Vignette built on Jul 03, 2019 with cisTopic version 0.2.1.

This vignette provides the code to run rGREAT with the hg38 assembly and RcisTarget with hg38 and mm10 based on liftover.


R < 3.5

If your R version is below 3.5, you will need to install manually the following packages:


cisTopic package

For installing cisTopic run:


Running rGREAT and RcisTarget with mm10

# GREAT can work directly on mm10 coordinates
cisTopicObject <- GREAT(cisTopicObject, genome='mm10', fold_enrichment=2, geneHits=1, sign=0.05, request_interval=10)

# For using RcisTarget, we need to liftover the coordinates to the mm9 assemble
url <- ""
mm10Tomm9.chain <- "mm10Tomm9.over.chain"
download.file(url, destfile = paste0(mm10Tomm9.chain, ".gz"))
gunzip(paste0(mm10Tomm9.chain, ".gz"))

# Import chain file
mm10Tomm9.chain  <- import.chain(mm10Tomm9.chain)

# Obtain liftOver dictionary (as list)
mm10_coord <- cisTopicObject@region.ranges
mm10_to_mm9_list <- liftOver(mm10_coord, mm10Tomm9.chain)

# Run GREAT based on liftover to mm9 coordinates
cisTopicObject <- binarizedcisTopicsToCtx(cisTopicObject, liftOver=mm10_to_mm9_list, genome='mm9')
cisTopicObject <- scoredRegionsToCtx(cisTopicObject, liftOver=mm10_to_mm9_list, genome='mm9')
pathToFeather <- 'mm9-DHS_enh_prom_pennstate-9species.all_regions.mc9nr.feather'
cisTopicObject <- topicsRcisTarget(cisTopicObject, genome='mm9', pathToFeather, reduced_database=FALSE, nesThreshold=3, rocthr=0.005, maxRank=20000, nCores=4)
cisTopicObject<- getCistromes(cisTopicObject, annotation = 'Both', nCores=5)

Running rGREAT and RcisTarget with hg38

# url and file name for a chain file
url <- ""
hg38ToHg19.chain <- "data/hg38ToHg19.over.chain"
download.file(url, destfile = paste0(hg38ToHg19.chain, ".gz"))
gunzip(paste0(hg38ToHg19.chain, ".gz"))

# Import chain file
hg38ToHg19.chain <- import.chain(hg38ToHg19.chain)

# Obtain liftOver dictionary (as list)
hg38_coord <- cisTopicObject@region.ranges
hg38_to_hg19_list <- liftOver(hg38_coord, hg38ToHg19.chain)

# Run GREAT based on liftover to hg19 coordinates
cisTopicObject <- GREAT(cisTopicObject, genome='hg19', liftOver=hg38_to_hg19_list, fold_enrichment=2, geneHits=1, sign=0.05, request_interval=10)

# Run GREAT based on liftover to hg19 coordinates
cisTopicObject <- binarizedcisTopicsToCtx(cisTopicObject, liftOver=hg38_to_hg19_list)
cisTopicObject <- scoredRegionsToCtx(cisTopicObject, liftOver=hg38_to_hg19_list)
pathToFeather <- "hg19-regions-1M-9species.all_regions.mc9nr.feather"
cisTopicObject <- topicsRcisTarget(cisTopicObject, genome='hg19', pathToFeather, reduced_database=FALSE, nesThreshold=3, rocthr=0.005, maxRank=20000, nCores=1)
cisTopicObject<- getCistromes(cisTopicObject, annotation = 'Both', nCores=5)