January 4, 2021

1. Topics

2. Get data from pdf into R with tabulizer

I was surprised to see Jürgen Klopp win the FIFA 2020 best coach award ahead of Hans-Dieter Flick. I therefore wanted to study where the votes in favour of Klopp came from. On FIFA’s website I found a PDF with all the votes. FIFA obviously don’t provide a nice csv, but only this PDF. However, a quick search for an R function that would allow to extract data from a table in a PDF was successful. The answer is the extract_tables() function from the tabulizer library. Let’s see it in action.

# Load library
# Load file 
file <- if (file.exists("votes.pdf")) {
} else {
# Extract the data from the PDF
data_from_pdf<- extract_tables(file)
##      [,1]      [,2]             [,3]              [,4]               
## [1,] "Vote"    "Country"        "Name"            "First (5 points)" 
## [2,] "Captain" "Afghanistan"    "Farshad Noor"    "Jürgen Klopp"    
## [3,] "Captain" "Albania"        "Etrit Berisha"   "Jürgen Klopp"    
## [4,] "Captain" "Algeria"        "Riyad Mahrez"    "Marcelo Bielsa"   
## [5,] "Captain" "American Samoa" "Nicky Salapu"    "Jürgen Klopp"    
## [6,] "Captain" "Andorra"        "Marc Pujol Pons" "Hans-Dieter Flick"
##      [,5]                [,6]             
## [1,] "Second (3 points)" "Third (1 point)"
## [2,] "Hans-Dieter Flick" "Marcelo Bielsa" 
## [3,] "Hans-Dieter Flick" "Marcelo Bielsa" 
## [4,] "Jürgen Klopp"     "Zinedine Zidane"
## [5,] "Zinedine Zidane"   "Marcelo Bielsa" 
## [6,] "Jürgen Klopp"     "Marcelo Bielsa"

This looks promising. With extract_tables(file) we were able to extract the tables from the PDF. The tables are stored in a list of character matrices. Let’s now convert these list elements into one big data frame.

# Append list of matrices to one data frame
df<-data.frame(do.call("rbind", data_from_pdf) )
##        X1             X2              X3                X4                X5
## 1    Vote        Country            Name  First (5 points) Second (3 points)
## 2 Captain    Afghanistan    Farshad Noor     Jürgen Klopp Hans-Dieter Flick
## 3 Captain        Albania   Etrit Berisha     Jürgen Klopp Hans-Dieter Flick
## 4 Captain        Algeria    Riyad Mahrez    Marcelo Bielsa     Jürgen Klopp
## 5 Captain American Samoa    Nicky Salapu     Jürgen Klopp   Zinedine Zidane
## 6 Captain        Andorra Marc Pujol Pons Hans-Dieter Flick     Jürgen Klopp
##                X6
## 1 Third (1 point)
## 2  Marcelo Bielsa
## 3  Marcelo Bielsa
## 4 Zinedine Zidane
## 5  Marcelo Bielsa
## 6  Marcelo Bielsa

Very good! Let’s do some cleaning.

3. Cleaning the data

# Load libraries
# Remove first frame and assign names
   # Convert first row to column names
    row_to_names(row_number = 1)%>%  
   # Rename columns
   # Create a new column with Klopp and Flick voets
    mutate(Klopp=case_when(p5=="Jürgen Klopp"~5    ,p3=="Jürgen Klopp"~3    ,p1=="Jürgen Klopp"~1,TRUE ~0),
           Flick=case_when(p5=="Hans-Dieter Flick"~5,p3=="Hans-Dieter Flick"~3,p1=="Hans-Dieter Flick"~1,TRUE ~0))%>%
  # Select variables that we need
##      Vote         region Klopp Flick
## 1 Captain    Afghanistan     5     3
## 2 Captain        Albania     5     3
## 3 Captain        Algeria     3     0
## 4 Captain American Samoa     5     0
## 5 Captain        Andorra     3     5
## 6 Captain         Angola     1     5

Good! This looks reasonable. I have not create a map for a while, so let us create a map. We need to adjust some of the region names before we can create a map. We also need to collapse Northern Ireland, England, Wales, and Scotland to United Kingdom.

# Collapse UK votes to one 
    filter(region%in%c("England","Wales", "Northern Ireland", "Scotland"))%>%
# Append UK to original dataset
# Change country names (this is a bit ad hoc)
    mutate(region=case_when(region=="Chinese Taipei"~"Taiwan",
                            region=="China PR"~"China",
                            region=="Congo"~"Republic of Congo",
                            region=="Congo DR"~"Democratic Republic of the Congo",
                            region=="IR Iran"~"Iran",
                            region=="Antigua and Barbuda"~"Antigua",
                            region=="Côte d'Ivoire"~"Ivory Coast",
                            region=="Korea Republic"~"South Korea",
                            region=="Korea DPR"~"North korea",
                            region=="Trinidad and Tobago"~"Trinidad",
                            region=="Republic of Ireland"~"Ireland",

In the data we have votes from the captain and coach of the national team and from a media representative. We are just going to focus on the sum of the difference in votes for Klopp and the votes for Flick across these three.

# Sum difference in votes
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   region         difference
##   <chr>               <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan             1
## 2 Albania                 9
## 3 Algeria                -1
## 4 American Samoa         10
## 5 Andorra               -12
## 6 Angola                 -8

Excellent! We have a dataset with two columns. The first column contains the country name. The second column the vote difference.

4. Let’s prepare the fonts.

Getting non-standard fonts into my charts in R has always been a pain for me. Especially on Windows systems. It seems to work a lot easier on Linux systems. Now I am on a Windows system and it was time to check whether there was a new convenient solution. It turns out that showtext has the potential of becoming a game changer. Let’s just follow the default example and add a google font:

# Load library
## Add google font
font_add_google("Schoolbell", "bell")

5. It is finally time for the map

We have the dataset with the fonts. We have the fonts. Now we need just need a dataset with the values for the polygons. We use map_data() from ggplot2 for that.

# Load library
# Extract Map data
world_map <- map_data("world")
# Merge map data to data on votes
mapdata <- merge(md, world_map, by = "region",all=TRUE)
# Cleaning (remove Antarcatica and sort the data)
        filter(!(region %in% c("Antarctica")))%>%

And finally it is time for ggplot to do its work:

ggplot(mapdata, aes(x = long, y = lat,group = group)) +
  theme_void()+  coord_quickmap()+
                       colours=c("#bd2626", "grey", "#1a633a"))+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.text = element_text(family = "bell"),
        legend.title = element_text(family = "bell",size=15),
        plot.caption= element_text(family = "bell",size=11),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5,size=25, family = "bell"))+
  guides(fill = guide_colourbar(ticks = FALSE,
         title.position = "top", label.hjust = .5,
         title.hjust = 0.5,nbin=8, raster=F, barwidth=20,
         label.position = "bottom"))+
  labs(fill="Points for Klopp minus points for Flick",
       title="FIFA Best Coach of 2020 Votes",
       caption="The points are the total across media, coach, and captain.")
