Last updated: 2020-01-17

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    Untracked:  analysis/statistics.Rmd
    Untracked:  code/2.Metabolic_rates.R
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    Untracked:  data/2.metabolic_rates.csv
    Untracked:  data/paths_VO2.rds
    Untracked:  data/posterior_predictions.rds
    Untracked:  docs/figure/
    Untracked:  output/Figure 2.pdf
    Untracked:  output/bayesian_R2_values.rds
    Untracked:  output/bayesian_R2_values_2020.rds
    Untracked:  output/brms_SEM.rds
    Untracked:  output/brms_SEM_2020.rds

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Load packages

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Load data

respiration <- read_csv("data/2.metabolic_rates.csv") %>%

Inspecting the raw data

Selection treatment has affected activity and body size

There is a strong effect of selection treatment on activity in both sexes, and an effect of selection on female body size.

respiration %>%
  filter(CYCLE == "I") %>%
  mutate(`Body weight` = scale(BODY_WEIGHT),
         `Activity level` = scale(ACTIVITY)) %>%
  gather(trait, value, `Body weight`, `Activity level`) %>%
  ggplot(aes(SEX, value, colour = SELECTION)) + 
  stat_summary(position = position_dodge(0.4), size = 0.3) + 
  facet_wrap(~ trait) + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1", direction = -1)

Fit a structural equation model with brms

Scale the data

Here, I scale and centre the body mass (across all samples), and multiply VO2 and VCO2 by 1000 so that their units (and resulting regression coefficients) are close to those assumed by the brms default priors.

I did not scale and centre VO2 and VCO2, because I will soon relate them to each other via the respiratory quotient, RQ, so it makes sense to leave them in their original units. I also did not scale and centre activity level, because this variable is naturally bounded by zero and one, and so I can model it on its original scale using the beta distribution.

scaled_data <- respiration %>%
  mutate(VO2 = VO2 * 1000, 
         VCO2 = VCO2 * 1000,
         BODY_WEIGHT = as.numeric(scale(BODY_WEIGHT))) %>% 

Formulae for the brms structural equation model (SEM)

The following brms code seeks to estimate the coefficients for more than one model formula simultaneously. There is a model for both of the mediator variables (activity and body mass), a model of oxygen production (VO2), and a model of CO2 production (which is related to VO2 via the parameter RQ, the respiratory quotient, which the model also estimates).

The formulae were chosen a priori, to reflect our biological intuition about factors that might affect each response variable.

Activity level (one value per cycle, i.e. 3 measures on each ‘sample’ of individuals)


This formula allows for effects on activity of sex and selection treatment (and their 2-way interaction), and for an effect of cycle (coded as a 3-level factor, allowing non-linear change across the 3 cycles). The random factors were added due to our repeated measures of replicate selection lines and samples (same for the following forrmulae).

Body mass


This formula allows for effects on activity of sex and selection treatment (and their 2-way interaction). Because there is only one measure of body mass for each sample of flies, we do not need to fit a sample-level random effect; also, this model is run on only a subset of the full dataset (one of the 3 cycles), since we would incur pseudo-replication if we used the full dataset.



This formula allows for effects on activity of sex, selection an cycle (and their 2- and 3-way interactions), and for sex- and selection treatment-specific effects of body mass and activity level.

VCO2 (as determined by the parameter RQ)

Formulae (2-part model, see vignette("brms_nonlinear")):

VCO2 ~ VO2 * (0.7 + 0.3 * inv_logit(RQ))


VCO2 is assumed to depend on the value of VO2 from the same measurement, multiplied by RQ, a parameter that is constrained to vary between 0.7 and 1 (based on our prior knowledge of the chemistry of respiration) through the use of the inverse logit function. In turn, RQ is assumed to depend on the same set of predictors as for VO2.


To apply some mild regularisation and assist model convergence, we set a prior on all the fixed effect parameters of normal(0, 10).


All response variables are assumed to follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution, except for activity level (beta); as we shall see, this turns out to be a reasonable approximation of the response variables’ true distributions.

Fit the brms model

inv_logit <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))

# add a subsetting variable, so that we can estimate the effects of selection and sex on body size without having three redundant measures of body size (one per cycle). See ?brmsformula, section beginning "For multivariate models, subset may be used..."
scaled_data <- scaled_data %>%
      mutate(body_subset = CYCLE == "I")

  brms_formula <- 
    bf(VO2 ~ SELECTION * SEX * CYCLE + 
         BODYMASS + ACTIVITY +  
         (1 | LINE) + (1 | SAMPLE)) +
    bf(VCO2 ~ VO2 * (0.7 + 0.3 * inv_logit(RQ)), 
       RQ ~ SELECTION * SEX * CYCLE + 
         (1 | LINE) + (1 | SAMPLE),
       nl = TRUE) +
    bf(BODYMASS | subset(body_subset) ~ SELECTION * SEX + 
         (1 | LINE)) +
         (1 | LINE) + (1 | SAMPLE), family = "beta") +
  brms_SEM <- brm(
    data = scaled_data,
    iter = 10000, chains = 4, cores = 4,
    prior = prior(normal(0, 10), class = "b"),
    control = list(max_treedepth = 20, adapt_delta = 0.99)
  saveRDS(brms_SEM, file = "output/brms_SEM.rds")
  bayesian_R2_values <- bayes_R2(brms_SEM)
          file = "output/bayesian_R2_values.rds")
} else {
  brms_SEM <- readRDS("output/brms_SEM.rds")
  bayesian_R2_values <-

Inspect the model output

Here is the complete output of summary() called on the model. Note that the model has converged ok (Rhat = 1), and that no parameters are under-sampled (shown by the ESS columns). Several parameters also differ significantly from zero (shown by their 95% credible intervals not overlapping zero). Note that the response variables are not all in the same units, so the magnitudes of their coefficients (“Estimate” column) are not directly comparable.

pvalues <- %>% 
  mutate(Parameter = str_remove_all(Parameter, "b_"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "[.]", ":"),
         p = (100 - pd) / 100) %>%
  filter(!grepl("[.]1", Parameter))

fixef(brms_SEM) %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("Parameter") %>%
  left_join(pvalues %>% select(-pd), by = "Parameter") %>%
  mutate(` ` = ifelse(p < 0.05, "\\*", ""),
         ` ` = replace(` `, p > 0.05 & p < 0.1, "~"),
         ` ` = replace(` `, p < 0.01, "**"), 
         ` ` = replace(` `, p < 0.001, "***")) %>%
  mutate(Response = map_chr(strsplit(Parameter, split = "_"), ~ .x[1]),
         Response = str_replace_all(Response, "BODYMASS", "Body mass"),
         Response = str_replace_all(Response, "ACTIVITY", "Activity"),
         Response = str_replace_all(Response, "VCO2", "RQ"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "BODYMASS", "Body mass"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "ACTIVITY", "Activity"),
         Parameter = str_remove_all(Parameter, ".+_"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "SELECTIONPoly", "Polyandry"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "CYCLEIII", "Cycle III"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "CYCLEII", "Cycle II"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, "SEXM", "Male"),
         Parameter = str_replace_all(Parameter, ":", " x ")) %>%
  select(Response, Parameter, everything()) %>%
  mutate(Response = factor(Response, 
                           c("Activity", "Body mass", "VO2", "RQ"))) %>%
  arrange(Response) %>% select(-Response) %>%
  kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling() %>%
  group_rows("Activity level", 1, 6) %>%
  group_rows("Body mass", 7, 10) %>%
  group_rows("VO2", 11, 28) %>%
  group_rows("Respiratory quotient (RQ)", 29, 46)
Parameter Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5 p
Activity level
Intercept -4.247 0.210 -4.664 -3.840 0.000 ***
Polyandry 0.996 0.278 0.450 1.548 0.001 **
Male 0.197 0.242 -0.278 0.679 0.209
Cycle II 0.100 0.090 -0.078 0.276 0.131
Cycle III 0.034 0.092 -0.147 0.215 0.357
Polyandry x Male 0.096 0.329 -0.544 0.757 0.385
Body mass
Intercept 0.340 0.394 -0.447 1.124 0.165
Polyandry 0.597 0.556 -0.494 1.693 0.118
Male -1.049 0.274 -1.584 -0.508 0.000 ***
Polyandry x Male -0.466 0.385 -1.228 0.296 0.111
Intercept 7.458 0.629 6.242 8.718 0.000 ***
Polyandry -0.568 0.965 -2.467 1.249 0.269
Male -1.616 0.834 -3.248 0.021 0.027 *
Cycle II -1.465 0.425 -2.297 -0.622 0.000 ***
Cycle III -1.960 0.426 -2.806 -1.131 0.000 ***
Body mass 0.142 0.645 -1.124 1.406 0.410
Activity 20.418 6.896 7.005 33.789 0.002 **
Polyandry x Male 0.866 1.178 -1.453 3.188 0.231
Polyandry x Cycle II 0.803 0.596 -0.380 1.956 0.087 ~
Polyandry x Cycle III 0.115 0.596 -1.045 1.293 0.427
Male x Cycle II 0.534 0.607 -0.647 1.720 0.190
Male x Cycle III -0.412 0.613 -1.611 0.788 0.249
Polyandry x Body mass -0.031 0.699 -1.388 1.373 0.475
Polyandry x Activity 13.370 7.563 -1.354 28.119 0.038 *
Male x Body mass 0.325 0.532 -0.731 1.364 0.265
Male x Activity 10.700 7.973 -4.900 26.215 0.089 ~
Polyandry x Male x Cycle II -0.728 0.856 -2.404 0.982 0.195
Polyandry x Male x Cycle III 0.412 0.852 -1.256 2.104 0.315
Respiratory quotient (RQ)
Intercept 0.126 0.679 -1.197 1.492 0.418
Polyandry 0.295 0.983 -1.704 2.207 0.361
Male 0.258 0.866 -1.401 2.046 0.389
Cycle II 0.549 0.561 -0.500 1.715 0.160
Cycle III -0.438 0.531 -1.533 0.595 0.199
Body mass 0.361 0.601 -0.809 1.569 0.268
Activity -3.490 7.159 -17.599 10.285 0.316
Polyandry x Male 0.275 1.094 -1.930 2.411 0.393
Polyandry x Cycle II 0.100 0.696 -1.299 1.458 0.437
Polyandry x Cycle III 1.202 0.711 -0.157 2.667 0.043 *
Male x Cycle II -0.585 0.910 -2.392 1.142 0.251
Male x Cycle III 1.374 2.048 -0.953 7.187 0.158
Polyandry x Body mass -0.148 0.623 -1.384 1.072 0.400
Polyandry x Activity -7.417 7.855 -22.718 8.108 0.172
Male x Body mass -0.688 0.473 -1.629 0.222 0.070 ~
Male x Activity 4.833 8.633 -12.096 21.577 0.286
Polyandry x Male x Cycle II -0.844 1.107 -2.991 1.321 0.217
Polyandry x Male x Cycle III -2.756 2.176 -8.736 -0.002 0.025 *

Inspect the model R^2 values

These are all pretty high, which doesn’t tell us much, but it’s included here for completeness.

bayesian_R2_values %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("Response variable") %>%
  mutate(`Response variable` = gsub("R2", "", `Response variable`)) %>%
  kable(digits=2) %>% kable_styling()
Response variable Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
VO2 0.77 0.03 0.71 0.82
VCO2 0.92 0.01 0.91 0.94
BODYMASS 0.61 0.07 0.45 0.71
ACTIVITY 0.74 0.03 0.66 0.79

Plot posterior predictive checks

Here, we draw 10 samples from the posterior of the model, and apply them to the original predictor variables, to check that the predicted values resemble the real data (they should, if the model is a sensible approximation of the real processes that generated the data). The plot looks good, mostly, though the fit is a little off for ACTIVITY because this variable is bounded at zero (prior to being scaled). Rather than adding a more complex model, we elected to settle for the Gaussian approximation.

my_check <- function(r) {
  pp_check(brms_SEM, resp = r) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + 
    labs(subtitle = r)


Extract the posterior estimates of the means

These are used for plotting the range of means that is supported by the data, given our priors. The posterior estimates show the mean of each group, accounting for all the random effects (i.e. the design of the experiment), the covariance structure of the response variables, etc.

We will also use these posteriors for hypothesis testing, e.g. to see if the mean body size of the polyandry flies differs from that of monogamy flies, by subtracting one posterior from the other to get the posterior estimate of the difference in means. If most (e.g. >95%) of this posterior difference lies on one side of zero, the two means may be considered ‘significantly different’ as conventionally defined. The magnitude of the difference in means is also an intuitive measure of effect size, and the posterior gives a sense of how precisely we have estimated effect size.

new <- scaled_data %>%
  select(SELECTION, SEX, CYCLE) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  mutate(body_subset = TRUE)

# Get the posterior estimate of body weight and activity, 
# for the 4 combinations of sex and monogamy/polandry treatment
bodymass <- brms_SEM %>% 
  fitted(new, re_formula = NA, 
         resp = "BODYMASS", summary = FALSE)
activity <- brms_SEM %>% 
  fitted(new, re_formula = NA, 
         resp = "ACTIVITY", summary = FALSE)

  # Calculate the posterior VO2 and RQ for the levels of 'new', either by assuming bodysize and acitivity are at their global means, or by using the means we have estimated for each combination of selection, sex, and cycle
  get_post_response <- function(body, act){
    n_combos <- nrow(new)
    if(!body) bodyweight <- matrix(0, ncol = n_combos, nrow = 1)
    if(!act)  activity <- matrix(0, ncol = n_combos, nrow = 1)
    get_diagonal <- function(mat){
      if(ncol(mat) == nrow(mat)) return(diag(mat))
    VO2_posterior <- map(
      ~ brms_SEM %>% 
          SELECTION = new$SELECTION[.x],
          SEX = new$SEX[.x],
          CYCLE = new$CYCLE[.x],
          BODYMASS = bodymass[, .x], 
          ACTIVITY = activity[, .x]), 
          re_formula = NA, resp = "VO2", 
          summary = FALSE) %>%
        get_diagonal()) %>%"cbind", .)
    RQ_posterior <- map(
      ~ brms_SEM %>% 
          SELECTION = new$SELECTION[.x],
          SEX = new$SEX[.x],
          BODYMASS = bodymass[, .x], 
          ACTIVITY = activity[, .x],
          CYCLE = new$CYCLE[.x],
          VO2 = VO2_posterior[, .x]), 
          re_formula = NA, resp = "VCO2", 
          nlpar = "RQ", summary = FALSE) %>%
        get_diagonal()) %>%"cbind", .)
    n_draws <- nrow(VO2_posterior)
    posterior <- tibble(
      value = c(VO2_posterior),
      resp = "VO2",
      selection = rep(new$SELECTION, each = n_draws),
      sex = rep(new$SEX, each = n_draws),
      cycle = rep(new$CYCLE, each = n_draws)
    ) %>% bind_rows(
        value = c(RQ_posterior),
        resp = "RQ",
        selection = rep(new$SELECTION, each = n_draws),
        sex = rep(new$SEX, each = n_draws),
        cycle = rep(new$CYCLE, each = n_draws)
    ) %>% mutate(
      value = ifelse(resp == "RQ", 
                     0.7 + 0.3 * inv_logit(value), 
  posterior_predictions <- list(
    direct_path = get_post_response(body = F, act = F),
    direct_path_plus_bodyweight = get_post_response(body = T, act = F),
    direct_path_plus_activity = get_post_response(body = F, act = T),
    all_paths = get_post_response(body = T, act = T))
  posterior_predictions <- lapply(
    names(posterior_predictions), function(i) {
      posterior_predictions[[i]] %>% mutate(path = i)
    }) %>% bind_rows() %>%
    mutate(path = factor(path, unique(path)))
  posterior_predictions <- posterior_predictions %>%
    mutate(sex = ifelse(sex == "M", "Male", "Female"),
           sex = factor(sex, c("Male", "Female")),
           path = replace(as.character(path), 
                          path == "direct_path", 
                          "1. Direct effect"),
           path = replace(path, 
                          path == "direct_path_plus_bodyweight", 
                          "2. Direct + body mass"),
           path = replace(path, 
                          path == "direct_path_plus_activity", 
                          "3. Direct + activity level"),
           path = replace(path, 
                          path == "all_paths", 
                          "4. Direct + both mediators")) 
  posterior_predictions %>% 
} else {
  posterior_predictions <- 

Effect of selection treatment on mediator variables

Here, we see that flies from the polyandry and monogamy selection treatments differ strongly in activity levels, and (for females) in body mass. Thus, in subsequent analyses, we attempt to partition out the effect of selection on respiration that is due to the difference in body size, activity, or other unmeasured mediator variables (e.g. physiological differences).

parse_mediators <- function(x){
  var <- x
  x <- get(x)
  colnames(x) <- apply(new, 1, paste0, collapse="~")
  gather(as_tibble(x)) %>%
    mutate(draw = rep(1:(n()/4), 4),
           split = strsplit(key, split = "~"),
           selection = map_chr(split, ~.x[1]),
           sex = map_chr(split, ~.x[2])) %>%
    select(draw, sex, selection, value) %>%
    mutate(mediator = var)

mediators <- parse_mediators("bodymass") %>%
  bind_rows(parse_mediators("activity")) %>%
  mutate(mediator = factor(mediator, unique(mediator))) %>%
    mediator = replace(as.character(mediator), 
                       mediator == "bodymass", 
                       "A. Body mass"),
    mediator = gsub("activity", 
                    "B. Activity", 
    Sex = relevel(factor(ifelse(sex == "F", 
                                "Male")), ref = "Male"),
    selection = ifelse(selection == "Mono", 

pd <- position_dodge(0.9)

mediator_plot <- function(dat){
  dat  %>%
    ggplot(aes(Sex, value, fill = selection)) +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1", direction = -1, name = "") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2) +
    stat_eye (alpha = 0.6, position = pd) + 
    facet_wrap(~ mediator) +
    #coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-2, 2)) +
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(legend.position = "top",
          strip.background = element_blank(),
          strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0),
          panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) + 
    ylab(NULL) + xlab(NULL) 

  mediators  %>%
    filter(mediator == "A. Body mass") %>%
    mediator_plot() + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-2.4, 2.8)),
  mediators  %>%
    filter(mediator == "B. Activity") %>%
    mediator_plot() + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 0.1)), 
  ncol = 2, left = "Mean trait value (posterior estimate)", bottom = "Sex")

Figure 2: Polyandry females were larger than monogamy females, and polyandry flies of both sexes were more active than monogamy flies. The y-axis shows the posterior estimate of the mean trait value (scaled to have mean zero, SD = 1). The coloured areas show the posterior distribution, the black circles show the median, the thick bars show the 95% credible intervals on the median, and the thin bars show the 95% quantiles of the posterior.

Effect of selection treatment on respiration

Plot the posterior means for VO2

The plot show the model’s best estimates of the mean, with the shading showing the posterior distribution of these guesses. The four rows show the effect of: - selection on VO2, independently of both mediator variables - selection on VO2, independently of activity level but incorporating the mediating effect of body mass - selection on VO2, independently of body weight but incorporating the mediating effect of activity level - selection on VO2, including the effects of both mediator variables

posterior_predictions %>% 
  filter(resp == "VO2") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = cycle, y = scale(value), fill = selection)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1", direction = -1, name = NULL) +
  geom_eye (alpha=0.6, .width = c(0.88), position = pd) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-3.5, 2.8)) +
  facet_grid(path~sex) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(legend.position = "top",
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()) +   
  xlab("Cycle") + 
  ylab("Oxygen consumption (Posterior estimate of mean VO2)") 

Plot the posterior means for RQ

posterior_predictions %>%
  filter(resp == "RQ") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = cycle, y = value, fill = selection)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1", direction = -1) +
  geom_eye (alpha=0.6, .width = c(0.88), position = pd) +
  facet_grid(path~sex) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(legend.position = "top",
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()) +   
  xlab("Cycle") + 
  ylab("RQ (Posterior estimate of group means)")

Table of posterior means

These tables show the mean values of VO2 and RQ in each treatment/cycle/sex combination.

tableS1_S2 <- posterior_predictions %>%
  group_by(resp, path, cycle, sex, selection) %>%
  summarise(x = list(posterior_summary(value))) %>%
  mutate(Estimate = map_dbl(x, ~ .x[1]),
         Error = map_dbl(x, ~ .x[2]),
         Lower95CI = map_dbl(x, ~ .x[3]),
         Upper95CI = map_dbl(x, ~ .x[4])) %>% 
  select(-x) %>% ungroup()

tableS1 <- tableS1_S2 %>%
  filter(resp == "VO2") %>%
  rename(`Mean VO2` = Estimate) %>%

tableS2 <- tableS1_S2 %>%
  filter(resp == "RQ") %>%
  rename(`Mean RQ` = Estimate) %>%


tableS1 %>% kable(digits=3) %>% kable_styling()
path cycle sex selection Mean VO2 Error Lower95CI Upper95CI
  1. Direct effect
I Male Mono 5.513 0.708 4.106 6.887
  1. Direct effect
I Male Poly 5.888 0.821 4.304 7.530
  1. Direct effect
I Female Mono 7.507 0.644 6.236 8.762
  1. Direct effect
I Female Poly 6.995 0.709 5.642 8.419
  1. Direct effect
II Male Mono 4.583 0.685 3.215 5.914
  1. Direct effect
II Male Poly 5.034 0.845 3.397 6.750
  1. Direct effect
II Female Mono 6.043 0.652 4.766 7.326
  1. Direct effect
II Female Poly 6.333 0.730 4.957 7.800
  1. Direct effect
III Male Mono 3.141 0.676 1.789 4.447
  1. Direct effect
III Male Poly 4.044 0.839 2.432 5.726
  1. Direct effect
III Female Mono 5.547 0.652 4.266 6.826
  1. Direct effect
III Female Poly 5.150 0.723 3.772 6.589
  1. Direct + body mass
I Male Mono 5.513 0.708 4.106 6.887
  1. Direct + body mass
I Male Poly 5.888 0.821 4.304 7.530
  1. Direct + body mass
I Female Mono 7.507 0.644 6.236 8.762
  1. Direct + body mass
I Female Poly 6.995 0.709 5.642 8.419
  1. Direct + body mass
II Male Mono 4.583 0.685 3.215 5.914
  1. Direct + body mass
II Male Poly 5.034 0.845 3.397 6.750
  1. Direct + body mass
II Female Mono 6.043 0.652 4.766 7.326
  1. Direct + body mass
II Female Poly 6.333 0.730 4.957 7.800
  1. Direct + body mass
III Male Mono 3.141 0.676 1.789 4.447
  1. Direct + body mass
III Male Poly 4.044 0.839 2.432 5.726
  1. Direct + body mass
III Female Mono 5.547 0.652 4.266 6.826
  1. Direct + body mass
III Female Poly 5.150 0.723 3.772 6.589
  1. Direct + activity level
I Male Mono 6.057 0.679 4.704 7.385
  1. Direct + activity level
I Male Poly 8.118 0.792 6.613 9.729
  1. Direct + activity level
I Female Mono 7.801 0.643 6.532 9.056
  1. Direct + activity level
I Female Poly 8.277 0.685 6.977 9.633
  1. Direct + activity level
II Male Mono 5.183 0.677 3.839 6.517
  1. Direct + activity level
II Male Poly 7.484 0.812 5.961 9.160
  1. Direct + activity level
II Female Mono 6.367 0.645 5.102 7.632
  1. Direct + activity level
II Female Poly 7.745 0.691 6.436 9.105
  1. Direct + activity level
III Male Mono 3.703 0.673 2.355 5.012
  1. Direct + activity level
III Male Poly 6.344 0.799 4.807 7.951
  1. Direct + activity level
III Female Mono 5.851 0.642 4.592 7.120
  1. Direct + activity level
III Female Poly 6.474 0.687 5.175 7.826
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Male Mono 6.057 0.679 4.704 7.385
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Male Poly 8.118 0.792 6.613 9.729
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Female Mono 7.801 0.643 6.532 9.056
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Female Poly 8.277 0.685 6.977 9.633
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Male Mono 5.183 0.677 3.839 6.517
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Male Poly 7.484 0.812 5.961 9.160
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Female Mono 6.367 0.645 5.102 7.632
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Female Poly 7.745 0.691 6.436 9.105
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Male Mono 3.703 0.673 2.355 5.012
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Male Poly 6.344 0.799 4.807 7.951
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Female Mono 5.851 0.642 4.592 7.120
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Female Poly 6.474 0.687 5.175 7.826


tableS2 %>% kable(digits=3) %>% kable_styling()
path cycle sex selection Mean RQ Error Lower95CI Upper95CI
  1. Direct effect
I Male Mono 0.889 0.049 0.785 0.974
  1. Direct effect
I Male Poly 0.922 0.046 0.812 0.987
  1. Direct effect
I Female Mono 0.867 0.045 0.772 0.951
  1. Direct effect
I Female Poly 0.891 0.044 0.792 0.966
  1. Direct effect
II Male Mono 0.887 0.049 0.782 0.971
  1. Direct effect
II Male Poly 0.878 0.055 0.764 0.970
  1. Direct effect
II Female Mono 0.901 0.045 0.800 0.977
  1. Direct effect
II Female Poly 0.927 0.039 0.834 0.983
  1. Direct effect
III Male Mono 0.921 0.053 0.800 1.000
  1. Direct effect
III Male Poly 0.888 0.055 0.770 0.976
  1. Direct effect
III Female Mono 0.837 0.049 0.745 0.936
  1. Direct effect
III Female Poly 0.932 0.038 0.841 0.985
  1. Direct + body mass
I Male Mono 0.889 0.049 0.785 0.974
  1. Direct + body mass
I Male Poly 0.922 0.046 0.812 0.987
  1. Direct + body mass
I Female Mono 0.867 0.045 0.772 0.951
  1. Direct + body mass
I Female Poly 0.891 0.044 0.792 0.966
  1. Direct + body mass
II Male Mono 0.887 0.049 0.782 0.971
  1. Direct + body mass
II Male Poly 0.878 0.055 0.764 0.970
  1. Direct + body mass
II Female Mono 0.901 0.045 0.800 0.977
  1. Direct + body mass
II Female Poly 0.927 0.039 0.834 0.983
  1. Direct + body mass
III Male Mono 0.921 0.053 0.800 1.000
  1. Direct + body mass
III Male Poly 0.888 0.055 0.770 0.976
  1. Direct + body mass
III Female Mono 0.837 0.049 0.745 0.936
  1. Direct + body mass
III Female Poly 0.932 0.038 0.841 0.985
  1. Direct + activity level
I Male Mono 0.891 0.046 0.793 0.972
  1. Direct + activity level
I Male Poly 0.909 0.040 0.817 0.974
  1. Direct + activity level
I Female Mono 0.863 0.045 0.771 0.949
  1. Direct + activity level
I Female Poly 0.864 0.042 0.777 0.945
  1. Direct + activity level
II Male Mono 0.889 0.048 0.786 0.971
  1. Direct + activity level
II Male Poly 0.857 0.045 0.766 0.945
  1. Direct + activity level
II Female Mono 0.897 0.045 0.798 0.975
  1. Direct + activity level
II Female Poly 0.903 0.039 0.816 0.969
  1. Direct + activity level
III Male Mono 0.923 0.052 0.804 1.000
  1. Direct + activity level
III Male Poly 0.870 0.046 0.774 0.955
  1. Direct + activity level
III Female Mono 0.834 0.048 0.743 0.933
  1. Direct + activity level
III Female Poly 0.911 0.039 0.821 0.974
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Male Mono 0.891 0.046 0.793 0.972
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Male Poly 0.909 0.040 0.817 0.974
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Female Mono 0.863 0.045 0.771 0.949
  1. Direct + both mediators
I Female Poly 0.864 0.042 0.777 0.945
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Male Mono 0.889 0.048 0.786 0.971
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Male Poly 0.857 0.045 0.766 0.945
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Female Mono 0.897 0.045 0.798 0.975
  1. Direct + both mediators
II Female Poly 0.903 0.039 0.816 0.969
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Male Mono 0.923 0.052 0.804 1.000
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Male Poly 0.870 0.046 0.774 0.955
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Female Mono 0.834 0.048 0.743 0.933
  1. Direct + both mediators
III Female Poly 0.911 0.039 0.821 0.974

Tables of posterior differences between selection treatments

The table tests for differences between the M and P treatments in VO2 and RQ. It was calculated as the difference in mean VO2 or RQ between M and P, either alone, or including one or both of the two mediator variables (body size and activity level). The comparison was made separately in each sex/cycle combination. The biggest effect is on males in cycle III: the M males are less active, and therefore they respire less – there was no evidence for a treatment effect unless the effect of selection on activity level was considered. There were no treatment effects on RQ.

my_summary <- function(posterior) { 
  p <- (100 - as.numeric(p_direction(posterior))) / 100 
  posterior_summary(posterior) %>% %>% 
    mutate(p = p) %>%
    mutate(` ` = ifelse(p < 0.05, "*", ""),
           ` ` = replace(` `, p > 0.05 & p < 0.1, "~"),
           ` ` = replace(` `, p < 0.01, "**"), 
           ` ` = replace(` `, p < 0.001, "***")) 

make_posterior_diff_table <- function(posterior_predictions){
  posterior_differences <- posterior_predictions %>%
    group_by(resp, path, sex, cycle) %>%
    summarise(x = list(my_summary(
      value[selection=="Mono"] - 
    posterior_differences[,-5],"rbind", posterior_differences %>% pull(5)))  %>%

posterior_differences <- posterior_predictions %>% 
[1]  0.0255155566  0.0049195742  0.0161323214 -0.0812251079 -0.0006175649
[6] -0.1145804986
[1]  0.05837160  0.10617496  0.08812255 -0.09052677  0.02537433 -0.07595019
[1]  0.11149694  0.08027736  0.18001335 -0.09571654  0.01823668  0.05399187
[1]  0.0372715066 -0.0502805000 -0.0006365541 -0.0222962113  0.0177996462
[6] -0.0723253022
[1] -0.020506386 -0.058092185 -0.003092491 -0.051895173  0.016495744
[6] -0.118929783
[1] -0.03198733 -0.10328106 -0.09247215 -0.17148950 -0.05056070 -0.18255979
[1]  0.0255155566  0.0049195742  0.0161323214 -0.0812251079 -0.0006175649
[6] -0.1145804986
[1]  0.05837160  0.10617496  0.08812255 -0.09052677  0.02537433 -0.07595019
[1]  0.11149694  0.08027736  0.18001335 -0.09571654  0.01823668  0.05399187
[1]  0.0372715066 -0.0502805000 -0.0006365541 -0.0222962113  0.0177996462
[6] -0.0723253022
[1] -0.020506386 -0.058092185 -0.003092491 -0.051895173  0.016495744
[6] -0.118929783
[1] -0.03198733 -0.10328106 -0.09247215 -0.17148950 -0.05056070 -0.18255979
[1]  0.028761416  0.007651108  0.005521318 -0.050637853  0.070014356
[6] -0.095635869
[1]  0.06115435  0.10654084  0.07485501 -0.03279752  0.13191682 -0.03925970
[1]  0.10674785  0.08310316  0.17043279 -0.04783327  0.11463704  0.09095350
[1]  0.04566616 -0.02920566  0.01125881  0.02998536  0.05581979 -0.01205675
[1] -0.013576807 -0.036716604  0.010061602 -0.001006691  0.050464967
[6] -0.089793330
[1] -0.022673963 -0.086571208 -0.092428360 -0.135715277 -0.006075645
[6] -0.140822803
[1]  0.028761416  0.007651108  0.005521318 -0.050637853  0.070014356
[6] -0.095635869
[1]  0.06115435  0.10654084  0.07485501 -0.03279752  0.13191682 -0.03925970
[1]  0.10674785  0.08310316  0.17043279 -0.04783327  0.11463704  0.09095350
[1]  0.04566616 -0.02920566  0.01125881  0.02998536  0.05581979 -0.01205675
[1] -0.013576807 -0.036716604  0.010061602 -0.001006691  0.050464967
[6] -0.089793330
[1] -0.022673963 -0.086571208 -0.092428360 -0.135715277 -0.006075645
[6] -0.140822803
[1] -1.3664642  0.1161488 -1.7554824 -0.1591319 -1.8218765  1.0215697
[1] -1.5608668  0.4824813 -2.0310179  0.3079093 -2.1520739  0.1268161
[1] -2.5020315 -0.2253275 -1.5348342 -0.9564741 -1.9852218  0.2621261
[1] 0.4844147 1.1073511 0.6503093 1.2596026 0.4876432 0.4866549
[1] -0.57030381  0.32932501 -0.60623910  1.21428661 -0.07251216  0.10805661
[1] 0.47086224 0.19625332 0.31180067 1.07354685 1.71878946 0.06829221
[1] -1.3664642  0.1161488 -1.7554824 -0.1591319 -1.8218765  1.0215697
[1] -1.5608668  0.4824813 -2.0310179  0.3079093 -2.1520739  0.1268161
[1] -2.5020315 -0.2253275 -1.5348342 -0.9564741 -1.9852218  0.2621261
[1] 0.4844147 1.1073511 0.6503093 1.2596026 0.4876432 0.4866549
[1] -0.57030381  0.32932501 -0.60623910  1.21428661 -0.07251216  0.10805661
[1] 0.47086224 0.19625332 0.31180067 1.07354685 1.71878946 0.06829221
[1] -2.5531703 -3.1070198 -3.5975164 -1.8140719 -3.4019080 -0.5119998
[1] -2.831967 -2.857700 -4.205526 -1.335449 -3.870301 -1.562949
[1] -3.744140 -3.440867 -3.463299 -2.603507 -3.710391 -1.349511
[1] -0.1392188 -0.6242122 -0.4761682  0.0674958 -0.3659934 -1.0574944
[1] -1.23939586 -1.46636454 -1.93721509  0.03057802 -1.00222875 -1.59368757
[1] -0.1825965 -1.5311320 -0.8678036 -0.1128264  0.7852450 -1.5546163
[1] -2.5531703 -3.1070198 -3.5975164 -1.8140719 -3.4019080 -0.5119998
[1] -2.831967 -2.857700 -4.205526 -1.335449 -3.870301 -1.562949
[1] -3.744140 -3.440867 -3.463299 -2.603507 -3.710391 -1.349511
[1] -0.1392188 -0.6242122 -0.4761682  0.0674958 -0.3659934 -1.0574944
[1] -1.23939586 -1.46636454 -1.93721509  0.03057802 -1.00222875 -1.59368757
[1] -0.1825965 -1.5311320 -0.8678036 -0.1128264  0.7852450 -1.5546163
posterior_differences %>% 
  kable(digits=3) %>% 
resp path sex cycle Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5 p
  1. Direct effect
Male I -0.375 1.009 -2.372 1.599 0.344
  1. Direct effect
Male II -0.451 1.034 -2.511 1.529 0.321
  1. Direct effect
Male III -0.903 1.034 -2.957 1.119 0.179
  1. Direct effect
Female I 0.513 0.946 -1.343 2.322 0.277
  1. Direct effect
Female II -0.290 0.957 -2.197 1.528 0.374
  1. Direct effect
Female III 0.398 0.951 -1.470 2.203 0.325
  1. Direct + body mass
Male I -0.375 1.009 -2.372 1.599 0.344
  1. Direct + body mass
Male II -0.451 1.034 -2.511 1.529 0.321
  1. Direct + body mass
Male III -0.903 1.034 -2.957 1.119 0.179
  1. Direct + body mass
Female I 0.513 0.946 -1.343 2.322 0.277
  1. Direct + body mass
Female II -0.290 0.957 -2.197 1.528 0.374
  1. Direct + body mass
Female III 0.398 0.951 -1.470 2.203 0.325
  1. Direct + activity level
Male I -2.061 1.041 -4.156 -0.052 0.022
  1. Direct + activity level
Male II -2.301 1.059 -4.449 -0.262 0.015
  1. Direct + activity level
Male III -2.642 1.048 -4.721 -0.619 0.008 **
  1. Direct + activity level
Female I -0.476 0.942 -2.337 1.336 0.291
  1. Direct + activity level
Female II -1.377 0.948 -3.247 0.453 0.062 ~
  1. Direct + activity level
Female III -0.623 0.943 -2.448 1.174 0.238
  1. Direct + both mediators
Male I -2.061 1.041 -4.156 -0.052 0.022
  1. Direct + both mediators
Male II -2.301 1.059 -4.449 -0.262 0.015
  1. Direct + both mediators
Male III -2.642 1.048 -4.721 -0.619 0.008 **
  1. Direct + both mediators
Female I -0.476 0.942 -2.337 1.336 0.291
  1. Direct + both mediators
Female II -1.377 0.948 -3.247 0.453 0.062 ~
  1. Direct + both mediators
Female III -0.623 0.943 -2.448 1.174 0.238
  1. Direct effect
Male I -0.034 0.061 -0.151 0.094 0.270
  1. Direct effect
Male II 0.009 0.069 -0.126 0.150 0.457
  1. Direct effect
Male III 0.033 0.073 -0.115 0.179 0.317
  1. Direct effect
Female I -0.024 0.062 -0.146 0.106 0.329
  1. Direct effect
Female II -0.026 0.058 -0.142 0.094 0.307
  1. Direct effect
Female III -0.095 0.060 -0.206 0.032 0.063 ~
  1. Direct + body mass
Male I -0.034 0.061 -0.151 0.094 0.270
  1. Direct + body mass
Male II 0.009 0.069 -0.126 0.150 0.457
  1. Direct + body mass
Male III 0.033 0.073 -0.115 0.179 0.317
  1. Direct + body mass
Female I -0.024 0.062 -0.146 0.106 0.329
  1. Direct + body mass
Female II -0.026 0.058 -0.142 0.094 0.307
  1. Direct + body mass
Female III -0.095 0.060 -0.206 0.032 0.063 ~
  1. Direct + activity level
Male I -0.018 0.060 -0.137 0.104 0.369
  1. Direct + activity level
Male II 0.031 0.066 -0.101 0.158 0.306
  1. Direct + activity level
Male III 0.053 0.070 -0.093 0.186 0.213
  1. Direct + activity level
Female I -0.001 0.061 -0.124 0.124 0.494
  1. Direct + activity level
Female II -0.006 0.059 -0.123 0.114 0.458
  1. Direct + activity level
Female III -0.078 0.062 -0.193 0.051 0.102
  1. Direct + both mediators
Male I -0.018 0.060 -0.137 0.104 0.369
  1. Direct + both mediators
Male II 0.031 0.066 -0.101 0.158 0.306
  1. Direct + both mediators
Male III 0.053 0.070 -0.093 0.186 0.213
  1. Direct + both mediators
Female I -0.001 0.061 -0.124 0.124 0.494
  1. Direct + both mediators
Female II -0.006 0.059 -0.123 0.114 0.458
  1. Direct + both mediators
Female III -0.078 0.062 -0.193 0.051 0.102


–> –>

–> –>

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–> –> –> –> –>

–> –> –>


–> –>

–> –>

–> –> –>

–> –> –>

–> –> –>

–> –>

–> –> –>

–> –> –> –> –>

–> –> –> –>

–> –>

–> –> –>

–> –>

–> –> –>

–> –>

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–> –>

–> –>

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–> –>

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–> –> –> –> –>

–> –> –> –> –> –> –>

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
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Matrix products: default
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