• Phenotypic data - Cassavabase
    • 1. Download of the phenotypic dataset from Cassavabase wizard tool
    • Next Steps

Last updated: 2021-07-22

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Phenotypic data - Cassavabase

Initialy we are going to download phenotypic data from Cassavabase. In this case we are going to download the data from traits related to plant Architecture, as the following table:

Trait Cassavabase code Description
plant architecture visual rating 1-5 CO_334:0000099 Plant architecture on a 1-5 scale with 1 = excellent, 2 good, 3 = fair, 4 = bad, and 5 = very bad
plant architecture visual rating 1-5 at month 8 COMP:0000119
flowering ability visual assessment 0-3 CO_334:0000233 Presence of flowers (0=none; 1=little; 2=intermediate; 3=many).
flower visual rating 0&1 CO_334:0000111 Visual rating of flowers (50%) in plant with 0 = absent and 1 = present.
initial plant vigor assessment 1-5 CO_334:0000220 Visual assessment of plant vigor during establishment (1=very little vigor, and 5 = very vigorous). as being evaluated by CIAT.
initial vigor assessment 1-7 CO_334:0000009 Visual assessment of plant vigor during establishment scored one month after planting. 3 = Not vigorous, 5 = Medium vigor, 7 = highly vigorous.
number of forks counting CO_334:0000146 Number of branches (2 forks/branches (dichotomous), 3 forks/branches (trichotomous), or 4 forks/branches (tetrachotomous)) at every branching level.
number of forks on branching level 1 counting CO_334:0000522 Number of forks (2 forks/branches (dichotomous), 3 forks/branches (trichotomous), or 4 forks/branches (tetrachotomous)) on the first branching level.
number of forks on branching level 2 counting CO_334:0000523 Number of forks (2 forks/branches (dichotomous), 3 forks/branches (trichotomous), or 4 forks/branches (tetrachotomous)) on the second branching level.
number of forks on branching level 3 counting CO_334:0000524 Number of forks (2 forks/branches (dichotomous), 3 forks/branches (trichotomous), or 4 forks/branches (tetrachotomous)) on the third branching level.
number of nodes at branching level 1 counting CO_334:0000352 Number of nodes at the first branching level.
number of nodes at branching level 2 counting CO_334:0000363 Number of nodes at the second branching level.
number of nodes at branching level 3 counting CO_334:0000368 Number of nodes at the third branching level.
plant height measurement in cm CO_334:0000018 Vertical height of plants from the ground to top of the canopy measured in centimeter (cm).
plant height measurement in cm at month 12 COMP:0000181
plant height with leaf in cm CO_334:0000123 Portion of the stem with leaves measured as the distance in centimeter from the point of attachment of the oldest leaf to the youngest leaf (apical leaf portion).
plant height without leaf CO_334:0000125 Portion of stem with no leaf measured in centimeter (cm) by deducting plant height with leaf from plant height.
plant height without leaf at month 12 COMP:0000182
stalk length evaluation CO_334:0000227 Visual assessment of the average length of the stalks (1=short; 2=intermediate; 3=long)
stem diameter measurement in cm CO_334:0000257 Measurement of stem diameter taken on the middle of the plant in centimeter (cm) using the vernier caliper.
stem diameter measurement in cm at month 5 COMP:0000129
stem diameter measurement in cm at month 6 COMP:0000130

1. Download of the phenotypic dataset from Cassavabase wizard tool

Use the following filters: 1. Select the trait list TraitsLucianoGS 2. Select the following Trial Types: - Clonal Evaluation; - Preliminary Yield Trial; - Advanced Yield Trial; - Uniform Yield Trial; - Regional Trials; - phenotyping_trial. 3. Select Years from 2010 to 2021. 4. Select all the trials available at cassavabase after the filter.

Next Steps

  • Download Phenotypic dataset;
  • select trials using the trait heritability;
  • estimate the BLUPS, and genetic correlations between the traits;
  • Create a list with the clone names;
  • Download the Genotypic dataset from the clones phenotyped;
  • Perform the genomic prediction single-trait with G-BLUP Add, Add + Dom genetic models. - 50 replicates - 100 clones per fold.