Last updated: 2019-08-06

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    Modified:   analysis/20190716_VarianceInsteadOfEgenes.Rmd
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Rmd 34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11 update site
html 34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11 update site


As an initial pass at testing the hypothesis that Chimp-specific cis-eGenes have more DNA contacts at those cis-windows than humans in those same cis-windows, I looked at chimp/human differential contact windows from Eres et al and intersected in with my list of Chimp eGene locations (+/- 100kb). Then I looked at the sum of effect sizes within each of those windows.

DataIn <- read.table("../data/DCContactsInEgenes.bed", col.names = c("chr", "start", "stop", "gene", "blank", "strand", "chrContact", "startContact", "beta", "nameContact", "beta", "strandContact"), sep='\t', row.names = NULL)

GroupedData <- DataIn %>%
  group_by(stop) %>%
  summarise(BetaSum = sum(beta))

ggplot(GroupedData, aes(x=BetaSum)) +
  stat_ecdf(geom = "step") +
  xlab("Differential contact effect size sum over Chimp eGenes cis-window\n(Negative means more contact in chimp)") +
  ylab("Cumulative frequency") +

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11
wilcox.test(GroupedData$BetaSum, mu = 0, alternative = "less")

    Wilcoxon signed rank test

data:  GroupedData$BetaSum
V = 135, p-value = 0.02245
alternative hypothesis: true location is less than 0

Ok it seems there is a subtle but significant shift in that chimp eGenes have more differential contacts a way that slightly favors high connectivity in chimps.

To explore this more carefully, Ittai gave me a list of Homer-normalized contact data (not just significant differential contacts and effect sizes) for all his 8 samples (4 human, 4 chimp) for the cis-window surrounding each eGene (+/- 250kb).

From this I can estimate connectivity within a cis window as the sum of all Homer normalized contact scores within a species. Then I will look at the difference between that sum between species, and ask if it is correlated with some species measure of eGene character.

First, read in Ittai’s Homer normalized contact data for each individual in both chimp and human…

SampleA<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_A-21792_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleB<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_B-28126_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleC<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_C-3649_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleD<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_D-40300_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleE<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_E-28815_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleF<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_F-28834_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleG<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_G-3624_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')
SampleH<- read.csv(gzfile("../data/IttaiHomerInteractionScoresInCisWindows/adj_bins_25_H-3651_10kb_norm.gz"), sep='\t')

ChimpInteractionSums <- SampleC + SampleD + SampleG + SampleH
HumanInteractionSums <- SampleA + SampleB + SampleE + SampleF

HumanInteractions <- data.frame(H.Score = rowSums(cbind(SampleA, SampleB, SampleE, SampleF))) %>%
  rownames_to_column() %>%
  mutate(HumanID = gsub("(.+?)\\..+?", "\\1", rowname, perl=T))

ChimpInteractions <- data.frame(C.Score = rowSums(cbind(SampleC, SampleD, SampleG, SampleH))) %>%

Ok now read in eQTL data…

eQTLs <- read.table(gzfile("../data/PastAnalysesDataToKeep/20190521_eQTLs_250kB_10MAF.txt.gz"), header=T)

# List of chimp tested genes
ChimpTestedGenes <- rownames(read.table('../output/ExpressionMatrix.un-normalized.txt.gz', header=T, check.names=FALSE, row.names = 1))

ChimpToHumanGeneMap <- read.table("../data/Biomart_export.Hsap.Ptro.orthologs.txt.gz", header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors = F)
Gene.stable.ID Transcript.stable.ID Chimpanzee.gene.stable.ID Chimpanzee.protein.or.transcript.stable.ID Chimpanzee.homology.type dN.with.Chimpanzee dS.with.Chimpanzee Chimpanzee.orthology.confidence..0.low..1.high.
ENSG00000198888 ENST00000361390 ENSPTRG00000042641 MT-ND1 ENSPTRP00000061407 ortholog_one2one 94.6541 94.6541 0.0267 0.5455 1
ENSG00000198763 ENST00000361453 ENSPTRG00000042626 MT-ND2 ENSPTRP00000061406 ortholog_one2one 96.2536 96.2536 0.0185 0.7225 1
ENSG00000210127 ENST00000387392 ENSPTRG00000042642 MT-TA ENSPTRT00000076396 ortholog_one2one 100.0000 100.0000 NA NA NA
ENSG00000198804 ENST00000361624 ENSPTRG00000042657 MT-CO1 ENSPTRP00000061408 ortholog_one2one 98.8304 98.8304 0.0065 0.5486 1
ENSG00000198712 ENST00000361739 ENSPTRG00000042660 MT-CO2 ENSPTRP00000061402 ortholog_one2one 97.7974 97.7974 0.0106 0.5943 1
ENSG00000228253 ENST00000361851 ENSPTRG00000042653 MT-ATP8 ENSPTRP00000061400 ortholog_one2one 94.1176 94.1176 0.0325 0.3331 1
# Of this ortholog list, how many genes are one2one

ortholog_many2many  ortholog_one2many   ortholog_one2one 
              2278              19917             140351 
OneToOneMap <- ChimpToHumanGeneMap %>%

# Read gtex heart egene list
# Only consider those that were tested in both species and are one2one orthologs
GtexHeartEgenes <- read.table("../data/Heart_Left_Ventricle.v7.egenes.txt.gz", header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
  mutate(gene_id_stable = gsub(".\\d+$","",gene_id)) %>%
  filter(gene_id_stable %in% OneToOneMap$Gene.stable.ID) %>%
  mutate(chimp_id = plyr::mapvalues(gene_id_stable, OneToOneMap$Gene.stable.ID,  OneToOneMap$Chimpanzee.gene.stable.ID, warn_missing = F)) %>%
  filter(chimp_id %in% ChimpTestedGenes)

ChimpToHuman.ID <- function(Chimp.ID){
  #function to convert chimp ensembl to human ensembl gene ids
    plyr::mapvalues(Chimp.ID, OneToOneMap$Chimpanzee.gene.stable.ID, OneToOneMap$Gene.stable.ID, warn_missing = F)

First question: do the ~300 chimp eGenes have more contacts in their cis-window in chimp

Chimp_OrderedGenes <- eQTLs %>%
    group_by(gene) %>% 
    dplyr::slice(which.min(qvalue)) %>%
    filter(gene %in% GtexHeartEgenes$chimp_id) %>%
    left_join(GtexHeartEgenes, by=c("gene"="chimp_id")) %>%
    dplyr::select(gene, qvalue, qval) %>% %>%
    mutate(ChimpRank = dense_rank(qvalue)) %>%
    mutate(HumanRank = dense_rank(qval)) %>%
    mutate(RankDifference = HumanRank-ChimpRank) %>%
    filter(qvalue <0.1) %>%

# OneToOneMap %>%
#   inner_join(HumanInteractions, by=c("Gene.stable.ID"="HumanId")) %>% dim()
#   inner_join(ChimpInteractions, by=c("Chimpanzee.gene.stable.ID"="ChimpID")) %>% dim()
#   right_join(Chimp_OrderedGenes, by=c("Chimpanzee.gene.stable.ID"="gene")) %>% dim()

Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo <- Chimp_OrderedGenes %>%
  left_join(HumanInteractions, by=c("HumanID")) %>%
  left_join(ChimpInteractions, by=c("gene"="ChimpID")) %>% 
  mutate(InteractionDifference=H.Score - C.Score)

ggplot(Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo, aes(x=InteractionDifference)) +
  stat_ecdf(geom = "step") +
  xlab("Difference in contacts over chimp eGene cis-windows\n(Positive means more contact in chimp)") +
  ylab("Cumulative frequency") +

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11
ggplot(Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo, aes(x=RankDifference, y=InteractionDifference)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Rank Difference in eGene significance\nMore in human <--  --> More in chimp") +
  ylab("Differential contacts in cis window\nMore in human <--  --> More in chimp") +

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11
cor.test(x=Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo$RankDifference, y=Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo$InteractionDifference, method="spearman")

    Spearman's rank correlation rho

data:  Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo$RankDifference and Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo$InteractionDifference
S = 656450, p-value = 0.01665
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:
contacts.v.eGene.lm = lm(InteractionDifference ~ RankDifference, data=Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo)

lm(formula = InteractionDifference ~ RankDifference, data = Chimp_OrderedGenes.WithContactInfo)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-127.372  -29.715   -2.727   33.539  222.680 

                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)    -5.776579   7.953704  -0.726   0.4687  
RankDifference  0.003498   0.001552   2.253   0.0255 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 55.08 on 167 degrees of freedom
  (111 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.02951,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.0237 
F-statistic: 5.078 on 1 and 167 DF,  p-value: 0.02553

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11

Version Author Date
34e6b4f Benjmain Fair 2019-07-11

Ok yes, there is a slight correlation between chimp eGene character, and contacts in chimp. Now I am going to take a different approach to ask a similar question: Do lead chimp eQTL SNPs have more contacts between a gene and its promoter window than human.

First, I will read in genomic corrdinates of chimp genes, so I can identify which the correct hi-C interaction point between the SNP-containing 10kb window and the gene promoter for chimp data. Then, I will need to liftover the top eQTL-SNPs into human coordinates (and their human gene names) and identify the orthologous Hi-C interaction point. Finally, I will test if these distributions are significantly different, with the expectation that the chimp eQTL SNPs will have stronger contacts in chimp. The recipricol analysis (human centric) will also be useful.

#read in gene coordinates of chimp genes
ChimpGeneLocs <- read.table("../data/ChimpEgenes.bed", col.names = c("chrom", "start", "stop", "gene", "score", "strand")) %>%
  mutate(TSS.Coord = case_when(
    strand == "+" ~ start,
    strand == "-" ~ stop

# Get lead snps for eQTLs, find the HiC bin number.
Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs <- eQTLs %>%
    group_by(gene) %>%
    filter(qvalue <0.1) %>%
    dplyr::slice(which.min(qvalue)) %>%
    filter(gene %in% GtexHeartEgenes$chimp_id) %>%
    dplyr::select(c("snps", "gene", "qvalue")) %>%
    mutate(snp.pos = as.numeric(gsub("ID.[0-9A-B]+.(\\d+).[GCTA]+.[GCTA]+", "\\1", snps, perl=T))) %>%
    left_join(ChimpGeneLocs, by="gene") %>%
    filter(! %>%
    mutate(DistanceToTSS = snp.pos - TSS.Coord) %>%
    mutate(ChimpHiC.bin=round(DistanceToTSS/10000)+26) %>%
    filter(ChimpHiC.bin>0 & ChimpHiC.bin<51)
  # #if minus strand to reverse
  #   mutate(ChimpHiC.bin2 = case_when(
  #     strand == "+" ~ ChimpHiC.bin,
  #     strand == "-" ~ 51-ChimpHiC.bin
  #   ))

#Check that eQTL snps enriched near TSS as expected
hist(Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs$DistanceToTSS, breaks=100, xlim=c(-250000,250000))

#Without lifting over snp positions to human to get most comparable bins, just compare bins as is (I'm guessing for most snps the lifted over bins will be the same).

ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Chimp <- NULL
ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Human<- NULL
for (i in 1:dim(Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs)[1]){
  # print(Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs$ChimpHiC.bin[i])
  ChimpInteractionScore <- (ChimpInteractionSums[Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs$gene[i], Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs$ChimpHiC.bin[i]])
  HumanInteractionScore <- (HumanInteractionSums[ChimpToHuman.ID(Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs$gene[i]), Top.Chimp.eQTL.SNPs$ChimpHiC.bin[i]])

  ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Chimp <- append(ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Chimp, ChimpInteractionScore)
  ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Human <- append(ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Human, HumanInteractionScore)


hist(ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Chimp - ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Human)

#Test if interactions for chimp lead snps to their promoter are systematically greater in chimp. Paired t-test seems appropriate.
t.test(ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Chimp,ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Human, paired=T)

    Paired t-test

data:  ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Chimp and ChimpeQTL.Interactions.Human
t = -0.75752, df = 232, p-value = 0.4495
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.5115782  0.2274391
sample estimates:
mean of the differences 

Ok no signal to be seen. Still to do the analysis properly, I should liftover the lead chimp snps to human genome, and identify the relevant Hi-C interaction points from lifted snp positions. Additionally, I need to verify that the Hi-C matrix is always low-coordinate to high-coordinate, regardless of the gene orientation. Alternatively, one explanation is that species-specific eGenes have more contacts in their neghborhood (as the linear association above suggests) but the specific eQTL-promoter contacts are too noisy to detect. Alternatively, the linear association could be a false positive or associated by some alternate explanation that eludes me.

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS  10.14

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

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[17] ggplot2_3.1.1   tidyverse_1.2.1

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