• Create analysis
    • paper.Rmd
    • references.bib
    • data/
  • create journal article template using rticles

Create analysis

✔ Adding bookdown to Imports
✔ Creating 'analysis' directory and contents
✔ Creating 'analysis'
✔ Creating 'analysis/paper'
✔ Creating 'analysis/figures'
✔ Creating 'analysis/templates'
✔ Creating 'analysis/data'
✔ Creating 'analysis/data/raw_data'
✔ Creating 'analysis/data/derived_data'
✔ Creating 'references.bib' from template.
✔ Creating 'paper.Rmd' from template.

Next, you need to:  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 
● Write your article/report/thesis, start at the paper.Rmd file
● Add the citation style library file (csl) to replace the default provided here, see https://github.com/citation-style-language/
● Add bibliographic details of cited items to the 'references.bib' file
● For adding captions & cross-referencing in an Rmd, see https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/
● For adding citations & reference lists in an Rmd, see http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_bibliographies_and_citations.html

Note that:
⚠ Your data files are tracked by Git and will be pushed to GitHub

This adds the following files:

├── analysis
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── derived_data
│   │   └── raw_data
│   ├── figures
│   ├── paper
│   │   ├── paper.Rmd
│   │   └── references.bib
│   └── templates
│       ├── journal-of-archaeological-science.csl
│       ├── template.Rmd
│       └── template.docx
├── man
└── rrcompendium.Rproj

Let’s inspect


paper.Rmd is ready to write in and render with bookdown. It includes:

  • a YAML header that identifies the references.bib file and the supplied csl file (to style the reference list) - a colophon that adds some git commit details to the end of the document. This means that the output file (HTML/PDF/Word) is always traceable to a specific state of the code.


The references.bib file has just one item to demonstrate the format. It is ready to insert more reference details.

We can replace the supplied csl file with a different citation style from https://github.com/citation-style-language/


Move gillespie.csv from the materials you downloaded in rrtools-wkshp-materials-master/ to analysis/data/raw_data/ in rrcompendium

Your data folder should now look like this:

├── derived_data
└── raw_data
    └── gillespie.csv

create journal article template using rticles

  1. Use the New R Markdown dialog to create an article from one of the templates. Select:
  • Template: Elesevier Journal Article
  • Name: paper
  • Location: ~/Documents/workflows/rrcompendium/analysis

  1. Use the rmarkdown::draft() function to create articles:
rmarkdown::draft(here::here("analysis","paper.Rmd"), template = "elsevier_article", package = "rticles")
├── elsarticle.cls
├── mybibfile.bib
├── numcompress.sty
└── paper.Rmd