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ACCE Research Data and Project Management


10-11 April 2019, University of Sheffield

Dr Anna Krystalli @annakrystalli

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You got data. Is it enough?

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#otherpeoplesdata dream match!

Thought experiment: Imagine a dream open data set

How would you locate it?

  • what details would you need to know to determine relevance?
  • what information would you need to know to use it?

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metadata = data about data

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"Information that describes, explains, locates, or in some way makes it easier to find, access, and use a resource (in this case, data).""

Backbone of digital curation

Without it, a digital resource may be irretrievable, unidentifiable or unusable

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  • enables identification, location and retrieval of data, often includes use of controlled vocabularies for classification and indexing.


  • describes the technical processes used to produce, or required to use a digital data object.


  • used to manage administrative aspects of the digital object e.g. intellectual property rights and acquisition.
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Elements of metadata

  • Structured data files:

    • readable by machines and humans, accessible through the web
  • Controlled vocabularies eg. NERC Vocabulary server

    • allows for connectivity of data


  • By structuring & adhering to controlled vocabularies, data can be combined, accessed and searched!
  • Different communities develop different standards which define both the structure and content of metadata
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metadata in research

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Identifying the right metadata standard

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Seek help from support teams

Most university libraries have assistants dedicated to Research Data Management:

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Key metadata:

the bare minimum

document data coverage information

  • taxonomic coverage: a table containing taxonomic information on species in data.
    • also record authority / source
  • temporal coverage: temporal range and resolution details
  • spatial coverage:
    • a human readable geographic description of the study area
    • spatial range and resolution details
    • include depth (marine/freshwater) or altitudinal (terrestrial) information

Make sure to record units!

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document protocols in a methods document

Keep a dynamic document used to plan, record and write up methods.

Any additional information other users would need to combine your data with theirs? Record it

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Practical metadata

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Teaching this course has always felt challenging in terms of practical exercises

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Teaching this course has always felt challenging in terms of practical exercises

  • Defining Metadata & explaining importance: ✅
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Teaching this course has always felt challenging in terms of practical exercises

  • Defining Metadata & explaining importance: ✅

  • Advising on domain specific Controlled Vocabularies & structure

  • How can we practice creating metadata?

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rOpenSci Unconf 18

May 21 - 22, 2018. Seattle

rOpenSci Unconf mission

bringing together scientists, developers, and open data enthusiasts from academia, industry, government, and non-profits to get together for a few days and hack on various projects.

Ideas for projects submitted through GitHub issues in the runconf18 repo

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issue #72 🙋

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Metadata team!

Luckily, a whole bunch of other awesome folks were also thinking about these topics and interested in working on them! 🤩

(in alphabetical order):

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rOpenSciLabs pkg dataspice

Package dataspice makes it easier for researchers to create basic, lightweight and concise metadata files for their datasets.

  • Metadata collected in csv files
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rOpenSciLabs pkg dataspice

Package dataspice makes it easier for researchers to create basic, lightweight and concise metadata files for their datasets.

  • Metadata collected in csv files

  • Metadata fields are based on schema.org

    • underlies Google Datasets metadata specification
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rOpenSciLabs pkg dataspice

Package dataspice makes it easier for researchers to create basic, lightweight and concise metadata files for their datasets.

  • Metadata collected in csv files

  • Metadata fields are based on schema.org

    • underlies Google Datasets metadata specification
  • Helper functions and shinyapps to extract and edit metadata files.
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rOpenSciLabs pkg dataspice

Package dataspice makes it easier for researchers to create basic, lightweight and concise metadata files for their datasets.

  • Metadata collected in csv files

  • Metadata fields are based on schema.org

    • underlies Google Datasets metadata specification
  • Helper functions and shinyapps to extract and edit metadata files.

  • Ability to produce:

    • structured json-ld metadata file.
    • a helpful dataset README webpage.

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Google unveils search engine for open data

The tool, called Google Dataset Search, should help researchers to find the data they need more easily.

Nature NEWS - 05 SEPTEMBER 2018


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dataspice tutorial

The goal of dataspice-tutorial is a practical exercise in creating metadata for an example field collected data product using package dataspice.

  • Understand basic metadata and why it is important
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dataspice tutorial

The goal of dataspice-tutorial is a practical exercise in creating metadata for an example field collected data product using package dataspice.

  • Understand basic metadata and why it is important

  • Understand where and how to store them

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dataspice tutorial

The goal of dataspice-tutorial is a practical exercise in creating metadata for an example field collected data product using package dataspice.

  • Understand basic metadata and why it is important

  • Understand where and how to store them

  • Understand how they can feed into more complex metadata objects.

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dataspice workflow

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Example dataset

Data source :

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) data portal

Dataset selected:

Woody plant vegetation structure

This data product contains the quality-controlled, native sampling resolution data from in-situ measurements of live and standing dead woody individuals and shrub groups, from all terrestrial NEON sites with qualifying woody vegetation.

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Example dataset

Data source :

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) data portal

Dataset selected:

Woody plant vegetation structure

This data product contains the quality-controlled, native sampling resolution data from in-situ measurements of live and standing dead woody individuals and shrub groups, from all terrestrial NEON sites with qualifying woody vegetation.

  • Structure and mapping data are reported per individual per plot

  • Sampling metadata, such as per growth form sampling area, are reported per plot.

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dataspice workshop data

The data are a trimmed subset of data downladed from the NEON data portal after filtering for:

  • time periods between 2015-06 - 2016-06

  • locations within NEON Domain area D01: Northeast

Filter returned data from 2 sites from 2015-6 to 2015-11.


National Ecological Observatory Network. 2018. Data Products: DP1.10098.001. Provisional data downloaded from http://data.neonscience.org on 2018-05-04. Battelle, Boulder, CO, USA

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Plot level data

## # A tibble: 165 x 14
## date siteID plotID plotType nlcdClass decimalLatitude
## <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 2015-06-06 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 2 2015-07-16 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 3 2015-07-21 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 4 2015-07-22 BART BART_… tower mixedFor… 44.1
## 5 2015-07-22 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 6 2015-07-22 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 7 2015-07-22 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 8 2015-07-23 BART BART_… tower mixedFor… 44.1
## 9 2015-07-23 BART BART_… tower deciduou… 44.1
## 10 2015-07-28 BART BART_… tower mixedFor… 44.1
## # … with 155 more rows, and 8 more variables: decimalLongitude <dbl>,
## # treesPresent <lgl>, shrubsPresent <lgl>, lianasPresent <lgl>,
## # totalSampledAreaTrees <dbl>, totalSampledAreaShrubSapling <dbl>,
## # totalSampledAreaLiana <dbl>, recordedBy <chr>
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Individual level data

## # A tibble: 1,799 x 7
## date siteID plotID individualID taxonID scientificName recordedBy
## <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 2015-08-04 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… TSCA Tsuga canaden… 6HzkzFDdL…
## 2 2015-08-04 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… TSCA Tsuga canaden… 6HzkzFDdL…
## 3 2015-07-22 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… FAGR Fagus grandif… zODC+zTh3…
## 4 2015-08-26 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… FAGR Fagus grandif… zODC+zTh3…
## 5 2015-08-04 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… PICEA Picea sp. 6HzkzFDdL…
## 6 2015-08-04 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… TSCA Tsuga canaden… 0uwWHUCkG…
## 7 2015-07-22 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… FAGR Fagus grandif… zODC+zTh3…
## 8 2015-08-12 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… FAGR Fagus grandif… jRr6tAEXv…
## 9 2015-07-22 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… FAGR Fagus grandif… jRr6tAEXv…
## 10 2015-08-25 BART BART_0… NEON.PLA.D0… FAGR Fagus grandif… 0uwWHUCkG…
## # … with 1,789 more rows
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time for some live coding 😱

or head to the tutorial if working through this on your own

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Additional metadata tips

  • The approach we went for is very general / minimal

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Additional metadata tips

  • The approach we went for is very general / minimal

  • You can make your datasets more discoverable by developing richer/more domain specific metadata files.

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Additional metadata tips

  • The approach we went for is very general / minimal

  • You can make your datasets more discoverable by developing richer/more domain specific metadata files.

  • eg. create Ecological Metadata Language (EML) metadata using r pkg EML.


  • reposit your data at KNB
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Additional metadata tips

  • The approach we went for is very general / minimal

  • You can make your datasets more discoverable by developing richer/more domain specific metadata files.

  • eg. create Ecological Metadata Language (EML) metadata using r pkg EML.


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KNB data portal

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KNB data portal

Rich interactive metadata

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Parting words

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Parting words

  • Any metadata documentation is better than none 👍

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Parting words

  • Any metadata documentation is better than none 👍

  • Start small and build up to more complex standards 💯

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Parting words

  • Any metadata documentation is better than none 👍

  • Start small and build up to more complex standards 💯

    • But make sure to cover bare minimum ⚠️

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Parting words

  • Any metadata documentation is better than none 👍

  • Start small and build up to more complex standards 💯

    • But make sure to cover bare minimum ⚠️

  • Reach out for help from your local librarians or try the rOpenSci discussion board 🙋

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Parting words

  • Any metadata documentation is better than none 👍

  • Start small and build up to more complex standards 💯

    • But make sure to cover bare minimum ⚠️

  • Reach out for help from your local librarians or try the rOpenSci discussion board 🙋


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You got data. Is it enough?

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