_ago.” This indicates that updates typically happen in close succession, with shorter intervals between the first and last updates. It’s essential to take note of this observation as it may impact our models.

Predicting Continuous Variable - purchase_amt
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 17.678 3.075 5.750 0.000
us_yn1 0.845 2.174 0.389 0.697
freq 14.931 0.815 18.319 0.000
last_update_days_ago -0.002 0.002 -1.094 0.274
first_update_days_ago 0.001 0.002 0.706 0.480
web_order1 13.078 1.677 7.797 0.000
gender_male1 -0.388 1.653 -0.235 0.814
address_is_res_yn1 -7.166 2.074 -3.455 0.001
.metric .estimate
rmse 36.739
rsq 0.282
mae 32.941

The model output indicates that predictors, freq, web_order1, and address_is_res_yn1 are statistically significant with p-values less than 0.05. The R-squared value of 0.282 suggests that approximately 28.2% of the variance in purchase amounts can be explained by the predictors.

Predicting Categorical Variable - purchase_yn
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 2.687 0.232 11.600 0.000
us_yn1 -0.081 0.150 -0.544 0.587
freq -1.990 0.110 -18.135 0.000
last_update_days_ago 0.000 0.000 0.997 0.319
first_update_days_ago 0.000 0.000 -1.284 0.199
web_order1 -0.965 0.115 -8.375 0.000
gender_male1 0.085 0.114 0.744 0.457
address_is_res_yn1 1.406 0.162 8.684 0.000
.metric .estimate
accuracy 0.762
specificity 0.760
sensitivity 0.764

The model output indicates that predictors, freq, web_order1, and address_is_res_yn1 are statistically significant with p-values less than 0.05. The model’s accuracy stands at 76.2%. When it comes to spotting cases where someone did make a purchase (sensitivity), it correctly identified them about 76.4% of the time. And for cases where someone didn’t make a purchase (specificity), it identified those correctly about 76.0% of the time.

Pruned Regression Model

The initial regression model underwent a pruning process to retain only significant predictors with p-values greater than 0.05. The variables gender_male, us_yn, first_update_days_ago, and last_update_days_ago were removed during this process. The resulting model includes only predictors that have a statistically significant relationship with the target variable - purchase_amt.

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 16.266 1.360 11.956 0.000
freq 15.502 0.603 25.686 0.000
web_order1 13.099 1.676 7.816 0.000
address_is_res_yn1 -6.993 2.035 -3.437 0.001
.metric .estimate
rmse 36.739
rsq 0.282
mae 32.941
Actual Vs. Predicted Plot
Model Interpretation:

The R-squared value is approximately 0.28. This indicates that the model explains only about 28% of the variance in the purchase amounts.

Coefficient Interpretation:

  • Intercept (Constant):
    • The intercept value is 16.266.
    • When all other variables are zero, the expected purchase amount is 16.266.
  • Frequency (‘freq’):
    • For every unit increase in the ‘freq’ variable (number of transactions), the expected purchase amount increases by approximately 15.502 units.
  • Web Order Indicator (‘web_order1’):
    • If a purchase is made through a web order (indicated by ‘web_order1’ being 1), the expected purchase amount increases by approximately 13.099 units.
  • Address Is Residential Indicator (‘address_is_res_yn1’):
    • If the address is residential (indicated by ‘address_is_res_yn1’ being 1), the expected purchase amount decreases by approximately 6.993 units.

Actual vs. Predicted Graph:

  • The scatter plot shows how well the model’s predictions align with actual purchase amounts.
  • The fact that points deviate from the diagonal suggests that the model’s predictions are not highly accurate.
  • The low R-squared value further confirms that the model’s performance is limited.

In summary, while the model provides some insights, there’s room for improvement. Consider exploring additional features or refining the model to enhance its predictive accuracy.

Regression Tree plot

Variable Importance

Model Metrics
model rmse mae rsq
Regression Tree 12.7 10.04 0.11
Actual Vs. Predicted Plot
Model Interpretation

Note: For the Regression Tree Model all the rows with purchase_amt = 0 were filtered out.

The model identified the following variables as its top predictors

  1. last_update_days_ago

  2. first_update_days_ago

  3. freq

  4. web_order

  5. us_yn

The RMSE value of 12.7 indicates that, on average, the model’s predictions are off by approximately 12.7 units.

The MAE value of 10.04 signifies the average absolute difference between the predicted and actual values.

The R-squared value of 0.11 suggests that the model explains around 11% of the variance in the target variable, indicating modest predictive power.

Ridge Regression

For Ridge regression analysis, we filtered the dataset to include only rows where the purchase_amt was greater than 0 and normalized the data. The analysis identified the above significant predictors.

Variable Importance

Actual Vs. Predicted Plot
Metrics and Model Interpretation
.metric .estimate
rmse 13.770
mae 10.949
rsq 0.146

For the Ridge regression model as well, the R-squared value of approximately 0.15 suggests that the model has limited capability in explaining the variability in its predictors.

The top Predictors for this model were as follows

  1. last_update_days_ago

  2. web_order_X1

  3. freq

  4. first_update_days_ago

  5. address_is_res_yn_X1

Final Result Table
model rsq mae rmse
Initial Regression Model 0.282 32.94 36.73
Pruned Regression Model 0.282 32.94 36.73
Regression Tree Model 0.110 10.04 12.70
Ridge Regression 0.146 10.94 13.77
Model Comparison


In the process of building these models, different approaches were taken. For the Initial Regression Model and Pruned Regression Model, records where purchase_amt = 0 were included in the model. However, for the Regression Tree Model and Ridge Regression, these records were removed. Additionally, the dataset was normalized for the Ridge Regression model.

Performance Metrics:

  • R-squared (rsq) value: Initial Regression Model and Pruned Regression Model both had rsq = 0.281.

  • Regression Tree Model: Demonstrated lowest Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 10.04 and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 12.70.

Actual vs. predicted Plots and Residuals:

  • Regression Tree Model showed a tighter cluster of points around the diagonal, indicating better predictions.

  • Residuals of the Regression Tree Model were more concentrated around zero, suggesting lower error variance and predictions closer to actual values.

Final thoughts:

  • Regression Tree Model emerges as the best choice based on MAE and RMSE.

  • Pruned Regression Model, with its higher R-squared value and simpler interpretability, could also be a viable choice.

  • All models have room for improvement.

  • Upon reflection, it appears that the ideal approach was to remove the records with purchase_amt = 0, while normalization might not have been necessary. Given more time, an interesting avenue for exploration would be to prune the regression model without the zero values.

Pruned Logistic Model

The initial logistic model underwent a pruning process to retain only significant predictors with p-values greater than 0.05. The variables gender_male, us_yn, first_update_days_ago, and last_update_days_ago were removed during this process. The resulting model includes only predictors that have a statistically significant relationship with the target variable - purchase_yn

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 2.589 0.138 18.826 0
freq -2.018 0.105 -19.257 0
web_order1 -0.968 0.115 -8.410 0
address_is_res_yn1 1.410 0.160 8.828 0
model accuracy sensitivity specificity error roc_auc
Pruned Logistic Model 0.747 0.772 0.721 0.253 0.851

Confusion Matrix
Prediction   1   0
         1 772 279
         0 228 721
ROC threshold - Revised Cutoff
[1] "Best Cutoff 0.5981 Sensitivity 0.738 Specificity 0.797 AUC for Model 0.8509"
Confusion Matrix with Revised Cutoff
Prediction   1   0
         1 506  65
         0 494 935
model accuracy sensitivity specificity error roc_auc
Pruned Logistic Model Revised Cutoff 0.5981 0.721 0.506 0.935 0.279 0.851
Model Interpretation:

The pruned model includes the following statistically significant predictors:

  • freq: The number of transactions in the preceding year.

  • web_order1: A binary variable indicating whether the purchase was made through a web order (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

  • address_is_res_yn1: A binary variable denoting if the address is residential (1 for Yes, 0 for No).


  • Intercept: The intercept term represents the log-odds of the response variable (purchase_yn) when all other predictors are zero. In this case, the intercept is approximately -2.589.

  • freq: For each additional transaction in the preceding year, the log-odds of making a purchase increase by approximately 2.018 units.

  • web_order1: Customers who made a web order (web_order = 1) have a log-odds of making a purchase approximately 0.968 higher than those who did not make a web order.

  • address_is_res_yn1: Customers with a residential address (address_is_res_yn = 1) have a log-odds of making a purchase approximately 1.410 lower than those without a residential address.

AUC for this model: 0.85


We tried the ROC threshold function and updated the cutoff to 0.5981.

The revised cutoff has led to changes in both sensitivity and specificity:

Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) decreased from 0.772 to 0.506.

Specificity (True Negative Rate) increased from 0.721 to 0.935.

The overall accuracy decreased slightly from 0.747 to 0.721.

The error rate increased from 0.253 to 0.279.

In summary, the revised cutoff prioritizes specificity (reducing false positives) at the expense of sensitivity (increasing false negatives). Depending on the specific context and business requirements, this trade-off may be acceptable or require further adjustments.

Tuned Random Forest Model Fit
══ Workflow [trained] ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Preprocessor: Formula
Model: rand_forest()

── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
purchase_yn ~ .

── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Ranger result

 ranger::ranger(x = maybe_data_frame(x), y = y, mtry = min_cols(~4L,      x), num.trees = ~100, importance = ~"impurity", num.threads = 1,      verbose = FALSE, seed = sample.int(10^5, 1), probability = TRUE) 

Type:                             Probability estimation 
Number of trees:                  100 
Sample size:                      800 
Number of independent variables:  7 
Mtry:                             4 
Target node size:                 10 
Variable importance mode:         impurity 
Splitrule:                        gini 
OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.1481386 
Variable Importance

Confusion Matrix
Prediction   1   0
         1 378  25
         0  22 375
Tuned Random Forest Metrics
model accuracy sensitivity specificity error roc_auc
Tuned Random Forest Model 0.941 0.945 0.938 0.059 0.989
Model Interpretation

The selected random forest model was tuned with the following parameters:

  • mtry: 4

  • Number of trees: 100

The options provided for tuning were:

  • mtry: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Number of trees: 100, 200

Overall Insights:

  • The model’s overall accuracy in predicting both classes is 94.1%.

  • The model correctly identifies 94.5% of the actual positive cases.

  • The model correctly identifies 93.8% of the actual negative cases.

  • The misclassification rate of the model is 5.9%.

  • The area under the ROC curve, which measures the model’s ability to distinguish between classes, is 98.9%.

model accuracy sensitivity specificity error roc_auc
Tuned Decision Tree Model 0.767 0.765 0.77 0.233 0.861
Model Interpretation

The selected classification decision tree model was tuned with the following parameters:

  • cost_complexity: 0

  • tree_depth: 8

The options provided for tuning were:

  • No option were provided for cost_complexity

  • tree_depth: Anything between 2 to 10

Overall Insights:

  • The model’s overall accuracy in predicting both classes is 76.7%.

  • The model correctly identifies 76.5% of the actual positive cases, indicating its sensitivity.

  • The model correctly identifies 77.0% of the actual negative cases, demonstrating its specificity.

  • The misclassification rate of the model is 23.3%.

  • The area under the ROC curve, measuring the model’s ability to distinguish between classes, is 86.1%.

Final Result Table
model accuracy sensitivity specificity error roc_auc
Initial Logistic Model 0.762 0.764 0.760 0.238 0.854
Pruned Logistic Model 0.747 0.772 0.721 0.253 0.851
Pruned Logistic Model Revised Cutoff 0.5981 0.721 0.506 0.935 0.279 0.851
Tuned Random Forest Model 0.941 0.945 0.938 0.059 0.989
Tuned Decision Tree Model 0.767 0.765 0.770 0.233 0.861
Compare the ROC curves
modelPruned Logistic Model 0.85Tuned Decision Tree Model 0.86Tuned Random Forest Model 0.991 - SpecificitySensitivity
  • For accuracy, the “Tuned Random Forest Model” performs the best with an accuracy of 94.1%.

  • For sensitivity, again, the “Tuned Random Forest Model” outperforms others with a sensitivity of 94.5%.

  • For specificity, again, the “Tuned Random Forest Model” exhibits the highest value of 93.8%.

  • For error rate, the “Tuned Random Forest Model” demonstrates the lowest error rate of 5.9%.

  • For ROC AUC, the “Tuned Random Forest Model” achieves the highest value of 98.9%.

Considering these results, the “Tuned Random Forest Model” stands out as the most suitable choice. This model demonstrates high accuracy in classifying both positive and negative cases, low error rate, and excellent discrimination ability as indicated by the ROC AUC score. Therefore, we would select the “Tuned Random Forest Model” for its overall robust performance in predicting the target variable.

What did you work hardest on or are you most proud of in your project?
  • Formatting and presenting the work effectively was a significant challenge.

  • I dedicated considerable effort and time in arranging and organizing the project.

  • I wanted to ensure that most of the graphs are visible at first glance, minimizing the need for excessive scrolling or tab-switching.

  • The goal was to make the dashobaord user friendly.

  • Although I initially struggled with the regression models, I ultimately found success with the classification models.

  • I am proud of the “Tuned Random Forest Model,” which achieved an accuracy of 94.1%.

What would you do if you had another week to work on the project?
  • If given another week to work on the project, I would focus on exploring additional models and techniques to further enhance the performance of the models.

  • Specifically, I would dedicate more time to refining the regression models, perhaps by experimenting with different models to improve their predictive power.

  • Also in case of the existing work, I feel, the ideal approach was to remove the records with purchase_amt = 0 for all models and normalization was not necessary. An interesting avenue for exploration would be to prune the initial regression model without the purchase_amt = 0 values.

title: "Final Dashboard"
    orientation: rows
    source_code: embed
    theme: united
    vertical_layout: scroll
    wrap: sentence

```{r setup, include=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
#include=FALSE will not include r code in output
#warning=FALSE will remove any warnings from output

library(GGally) #v2.1.2
library(ggcorrplot) #v0.1.4
library(janitor) #v2.2.0 clean_names()
#library(MASS) #v7.3-58.2 for Boston data
library(flexdashboard) #v0.6.0
library(plotly) #v4.10.1
library(crosstalk) #v1.2.0
library(knitr) #v1.42 kable()
  #library(parsnip) #v1.1.0 linear_reg(), set_engine(), set_mode(), fit(), predict()
  #library(yardstick) #v1.2.0 metrics(), rac_auc(), roc_curve(), metric_set(), conf_matrix()
  #library(dplyr) #v1.1.2 %>%, select(), select_if(), filter(), mutate(), group_by(), 
    #summarize(), tibble()
library(ggplot2) #v3.4.2 ggplot()
  #library(broom) #v1.0.5 for tidy(), augment(), glance()
  #library(rsample) #v1.1.1 initial_split()
library(vip) #v0.4.1 vip() (variable importance)
library(tree) #v1.0-43
library(rpart) #v4.1.21
library(rpart.plot) #v3.1.1
library(cowplot) #new

```{r load_data}
#Load the data
df_CS <- readxl::read_excel("CatalogSales.xlsx") %>% 

# Renaming certain variables
df_CS <- df_CS %>%
  rename(first_update_days_ago = x1st_update_days_ago)

#Changing the following variables as factors becaus ethey have binary values
df_CS <- df_CS %>%
  mutate(us_yn = factor(us_yn),
         web_order = factor(web_order),
         gender_male = factor(gender_male),
         address_is_res_yn = factor(address_is_res_yn),
         purchase_yn = factor(purchase_yn))

# Executive Summary

## Row {data-height="600"}

### Executive Summary

Our analysis aimed to understand customer purchasing behavior using a dataset comprising 2000 records and 9 variables.

The expectation was to answer three business questions and the primary challenge was twofold: predicting both the likelihood of a purchase ("purchase_yn") and the specific purchase amount ("purchase_amt").

**Models Applied for Predicting the Categorical Target are as follows ("purchase_yn")**

-   Logistic Model

-   Tuned Random Forest Model - **Selected**

-   Tuned Decision Tree Model

**Models Applied for Predicting the Continuous Target are as follows ("purchase_amt")**

-   Regression Model

-   Decision Tree Model

-   Ridge Regression Model

For predicting purchase decisions, we applied various classification models including logistic regression, decision trees, and random forests.
Our **"Tuned Random Forest Model"** emerged as the most effective, achieving an **accuracy of 94.1%** and providing valuable insights into customer purchase behavior.

Regarding predicting purchase amounts, we utilized regression models such as linear regression, ridge regression, and decision trees.
Despite our efforts, the highest R-squared value obtained was 28.2%, indicating limited success in explaining the variance in purchase amounts.

### Business Questions and Answers

**Can predictive models accurately forecast whether a customer will make a purchase?**

Predictive Modeling for Purchase Decisions: Using the "Tuned Random Forest Model," we can predict whether a customer will make a purchase with 94.1% accuracy.

**How does residential status influence the likelihood of customer purchases?**

The pruned regression model suggests that if the address is residential, the expected purchase amount decreases by approximately 6.993 units.
However, please note the accuracy of the model is only 28.2%.

**What is the impact of web orders on the amount spent by customers?**

According to the pruned regression model, if a purchase is made through a web order, the expected purchase amount increases by approximately 13.099 units.
However, please note the accuracy of the model is only 28.2%.

**Final Recommendations:**

-   Implement the "Tuned Random Forest Model" for predicting purchase decisions due to its high accuracy and reliability.

-   Further exploration is warranted to improve the accuracy of predicting specific purchase amounts.
    This may involve feature engineering, data augmentation, or alternative modeling techniques.

# Introduction

## Row {data-height="600"}

### Business Problem

This project focuses on leveraging predictive analytics to address critical business challenges in optimizing sales strategies and enhancing customer targeting.
By analyzing the Catalog Sales dataset, we aim to develop predictive models that forecast customer purchasing behavior and identify influential factors such as residential status and web orders on sales.
These insights will empower businesses to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and tailor marketing efforts to target potential buyers more efficiently, ultimately driving revenue growth and improving overall performance.

##### Business Questions:

The project seeks to answer the following business questions:

1.  Can predictive models accurately forecast whether a customer will make a purchase?

2.  How does residential status influence the likelihood of customer purchases?

3.  What is the impact of web orders on the amount spent by customers?

### The Data

The Catalog Sales dataset comprises 2000 records and 9 variables, providing comprehensive insights into customer demographics and purchasing behavior.

Target Variables:

-   purchase_yn: Binary variable indicating if a purchase was made (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

-   purchase_amt: Quantitative variable representing the purchase amount.


-   us_yn: Binary variable indicating if the customer is from the US (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

-   freq: Number of transactions in the preceding year.

-   last_update_days_ago: Number of days since the last update to the customer record.

-   first_update_days_ago: Number of days since the first update to the customer record.

-   web_order: Binary variable denoting whether the purchase was made through a web order (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

-   gender_male: Binary variable indicating the gender of the customer (1 for Male, 0 for Female).

-   address_is_res_yn: Binary variable denoting if the address is residential (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

**Data Source:** Unknown

# Data

## Row {data-height="300"}

### Data

Here's a sneak peek into the dataset

head(df_CS) %>% 
  kable(align = c("r", "r", "r", "r", "r"))

## Col {data-height="500"}

### Data Summary

The summary table offers a comprehensive overview of the dataset's variables, providing insights into their respective ranges.

```{r, cache=TRUE}
#View data

### Data Summary Insights

Let's look at our target variables first.

-   The "purchase_yn" variable has 1000 instances where a purchase was made, and 1000 instances where it was not, indicating a balanced distribution.

-   The "purchase_amt" ranges from 0 to 134.73, with a mean of 42.27 and a median of 18.68.
    The 0 value may be a concern and needs to be analysed further.

Now let's see what we can learn about our predictors from this summary.

-   The dataset has 1649 from the US, and 351 customers from outside US.

-   The "freq" variable tells us that the minimum number of transactions in the preceding year is 0, and the maximum is 15.
    The median number of transactions is 1, indicating that half of the customers made only one transaction in the preceding year.

-   The "last_update_days_ago" and "first_update_days_ago" have a minimum value of 1, suggesting the data has some recent interactions.

-   852 purchases were made through a web order, and 1148 purchases were not a webvorder.
    This indicates that web orders are slightly less frequent compared to other purchase methods.

-   The gender column statistics reveal that the dataset has 1049 male customers, and 951 female customers.
    This suggests a relatively balanced distribution of gender in the dataset.

-   There are 442 instances where the address is residential, and 1558 instances where it is not.
    This suggests that a majority of customers were non-residential.

# Distribution of Target Variables {data-navmenu="Exploratory Data Analysis"}

## Row {data-height="600"}

### Distribution of Continuous Target Variable - purchase_amt

The distribution of "purchase_amt" , appears to be pretty normally distributed except for the 0 values in this column.
We will have to think of a way to address this issue.

```{r, fig.height= 4, echo=FALSE}
#Histogram of purchase_amt 
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = purchase_amt)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "Purchase Amount",
       y = "Frequency")

### Distribution of Categorical Target Variable - purchase_yn

In our Summary we saw that the categorical target variable (purchase_yn) is equally distributed and this is visually representated in this barplot.

```{r, fig.height= 4, echo=FALSE}
# Barplot of purchase_yn
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = purchase_yn)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "Purchase Status", y = "Frequency")

# Correlation Matrix {data-navmenu="Exploratory Data Analysis"}

## Row {data-height="600"}

### Correlation Matrix

```{r }
numerical_data <- select_if(df_CS, is.numeric)
correlation_matrix <- cor(numerical_data)
#correlation plot
           type = "lower", 
           lab = TRUE, 
           lab_size = 3, 
           method = "square",  # or method = "circle"
           colors = c("maroon", "white", "maroon"))

### Summary

We observe a strong correlation of 0.81 between "first_update_days_ago" and "last_update_days_ago." This indicates that updates typically happen in close succession, with shorter intervals between the first and last updates.
It's essential to take note of this observation as it may impact our models.

# Quantitative Predictors {data-navmenu="Exploratory Data Analysis"}

## Row {.tabset data-height="500," data-width="450"}

### Distribution of last_update_days_ago

#Histogram of last_update_days_ago 
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = last_update_days_ago )) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 400, fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "last_update_days_ago",
       y = "Frequency")

### Distribution of first_update_days_ago

#Histogram of first_update_days_ago 
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = first_update_days_ago )) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 400, fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "first_update_days_ago",
       y = "Frequency")

### Distribution of freq

#Histogram of first_update_days_ago 
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = freq )) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1,  fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "freq",
       y = "Frequency")

# Quanlitative Predictors {data-navmenu="Exploratory Data Analysis"}

## Row {.tabset data-height="500," data-width="450"}

### Distribution of us_yn

# Barplot of us_yn
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = us_yn)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "us_yn", y = "Frequency")

### Distribution of web_order

# Barplot of web_order
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = us_yn)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "web_order", y = "Frequency")

### Distribution of gender_male

# Barplot of gender_male
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = gender_male)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "gender_male", y = "Frequency")

### Distribution of address_is_res_yn

# Barplot of address_is_res_yn
ggplot(df_CS, aes(x = address_is_res_yn)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "#6e0000", color = "black") +
  labs(x = "address_is_res_yn", y = "Frequency")

# Initial Models {data-orientation="rows"}

### Predicting Continuous Variable - purchase_amt

reg_spec <- linear_reg() %>% ## Class of problem  
   set_engine("lm") %>% ## The particular function that we use  
   set_mode("regression") ## type of model

#Fit the model
reg_fit <- reg_spec %>%  
   fit(purchase_amt ~ .-purchase_yn ,data = df_CS) #add the continuous target, remove the categorical

#Capture the predictions and metrics
pred_reg_fit <- augment(reg_fit, df_CS)

tidy(reg_fit$fit) %>%

pred_reg_fit %>%
   metrics(truth=purchase_amt,estimate=.pred) %>%
   select(-.estimator) %>%
   kable(digits=3, align = 'l')

curr_metrics <- pred_reg_fit %>%
   metrics(truth=purchase_amt,estimate=.pred) %>%

results_reg <- tibble(model = 'Regression',
                             rmse = curr_metrics[[1,2]],
                             mae = curr_metrics[[3,2]])

The model output indicates that predictors, freq, web_order1, and address_is_res_yn1 are statistically significant with p-values less than 0.05.
The R-squared value of 0.282 suggests that approximately 28.2% of the variance in purchase amounts can be explained by the predictors.

### Predicting Categorical Variable - purchase_yn


# Make a dataset for classification
df_class <- df_CS %>%
  select(-purchase_amt) %>% 
   mutate(purchase_yn = factor(purchase_yn, levels = c("1", "0")))

#Define the model specification
log_spec <- logistic_reg() %>%
             set_engine('glm') %>%

#Fit the model
log_fit <- log_spec %>%
              fit(purchase_yn ~ .,data = df_class)

#Capture the predictions and metrics
my_class_metrics <- metric_set(yardstick::accuracy, yardstick::specificity, yardstick::sensitivity)

pred_log_fit <- augment(log_fit, df_class)

tidy(log_fit$fit) %>%

pred_log_fit %>%
    my_class_metrics(truth=purchase_yn,estimate=.pred_class) %>%
    select(-.estimator) %>%
    kable(digits = 3, align = 'l')

The model output indicates that predictors, freq, web_order1, and address_is_res_yn1 are statistically significant with p-values less than 0.05.
The model's accuracy stands at 76.2%.
When it comes to spotting cases where someone did make a purchase (sensitivity), it correctly identified them about 76.4% of the time.
And for cases where someone didn't make a purchase (specificity), it identified those correctly about 76.0% of the time.

#Capture the auc 
roc_auc_initial <- pred_log_fit %>%
                 roc_auc(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%

class_initial_metrics <- pred_log_fit %>%

results_initial_tree <-tibble(model="Initial Logistic Model",
                error = 1-accuracy,
                roc_auc = round(roc_auc_initial,3))


# Model 1 - Mutiple Regression {data-navmenu="Continuous Target Models"}

## Row

### Pruned Regression Model

The initial regression model underwent a pruning process to retain only significant predictors with p-values greater than 0.05.
The variables gender_male, us_yn, first_update_days_ago, and last_update_days_ago were removed during this process.
The resulting model includes only predictors that have a statistically significant relationship with the target variable - purchase_amt.

# Pruned purchase_yn and gender_male

# Filter out rows where purchase amount is not 0 and purchase_yn which is the categorical target variable
# df_purchase_amt <- df_CS %>%
#   filter(purchase_amt != 0) %>% 
#   select(-purchase_yn)

# Fit the new model
reg_fit_pruned1 <- reg_spec %>% 
  fit(purchase_amt ~ . - purchase_yn - gender_male, data = df_CS)

#tidy(reg_fit_pruned1$fit) %>%
#  kable(digits=3)


# Pruned purchase_yn and gender_male and us_yn

# Fit the new model
reg_fit_pruned2 <- reg_spec %>% 
  fit(purchase_amt ~ . - purchase_yn -gender_male -us_yn, data = df_CS)

#tidy(reg_fit_pruned2$fit) %>%
#  kable(digits=3)

# Pruned purchase_yn and gender_male and us_yn and first_update_days_ago	

reg_fit_pruned3 <- reg_spec %>% 
  fit(purchase_amt ~ . - purchase_yn -gender_male -us_yn -first_update_days_ago	, data = df_CS)

# tidy(reg_fit_pruned3$fit) %>%
#   kable(digits=3)

#Pruned - purchase_yn  -gender_male -us_yn -first_update_days_ago -last_update_days_ago

reg_fit_pruned4 <- reg_spec %>% 
  fit(purchase_amt ~ . - purchase_yn -gender_male -us_yn -first_update_days_ago -last_update_days_ago	, data = df_CS)

tidy(reg_fit_pruned4$fit) %>%

#Capture the predictions and metrics
 pred_reg_pruned_fit <- augment(reg_fit, df_CS)
pred_reg_pruned_fit %>%
   metrics(truth=purchase_amt,estimate=.pred) %>%
   kable(digits=3, align = 'l')


##### Actual Vs. Predicted Plot

```{r }
#Plot the Actual Versus Predicted Values
p <- ggplot(data = pred_reg_pruned_fit,
            aes(x = .pred, y = purchase_amt)) + 
  geom_point(col = "#6e0000") +

AvP_pruned_reg <- ggplotly(p)

### Model Interpretation:

The R-squared value is approximately **0.28**.
This indicates that the model explains only about **28%** of the variance in the purchase amounts.

**Coefficient Interpretation**:

-   **Intercept (Constant)**:
    -   The intercept value is **16.266**.
    -   When all other variables are zero, the expected purchase amount is **16.266**.
-   **Frequency ('freq')**:
    -   For every unit increase in the 'freq' variable (number of transactions), the expected purchase amount increases by approximately **15.502** units.
-   **Web Order Indicator ('web_order1')**:
    -   If a purchase is made through a web order (indicated by 'web_order1' being 1), the expected purchase amount increases by approximately **13.099** units.
-   **Address Is Residential Indicator ('address_is_res_yn1')**:
    -   If the address is residential (indicated by 'address_is_res_yn1' being 1), the expected purchase amount decreases by approximately **6.993** units.

**Actual vs. Predicted Graph**:

-   The scatter plot shows how well the model's predictions align with actual purchase amounts.
-   The fact that points deviate from the diagonal suggests that the model's predictions are not highly accurate.
-   The low R-squared value further confirms that the model's performance is limited.

In summary, while the model provides some insights, there's room for improvement.
Consider exploring additional features or refining the model to enhance its predictive accuracy.

# Model 2 - Regression Tree {data-navmenu="Continuous Target Models"}

## Row {data-height="500," data-width="300"}

# For this model we will use only those records where purchase_amt > 0
df_filteredout_0 <- df_CS %>%
  filter(purchase_amt != 0) %>% 

#Split the data into a 65% training set and a test set. Use a seed of 333. 
cs_split <- initial_split(df_filteredout_0, prop = .60)
cs_train <- rsample::training(cs_split)
cs_test <- rsample::testing(cs_split)

#Define the model specification
tree_reg_spec <- decision_tree() %>%
                    set_engine("rpart") %>%
#Fit the model

tree_reg_fit <- tree_reg_spec %>%
                  fit(purchase_amt ~ ., data = cs_train)

pred_tree_reg_fit <- tree_reg_fit %>% 


### Regression Tree plot

rpart.plot(tree_reg_fit$fit, roundint=FALSE)

### Variable Importance

tree_reg_fit %>% 
 vip(aesthetics = list(fill = "#6e0000", col = "black"))

## Row {data-height= "300"}

### Model Metrics

my_reg_metrics <- metric_set(yardstick::rmse, yardstick::mae, yardstick::rsq) 

curr_metrics <- pred_tree_reg_fit %>%
  my_reg_metrics(truth = purchase_amt, estimate = .pred) %>%

#create a results table
results1 <-tibble(model="Regression Tree",
results1 %>%

##### Actual Vs. Predicted Plot


#Plot the Actual Versus Predicted Values
p <- ggplot(data = pred_tree_reg_fit,
            aes(x = .pred, y = purchase_amt)) + 
  geom_point(col = "#6e0000") +

Avp_tree <- ggplotly(p)

### Model Interpretation

Note: For the Regression Tree Model all the rows with purchase_amt = 0 were filtered out.

The model identified the following variables as its top predictors

1.  last_update_days_ago

2.  first_update_days_ago

3.  freq

4.  web_order

5.  us_yn

The RMSE value of 12.7 indicates that, on average, the model's predictions are off by approximately 12.7 units.

The MAE value of 10.04 signifies the average absolute difference between the predicted and actual values.

The R-squared value of 0.11 suggests that the model explains around 11% of the variance in the target variable, indicating modest predictive power.

# Model 3 - Ridge Regression {data-navmenu="Continuous Target Models"}

## Row {data-height="500," data-width="300"}

### Ridge Regression

For Ridge regression analysis, we filtered the dataset to include only rows where the purchase_amt was greater than 0 and normalized the data.
The analysis identified the above significant predictors.

# For this model we will use only those records where purchase_amt > 0
# Let's try normalizing the data
cs_recipe <- recipe(purchase_amt ~ ., data = df_filteredout_0) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% # making dummy for all categorical
  step_normalize(all_predictors()) %>% # normalizing target and predictors. We can make a selection for only predictors 

cs_norm <- bake(cs_recipe, df_filteredout_0) #credit_norm because this df is normalised

#performing test/train - for normalised data - 60/40
cs_split_norm <- initial_split(cs_norm, prop = .60)
cs_train_norm <- rsample::training(cs_split_norm)
cs_test_norm <- rsample::testing(cs_split_norm)

#Define Model Specifications
rr_spec <- linear_reg(penalty = 80, # adding a penalty
                      mixture = 0) %>% 
          set_engine("glmnet") %>% 

rr_fit <- rr_spec %>%
                    fit(purchase_amt ~ ., cs_train_norm)

pred_rr <- rr_fit %>% 


###### Variable Importance

```{r, fig.width= 4, fig.height= 4, echo=FALSE}
rr_fit %>% 
  vip(aesthetics = list(fill = "#6e0000", col = "black"))

### Actual Vs. Predicted Plot

```{r, fig.height= 3, echo=FALSE}

#Plot the Actual Versus Predicted Values
p <- ggplot(data = pred_rr,
            aes(x = .pred, y = purchase_amt)) + 
  geom_point(col = "#6e0000") +

Avp_rr <- ggplotly(p)


### Metrics and Model Interpretation

curr_metrics <- pred_rr %>%
  my_reg_metrics(truth = purchase_amt, estimate = .pred) %>% 
  select(-.estimator	)

curr_metrics %>% 
  kable(digits = 3)

For the Ridge regression model as well, the R-squared value of approximately 0.15 suggests that the model has limited capability in explaining the variability in its predictors.

The top Predictors for this model were as follows

1.  last_update_days_ago

2.  web_order_X1

3.  freq

4.  first_update_days_ago

5.  address_is_res_yn_X1

# Conclusion {data-navmenu="Continuous Target Models"}

## Row {data-height="700"}

### Final Result Table

#create a results table

all_results <- tibble(model = c('Initial Regression Model','Pruned Regression Model', 'Regression Tree Model', 'Ridge Regression'),
      rsq=c(0.282,0.282,0.110, 0.146),
      mae=c(32.94,32.94, 10.04,10.94),
      rmse=c(36.73,36.73, 12.70,13.77))

all_results %>%

# reg <- pred_reg_pruned_fit %>%
#   mutate(Model="Pruned Regression Model")
# tree <- pred_tree_reg_fit %>%
#   mutate (Model="Regression Tree Model")
# rr <- pred_rr %>%
#   mutate(Model = "Ridge Regression")
# combine <- bind_rows(reg, tree, rr)
# p <- combine %>%
#   ggplot(aes(y = purchase_amt, x = .pred)) + 
#       geom_point(col = "#6e0000") +
#       geom_abline(col="gold") + 
#       ggtitle("Faceted By Model Type")+
#       facet_wrap(~Model)
# avp_combine <- ggplotly(p)
# avp_combine

##### Model Comparison


# Calculate residuals for each model
reg_res <- pred_reg_pruned_fit %>%
  mutate(Model = "Pruned Regression Model") %>%
  mutate(residuals = purchase_amt - .pred)

tree_res <- pred_tree_reg_fit %>%
  mutate(Model = "Regression Tree Model") %>%
  mutate(residuals = purchase_amt - .pred)

rr_res <- pred_rr %>%
  mutate(Model = "Ridge Regression") %>%
  mutate(residuals = purchase_amt - .pred)

# Combine residuals data for all models
combine_res <- bind_rows(reg_res, tree_res, rr_res)

# Plot actual versus predicted values faceted by model type
p1 <- combine_res %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = purchase_amt, x = .pred)) + 
  geom_point(col = "#6e0000") +
  geom_abline(col = "gold") + 
  ggtitle("Actual vs. Predicted Values Faceted By Model Type") +

# Plot histograms of residuals faceted by model type
p2 <- combine_res %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = residuals)) +
  geom_density(fill = "#6e0000", col = "black", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(x = "Residuals", y = "Density") +
  ggtitle("Distribution of Residuals Faceted By Model Type") +

# Combine both plots into one facetted plot
combined_plot <- plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2)

# Display the combined plot


### Conclusion

In the process of building these models, different approaches were taken.
For the Initial Regression Model and Pruned Regression Model, records where purchase_amt = 0 were included in the model.
However, for the Regression Tree Model and Ridge Regression, these records were removed.
Additionally, the dataset was normalized for the Ridge Regression model.

**Performance Metrics:**

-   R-squared (rsq) value: Initial Regression Model and Pruned Regression Model both had rsq = 0.281.

-   Regression Tree Model: Demonstrated lowest Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 10.04 and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 12.70.

**Actual vs. predicted Plots and Residuals:**

-   Regression Tree Model showed a tighter cluster of points around the diagonal, indicating better predictions.

-   Residuals of the Regression Tree Model were more concentrated around zero, suggesting lower error variance and predictions closer to actual values.

**Final thoughts:**

-   Regression Tree Model emerges as the best choice based on MAE and RMSE.

-   Pruned Regression Model, with its higher R-squared value and simpler interpretability, could also be a viable choice.

-   All models have room for improvement.

-   Upon reflection, it appears that the ideal approach was to remove the records with purchase_amt = 0, while normalization might not have been necessary.
    Given more time, an interesting avenue for exploration would be to prune the regression model without the zero values.

# Model 1 - Logistic Regression {data-navmenu="Categorical Target Models"}

## Row

### Pruned Logistic Model

The initial logistic model underwent a pruning process to retain only significant predictors with p-values greater than 0.05.
The variables gender_male, us_yn, first_update_days_ago, and last_update_days_ago were removed during this process.
The resulting model includes only predictors that have a statistically significant relationship with the target variable - purchase_yn

#Pruned -purchase_amt -us_yn1 

#Fit the model
log_fit_pruned1 <- log_spec %>%
              fit(purchase_yn ~ . -us_yn ,data = df_class)

#tidy(log_fit_pruned1$fit) %>%
# kable(digits=3)


#Pruned -purchase_amt -us_yn1 -gender_male

#Fit the model
log_fit_pruned2 <- log_spec %>%
              fit(purchase_yn ~ .-us_yn -gender_male ,data = df_class)

pred_log_fit_pruned2 <- augment(log_fit_pruned2, df_class)

#tidy(log_fit_pruned2$fit) %>%
#  kable(digits=3)


#Pruned -purchase_amt -us_yn1 -gender_male -last_update_days_ago

#Fit the model
log_fit_pruned3 <- log_spec %>%
              fit(purchase_yn ~ .-us_yn -gender_male -last_update_days_ago ,data = df_class)

#tidy(log_fit_pruned3$fit) %>%
#  kable(digits=3)

#Pruned -purchase_amt -us_yn1 -gender_male -last_update_days_ago -first_update_days_ago	

#Fit the model
log_fit_pruned4 <- log_spec %>%
              fit(purchase_yn ~ . -us_yn -gender_male -last_update_days_ago -first_update_days_ago	 ,data = df_class)

pred_log_fit_pruned4 <- augment(log_fit_pruned4, df_class)

tidy(log_fit_pruned4$fit) %>%

#Capture the auc 
roc_auc <- pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>%
                 roc_auc(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%

pruned_metrics <- pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>%
  my_class_metrics(truth=purchase_yn, estimate = .pred_class)%>%

results_pruned_log <-tibble(model="Pruned Logistic Model",
                error = 1 - accuracy,
                roc_auc = round(roc_auc,3))

results_pruned_log %>%

##### ROC-AUC Curve


#Capture the thresholds and sens/spec
df_roc_auc_pruned_log <- 
#df_loan_roc <- bind_rows(df_loan_roc,  #use if df_loan_roc exists with other models
               pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>% 
                roc_curve(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>% 
                  mutate(model = paste('Pruned Log Model roc_auc',round(roc_auc,2)))
#Plot the ROC Curve(s) 
        aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity, 
            group = model, col = model)) +
        geom_path() +
        geom_abline(lty = 3)  +
        scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
        theme(legend.position = "top") 

##### Confusion Matrix

pred_log_fit_pruned4 <- log_fit_pruned4%>%

pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>% 
  conf_mat(truth=purchase_yn, estimate=.pred_class)

### ROC threshold - Revised Cutoff

ROC_threshold <- function(pred_data,truth,probs) {
  #This function finds the cutoff with the max sum of sensitivity and specificity
  #Created tidy version of:
  #The inputs are the prediction table (from augment()) and the columns for the
  #truth and probability values. The columns need to be strings (i.e., 'sales')
  roc_curve_tbl <- pred_data %>% 
                    roc_curve(truth = {{truth}}, {{probs}}) 
  auc = pred_data %>%
              roc_auc(truth = {{truth}}, {{probs}}) %>%
  best_row = which.max(roc_curve_tbl$specificity + roc_curve_tbl$sensitivity)
  print(paste("Best Cutoff", round(roc_curve_tbl[best_row,'.threshold'],4),
              "Sensitivity", round(roc_curve_tbl[best_row,'sensitivity'],4),
              "Specificity", round(roc_curve_tbl[best_row,'specificity'],4),
              "AUC for Model", round(auc,4)))
ROC_threshold(pred_log_fit_pruned4, 'purchase_yn', '.pred_1')

##### Confusion Matrix with Revised Cutoff

#Let's see if revising the cutoff will make much difference
pred_log_fit_pruned4 <- pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>%
  mutate(pred_0.5981  = factor(ifelse(.pred_1> 0.5981, "1", "0"),
                              levels=c("1", "0")))

#Confusion matrix
pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>% 

results_pruned_log_revised <- pred_log_fit_pruned4 %>% 
    my_class_metrics(truth = purchase_yn, estimate = pred_0.5981) %>%

results_pruned_log_rev <-tibble(model="Pruned Logistic Model Revised Cutoff 0.5981 ",
                  error = 1-accuracy,
                  roc_auc = round(roc_auc,3))


###### **Model Interpretation:**

The pruned model includes the following statistically significant predictors:

-   freq: The number of transactions in the preceding year.

-   web_order1: A binary variable indicating whether the purchase was made through a web order (1 for Yes, 0 for No).

-   address_is_res_yn1: A binary variable denoting if the address is residential (1 for Yes, 0 for No).


-   Intercept: The intercept term represents the log-odds of the response variable (purchase_yn) when all other predictors are zero.
    In this case, the intercept is approximately -2.589.

-   freq: For each additional transaction in the preceding year, the log-odds of making a purchase increase by approximately 2.018 units.

-   web_order1: Customers who made a web order (web_order = 1) have a log-odds of making a purchase approximately 0.968 higher than those who did not make a web order.

-   address_is_res_yn1: Customers with a residential address (address_is_res_yn = 1) have a log-odds of making a purchase approximately 1.410 lower than those without a residential address.

**AUC for this model:** 0.85\

We tried the ROC threshold function and updated the cutoff to 0.5981.

The revised cutoff has led to changes in both sensitivity and specificity:

Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) decreased from 0.772 to 0.506.

Specificity (True Negative Rate) increased from 0.721 to 0.935.

The overall accuracy decreased slightly from 0.747 to 0.721.

The error rate increased from 0.253 to 0.279.

In summary, the revised cutoff prioritizes specificity (reducing false positives) at the expense of sensitivity (increasing false negatives).
Depending on the specific context and business requirements, this trade-off may be acceptable or require further adjustments.

# Model 2 - Tuned Random Forest Model {data-navmenu="Categorical Target Models"}

## Row {data-height="500," data-width="450"}

### Tuned Random Forest Model Fit

```{r ,cache=TRUE}
#Spliting dataset into testing and training sets
class_split <- initial_split(df_class, prop = .60,strata="purchase_yn") 
class_train <- rsample::training(class_split) 
class_test <- rsample::testing(class_split)

cs_folds <- vfold_cv(class_train,v=5)

rf_grid <- expand_grid(mtry = 2:6, 
                       trees = c(100, 200))

#Define the Model Specification
rf_tune_spec <- rand_forest(mtry = tune(), 
                            trees = tune()) %>%
                             importance = "impurity") %>% 

#Define our workflow
cs_wf <- workflow() %>%
                  add_model(rf_tune_spec) %>%
                  add_formula(purchase_yn ~ .)

#Tune on the grid of values
cs_rs <- cs_wf %>% 
                    tune_grid(resamples = cs_folds,
                              grid = rf_grid)

# show_best(cs_rs) %>%
#   kable()

```{r,  cache=TRUE}
#final workflow
final_tree_wf <- cs_wf %>% 

final_rf_fit <- final_tree_wf %>%
                      fit(data = class_test) 

### Variable Importance

#variable importance plot
final_rf_fit %>% 
  extract_fit_parsnip() %>% 
  vip(aesthetics = list(fill = "#6e0000", col = "black"))

## Row {data-height= "300"}

### Confusion Matrix


#Confusion matrix
pred_rf <- final_rf_fit %>% 
pred_rf %>% 

##### Tuned Random Forest Metrics

#Capture the auc 
roc_auc_rf <- pred_rf %>%
                 roc_auc(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%

class_rf_metrics <- pred_rf %>%

results_rf_tree <-tibble(model="Tuned Random Forest Model",
                error = 1-accuracy,
                roc_auc = round(roc_auc_rf,3))

results_rf_tree %>%

### Model Interpretation

The selected random forest model was tuned with the following parameters:

-   mtry: 4

-   Number of trees: 100

The options provided for tuning were:

-   mtry: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-   Number of trees: 100, 200

Overall Insights:

-   The model's overall accuracy in predicting both classes is 94.1%.

-   The model correctly identifies 94.5% of the actual positive cases.

-   The model correctly identifies 93.8% of the actual negative cases.

-   The misclassification rate of the model is 5.9%.

-   The area under the ROC curve, which measures the model's ability to distinguish between classes, is 98.9%.

# Model 3 - Tuned Decision Tree {data-navmenu="Categorical Target Models"}

## Row {.tabset data-height="500," data-width="450"}

### Tuned Decision Tree Workflow

#Define Model Specifications

class_tree_tune_spec <- decision_tree(cost_complexity = tune(),
                         tree_depth = tune(),
                         min_n = 40) %>% 
                    set_engine("rpart") %>% 

#Define the CV folds and grid parameters
#We will use the folds defined earlier 
cs_grid2 <- grid_regular(cost_complexity(),
                           tree_depth(range = c(2, 10)),
                           #min_n(range = c(40, 40)),
                           levels = 5)

#Define our workflow
class_tree_class_wf <- workflow() %>%
  add_formula(purchase_yn ~ .) %>% 

#Tune on the grid of values
tree_class_rs <- class_tree_class_wf %>% 
  tune_grid(resamples = cs_folds,
            grid = cs_grid2)

# Finalize the workflow using the best tree
final_tree_class_wf <- 
  class_tree_class_wf %>% 
  finalize_workflow(select_best(tree_class_rs, metric = "accuracy"))

final_class_tree_fit <- final_tree_class_wf %>%
  fit(data = class_train) %>%


### Tree Plot

rpart.plot(final_class_tree_fit$fit, type=1, extra = 102, roundint=FALSE)

### Variable Importance

#variable importance plot
final_class_tree_fit %>% 
  vip(aesthetics = list(fill = "#6e0000", col = "black"))

### Confusion Matrix


pred_final_class_tree_fit <- final_class_tree_fit %>%

pred_final_class_tree_fit %>%


## Row {data-height= "300"}

### Metrics

#Capture the auc 
roc_auc_class <- pred_final_class_tree_fit %>%
                 roc_auc(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%

class_tree_metrics <- pred_final_class_tree_fit %>%

results_class_tree <-tibble(model="Tuned Decision Tree Model",
                error = 1-accuracy,
                roc_auc = round(roc_auc_class,3))

results_class_tree %>%

### Model Interpretation

The selected classification decision tree model was tuned with the following parameters:

-   cost_complexity: 0

-   tree_depth: 8

The options provided for tuning were:

-   No option were provided for cost_complexity

-   tree_depth: Anything between 2 to 10

Overall Insights:

-   The model's overall accuracy in predicting both classes is 76.7%.

-   The model correctly identifies 76.5% of the actual positive cases, indicating its sensitivity.

-   The model correctly identifies 77.0% of the actual negative cases, demonstrating its specificity.

-   The misclassification rate of the model is 23.3%.

-   The area under the ROC curve, measuring the model's ability to distinguish between classes, is 86.1%.

# Conclusion {data-navmenu="Categorical Target Models"}

## Row {data-height="700"}

### Final Result Table

class_final_result <- bind_rows(results_initial_tree, results_pruned_log,results_pruned_log_rev,results_rf_tree, results_class_tree)

class_final_result %>% 
  kable(digits = 3)

##### Compare the ROC curves


# # Combine data frames containing ROC curve information for each model
# combined_roc <- bind_rows(
#   df_roc_auc_pruned_log %>%
#     mutate(model = paste('Pruned Logistic Model',round(roc_auc,2))),
#   pred_rf %>%
#     roc_curve(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%
#     mutate(model = paste('Tuned Random Forest Model',round(roc_auc_rf,2))),
#   pred_final_class_tree_fit %>%
#     roc_curve(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%
#     mutate(model = paste('Tuned Decision Tree Model',round(roc_auc_class,2)))
# )
# # Plot the ROC Curve(s) 
# ggplot(combined_roc, 
#        aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity, 
#            group = model, col = model)) +
#   geom_path() +
#   geom_abline(lty = 3) +
#   scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
#   theme(legend.position = "top") +
#   labs(x = "1 - Specificity",
#        y = "Sensitivity")
# library(ggplot2)
# library(plotly)

# Combine data frames containing ROC curve information for each model
combined_roc <- bind_rows(
  df_roc_auc_pruned_log %>%
    mutate(model = paste('Pruned Logistic Model',round(roc_auc,2))),
  pred_rf %>%
    roc_curve(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%
    mutate(model = paste('Tuned Random Forest Model',round(roc_auc_rf,2))),
  pred_final_class_tree_fit %>%
    roc_curve(truth = purchase_yn, .pred_1) %>%
    mutate(model = paste('Tuned Decision Tree Model',round(roc_auc_class,2)))

# Plot the ROC Curve(s) 
p <- ggplot(combined_roc, 
       aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity, 
           group = model, col = model)) +
  geom_path() +
  geom_abline(lty = 3) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  labs(x = "1 - Specificity",
       y = "Sensitivity")

# Convert ggplot to plotly
p <- ggplotly(p)

### Conclusion

-   For accuracy, the "Tuned Random Forest Model" performs the best with an accuracy of 94.1%.

-   For sensitivity, again, the "Tuned Random Forest Model" outperforms others with a sensitivity of 94.5%.

-   For specificity, again, the "Tuned Random Forest Model" exhibits the highest value of 93.8%.

-   For error rate, the "Tuned Random Forest Model" demonstrates the lowest error rate of 5.9%.

-   For ROC AUC, the "Tuned Random Forest Model" achieves the highest value of 98.9%.

Considering these results, the "Tuned Random Forest Model" stands out as the most suitable choice.
This model demonstrates high accuracy in classifying both positive and negative cases, low error rate, and excellent discrimination ability as indicated by the ROC AUC score.
Therefore, we would select the "Tuned Random Forest Model" for its overall robust performance in predicting the target variable.

# Reflection

## Row {data-height="600"}

### What did you work hardest on or are you most proud of in your project?

-   Formatting and presenting the work effectively was a significant challenge.

-   I dedicated considerable effort and time in arranging and organizing the project.

-   I wanted to ensure that most of the graphs are visible at first glance, minimizing the need for excessive scrolling or tab-switching.

-   The goal was to make the dashobaord user friendly.

-   Although I initially struggled with the regression models, I ultimately found success with the classification models.

-   I am proud of the "Tuned Random Forest Model," which achieved an accuracy of 94.1%.

### What would you do if you had another week to work on the project?

-   If given another week to work on the project, I would focus on exploring additional models and techniques to further enhance the performance of the models.

-   Specifically, I would dedicate more time to refining the regression models, perhaps by experimenting with different models to improve their predictive power.

-   Also in case of the existing work, I feel, the ideal approach was to remove the records with purchase_amt = 0 for all models and normalization was not necessary.
    An interesting avenue for exploration would be to prune the initial regression model without the purchase_amt = 0 values.