CXXGraph  0.3.0
CXXGraph is a header only, that manages the Graphs and it's algorithm in C++
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2 /*** ______ ____ ______ _ ***/
3 /*** / ___\ \/ /\ \/ / ___|_ __ __ _ _ __ | |__ ***/
4 /*** | | \ / \ / | _| '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ ***/
5 /*** | |___ / \ / \ |_| | | | (_| | |_) | | | | ***/
6 /*** \____/_/\_\/_/\_\____|_| \__,_| .__/|_| |_| ***/
7 /*** |_| ***/
8 /***********************************************************/
9 /*** Header-Only C++ Library for Graph ***/
10 /*** Representation and Algorithms ***/
11 /***********************************************************/
12 /*** Author: ZigRazor ***/
13 /*** E-Mail: ***/
14 /***********************************************************/
15 /*** Collaboration: ----------- ***/
16 /***********************************************************/
17 /*** License: AGPL v3.0 ***/
18 /***********************************************************/
20 #ifndef __CXXGRAPH_GRAPH_TS_H__
21 #define __CXXGRAPH_GRAPH_TS_H__
23 #pragma once
25 #include "Graph/Graph.hpp"
27 namespace CXXGRAPH
28 {
31  template <typename T>
32  class Graph_TS : public Graph<T>, public ThreadSafe
33  {
34  public:
35  Graph_TS() = default;
36  Graph_TS(const std::list<const Edge<T> *> &edgeSet);
37  Graph_TS(const Graph<T> &graph);
38  ~Graph_TS() = default;
47  const std::list<const Edge<T> *> &getEdgeSet() const override;
56  void setEdgeSet(std::list<const Edge<T> *> &edgeSet) override;
65  void addEdge(const Edge<T> *edge) override;
74  void removeEdge(unsigned long long edgeId) override;
83  const std::list<const Node<T> *> getNodeSet() const override;
93  const std::optional<const Edge<T> *> getEdge(unsigned long long edgeId) const override;
99  const AdjacencyMatrix<T> getAdjMatrix() const override;
112  const DijkstraResult dijkstra(const Node<T> &source, const Node<T> &target) const override;
126  const BellmanFordResult bellmanford(const Node<T> &source, const Node<T> &target) const override;
137  const FWResult floydWarshall() const override;
148  const std::vector<Node<T>> breadth_first_search(const Node<T> &start) const override;
159  const std::vector<Node<T>> depth_first_search(const Node<T> &start) const override;
169  bool isCyclicDirectedGraphDFS() const override;
179  bool isCyclicDirectedGraphBFS() const override;
188  bool isDirectedGraph() const override;
216  const DialResult dial(const Node<T> &source, int maxWeight) const override;
231  int writeToFile(InputOutputFormat format = InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir = ".", const std::string &OFileName = "graph", bool compress = false, bool writeNodeFeat = false, bool writeEdgeWeight = false) const override;
246  int readFromFile(InputOutputFormat format = InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir = ".", const std::string &OFileName = "graph", bool compress = false, bool readNodeFeat = false, bool readEdgeWeight = false) override;
257  PartitionMap<T> partitionGraph(PARTITIONING::PartitionAlgorithm algorithm, unsigned int numberOfPartitions,double param1 = 0.0,double param2 = 0.0,double param3 = 0.0,unsigned int numberOfthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) const override;
258  };
260  template <typename T>
261  Graph_TS<T>::Graph_TS(const std::list<const Edge<T> *> &edgeSet) : Graph<T>(edgeSet), ThreadSafe() {}
263  template <typename T>
264  Graph_TS<T>::Graph_TS(const Graph<T> &graph) : Graph<T>(graph), ThreadSafe() {}
266  template <typename T>
267  const std::list<const Edge<T> *> &Graph_TS<T>::getEdgeSet() const
268  {
269  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
270  return Graph<T>::getEdgeSet();
271  }
273  template <typename T>
274  void Graph_TS<T>::setEdgeSet(std::list<const Edge<T> *> &edgeSet)
275  {
276  getLock();
277  Graph<T>::setEdgeSet(edgeSet);
278  releaseLock();
279  }
281  template <typename T>
282  void Graph_TS<T>::addEdge(const Edge<T> *edge)
283  {
284  getLock();
285  Graph<T>::addEdge(edge);
286  releaseLock();
287  }
289  template <typename T>
290  void Graph_TS<T>::removeEdge(unsigned long long edgeId)
291  {
292  getLock();
293  Graph<T>::removeEdge(edgeId);
294  releaseLock();
295  }
297  template <typename T>
298  const std::list<const Node<T> *> Graph_TS<T>::getNodeSet() const
299  {
300  getLock();
301  auto ns = Graph<T>::getNodeSet();
302  releaseLock();
303  return ns;
304  }
306  template <typename T>
307  const std::optional<const Edge<T> *> Graph_TS<T>::getEdge(unsigned long long edgeId) const
308  {
309  getLock();
310  auto e = Graph<T>::getEdge(edgeId);
311  releaseLock();
312  return e;
313  }
315  template <typename T>
316  const AdjacencyMatrix<T> Graph_TS<T>::getAdjMatrix() const
317  {
318  getLock();
319  auto adjm = Graph<T>::getAdjMatrix();
320  releaseLock();
321  return adjm;
322  }
324  template <typename T>
325  const DijkstraResult Graph_TS<T>::dijkstra(const Node<T> &source, const Node<T> &target) const
326  {
327  getLock();
328  auto dij = Graph<T>::dijkstra(source, target);
329  releaseLock();
330  return dij;
331  }
333  template <typename T>
334  const BellmanFordResult Graph_TS<T>::bellmanford(const Node<T> &source, const Node<T> &target) const
335  {
336  getLock();
337  auto bellford = Graph<T>::bellmanford(source, target);
338  releaseLock();
339  return bellford;
340  }
342  template <typename T>
344  {
345  getLock();
346  auto fw = Graph<T>::floydWarshall();
347  releaseLock();
348  return fw;
349  }
351  template <typename T>
352  const std::vector<Node<T>> Graph_TS<T>::breadth_first_search(const Node<T> &start) const
353  {
354  getLock();
355  auto bfs = Graph<T>::breadth_first_search(start);
356  releaseLock();
357  return bfs;
358  }
360  template <typename T>
361  const std::vector<Node<T>> Graph_TS<T>::depth_first_search(const Node<T> &start) const
362  {
363  getLock();
364  auto dfs = Graph<T>::depth_first_search(start);
365  releaseLock();
366  return dfs;
367  }
369  template <typename T>
371  {
372  getLock();
373  auto result = Graph<T>::isCyclicDirectedGraphDFS();
374  releaseLock();
375  return result;
376  }
378  template <typename T>
380  {
381  getLock();
382  auto result = Graph<T>::isCyclicDirectedGraphBFS();
383  releaseLock();
384  return result;
385  }
387  template <typename T>
389  {
390  getLock();
391  auto result = Graph<T>::isDirectedGraph();
392  releaseLock();
393  return result;
394  }
396  template <typename T>
397  const DialResult Graph_TS<T>::dial(const Node<T> &source, int maxWeight) const
398  {
399  getLock();
400  auto dial = Graph<T>::dial(source, maxWeight);
401  releaseLock();
402  return dial;
403  }
405  template <typename T>
406  int Graph_TS<T>::writeToFile(InputOutputFormat format, const std::string &workingDir, const std::string &OFileName, bool compress, bool writeNodeFeat, bool writeEdgeWeight) const
407  {
408  getLock();
409  auto result = Graph<T>::writeToFile(format, workingDir, OFileName, compress, writeNodeFeat, writeEdgeWeight);
410  releaseLock();
411  return result;
412  }
414  template <typename T>
415  int Graph_TS<T>::readFromFile(InputOutputFormat format, const std::string &workingDir, const std::string &OFileName, bool compress, bool readNodeFeat, bool readEdgeWeight)
416  {
417  getLock();
418  auto result = Graph<T>::readFromFile(format, workingDir, OFileName, compress, readNodeFeat, readEdgeWeight);
419  releaseLock();
420  return result;
421  }
423  template <typename T>
424  PartitionMap<T> Graph_TS<T>::partitionGraph(PARTITIONING::PartitionAlgorithm algorithm, unsigned int numberOfPartitions,double param1,double param2,double param3,unsigned int numberOfthreads) const
425  {
426  getLock();
427  auto partitions = Graph<T>::partitionGraph(algorithm, numberOfPartitions, param1, param2, param3, numberOfthreads);
428  releaseLock();
429  return partitions;
430  }
431 }
432 #endif // __CXXGRAPH_GRAPH_TS_H__
Definition: Edge.hpp:39
Class that implement the Thread Safe Graph.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:33
const std::list< const Node< T > * > getNodeSet() const override
Function that return the Node Set of the Graph Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:298
void setEdgeSet(std::list< const Edge< T > * > &edgeSet) override
Function set the Edge Set of the Graph Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:274
bool isDirectedGraph() const override
This function checks if a graph is directed Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:388
const DijkstraResult dijkstra(const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const override
Function runs the dijkstra algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and returns th...
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:325
PartitionMap< T > partitionGraph(PARTITIONING::PartitionAlgorithm algorithm, unsigned int numberOfPartitions, double param1=0.0, double param2=0.0, double param3=0.0, unsigned int numberOfthreads=std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) const override
This function partition a graph in a set of partitions Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:424
void removeEdge(unsigned long long edgeId) override
Function remove an Edge from the Graph Edge Set Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:290
int writeToFile(InputOutputFormat format=InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir=".", const std::string &OFileName="graph", bool compress=false, bool writeNodeFeat=false, bool writeEdgeWeight=false) const override
This function write the graph in an output file Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:406
void addEdge(const Edge< T > *edge) override
Function add an Edge to the Graph Edge Set Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:282
bool isCyclicDirectedGraphBFS() const override
This function uses BFS to check for cycle in the graph. Pay Attention, this function work only with d...
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:379
int readFromFile(InputOutputFormat format=InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir=".", const std::string &OFileName="graph", bool compress=false, bool readNodeFeat=false, bool readEdgeWeight=false) override
This function read the graph from an input file Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:415
const std::vector< Node< T > > breadth_first_search(const Node< T > &start) const override
Function performs the breadth first search algorithm over the graph Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:352
const std::optional< const Edge< T > * > getEdge(unsigned long long edgeId) const override
Function that return an Edge with specific ID if Exist in the Graph Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:307
const BellmanFordResult bellmanford(const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const override
Function runs the bellmanford algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and returns...
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:334
const std::list< const Edge< T > * > & getEdgeSet() const override
Function that return the Edge set of the Graph Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:267
const std::vector< Node< T > > depth_first_search(const Node< T > &start) const override
Function performs the depth first search algorithm over the graph Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:361
const FWResult floydWarshall() const override
Function runs the floyd-Warshall algorithm for every node in the graph and returns the shortest dista...
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:343
const DialResult dial(const Node< T > &source, int maxWeight) const override
This function write the graph in an output file Note: Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:397
bool isCyclicDirectedGraphDFS() const override
This function uses DFS to check for cycle in the graph. Pay Attention, this function work only with d...
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:370
const AdjacencyMatrix< T > getAdjMatrix() const override
This function generate a list of adjacency matrix with every element of the matrix contain the node w...
Definition: Graph_TS.hpp:316
Class that implement the Graph. ( This class is not Thread Safe )
Definition: Graph.hpp:79
virtual const FWResult floydWarshall() const
Function runs the floyd-warshall algorithm and returns the shortest distance of all pair of nodes....
Definition: Graph.hpp:1147
virtual const std::vector< Node< T > > depth_first_search(const Node< T > &start) const
Function performs the depth first search algorithm over the graph Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:1521
virtual const std::list< const Edge< T > * > & getEdgeSet() const
Function that return the Edge set of the Graph Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:429
virtual bool isCyclicDirectedGraphBFS() const
This function uses BFS to check for cycle in the graph. Pay Attention, this function work only with d...
Definition: Graph.hpp:1686
virtual int writeToFile(InputOutputFormat format=InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir=".", const std::string &OFileName="graph", bool compress=false, bool writeNodeFeat=false, bool writeEdgeWeight=false) const
This function write the graph in an output file Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:1954
virtual bool isDirectedGraph() const
This function checks if a graph is directed Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:1755
virtual const std::optional< const Edge< T > * > getEdge(unsigned long long edgeId) const
Function that return an Edge with specific ID if Exist in the Graph Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:490
virtual const DialResult dial(const Node< T > &source, int maxWeight) const
This function write the graph in an output file Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:1787
virtual PartitionMap< T > partitionGraph(PARTITIONING::PartitionAlgorithm algorithm, unsigned int numberOfPartitions, double param1=0.0, double param2=0.0, double param3=0.0, unsigned int numberOfthreads=std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) const
This function partition a graph in a set of partitions Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:2067
virtual const DijkstraResult dijkstra(const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const
Function runs the dijkstra algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and returns th...
Definition: Graph.hpp:923
virtual bool isCyclicDirectedGraphDFS() const
This function uses DFS to check for cycle in the graph. Pay Attention, this function work only with d...
Definition: Graph.hpp:1553
virtual void addEdge(const Edge< T > *edge)
Function add an Edge to the Graph Edge Set Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:449
virtual int readFromFile(InputOutputFormat format=InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir=".", const std::string &OFileName="graph", bool compress=false, bool readNodeFeat=false, bool readEdgeWeight=false)
This function read the graph from an input file Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:2015
virtual void removeEdge(unsigned long long edgeId)
Function remove an Edge from the Graph Edge Set Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:459
virtual const AdjacencyMatrix< T > getAdjMatrix() const
This function generate a list of adjacency matrix with every element of the matrix contain the node w...
Definition: Graph.hpp:897
virtual const std::list< const Node< T > * > getNodeSet() const
Function that return the Node Set of the Graph Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:470
virtual const BellmanFordResult bellmanford(const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const
Function runs the bellman-ford algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and return...
Definition: Graph.hpp:1039
virtual const std::vector< Node< T > > breadth_first_search(const Node< T > &start) const
Function performs the breadth first search algorithm over the graph Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:1481
virtual void setEdgeSet(std::list< const Edge< T > * > &edgeSet)
Function set the Edge Set of the Graph Note: No Thread Safe.
Definition: Graph.hpp:435
Definition: Node.hpp:38
Definition: ThreadSafe.hpp:30
Struct that contains the information about Dijsktra's Algorithm results.
Definition: Typedef.hpp:79
Struct that contains the information about Dijsktra's Algorithm results.
Definition: Typedef.hpp:130
Struct that contains the information about Dijsktra's Algorithm results.
Definition: Typedef.hpp:70
Struct that contains the information about Floyd-Warshall Algorithm results.
Definition: Typedef.hpp:110