Last updated: 2023-09-21

Checks: 2 0

Knit directory: snakemake_tutorial/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version a52b174. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 656c8b4 Jean Morrison 2023-09-21 add new content
html 656c8b4 Jean Morrison 2023-09-21 add new content


In this section we will learn to make more generic rules using wildcards, and placeholders. We will also learn about the expand() utility.

In this Section:

  1. Use expand() to simplify our rule all
  2. Use wildcards to make a generic rule to run bcftools.
  3. Use placeholders to simplify our rule.


At the end of the last section, our target rule looked like this:

rule all:
    input: "results/chr21_stats.txt", "results/chr22_stats.txt"

You might imagine that if we wanted to generate statistics for all 22 chromosomes, this line would get long and difficult to read. To solve this problem, we can use expand(). The line

expand("results/chr{c}_stats.txt", c = ["21", "22"])

indicates the list of strings ["results/chr21_stats.txt", "results/chr22_stats.txt"]. This is equivalent to

expand("results/chr{c}_stats.txt", c = range(21, 23))

which is a little more convenient. We could also have multiple keys in expand(). For example,

expand({sample}_{time}.txt, sample = ["HG00096", "HG00097", "HG00099"], time = [1, 2] )

will expand to ['HG00096_1.txt', 'HG00096_2.txt', 'HG00097_1.txt', 'HG00097_2.txt', 'HG00099_1.txt', 'HG00099_2.txt'].

Use expand() to modify the all rule. Change this rule so that it also requests the file "results/chr201_stats.txt". Run

snakemake -n -p

You should see an error

Missing input files for rule all:
    affected files:

This occurs because the file for chromosome 20 doesn’t exist and there are no rules telling Snakemake how to create it.


So far, we have written two different rules to produce "results/chr21_stats.txt" and "results/chr22_stats.txt". We could write a third rule for chromosome 20 but this isn’t very efficient. Instead, we can use a wildcard to write a generic rule. The wildcard is the part of the rule we want to be able to substitute out, in this case the chromosome number.

Remove the rules get_stats22 and get_stats21 from your Snakefile and add the rule

rule get_stats:
    input: "data/chr{c}.vcf.gz"
    output: "results/chr{c}_stats.txt"
    shell: "mkdir -p results; bcftools stats data/chr{wildcards.c}.vcf.gz > results/chr{wildcards.c}_stats.txt"

In this rule {c} is a wildcard. To access the value of the wildcard in the shell line, we need to use {wildcards.c}. You could use anything here. For example, this is equivalent to

rule get_stats:
    input: "data/chr{chromosome}.vcf.gz"
    output: "results/chr{chromosome}_stats.txt"
    shell: "mkdir -p results; bcftools stats data/chr{wildcards.chromosome}.vcf.gz > results/chr{wildcards.chromosome}_stats.txt"

Re-run the dry-run command

snakemake -n -p

and see that you no longer get an error. Scroll through the output and see how Snakemake has filled in the value of the wildcard according to its needs.

Finally, modify the rule all to additionally request a file for chromosome 19 using expand("results/chr{c}_stats.txt", c = range(19, 23)). What do you think will happen?

We get another error but now the error says

Missing input files for rule get_stats:
    output: results/chr19_stats.txt
    wildcards: c=19
    affected files:

The problem now is not that there are no rules to make the desired target file. Snakemake can use wildcards to make the target using the rule get_stats. However, get_stats requires an input that isn’t present and that isn’t produced by any rules so we get an error.


Curly braces can also be used to indicate placeholders for parameters given to a rule. So far, we only have input: and output: given before the shell: line. {input} and {output} will evaluate to the values in the input: and output: lines. So we can simplify our get_stats rule to

rule get_stats:
    input: "data/chr{chromosome}.vcf.gz"
    output: "results/chr{chromosome}_stats.txt"
    shell: "mkdir -p results; bcftools stats {input} > {output}"

Final Snakefile

At the end of this section, your Snakefile should look like this

rule all:
    input: expand("results/chr{c}_stats.txt", c = range(20, 23))

rule get_stats:
    input: "data/chr{c}.vcf.gz"
    output: "results/chr{c}_stats.txt"
    shell: "mkdir -p results; bcftools stats {input} > {output}"

You can find this file in code/2.Snakefile