pySCENIC ( provides a faster implementation of SCENIC (in Python) that can be easily paralelized with Dask (e.g. to take advantage distributed systems). The results of pySCENIC can easily be imported into R.

The main results of SCENIC analysis are stored in the loom file:

The motif enrichment analysis and co-expression modules (e.g. GRNBoost/GENIE3 output) are stored in independent text files (mostly due to their bigger size).

# Output directories (adjust to yours):
pyScenicDir <- "pySCENIC_example/output"


Reading the loom file

SCopeLoomR provides functions to import the regulons, AUC, and embeddings from the loom file:


pyScenicLoomFile <- file.path(pyScenicDir, "SCENIC.loom")
loom <- open_loom(pyScenicLoomFile, mode="r")

# Read information from loom file:
regulons_incidMat <- get_regulons(loom)
regulons <- regulonsToGeneLists(regulons_incidMat)
regulonsAUC <- get_regulonsAuc(loom)
regulonsAucThresholds <- get_regulonThresholds(loom)
embeddings <- get_embeddings(loom)

In addition, the loom file also stores the expression matrix, and allows to save information about the cells (e.g. cell annotations), or results from previous clustering analyses:

exprMat <- get_dgem(loom)
cellInfo <- get_cellAnnotation(loom)
clusterings <- get_clusterings_withName(loom)

Motif enrichment analysis

The motif enrichment results provided by pySCENIC are in a slightly different format than the table provided by RcisTarget (e.g. R implementation of SCENIC) but they are equivalent. This table can be read from the text file and visualized/explored in a similar way:

# Read table
motifsDf <- data.table::fread(file.path(pyScenicDir, "motifs.tsv"), header = T, sep="\t")
maxRows <- 20 # (low value only for the tutorial)

# Visualize
tableSubset <- motifsDf[TF=="Dlx5"]
tableSubset <- tableSubset[1:maxRows,] 
colsToShow <- colnames(motifsDf)[-c(2,9:11)]
viewMotifs(tableSubset, colsToShow=colsToShow)

GRNBoost/GENIE3 results

GRNBoost_linkList <- importArboreto(file.path(pyScenicDir,  "adjacencies.tsv"))
##      TF  Target Importance
## 1 Mef2c Camk2n1   183.0498
## 2 Mef2c  Arpp19   153.1191
## 3 Olig1  Tspan2   147.6836
## 4 Olig1     Cnp   143.0022
## 5 Olig1    Plp1   134.5772
## 6 Mef2c  Arpp21   132.2724

Importing from text files

There are also some options to save/import only partial results (e.g. not using a .loom file):

Regulons and co-expression modules

Regulons and co-expression modules can be exported as .gmt files, which can be loaded with GSEABase:

regulons <- getGmt(file.path(pyScenicDir,  "regulons.gmt"))
regulons <- geneIds(regulons)
## [1] "Ahr (9g)"     "Alx4 (4g)"    "Ar (17g)"     "Arid5b (33g)"
## [5] "Arnt (68g)"   "Arnt2 (861g)"
## $`Acaa1a (43g)`
##  [1] "Tox"           "Fxr2"          "Wnt3"          "Rhoa"         
##  [5] "2610100L16Rik" "Plp1"          "Hes5"          "Atf4"         
##  [9] "Tcf7l2"        "Ptma"          "Peli2"         "Xrcc6"        
## [13] "Tnrc6a"        "Sys1"          "Yif1a"         "Hnrnpf"       
## [17] "Hsd17b12"      "Kctd15"        "Fabp5"         "H2afv"        
## [21] "Arrdc3"        "Chd4"          "Fntb"          "Pik3c2b"      
## [25] "Hist1h1c"      "Klf7"          "Atp1b3"        "Sh3gl1"       
## [29] "Ehd1"          "Fam173b"       "Abhd1"         "Cyp51"        
## [33] "Car14"         "Mir1897"       "Hhip"          "Pigu"         
## [37] "Eif1"          "Sema3c"        "Chd7"          "Rab33a"       
## [41] "Eef2"          "Hsp90b1"       "Chn2"

AUCell scores

The “AUC matrix” provided by pySCENIC can be saved as text and imported with importAUCfromText:

regulonAUC <- importAUCfromText(file.path(pyScenicDir,  "aucMatrix.tsv"))
## AUC for 550 regulons (rows) and 3005 cells (columns).
## Top-left corner of the AUC matrix:
##                      cells
## regulons              1772071015_C02 1772071017_G12 1772071017_A05
##   1810024B03Rik (52g)     0.00000000     0.00000000    0.000000000
##   Abl1 (13g)              0.00000000     0.02803002    0.009673736
##   Acaa1a (43g)            0.05773684     0.04434502    0.050155141
##   Acaa1b (60g)            0.21207155     0.23960251    0.190507385
##   Ahr (9g)                0.00000000     0.00000000    0.000000000
##   Alx4 (4g)               0.00000000     0.00000000    0.000000000
##                      cells
## regulons              1772071014_B06 1772067065_H06
##   1810024B03Rik (52g)     0.00000000     0.00000000
##   Abl1 (13g)              0.00000000     0.05237933
##   Acaa1a (43g)            0.05552126     0.05285452
##   Acaa1b (60g)            0.24700614     0.20984224
##   Ahr (9g)                0.00000000     0.00000000
##   Alx4 (4g)               0.00000000     0.00000000