Last updated: 2020-01-10
Checks: 7 0
Knit directory: Comparative_APA/analysis/
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.5.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.
Great! Since the R Markdown file has been committed to the Git repository, you know the exact version of the code that produced these results.
Great job! The global environment was empty. Objects defined in the global environment can affect the analysis in your R Markdown file in unknown ways. For reproduciblity it’s best to always run the code in an empty environment.
The command set.seed(20190902)
was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.
Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.
Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.
Great job! Using relative paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it easier to run your code on other machines.
Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility. The version displayed above was the version of the Git repository at the time these results were generated.
Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish
or wflow_git_commit
). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
Ignored files:
Ignored: .DS_Store
Ignored: .Rhistory
Ignored: .Rproj.user/
Ignored: code/chimp_log/
Ignored: code/human_log/
Ignored: data/.DS_Store
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Untracked files:
Untracked: ._.DS_Store
Untracked: Chimp/
Untracked: Human/
Untracked: analysis/CrossChimpThreePrime.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/DiffTransProtvsExpression.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/assessReadQual.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/diffExpressionPantro6.Rmd
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Untracked: code/CrossmapChimp3prime.out
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Untracked: code/DiffSplice_removebad.out
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Untracked: code/FilterReverseLift.out
Untracked: code/FindIntronForDomPAS.err
Untracked: code/FindIntronForDomPAS.out
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Untracked: code/GencodeDiffSplice.out
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Untracked: code/HchromOrder.err
Untracked: code/HchromOrder.out
Untracked: code/JunctionLift.err
Untracked: code/JunctionLift.out
Untracked: code/JunctionLiftFinalChimp.err
Untracked: code/JunctionLiftFinalChimp.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/Lift5perPASbed.err
Untracked: code/Lift5perPASbed.out
Untracked: code/LiftClustersFirst.err
Untracked: code/LiftClustersFirst.out
Untracked: code/LiftClustersFirst_remove.err
Untracked: code/LiftClustersFirst_remove.out
Untracked: code/LiftClustersSecond.err
Untracked: code/LiftClustersSecond.out
Untracked: code/LiftClustersSecond_remove.err
Untracked: code/LiftClustersSecond_remove.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/LiftorthoPAS.err
Untracked: code/LiftorthoPASt.out
Untracked: code/Log.out
Untracked: code/MapBadSamples.err
Untracked: code/MapBadSamples.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/MapStats.err
Untracked: code/MapStats.out
Untracked: code/MergeClusters.err
Untracked: code/MergeClusters.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/PAS_ATTAAA.err
Untracked: code/PAS_ATTAAA.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/PAS_sequence.err
Untracked: code/PAS_sequence.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/QuantMergeClusters
Untracked: code/QuantMergeClusters.err
Untracked: code/QuantMergeClusters.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/Rev_liftoverPAShg19to38.err
Untracked: code/Rev_liftoverPAShg19to38.out
Untracked: code/ReverseLiftFilter.R
Untracked: code/RunFixCluster.err
Untracked: code/RunFixCluster.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/Snakefile
Untracked: code/SnakefilePAS
Untracked: code/SnakefilePASfilt
Untracked: code/SortIndexBadSamples.err
Untracked: code/SortIndexBadSamples.out
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Untracked: code/TotalTranscriptDTplot.err
Untracked: code/TotalTranscriptDTplot.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/apaQTLsnake.err
Untracked: code/apaQTLsnake.out
Untracked: code/apaQTLsnakePAS.err
Untracked: code/apaQTLsnakePAS.out
Untracked: code/apaQTLsnakePAShuman.err
Untracked: code/bam2junc.err
Untracked: code/bam2junc.out
Untracked: code/bam2junc_remove.err
Untracked: code/bam2junc_remove.out
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Untracked: code/buildIndecpantro5
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Untracked: code/buildLeafviz.out
Untracked: code/
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Untracked: code/buildLeafviz_leafanno.err
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Untracked: code/chromOrder.err
Untracked: code/chromOrder.out
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Untracked: code/extraSnakefiltpas
Untracked: code/filter5perc.R
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Untracked: code/filterSortBedbyCleanedBed_gen.R
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Untracked: code/generateStarIndex.err
Untracked: code/generateStarIndex.out
Untracked: code/generateStarIndexHuman.err
Untracked: code/generateStarIndexHuman.out
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Untracked: code/hg19MapStats.out
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Untracked: code/intersectAnno.out
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Untracked: code/maphg19.err
Untracked: code/maphg19.out
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Untracked: code/mergeandsort_ChimpinHuman.err
Untracked: code/mergeandsort_ChimpinHuman.out
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Untracked: code/mergedbam2bw.out
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Untracked: code/nuclearTranscriptDTplot.out
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Untracked: code/overlapPAS.out
Untracked: code/
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Untracked: code/pheno2countonly.R
Untracked: code/prepareAnnoLeafviz.err
Untracked: code/prepareAnnoLeafviz.out
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Untracked: code/quantLiftedPAS.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/quatJunc.err
Untracked: code/quatJunc.out
Untracked: code/recChimpback2Human.err
Untracked: code/recChimpback2Human.out
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Untracked: code/revLift.out
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Untracked: code/runCountNucleotides.err
Untracked: code/runCountNucleotides.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/runCountNucleotidesPantro6.err
Untracked: code/runCountNucleotidesPantro6.out
Untracked: code/
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Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/run_Chimpleafcutter_ds.err
Untracked: code/run_Chimpleafcutter_ds.out
Untracked: code/run_Chimpverifybam.err
Untracked: code/run_Chimpverifybam.out
Untracked: code/run_Humanleafcutter_ds.err
Untracked: code/run_Humanleafcutter_ds.out
Untracked: code/run_Nuclearleafcutter_ds.err
Untracked: code/run_Nuclearleafcutter_ds.out
Untracked: code/run_Totalleafcutter_ds.err
Untracked: code/run_Totalleafcutter_ds.out
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/
Untracked: code/run_verifybam.err
Untracked: code/run_verifybam.out
Untracked: code/slurm-62824013.out
Untracked: code/slurm-62825841.out
Untracked: code/slurm-62826116.out
Untracked: code/slurm-64108209.out
Untracked: code/slurm-64108521.out
Untracked: code/slurm-64108557.out
Untracked: code/snakePASChimp.err
Untracked: code/snakePASChimp.out
Untracked: code/snakePAShuman.out
Untracked: code/snakemake.batch
Untracked: code/snakemakeChimp.err
Untracked: code/snakemakeChimp.out
Untracked: code/snakemakeHuman.err
Untracked: code/snakemakeHuman.out
Untracked: code/snakemakePAS.batch
Untracked: code/snakemakePASFiltChimp.err
Untracked: code/snakemakePASFiltChimp.out
Untracked: code/snakemakePASFiltHuman.err
Untracked: code/snakemakePASFiltHuman.out
Untracked: code/snakemakePASchimp.batch
Untracked: code/snakemakePAShuman.batch
Untracked: code/snakemake_chimp.batch
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Untracked: code/verifybam4973.err
Untracked: code/verifybam4973.out
Untracked: code/verifybam4973HumanMap.err
Untracked: code/verifybam4973HumanMap.out
Untracked: code/wrap_Chimpverifybam.err
Untracked: code/wrap_Chimpverifybam.out
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Untracked: data/._metadata_HCpanel.xlsx
Untracked: data/._metadata_HCpanel_frompantro5.xlsx
Untracked: data/._~$RNASEQ_metadata.xlsx
Untracked: data/._~$metadata_HCpanel.xlsx
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Untracked: data/CompapaQTLpas/
Untracked: data/DTmatrix/
Untracked: data/DiffExpression/
Untracked: data/DiffIso_Nuclear/
Untracked: data/DiffIso_Total/
Untracked: data/DiffSplice/
Untracked: data/DiffSplice_liftedJunc/
Untracked: data/DiffSplice_removeBad/
Untracked: data/DominantPAS/
Untracked: data/EvalPantro5/
Untracked: data/HC_filenames.txt
Untracked: data/HC_filenames.xlsx
Untracked: data/Khan_prot/
Untracked: data/Li_eqtls/
Untracked: data/MapPantro6_meta.txt
Untracked: data/MapPantro6_meta.xlsx
Untracked: data/MapStats/
Untracked: data/NuclearHvC/
Untracked: data/OppositeSpeciesMap.txt
Untracked: data/OppositeSpeciesMap.xlsx
Untracked: data/PAS/
Untracked: data/Peaks_5perc/
Untracked: data/Pheno_5perc/
Untracked: data/Pheno_5perc_nuclear/
Untracked: data/Pheno_5perc_total/
Untracked: data/RNASEQ_metadata.txt
Untracked: data/RNASEQ_metadata_2Removed.txt
Untracked: data/RNASEQ_metadata_2Removed.xlsx
Untracked: data/RNASEQ_metadata_stranded.txt
Untracked: data/
Untracked: data/RNASEQ_metadata_stranded.xlsx
Untracked: data/SignalSites/
Untracked: data/TotalHvC/
Untracked: data/TwoBadSampleAnalysis/
Untracked: data/Wang_ribo/
Untracked: data/chainFiles/
Untracked: data/cleanPeaks_anno/
Untracked: data/cleanPeaks_byspecies/
Untracked: data/cleanPeaks_lifted/
Untracked: data/leafviz/
Untracked: data/liftover_files/
Untracked: data/metadata_HCpanel.txt
Untracked: data/metadata_HCpanel.xlsx
Untracked: data/metadata_HCpanel_frompantro5.txt
Untracked: data/metadata_HCpanel_frompantro5.xlsx
Untracked: data/primaryLift/
Untracked: data/reverseLift/
Untracked: data/~$RNASEQ_metadata.xlsx
Untracked: data/~$metadata_HCpanel.xlsx
Untracked: data/.xlsx
Untracked: output/dtPlots/
Untracked: projectNotes.Rmd
Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/OppositeMap.Rmd
Modified: analysis/annotationInfo.Rmd
Modified: analysis/investigatePantro5.Rmd
Modified: analysis/multiMap.Rmd
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 3aee984 | brimittleman | 2020-01-10 | delta pau and sig |
html | 417783c | brimittleman | 2020-01-10 | Build site. |
Rmd | 521dc81 | brimittleman | 2020-01-10 | update dPAS > 0.2 |
html | fa86df3 | brimittleman | 2019-12-30 | Build site. |
Rmd | 771d239 | brimittleman | 2019-12-30 | add write out |
html | d6a1ed8 | brimittleman | 2019-12-18 | Build site. |
Rmd | d4e10f0 | brimittleman | 2019-12-18 | update pantro6 |
html | ecd8410 | brimittleman | 2019-10-16 | Build site. |
Rmd | 238e54c | brimittleman | 2019-10-16 | fix label |
html | aab50e4 | brimittleman | 2019-10-16 | Build site. |
Rmd | 4a1903c | brimittleman | 2019-10-16 | redo volcano plots |
html | 9d67688 | brimittleman | 2019-10-15 | Build site. |
Rmd | f8676d2 | brimittleman | 2019-10-15 | think about vol plot |
html | f4bcae9 | brimittleman | 2019-10-15 | Build site. |
Rmd | 25a8b1e | brimittleman | 2019-10-15 | fix name bug add number PAS analysis |
html | d0c98c2 | brimittleman | 2019-10-09 | Build site. |
Rmd | 14a3f66 | brimittleman | 2019-10-09 | add pca and human v chimp in nuc analysis |
── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
✔ ggplot2 3.1.1 ✔ purrr 0.3.2
✔ tibble 2.1.1 ✔ dplyr
✔ tidyr 0.8.3 ✔ stringr 1.3.1
✔ readr 1.3.1 ✔ forcats 0.3.0
── Conflicts ──────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
Compare nuclear fraction PAS between human and chimp. I need to merge the 5% phenotypes from the human and chimp. I need a fc file with the human and chimp nuclear samples. I will make a group file with the identifier being human or chimp.
../Chimp/data/CleanLiftedPeaks4LC/ALLPAS_postLift_LocParsed_Chimp_fixed4LC.fc ../Human/data/CleanLiftedPeaks4LC/ALLPAS_postLift_LocParsed_Human_fixed4LC.fc
mkdir ../data/NuclearHvC
human=read.table("../Human/data/CleanLiftedPeaks4LC/ALLPAS_postLift_LocParsed_Human_fixed4LC.fc", stringsAsFactors = F, header = T) %>% rownames_to_column(var="chrom")
chimp=read.table("../Chimp/data/CleanLiftedPeaks4LC/ALLPAS_postLift_LocParsed_Chimp_fixed4LC.fc", stringsAsFactors = F, header = T)%>% rownames_to_column(var="chrom")
Allsamps=human %>% full_join(chimp,by="chrom")
AllNuclear=Allsamps %>% dplyr::select(chrom,contains("_N")) %>% column_to_rownames(var="chrom")
write.table(AllNuclear, "../data/NuclearHvC/ALLPAS_postLift_LocParsed_HvC_Nuclear_fixed4LC.fc",row.names = T, col.names = T, quote = F)
I will make the id file here.
Species=c(rep("Human",6), rep("Chimp", 6)),Species))
write.table(idFileDF, "../data/NuclearHvC/sample_goups.txt",row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F)
Split by chromosome.
mkdir ../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/
python 1
python 2
python 3
python 4
python 5
python 6
python 7
python 8
python 9
python 10
python 11
python 12
python 13
python 14
python 16
python 18
python 19
python 20
python 21
python 22
Run leafcutter:
Concatinate results:
awk '{if(NR>1)print}' ../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/TN_diff_isoform_chr*.txt_effect_sizes.txt > ../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/TN_diff_isoform_allChrom.txt_effect_sizes.txt
awk '{if(NR>1)print}' ../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/TN_diff_isoform_chr*.txt_cluster_significance.txt > ../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/TN_diff_isoform_allChrom.txt_significance.txt
Significant clusters:
sig=read.table("../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/TN_diff_isoform_allChrom.txt_significance.txt",sep="\t" ,col.names = c('status','loglr','df','p','cluster','p.adjust'),stringsAsFactors = F) %>% filter(status=="Success")
qqplot(-log10(runif(nrow(sig))), -log10(sig$p.adjust),ylab="-log10 Adjusted Leafcutter pvalue", xlab="-log 10 Uniform expectation", main="Leafcutter differencial isoform analysis between Species")
[1] 9678
sig_genes=sig %>% filter(p.adjust<.05)
[1] 6972
Effect Sizes
effectsize=read.table("../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/TN_diff_isoform_allChrom.txt_effect_sizes.txt", stringsAsFactors = F, col.names=c('intron', 'logef' ,'Human', 'Chimp','deltaPAU')) %>% filter(intron != "intron")
plot(sort(effectsize$deltaPAU),main="Leafcutter delta PAU", ylab="Delta PAU", xlab="PAS Index")
Are those discovered used more in chimp those discovered in chimp?
PASinfo=read.table("../data/Peaks_5perc/Peaks_5perc_either_bothUsage_noUnchr.txt",header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
Join this with the effect sizes.
effectsize_sep=effectsize %>% separate(intron, into=c("chr", "start", "end", "gene"),sep=":")
effectsize_anno=effectsize_sep %>% inner_join(PASinfo, by=c("chr", "start", "end","gene"))
ggplot(effectsize_anno, aes(x=disc, y=deltaPAU)) + geom_boxplot()
Volcano plot:
I need the effect sizes and the significance. I need to plot only the top PAS per cluster.
sig_geneP=sig %>% separate(cluster,into = c("chr", "gene"), sep=":") %>% dplyr::select(gene, p.adjust)
effectsizeTop=effectsize_sep %>% group_by(gene) %>% summarise(Min=min(deltaPAU), Max=max(deltaPAU)) %>% mutate(TopdPAU=ifelse(abs(Min)>Max, Min, Max))
#exclude when the max=min
effectsizeTopFilt=effectsizeTop %>% filter(abs(Min) != Max)
effectsize_wES=effectsizeTopFilt %>% inner_join(sig_geneP, by="gene") %>% mutate(Species=ifelse(TopdPAU > 0.2 & p.adjust<.05, "Chimp", ifelse(TopdPAU < -0.2 & p.adjust< .05, "Human", "Neither")))
This is the significance for the gene.
ggplot(effectsize_wES,aes(x=TopdPAU, y=-log10(p.adjust))) +geom_point(aes(col=Species),alpha=.5) + labs(title="Top PAS per gene \nExclude 2 PAS genes")+ geom_text(data=subset(effectsize_wES, -log10(p.adjust) >20 & abs(TopdPAU)>.2 ), aes(x=TopdPAU,y=-log10(p.adjust) +2,label=gene))
Not the best way to visualize this because every PAS per gene is assigned the same pvalue.
Try this including the matching one. I will make 2 plots. One with human dominant, one with chimp dominant.
effectsizeTopHuman=effectsize_sep %>% group_by(gene) %>% summarise(Min=min(deltaPAU), Max=max(deltaPAU)) %>% mutate(TopdPAU=ifelse(abs(Min) > Max, Min, ifelse(abs(Min)==Max, Min, Max)),TwoPAS=ifelse(abs(Min)==Max, T, F))
effectsize_wES_human=effectsizeTopHuman %>% inner_join(sig_geneP, by="gene") %>% mutate(Species=ifelse(TopdPAU > 0.2 & p.adjust<.05, "Chimp", ifelse(TopdPAU < -0.2 & p.adjust< .05, "Human", "Neither")))
effectsizeTopChimp=effectsize_sep %>% group_by(gene) %>% summarise(Min=min(deltaPAU), Max=max(deltaPAU)) %>% mutate(TopdPAU=ifelse(abs(Max)>=abs(Min), Max, Min), TwoPAS=ifelse(abs(Min)==Max, T, F))
effectsize_wES_chimp=effectsizeTopChimp %>% inner_join(sig_geneP, by="gene") %>% mutate(Species=ifelse(TopdPAU > 0.2 & p.adjust<.05, "Chimp", ifelse(TopdPAU < -0.2 & p.adjust< .05, "Human", "Neither")))
ggplot(effectsize_wES_human,aes(x=TopdPAU, y=-log10(p.adjust))) + geom_point(aes(col=Species, shape=TwoPAS),alpha=.5) + labs(title="Top PAS per gene \nHuman dominant for 2 PAS")+ geom_text(data=subset(effectsize_wES_human,-log10(p.adjust) >20 & abs(TopdPAU)>.2 ), aes(x=TopdPAU,y=-log10(p.adjust) +2,label=gene))
ggplot(effectsize_wES_chimp,aes(x=TopdPAU, y=-log10(p.adjust))) + geom_point(aes(col=Species, shape=TwoPAS),alpha=.5) + labs(title="Top PAS per gene \nChimp dominant for 2 PAS")+ geom_text(data=subset(effectsize_wES_chimp, -log10(p.adjust) >20 & abs(TopdPAU)>.2), aes(x=TopdPAU,y=-log10(p.adjust) +2,label=gene))
Write out the significant genes with >.2 difference.
effectsize_sep_pval=effectsize_sep %>% full_join(sig_geneP, by="gene")
#significant > .2
effectsize_sep_pval_sig= effectsize_sep_pval %>% filter(p.adjust <= .05,abs(deltaPAU) >=0.2)
[1] 3616
effectsize_sep_pval_sig_genes=effectsize_sep_pval_sig %>% dplyr::select(gene) %>% unique()
[1] 2501
effectsize_wES_chimpOnly= effectsize_wES %>% filter(Species=="Chimp")
effectsize_wES_HumanOnly= effectsize_wES %>% filter(Species=="Human")
write.table(effectsize_wES_chimpOnly,"../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/SignifianceChimpPAS_2_Nuclear.txt",col.names =T, row.names = F,quote = F)
write.table(effectsize_wES_HumanOnly,"../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/SignifianceHumanPAS_2_Nuclear.txt",col.names =T, row.names = F,quote = F)
write.table(effectsize_sep_pval_sig,"../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/SignifianceEitherPAS_2_Nuclear.txt",col.names =T, row.names = F,quote = F)
write.table(effectsize_sep_pval_sig_genes,"../data/DiffIso_Nuclear/SignifianceEitherGENES_Nuclear.txt",col.names =T, row.names = F,quote = F)
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)
Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/
attached base packages:
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[5] readr_1.3.1 tidyr_0.8.3 tibble_2.1.1 ggplot2_3.1.1
[9] tidyverse_1.2.1 reshape2_1.4.3
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[1] Rcpp_1.0.2 cellranger_1.1.0 compiler_3.5.1 pillar_1.3.1
[5] later_0.7.5 git2r_0.26.1 plyr_1.8.4 workflowr_1.5.0
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