Processing math: 100%
  • Load packages and results
  • Table showing the frequencies of each possible outcome
  • Make Figure 2
  • Plot the effects of each parameter on extinction
    • Time-to-extinction plot for a W-shredder (Figure S1)
    • % extinction plot for a female-sterilising Z-drive (Figure S2)
    • Time-to-extinction plot for a female-sterilising Z-drive (Figure S3)
  • Finding variables with interacting effects on the extinction probability
    • Testing for interactions using GLM
    • Finding the top-ranked effects in the GLM
    • Plot showing interacting effects on extinction probability

Last updated: 2019-05-06

Checks: 6 0

Knit directory: W_shredder/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.3.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20180716) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility. The version displayed above was the version of the Git repository at the time these results were generated.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    Proc_B_manuscript/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    data/sim_results/
    Ignored:    docs/figure/

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 881beb7 lukeholman 2019-05-06 wflow_publish(files = "*")
html 881beb7 lukeholman 2019-05-06 wflow_publish(files = "*")
Rmd 80347de lukeholman 2019-04-26 new Proc B version
Rmd 97abdcf lukeholman 2019-04-24 writing and new data finally done
Rmd 76dc4a7 lukeholman 2019-04-15 writing in March
Rmd 5aea3e0 Luke Holman 2019-03-06 tweak future library
Rmd 2160459 Luke Holman 2019-03-06 work in March
html 2160459 Luke Holman 2019-03-06 work in March
Rmd 4fdad66 Luke Holman 2019-02-06 Fixed up plots
html 4fdad66 Luke Holman 2019-02-06 Fixed up plots
Rmd 3b6cc7a Luke Holman 2019-02-05 Making graphs, fixed combine file
Rmd 76f3d92 Luke Holman 2019-01-09 added line to remove cost_A mistake
Rmd 8322107 Luke Holman 2019-01-08 Fix annoying costA+B typo
Rmd 09b03be Luke Holman 2018-12-29 tweaks on desktop
Rmd 15558a7 Luke Holman 2018-12-23 Commit from desktop
Rmd 84db6b2 Luke Holman 2018-12-03 No procedure for checking completed runs
Rmd 2efe487 Luke Holman 2018-11-30 New script to combine files and some writing
Rmd 79a4634 Luke Holman 2018-11-21 Change counting of old parameters
Rmd ee185ed Luke Holman 2018-11-19 Extra params
Rmd de9e0ff Luke Holman 2018-11-13 Added slurm capacity
Rmd 99e93c7 Luke Holman 2018-11-03 Many bug fixes with density dependence
html 99e93c7 Luke Holman 2018-11-03 Many bug fixes with density dependence

Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.5.2
Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.5.2

Load packages and results

packages <- c("dplyr", "purrr", "ggplot2", "reshape2", "Cairo", "knitr",  
              "latex2exp", "pander", "grid", "gridExtra", "ggthemes", "data.table",
              "readr", "tibble", "biglm", "kableExtra", "future", "future.apply")
shh <- suppressMessages(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE))

  # Open all the results files and bind them together into a tibble
  results <- lapply(list.files(path = file.path(getwd(), "data"), pattern = "results_", full.names = TRUE), 
                    function(focal_file) {
                      readRDS(focal_file) %>% filter(cost_A == 0 & cost_B == 0)}) %>% 
    rbindlist() %>% as_tibble()
  # Make sure each unique parameter space is run exactly once
  results <- results %>% distinct(release_strategy, W_shredding_rate, Z_conversion_rate,
                                Zr_creation_rate, Zr_mutation_rate, Wr_mutation_rate,
                                cost_Zdrive_female, cost_Zdrive_male, male_migration_prob,
                                female_migration_prob, migration_type, n_patches, softness,
                                male_weighting, density_dependence_shape, max_fecundity, realisations,
                                initial_A, initial_B, .keep_all = TRUE)
  saveRDS(results, file = "data/all_results.rds")
} else results <- read_rds("data/all_results.rds")
results$went_extinct <- ifelse(results$outcome == "Population extinct", 1, 0)
results$migration_type[results$migration_type == "local"] <- "Local"
results$migration_type[results$migration_type == "global"] <- "Global"

# Command to upload the results file to Spartan - needed for Spartan to queue up all the parameter spaces not already finished
# scp /Users/lholman/Rprojects/W_shredder/data/all_results.rds lukeholman@spartan:/data/projects/punim0243/W_shredder/data/all_results.rds

# Helper function to get a list of all the model parameters that vary between runs
find_variable_parameters <- function(dat){
  dat %>% 
    select(-id, -realisations, -generation_extinct, -generation_Zd_extinct, 
           -generation_W_extinct, -generation_Zd_fixed, -outcome, -went_extinct, 
           -mating_table, -initial_Wr, -initial_Zr) %>%
    sapply(function(x) length(unique(x))) %>% 
    keep(~.x > 1) %>% names()
variable_parameters <- find_variable_parameters(results)
combinations <- apply(combn(variable_parameters, 2), 2, paste0, collapse = " x ") # all 2-way combos of parameters

# Make a data frame to convert R-friendly names to figure-friendly names
nice_names <- data.frame(original = c(variable_parameters, combinations),
                         new = gsub("_", " ", c(variable_parameters, combinations)),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    new = gsub("rel", "Rel", new),
    new = gsub("W shredding rate", "Gene drive in females ($p_{shred}$)", new),
    new = gsub("Z conversion rate", "Gene drive in males ($p_{conv}$)", new),
    new = gsub("Zr creation rate", "Rate of NHEJ ($p_{nhej}$)", new),
    new = gsub("Zr mutation rate", "Z-linked resistance ($\\mu{_Z}$)", new),
    new = gsub("Wr mutation rate", "W-linked resistance ($\\mu{_W}$)", new),
    new = gsub("cost Zdrive female", "Cost of Z* to females ($c_f$)", new),
    new = gsub("cost Zdrive male", "Cost of Z* to males ($c_m$)", new),
    new = gsub("male migration prob", "Male dispersal frequency", new),
    new = gsub("feMale dispersal frequency", "Female dispersal frequency (xf)", new),
    new = gsub("Male dispersal frequency", "Male dispersal frequency (xm)", new),
    new = gsub("xm", "$x_m$", new), 
    new = gsub("xf", "$x_f$", new),
    new = gsub("migration type", "Dispersal type", new),
    new = gsub("n patches", "Number of patches ($k$)", new),
    new = gsub("softness", "Importance of local density ($\\psi$)", new),
    new = gsub("male weighting", "Male effect on density ($\\delta$)", new),
    new = gsub("density dependence shape", "Shape of density dependence ($\\alpha$)", new),
    new = gsub("max fecundity", "Maximum fecundity ($r$)", new),
    new = gsub("initial A", "Intial freq. W-shredding resistance allele A", new),
    new = gsub("initial B", "Intial freq. gene conversion resistance allele B", new),
    new = as.character(TeX(new))) %>% 
  mutate(new = gsub("mu", "\\mu", new))

# Sort the results between those that model a W-shredder, versus those that model a Z* that sterilises females
W_shredder <- results %>% filter(cost_Zdrive_female != 1)
female_sterilising <- results %>% filter(cost_Zdrive_female == 1)
# variable_parameters_W_shredder <- find_variable_parameters(W_shredder)
# variable_parameters_female_sterilising <- find_variable_parameters(female_sterilising)

Table showing the frequencies of each possible outcome

Table S1: The number and percentage of simulation runs that ended with the five possible outcomes, for the subset of simulation runs focusing on a W-shredder gene drive.

make_tally_table <- function(dat){
  outcomes <- dat$outcome %>% table() %>% melt() %>% arrange(-value) %>% mutate(p = round(100 * value / sum(value), 1))
  names(outcomes) <- c("Outcome", "Number of simulations", "%")
  outcomes %>% mutate(Outcome = gsub("without", "without causing", Outcome),
                      Outcome = gsub("n extinct", "n went extinct", Outcome),
                      Outcome = gsub("d extinct", "d went extinct", Outcome),
                      Outcome = gsub("Zd", "Z*", Outcome)) 

table_S1 <- make_tally_table(W_shredder) 
saveRDS(table_S1, file = "figures/tableS1.rds")
table_S1 %>% pander()
Outcome Number of simulations %
Z* fixed without causing extinction 2330324 41.2
Z* went extinct 1584409 28
Population went extinct 917328 16.2
Wr fixed 689487 12.2
Timer expired 136152 2.4

Table S2: The number and percentage of simulation runs that ended with the five possible outcomes, for the subset of simulation runs focusing on a female-sterilising Z-linked gene drive.

table_S2 <- make_tally_table(female_sterilising)
saveRDS(table_S2, file = "figures/tableS2.rds")
table_S2 %>% pander()
Outcome Number of simulations %
Z* went extinct 539978 85.7
Timer expired 69942 11.1
Population went extinct 12992 2.1
Wr fixed 7042 1.1

Make Figure 2

a <- read_rds("data/allele_freqs_1.rds")

plot_run <- function(){
  get_data <- function(model_id, allele_freqs_list, result_df, label){
    df <- pluck_allele_freqs(model_id, allele_freqs_list) 
    alleles_to_plot <- group_by(df, allele) %>% 
      summarise(uniques = length(unique(frequency))) %>% 
      filter(uniques > 1) %>% # Don't plot alleles that stay at 0 whole time
    alleles_to_plot <- c(alleles_to_plot, "N")
    df <- df[df$allele %in% alleles_to_plot, ]
    df$frequency[df$allele == "N"] <- df$frequency[df$allele == "N"] /
      max(df$frequency[df$allele == "N"])
    paras <- result_df %>% mutate(id = as.character(id)) %>% filter(id == model_id)
    last_generation <- tail(df,12) %>% select(allele, frequency)
    print(paras); print(last_generation)

    df %>% mutate(facet = label,
                  allele = replace(allele, allele == "Zd", "Z*"),
                  allele = replace(allele, allele == "females", "Females"))
    get_data("10024119427447", a, W_shredder, "A. Z* causes rapid extinction"),
    get_data("1002596940286", a, W_shredder, "B. Z* fails to cause extinction"),
    get_data("10024112958792", a, W_shredder, "C. Resistance to Z* prevents extinction")) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = generation, y = frequency, colour = allele, group = allele)) + 
    geom_vline(xintercept = 50, linetype = 3, colour = "grey10", size = 0.9) + 
    geom_line(size = 0.9, alpha = 0.9) + 
    facet_wrap(~facet, scales = "free_x") +
    theme_hc() + scale_colour_hc(name = "") +
    theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0), 
          strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey90"),
          legend.position = "top",
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) + 
    xlab("Generation") + ylab("Frequency")

fig2 <- plot_run()
# A tibble: 1 x 39
  id    release_size release_strategy W_shredding_rate Z_conversion_ra…
  <chr>        <dbl> <chr>                       <dbl>            <dbl>
1 1002…           20 one_patch                       1             0.95
# … with 34 more variables: Zr_creation_rate <dbl>,
#   Zr_mutation_rate <dbl>, Wr_mutation_rate <dbl>,
#   cost_Zdrive_female <dbl>, cost_Zdrive_male <dbl>,
#   male_migration_prob <dbl>, female_migration_prob <dbl>,
#   migration_type <chr>, n_patches <dbl>, softness <dbl>,
#   male_weighting <dbl>, density_dependence_shape <dbl>, cost_Wr <dbl>,
#   cost_Zr <dbl>, cost_A <dbl>, cost_B <dbl>, max_fecundity <dbl>,
#   carrying_capacity <dbl>, initial_pop_size <dbl>, initial_Zdrive <dbl>,
#   initial_Zr <dbl>, initial_Wr <dbl>, initial_A <dbl>, initial_B <dbl>,
#   realisations <dbl>, generations <dbl>, burn_in <dbl>,
#   mating_table <int>, generation_extinct <dbl>,
#   generation_Zd_extinct <dbl>, generation_W_extinct <dbl>,
#   generation_Zd_fixed <dbl>, outcome <chr>, went_extinct <dbl>
     allele frequency
521 females    0.1820
522       N    1.0000
523       Z    0.0630
524      Zd    0.9300
525      Zr    0.0070
530 females    0.0820
531       N    1.0000
532       Z    0.0150
533      Zd    0.9790
534      Zr    0.0060
539 females    0.0220
540       N    0.4211
# A tibble: 1 x 39
  id    release_size release_strategy W_shredding_rate Z_conversion_ra…
  <chr>        <dbl> <chr>                       <dbl>            <dbl>
1 1002…           20 one_patch                       1                0
# … with 34 more variables: Zr_creation_rate <dbl>,
#   Zr_mutation_rate <dbl>, Wr_mutation_rate <dbl>,
#   cost_Zdrive_female <dbl>, cost_Zdrive_male <dbl>,
#   male_migration_prob <dbl>, female_migration_prob <dbl>,
#   migration_type <chr>, n_patches <dbl>, softness <dbl>,
#   male_weighting <dbl>, density_dependence_shape <dbl>, cost_Wr <dbl>,
#   cost_Zr <dbl>, cost_A <dbl>, cost_B <dbl>, max_fecundity <dbl>,
#   carrying_capacity <dbl>, initial_pop_size <dbl>, initial_Zdrive <dbl>,
#   initial_Zr <dbl>, initial_Wr <dbl>, initial_A <dbl>, initial_B <dbl>,
#   realisations <dbl>, generations <dbl>, burn_in <dbl>,
#   mating_table <int>, generation_extinct <dbl>,
#   generation_Zd_extinct <dbl>, generation_W_extinct <dbl>,
#   generation_Zd_fixed <dbl>, outcome <chr>, went_extinct <dbl>
      allele frequency
9424       Z    0.2630
9425      Zd    0.7370
9431 females    0.1860
9432       N    0.3471
9433       Z    0.2720
9434      Zd    0.7280
9440 females    0.2290
9441       N    0.3597
9442       Z    0.2740
9443      Zd    0.7260
9449 females    0.1960
9450       N    0.4443
# A tibble: 1 x 39
  id    release_size release_strategy W_shredding_rate Z_conversion_ra…
  <chr>        <dbl> <chr>                       <dbl>            <dbl>
1 1002…           20 all_patches                     1              0.5
# … with 34 more variables: Zr_creation_rate <dbl>,
#   Zr_mutation_rate <dbl>, Wr_mutation_rate <dbl>,
#   cost_Zdrive_female <dbl>, cost_Zdrive_male <dbl>,
#   male_migration_prob <dbl>, female_migration_prob <dbl>,
#   migration_type <chr>, n_patches <dbl>, softness <dbl>,
#   male_weighting <dbl>, density_dependence_shape <dbl>, cost_Wr <dbl>,
#   cost_Zr <dbl>, cost_A <dbl>, cost_B <dbl>, max_fecundity <dbl>,
#   carrying_capacity <dbl>, initial_pop_size <dbl>, initial_Zdrive <dbl>,
#   initial_Zr <dbl>, initial_Wr <dbl>, initial_A <dbl>, initial_B <dbl>,
#   realisations <dbl>, generations <dbl>, burn_in <dbl>,
#   mating_table <int>, generation_extinct <dbl>,
#   generation_Zd_extinct <dbl>, generation_W_extinct <dbl>,
#   generation_Zd_fixed <dbl>, outcome <chr>, went_extinct <dbl>
      allele frequency
2071       Z     0.000
2072      Zd     0.002
2073      Zr     0.998
2076       A     0.656
2078 females     0.492
2079       N     1.000
2080       Z     0.000
2081      Zd     0.000
2082      Zr     1.000
2085       A     0.658
2087 females     0.505
2088       N     1.000

Figure 2: Three illustrative runs of the simulation, showing evolution in response to the introduction of 20 males carrying a W-shredder at Generation 50 (marked by the dotted line). In panel A, the driving Z* allele fixed very quickly, causing population extinction as the number of females dropped to zero. In panel B, the Z* allele spread up until the point that its fitness costs began to negate its transmission advantage, causing the population to halve in size but not to go extinct. In panel C, the Z* allele invaded, selecting for the resistance alleles A and Zr, and causing the Z* allele to reverse course and go extinct. The population size N is shown as a fraction of its maximum value of 10,000. Table S3 gives the parameter spaces used for these three runs.

Table S3: List of the parameter values used to generate the simulation runs shown in Figure 1.

tabl <- t(rbind(
  data.frame(Panel = "A", W_shredder %>% filter(id == "10024119427447")),
  data.frame(Panel = "B", W_shredder %>% filter(id == "1002596940286")),
  data.frame(Panel = "C", W_shredder %>% filter(id == "10024112958792"))) %>%
  select(release_strategy, W_shredding_rate, 
         Z_conversion_rate, Zr_creation_rate, Zr_mutation_rate,
         Wr_mutation_rate, cost_Zdrive_female, cost_Zdrive_male,
         male_migration_prob, female_migration_prob,
         migration_type, n_patches, softness, male_weighting,
         density_dependence_shape, max_fecundity, initial_A, initial_B))

nice_names2 <- data.frame(original = variable_parameters,
                          new = gsub("_", " ", variable_parameters),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    new = gsub("rel", "Rel", new),
    new = gsub("W shredding rate", "Gene drive in females (p_shred)", new),
    new = gsub("Z conversion rate", "Gene drive in males (p_conv)", new),
    new = gsub("Zr creation rate", "Rate of NHEJ (p_nhej)", new),
    new = gsub("Zr mutation rate", "Z-linked resistance (μ_Z)", new),
    new = gsub("Wr mutation rate", "W-linked resistance (μ_W)", new),
    new = gsub("cost Zdrive female", "Cost of Z* to females (c_f)", new),
    new = gsub("cost Zdrive male", "Cost of Z* to males (c_m)", new),
    new = gsub("male migration prob", "Male dispersal frequency", new),
    new = gsub("feMale dispersal frequency", "Female dispersal frequency (x_f)", new),
    new = gsub("Male dispersal frequency", "Male dispersal frequency (x_m)", new),
    new = gsub("migration type", "Dispersal type", new),
    new = gsub("n patches", "Number of patches (k)", new),
    new = gsub("softness", "Importance of local density (ψ)", new),
    new = gsub("male weighting", "Male effect on density (𝛿)", new),
    new = gsub("density dependence shape", "Shape of density dependence (α)", new),
    new = gsub("max fecundity", "Maximum fecundity (r)", new),
    new = gsub("initial A", "Intial freq. W-shredding resistance allele A", new),
    new = gsub("initial B", "Intial freq. gene conversion resistance allele B", new)) 

rownames(tabl) <- nice_names2$new[match(rownames(tabl), nice_names2$original)]
rownames(tabl) <- gsub("[.]", "", rownames(tabl))
colnames(tabl) <- c("Panel A", "Panel B", "Panel C") %>% kable(format = "html", escape = FALSE) %>% kable_styling()
Panel A Panel B Panel C
Release strategy one_patch one_patch all_patches
Gene drive in females (p_shred) 1 1 1
Gene drive in males (p_conv) 0.95 0.00 0.50
Rate of NHEJ (p_nhej) 0.01 0.00 0.10
Z-linked resistance (μ_Z) 0 0 0
W-linked resistance (μ_W) 0 0 0
Cost of Z* to females (c_f) 0.01 0.50 0.50
Cost of Z* to males (c_m) 0.01 0.20 0.01
Male dispersal frequency (x_m) 0.50 0.05 0.05
Female dispersal frequency (x_f) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Dispersal type Global Global Global
Number of patches (k) 20 20 20
Importance of local density (ψ) 1 1 1
Male effect on density (𝛿) 1.0 1.5 1.0
Shape of density dependence (α) 1.0 0.2 1.8
Maximum fecundity (r) 50 50 50
Intial freq W-shredding resistance allele A 0.00 0.00 0.05
Intial freq gene conversion resistance allele B 0 0 0

Plot the effects of each parameter on extinction

# Find the proportion of runs that went extinct for each parameter value
get_percent_extinct <- function(dat, parameter){
  dat %>%
    group_by(!! sym(parameter)) %>%
    summarise(extinct = sum(went_extinct),
              not_extinct = n() - sum(went_extinct),
              prob = list(binom.test(extinct, extinct + not_extinct))) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(response_variable = 100 * extinct/(extinct + not_extinct),
           lower_95_CI = 100 * prob$[1],
           upper_95_CI = 100 * prob$[2],
           parameter =  parameter) %>% rename(value = !! sym(parameter)) %>%
    select(parameter, value, everything()) %>% select(-prob) %>% ungroup()

# Find the median time to extinction, among just those runs in which extinction occurred, for each parameter value
get_extinction_time <- function(dat, parameter){
  dat %>%
    filter(! %>% # only include runs where extinction occurred
    group_by(!! sym(parameter)) %>%
    summarise(response_variable = median(generation_extinct),
              lower_95_CI = quantile(generation_extinct, probs = 0.025),
              upper_95_CI = quantile(generation_extinct, probs = 0.975),
              n = n(),
              parameter =  parameter) %>% rename(value = !! sym(parameter)) %>%
    select(parameter, value, everything()) %>% ungroup()

# # % runs ending in extinction when modelling a W shredder
# W_shredder_percent_extinct <- lapply(
#   variable_parameters, 
#   get_percent_extinct, 
#   dat = W_shredder) %>%"rbind", .)
# # % runs ending in extinction when modelling a female-sterilising Z* allele
# female_sterilising_percent_extinct <- lapply(
#   variable_parameters, 
#   get_percent_extinct, 
#   dat = female_sterilising) %>%"rbind", .)
# # Time until extinction when modelling a W shredder
# W_shredder_time_to_extinct <- lapply(
#   variable_parameters, 
#   get_extinction_time, 
#   dat = W_shredder) %>%"rbind", .)
# # Time until extinction when modelling a female-sterilising Z* allele
# female_sterilising_time_to_extinct <- lapply(
#   variable_parameters, 
#   get_extinction_time, 
#   dat = female_sterilising) %>%"rbind", .)

# To calculate separately for the 3 levels of Z_conversion_rate (male gene drive)
split_by_male_drive <- function(dat, fun){
      variable_parameters[variable_parameters != "Z_conversion_rate"], 
      dat = dat %>%
        filter(Z_conversion_rate == 0)) %>%"rbind", .) %>% mutate(Z_conversion_rate = 0),
      variable_parameters[variable_parameters != "Z_conversion_rate"], 
      dat = dat %>%
        filter(Z_conversion_rate == 0.5)) %>%"rbind", .) %>% mutate(Z_conversion_rate = 0.5),
      variable_parameters[variable_parameters != "Z_conversion_rate"], 
      dat = dat %>%
        filter(Z_conversion_rate == 0.95)) %>%"rbind", .) %>% mutate(Z_conversion_rate = 0.95)
  ) %>% mutate(Z_conversion_rate = factor(Z_conversion_rate, levels = c(0, 0.5, 0.95)))

# % extinct, calculated separately for the three levels of Z_conversion_rate
W_shredder_split_by_male_drive_percent_extinct <- split_by_male_drive(W_shredder, "get_percent_extinct")
female_sterilising_split_by_male_drive_percent_extinct <- split_by_male_drive(female_sterilising, "get_percent_extinct") %>%
  filter(!(parameter %in% c("cost_Zdrive_female", "W_shredding_rate")))

# Time until extinction, calculated separately for the three levels of Z_conversion_rate
W_shredder_split_by_male_drive_time_to_extinct <- split_by_male_drive(W_shredder, "get_extinction_time")
female_sterilising_split_by_male_drive_time_to_extinct <- split_by_male_drive(female_sterilising, "get_extinction_time") %>%
  filter(!(parameter %in% c("cost_Zdrive_female", "W_shredding_rate")))

# Function to make Figure 3 (and similar supplementary figures)
make_multipanel_figure <- function(dat, ylab){
  parameter_importance <- dat %>%
    mutate(parameter = nice_names$new[match(parameter, nice_names$original)]) %>%
    group_by(parameter) %>% summarise(range = max(response_variable) - min(response_variable)) %>%
    arrange(-range) %>% pull(parameter)
  levels <- levels(factor(dat$value))
  levels <- c(levels[!(levels %in% c("all_patches", 100))], 100, "all_patches")
  levels <- replace(levels, levels == "all_patches", "Release in\nall patches")
  levels <- replace(levels, levels == "one_patch", "Release in\na single patch")
  pd <- position_dodge(0.2)

  dat %>% 
    mutate(parameter = nice_names$new[match(parameter, nice_names$original)],
           parameter = factor(parameter, parameter_importance),
           value = replace(value, value == "all_patches", "Release in\nall patches"),
           value = replace(value, value == "one_patch", "Release in\na single patch"),
           value = factor(value, levels)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(value, response_variable, colour = Z_conversion_rate)) + 
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower_95_CI, ymax = upper_95_CI), width = 0, position = pd) +
    geom_point(position = pd) + 
    scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2", name = "Gene drive in males\n(p_conv)") + 
    xlab("Parameter value") +
    ylab(ylab) + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, size = 1))

fig3 <- make_multipanel_figure(W_shredder_split_by_male_drive_percent_extinct, 
                      ylab = "% simulation runs resulting in extinction (\u00B1 95% CIs)")

<## % extinction plot for a W-shredder (Figure 3)

cairo_pdf(file = "figures/figure3.pdf", width = 9, height = 12)
fig3 + facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free", labeller = label_parsed, ncol = 4) + theme(legend.position = c(.9, .1))
fig3 + facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free", labeller = label_parsed, ncol = 3) 

Figure 3: The percentage of simulations of a W-shredder that ended in extinction, for all runs with a particular value (shown on the x-axis) for a given parameter (shown in the panels). For example, in all the thousands of runs for which I assumed pshred=0.5, there were no extinctions, while among the runs where pshred=1, over 60% resulted in extinction. The panels are ordered by the range of the y-axis, which highlights the relative importance of the variables for the probability of extinction. Figure S1 shows the median time-to-extinction for each parameter value, and Figure S2-S3 gives similar plots for simulations that considered a female-sterilising Z-linked gene drive instead of a W-shredder.

Time-to-extinction plot for a W-shredder (Figure S1)

S1_fig <- make_multipanel_figure(filter(W_shredder_split_by_male_drive_time_to_extinct, n >= 40), 
                        ylab = "Median generations until extinction (\u00B1 95% quantiles)") + 
  facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free", labeller = label_parsed, ncol = 3) + 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 150))

ggsave(S1_fig, filename = "figures/S1_fig.pdf", height = 12, width = 10)
saveRDS(S1_fig, file = "figures/S1_fig.rds")

Figure S1:

% extinction plot for a female-sterilising Z-drive (Figure S2)

S2_fig <- make_multipanel_figure(female_sterilising_split_by_male_drive_percent_extinct,
                        ylab = "% simulation runs resulting in extinction (\u00B1 95% CIs)") + 
  facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free", labeller = label_parsed, ncol = 4)

ggsave(S2_fig, filename = "figures/S2_fig.pdf", height = 9.6, width = 10)
saveRDS(S2_fig, file = "figures/S2_fig.rds")

Figure S2: Analagous information to Figure 2, but showing the results for a female-sterilising Z* allele instead of a W-shredder.

Time-to-extinction plot for a female-sterilising Z-drive (Figure S3)

S3_fig <- make_multipanel_figure(filter(female_sterilising_split_by_male_drive_time_to_extinct, n >= 40), 
                        ylab = "Median generations until extinction (\u00B1 95% quantiles)") + 
  facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free", labeller = label_parsed, ncol = 3) + 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 100))

ggsave(S3_fig, filename = "figures/S3_fig.pdf", height = 12, width = 10)
saveRDS(S3_fig, file = "figures/S3_fig.rds")

Figure S3:

Finding variables with interacting effects on the extinction probability

Testing for interactions using GLM

Run a binomial generalized linear model (GLM), with all of the variable model parameters and all their 2-way interactions as predictors. The response variable is extinction, coded as a zero or one. Since the number of data points is very large (millions), I use the biglm package (“big GLM”). I run a model separately on all the runs that considered the evolution of a W-shredder, and all the runs that considered a female-sterilising Z*.

run_big_glm <- function(dat, sterilising = FALSE){
    variable_parameters <- variable_parameters[!(variable_parameters %in% c("W_shredding_rate", "cost_Zdrive_female"))] 
  formula <- paste("went_extinct ~ (",
                   paste0(variable_parameters, collapse = " + "), ")^2",
                   sep = "")
  if(!sterilising) formula <- paste(formula, "- W_shredding_rate:cost_Zdrive_female")
         data = dat %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, function(x) as.numeric(scale(x))), 
         chunksize = 10000)

# Helper to get the fixed effects table out of the biglm object (no 'coefficients' slot, apparently)
tidy_model <- function(model){
  out <- capture.output(model %>% summary)[-(1:5)] %>% lapply(function(x) {
    x <- strsplit(x, split = " ")[[1]]
    x[x != ""]
    }) %>%"rbind", .) %>% = FALSE) %>% as_tibble() %>% 
    mutate(V1 = as.factor(gsub(":", " x ", V1))) %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric) 
  names(out) <- c("Parameter", "Estimate", "Lower_95_CI", "Upper_95_CI", "SE", "p")
  out %>% arrange(-abs(Estimate))

if(!file.exists("data/W_shredder_model.rds")) {
  W_shredder_model <- run_big_glm(W_shredder)
  saveRDS(tidy_model(W_shredder_model), "data/W_shredder_model.rds")
  female_sterilising_model <- run_big_glm(female_sterilising, sterilising = TRUE)
  saveRDS(tidy_model(female_sterilising_model), "data/female_sterilising_model.rds")
} else {
  W_shredder_model <- readRDS("data/W_shredder_model.rds")
  female_sterilising_model <- readRDS("data/female_sterilising_model.rds")

Finding the top-ranked effects in the GLM

importance_plot <- function(dat, n = "all"){
  if(n != "all"){
    dat <- dat %>%
      mutate(row=1:n()) %>% filter(row %in% 1:n)
  for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
    if(dat$Estimate[i] < 0){
      lower <- dat$Lower_95_CI[i]
      dat$Lower_95_CI[i] <- dat$Upper_95_CI[i]
      dat$Upper_95_CI[i] <- lower
  dat <- dat %>%
    mutate(Parameter = gsub("one_patch", "", as.character(Parameter)),
           Parameter = gsub("Local", "", Parameter),
           Parameter = factor(Parameter, rev(Parameter)),
           tick_label = nice_names$new[match(Parameter, nice_names$original)]) 
  dat %>%
    ggplot(aes(Parameter, abs(Estimate))) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "tomato") +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = abs(Lower_95_CI), ymax = abs(Upper_95_CI)), width = 0) + 
    coord_flip() + 
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + 
    scale_x_discrete(labels = parse(text = rev(dat$tick_label))) + 
    xlab("Model parameter") + ylab("Absolute effect size")

importance_plot(W_shredder_model, n = 25)

Figure SX:

importance_plot(female_sterilising_model, n = 25)

Figure SX:

Plot showing interacting effects on extinction probability

get_percent_extinct_double <- function(dat, p1, p2){
  output <-  dat %>%
    group_by(!! sym(p1), !! sym(p2)) %>%
    summarise(extinct = sum(went_extinct),
              not_extinct = n() - sum(went_extinct),
              prob = list(binom.test(extinct, extinct + not_extinct))) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(percent_extinct = 100 * extinct / (extinct + not_extinct),
           lower_95_CI = 100 * prob$[1],
           upper_95_CI = 100 * prob$[2],
           parameter_1 =  p1, 
           parameter_2 =  p2) 
  names(output)[1:2] <- paste("value", 1:2, sep = "_")
  output %>%
    mutate(value_1 = as.character(value_1), value_2 = as.character(value_2)) %>%
    select(parameter_1, parameter_2, value_1, value_2, everything()) %>% 
    select(-prob) %>% ungroup()

interesting <- (W_shredder_model %>% mutate(Parameter = as.character(Parameter)) %>% filter(grepl(" x ", Parameter)) %>% pull(Parameter))[1:9]
two_way_W_shredder <- map2_df(str_split(interesting, " x ", simplify = TRUE)[, 1], 
                              str_split(interesting, " x ", simplify = TRUE)[, 2], 
                              get_percent_extinct_double, dat = W_shredder)

two_way_plot <- function(two_way_data, pairwise_combos){
  two_way_data <- two_way_data %>%
    mutate(pasted = paste(parameter_1, parameter_2, sep = " x "),
           parameter_1 = nice_names$new[match(parameter_1, nice_names$original)],
           parameter_2 = nice_names$new[match(parameter_2, nice_names$original)]) %>%
    filter(pasted %in% pairwise_combos) 
  z_range <- range(two_way_data$percent_extinct) * 1.1
  make_one <- function(df){
    df$value_1 <- factor(df$value_1, unique(df$value_1))
    df$value_2 <- factor(df$value_2, unique(df$value_2))
    ggplot(df, aes(value_1, value_2, fill = percent_extinct)) + 
      geom_tile(colour = "black", linetype = 3) + 
      scale_fill_distiller(palette = "PuBuGn", direction = 1, limits = z_range, name = "% extinct") + 
      theme_bw() + 
      theme() + 
      scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0), name = parse(text = df$parameter_1[1])) + 
      scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0,0), name = parse(text = df$parameter_2[1])) 
  grid_arrange_shared_legend <- function(...) {
    plots <- list(...)
    g <- ggplotGrob(plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs
    legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
    lheight <- sum(legend$height)
    plots <- lapply(plots, function(x) ggplotGrob(x + theme(legend.position = "none")))
    p <- gtable_cbind(gtable_rbind(plots[[1]], plots[[4]], plots[[7]]),
                      gtable_rbind(plots[[2]], plots[[5]], plots[[8]]),
                      gtable_rbind(plots[[3]], plots[[6]], plots[[9]]))
    grid.arrange(p, legend, 
                 nrow = 2, 
                 heights = unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))

  dat_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(pairwise_combos))
  for(i in 1:length(pairwise_combos)){
    dat_list[[i]] <- two_way_data %>% filter(pasted == pairwise_combos[i])
  lapply(dat_list, make_one) %>%"grid_arrange_shared_legend", .)

fig4 <- two_way_plot(two_way_W_shredder, interesting)

Figure 4: Heatmap showing the nine strongest interactions between pairs of parameters in the model, as determined by the effect sizes from the GLM plotted in Figure SX.

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] grid      parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] future.apply_1.0.1 future_1.11.1.1    kableExtra_0.9.0  
 [4] biglm_0.9-1        DBI_1.0.0          data.table_1.12.2 
 [7] ggthemes_4.0.1     gridExtra_2.3      pander_0.6.2      
[10] latex2exp_0.4.0    knitr_1.20         Cairo_1.5-9       
[13] ggplot2_3.1.0      tibble_2.0.99.9000 readr_1.1.1       
[16] rslurm_0.4.0       Rcpp_1.0.0         reshape2_1.4.3    
[19] stringr_1.3.1      tidyr_0.8.2        purrr_0.3.1       
[22] dplyr_0.8.0.1     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] tidyselect_0.2.5   listenv_0.7.0      colorspace_1.3-2  
 [4] htmltools_0.3.6    viridisLite_0.3.0  yaml_2.2.0        
 [7] utf8_1.1.4         rlang_0.3.1        pillar_1.3.1.9000 
[10] glue_1.3.0.9000    withr_2.1.2        RColorBrewer_1.1-2
[13] plyr_1.8.4         munsell_0.5.0      gtable_0.2.0      
[16] workflowr_1.3.0    rvest_0.3.2        codetools_0.2-15  
[19] evaluate_0.11      labeling_0.3       fansi_0.4.0       
[22] scales_1.0.0       backports_1.1.2    fs_1.2.6          
[25] hms_0.4.2          digest_0.6.18      stringi_1.3.1     
[28] rprojroot_1.3-2    cli_1.0.1          tools_3.5.1       
[31] magrittr_1.5       lazyeval_0.2.1     crayon_1.3.4      
[34] whisker_0.3-2      pkgconfig_2.0.2    xml2_1.2.0        
[37] assertthat_0.2.0   rmarkdown_1.10     httr_1.3.1        
[40] rstudioapi_0.9.0   R6_2.4.0           globals_0.12.4    
[43] git2r_0.23.0       compiler_3.5.1