£30£35£40Southend-on-SeaBedfordNorth and West NorfolkLutonBreckland and South NorfolkPeterboroughWest EssexCentral BedfordshireSuffolkThurrockNorwich and East NorfolkEssex Haven GatewayHeart of EssexEssex Thames GatewayCambridgeshire CCHertfordshireHertfordshireCambridgeshire CCEssex ThamesGatewayHeart of EssexEssex HavenGatewayNorwich and EastNorfolkThurrockSuffolkCentralBedfordshireWest EssexPeterboroughBreckland andSouth NorfolkLutonNorth and WestNorfolkBedfordSouthend-on-Sea£26£28£30£32£34£36£38£40
202020212022GVA per hourworkedExportIntensityNewBusinessesLow SkilledHigh SkilledActiveInactive dueto IllnessWorking Age4G connectedFibreconnectedGFCF per jobICT per jobIntangiblesper jobTPI Dashboard: East of EnglandGVA per hour worked: Productivity measuredas Gross Value Added per hour workedGVA per hour worked sorted by 2022 valuesGVA per hour worked map of relativeperformance for 2022GVA per hour worked spider diagram for 2022regions sorted clockwise by 2022 productivitySource: TPI visualisation, based on TPI UK ITL3 Scorecards, DOI: 10.48420/23791680CC BY 4.0Better: Higher than 105% of the East of England averageEqual: Between 95% and 105% of the East of England averageWorse: Lower than 95% of the East of England averageNo data availablePlayPauseChange colours