Last updated: 2021-01-21

Checks: 6 1

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/.snakemake/conda-archive/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/.snakemake/conda/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/.snakemake/locks/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/.snakemake/shadow/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/.snakemake/singularity/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/.snakemake/tmp.3ekfs3n5/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/fastq/
    Ignored:    code/bulkRNA_preprocessing/out/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/.snakemake/conda-archive/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/.snakemake/conda/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/.snakemake/locks/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/.snakemake/shadow/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/.snakemake/singularity/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/YG-AH-2S-ANT-1_S1_L008/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/YG-AH-2S-ANT-2_S2_L008/
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/demuxlet/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    code/single_cell_preprocessing/fastq/
    Ignored:    data/external_scRNA/Chou_et_al2020/
    Ignored:    data/external_scRNA/Jietal2018/
    Ignored:    data/external_scRNA/Wuetal2021/
    Ignored:    data/external_scRNA/merged_external_scRNA.rds
    Ignored:    data/poweranalysis/alasoo_et_al/
    Ignored:    output/GO_terms_enriched.csv
    Ignored:    output/topicModel_k=7.rds
    Ignored:    output/voom_results.rds

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/figure/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   .gitignore
    Modified:   analysis/DEanalysis_bulkRNA.Rmd

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/DEanalysis_bulkRNA.Rmd) and HTML (docs/DEanalysis_bulkRNA.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 78cfbcd Anthony Hung 2021-01-21 finish paring down files
Rmd e3fbd0f Anthony Hung 2021-01-21 add ward et al data files to data
Rmd 0711682 Anthony Hung 2021-01-21 start normalization file
Rmd 28f57fa Anthony Hung 2021-01-19 Add files for analysis


This code takes as input the filtered count data and two factors of unwanted variation fit by RUVs. It then uses limma and voom to perform differential expression analysis between treatment conditions using the data. After we have a set of differentially expressed genes, we look for enrichments amongst DE genes in GO pathways and previously published osteoarthritis datasets.

Load libraries and data


#load in filtered count data, RUVs output
filt_counts <- readRDS("data/filtered_counts.rds")
filt_counts <- filt_counts$counts
RUVsOut <- readRDS("data/RUVsOut.rds")

# load gene annotations
gene_anno <- read.delim("data/gene-annotation.txt",
                        sep = "\t")

# load in reordered sample information
sampleinfo <- readRDS("data/")

Specify design matrix for Linear mixed model

anno <- pData(RUVsOut)
x <- paste0(anno$Individual, anno$treatment)

anno$LibraryPrepBatch <- factor(anno$LibraryPrepBatch, levels = c("1", "2"))
anno$Replicate <- factor(anno$Replicate, levels = c("1", "2", "3"))

design <- model.matrix(~treatment + Individual + W_1 + W_2 + RIN,
                       data = anno)
colnames(design) <- gsub("treatment", "", colnames(design))
[1] "(Intercept)"        "Unstrain"           "IndividualNA18856 "
[4] "IndividualNA19160 " "W_1"                "W_2"               
[7] "RIN"               
# Model replicate as a random effect
# Recommended to run both voom and duplicateCorrelation twice.

#TMM Normalization
y <- DGEList(filt_counts)
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "TMM")
#Voom for differential expression
v1 <- voom(y, design)
corfit1 <- duplicateCorrelation(v1, design, block = x)
Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable
[1] 0.3550961
v2 <- voom(y, design, block = x, correlation = corfit1$consensus.correlation)
corfit2 <- duplicateCorrelation(v2, design, block = x)
Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable
[1] 0.3552816
fit <- lmFit(v2, design, block = x,
             correlation = corfit2$consensus.correlation)
fit <- eBayes(fit)

saveRDS(v2, "output/voom_results.rds")

Assess model results

get_results <- function(x, number = nrow(x$coefficients), = "none",
                        ...) {
  # x - object MArrayLM from eBayes output
  # ... - additional arguments passed to topTable
  stopifnot(class(x) == "MArrayLM")
  results <- topTable(x, number = number, =, ...)

top_treatment <- get_results(fit, coef = "Unstrain", = "B")
                     logFC  AveExpr         t      P.Value    adj.P.Val
ENSG00000102317  0.9649351 6.618275  9.783461 1.949206e-08 0.0002043938
ENSG00000104368 -3.0870735 3.752845 -7.948281 3.730563e-07 0.0019559341
ENSG00000100292 -1.1063623 5.399063 -7.094331 1.703017e-06 0.0054809583
ENSG00000080824 -0.5377509 8.888183 -6.532144 4.882916e-06 0.0054809583
ENSG00000133142  0.5626177 7.056136  6.518984 5.007395e-06 0.0054809583
ENSG00000181019 -0.7825629 5.824147 -6.484784 5.346514e-06 0.0054809583
ENSG00000102317 9.596620
ENSG00000104368 6.308490
ENSG00000100292 5.350899
ENSG00000080824 4.351922
ENSG00000133142 4.324081
ENSG00000181019 4.268181
results_treatment <- get_results(fit, coef = "Unstrain",
                              number = nrow(filt_counts), sort = "none")
ma_treatment <- ggplot(data.frame(Amean = fit$Amean, logFC = fit$coef[, "Unstrain"]),
                       aes(x = Amean, y = logFC)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Average expression level", y = "Log fold change",
       title = "Treatment effect")

hist_treatment <- ggplot(results_treatment, aes(x = P.Value)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
  labs(x = "p-value", y = "Number of genes", title = "Treatment effect")

Use ash for mutliple testing correction

Treatment effect.

run_ash <- function(x, coef) {
  # Perform multiple testing correction with adaptive shrinkage (ASH)
  # x - object MArrayLM from eBayes output
  # coef - coefficient tested by eBayes
  stopifnot(class(x) == "MArrayLM", coef %in% colnames(x$coefficients))
  result <- ash(betahat = x$coefficients[, coef],
                sebetahat = x$stdev.unscaled[, coef] * sqrt(x$,
                df = x$[1])

ash_treatment <- run_ash(fit, "Unstrain")
[1] "ash"
[1] "fitted_g" "loglik"   "logLR"    "data"     "result"   "call"    
sum(ash_treatment$result$svalue < .05)
[1] 773


plot_ma <- function(x, qval) {
  # Create MA plot.
  # x - data frame with topTable and ASH output
  #     (columns logFC, AveExpr, and qvalue)
  # qval - qvalue cutoff for calling a gene DE
  stopifnot(, c("logFC", "AveExpr", "qvalue") %in% colnames(x),
            is.numeric(qval), qval <= 1, qval >= 0)
  x$highlight <- ifelse(x$qvalue < qval, "darkred", "gray75")
  x$highlight <- factor(x$highlight, levels = c("darkred", "gray75"))
  ggplot(x, aes(x = AveExpr, y = logFC, color = highlight, shape = highlight)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(x = "Average expression level", y = "Log fold change") +
    scale_color_identity(drop = FALSE) +
    scale_shape_manual(values = c(16, 1), drop = FALSE) +
    theme(legend.position = "none")
#   scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "white", limits = c(0, 0.25))

plot_volcano <- function(x, qval) {
  # Create volcano plot.
  # x - data frame with topTable and ASH output
  #     (columns logFC, P.Value, and qvalue)
  # qval - qvalue cutoff for calling a gene DE
  stopifnot(, c("logFC", "P.Value", "qvalue") %in% colnames(x),
            is.numeric(qval), qval <= 1, qval >= 0)
  x$highlight <- ifelse(x$qvalue < qval, "darkred", "gray75")
  x$highlight <- factor(x$highlight, levels = c("darkred", "gray75"))
  ggplot(x, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(P.Value), color = highlight)) +
    geom_point(shape = 1) +
    labs(x = "Log fold change",
         y = expression(-log[10] * " p-value")) +
    scale_color_identity(drop = FALSE) +
    theme(legend.position = "none")

plot_pval_hist <- function(x, qval) {
  # Create histogram of p-values.
  # x - data frame with topTable and ash output (columns P.Value and qvalue)
  # qval - qvalue cutoff for calling a gene DE
  stopifnot(, c("P.Value", "qvalue") %in% colnames(x))
  x$highlight <- ifelse(x$qvalue < qval, "darkred", "gray75")
  x$highlight <- factor(x$highlight, levels = c("darkred", "gray75"))
  ggplot(x, aes(x = P.Value, fill = highlight)) +
    geom_histogram(position = "stack", binwidth = 0.01) +
    scale_fill_identity(drop = FALSE) +
    labs(x = "p-value", y = "Number of genes")
tests <- colnames(fit$coefficients)
results <- vector(length = length(tests), mode = "list")
names(results) <- tests

for (test in tests[c(1:7)]) {
  # Extract limma results
  results[[test]] <- get_results(fit, coef = test)
  # Add mutliple testing correction with ASH
  output_ash <- run_ash(fit, coef = test)$result
  results[[test]] <- cbind(results[[test]], lfsr = output_ash$lfsr,
                           lfdr = output_ash$lfdr, qvalue = output_ash$qvalue,
                           svalue = output_ash$svalue)
[1] "(Intercept)"
[1] "Unstrain"
[1] "IndividualNA18856 "
[1] "IndividualNA19160 "
[1] "W_1"
[1] "W_2"
[1] "RIN"
#FDR 0.05
plot_ma(results[["Unstrain"]], 0.05)

plot_volcano(results[["Unstrain"]], 0.05)

plot_pval_hist(results[["Unstrain"]], 0.05)

table(results[["Unstrain"]]$qvalue < 0.05)

 9499   987 
significant_genes_05 <- row.names(results[["Unstrain"]])[results[["Unstrain"]]$qvalue < 0.05]
significant_symbols_05 <- gene_anno$external_gene_name[match(significant_genes_05, gene_anno$ensembl_gene_id)]
[1] DVL1   MRPL20 MMP23B PEX10  CEP104 ACOT7 
56858 Levels: A1BG A1BG-AS1 A1CF A2M A2M-AS1 A2ML1 A2ML1-AS1 ... ZZEF1
significant_anno_05 <- gene_anno[match(significant_genes_05, gene_anno$ensembl_gene_id),]

Gene ontology analysis with topGO

Use topGO for GO analysis. It accounts for the nested graph structure of GO terms to prune the number of GO categories tested (Alexa et al. 2006). Essentially, it decreases the redundancy of the results.

# k-s test making use of ranked based on p-values
genes <- results[["Unstrain"]]$qvalue
names(genes) <- rownames(results[["Unstrain"]])

selection <- function(allScore){ return(allScore < 0.05)} # function that returns TRUE/FALSE for p-values<0.05
allGO2genes <-"BP", feasibleGenes=NULL, mapping="", ID="ensembl")
Loading required package:
GOdata <- new("topGOdata",

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
results.ks <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm="classic", statistic="ks")

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
goEnrichment <- GenTable(GOdata, KS=results.ks, orderBy="KS", topNodes=20)
goEnrichment <- goEnrichment %>% 
     mutate(KS = ifelse(grepl("<", KS), 1e-30, KS))
goEnrichment$KS <- as.numeric(goEnrichment$KS)
goEnrichment <- goEnrichment[goEnrichment$KS<0.05,]
goEnrichment <- goEnrichment[,c("GO.ID","Term","KS")]
goEnrichment$Term <- gsub(" [a-z]*\\.\\.\\.$", "", goEnrichment$Term)
goEnrichment$Term <- gsub("\\.\\.\\.$", "", goEnrichment$Term)
goEnrichment$Term <- paste(goEnrichment$GO.ID, goEnrichment$Term, sep=", ")
goEnrichment$Term <- factor(goEnrichment$Term, levels=rev(goEnrichment$Term))
goEnrichment$KS <- as.numeric(goEnrichment$KS)

ggplot(goEnrichment, aes(x=Term, y=-log10(KS))) +
    stat_summary(geom = "bar", fun = mean, position = "dodge") +
    xlab("Biological process") +
    ylab("Enrichment") +
    ggtitle("Title") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = round(seq(0, max(-log10(goEnrichment$KS)), by = 2), 1)) +
    theme_bw(base_size=24) +
        plot.title=element_text(angle=0, size=24, face="bold", vjust=1),
        axis.text.x=element_text(angle=0, size=18, face="bold", hjust=1.10),
        axis.text.y=element_text(angle=0, size=18, face="bold", vjust=0.5),
        axis.title=element_text(size=24, face="bold"),
        legend.key=element_blank(),     #removes the border
        legend.key.size=unit(1, "cm"),      #Sets overall area/size of the legend
        legend.text=element_text(size=18),  #Text size
        title=element_text(size=18)) +
    guides(colour=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=2.5))) +

Additional analysis permuting samples:

From Ben Fair: “i have a suggestion for an analysis as a check that all your DE results (like the GO analysis, the enrichment for DE genes from published datasets) are robust… i’m not sure this is statistically perfect but its something that I think makes sense to try, for my own sanity: if you randomly reassign control and treatment labels and re-attampt DE testing, do all of those interesting results go away? the worry i am trying to address, is that you have some enrichment of DE genes in interesting GO categories for example, but is that just because you have more DE power for detecting highly expressed genes in this cell type (even if they are only modestly or not truly DE), and that is what drives the GO enrichment.”

#scramble treatment labels (x3) and store the DE genes (each time, randomly assign 9 samples to be strain)
permuted_results <- vector("list", 12)
for(time in 1:6){
     #set up DE and scramble labels
     anno <- pData(RUVsOut)
     x <- paste0(anno$Individual, anno$treatment)

     anno$LibraryPrepBatch <- factor(anno$LibraryPrepBatch, levels = c("1", "2"))
     anno$Replicate <- factor(anno$Replicate, levels = c("1", "2", "3"))

     strain_indices <- sample(nrow(anno), 9)
     anno$treatment <- "Unstrain"
     anno$treatment[strain_indices] <- "Strain"
     design <- model.matrix(~treatment + Individual + W_1 + W_2 + RIN,
                       data = anno)
     colnames(design) <- gsub("treatment", "", colnames(design))

     permuted_results[[time]] <- anno

     #perform DE
     #TMM Normalization
     y <- DGEList(filt_counts)
     y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "TMM")
     #Voom for differential expression
     v1 <- voom(y, design)
     corfit1 <- duplicateCorrelation(v1, design, block = x)
     v2 <- voom(y, design, block = x, correlation = corfit1$consensus.correlation)
     corfit2 <- duplicateCorrelation(v2, design, block = x)
     fit <- lmFit(v2, design, block = x,
             correlation = corfit2$consensus.correlation)
     fit <- eBayes(fit)

     tests <- colnames(fit$coefficients)
     results <- vector(length = length(tests), mode = "list")
     names(results) <- tests

     for (test in tests[c(1:7)]) {
     # Extract limma results
      results[[test]] <- get_results(fit, coef = test)
     # Add mutliple testing correction with ASH
     output_ash <- run_ash(fit, coef = test)$result
     results[[test]] <- cbind(results[[test]], lfsr = output_ash$lfsr,
                              lfdr = output_ash$lfdr, qvalue = output_ash$qvalue,
                              svalue = output_ash$svalue)

     #store results
     permuted_results[[6+time]] <- results[["Unstrain"]]
Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable

Warning in, dy, coef.start = start, tol = tol, maxit =
maxit, : Too much damping - convergence tolerance not achievable
#visualize what the permutations look like (what the scrambled labels look like)
for(time in 1:6){
          Sample_ID Individual Sex Replicate treatment  RIN
18855_3_S 18855_3_S   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
19160_3_S 19160_3_S   NA19160    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_3_U 18856_3_U   NA18856    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_1_U 18856_1_U   NA18856    M         1  Unstrain  9.9
18855_2_S 18855_2_S   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
18856_2_S 18856_2_S   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.6
19160_3_U 19160_3_U   NA19160    M         3    Strain 10.0
18855_2_U 18855_2_U   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
19160_2_S 19160_2_S   NA19160    M         2  Unstrain 10.0
18855_1_S 18855_1_S   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain  9.9
18856_1_S 18856_1_S   NA18856    M         1  Unstrain  8.5
19160_1_S 19160_1_S   NA19160    M         1    Strain  9.9
19160_2_U 19160_2_U   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_U 18855_1_U   NA18855    F         1    Strain 10.0
18856_3_S 18856_3_S   NA18856    M         3    Strain  9.6
18856_2_U 18856_2_U   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.5
18855_3_U 18855_3_U   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
          LibraryPrepBatch  LibSize          W_1        W_2
18855_3_S                2 15419569  0.541963415 -1.1181740
19160_3_S                2 15177653  0.376349314 -1.4100700
18856_3_U                2 13722909  0.857248982 -0.8808562
18856_1_U                1 18647599  1.113674153 -1.5466409
18855_2_S                1 18256163  0.733375747 -0.7617020
18856_2_S                1 16782764 -0.051863231 -1.3484210
19160_3_U                2 19839604  0.224499121 -1.5560509
18855_2_U                1 18618691  0.665015743 -0.9464050
19160_2_S                1 16622407  0.308745015 -1.5149287
18855_1_S                1 19712744  0.626769726 -1.5366695
18856_1_S                1 13571439  1.038716806 -1.2664724
19160_1_S                1 20979958  0.461484490 -2.0300296
19160_2_U                1 20924281  0.002654243 -1.9184820
18855_1_U                1 20146697  0.649711618 -1.4110342
18856_3_S                2 15807863  0.728747075 -0.9909086
18856_2_U                1 15142152  0.359175096 -1.0809905
18855_3_U                2 18157918  0.487681866 -1.2290497
          Sample_ID Individual Sex Replicate treatment  RIN
18855_3_S 18855_3_S   NA18855    F         3    Strain 10.0
19160_3_S 19160_3_S   NA19160    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_U 18856_3_U   NA18856    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_1_U 18856_1_U   NA18856    M         1  Unstrain  9.9
18855_2_S 18855_2_S   NA18855    F         2    Strain 10.0
18856_2_S 18856_2_S   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.6
19160_3_U 19160_3_U   NA19160    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18855_2_U 18855_2_U   NA18855    F         2    Strain 10.0
19160_2_S 19160_2_S   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_S 18855_1_S   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain  9.9
18856_1_S 18856_1_S   NA18856    M         1    Strain  8.5
19160_1_S 19160_1_S   NA19160    M         1  Unstrain  9.9
19160_2_U 19160_2_U   NA19160    M         2  Unstrain 10.0
18855_1_U 18855_1_U   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_S 18856_3_S   NA18856    M         3  Unstrain  9.6
18856_2_U 18856_2_U   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.5
18855_3_U 18855_3_U   NA18855    F         3    Strain 10.0
          LibraryPrepBatch  LibSize          W_1        W_2
18855_3_S                2 15419569  0.541963415 -1.1181740
19160_3_S                2 15177653  0.376349314 -1.4100700
18856_3_U                2 13722909  0.857248982 -0.8808562
18856_1_U                1 18647599  1.113674153 -1.5466409
18855_2_S                1 18256163  0.733375747 -0.7617020
18856_2_S                1 16782764 -0.051863231 -1.3484210
19160_3_U                2 19839604  0.224499121 -1.5560509
18855_2_U                1 18618691  0.665015743 -0.9464050
19160_2_S                1 16622407  0.308745015 -1.5149287
18855_1_S                1 19712744  0.626769726 -1.5366695
18856_1_S                1 13571439  1.038716806 -1.2664724
19160_1_S                1 20979958  0.461484490 -2.0300296
19160_2_U                1 20924281  0.002654243 -1.9184820
18855_1_U                1 20146697  0.649711618 -1.4110342
18856_3_S                2 15807863  0.728747075 -0.9909086
18856_2_U                1 15142152  0.359175096 -1.0809905
18855_3_U                2 18157918  0.487681866 -1.2290497
          Sample_ID Individual Sex Replicate treatment  RIN
18855_3_S 18855_3_S   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
19160_3_S 19160_3_S   NA19160    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_U 18856_3_U   NA18856    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_1_U 18856_1_U   NA18856    M         1  Unstrain  9.9
18855_2_S 18855_2_S   NA18855    F         2    Strain 10.0
18856_2_S 18856_2_S   NA18856    M         2  Unstrain  9.6
19160_3_U 19160_3_U   NA19160    M         3    Strain 10.0
18855_2_U 18855_2_U   NA18855    F         2    Strain 10.0
19160_2_S 19160_2_S   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_S 18855_1_S   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain  9.9
18856_1_S 18856_1_S   NA18856    M         1  Unstrain  8.5
19160_1_S 19160_1_S   NA19160    M         1    Strain  9.9
19160_2_U 19160_2_U   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_U 18855_1_U   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_S 18856_3_S   NA18856    M         3    Strain  9.6
18856_2_U 18856_2_U   NA18856    M         2  Unstrain  9.5
18855_3_U 18855_3_U   NA18855    F         3    Strain 10.0
          LibraryPrepBatch  LibSize          W_1        W_2
18855_3_S                2 15419569  0.541963415 -1.1181740
19160_3_S                2 15177653  0.376349314 -1.4100700
18856_3_U                2 13722909  0.857248982 -0.8808562
18856_1_U                1 18647599  1.113674153 -1.5466409
18855_2_S                1 18256163  0.733375747 -0.7617020
18856_2_S                1 16782764 -0.051863231 -1.3484210
19160_3_U                2 19839604  0.224499121 -1.5560509
18855_2_U                1 18618691  0.665015743 -0.9464050
19160_2_S                1 16622407  0.308745015 -1.5149287
18855_1_S                1 19712744  0.626769726 -1.5366695
18856_1_S                1 13571439  1.038716806 -1.2664724
19160_1_S                1 20979958  0.461484490 -2.0300296
19160_2_U                1 20924281  0.002654243 -1.9184820
18855_1_U                1 20146697  0.649711618 -1.4110342
18856_3_S                2 15807863  0.728747075 -0.9909086
18856_2_U                1 15142152  0.359175096 -1.0809905
18855_3_U                2 18157918  0.487681866 -1.2290497
          Sample_ID Individual Sex Replicate treatment  RIN
18855_3_S 18855_3_S   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
19160_3_S 19160_3_S   NA19160    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_3_U 18856_3_U   NA18856    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18856_1_U 18856_1_U   NA18856    M         1    Strain  9.9
18855_2_S 18855_2_S   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
18856_2_S 18856_2_S   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.6
19160_3_U 19160_3_U   NA19160    M         3    Strain 10.0
18855_2_U 18855_2_U   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
19160_2_S 19160_2_S   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_S 18855_1_S   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain  9.9
18856_1_S 18856_1_S   NA18856    M         1    Strain  8.5
19160_1_S 19160_1_S   NA19160    M         1    Strain  9.9
19160_2_U 19160_2_U   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_U 18855_1_U   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_S 18856_3_S   NA18856    M         3  Unstrain  9.6
18856_2_U 18856_2_U   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.5
18855_3_U 18855_3_U   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
          LibraryPrepBatch  LibSize          W_1        W_2
18855_3_S                2 15419569  0.541963415 -1.1181740
19160_3_S                2 15177653  0.376349314 -1.4100700
18856_3_U                2 13722909  0.857248982 -0.8808562
18856_1_U                1 18647599  1.113674153 -1.5466409
18855_2_S                1 18256163  0.733375747 -0.7617020
18856_2_S                1 16782764 -0.051863231 -1.3484210
19160_3_U                2 19839604  0.224499121 -1.5560509
18855_2_U                1 18618691  0.665015743 -0.9464050
19160_2_S                1 16622407  0.308745015 -1.5149287
18855_1_S                1 19712744  0.626769726 -1.5366695
18856_1_S                1 13571439  1.038716806 -1.2664724
19160_1_S                1 20979958  0.461484490 -2.0300296
19160_2_U                1 20924281  0.002654243 -1.9184820
18855_1_U                1 20146697  0.649711618 -1.4110342
18856_3_S                2 15807863  0.728747075 -0.9909086
18856_2_U                1 15142152  0.359175096 -1.0809905
18855_3_U                2 18157918  0.487681866 -1.2290497
          Sample_ID Individual Sex Replicate treatment  RIN
18855_3_S 18855_3_S   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
19160_3_S 19160_3_S   NA19160    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_U 18856_3_U   NA18856    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_1_U 18856_1_U   NA18856    M         1    Strain  9.9
18855_2_S 18855_2_S   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
18856_2_S 18856_2_S   NA18856    M         2    Strain  9.6
19160_3_U 19160_3_U   NA19160    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18855_2_U 18855_2_U   NA18855    F         2    Strain 10.0
19160_2_S 19160_2_S   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_S 18855_1_S   NA18855    F         1    Strain  9.9
18856_1_S 18856_1_S   NA18856    M         1    Strain  8.5
19160_1_S 19160_1_S   NA19160    M         1    Strain  9.9
19160_2_U 19160_2_U   NA19160    M         2  Unstrain 10.0
18855_1_U 18855_1_U   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain 10.0
18856_3_S 18856_3_S   NA18856    M         3  Unstrain  9.6
18856_2_U 18856_2_U   NA18856    M         2  Unstrain  9.5
18855_3_U 18855_3_U   NA18855    F         3    Strain 10.0
          LibraryPrepBatch  LibSize          W_1        W_2
18855_3_S                2 15419569  0.541963415 -1.1181740
19160_3_S                2 15177653  0.376349314 -1.4100700
18856_3_U                2 13722909  0.857248982 -0.8808562
18856_1_U                1 18647599  1.113674153 -1.5466409
18855_2_S                1 18256163  0.733375747 -0.7617020
18856_2_S                1 16782764 -0.051863231 -1.3484210
19160_3_U                2 19839604  0.224499121 -1.5560509
18855_2_U                1 18618691  0.665015743 -0.9464050
19160_2_S                1 16622407  0.308745015 -1.5149287
18855_1_S                1 19712744  0.626769726 -1.5366695
18856_1_S                1 13571439  1.038716806 -1.2664724
19160_1_S                1 20979958  0.461484490 -2.0300296
19160_2_U                1 20924281  0.002654243 -1.9184820
18855_1_U                1 20146697  0.649711618 -1.4110342
18856_3_S                2 15807863  0.728747075 -0.9909086
18856_2_U                1 15142152  0.359175096 -1.0809905
18855_3_U                2 18157918  0.487681866 -1.2290497
          Sample_ID Individual Sex Replicate treatment  RIN
18855_3_S 18855_3_S   NA18855    F         3  Unstrain 10.0
19160_3_S 19160_3_S   NA19160    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_3_U 18856_3_U   NA18856    M         3    Strain 10.0
18856_1_U 18856_1_U   NA18856    M         1  Unstrain  9.9
18855_2_S 18855_2_S   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
18856_2_S 18856_2_S   NA18856    M         2  Unstrain  9.6
19160_3_U 19160_3_U   NA19160    M         3  Unstrain 10.0
18855_2_U 18855_2_U   NA18855    F         2  Unstrain 10.0
19160_2_S 19160_2_S   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_S 18855_1_S   NA18855    F         1  Unstrain  9.9
18856_1_S 18856_1_S   NA18856    M         1    Strain  8.5
19160_1_S 19160_1_S   NA19160    M         1    Strain  9.9
19160_2_U 19160_2_U   NA19160    M         2    Strain 10.0
18855_1_U 18855_1_U   NA18855    F         1    Strain 10.0
18856_3_S 18856_3_S   NA18856    M         3    Strain  9.6
18856_2_U 18856_2_U   NA18856    M         2  Unstrain  9.5
18855_3_U 18855_3_U   NA18855    F         3    Strain 10.0
          LibraryPrepBatch  LibSize          W_1        W_2
18855_3_S                2 15419569  0.541963415 -1.1181740
19160_3_S                2 15177653  0.376349314 -1.4100700
18856_3_U                2 13722909  0.857248982 -0.8808562
18856_1_U                1 18647599  1.113674153 -1.5466409
18855_2_S                1 18256163  0.733375747 -0.7617020
18856_2_S                1 16782764 -0.051863231 -1.3484210
19160_3_U                2 19839604  0.224499121 -1.5560509
18855_2_U                1 18618691  0.665015743 -0.9464050
19160_2_S                1 16622407  0.308745015 -1.5149287
18855_1_S                1 19712744  0.626769726 -1.5366695
18856_1_S                1 13571439  1.038716806 -1.2664724
19160_1_S                1 20979958  0.461484490 -2.0300296
19160_2_U                1 20924281  0.002654243 -1.9184820
18855_1_U                1 20146697  0.649711618 -1.4110342
18856_3_S                2 15807863  0.728747075 -0.9909086
18856_2_U                1 15142152  0.359175096 -1.0809905
18855_3_U                2 18157918  0.487681866 -1.2290497
for (permutation in 7:12){
     results <- permuted_results[[permutation]]
     # k-s test making use of ranked based on p-values
     genes <- results$qvalue
     names(genes) <- rownames(results)

     selection <- function(allScore){ return(allScore < 0.05)} # function that returns TRUE/FALSE for p-values<0.05
     allGO2genes <-"BP", feasibleGenes=NULL, mapping="", ID="ensembl")
     GOdata <- new("topGOdata",

     results.ks <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm="classic", statistic="ks")
     goEnrichment <- GenTable(GOdata, KS=results.ks, orderBy="KS", topNodes=20)
     goEnrichment <- goEnrichment %>% 
          mutate(KS = ifelse(grepl("<", KS), 1e-30, KS))
     goEnrichment$KS <- as.numeric(goEnrichment$KS)
     goEnrichment <- goEnrichment[goEnrichment$KS<0.05,]
     goEnrichment <- goEnrichment[,c("GO.ID","Term","KS")]
     goEnrichment$Term <- gsub(" [a-z]*\\.\\.\\.$", "", goEnrichment$Term)
     goEnrichment$Term <- gsub("\\.\\.\\.$", "", goEnrichment$Term)
     goEnrichment$Term <- paste(goEnrichment$GO.ID, goEnrichment$Term, sep=", ")
     goEnrichment$Term <- factor(goEnrichment$Term, levels=rev(goEnrichment$Term))
     goEnrichment$KS <- as.numeric(goEnrichment$KS)

     plot <- ggplot(goEnrichment, aes(x=Term, y=-log10(KS))) +
         stat_summary(geom = "bar", fun = mean, position = "dodge") +
         xlab("Biological process") +
         ylab("Enrichment") +
         ggtitle("Title") +
         scale_y_continuous(breaks = round(seq(0, max(-log10(goEnrichment$KS)), by = 2), 1)) +
         theme_bw(base_size=24) +
             plot.title=element_text(angle=0, size=24, face="bold", vjust=1),
             axis.text.x=element_text(angle=0, size=18, face="bold", hjust=1.10),
             axis.text.y=element_text(angle=0, size=18, face="bold", vjust=0.5),
             axis.title=element_text(size=24, face="bold"),
          legend.key=element_blank(),     #removes the border
          legend.key.size=unit(1, "cm"),      #Sets overall area/size of the legend
          legend.text=element_text(size=18),  #Text size
          title=element_text(size=18)) +
          guides(colour=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=2.5))) +


Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing

for (permutation in 7:12){
     results <- permuted_results[[permutation]]
     # k-s test making use of ranked based on p-values
     genes <- results$qvalue
     names(genes) <- rownames(results)

     selection <- function(allScore){ return(allScore < 0.05)} # function that returns TRUE/FALSE for p-values<0.05
     allGO2genes <-"BP", feasibleGenes=NULL, mapping="", ID="ensembl")
     GOdata <- new("topGOdata",

     results.ks <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm="classic", statistic="ks")
     goEnrichment <- GenTable(GOdata, KS=results.ks, orderBy="KS", topNodes=20)
     goEnrichment <- goEnrichment %>% 
          mutate(KS = ifelse(grepl("<", KS), 1e-30, KS))
     goEnrichment$KS <- as.numeric(goEnrichment$KS)
     goEnrichment <- goEnrichment[goEnrichment$KS<0.05,]
     goEnrichment <- goEnrichment[,c("GO.ID","Term","KS")]
     goEnrichment$Term <- gsub(" [a-z]*\\.\\.\\.$", "", goEnrichment$Term)
     goEnrichment$Term <- gsub("\\.\\.\\.$", "", goEnrichment$Term)
     goEnrichment$Term <- paste(goEnrichment$GO.ID, goEnrichment$Term, sep=", ")
     goEnrichment$Term <- factor(goEnrichment$Term, levels=rev(goEnrichment$Term))
     goEnrichment$KS <- as.numeric(goEnrichment$KS)


Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
 [1] GO:0010591, regulation of lamellipodium assembly  
 [2] GO:0043038, amino acid activation                 
 [3] GO:0043039, tRNA aminoacylation                   
 [4] GO:0003230, cardiac atrium development            
 [5] GO:0006418, tRNA aminoacylation for protein       
 [6] GO:0010592, positive regulation of lamellipodium  
 [7] GO:0032635, interleukin-6 production              
 [8] GO:0043489, RNA stabilization                     
 [9] GO:0060021, roof of mouth development             
[10] GO:0021536, diencephalon development              
[11] GO:0003209, cardiac atrium morphogenesis          
[12] GO:0003283, atrial septum development             
[13] GO:0002820, negative regulation of adaptive immune
[14] GO:0050919, negative chemotaxis                   
[15] GO:0006928, movement of cell or subcellular       
[16] GO:0048255, mRNA stabilization                    
[17] GO:0045669, positive regulation of osteoblast     
[18] GO:0061029, eyelid development in camera-type eye 
[19] GO:0043486, histone exchange                      
[20] GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase  
20 Levels: GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase ...

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
 [1] GO:0007186, G protein-coupled receptor signaling   
 [2] GO:0032501, multicellular organismal process       
 [3] GO:0003008, system process                         
 [4] GO:0048856, anatomical structure development       
 [5] GO:0061138, morphogenesis of a branching epithelium
 [6] GO:0009888, tissue development                     
 [7] GO:0001763, morphogenesis of a branching structure 
 [8] GO:0048513, animal organ development               
 [9] GO:0032502, developmental process                  
[10] GO:0009653, anatomical structure morphogenesis     
[11] GO:0001934, positive regulation of protein         
[12] GO:0007275, multicellular organism development     
[13] GO:0051239, regulation of multicellular organismal 
[14] GO:0048731, system development                     
[15] GO:0022612, gland morphogenesis                    
[16] GO:0042327, positive regulation of phosphorylation 
[17] GO:0048645, animal organ formation                 
[18] GO:0051241, negative regulation of multicellular   
[19] GO:0030154, cell differentiation                   
[20] GO:0048646, anatomical structure formation involved
20 Levels: GO:0048646, anatomical structure formation involved ...

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
 [1] GO:0010591, regulation of lamellipodium assembly  
 [2] GO:0043038, amino acid activation                 
 [3] GO:0043039, tRNA aminoacylation                   
 [4] GO:0003230, cardiac atrium development            
 [5] GO:0006418, tRNA aminoacylation for protein       
 [6] GO:0010592, positive regulation of lamellipodium  
 [7] GO:0032635, interleukin-6 production              
 [8] GO:0043489, RNA stabilization                     
 [9] GO:0060021, roof of mouth development             
[10] GO:0021536, diencephalon development              
[11] GO:0003209, cardiac atrium morphogenesis          
[12] GO:0003283, atrial septum development             
[13] GO:0002820, negative regulation of adaptive immune
[14] GO:0050919, negative chemotaxis                   
[15] GO:0006928, movement of cell or subcellular       
[16] GO:0048255, mRNA stabilization                    
[17] GO:0045669, positive regulation of osteoblast     
[18] GO:0061029, eyelid development in camera-type eye 
[19] GO:0043486, histone exchange                      
[20] GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase  
20 Levels: GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase ...

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
 [1] GO:0006928, movement of cell or subcellular        
 [2] GO:0007166, cell surface receptor signaling pathway
 [3] GO:0040011, locomotion                             
 [4] GO:0042127, regulation of cell proliferation       
 [5] GO:0007165, signal transduction                    
 [6] GO:0048731, system development                     
 [7] GO:0023052, signaling                              
 [8] GO:0009653, anatomical structure morphogenesis     
 [9] GO:0030154, cell differentiation                   
[10] GO:0007154, cell communication                     
[11] GO:0048869, cellular developmental process         
[12] GO:0050896, response to stimulus                   
[13] GO:0009605, response to external stimulus          
[14] GO:0051270, regulation of cellular component       
[15] GO:0030334, regulation of cell migration           
[16] GO:0016477, cell migration                         
[17] GO:0051239, regulation of multicellular organismal 
[18] GO:0048870, cell motility                          
[19] GO:0051674, localization of cell                   
[20] GO:0051716, cellular response to stimulus          
20 Levels: GO:0051716, cellular response to stimulus ...

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
 [1] GO:0010591, regulation of lamellipodium assembly  
 [2] GO:0043038, amino acid activation                 
 [3] GO:0043039, tRNA aminoacylation                   
 [4] GO:0003230, cardiac atrium development            
 [5] GO:0006418, tRNA aminoacylation for protein       
 [6] GO:0010592, positive regulation of lamellipodium  
 [7] GO:0032635, interleukin-6 production              
 [8] GO:0043489, RNA stabilization                     
 [9] GO:0060021, roof of mouth development             
[10] GO:0021536, diencephalon development              
[11] GO:0003209, cardiac atrium morphogenesis          
[12] GO:0003283, atrial septum development             
[13] GO:0002820, negative regulation of adaptive immune
[14] GO:0050919, negative chemotaxis                   
[15] GO:0006928, movement of cell or subcellular       
[16] GO:0048255, mRNA stabilization                    
[17] GO:0045669, positive regulation of osteoblast     
[18] GO:0061029, eyelid development in camera-type eye 
[19] GO:0043486, histone exchange                      
[20] GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase  
20 Levels: GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase ...

Building most specific GOs .....
    ( 9780 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
    ( 13861 GO terms and 32652 relations. )

Annotating nodes ...............
    ( 9204 genes annotated to the GO terms. )

             -- Classic Algorithm -- 

         the algorithm is scoring 5178 nontrivial nodes
             test statistic: ks
             score order: increasing
 [1] GO:0010591, regulation of lamellipodium assembly  
 [2] GO:0043038, amino acid activation                 
 [3] GO:0043039, tRNA aminoacylation                   
 [4] GO:0003230, cardiac atrium development            
 [5] GO:0006418, tRNA aminoacylation for protein       
 [6] GO:0010592, positive regulation of lamellipodium  
 [7] GO:0032635, interleukin-6 production              
 [8] GO:0043489, RNA stabilization                     
 [9] GO:0060021, roof of mouth development             
[10] GO:0021536, diencephalon development              
[11] GO:0003209, cardiac atrium morphogenesis          
[12] GO:0003283, atrial septum development             
[13] GO:0002820, negative regulation of adaptive immune
[14] GO:0050919, negative chemotaxis                   
[15] GO:0006928, movement of cell or subcellular       
[16] GO:0048255, mRNA stabilization                    
[17] GO:0045669, positive regulation of osteoblast     
[18] GO:0061029, eyelid development in camera-type eye 
[19] GO:0043486, histone exchange                      
[20] GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase  
20 Levels: GO:0010950, positive regulation of endopeptidase ...

Enrichment Function

Use fisher’s exact test to compute significant enrichment.

enrich <- function(genes_of_interest, DEgenes, backgroundgenes){
     #fill contingency table
     DE_interest <- length(intersect(genes_of_interest, DEgenes))
     background_interest <- length(intersect(genes_of_interest, backgroundgenes))
     DE_non_interest <- length(DEgenes) - DE_interest
     background_non_interest <- length(backgroundgenes) - background_interest
     contingency_table <- matrix(c(DE_interest, background_interest, DE_non_interest, background_non_interest), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
     #perform test
     return(fisher.test(contingency_table, alternative="greater"))

enrich(fungenomic, DE_genes_ensg, other_genes_ensg)
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    0    0
[2,]    0    0

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 
enrich(cross_omic, DE_genes_ensg, other_genes_ensg)
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    0    0
[2,]    0    0

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

Look at enrichments from permuted DE analysis (scrambled strain labels to make sure the FET results aren’t just because some genes are more likely to be detected as DE in these cells)

threshold <- 0.05
for(permutation in 7:12){
     DE_results <- permuted_results[[permutation]]
     DE_genes_ensg <- rownames(DE_results)[DE_results$qvalue < threshold]
     DE_genes <- gene_anno$external_gene_name[match(DE_genes_ensg, gene_anno$ensembl_gene_id)]
     other_genes_ensg <- rownames(DE_results)[DE_results$qvalue >= threshold]
     other_genes <- gene_anno$external_gene_name[match(other_genes_ensg, gene_anno$ensembl_gene_id)]

     print(enrich(fungenomic, DE_genes_ensg, other_genes_ensg))
     print(enrich(cross_omic, DE_genes_ensg, other_genes_ensg))
[1] 7
     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   342
[2,]    0 10144

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   338
[2,]    0 10148

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

[1] 8
     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   342
[2,]    0 10144

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   338
[2,]    0 10148

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

[1] 9
     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   342
[2,]    0 10144

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   338
[2,]    0 10148

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

[1] 10
     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   342
[2,]    7 10137

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   338
[2,]    7 10141

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

[1] 11
     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   342
[2,]    0 10144

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   338
[2,]    0 10148

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

[1] 12
     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   342
[2,]    0 10144

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

     [,1]  [,2]
[1,]    0   338
[2,]    0 10148

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  contingency_table
p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
   0 Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1]          topGO_2.36.0               
 [3] SparseM_1.78                GO.db_3.8.2                
 [5] AnnotationDbi_1.46.0        graph_1.62.0               
 [7] RUVSeq_1.18.0               EDASeq_2.18.0              
 [9] ShortRead_1.42.0            GenomicAlignments_1.20.1   
[11] SummarizedExperiment_1.14.1 DelayedArray_0.10.0        
[13] matrixStats_0.57.0          Rsamtools_2.0.0            
[15] GenomicRanges_1.36.1        GenomeInfoDb_1.20.0        
[17] Biostrings_2.52.0           XVector_0.24.0             
[19] IRanges_2.18.3              S4Vectors_0.22.1           
[21] BiocParallel_1.18.1         Biobase_2.44.0             
[23] BiocGenerics_0.30.0         ggplot2_3.3.3              
[25] ashr_2.2-47                 tidyr_1.1.2                
[27] edgeR_3.26.5                dplyr_1.0.2                
[29] plyr_1.8.6                  limma_3.40.6               

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] bitops_1.0-6           fs_1.3.1               bit64_0.9-7           
 [4] httr_1.4.2             progress_1.2.2         RColorBrewer_1.1-2    
 [7] rprojroot_2.0.2        tools_3.6.1            R6_2.5.0              
[10] irlba_2.3.3            DBI_1.1.0              colorspace_2.0-0      
[13] withr_2.3.0            prettyunits_1.1.1      tidyselect_1.1.0      
[16] bit_4.0.4              compiler_3.6.1         git2r_0.26.1          
[19] labeling_0.4.2         rtracklayer_1.44.0     scales_1.1.1          
[22] SQUAREM_2020.4         genefilter_1.66.0      DESeq_1.36.0          
[25] mixsqp_0.3-43          stringr_1.4.0          digest_0.6.27         
[28] rmarkdown_1.13         R.utils_2.9.0          pkgconfig_2.0.3       
[31] htmltools_0.5.0        invgamma_1.1           rlang_0.4.10          
[34] RSQLite_2.1.1          farver_2.0.3           generics_0.0.2        
[37] hwriter_1.3.2          R.oo_1.24.0            RCurl_1.98-1.1        
[40] magrittr_2.0.1         GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.1 Matrix_1.2-18         
[43] Rcpp_1.0.5             munsell_0.5.0          etrunct_0.1           
[46] lifecycle_0.2.0        R.methodsS3_1.8.1      stringi_1.4.6         
[49] whisker_0.3-2          yaml_2.2.1             MASS_7.3-52           
[52] zlibbioc_1.30.0        grid_3.6.1             blob_1.2.0            
[55] promises_1.1.1         crayon_1.3.4           lattice_0.20-41       
[58] splines_3.6.1          GenomicFeatures_1.36.3 annotate_1.62.0       
[61] hms_0.5.3              locfit_1.5-9.1         knitr_1.23            
[64] pillar_1.4.7           biomaRt_2.40.1         geneplotter_1.62.0    
[67] XML_3.98-1.20          glue_1.4.2             evaluate_0.14         
[70] latticeExtra_0.6-28    vctrs_0.3.6            httpuv_1.5.1          
[73] gtable_0.3.0           purrr_0.3.4            xfun_0.8              
[76] aroma.light_3.14.0     xtable_1.8-4           later_1.1.0.1         
[79] survival_2.44-1.1      truncnorm_1.0-8        tibble_3.0.4          
[82] memoise_1.1.0          workflowr_1.6.2        statmod_1.4.32        
[85] ellipsis_0.3.1