• Build a model

Last updated: 2022-12-12

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd d5ddf67 Dave Tang 2022-12-12 quiet
html add50fe Dave Tang 2022-12-12 Build site.
Rmd 419613a Dave Tang 2022-12-12 Tidymodels

Build a model


my_packages <- c('tidyverse', 'tidymodels', 'broom.mixed', 'dotwhisker', 'rstanarm')

for (my_package in my_packages){
   if(!require(my_package, character.only = TRUE)){
  library(my_package, character.only = TRUE)


Data from Constable (1993) to explore how three different feeding regimes affect the size of sea urchins over time. The initial size of the sea urchins at the beginning of the experiment probably affects how big they grow as they are fed.

my_csv <- read_csv("https://tidymodels.org/start/models/urchins.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>
1 Initial   3.5 0.01 
2 Initial   5   0.02 
3 Initial   8   0.061
4 Initial  10   0.051
5 Initial  13   0.041
6 Initial  13   0.061

Change the column names to be more descriptive and change food_regime into a factor.

For each of the 72 urchins, we know their:

  • experimental feeding regime group (food_regime: either Initial, Low, or High),
  • size in milliliters at the start of the experiment (initial_volume), and
  • suture width at the end of the experiment (width).
my_csv %>%
  setNames(c("food_regime", "initial_volume", "width")) %>% 
  mutate(food_regime = factor(food_regime, levels = c("Initial", "Low", "High"))) -> urchins
[1] 72  3

Plot the data.

  aes(x = initial_volume, 
      y = width, 
      group = food_regime, 
      colour = food_regime)
) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE) +
  scale_color_viridis_d(option = "plasma", end = .7)
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Version Author Date
add50fe Dave Tang 2022-12-12

A standard two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) model makes sense for this dataset because we have both a continuous predictor (initial_volume) and a categorical predictor (food_regime). Since the slopes appear to be different for at least two of the feeding regimes, let’s build a model that allows for two-way interactions.

Specifying an R formula with our variables as defined below allows our regression model depending on initial volume to have separate slopes and intercepts for each food regime.

width ~ initial_volume * food_regime
width ~ initial_volume * food_regime

With tidymodels, we start by specifying the functional form of the model that we want by using the parsnip package. Since there is a numeric outcome and the model should be linear with slopes and intercepts, the model type is “linear regression”.

Linear Regression Model Specification (regression)

Computational engine: lm 

Now we can think about a method for fitting or training the model, i.e. the model engine. The engine value is often a mash-up of the software that can be used to fit or train the model as well as the estimation method. The default for linear_reg() is lm for ordinary least squares. The documentation page for linear_reg() lists all the possible engines.

We’ll save our model object as lm_mod using the default engine.

lm_mod <- linear_reg()

The model can now be estimated or trained using the fit() function.

lm_mod %>%
  fit(width ~ initial_volume * food_regime, data = urchins) -> lm_fit

parsnip model object

stats::lm(formula = width ~ initial_volume * food_regime, data = data)

                   (Intercept)                  initial_volume  
                     0.0331216                       0.0015546  
                food_regimeLow                 food_regimeHigh  
                     0.0197824                       0.0214111  
 initial_volume:food_regimeLow  initial_volume:food_regimeHigh  
                    -0.0012594                       0.0005254  

Many models have a tidy() method that provides the summary results in a more predictable and useful format.

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  term                            estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>                              <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)                     0.0331    0.00962      3.44  0.00100 
2 initial_volume                  0.00155   0.000398     3.91  0.000222
3 food_regimeLow                  0.0198    0.0130       1.52  0.133   
4 food_regimeHigh                 0.0214    0.0145       1.47  0.145   
5 initial_volume:food_regimeLow  -0.00126   0.000510    -2.47  0.0162  
6 initial_volume:food_regimeHigh  0.000525  0.000702     0.748 0.457   

Generate a dot-and-whisker plot of our regression results using the dotwhisker package.

tidy(lm_fit) %>% 
    dot_args = list(size = 2, color = "black"),
    whisker_args = list(color = "black"),
    vline = geom_vline(
      xintercept = 0,
      colour = "grey50",
      linetype = 2

Version Author Date
add50fe Dave Tang 2022-12-12

The fitted object lm_fit has the lm model output built-in, which you can access with lm_fit$fit, but there are some benefits to using the fitted parsnip model object when it comes to predicting.

Suppose that, for a publication, it would be particularly interesting to make a plot of the mean body size for urchins that started the experiment with an initial volume of 20ml. To create such a graph, we start with some new example data that we will make predictions for.

new_points <- expand.grid(
  initial_volume = 20, 
  food_regime = c("Initial", "Low", "High")

  initial_volume food_regime
1             20     Initial
2             20         Low
3             20        High

Generate the mean body width values.

mean_pred <- predict(lm_fit, new_data = new_points)
# A tibble: 3 × 1
1 0.0642
2 0.0588
3 0.0961

When making predictions, the tidymodels convention is to always produce a tibble of results with standardized column names. This makes it easy to combine the original data and the predictions in a usable format.

conf_int_pred <- predict(
  new_data = new_points, 
  type = "conf_int"

plot_data <- 
  new_points %>% 
  bind_cols(mean_pred) %>% 

  aes(x = food_regime)
) + 
  geom_point(aes(y = .pred)) + 
    aes(ymin = .pred_lower, ymax = .pred_upper),
    width = .2
  ) + 
  labs(y = "urchin size")

Version Author Date
add50fe Dave Tang 2022-12-12

We are interested in knowing if the results would be different if the model were estimated using a Bayesian approach. In such an analysis, a prior distribution needs to be declared for each model parameter that represents the possible values of the parameters (before being exposed to the observed data). After some discussion, the group agrees that the priors should be bell-shaped but, since no one has any idea what the range of values should be, to take a conservative approach and make the priors wide using a Cauchy distribution (which is the same as a t-distribution with a single degree of freedom).

The documentation on the rstanarm package shows us that the stan_glm() function can be used to estimate this model, and that the function arguments that need to be specified are called prior and prior_intercept.

It turns out that linear_reg() has a stan engine. Since these prior distribution arguments are specific to the Stan software, they are passed as arguments to parsnip::set_engine().

# set the prior distribution
prior_dist <- rstanarm::student_t(df = 1)


# make the parsnip model
bayes_mod <-   
  linear_reg() %>% 
             prior_intercept = prior_dist, 
             prior = prior_dist) 

# train the model
bayes_fit <- 
  bayes_mod %>% 
  fit(width ~ initial_volume * food_regime, data = urchins)

print(bayes_fit, digits = 5)
parsnip model object

 family:       gaussian [identity]
 formula:      width ~ initial_volume * food_regime
 observations: 72
 predictors:   6
                               Median   MAD_SD  
(Intercept)                     0.03314  0.00998
initial_volume                  0.00155  0.00040
food_regimeLow                  0.01991  0.01332
food_regimeHigh                 0.02132  0.01487
initial_volume:food_regimeLow  -0.00125  0.00051
initial_volume:food_regimeHigh  0.00053  0.00072

Auxiliary parameter(s):
      Median  MAD_SD 
sigma 0.02135 0.00185

* For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
* For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg

To update the parameter table, the tidy() method is once again used.

tidy(bayes_fit, conf.int = TRUE)
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  term                            estimate std.error  conf.low conf.high
  <chr>                              <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)                     0.0331    0.00998   0.0167    0.0493  
2 initial_volume                  0.00155   0.000402  0.000891  0.00223 
3 food_regimeLow                  0.0199    0.0133   -0.00251   0.0418  
4 food_regimeHigh                 0.0213    0.0149   -0.00379   0.0462  
5 initial_volume:food_regimeLow  -0.00125   0.000515 -0.00212  -0.000396
6 initial_volume:food_regimeHigh  0.000533  0.000725 -0.000628  0.00170 

A goal of the tidymodels packages is that the interfaces to common tasks are standardised (as seen in the tidy() results above). The same is true for getting predictions; we can use the same code even though the underlying packages use very different syntax.

bayes_plot_data <- 
  new_points %>% 
  bind_cols(predict(bayes_fit, new_data = new_points)) %>% 
  bind_cols(predict(bayes_fit, new_data = new_points, type = "conf_int"))

ggplot(bayes_plot_data, aes(x = food_regime)) + 
  geom_point(aes(y = .pred)) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = .pred_lower, ymax = .pred_upper), width = .2) + 
  labs(y = "urchin size") + 
  ggtitle("Bayesian model with t(1) prior distribution")

Version Author Date
add50fe Dave Tang 2022-12-12

R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/liblapack.so.3

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] rstanarm_2.21.3     Rcpp_1.0.9          dotwhisker_0.7.4   
 [4] broom.mixed_0.2.9.4 yardstick_1.1.0     workflowsets_1.0.0 
 [7] workflows_1.1.2     tune_1.0.1          rsample_1.1.1      
[10] recipes_1.0.3       parsnip_1.0.3       modeldata_1.0.1    
[13] infer_1.0.4         dials_1.1.0         scales_1.2.1       
[16] broom_1.0.1         tidymodels_1.0.0    forcats_0.5.2      
[19] stringr_1.4.1       dplyr_1.0.10        purrr_0.3.5        
[22] readr_2.1.3         tidyr_1.2.1         tibble_3.1.8       
[25] ggplot2_3.4.0       tidyverse_1.3.2     workflowr_1.7.0    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] utf8_1.2.2           ggstance_0.3.6       tidyselect_1.2.0    
  [4] lme4_1.1-31          htmlwidgets_1.5.4    grid_4.2.0          
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 [13] colorspace_2.0-3     highr_0.9            knitr_1.40          
 [16] rstudioapi_0.14      stats4_4.2.0         bayesplot_1.10.0    
 [19] listenv_0.8.0        labeling_0.4.2       git2r_0.30.1        
 [22] rstan_2.21.7         farver_2.1.1         bit64_4.0.5         
 [25] DiceDesign_1.9       datawizard_0.6.4     rprojroot_2.0.3     
 [28] parallelly_1.32.1    vctrs_0.5.0          generics_0.1.3      
 [31] ipred_0.9-13         xfun_0.34            R6_2.5.1            
 [34] markdown_1.3         lhs_1.1.5            cachem_1.0.6        
 [37] assertthat_0.2.1     promises_1.2.0.1     vroom_1.6.0         
 [40] nnet_7.3-18          googlesheets4_1.0.1  gtable_0.3.1        
 [43] globals_0.16.1       processx_3.8.0       timeDate_4021.107   
 [46] rlang_1.0.6          splines_4.2.0        gargle_1.2.1        
 [49] inline_0.3.19        yaml_2.3.6           reshape2_1.4.4      
 [52] modelr_0.1.10        threejs_0.3.3        crosstalk_1.2.0     
 [55] backports_1.4.1      httpuv_1.6.6         tools_4.2.0         
 [58] lava_1.7.0           ellipsis_0.3.2       jquerylib_0.1.4     
 [61] plyr_1.8.8           base64enc_0.1-3      ps_1.7.2            
 [64] prettyunits_1.1.1    rpart_4.1.19         zoo_1.8-11          
 [67] haven_2.5.1          fs_1.5.2             furrr_0.3.1         
 [70] magrittr_2.0.3       colourpicker_1.2.0   reprex_2.0.2        
 [73] GPfit_1.0-8          googledrive_2.0.0    whisker_0.4         
 [76] matrixStats_0.62.0   hms_1.1.2            shinyjs_2.1.0       
 [79] mime_0.12            evaluate_0.18        xtable_1.8-4        
 [82] shinystan_2.6.0      readxl_1.4.1         gridExtra_2.3       
 [85] rstantools_2.2.0     compiler_4.2.0       crayon_1.5.2        
 [88] minqa_1.2.5          StanHeaders_2.21.0-7 htmltools_0.5.3     
 [91] mgcv_1.8-41          later_1.3.0          tzdb_0.3.0          
 [94] RcppParallel_5.1.5   lubridate_1.8.0      DBI_1.1.3           
 [97] dbplyr_2.2.1         MASS_7.3-58.1        boot_1.3-28         
[100] Matrix_1.5-3         cli_3.4.1            parallel_4.2.0      
[103] insight_0.18.8       gower_1.0.0          igraph_1.3.5        
[106] pkgconfig_2.0.3      getPass_0.2-2        xml2_1.3.3          
[109] foreach_1.5.2        dygraphs_1.1.1.6     bslib_0.4.1         
[112] hardhat_1.2.0        prodlim_2019.11.13   rvest_1.0.3         
[115] callr_3.7.3          digest_0.6.30        parameters_0.20.0   
[118] rmarkdown_2.18       cellranger_1.1.0     curl_4.3.3          
[121] shiny_1.7.3          gtools_3.9.4         nloptr_2.0.3        
[124] lifecycle_1.0.3      nlme_3.1-160         jsonlite_1.8.3      
[127] viridisLite_0.4.1    fansi_1.0.3          pillar_1.8.1        
[130] lattice_0.20-45      loo_2.5.1            fastmap_1.1.0       
[133] httr_1.4.4           pkgbuild_1.4.0       survival_3.4-0      
[136] glue_1.6.2           xts_0.12.2           bayestestR_0.13.0   
[139] shinythemes_1.2.0    iterators_1.0.14     bit_4.0.4           
[142] class_7.3-20         stringi_1.7.8        sass_0.4.2          
[145] future.apply_1.10.0