• Session information

Last updated: 2018-11-06

workflowr checks: (Click a bullet for more information)
  • R Markdown file: up-to-date

    Great! Since the R Markdown file has been committed to the Git repository, you know the exact version of the code that produced these results.

  • Environment: empty

    Great job! The global environment was empty. Objects defined in the global environment can affect the analysis in your R Markdown file in unknown ways. For reproduciblity it’s best to always run the code in an empty environment.

  • Seed: set.seed(12345)

    The command set.seed(12345) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

  • Session information: recorded

    Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

  • Repository version: b5f744f

    Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility. The version displayed above was the version of the Git repository at the time these results were generated.

    Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
    Ignored files:
        Ignored:    .DS_Store
        Ignored:    .Rhistory
        Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
        Ignored:    data/.DS_Store
        Ignored:    output/.DS_Store
    Untracked files:
        Untracked:  KalistoAbundance18486.txt
        Untracked:  analysis/ncbiRefSeq_sm.sort.mRNA.bed
        Untracked:  analysis/snake.config.notes.Rmd
        Untracked:  analysis/verifyBAM.Rmd
        Untracked:  data/18486.genecov.txt
        Untracked:  data/APApeaksYL.total.inbrain.bed
        Untracked:  data/ChromHmmOverlap/
        Untracked:  data/GM12878.chromHMM.bed
        Untracked:  data/GM12878.chromHMM.txt
        Untracked:  data/NuclearApaQTLs.txt
        Untracked:  data/PeaksUsed/
        Untracked:  data/RNAkalisto/
        Untracked:  data/TotalApaQTLs.txt
        Untracked:  data/Totalpeaks_filtered_clean.bed
        Untracked:  data/YL-SP-18486-T-combined-genecov.txt
        Untracked:  data/YL-SP-18486-T_S9_R1_001-genecov.txt
        Untracked:  data/apaExamp/
        Untracked:  data/bedgraph_peaks/
        Untracked:  data/bin200.5.T.nuccov.bed
        Untracked:  data/bin200.Anuccov.bed
        Untracked:  data/bin200.nuccov.bed
        Untracked:  data/clean_peaks/
        Untracked:  data/comb_map_stats.csv
        Untracked:  data/comb_map_stats.xlsx
        Untracked:  data/comb_map_stats_39ind.csv
        Untracked:  data/combined_reads_mapped_three_prime_seq.csv
        Untracked:  data/diff_iso_trans/
        Untracked:  data/ensemble_to_genename.txt
        Untracked:  data/filtered_APApeaks_merged_allchrom_refseqTrans.closest2End.bed
        Untracked:  data/filtered_APApeaks_merged_allchrom_refseqTrans.closest2End.noties.bed
        Untracked:  data/first50lines_closest.txt
        Untracked:  data/gencov.test.csv
        Untracked:  data/gencov.test.txt
        Untracked:  data/gencov_zero.test.csv
        Untracked:  data/gencov_zero.test.txt
        Untracked:  data/gene_cov/
        Untracked:  data/joined
        Untracked:  data/leafcutter/
        Untracked:  data/merged_combined_YL-SP-threeprimeseq.bg
        Untracked:  data/mol_overlap/
        Untracked:  data/mol_pheno/
        Untracked:  data/nom_QTL/
        Untracked:  data/nom_QTL_opp/
        Untracked:  data/nom_QTL_trans/
        Untracked:  data/nuc6up/
        Untracked:  data/other_qtls/
        Untracked:  data/peakPerRefSeqGene/
        Untracked:  data/perm_QTL/
        Untracked:  data/perm_QTL_opp/
        Untracked:  data/perm_QTL_trans/
        Untracked:  data/reads_mapped_three_prime_seq.csv
        Untracked:  data/smash.cov.results.bed
        Untracked:  data/smash.cov.results.csv
        Untracked:  data/smash.cov.results.txt
        Untracked:  data/smash_testregion/
        Untracked:  data/ssFC200.cov.bed
        Untracked:  data/temp.file1
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        Untracked:  data/temp.gencov.test.txt
        Untracked:  data/temp.gencov_zero.test.txt
        Untracked:  output/picard/
        Untracked:  output/plots/
        Untracked:  output/qual.fig2.pdf
    Unstaged changes:
        Modified:   analysis/28ind.peak.explore.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/39indQC.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/apaQTLoverlapGWAS.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/characterizeNuclearApaQtls.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/cleanupdtseq.internalpriming.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/coloc_apaQTLs_protQTLs.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/dif.iso.usage.leafcutter.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/diff_iso_pipeline.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/explore.filters.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/overlapMolQTL.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/overlap_qtls.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/peakOverlap_oppstrand.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/pheno.leaf.comb.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/swarmPlots_QTLs.Rmd
        Modified:   analysis/test.max2.Rmd
        Modified:   code/Snakefile
    Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
Expand here to see past versions:
    File Version Author Date Message
    Rmd b5f744f Briana Mittleman 2018-11-06 initiate flash2mash

I will use this analysis to implement the flash and mash packages developed by the stephens lab to better understand molecular QTL sharing and to see if adding APA to a model can help with power in protein QTLs.

Steps: 1. FLASH to see tissue patterns (https://willwerscheid.github.io/MASHvFLASH/MASHvFLASHnn.html and https://willwerscheid.github.io/MASHvFLASH/MASHvFLASHnn2.html)
2. Conditional analysis with residuals to see if I can call APA qtls on the residuals from an RNA~protein analysis 3. run MASH

Data stucture: I need to have a matrix with all of my QTL results. I want to get a snp-gene by phenotype matrix with the effect sizes and standard errors. First I will do this with the genes we have all data for (unless it is too small). To deal with the APA isoform problem I will use the peak with the most significant peak-snp pair. This should be ok because given the peaks are ratios they are all correlated with eachother.

── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
✔ ggplot2 3.0.0     ✔ purrr   0.2.5
✔ tibble  1.4.2     ✔ dplyr   0.7.6
✔ tidyr   0.8.1     ✔ stringr 1.3.1
✔ readr   1.1.1     ✔ forcats 0.3.0
── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
This is workflowr version 1.1.1
Run ?workflowr for help getting started

First I can use the permuted results to look at the genes that are tested in all of the phenotypes.

read_permfile=function(file, mol){
  perm_names=c("pid" ,"nvar","shape1" ,"shape2", "dummy","sid" ,"dist","npval", "slope" , "ppval" ,"bpval")
  geneNames=read.table("../data/ensemble_to_genename.txt", sep="\t", header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
  res=read.table(file, col.names = perm_names, stringsAsFactors = F)
  if (mol == "protein"){
    res_f= res %>% rename("Gene.stable.ID"=pid)
    res_final= res_f %>% inner_join(geneNames, by="Gene.stable.ID") %>% select(c("Gene.name"))
    res_final =res %>% separate(pid, into=c("Gene.stable.ID", "ver"), sep ="[.]") %>% inner_join(geneNames, by="Gene.stable.ID") %>% select(c("Gene.name"))
prot_res=read_permfile("../data/other_qtls/fastqtl_qqnorm_prot.fixed.perm.out", "protein")
rna_res=read_permfile("../data/other_qtls/fastqtl_qqnorm_RNAseq_phase2.fixed.perm.out", "RNA")
rnaG_res=read_permfile("../data/other_qtls/fastqtl_qqnorm_RNAseqGeuvadis.fixed.perm.out", "RNAG")
su30_res=read_permfile("../data/other_qtls/fastqtl_qqnorm_4su30.fixed.perm.out", "su30")
su60_res=read_permfile("../data/other_qtls/fastqtl_qqnorm_4su60.fixed.perm.out", "su60")
ribo_res=read_permfile("../data/other_qtls/fastqtl_qqnorm_ribo_phase2.fixed.perm.out", "ribo")

Now I need to look at the apa file genes.

NuclearAPA=read.table("../data/perm_QTL_trans/filtered_APApeaks_merged_allchrom_refseqGenes_pheno_Nuclear_transcript_permResBH.txt", stringsAsFactors = F, header=T)  %>%  separate(pid, sep = ":", into=c("chr", "start", "end", "id")) %>% separate(id, sep = "_", into=c("gene", "strand", "peak")) %>%  rename("Gene.name"=gene) %>% select(Gene.name)%>% distinct()

totalAPA=read.table("../data/perm_QTL_trans/filtered_APApeaks_merged_allchrom_refseqGenes_pheno_Total_transcript_permResBH.txt", stringsAsFactors = F, header=T)  %>%  separate(pid, sep = ":", into=c("chr", "start", "end", "id")) %>% separate(id, sep = "_", into=c("gene", "strand", "peak")) %>% rename("Gene.name"=gene) %>% select(Gene.name) %>% distinct()

Look hoqw many genes are in all sets:

allgenes= NuclearAPA %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(su30_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(su60_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(rna_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(rnaG_res,by="Gene.name")%>% inner_join(ribo_res,by="Gene.name")%>% inner_join(prot_res,by="Gene.name")
[1] 904
allgenes_minusprot= NuclearAPA %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(su30_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(su60_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(rna_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(rnaG_res,by="Gene.name")%>% inner_join(ribo_res,by="Gene.name")
[1] 2195
allgenes_minusribo= NuclearAPA %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(su30_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(su60_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(rna_res,by="Gene.name") %>% inner_join(rnaG_res,by="Gene.name")%>% inner_join(prot_res,by="Gene.name")
[1] 904
genes_ApaRnaProt= NuclearAPA %>% inner_join(totalAPA,by="Gene.name") %>%inner_join(rna_res,by="Gene.name") %>%inner_join(prot_res,by="Gene.name")
[1] 904
genes_RNAProt= rna_res%>%inner_join(prot_res,by="Gene.name")
[1] 4131

Only have 904 genes that are tested in both APA and protein data.

Session information

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] workflowr_1.1.1 forcats_0.3.0   stringr_1.3.1   dplyr_0.7.6    
 [5] purrr_0.2.5     readr_1.1.1     tidyr_0.8.1     tibble_1.4.2   
 [9] ggplot2_3.0.0   tidyverse_1.2.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.19      cellranger_1.1.0  plyr_1.8.4       
 [4] compiler_3.5.1    pillar_1.3.0      git2r_0.23.0     
 [7] bindr_0.1.1       R.methodsS3_1.7.1 R.utils_2.7.0    
[10] tools_3.5.1       digest_0.6.17     lubridate_1.7.4  
[13] jsonlite_1.5      evaluate_0.11     nlme_3.1-137     
[16] gtable_0.2.0      lattice_0.20-35   pkgconfig_2.0.2  
[19] rlang_0.2.2       cli_1.0.1         rstudioapi_0.8   
[22] yaml_2.2.0        haven_1.1.2       bindrcpp_0.2.2   
[25] withr_2.1.2       xml2_1.2.0        httr_1.3.1       
[28] knitr_1.20        hms_0.4.2         rprojroot_1.3-2  
[31] grid_3.5.1        tidyselect_0.2.4  glue_1.3.0       
[34] R6_2.3.0          readxl_1.1.0      rmarkdown_1.10   
[37] modelr_0.1.2      magrittr_1.5      whisker_0.3-2    
[40] backports_1.1.2   scales_1.0.0      htmltools_0.3.6  
[43] rvest_0.3.2       assertthat_0.2.0  colorspace_1.3-2 
[46] stringi_1.2.4     lazyeval_0.2.1    munsell_0.5.0    
[49] broom_0.5.0       crayon_1.3.4      R.oo_1.22.0      

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.1.1