Your Time Your Timezone

Their Time Their Timezone

Avoid timezone confusion by sharing a time with friends and colleagues around the world.

Enter the date and time in your timezone, click the button to generate the link, then share it how ever you like.

When your friends or colleagues open the link they'll see the time you shared in their own timezone as well as yours.

Enter a date in your local format, e.g. , or click the calendar icon to bring up a date picker.
Enter a time in 24 hour format, e.g. 02:15 or 14:15, or click the clock icon to bring up a time picker.
Share this link how ever you like. Recipients will see your shared time in their timezone and yours.

A free and open source tool for sharing times with people across different timezones.

About You
Enter an IANA timezone string, or just start typing a city name for auto-complete suggestions.
Recipients see the shared time in their timezone and yours. If you enter a name, your time will be labeled with your name.
This link encodes your chosen timezone and name, bookmark or save it to save yourself a little time and effort.
You can save your preferred timezone and name as a cookie in your browser. This cookie will be remembered for one year. Each time you visit the page the cookie will be refreshed for a further year.