About Me

Hello! I'm Madhusudan I belongs to Erode, Tamilnadu. I completed Graduation in the year of 2021 in JSS college of Arts, Commerce and Science Mysuru in the stream of BCA. I am very much passionate about Back-end-technologies, Front-end-Technologies, problem-solving in the real world using technologies.

Certified Full-Stack-Developer from KodNest Technologies Bengaluru.

View Certificate

Looking for an entry-level posistion as a Software Engineer in a dynamic firm that values my knowledge, I seek a company that will help me contribute to its development while concurrently aiding my personal growth.


  • Front-End-Technologies
  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript - Angular, NodeJs
  • Back-End-Technologies
  • JAVA - Spring, Hibernate, python
    SQL - Oracle - MySQL
  • Software Development
    and Software Testing

  • Testing
    ~ Waterfall Model, Spiral Model
    ~ Validation Model, SCRUM
    ~ Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Gray Box Testing
    ~ Software Testing Life Cycle,
    ~ Software Development Life Cycle


  • B C A
  • Percentage - 67.90%
    Year - 2021
    Mysuru - JSS University
  • 12th
  • Percentage - 66.58%
    Year - 2018
    Tamilnadu - State Board
  • 10th
  • Perccentage - 68.20%
    Year - 2016
    Tamilnadu - State Board


  • Internship - OlaFoods
    Supply chain Intern
    Nov 21 - May 22

  • 6 months
    - Worked as Supply chain Intern
    - Excel, PPT, Google Spreadsheet
    - Analytics, leadership
    - Onboarding, Mapping &
    - Vendor Management

My Projects

Meeting Hosting application

This is a web application, used technologies are HTML5, CSS3, Java, SQL

click here to explore

Digital Clock

This is a tiny project, Digital clock with RGB-single page and used technologies are HTML5, CSS3, JS

click here to explore


Calculator project using Html5, CSS3, JS

click here to explore

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