Last updated: 2022-09-23

Checks: 6 1

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clean the data


Regression analysis

Microbes associated with Bcell: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
  #if (length(which(y1>0))<=5){next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~bcell + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver, data=longibcell[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~bcell + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver ,data=longibcell[index,],family="binomial")   
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])

fdr=p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BH")
                     microbe        coef        pvalue        lower
2                Actinomyces -0.34144625  0.000000e+00 -0.348931638
6                Bacteroides  0.02521323  0.000000e+00  0.024487300
7            Bifidobacterium -0.04045805  0.000000e+00 -0.041313022
8                    Blautia  0.13222197  0.000000e+00  0.130369250
11               Citrobacter -0.31228273  0.000000e+00 -0.318424016
14         Clostridium_XVIII  0.17770835  0.000000e+00  0.176316735
20              Enterobacter  0.16787844  0.000000e+00  0.165979878
21              Enterococcus -0.35742862  0.000000e+00 -0.359498191
24     F__Enterobacteriaceae -0.10599723  0.000000e+00 -0.107889353
25    F__Erysipelotrichaceae  0.40056202  0.000000e+00  0.391126535
31                   Gemella  0.31656157  0.000000e+00  0.300701209
34           Intestinibacter -0.88189347  0.000000e+00 -0.916143031
35                Klebsiella  0.14821964  0.000000e+00  0.145811499
37             Lactobacillus -0.30081828  0.000000e+00 -0.303903400
40           Parabacteroides -0.24899323  0.000000e+00 -0.252227731
43                Raoultella  0.32893057  0.000000e+00  0.318341430
46            Staphylococcus  0.07376760  0.000000e+00  0.070109838
47             Streptococcus  0.14953248  0.000000e+00  0.148366931
44                Romboutsia -0.40857705 2.660370e-295 -0.430381189
49               Varibaculum -1.33743586 3.536215e-211 -1.421959289
50               Veillonella  0.02921007 3.457742e-208  0.027350704
13            Clostridium_XI -0.29489287 4.982304e-196 -0.314243732
16 Clostridium_sensu_stricto -0.02038129 1.560538e-189 -0.021741686
26        F__Lachnospiraceae  0.02882647 1.121700e-178  0.026844123
45                    Rothia  0.22272989 1.876132e-170  0.207043614
17           Corynebacterium -0.28619192 1.790965e-121 -0.310125635
22      Escherichia/Shigella -0.01225394 6.240454e-116 -0.013303343
4               Anaerostipes -0.83029460 1.080759e-102 -0.905927002
1              Acinetobacter -0.35658882  4.717839e-62 -0.398632806
42         Propionibacterium -0.23553227  4.375787e-61 -0.263528709
38               Lactococcus -0.55510541  1.004179e-58 -0.622442611
5                  Atopobium  0.12476066  9.732001e-40  0.106224619
12            Clostridium_IV -0.15368532  3.475926e-39 -0.176686688
19               Eggerthella -0.13202518  9.543765e-29 -0.155286582
41                Prevotella  0.19333556  1.630601e-25  0.157038339
9               Buttiauxella -0.20630904  1.591262e-23 -0.246762926
30             Fusobacterium  0.19232016  3.247494e-21  0.152450278
33               Haemophilus  0.03363840  5.941379e-20  0.026429167
32            Granulicatella -0.43759581  8.244933e-14 -0.552469563
15          Clostridium_XlVa -0.01177915  4.702560e-10 -0.015485709
3               Anaerococcus -0.07586561  3.097120e-06 -0.107745526
48          Terrisporobacter  0.02115181  2.752662e-04  0.009754635
36       Lachnoanaerobaculum -1.21952073  1.973596e-03 -1.992023569
27          Faecalibacterium -0.05810238  1.159112e-02 -0.103215169
51                 Weissella  0.17141959  1.790992e-02  0.029503682
10          Chryseobacterium -0.17089786  2.630202e-02 -0.321663629
39            Negativicoccus  0.03228285  4.299860e-02  0.001016532
28                Finegoldia -0.04305268  5.039679e-02 -0.086180607
           upper           fdr
2  -3.339609e-01  0.000000e+00
6   2.593916e-02  0.000000e+00
7  -3.960308e-02  0.000000e+00
8   1.340747e-01  0.000000e+00
11 -3.061414e-01  0.000000e+00
14  1.791000e-01  0.000000e+00
20  1.697770e-01  0.000000e+00
21 -3.553590e-01  0.000000e+00
24 -1.041051e-01  0.000000e+00
25  4.099975e-01  0.000000e+00
31  3.324219e-01  0.000000e+00
34 -8.476439e-01  0.000000e+00
35  1.506278e-01  0.000000e+00
37 -2.977332e-01  0.000000e+00
40 -2.457587e-01  0.000000e+00
43  3.395197e-01  0.000000e+00
46  7.742537e-02  0.000000e+00
47  1.506980e-01  0.000000e+00
44 -3.867729e-01 7.140992e-295
49 -1.252912e+00 9.017347e-211
50  3.106943e-02 8.397373e-208
13 -2.755420e-01 1.154989e-195
16 -1.902089e-02 3.460323e-189
26  3.080882e-02 2.383612e-178
45  2.384162e-01 3.827309e-170
17 -2.622582e-01 3.513047e-121
22 -1.120455e-02 1.178752e-115
4  -7.546622e-01 1.968526e-102
1  -3.145448e-01  8.296889e-62
42 -2.075358e-01  7.438838e-61
38 -4.877682e-01  1.652036e-58
5   1.432967e-01  1.551038e-39
12 -1.306840e-01  5.371886e-39
19 -1.087638e-01  1.431565e-28
41  2.296328e-01  2.376019e-25
9  -1.658552e-01  2.254289e-23
30  2.321900e-01  4.476276e-21
33  4.084763e-02  7.973956e-20
32 -3.227220e-01  1.078184e-13
15 -8.072589e-03  5.995764e-10
3  -4.398569e-02  3.852515e-06
48  3.254898e-02  3.342518e-04
36 -4.470179e-01  2.340777e-03
27 -1.298958e-02  1.343516e-02
51  3.133355e-01  2.029791e-02
10 -2.013209e-02  2.916094e-02
39  6.354917e-02  4.665805e-02
28  7.523931e-05  5.354659e-02


Microbes associated with CD4: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
  #if (length(which(y1>0))<=5){next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~cd4t + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver, data=longicd4[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~cd4t + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longicd4[index,],family="binomial")   
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])

fdr=p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BY")
                     microbe         coef        pvalue        lower
8            Bifidobacterium -0.090918188  0.000000e+00 -0.091431546
9                    Blautia -0.196081646  0.000000e+00 -0.197611626
14         Clostridium_XVIII  0.137182454  0.000000e+00  0.135967576
16 Clostridium_sensu_stricto -0.135792834  0.000000e+00 -0.136860864
20              Enterobacter -0.179098524  0.000000e+00 -0.181760098
21              Enterococcus  0.015714683  0.000000e+00  0.014910465
22      Escherichia/Shigella  0.055831479  0.000000e+00  0.055190833
23     F__Enterobacteriaceae -0.069093747  0.000000e+00 -0.070189278
24    F__Erysipelotrichaceae -0.320615973  0.000000e+00 -0.327761776
25        F__Lachnospiraceae -0.082472288  0.000000e+00 -0.083972674
30               Haemophilus -0.175315059  0.000000e+00 -0.180241616
33             Lactobacillus  0.067574861  0.000000e+00  0.066105798
36           Parabacteroides  0.126520656  0.000000e+00  0.124210891
39               Pseudomonas -0.635328006  0.000000e+00 -0.642560489
45               Veillonella -0.140964052  0.000000e+00 -0.142426932
17           Corynebacterium -0.262582653 4.768488e-303 -0.276414073
43             Streptococcus -0.016071914 8.953322e-286 -0.016943896
31           Intestinibacter -0.186372601 6.568311e-218 -0.197965856
15          Clostridium_XlVa -0.025693188 3.046364e-191 -0.027400372
13            Clostridium_XI -0.068615102 1.636280e-124 -0.074281649
44               Varibaculum -0.269836771 1.786160e-122 -0.292308791
5               Anaerostipes  0.444183990 3.654335e-114  0.405846663
7                Bacteroides  0.005703242 1.080709e-104  0.005188809
1              Acinetobacter  0.176443013  6.925412e-94  0.159618579
12            Clostridium_IV -0.099539482  7.324775e-48 -0.112962538
10              Buttiauxella -0.164355219  6.962892e-45 -0.187271393
42            Staphylococcus  0.019020204  1.096377e-43  0.016330609
2                Actinomyces  0.028855488  1.462876e-37  0.024440044
34               Lactococcus -0.133429019  1.749052e-23 -0.159616856
40                Raoultella -0.029360146  8.871501e-23 -0.035217806
26          Faecalibacterium -0.112214316  1.078320e-18 -0.137131968
32                Klebsiella  0.008444617  5.402173e-17  0.006468936
37                Prevotella -0.104496816  1.407059e-14 -0.131110819
38         Propionibacterium -0.045742737  6.869898e-11 -0.059486306
6                  Atopobium -0.055532452  7.480620e-10 -0.073214574
28                   Gemella -0.042139809  1.244329e-06 -0.059174966
41                    Rothia -0.037655778  1.635575e-06 -0.053051405
3               Anaerococcus  0.049983239  3.543648e-06  0.028853674
27                Finegoldia  0.069679334  6.374463e-06  0.039421374
11          Chryseobacterium -0.160693485  1.630617e-04 -0.244230747
35            Negativicoccus  0.044200246  4.807012e-04  0.019386330
4          Anaerosporobacter -0.151982987  1.794837e-02 -0.277849800
          upper           fdr
8  -0.090404830  0.000000e+00
9  -0.194551666  0.000000e+00
14  0.138397333  0.000000e+00
16 -0.134724803  0.000000e+00
20 -0.176436950  0.000000e+00
21  0.016518901  0.000000e+00
22  0.056472125  0.000000e+00
23 -0.067998216  0.000000e+00
24 -0.313470169  0.000000e+00
25 -0.080971903  0.000000e+00
30 -0.170388502  0.000000e+00
33  0.069043925  0.000000e+00
36  0.128830420  0.000000e+00
39 -0.628095522  0.000000e+00
45 -0.139501172  0.000000e+00
17 -0.248751232 5.894229e-302
43 -0.015199933 1.041601e-284
31 -0.174779345 7.216846e-217
15 -0.023986005 3.170987e-190
13 -0.062948555 1.618058e-123
44 -0.247364750 1.682160e-121
5   0.482521318 3.285126e-113
7   0.006217675 9.292816e-104
1   0.193267446  5.706905e-93
12 -0.086116426  5.794561e-47
10 -0.141439045  5.296422e-44
42  0.021709799  8.030870e-43
2   0.033270932  1.033275e-36
34 -0.107241183  1.192809e-22
40 -0.023502486  5.848468e-22
26 -0.087296663  6.879427e-18
32  0.010420298  3.338757e-16
37 -0.077882814  8.432658e-14
38 -0.031999168  3.996112e-10
6  -0.037850330  4.227035e-09
28 -0.025104652  6.835952e-06
41 -0.022260152  8.742490e-06
3   0.071112805  1.844307e-05
27  0.099937293  3.232550e-05
11 -0.077156223  8.062285e-04
35  0.069014163  2.318770e-03
4  -0.026116174  8.451661e-02


Microbes associated with CD8: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
  #if (length(which(y1>0))<=5){next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~cd8t + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longicd8[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~cd8t + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longicd8[index,],family="binomial")   
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])

fdr=p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BY")
                     microbe         coef        pvalue        lower
1              Acinetobacter  0.618139024  0.000000e+00  0.600559331
7                Bacteroides -0.055116837  0.000000e+00 -0.055994411
8            Bifidobacterium -0.040736977  0.000000e+00 -0.041655889
9                    Blautia -0.338149577  0.000000e+00 -0.340925778
14            Clostridium_XI  0.271347841  0.000000e+00  0.260799417
15         Clostridium_XVIII  0.237850086  0.000000e+00  0.236272026
21              Enterobacter  0.262403806  0.000000e+00  0.259903848
22              Enterococcus -0.057689379  0.000000e+00 -0.059117003
23      Escherichia/Shigella  0.035333097  0.000000e+00  0.034289903
25    F__Erysipelotrichaceae  0.305964333  0.000000e+00  0.292775064
26        F__Lachnospiraceae  0.088609586  0.000000e+00  0.086162723
33               Haemophilus  0.182142062  0.000000e+00  0.173338900
35                Klebsiella -0.093635689  0.000000e+00 -0.097489097
36             Lactobacillus -0.156798118  0.000000e+00 -0.159726183
39           Parabacteroides -0.083569740  0.000000e+00 -0.086715450
42                Raoultella  0.408139861  0.000000e+00  0.394968707
43                Romboutsia  0.389277583  0.000000e+00  0.374233374
45            Staphylococcus  0.106341284  0.000000e+00  0.102739334
46             Streptococcus  0.146847625  0.000000e+00  0.145451962
48               Veillonella  0.062549925  0.000000e+00  0.060400072
31                   Gemella  0.475388483 6.364785e-304  0.450383930
16          Clostridium_XlVa -0.052977336 2.221398e-199 -0.056424061
13            Clostridium_IV -0.526030920 4.606198e-193 -0.560816060
38            Negativicoccus  0.577367197 1.092186e-152  0.534373998
6                  Atopobium  0.284109408 2.378025e-144  0.262342554
44                    Rothia  0.267794018 1.233621e-134  0.246538999
24     F__Enterobacteriaceae  0.021974530 1.123863e-130  0.020203763
2                Actinomyces -0.077044982 3.120652e-108 -0.083877753
5               Anaerostipes  0.408967130  4.274362e-92  0.369585509
20               Eggerthella -0.194377752  1.784306e-59 -0.217802857
3               Anaerococcus -0.266739855  2.222648e-44 -0.304150884
30             Fusobacterium  0.512655625  1.938680e-40  0.437181552
10              Buttiauxella -0.251003394  7.482938e-40 -0.288239798
12               Citrobacter -0.027311721  6.672667e-36 -0.031591146
17 Clostridium_sensu_stricto -0.007931711  1.929997e-25 -0.009423114
37               Lactococcus -0.213635867  4.099873e-21 -0.258039381
18           Corynebacterium -0.081659054  4.892338e-13 -0.103801565
41         Propionibacterium -0.094335340  1.420061e-10 -0.123163714
28                Finegoldia -0.160577717  1.186921e-09 -0.212325874
47               Varibaculum  0.072329805  9.995512e-08  0.045716027
27          Faecalibacterium -0.088987317  9.161475e-05 -0.133574364
4          Anaerosporobacter -0.307276813  1.074628e-04 -0.462775938
34           Intestinibacter  0.024598841  1.043331e-03  0.009893139
49                 Weissella  0.346532861  1.221248e-03  0.136504543
          upper           fdr
1   0.635718718  0.000000e+00
7  -0.054239263  0.000000e+00
8  -0.039818064  0.000000e+00
9  -0.335373376  0.000000e+00
14  0.281896264  0.000000e+00
15  0.239428146  0.000000e+00
21  0.264903764  0.000000e+00
22 -0.056261754  0.000000e+00
23  0.036376291  0.000000e+00
25  0.319153601  0.000000e+00
26  0.091056449  0.000000e+00
33  0.190945225  0.000000e+00
35 -0.089782281  0.000000e+00
36 -0.153870053  0.000000e+00
39 -0.080424031  0.000000e+00
42  0.421311015  0.000000e+00
43  0.404321793  0.000000e+00
45  0.109943233  0.000000e+00
46  0.148243288  0.000000e+00
48  0.064699779  0.000000e+00
31  0.500393037 6.652142e-303
16 -0.049530612 2.216158e-198
13 -0.491245780 4.395536e-192
38  0.620360396 9.988086e-152
6   0.305876261 2.087726e-143
44  0.289049036 1.041371e-133
24  0.023745296 9.135800e-130
2  -0.070212211 2.446157e-107
5   0.448348751  3.234970e-91
20 -0.170952646  1.305405e-58
3  -0.229328826  1.573643e-43
30  0.588129698  1.329699e-39
10 -0.213766989  4.976858e-39
12 -0.023032297  4.307424e-35
17 -0.006440307  1.210280e-24
37 -0.169232352  2.499568e-20
18 -0.059516544  2.902096e-12
41 -0.065506966  8.202015e-10
28 -0.108829560  6.679656e-09
47  0.098943583  5.484564e-07
27 -0.044400270  4.904318e-04
4  -0.151777688  5.615729e-04
34  0.039304544  5.325383e-03
49  0.556561179  6.091835e-03


Microbes associated with Mono: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
#  if (length(which(y1>0))<=5) {next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~mono + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longimono[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~mono + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longimono[index,],family="binomial")
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])

fdr=p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BH")
                     microbe         coef        pvalue       lower
1                Actinomyces -0.592813608  0.000000e+00 -0.60346339
6                Bacteroides  0.043428412  0.000000e+00  0.04249312
7            Bifidobacterium -0.176807070  0.000000e+00 -0.17785695
11               Citrobacter  0.106603559  0.000000e+00  0.10174602
14         Clostridium_XVIII  0.243825011  0.000000e+00  0.24192901
15          Clostridium_XlVa  0.131441935  0.000000e+00  0.12798814
16 Clostridium_sensu_stricto  0.053454622  0.000000e+00  0.05162849
20              Enterobacter -0.184762273  0.000000e+00 -0.18899373
21              Enterococcus -0.160696126  0.000000e+00 -0.16254621
22      Escherichia/Shigella  0.036508503  0.000000e+00  0.03537755
24    F__Erysipelotrichaceae -0.574651061  0.000000e+00 -0.58745145
25        F__Lachnospiraceae -0.407407675  0.000000e+00 -0.41116700
31               Haemophilus  0.277942525  0.000000e+00  0.26810885
33                Klebsiella  0.194675985  0.000000e+00  0.19078729
35             Lactobacillus -0.078151131  0.000000e+00 -0.08126807
38           Parabacteroides -0.174669411  0.000000e+00 -0.17866429
41                Romboutsia  0.771589285  0.000000e+00  0.75169875
43             Ruminococcus2  0.321772839  0.000000e+00  0.30567753
44            Staphylococcus  0.099712710  0.000000e+00  0.09522824
47               Veillonella -0.075218369  0.000000e+00 -0.07790735
45             Streptococcus  0.033219523 6.221763e-305  0.03147515
32           Intestinibacter -0.379888355 2.039874e-228 -0.40296407
23     F__Enterobacteriaceae  0.031108915 1.952919e-204  0.02911040
29                   Gemella -0.549532117 1.337337e-169 -0.58833260
12            Clostridium_IV  0.217368525 6.542925e-130  0.19980008
4               Anaerostipes -0.532614759 1.129089e-103 -0.58089670
40         Propionibacterium  0.240321581  2.803970e-79  0.21533652
42                    Rothia -0.284579084  9.710402e-68 -0.31665233
28             Fusobacterium  0.643673516  3.892558e-54  0.56224106
19               Eggerthella -0.153522043  1.163418e-33 -0.17840642
46               Varibaculum -0.190924804  1.096007e-25 -0.22664063
26          Faecalibacterium  0.157983109  2.622333e-13  0.11563819
39                Prevotella  0.176110990  6.258787e-12  0.12589335
3          Anaerosporobacter -0.783074165  1.935495e-09 -1.03874502
27                Finegoldia  0.124567313  1.145117e-08  0.08179144
36               Lactococcus  0.098297658  4.184769e-06  0.05643240
37            Negativicoccus -0.090748966  2.305249e-05 -0.13276766
13            Clostridium_XI  0.031784664  2.666902e-05  0.01695249
48                 Weissella  0.514078543  9.721851e-05  0.25555082
9               Buttiauxella  0.063281734  8.802510e-04  0.02599276
18            Dolosigranulum -0.192254500  1.002732e-03 -0.30679748
2               Anaerococcus -0.046232260  5.905273e-03 -0.07914740
5                  Atopobium  0.040948114  6.990341e-03  0.01119311
17           Corynebacterium -0.024261119  5.174509e-02 -0.04870622
8                    Blautia -0.002423507  5.267185e-02 -0.00487503
           upper           fdr
1  -0.5821638225  0.000000e+00
6   0.0443637088  0.000000e+00
7  -0.1757571879  0.000000e+00
11  0.1114610951  0.000000e+00
14  0.2457210112  0.000000e+00
15  0.1348957303  0.000000e+00
16  0.0552807561  0.000000e+00
20 -0.1805308187  0.000000e+00
21 -0.1588460400  0.000000e+00
22  0.0376394517  0.000000e+00
24 -0.5618506710  0.000000e+00
25 -0.4036483538  0.000000e+00
31  0.2877761958  0.000000e+00
33  0.1985646809  0.000000e+00
35 -0.0750341917  0.000000e+00
38 -0.1706745327  0.000000e+00
41  0.7914798252  0.000000e+00
43  0.3378681506  0.000000e+00
44  0.1041971782  0.000000e+00
47 -0.0725293903  0.000000e+00
45  0.0349638918 1.422117e-304
32 -0.3568126435 4.450633e-228
23  0.0331074261 4.075657e-204
29 -0.5107316315 2.674673e-169
12  0.2349369665 1.256242e-129
4  -0.4843328170 2.084472e-103
40  0.2653066415  4.984835e-79
42 -0.2525058389  1.664640e-67
28  0.7251059734  6.442854e-54
19 -0.1286376670  1.861470e-33
46 -0.1552089790  1.697044e-25
26  0.2003280302  3.933499e-13
39  0.2263286306  9.103690e-12
3  -0.5274033144  2.732463e-09
27  0.1673431848  1.570446e-08
36  0.1401629135  5.579692e-06
37 -0.0487302740  2.990593e-05
13  0.0466168340  3.368718e-05
48  0.7726062617  1.196535e-04
9   0.1005707093  1.056301e-03
18 -0.0777115201  1.173930e-03
2  -0.0133171194  6.748884e-03
5   0.0707031225  7.803172e-03
17  0.0001839819  5.618330e-02
8   0.0000280154  5.618330e-02

Microbes associated with NK: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
   #if (length(which(y1>0))<=5) {next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~nk + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longink[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~nk + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver,  data=longink[index,],family="binomial")  
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])
fdr=p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BH")
                     microbe        coef        pvalue        lower
2                Actinomyces  0.10784266  0.000000e+00  0.103898462
7                Bacteroides -0.06568714  0.000000e+00 -0.066417182
8            Bifidobacterium -0.18344675  0.000000e+00 -0.184346651
14          Clostridium_XlVa -0.19408955  0.000000e+00 -0.197411318
15 Clostridium_sensu_stricto  0.07366859  0.000000e+00  0.072618585
16           Corynebacterium -0.82365026  0.000000e+00 -0.859503966
19              Enterobacter -0.06756688  0.000000e+00 -0.069965697
20              Enterococcus  0.02816841  0.000000e+00  0.027082461
21      Escherichia/Shigella -0.13991086  0.000000e+00 -0.141003043
22     F__Enterobacteriaceae  0.26550851  0.000000e+00  0.264182935
23    F__Erysipelotrichaceae  0.22814064  0.000000e+00  0.222342553
33             Lactobacillus -0.19257079  0.000000e+00 -0.195100351
36           Parabacteroides  0.05602170  0.000000e+00  0.053420761
42            Staphylococcus -0.09077586  0.000000e+00 -0.094705115
43             Streptococcus  0.11723465  0.000000e+00  0.116137463
44          Terrisporobacter  0.18230703  0.000000e+00  0.176223994
46               Veillonella  0.06536742  0.000000e+00  0.063642937
38         Propionibacterium -0.71958476 7.334505e-210 -0.765205054
1              Acinetobacter -0.50644054 3.449519e-197 -0.539574253
13         Clostridium_XVIII  0.02189419 7.054038e-171  0.020354181
30               Haemophilus -0.09845382 1.965803e-140 -0.106102785
12            Clostridium_XI  0.10636601 3.667387e-115  0.097226184
24        F__Lachnospiraceae  0.02406540 8.078137e-114  0.021985129
32                Klebsiella -0.02402994  3.776801e-61 -0.026884707
11            Clostridium_IV  0.11062854  4.217319e-28  0.090900590
18               Eggerthella  0.07750253  7.536862e-25  0.062745191
39                Raoultella  0.04011859  1.834332e-23  0.032240869
29            Granulicatella  0.32401160  1.763453e-22  0.258907480
3               Anaerococcus  0.09112504  1.008559e-15  0.068871206
5              Anaerotruncus -0.41369393  8.372112e-15 -0.518159174
6                  Atopobium -0.07804846  1.168621e-12 -0.099566866
9               Buttiauxella -0.08168416  3.145970e-10 -0.107131716
27             Fusobacterium  0.12677482  4.551002e-09  0.084392643
26                Finegoldia -0.10416373  3.378428e-08 -0.141145375
31           Intestinibacter -0.03951684  9.193849e-08 -0.054015781
40                Romboutsia  0.02200140  2.610349e-07  0.013627410
47                 Weissella  0.33372555  6.713728e-05  0.169634302
25          Faecalibacterium -0.07286169  2.352893e-04 -0.111692075
4               Anaerostipes -0.07452608  7.428870e-04 -0.117828975
41                    Rothia -0.02870778  4.373695e-03 -0.048451574
17            Dolosigranulum -0.09372324  1.551662e-02 -0.169628464
10          Chryseobacterium  0.07899173  3.146204e-02  0.007020147
28                   Gemella -0.01895419  4.584190e-02 -0.037558627
           upper           fdr
2   0.1117868560  0.000000e+00
7  -0.0649570995  0.000000e+00
8  -0.1825468413  0.000000e+00
14 -0.1907677773  0.000000e+00
15  0.0747185918  0.000000e+00
16 -0.7877965478  0.000000e+00
19 -0.0651680732  0.000000e+00
20  0.0292543566  0.000000e+00
21 -0.1388186727  0.000000e+00
22  0.2668340796  0.000000e+00
23  0.2339387286  0.000000e+00
33 -0.1900412331  0.000000e+00
36  0.0586226488  0.000000e+00
42 -0.0868466059  0.000000e+00
43  0.1183318466  0.000000e+00
44  0.1883900637  0.000000e+00
46  0.0670918999  0.000000e+00
38 -0.6739644680 1.915121e-209
1  -0.4733068349 8.533021e-197
13  0.0234341981 1.657699e-170
30 -0.0908048569 4.399653e-140
12  0.1155058372 7.834872e-115
24  0.0261456698 1.650750e-113
32 -0.0211751706  7.396235e-61
11  0.1303564833  7.928560e-28
18  0.0922598626  1.362433e-24
39  0.0479963019  3.193097e-23
29  0.3891157194  2.960083e-22
3   0.1133788649  1.634562e-15
5  -0.3092286876  1.311631e-14
6  -0.0565300527  1.771780e-12
9  -0.0562366119  4.620644e-10
27  0.1691570049  6.481730e-09
26 -0.0671820805  4.670179e-08
31 -0.0250178987  1.234603e-07
40  0.0303753882  3.407955e-07
47  0.4978168052  8.528249e-05
25 -0.0340313071  2.910157e-04
4  -0.0312231913  8.952740e-04
41 -0.0089639939  5.139092e-03
17 -0.0178180171  1.778735e-02
10  0.1509633200  3.520752e-02
28 -0.0003497456  5.010626e-02


Microbes associated with NRBC: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
   if (length(which(y1>0))<=5) {next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~nrbc + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longinrbc[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~nrbc + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longinrbc[index,],family="binomial")   
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])

fdr=round(p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BH"),3)
                     microbe         coef        pvalue        lower
1              Acinetobacter -0.341264407  0.000000e+00 -0.353971704
2                Actinomyces  0.093471034  0.000000e+00  0.091363919
6                Bacteroides -0.031958952  0.000000e+00 -0.032376000
7            Bifidobacterium  0.024012797  0.000000e+00  0.023694804
12            Clostridium_XI -0.128664565  0.000000e+00 -0.135282469
13         Clostridium_XVIII  0.033996343  0.000000e+00  0.033302073
14          Clostridium_XlVa -0.041476034  0.000000e+00 -0.042400025
19              Enterobacter  0.044494710  0.000000e+00  0.043282311
21      Escherichia/Shigella -0.017471113  0.000000e+00 -0.017883308
22     F__Enterobacteriaceae  0.040391249  0.000000e+00  0.039797178
23    F__Erysipelotrichaceae  0.154590355  0.000000e+00  0.151119890
24        F__Lachnospiraceae  0.121007383  0.000000e+00  0.120116816
27            Flavonifractor  0.102782608  0.000000e+00  0.100950983
29               Haemophilus -0.175327651  0.000000e+00 -0.181999642
35           Parabacteroides  0.106644232  0.000000e+00  0.105184169
40            Staphylococcus -0.104415611  0.000000e+00 -0.106590587
41             Streptococcus -0.009360334 2.462089e-274 -0.009878742
32             Lactobacillus  0.012179016 4.051566e-213  0.011412873
10               Citrobacter  0.026502245 1.420982e-211  0.024828937
30           Intestinibacter  0.087579802 2.853883e-181  0.081600847
31                Klebsiella -0.025835433 2.707129e-171 -0.027650430
8                    Blautia -0.012591039 3.937935e-167 -0.013486670
4               Anaerostipes  0.203206503 2.342309e-137  0.187240818
16           Corynebacterium -0.170856896 8.684623e-126 -0.184894182
20              Enterococcus  0.003885366  2.393369e-79  0.003481603
3               Anaerococcus -0.152885592  2.034103e-77 -0.168974930
37         Propionibacterium -0.120115834  3.599571e-71 -0.133314088
28                   Gemella  0.084821002  3.053271e-70  0.075437860
34            Negativicoccus -0.179557507  1.912931e-59 -0.201202251
18               Eggerthella  0.069043389  4.225612e-59  0.060695592
11            Clostridium_IV -0.027289711  5.932358e-35 -0.031626281
43               Veillonella  0.004384751  3.539929e-25  0.003555685
15 Clostridium_sensu_stricto  0.002656663  2.685057e-23  0.002133012
25          Faecalibacterium  0.064272381  5.533227e-18  0.049695116
26                Finegoldia -0.081963168  1.039043e-17 -0.100709556
42               Varibaculum  0.034902026  1.652257e-10  0.024197575
39             Ruminococcus2 -0.022743599  3.784366e-10 -0.029861560
33               Lactococcus -0.048612859  1.119969e-09 -0.064255035
36                Prevotella  0.061617498  1.137242e-09  0.041782835
5                  Atopobium -0.030181500  4.347642e-07 -0.041888391
38                    Rothia  0.015415764  8.819359e-04  0.006330517
17            Dolosigranulum -0.060788659  9.391239e-03 -0.106658530
          upper   fdr
1  -0.328557111 0.000
2   0.095578149 0.000
6  -0.031541905 0.000
7   0.024330789 0.000
12 -0.122046662 0.000
13  0.034690612 0.000
14 -0.040552043 0.000
19  0.045707109 0.000
21 -0.017058918 0.000
22  0.040985320 0.000
23  0.158060821 0.000
24  0.121897950 0.000
27  0.104614234 0.000
29 -0.168655659 0.000
35  0.108104295 0.000
40 -0.102240636 0.000
41 -0.008841927 0.000
32  0.012945159 0.000
10  0.028175553 0.000
30  0.093558757 0.000
31 -0.024020437 0.000
8  -0.011695407 0.000
4   0.219172189 0.000
16 -0.156819609 0.000
20  0.004289129 0.000
3  -0.136796254 0.000
37 -0.106917580 0.000
28  0.094204144 0.000
34 -0.157912763 0.000
18  0.077391187 0.000
11 -0.022953141 0.000
43  0.005213818 0.000
15  0.003180314 0.000
25  0.078849646 0.000
26 -0.063216781 0.000
42  0.045606478 0.000
39 -0.015625638 0.000
33 -0.032970682 0.000
36  0.081452160 0.000
5  -0.018474609 0.000
38  0.024501011 0.001
17 -0.014918788 0.010


Microbes associated with Gran: FDR=0.1

Click me
options(warn = 2)
for (k in 1:m) {
   #if (length(which(y1>0))<=5) {next}
  fm=try({glm(cbind(y1,y2)~gran + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longigran[index,],family="binomial")},silent = T)
  if (inherits(fm,"try-error")){
    fm=glm(cbind(y1,y2)~gran + bbymale + enrollment_age + imrbthwghtg_all +gestage_all+evercigpreg+alpha+deliver , data=longigran[index,],family="binomial")   
   r3= c(r1-1.96*a$coefficients[2,2],r1+ 1.96*a$coefficients[2,2])

fdr=round(p.adjust(rrbcell[,2],method = "BH"),3)
                     microbe   coef pvalue  lower  upper   fdr
1              Acinetobacter -0.099  0.000 -0.109 -0.090 0.000
2                Actinomyces -0.029  0.000 -0.031 -0.028 0.000
3               Anaerococcus  0.075  0.000  0.065  0.085 0.000
5               Anaerostipes -0.152  0.000 -0.164 -0.140 0.000
6                  Atopobium -0.015  0.000 -0.021 -0.008 0.000
7                Bacteroides  0.012  0.000  0.012  0.012 0.000
8            Bifidobacterium  0.050  0.000  0.050  0.050 0.000
9                    Blautia  0.029  0.000  0.028  0.030 0.000
10              Buttiauxella  0.071  0.000  0.061  0.081 0.000
11          Chryseobacterium -0.053  0.000 -0.078 -0.027 0.000
12               Citrobacter  0.013  0.000  0.012  0.014 0.000
13            Clostridium_IV  0.115  0.000  0.107  0.122 0.000
14            Clostridium_XI  0.100  0.000  0.095  0.105 0.000
15         Clostridium_XVIII -0.080  0.000 -0.080 -0.079 0.000
16          Clostridium_XlVa  0.133  0.000  0.131  0.134 0.000
17 Clostridium_sensu_stricto  0.001  0.000  0.001  0.001 0.000
18           Corynebacterium  0.234  0.000  0.225  0.243 0.000
20               Eggerthella -0.025  0.000 -0.031 -0.018 0.000
21              Enterobacter -0.028  0.000 -0.029 -0.027 0.000
22              Enterococcus  0.019  0.000  0.018  0.019 0.000
23      Escherichia/Shigella  0.005  0.000  0.005  0.005 0.000
24     F__Enterobacteriaceae -0.033  0.000 -0.034 -0.033 0.000
25    F__Erysipelotrichaceae -0.095  0.000 -0.097 -0.092 0.000
26        F__Lachnospiraceae -0.033  0.000 -0.034 -0.033 0.000
28                Finegoldia  0.048  0.000  0.035  0.062 0.000
30                   Gemella -0.078  0.000 -0.084 -0.072 0.000
31            Granulicatella -0.103  0.000 -0.125 -0.080 0.000
32               Haemophilus  0.051  0.000  0.048  0.053 0.000
33           Intestinibacter  0.056  0.000  0.050  0.062 0.000
34                Klebsiella -0.013  0.000 -0.014 -0.012 0.000
35             Lactobacillus  0.032  0.000  0.031  0.033 0.000
36               Lactococcus  0.148  0.000  0.130  0.167 0.000
38           Parabacteroides -0.031  0.000 -0.032 -0.030 0.000
39                Prevotella -0.037  0.000 -0.050 -0.024 0.000
40         Propionibacterium  0.103  0.000  0.095  0.111 0.000
41                Romboutsia  0.232  0.000  0.226  0.238 0.000
42                    Rothia -0.028  0.000 -0.034 -0.023 0.000
43            Staphylococcus  0.031  0.000  0.029  0.032 0.000
44             Streptococcus -0.031  0.000 -0.031 -0.030 0.000
45               Varibaculum  0.144  0.000  0.132  0.156 0.000
46               Veillonella  0.009  0.000  0.008  0.009 0.000
19            Dolosigranulum  0.027  0.037  0.002  0.052 0.041
27          Faecalibacterium -0.013  0.042 -0.025  0.000 0.045
37            Negativicoccus -0.009  0.072 -0.019  0.001 0.075


R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19043)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] vegan_2.6-2     lattice_0.20-45 permute_0.9-7  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.9       pillar_1.8.0     compiler_4.1.2   bslib_0.4.0     
 [5] later_1.3.0      jquerylib_0.1.4  git2r_0.30.1     workflowr_1.7.0 
 [9] tools_4.1.2      digest_0.6.29    nlme_3.1-153     jsonlite_1.8.0  
[13] evaluate_0.15    lifecycle_1.0.1  tibble_3.1.7     mgcv_1.8-38     
[17] pkgconfig_2.0.3  rlang_1.0.4      Matrix_1.3-4     cli_3.3.0       
[21] rstudioapi_0.13  parallel_4.1.2   yaml_2.3.5       xfun_0.31       
[25] fastmap_1.1.0    cluster_2.1.2    stringr_1.4.0    knitr_1.39      
[29] fs_1.5.2         vctrs_0.4.1      sass_0.4.2       grid_4.1.2      
[33] rprojroot_2.0.3  glue_1.6.2       R6_2.5.1         fansi_1.0.3     
[37] rmarkdown_2.14   magrittr_2.0.3   whisker_0.4      splines_4.1.2   
[41] MASS_7.3-54      promises_1.2.0.1 ellipsis_0.3.2   htmltools_0.5.2 
[45] httpuv_1.6.5     utf8_1.2.2       stringi_1.7.6    cachem_1.0.6