• Version control
  • Set up GITHUB PAT
    • Create GitHub repository
  • update README
    • compendium DOI
    • paper.pdf DOI
    • compendium citation
    • update zip url
    • Adjust data LICENSE to match the source compendium license which CC-BY 4.0
  • Recap

Version control


You’ll need a Personal Authorisation Token (PAT) from GitHub to be able to interact with GitHub through R.



to open up the GitHub panel to generate your PAT.

Copy the generated PAT to paste into your .Renviron file as system variable GITHUB_PAT.

You open and edit your .Renviron file with:


Paste it into your .Renviron file as system variable GITHUB_PAT, save and close.

Create GitHub repository

✔ Setting active project to '/Users/Anna/Documents/workflows/rrcompendium'
● Check title and description
  Name:        rrcompendium
  Description: Partial Reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267 with rrtools
Are title and description ok?
1: Not now
2: Definitely
3: Nope
✔ Creating GitHub repository
✔ Adding GitHub remote
✔ Adding GitHub links to DESCRIPTION
✔ Setting URL field in DESCRIPTION to 'https://github.com/annakrystalli/rrcompendium'
✔ Setting BugReports field in DESCRIPTION to 'https://github.com/annakrystalli/rrcompendium/issues'
✔ Pushing to GitHub and setting remote tracking branch
✔ Opening URL https://github.com/annakrystalli/rrcompendium



✔ Creating 'README.Rmd' from template.
✔ Adding 'README.Rmd' to `.Rbuildignore`.
● Modify 'README.Rmd'
✔ Rendering README.Rmd to README.md for GitHub.
✔ Adding code of conduct.
✔ Creating 'CONDUCT.md' from template.
✔ Adding 'CONDUCT.md' to `.Rbuildignore`.
✔ Adding instructions to contributors.
✔ Creating 'CONTRIBUTING.md' from template.
✔ Adding 'CONTRIBUTING.md' to `.Rbuildignore`.

This generates README.Rmd and renders it to README.md, ready to display on GitHub. It contains:

  • a template citation to show others how to cite your project.
  • license information for the text, figures, code and data in your compendium

The call also adds two other markdown files:

  • a code of conduct for users CONDUCT.md
  • basic instructions for people who want to contribute to our compendium CONTRIBUTING.md.
output: github_document

<!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->

``{r, echo = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

# rrcompendium

This repository contains the data and code for our paper:

> Authors, (YYYY). _Title of paper_. Name of journal/book <https://doi.org/xxx/xxx>

Our pre-print is online here:

> Authors, (YYYY). _Title of paper_. Name of journal/book, Accessed 30 Oct 2018. Online at <https://doi.org/xxx/xxx>

### How to cite

Please cite this compendium as:

> Authors, (2018). _Compendium of R code and data for 'Title of paper'_. Accessed 30 Oct 2018. Online at <https://doi.org/xxx/xxx>

### How to download or install

You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL: </archive/master.zip>

Or you can install this compendium as an R package, rrcompendium, from GitHub with:
### Licenses

**Text and figures :**  [CC-BY-4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

**Code :** See the [DESCRIPTION](DESCRIPTION) file

**Data :** [CC-0](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) attribution requested in reuse

### Contributions

We welcome contributions from everyone. Before you get started, please see our [contributor guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

update README

compendium DOI

This repository contains the data and code for our reproduction paper:

> Krystalli, A, (2018). _Partial Reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267 with rrtools_.  <https://doi.org/{DOI-to-paper}>

paper.pdf DOI

Our reproduction pre-print is online here:

> Krystalli, A, (2018). _Partial Reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267 with rrtools_, Accessed 30 Oct 2018. Online at <https://doi.org/{DOI-to-compendium}>

compendium citation

Please cite this compendium as:

> Krystalli, A, (2018). _Compendium of R code and data for 'Partial Reproduction of Boettiger Ecology Letters 2018;21:1255–1267 with rrtools'_. Accessed 30 Oct 2018. Online at <https://doi.org/{DOI-to-compendium}>

update zip url

This is a link to download a zipped file of the repository. To update the template, just paste the url of your compendium repository like so:

### How to download or install

You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL: <https://github.com/annakrystalli/rrcompendium/archive/master.zip>

Adjust data LICENSE to match the source compendium license which CC-BY 4.0

**Text and figures :**  [CC-BY-4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

**Code :** See the [DESCRIPTION](DESCRIPTION) file

**Data :** [CC-BY-4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), Copyright (c) 2018 Carl Boettiger.


We’ve now completed our rrtools README.Rmd! 🎉

Render it to update the README.md file which github displays

Commit and push to GitHub

and your project folder should contain:

├── CONDUCT.md
├── LICENSE.md
├── R
├── README.Rmd
├── README.md
├── man
└── rrcompendium.Rproj