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Author 1
👀 Reading hidden code
using PlutoPlotly
using CountriesBorders
using PlutoTest
2.7 s
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 48.864°
└─ lon: 2.349°
👀 Reading hidden code
rome = LatLon(41.9, 12.49) # Rome, Italy
catania = LatLon(37.5, 15.09) # Catania, Sicily
madrid = LatLon(40.416, -3.703) # Madrid, Spain
paris = LatLon(48.864, 2.349) # Paris, France
49.5 μs
2 view(::GeometrySet{CountryBorder{Float32}}, resolution = 110m, [133, 142])
├─ Spain
└─ Italy (1 skipped)
👀 Reading hidden code
dmn = extract_countries("italy; spain"; skip_areas= [
("Italy", 2) # This will skip Sicily, which is the second PolyArea in the Italian country
1.1 s
rome ∈ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 41.9°
└─ lon: 12.49°
∈ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 41.9°
└─ lon: 12.49°
2 view(::GeometrySet{CountryBorder{Float32}}, resolution = 110m, [133, 142])
├─ Spain
└─ Italy (1 skipped)
@test rome ∈ dmn
👀 Reading hidden code
1.9 ms
madrid ∈ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 40.416°
└─ lon: -3.703°
∈ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 40.416°
└─ lon: -3.703°
2 view(::GeometrySet{CountryBorder{Float32}}, resolution = 110m, [133, 142])
├─ Spain
└─ Italy (1 skipped)
@test madrid ∈ dmn
👀 Reading hidden code
1.7 ms
catania ∉ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 37.5°
└─ lon: 15.09°
∉ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 37.5°
└─ lon: 15.09°
2 view(::GeometrySet{CountryBorder{Float32}}, resolution = 110m, [133, 142])
├─ Spain
└─ Italy (1 skipped)
@test catania ∉ dmn
👀 Reading hidden code
56.0 μs
paris ∉ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 48.864°
└─ lon: 2.349°
∉ dmn
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 48.864°
└─ lon: 2.349°
2 view(::GeometrySet{CountryBorder{Float32}}, resolution = 110m, [133, 142])
├─ Spain
└─ Italy (1 skipped)
@test paris ∉ dmn
👀 Reading hidden code
32.7 μs
# scattergeo on the output of extract_countries will plot the borders of the countries in the extracte region as lines. all kwargs passed to scattergeo will be forwarded to the internal call to scattergeo with extracted lat and lon
region = scattergeo(dmn; line_color = "blue", line_width = 1, name = "Extracted Region")
# Calls to scattergeo with a vector of SimpleLatLon elements will plot those directly (without explicitly setting `mode` kwarg, so it will default to just markers for limited number of points)
excluded = scattergeo([catania, paris]; marker_symbol = "x", marker_color = "red", name = "Excluded Cities")
included = scattergeo([rome, madrid]; marker_symbol = ".", name = "Included Cities")
data = [region, excluded, included]
plot(data, Layout(;
geo = attr(;
lataxis = attr(;
range = [25, 70],
showgrid = true,
dtick = 10,
lonaxis = attr(;
range = [-35, 55],
showgrid = true,
legend = attr(;
x = .95,
xanchor = "right",
y = .95,
👀 Reading hidden code
213 μs