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News week momentum ANALYSIS

The Newsweek Momentum Awards

The Newsweek Momentum Awards will recognize five individuals around the globe, as well as one city, which will be chosen as the "smartest city in the world."

News week momentum NEWS

As U.S. and Iran Tensions Get Worse, Iraq Steps In and Tries to Help

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi traveled to Tehran to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in hopes of finding "ways to defuse the current crisis" between the U.S. and Iran.

News week momentum U.S

ICE Arrest Thwarted After Neighbors Form Human Chain Around Father And Son

"The family don't bother nobody, they work every day, they come home, the kids jump on their trampoline, it's just a community," one neighbor said.

News week momentum EDITOR'S NOTE

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News week momentum

Boris Johnson to Take Over as U.K. Prime Minister

The Conservative Party chose Johnson as its new leader, meaning he will succeed Prime Minister Theresa May.

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Trump: I Could Win the Afghanistan War 'in a Week' but Don't Want to Kill '10 Million'

"Afghanistan could be wiped off the face of the Earth. I don't want to go that route," President Donald Trump said.

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Global Warming May Lead to Diseases We Don't Know About, Scientists Warn

A CDC official warned the fungus "is behaving in unexpected and concerning ways, causing severe disease in countries across the globe, including the United States."

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Photos Show Kim Jong Un Inspecting New Submarine, Deployment 'Near at Hand'

Reports suggested the new submarine may have been designed to carry and launch ballistic missiles, which could in future be tipped with nuclear warheads.

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Britain's New Prime Minister Was a U.S. Citizen for Half a Century

Boris Johnson, the Conservative Party leader and new U.K. prime minister, renounced his American citizenship after a dispute with the IRS.

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Duterte Wants Death Penalty for Corruption: 'Blood That We Need to Cleanse'

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte called on Congress to reinstate the death penalty for "heinous" drug crimes and corruption in his country.

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Museum Fire Mandatory Evacuations: Arizona Blaze Spreads Beyond 1,000 Acres

The city of Flagstaff and Coconino County have declared a state of emergency due to the impacts of the fire.

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Hong Kong Leader Criticizes Both Sides After Mob Attack

At least 45 people were injured, one critically, in the attack allegedly targeting anti-government protesters. Activists and lawmakers have accused the police of standing by as the violence occurred.

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GOP: 'No Impropriety' by Trump in Transfer of Nuclear Tech to Saudi Arabia

Democrats have previously alleged the administration may have broken federal laws and guidelines in its numerous transfers of U.S. nuclear technology to the Middle Eastern country.


News week momentum WORLD

Britain's New Prime Minister Was a U.S. Citizen for Half a Century

Boris Johnson, the Conservative Party leader and new U.K. prime minister, renounced his American citizenship after a dispute with the IRS.

News week momentum U.S

Biden on Obama's Silence in 2020 Race: 'I Want to Win This Fair and Square'

"I would rather him not get engaged," former Vice President Joe Biden told The New York Times.

News week momentum HEALTH

Alleged Cuba Audio Attack: Exposed U.S. Staff Had Brain Matter Alterations, Study Finds

"These findings may represent something not seen before," one of the study's authors said in a statement.

News week momentum U.S

'I Can't Emote': Archives Hint at Robert Mueller's Testimony This Week

Robert Mueller will testify in back-to-back hearings on Wednesday about his two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

News week momentum BUSINESS

Nearly Half of Fortune 500 Companies Founded by Immigrant Families: Study

A recent American economy study found that immigrants and the children of immigrants founded 45 percent of U.S. Fortune 500 companies, amassing $6.1 trillion in annual revenue last year.

News week momentum POLITICS

Police Officer Fired After Suggesting Ocasio-Cortez Should Be Shot

The Gretna Police Department on Monday announced that Charlie Rispoli and another officer, Angelo Varisco, who "liked" Rispoli's post, have both been fired.

News week momentum POLITICS

Nearly Three-Quarters of White Evangelicals Approve of Donald Trump

The latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that 73 percent of white evangelical Christians approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while only 23 percent disapprove.

News week momentum TECH & SCIENCE

States With More Gun Owners Have More Murders in the Home

More needs to be done to protect those at risk of domestic violence, a co-author of the study told Newsweek.





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