Last updated: 2022-11-04

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: ChromatinSplicingQTLs/analysis/

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Ignored files:
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    Ignored:    code/Genotypes/
    Ignored:    code/H3K36me3_CutAndTag.pdf
    Ignored:    code/IntronSlopes/
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    Ignored:    code/PlotGruberQTLs/
    Ignored:    code/PlotQTLs/
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Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/20221102_PlotStuffForYang.Rmd
    Untracked:  code/snakemake_profiles/slurm/__pycache__/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/20221012_IntronRetentionAndExpressionConcordance.Rmd
    Modified:   code/scripts/GenometracksByGenotype

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Yang asked for some specific plots to put in a grant or presentation or something. Here I will make those plots, possibly explore the data a little bit if something comes to mind. A lot of these plots were originally explored in this notebook but that notebook is getting unweildy and disorganized and overall a pain when I want to go back and re-run parts of it so I am re-plotting the highlights that Yang asked for here.


Load libraries and read in a bunch of files…


NMD.transcript.introns <- fread("../code/SplicingAnalysis/Annotations/NMD/NMD_trancsript_introns.bed.gz", col.names=c("chrom", "start", "stop", "name", "score", "strand")) %>%
  mutate(stop=stop+1) %>%
  unite(intron, chrom:stop, strand)

Non.NMD.transcript.introns <- fread("../code/SplicingAnalysis/Annotations/NMD/NonNMD_trancsript_introns.bed.gz", col.names=c("chrom", "start", "stop", "name", "score", "strand")) %>%
  mutate(stop=stop+1) %>%
  unite(intron, chrom:stop, strand)

NMD.specific.introns <- setdiff(NMD.transcript.introns$intron, Non.NMD.transcript.introns$intron)

Intron.Annotations.basic <- fread("../code/SplicingAnalysis/regtools_annotate_combined/basic.bed.gz") %>%
  filter(known_junction ==1) %>%
  unite(intron, chrom, start, end, strand)
Introns.Annotations.comprehensive <- fread("../code/SplicingAnalysis/regtools_annotate_combined/comprehensive.bed.gz") %>%
  filter(known_junction ==1) %>%
  unite(intron, chrom, start, end, strand)
Introns.Annotations.all <- fread("../code/SplicingAnalysis/regtools_annotate_combined/comprehensive.bed.gz") %>%
  unite(intron, chrom, start, end, strand)

PhenotypeAliases <- read_tsv("../data/Phenotypes_recode_for_Plotting.txt")

PC.ShortAliases <- PhenotypeAliases %>%
  dplyr::select(PC, ShorterAlias) %>% deframe()

PeaksToTSS <- Sys.glob("../code/Misc/PeaksClosestToTSS/*_assigned.tsv.gz") %>%
  setNames(str_replace(., "../code/Misc/PeaksClosestToTSS/(.+?)_assigned.tsv.gz", "\\1")) %>%
  lapply(read_tsv) %>%
  bind_rows(.id="ChromatinMark") %>%
  mutate(GenePeakPair = paste(gene, peak, sep = ";")) %>%
  distinct(ChromatinMark, peak, gene, .keep_all=T)

TopSNPEffects.ByPairs <- fread("../code/pi1/PairwisePi1Traits.P.all.txt.gz")

coloc.tidy <- fread("../output/hyprcoloc_results/ForColoc/MolColocStandard/hyprcoloc.results.OnlyColocalized.Stats.txt.gz") %>%
  separate(phenotype_full, into=c("PC", "P"), sep=";")

coloc.tidy.pairwise <- left_join(
  coloc.tidy %>%
    dplyr::select(-iteration, -ColocPr, -RegionalPr, -TopSNPFinemapPr),
  suffix=c("1", "2")
) %>%
  filter(!(P1==P2 & PC1 == PC2)) %>%
  filter(snp1 == snp2) %>%
  dplyr::select(ColocalizedTopSNP = snp1, GeneLocus=Locus, everything(), -snp2) %>%
  unite(TraitPair, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, remove=F)

Now let’s start to plot some stuff:

sQTL betas vs eQTL beta

coloc.tidy.pairwise %>%
      (PC1 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
      (PC2 %in% c("polyA.Splicing"))
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=beta1, x=beta2)) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.5, color='black') +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
  data = . %>%
    summarise(cor=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["estimate"]], pval=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["p.value"]]) %>%
    mutate(R = signif(cor, 3), P=format.pval(pval, 3)) %>%
    mutate(label = str_glue("R:{R}\nP:{P}")),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=-Inf, label=label),
  hjust=-0.1, vjust=-0.1, color='black'
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title="All colocalized eQTLs and sQTLs", x="sQTL beta\n(standardized units)", y="eQTL beta\n(standardized units)")

Same plot but grouped by intron type

P1Category <- "polyA.Splicing"

sQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized <- TopSNPEffects.ByPairs %>%
      (PC1 %in% c(P1Category)) &
      (PC2 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
      (FDR.x < 0.1)) %>%
  mutate(intron = str_replace(P1, "^(.+):(.+?):(.+?):clu.+?_([+-])$", "chr\\1_\\2_\\3_\\4")) %>%
  mutate(IntronAnnotation = case_when(
    intron %in% NMD.specific.introns ~ "Annotated NMD",
    intron %in% Intron.Annotations.basic$intron ~ "Annotated basic",
    intron %in% Introns.Annotations.comprehensive$intron ~ "Annotated Not basic",
    TRUE ~ "Unannotated"
  )) %>%
  dplyr::select(beta1=beta.x,, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, IntronAnnotation) %>%
  unite(TraitPair, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, remove=F) %>%
  filter(!TraitPair %in% coloc.tidy.pairwise$TraitPair) %>%
  mutate(Colocalized = "Not colocalized") %>%
    coloc.tidy.pairwise %>%
          (PC2 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
          (PC1 %in% c(P1Category))
      ) %>%
      mutate(intron = str_replace(P1, "^(.+):(.+?):(.+?):clu.+?_([+-])$", "chr\\1_\\2_\\3_\\4")) %>%
      mutate(IntronAnnotation = case_when(
        intron %in% NMD.specific.introns ~ "Annotated NMD",
        intron %in% Intron.Annotations.basic$intron ~ "Annotated basic",
        intron %in% Introns.Annotations.comprehensive$intron ~ "Annotated Not basic",
        TRUE ~ "Unannotated"
      )) %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1, beta2, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, IntronAnnotation) %>%
      mutate(Colocalized = "Colocalized")
  ) %>%
  mutate(Is.Concordant = sign(beta1)==sign(beta2)) %>%
  mutate(ConsistentWithNMD = case_when(
    !IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" & Is.Concordant ~ "Inconsistent with NMD",
    !IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" & !Is.Concordant ~ "Consistent with NMD",
    IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" ~ NA_character_

P.sQTL.eQTLs <- ggplot(sQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized, aes(x=beta1, y=beta2, color=IntronAnnotation)) +
    data = mvrnorm(1000, mu=c(0,0), matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1),2,2)) %>% %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1=V1, beta2=V2),
    type = "norm", linetype = 2, color="green", alpha=0.3) +
    data = mvrnorm(1000, mu=c(0,0), matrix(c(1,-0.8,-0.8,1),2,2)) %>% %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1=V1, beta2=V2),
    type = "norm", linetype = 2, color="red", alpha=0.3) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.1) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
  # geom_smooth(method='lm') +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(IntronAnnotation, Colocalized) %>%
    summarise(cor=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["estimate"]], pval=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["p.value"]]) %>%
    mutate(R = signif(cor, 3), P=format.pval(pval, 3)) %>%
    mutate(label = str_glue("R:{R}\nP:{P}")),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=-Inf, label=label),
  hjust=-.1, vjust=-0.1, color='black', size=3
  ) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    count(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    filter(ConsistentWithNMD=="Consistent with NMD"),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=Inf, label=n),
  hjust=-0.2, vjust=1.5, color='red'
  ) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    count(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    filter(ConsistentWithNMD=="Inconsistent with NMD"),
  aes(x=Inf, y=Inf, label=n),
  hjust=1.2, vjust=1.5, color='green'
  ) +
  facet_grid(Colocalized ~ IntronAnnotation) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title="genetic effects of NMD introns and host gene expression", x="chRNA sQTL beta\n(standardized units)", y="eQTL beta\n(standardized units)", caption="Colocalized sQTL/eQTLs betas at top co-finemapped SNP\nUncolocalized betas relative to top chRNA sQTL SNP") +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))


If you sum up all the red and the green counts in the colocalized sub-plots, and then only take distinct genes, you get the following:

CountsOfNMD.Consitent.eGene.sQTL.Effects <- sQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized %>%
  filter(Colocalized == "Colocalized") %>%
  distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
  count(ConsistentWithNMD) %>%
       ConsistentWithNMD   n
1:   Consistent with NMD 373
2: Inconsistent with NMD  49
(CountsOfNMD.Consitent.eGene.sQTL.Effects$n[1] - CountsOfNMD.Consitent.eGene.sQTL.Effects$n[2])/3970
[1] 0.08161209

For reference, let’s make the same plots and do the same calculation for H3K27AC, H3K4ME3, and H3K4ME1:

P1Category <- c("H3K4ME3", "H3K4ME1", "H3K27AC")

hQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized <- TopSNPEffects.ByPairs %>%
      (PC1 %in% c(P1Category)) &
      (PC2 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
      (FDR.x < 0.1)) %>%
  dplyr::select(beta1=beta.x,, P1, PC1, P2, PC2) %>%
  unite(TraitPair, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, remove=F) %>%
  filter(!TraitPair %in% coloc.tidy.pairwise$TraitPair) %>%
  mutate(Colocalized = "Not colocalized") %>%
    coloc.tidy.pairwise %>%
          (PC2 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
          (PC1 %in% c(P1Category))
      ) %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1, beta2, P1, PC1, P2, PC1) %>%
      mutate(Colocalized = "Colocalized")
  ) %>%
  mutate(Is.Concordant = sign(beta1)==sign(beta2)) %>%
  mutate(ConsistentWithNMD = if_else(Is.Concordant, "Consistent with enhancer/promoter activation", "Inconsistent with enhancer/promoter activation"))

P.hQTL.eQTLs <- ggplot(hQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized, aes(x=beta1, y=beta2, color=PC1)) +
    data = mvrnorm(1000, mu=c(0,0), matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1),2,2)) %>% %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1=V1, beta2=V2),
    type = "norm", linetype = 2, color="green", alpha=0.3) +
    data = mvrnorm(1000, mu=c(0,0), matrix(c(1,-0.8,-0.8,1),2,2)) %>% %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1=V1, beta2=V2),
    type = "norm", linetype = 2, color="red", alpha=0.3) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.05) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
  # geom_smooth(method='lm') +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(PC1, Colocalized) %>%
    summarise(cor=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["estimate"]], pval=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["p.value"]]) %>%
    mutate(R = signif(cor, 3), P=format.pval(pval, 3)) %>%
    mutate(label = str_glue("R:{R}\nP:{P}")),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=-Inf, label=label),
  hjust=-.1, vjust=-0.1, color='black', size=3
  ) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(PC1, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    count(PC1, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    filter(ConsistentWithNMD=="Consistent with enhancer/promoter activation"),
  aes(x=Inf, y=Inf, label=n),
  hjust=1.2, vjust=1.5, color='green'
  ) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(PC1, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    count(PC1, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    filter(ConsistentWithNMD=="Inconsistent with enhancer/promoter activation"),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=Inf, label=n),
  hjust=-0.2, vjust=1.5, color='red'
  ) +
  facet_grid(Colocalized ~ PC1) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title="genetic effects of activating chromatin marks on cis gene expression", x="xQTL beta\n(standardized units)", y="eQTL beta\n(standardized units)", caption="Colocalized xQTL/eQTLs betas at top co-finemapped SNP\nUncolocalized betas relative to top xQTL SNP", color="xQTL") +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))

CountsOfNMD.Consitent.eGene.hQTL.Effects <- hQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized %>%
  filter(Colocalized == "Colocalized") %>%
  distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
  count(ConsistentWithNMD) %>%
  dplyr::select(ConsistentWithPromoterEnhancerActivation=ConsistentWithNMD,n) %>%
         ConsistentWithPromoterEnhancerActivation   n
1:   Consistent with enhancer/promoter activation 658
2: Inconsistent with enhancer/promoter activation 102
(CountsOfNMD.Consitent.eGene.hQTL.Effects$n[1] - CountsOfNMD.Consitent.eGene.hQTL.Effects$n[2])/3970
[1] 0.1400504
ggsave("../code/scratch/eQTL.sQTLs.Betas.pdf", P.sQTL.eQTLs, width=8)
ggsave("../code/scratch/eQTL.hQTLs.Betas.pdf", P.hQTL.eQTLs, width=8)

I wonder if this plot might be more informative (in terms of counting the non-colocalized effects, and also not seeing a trend) if i broke up the non-colocalized facets into those with nominal eQTL P < 0.01 and those > 0.01

eQTL.P.Threshold <- 0.1
P1Category <- "polyA.Splicing"

sQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized <- TopSNPEffects.ByPairs %>%
      (PC1 %in% c(P1Category)) &
      (PC2 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
      (FDR.x < 0.1)) %>%
  mutate(intron = str_replace(P1, "^(.+):(.+?):(.+?):clu.+?_([+-])$", "chr\\1_\\2_\\3_\\4")) %>%
  mutate(IntronAnnotation = case_when(
    intron %in% NMD.specific.introns ~ "Annotated NMD",
    intron %in% Intron.Annotations.basic$intron ~ "Annotated basic",
    intron %in% Introns.Annotations.comprehensive$intron ~ "Annotated Not basic",
    TRUE ~ "Unannotated"
  )) %>%
  dplyr::select(beta1=beta.x,, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, IntronAnnotation, eQTL.P = %>%
  unite(TraitPair, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, remove=F) %>%
  filter(!TraitPair %in% coloc.tidy.pairwise$TraitPair) %>%
  mutate(Colocalized = if_else(
    eQTL.P < 0.05,
    paste0("Not colocalized, eQTL P<", eQTL.P.Threshold),
    paste0("Not colocalized, eQTL P>", eQTL.P.Threshold)
  )) %>%
    coloc.tidy.pairwise %>%
          (PC2 %in% c("Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
          (PC1 %in% c(P1Category))
      ) %>%
      mutate(intron = str_replace(P1, "^(.+):(.+?):(.+?):clu.+?_([+-])$", "chr\\1_\\2_\\3_\\4")) %>%
      mutate(IntronAnnotation = case_when(
        intron %in% NMD.specific.introns ~ "Annotated NMD",
        intron %in% Intron.Annotations.basic$intron ~ "Annotated basic",
        intron %in% Introns.Annotations.comprehensive$intron ~ "Annotated Not basic",
        TRUE ~ "Unannotated"
      )) %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1, beta2, P1, PC1, P2, PC2, IntronAnnotation) %>%
      mutate(Colocalized = "Colocalized")
  ) %>%
  mutate(Is.Concordant = sign(beta1)==sign(beta2)) %>%
  mutate(ConsistentWithNMD = case_when(
    !IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" & Is.Concordant ~ "Inconsistent with NMD",
    !IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" & !Is.Concordant ~ "Consistent with NMD",
    # IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" ~ NA_character_,
    IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" & Is.Concordant ~ "Inconsistent with NMD",
    IntronAnnotation == "Annotated basic" & !Is.Concordant ~ "Consistent with NMD"
  )) %>%

ggplot(sQTL.eQTL.dat.ColocalizedAndUncolocalized, aes(x=beta1, y=beta2, color=IntronAnnotation)) +
    data = mvrnorm(1000, mu=c(0,0), matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1),2,2)) %>% %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1=V1, beta2=V2),
    type = "norm", linetype = 2, color="green", alpha=0.3) +
    data = mvrnorm(1000, mu=c(0,0), matrix(c(1,-0.8,-0.8,1),2,2)) %>% %>%
      dplyr::select(beta1=V1, beta2=V2),
    type = "norm", linetype = 2, color="red", alpha=0.3) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.1) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=0) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(IntronAnnotation, Colocalized) %>%
    summarise(cor=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["estimate"]], pval=cor.test(beta1,beta2)[["p.value"]]) %>%
    mutate(R = signif(cor, 3), P=format.pval(pval, 3)) %>%
    mutate(label = str_glue("R:{R}\nP:{P}")),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=-Inf, label=label),
  hjust=-.1, vjust=-0.1, color='black', size=3
  ) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    count(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    filter(ConsistentWithNMD=="Consistent with NMD"),
  aes(x=-Inf, y=Inf, label=n),
  hjust=-0.2, vjust=1.5, color='red'
  ) +
  data = . %>%
    group_by(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    distinct(P2, .keep_all=T) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    count(IntronAnnotation, ConsistentWithNMD, Colocalized) %>%
    filter(ConsistentWithNMD=="Inconsistent with NMD"),
  aes(x=Inf, y=Inf, label=n),
  hjust=1.2, vjust=1.5, color='green'
  ) +
  facet_grid(Colocalized ~ IntronAnnotation) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title="genetic effects of NMD introns and host gene expression", x="chRNA sQTL beta\n(standardized units)", y="eQTL beta\n(standardized units)", caption="Colocalized sQTL/eQTLs betas at top co-finemapped SNP\nUncolocalized betas relative to top chRNA sQTL SNP") +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))

Comparing effects of those QTLs in polyA, Metabolic labelled, and Chromtain

QQ plots sQTLs for poly-specific eQTLs

Let’s revisit making QQ plots to reproduce Carlos’ observation that polyA-specific eQTLs are more likely to be sQTLs…

brewer.pal(n=6, name="Paired")
[1] "#A6CEE3" "#1F78B4" "#B2DF8A" "#33A02C" "#FB9A99" "#E31A1C"
ColorKey <- c("chRNA.Expression.Splicing TRUE"="#1F78B4",
                             "chRNA.Expression.Splicing FALSE"="#A6CEE3",
                             "H3K36ME3 TRUE"="#33A02C",
                             "H3K36ME3 FALSE"="#B2DF8A",
                             "H3K27AC TRUE"="#E31A1C",
                             "H3K27AC FALSE"="#FB9A99")
LabelKey <- c("chRNA.Expression.Splicing"="chRNA",

sGenes <- paste0("../code/QTLs/QTLTools/", c("polyA.Splicing.Subset_YRI", "polyA.Splicing","chRNA.Splicing"),"/GroupedPermutationPassForColoc.FDR_Added.txt.gz") %>%
  setNames(str_replace(., "../code/QTLs/QTLTools/(.+?)/GroupedPermutationPassForColoc.FDR_Added.txt.gz", "\\1")) %>%
  lapply(fread) %>%
  bind_rows(.id="Dataset") <- TopSNPEffects.ByPairs %>%
    PC1 == "Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI" &
      PC2 %in% c("H3K27AC", "chRNA.Expression.Splicing", "H3K36ME3")
    ) %>%
    PC2 %in% c("chRNA.Expression.Splicing", "H3K36ME3") |
      paste(P1, P2, sep=";") %in% PeaksToTSS$GenePeakPair
  ) %>%
  group_by(GeneLocus, PC2) %>%
  arrange(FDR.y) %>%
  distinct(PC2, .keep_all=T) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # mutate(Is_xQTL = FDR.y<0.05) %>%
  mutate(Is_xQTL = p_permutation.y<0.05) %>%
  mutate(FacetLabel = recode(PC2, !!!LabelKey)) %>%
  mutate(Group = paste(PC2, Is_xQTL)) %>%
  add_count(Group, FacetLabel) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=-log10(p_permutation.x), y=-log10(p_permutation.y), color=Group)) +
    data = . %>%
      distinct(Group, FacetLabel, n) %>%
      group_by(FacetLabel) %>%
      mutate(rn = row_number()),
    aes(label=paste0("n=", n), vjust=rn+1, color=Group),
    x=-Inf, y=Inf, hjust=-0.5) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.1) +
  scale_color_manual(values=ColorKey) +
  facet_wrap(~FacetLabel) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(caption="Number of eGenes that are xQTLs, 10% FDR",  x="-log10(q) (eQTL)", y="-log10(q) (xQTL)") %>%
    sGenes %>%
      dplyr::select(GeneLocus=grp_id, sGene.P = adj_beta_pval, Dataset)
  ) %>%
  group_by(Dataset, Group, FacetLabel) %>%
  mutate(ExpectedP = percent_rank(sGene.P)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=-log10(ExpectedP), y=-log10(sGene.P), color=Group)) +
  geom_abline() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(values=c(ColorKey)) +
  facet_grid(Dataset ~ FacetLabel, scales="free_y") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title="QQ plot of sQTL P-values", color="xQTL SNP", y="Observed -log10(P)", x="Theoretical -log10(P)", caption=str_wrap("", 30))

Hmmm, again I cannot reproduce the results… Maybe I have to group by intron type to see a difference… Most sQTLs are in annotated basic introns, which do not effect expression. So all those sQTLs could swamp and difference that distinguished polyA-specific eQTLs.

Let’s try to reproduce the results more to exactly how Carlos did it…

similar sQTL plots Yang asked for:

  • qqplot of sQTLs for the different types of introns with unexplained vs explained eQTLs signal (y-axis)

QQ plots for eQTLs for different categories of xQTL SNPs

  • clean version of qqplot that you made, but with only unannotated, NMD, non-basic junctions, H3K27ac, and genome-wide (as black)
test.SNPs <- paste0("../code/QTLs/QTLTools/", c("chRNA.Expression.Splicing", "Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI"), "/NominalPassForColoc.RandomSamplePvals.txt.gz") %>%
  setNames(str_replace(., "../code/QTLs/QTLTools/(.+?)/NominalPassForColoc.RandomSamplePvals.txt.gz", "\\1")) %>%
  lapply(read_tsv, col_names=c("")) %>%
  bind_rows(.id="PC2") %>%
  mutate(PC1 = "TestSNPs") %>%
  group_by(PC2) %>%
  sample_n(5000) %>%


[1] "#F8766D" "#7CAE00" "#00BFC4" "#C77CFF"
Colors <- c("H3K27AC"="#808080", "TestSNPs"="#000000", "Annotated NMD"="#F8766D", "Annotated Not basic"="#7CAE00", "Unannotated"="#C77CFF", "Annotated basic"="#00BFC4")

TopSNPEffects.ByPairs %>%
      (PC2 %in% c("chRNA.Expression.Splicing", "Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI")) &
      # (PC1 %in% c("polyA.Splicing.Subset_YRI", "H3K27AC")) &
      (PC1 %in% c("polyA.Splicing", "H3K27AC")) &
      (FDR.x < 0.1)) %>%
  bind_rows(test.SNPs) %>%
  mutate(intron = case_when(
    PC1 %in% c("polyA.Splicing.Subset_YRI", "chRNA.Splicing", "polyA.Splicing") ~ str_replace(P1, "^(.+):(.+?):(.+?):clu.+?_([+-])$", "chr\\1_\\2_\\3_\\4"),
    TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
  mutate(IntronAnnotation = case_when(
    intron %in% NMD.specific.introns ~ "Annotated NMD",
    intron %in% Intron.Annotations.basic$intron ~ "Annotated basic",
    intron %in% Introns.Annotations.comprehensive$intron ~ "Annotated Not basic",
    ! ~ "Unannotated",
    TRUE ~ ""
  )) %>%
  # filter(!IntronAnnotation=="Annotated basic") %>%
  filter(PC2 == "Expression.Splicing.Subset_YRI") %>%
  mutate(SnpSet = case_when(
    str_detect(PC1, "Splicing") ~ IntronAnnotation,
    TRUE ~ PC1
  )) %>%
  group_by(SnpSet, PC2) %>%
  mutate(ExpectedP = percent_rank( %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # mutate(SnpSetColor = recode(SnpSet, !!!Colors)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=-log10(ExpectedP), y=-log10(, color=SnpSet)) +
  geom_abline() +
  geom_point() +
  # scale_color_identity() +
  scale_color_manual(values=Colors) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title="QQ plot of eQTL P-values", color="xQTL SNP", y="-log10(P)")

ggsave("../code/scratch/QQ.eQTLs.By.xQTL.pdf", height=4, width=5)

Let’s make the “polarized” version of this QQ plot… If the eQTL and xQTL betas have the same sign, plot them upright, if opposite site, mirror the QQ plot.

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C         LC_TIME=C           
 [4] LC_COLLATE=C         LC_MONETARY=C        LC_MESSAGES=C       
 [7] LC_PAPER=C           LC_NAME=C            LC_ADDRESS=C        

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] scales_1.1.0       RColorBrewer_1.1-2 MASS_7.3-51.4      data.table_1.14.2 
 [5] forcats_0.4.0      stringr_1.4.0      dplyr_1.0.9        purrr_0.3.4       
 [9] readr_1.3.1        tidyr_1.2.0        tibble_3.1.7       ggplot2_3.3.6     
[13] tidyverse_1.3.0   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.5        lubridate_1.7.4   assertthat_0.2.1  rprojroot_2.0.2  
 [5] digest_0.6.20     utf8_1.1.4        R6_2.4.0          cellranger_1.1.0 
 [9] backports_1.4.1   reprex_0.3.0      evaluate_0.15     highr_0.9        
[13] httr_1.4.4        pillar_1.7.0      rlang_1.0.5       readxl_1.3.1     
[17] rstudioapi_0.14   R.oo_1.22.0       R.utils_2.9.0     rmarkdown_1.13   
[21] labeling_0.3      munsell_0.5.0     broom_1.0.0       compiler_3.6.1   
[25] httpuv_1.5.1      modelr_0.1.8      xfun_0.31         pkgconfig_2.0.2  
[29] htmltools_0.5.3   tidyselect_1.1.2  workflowr_1.6.2   fansi_0.4.0      
[33] crayon_1.3.4      dbplyr_1.4.2      withr_2.5.0       later_0.8.0      
[37] R.methodsS3_1.7.1 grid_3.6.1        jsonlite_1.6      gtable_0.3.0     
[41] lifecycle_1.0.1   DBI_1.1.0         git2r_0.26.1      magrittr_1.5     
[45] cli_3.3.0         stringi_1.4.3     farver_2.1.0      fs_1.5.2         
[49] promises_1.0.1    xml2_1.3.2        ellipsis_0.3.2    generics_0.1.3   
[53] vctrs_0.4.1       tools_3.6.1       glue_1.6.2        hms_0.5.3        
[57] fastmap_1.1.0     yaml_2.2.0        colorspace_1.4-1  rvest_0.3.5      
[61] knitr_1.39        haven_2.3.1