Last updated: 2019-04-30
Checks: 5 1
Knit directory: Comparative_eQTL/analysis/
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All my previous analyses (for example, here) were based on RNA-seq quantifications using the kallisto mapper/quantifier. I have noticed at low expression levels especially, there is a tendency for large variation due to a single outlier sample. I was wondering if this is a result of the kallisto softare quantification. So I remapped all the RNA-seq data with STAR aligner and here I will compare, looking specifically for outliers.
# Read in count table from kallisto pseudoalignment/quantification (not raw counts but transformed to log10 TPM)
CountTableKallisto <- read.table(gzfile('../data/PastAnalysesDataToKeep/20190428_log10TPM.txt.gz'), header=T, check.names=FALSE, row.names = 1)
4X0095 | 4X0212 | 4X0267 | 4X0333 | 4X0339 | 4X0354 | 4X0357 | 4X0550 | 4x0025 | 4x0043 | |
ENSPTRG00000000001 | 1.4596020 | 1.3181301 | 1.6013483 | 1.5589640 | 0.9958742 | 1.1013449 | 1.3929852 | 1.3313990 | 1.5710575 | 1.3815519 |
ENSPTRG00000000008 | -0.2536539 | -0.2674953 | -0.1941024 | -0.4866758 | -0.4163173 | -0.0627926 | -0.2741267 | -0.5282083 | -0.3460344 | -0.5090995 |
ENSPTRG00000000009 | -0.8039676 | -0.4686322 | -0.3055282 | 0.3860386 | -0.8515362 | 0.1042439 | -0.4463220 | -0.8970349 | -0.2935886 | 0.1075491 |
ENSPTRG00000000021 | 0.3052374 | 0.3327716 | 0.4356453 | 0.3484334 | 0.1223994 | 0.0724815 | 0.4177689 | 0.1820321 | 0.5923589 | 0.4519767 |
ENSPTRG00000000024 | 0.7725879 | 0.6072126 | 0.8446722 | 0.9756023 | 0.7503209 | 0.7579696 | 0.8273169 | 0.6931534 | 0.8423209 | 0.6288720 |
ENSPTRG00000000025 | 1.6628843 | 1.4867466 | 1.7514015 | 1.8317620 | 1.4001545 | 1.2401947 | 1.4265165 | 1.5941762 | 1.7852270 | 1.4161712 |
ENSPTRG00000000027 | 1.8975160 | 2.0161220 | 2.0565962 | 1.9009278 | 1.7502561 | 1.7986092 | 1.9070452 | 1.8866402 | 1.9338531 | 1.9349613 |
ENSPTRG00000000028 | 1.1863312 | 0.9721661 | 1.3494147 | 1.5735690 | 1.1640958 | 1.6446699 | 1.4248013 | 0.9567557 | 1.1596902 | 1.0160601 |
ENSPTRG00000000029 | 1.8936928 | 1.8281266 | 1.9373761 | 1.9437439 | 1.6042216 | 1.8063322 | 1.8423057 | 1.8732680 | 2.0537790 | 1.9300656 |
ENSPTRG00000000031 | 0.3962848 | 0.1492160 | 0.1116153 | 0.7046215 | 0.4194452 | 0.6166803 | 0.5250655 | 0.2328666 | 0.4089519 | 0.4238093 |
# Read in count table from STAR alignments
CountTableSTAR <- read.table(gzfile('../data/PastAnalysesDataToKeep/20190429_STAR.CountTable.txt.gz'), header=T, check.names=FALSE, row.names = 1)
4X0095 | 4X0212 | 4X0267 | 4X0333 | 4X0339 | 4X0354 | 4X0357 | 4X0550 | 4x0025 | 4x0043 | |
ENSPTRG00000047549 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 5 |
ENSPTRG00000050965 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 20 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 0 | 1 |
ENSPTRG00000049558 | 78 | 60 | 73 | 188 | 138 | 196 | 117 | 33 | 89 | 62 |
ENSPTRG00000050603 | 15 | 8 | 25 | 156 | 36 | 8 | 48 | 4 | 9 | 10 |
ENSPTRG00000043702 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
ENSPTRG00000039445 | 9 | 159 | 48 | 8 | 73 | 165 | 58 | 47 | 6 | 2 |
ENSPTRG00000039924 | 73 | 624 | 203 | 60 | 48 | 442 | 383 | 137 | 108 | 133 |
ENSPTRG00000043683 | 0 | 53 | 65 | 0 | 8 | 169 | 48 | 34 | 19 | 21 |
ENSPTRG00000049634 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 13 | 0 |
ENSPTRG00000052382 | 106 | 108 | 217 | 157 | 139 | 161 | 186 | 109 | 96 | 78 |
# Some initial checks of STAR count table before doing any transformations
[1] 31373 39
# Millions of mapped reads per sample
x | |
4X0095 | 58.51351 |
4X0212 | 66.62148 |
4X0267 | 76.54181 |
4X0333 | 63.52876 |
4X0339 | 62.11760 |
4X0354 | 44.70223 |
4X0357 | 61.64508 |
4X0550 | 76.81200 |
4x0025 | 51.29439 |
4x0043 | 53.04606 |
4x373 | 33.88488 |
4x0430 | 60.30071 |
4x0519 | 75.80174 |
4x523 | 75.84179 |
88A020 | 71.47104 |
95A014 | 52.04438 |
295 | 130.53992 |
317 | 55.09401 |
338 | 64.76290 |
389 | 83.58035 |
438 | 63.74932 |
456 | 73.25632 |
462 | 67.59312 |
476 | 132.47805 |
495 | 47.75442 |
503 | 91.08962 |
522 | 75.91918 |
529 | 60.38978 |
537 | 62.66962 |
549 | 78.97248 |
554 | 63.82796 |
554_2 | 61.53021 |
558 | 46.67131 |
570 | 47.73784 |
623 | 57.71382 |
676 | 70.19455 |
724 | 68.57017 |
Little_R | 43.89281 |
MD_And | 60.60196 |
# XY scatter of first two samples
qplot(log10(CountTableSTAR$`338`), log10(CountTableSTAR$`295`))
#Histogram of average gene expressions measured in counts.
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Warning: Removed 4416 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
# Cumulative plot of mean reads per gene. Added psuedo count
plot(ecdf(log10(rowMeans(CountTableSTAR) + 0.001)), xlab="log10Counts", ylab="Fraction of genes with at less than x counts on average")
# Now test some filtering methods, mostly based on minimum read counts:
# 80% of samples must have at least 10 reads
Q <- rowQuantiles(as.matrix(CountTableSTAR), probs=0.2)
# Now some filtering:
GeneSetFilter1 <- names(which(Q>10))
# 100% of samples must have at least 1 read
GeneSetFilter2<-CountTableSTAR %>%
rownames_to_column('gene') %>%
filter_if(is.numeric, all_vars(.>0)) %>%
# 100% of samples must have >0 TPM (quantified by kallisto)
[1] 14059
[1] 14755
[1] 14824
length(intersect(GeneSetFilter1, GeneSetFilter2))
[1] 13967
length(intersect(GeneSetFilter2, GeneSetFilter3))
[1] 13574
length(intersect(GeneSetFilter1, GeneSetFilter3))
[1] 13119
length(intersect(intersect(GeneSetFilter1, GeneSetFilter2), GeneSetFilter3))
[1] 13094
All of these filter methods result in highly overlapping sets of ~14000 genes. Conceptually I prefer method 1, where 80% of samples must contain at least 10 reads, thus allowing some samples to have much less or even 0. This method will require a pseudocount to deal with log-transform.
Now do some basic transformations. I will just convert to log10(CPM).
CountTableFiltered <- CountTableSTAR %>% %>%
rownames_to_column('gene') %>%
filter(gene %in% GeneSetFilter1) %>%
# table of log10COM
log10CPM_table <- log10((CountTableFiltered + 1) / colSums(CountTableFiltered))
4X0095 | 4X0212 | 4X0267 | 4X0333 | 4X0339 | 4X0354 | 4X0357 | 4X0550 | 4x0025 | 4x0043 | |
ENSPTRG00000049558 | -5.869315 | -6.136338 | -5.912919 | -5.534486 | -5.498767 | -5.446139 | -5.763976 | -6.583932 | -5.891728 | -5.916657 |
ENSPTRG00000039445 | -6.823099 | -5.600182 | -6.076746 | -6.967425 | -5.912919 | -5.590839 | -5.870929 | -6.059364 | -6.990760 | -7.638290 |
ENSPTRG00000039924 | -6.014165 | -5.068788 | -5.513469 | -6.018972 | -6.076746 | -5.275264 | -5.197819 | -5.671068 | -5.604355 | -5.613500 |
ENSPTRG00000052382 | -5.772820 | -5.792200 | -5.544940 | -5.666011 | -5.676971 | -5.594787 | -5.495101 | -5.880275 | -5.795379 | -5.913320 |
ENSPTRG00000000008 | -6.060522 | -6.351073 | -5.982660 | -6.249843 | -6.098067 | -5.910425 | -6.059671 | -6.285788 | -6.210640 | -6.490304 |
ENSPTRG00000044847 | -5.387366 | -5.135670 | -5.516454 | -5.843171 | -5.450021 | -4.920606 | -5.351918 | -5.488091 | -5.289073 | -5.589458 |
ENSPTRG00000050180 | -4.152231 | -4.232544 | -3.832648 | -3.851126 | -4.283042 | -4.983622 | -4.261749 | -4.051910 | -4.254701 | -4.284085 |
ENSPTRG00000042781 | -5.525255 | -5.455252 | -5.371320 | -5.416364 | -5.387366 | -5.858951 | -5.653037 | -5.810171 | -5.407752 | -5.761441 |
ENSPTRG00000046221 | -5.852300 | -6.089921 | -5.851666 | -5.753029 | -5.752195 | -5.909971 | -5.636980 | -5.979525 | -5.858417 | -6.302381 |
ENSPTRG00000051432 | -4.544259 | -4.655172 | -4.469083 | -4.402082 | -4.722227 | -4.848725 | -4.627057 | -4.828534 | -4.418602 | -4.595351 |
Now make correlation matrix from STAR quantifications
# Read in metadata
Metadata <-"../data/Metadata.xlsx"))
Individual.ID | Source | Individual.Name | Yerkes.ID | Label | Notes | FileID.(Library_Species_CellType_FlowCell) | SX | RNA.Library.prep.batch | RNA.Sequencing.Lane | Sequencing.Barcode | RNA.Extract_date | DNASeq_FastqIdentifier | DNA.library.prep.batch | DNA.Sequencing.Lane | DNA.Sequencin.Barcode | DNA.Extract_date | Age | X__1 | Post.mortem.time.interval | RIN | Viral.status | | | Subspecies | DOB | DOD | DOB Estimated | Age (DOD-DOB) | OldLibInfo. RIN,RNA-extractdate,RNAbatch |
295 | Yerkes | Duncan | 295 | 295 | NA | 24_CM_3_L006.bam | M | 5 | 6 | 18 | 2018-10-10 | YG3 | 1 | 1 | NA | 2018-09-01 | 40 | NA | 0.5 | 7.3 | NA | 45.67002 | 17.51562 | verus/ellioti | 24731 | 39386 | NA | 40 | 6.3,6/14/2016,2 |
317 | Yerkes | Iyk | 317 | 317 | NA | 11_CM_3_L004.bam | M | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2016-06-07 | YG2 | 1 | 1 | NA | 2018-09-01 | 44 | NA | 2.5 | 7.6 | NA | 42.75617 | 17.18811 | verus | 22859 | 38832 | NA | 43 | NA |
338 | Yerkes | Maxine | 338 | 338 | NA | 8_CF_3_L008.bam | F | 3 | 8 | 6 | 2016-06-07 | YG1 | 1 | 1 | NA | 2018-09-01 | 53 | NA | NA | 7.2 | NA | 50.52632 | 19.49295 | verus | 20821 | 40179 | Yes | 53 | NA |
389 | Yerkes | Rogger | 389 | 389 | NA | NA | M | 4 | NA | 23 | 2018-10-10 | YG39 | 2 | 2 | NA | 2018-10-01 | 45 | NA | NA | 5.7 | NA | NA | NA | verus | 25204 | 41656 | NA | 45 | NA |
438 | Yerkes | Cheeta | 438 | 438 | NA | 155_CF_3_L004.bam | F | 2 | 4 | 8 | 2016-06-22 | YG22 | 1 | 1 | NA | 2018-09-01 | 55 | NA | NA | 5.6 | NA | 55.30614 | 18.06375 | verus | 20821 | 40909 | Yes | 55 | NA |
456 | Yerkes | Mai | 456 | 456 | NA | 156_CF_3_L001.bam | F | 2 | 1 | 15 | 2016-06-22 | YG23 | 1 | 1 | NA | 2018-09-01 | 49 | NA | NA | 5.5 | NA | 54.00665 | 20.13760 | verus | 23377 | 41275 | Yes | 49 | NA |
CorMatrix <- log10CPM_table %>%
cor(method = c("spearman"))
RNAExtractionDate <- as.character(unclass(factor(plyr::mapvalues(row.names(CorMatrix), from=Metadata$Individual.ID, to=Metadata$RNA.Extract_date))))
RNA.Library.prep.batch <- as.character(unclass(factor(plyr::mapvalues(row.names(CorMatrix), from=Metadata$Individual.ID, to=Metadata$RNA.Library.prep.batch))))
# Heatmap of correlation. Row colors for RNA extraction batch, column colors for RNA library prep batch
heatmap.2(CorMatrix, trace="none", ColSideColors=RNAExtractionDate, RowSideColors = RNA.Library.prep.batch)
# A couple of pairwise comparisons
qplot(log10CPM_table$`4X0095`, log10CPM_table$`4X0212`)
qplot(log10CPM_table$`295`, log10CPM_table$Little_R)
Now make the same plots from the kallisto quantifications
CorMatrix <- CountTableKallisto %>%
cor(method = c("spearman"))
RNAExtractionDate <- as.character(unclass(factor(plyr::mapvalues(row.names(CorMatrix), from=Metadata$Individual.ID, to=Metadata$RNA.Extract_date))))
RNA.Library.prep.batch <- as.character(unclass(factor(plyr::mapvalues(row.names(CorMatrix), from=Metadata$Individual.ID, to=Metadata$RNA.Library.prep.batch))))
# Heatmap of correlation. Row colors for RNA extraction batch, column colors for RNA library prep batch
heatmap.2(CorMatrix, trace="none", ColSideColors=RNAExtractionDate, RowSideColors = RNA.Library.prep.batch)
qplot(CountTableKallisto$`4X0095`, CountTableKallisto$`4X0212`)
qplot(CountTableKallisto$`295`, CountTableKallisto$Little_R)
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS 10.14
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
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[40] gtable_0.3.0 git2r_0.24.0 magrittr_1.5
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