• Raw data from Experiment 1: larval survival and sex ratio
  • Raw data from Experiment 1: female fitness
  • Raw data from Experiment 1: male fitness
  • Raw data from Experiment 2

Last updated: 2019-08-26

Checks: 6 0

Knit directory: fitnessCostSD/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    data/SD_k tests_2018_04_05.xlsx
    Ignored:    data/clean_data/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    data/data collection sheet - follow up looking at sex ratio.xlsx
    Ignored:    data/data collection sheet from Heidi.xlsx
    Ignored:    data/model_output/
    Ignored:    docs/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    docs/figure/SD_costs_analysis.Rmd/
    Ignored:    docs/figure/evolutionary_simulation_SD.Rmd/
    Ignored:    figures/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    manuscript/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    output/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   figures/fig1.pdf
    Modified:   figures/fig2.pdf

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File Version Author Date Message
html 231566c lukeholman 2019-03-13 Build site.
Rmd 0bad5e2 lukeholman 2019-03-13 fix
html 7382098 lukeholman 2019-03-13 Build site.
Rmd ab4afa7 Luke Holman 2019-03-13 Correcting placement of annotation
html 861ee2d lukeholman 2019-03-12 Build site.
html 32e7ee2 lukeholman 2019-03-12 Build site.
Rmd 313039c lukeholman 2019-03-12 tweak
Rmd fc1b014 lukeholman 2019-03-12 various tweaks
html fc1b014 lukeholman 2019-03-12 various tweaks

Raw data from Experiment 1: larval survival and sex ratio

  • mum_genotype: The genotype of the mother (note that ‘wild type’ actually just means not SD; it was actually the bw-GFP tester genotype, not true wild type).
  • dad_genotype: The genotype of the father.
  • copies_of_SD: The number of copies of SD carried by the focal individuals.
  • block: The experimental block. Flies from the same block were bred and measured concurrently.
  • number_larvae_in_vial: The total number of larvae in the vial (i.e. focal individuals, plus occasionally some Gla/CyO larvae added to make up the numbers for very rare progeny classes)
  • initial_number_focal_larvae:The total number of larvae in the vial, excluding any Gla/CyO larvae.
  • surviving_females: The number of females that eclosed as adults.
  • surviving_males: The number of males that eclosed as adults.
  • survivors: The number of males plus females that eclosed as adults.
  • number_died: The number of focal individuals that did not survive to adulthood.
mum_genotype dad_genotype copies_of_SD block number_larvae_in_vial initial_number_focal_larvae surviving_females surviving_males survivors number_died
SD-5 SD-5 0 or 1 1 200 200 81 73 154 46
SD-5 SD-5 0 or 1 2 200 200 97 78 175 25
SD-5 SD-5 0 or 1 3 300 300 103 88 191 109
SD-5 SD-5 2 2 23 23 0 0 0 23
SD-5 SD-5 2 3 17 17 0 0 0 17
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 100 92 34 47 81 11
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 200 199 93 76 169 30
SD-5 wild_type 0 3 168 168 75 83 158 10
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 100 100 44 33 77 23
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 200 198 91 89 180 18
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 200 196 87 71 158 38
wild_type SD-5 0 2 13 13 4 5 9 4
wild_type SD-5 0 3 100 100 37 43 80 20
wild_type SD-5 1 1 200 200 76 70 146 54
wild_type SD-5 1 2 200 200 83 71 154 46
wild_type SD-5 1 3 163 163 57 55 112 51
SD-72 SD-72 0 or 1 1 200 200 80 77 157 43
SD-72 SD-72 0 or 1 2 200 200 76 71 147 53
SD-72 SD-72 0 or 1 3 300 300 114 124 238 62
SD-72 SD-72 2 1 200 200 0 0 0 200
SD-72 SD-72 2 2 200 200 0 0 0 200
SD-72 SD-72 2 3 200 200 0 0 0 200
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 200 122 51 44 95 27
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 200 128 57 57 114 14
SD-72 wild_type 0 3 200 146 56 68 124 22
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 200 139 57 62 119 20
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 200 141 53 65 118 23
SD-72 wild_type 1 3 200 143 46 59 105 38
wild_type SD-72 0 1 100 100 48 33 81 19
wild_type SD-72 0 2 100 100 39 37 76 24
wild_type SD-72 0 3 87 87 34 35 69 18
wild_type SD-72 1 1 200 200 80 85 165 35
wild_type SD-72 1 2 200 200 90 82 172 28
wild_type SD-72 1 3 200 200 74 66 140 60
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 200 200 75 67 142 58
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 200 200 64 84 148 52
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 185 185 65 58 123 62
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 100 73 25 31 56 17
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 200 136 75 49 124 12
SD-Mad wild_type 0 3 200 162 34 65 99 63
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 200 145 62 69 131 14
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 200 145 63 54 117 28
SD-Mad wild_type 1 3 200 146 11 61 72 74
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 100 100 47 35 82 18
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 100 100 50 37 87 13
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 96 96 40 30 70 26
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 200 200 85 67 152 48
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 200 200 102 63 165 35
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 200 200 85 60 145 55
wild_type wild_type 0 1 200 200 65 106 171 29
wild_type wild_type 0 2 200 200 85 94 179 21
wild_type wild_type 0 3 200 200 78 67 145 55
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 or 1 1 200 200 81 91 172 28
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 or 1 2 200 200 99 64 163 37
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 or 1 3 300 300 125 98 223 77

Raw data from Experiment 1: female fitness

  • larvae_produced The number of larvae produced (summed over all the females in the vial).
  • number_of_laying_females The number of females who produced the larvae.
mum_genotype dad_genotype copies_of_SD block larvae_produced number_of_laying_females
SD-5 SD-5 0 1 121 4
SD-5 SD-5 0 1 155 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 1 49 3
SD-5 SD-5 1 1 73 4
SD-5 SD-5 1 1 91 4
SD-5 SD-5 1 1 160 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 222 4
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 201 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 144 4
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 196 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 169 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 148 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 45 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 138 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 76 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 93 5
wild_type SD-5 0 1 228 5
wild_type SD-5 0 1 133 3
wild_type SD-5 1 1 122 4
wild_type SD-5 1 1 163 5
wild_type SD-5 1 1 216 5
wild_type SD-5 1 1 74 4
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 196 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 148 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 154 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 193 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 212 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 213 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 142 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 126 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 244 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 107 4
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 242 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 191 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 189 4
wild_type SD-72 0 1 156 5
wild_type SD-72 0 1 110 4
wild_type SD-72 0 1 183 5
wild_type SD-72 0 1 115 5
wild_type SD-72 1 1 162 5
wild_type SD-72 1 1 132 5
wild_type SD-72 1 1 224 5
wild_type SD-72 1 1 141 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 158 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 249 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 150 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 147 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 69 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 109 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 87 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 88 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 253 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 261 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 198 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 218 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 289 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 219 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 251 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 150 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 174 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 117 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 145 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 135 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 256 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 313 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 92 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 210 5
wild_type wild_type 0 1 140 5
wild_type wild_type 0 1 176 5
wild_type wild_type 0 1 172 5
wild_type wild_type 0 1 174 5
SD-5 SD-5 0 2 160 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 93 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 131 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 107 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 180 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 113 3
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 267 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 109 4
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 300 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 293 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 140 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 285 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 235 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 266 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 76 4
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 188 4
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 202 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 200 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 68 4
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 124 3
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 49 3
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 154 3
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 129 4
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 190 4
wild_type SD-5 1 2 99 4
wild_type SD-5 1 2 181 4
wild_type SD-5 1 2 123 4
wild_type SD-5 1 2 233 5
SD-72 SD-72 0 2 148 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 96 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 180 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 151 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 135 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 162 4
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 314 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 176 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 95 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 76 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 160 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 207 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 221 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 125 3
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 135 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 108 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 221 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 204 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 355 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 162 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 104 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 187 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 234 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 251 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 325 5
wild_type SD-72 0 2 251 5
wild_type SD-72 0 2 254 5
wild_type SD-72 0 2 230 5
wild_type SD-72 0 2 182 4
wild_type SD-72 0 2 114 4
wild_type SD-72 0 2 161 5
wild_type SD-72 1 2 226 5
wild_type SD-72 1 2 165 5
wild_type SD-72 1 2 197 5
wild_type SD-72 1 2 260 5
wild_type SD-72 1 2 137 4
wild_type SD-72 1 2 156 4
wild_type SD-72 1 2 183 5
wild_type SD-72 1 2 180 4
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 2 98 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 164 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 205 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 259 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 138 4
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 185 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 254 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 176 4
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 148 3
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 30 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 36 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 54 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 45 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 90 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 88 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 20 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 77 4
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 187 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 306 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 212 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 241 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 281 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 292 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 265 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 174 3
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 208 4
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 169 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 189 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 269 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 283 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 107 3
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 182 4
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 152 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 256 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 208 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 168 4
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 47 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 281 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 125 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 144 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 245 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 187 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 268 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 142 4
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 131 3
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 106 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 248 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 225 5
wild_type wild_type 0 2 141 5
wild_type wild_type 0 2 163 4
wild_type wild_type 0 2 12 4
SD-5 SD-5 0 3 62 4
SD-5 SD-5 0 3 64 4
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 60 4
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 110 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 132 5
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 146 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 3 106 5
SD-5 wild_type 0 3 106 5
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 104 4
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 106 4
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 186 5
wild_type SD-5 1 3 88 5
wild_type SD-5 1 3 124 5
wild_type SD-5 1 3 108 5
wild_type SD-5 1 3 52 5
wild_type SD-5 0 3 58 5
wild_type SD-5 0 3 12 5
wild_type SD-5 0 3 38 5
wild_type SD-5 0 3 194 5
SD-72 SD-72 0 3 144 5
SD-72 SD-72 0 3 46 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 106 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 120 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 98 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 3 98 5
SD-72 wild_type 0 3 84 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 3 136 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 3 172 5
wild_type SD-72 0 3 60 3
wild_type SD-72 0 3 180 5
wild_type SD-72 0 3 80 5
wild_type SD-72 0 3 70 5
wild_type SD-72 1 3 42 5
wild_type SD-72 1 3 90 5
wild_type SD-72 1 3 170 5
wild_type SD-72 1 3 134 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 3 54 4
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 3 82 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 42 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 146 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 176 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 16 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 10 4
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 4 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 46 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 12 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 70 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 3 84 5
SD-Mad wild_type 0 3 108 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 3 4 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 3 62 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 58 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 20 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 38 5
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 150 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 82 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 146 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 154 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 20 5
wild_type wild_type 0 3 52 5
wild_type wild_type 0 3 166 5
wild_type wild_type 0 3 88 5

Raw data from Experiment 1: male fitness

  • focal_daughters: The number of eclosing females that were sired by the focal males.
  • focal_sons: The number of eclosing males that were sired by the focal males.
  • rival_daughters: The number of eclosing females that were sired by the competing Gla/CyO males.
  • rival_sons: The number of eclosing males that were sired by the competing Gla/CyO males.
mum_genotype dad_genotype copies_of_SD block focal_daughters focal_sons rival_daughters rival_sons
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 38 36 11 4
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 35 30 10 20
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 52 40 2 5
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 98 86 11 4
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 73 92 1 2
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 46 54 27 32
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 48 59 31 34
SD-Mad wild_type 1 1 62 70 7 8
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 42 44 5 8
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 40 35 11 10
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 54 56 0 0
SD-Mad wild_type 0 1 54 42 32 51
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 15 21 65 49
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 10 10 84 80
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 1 3 0 82 74
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 42 40 58 42
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 28 14 58 54
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 62 48 13 13
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 40 41 56 56
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 72 56 18 9
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 28 44 60 48
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 56 56 10 13
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 1 76 65 35 29
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 1 88 64 38 34
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 74 46 22 20
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 74 62 10 8
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 66 53 0 0
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 59 53 11 4
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 68 64 6 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 60 72 0 0
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 64 66 34 34
wild_type SD-Mad 1 1 30 44 8 9
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 32 38 50 46
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 98 80 18 10
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 68 66 3 1
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 49 31 32 29
wild_type SD-Mad 0 1 78 70 7 5
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 62 62 11 19
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 84 60 15 19
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 42 40 26 19
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 82 90 5 6
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 44 54 27 18
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 31 19 29 30
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 66 71 5 6
SD-72 wild_type 1 1 51 51 9 10
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 57 45 6 8
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 57 57 17 14
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 22 12 14 11
SD-72 wild_type 0 1 58 48 23 21
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 22 24 34 49
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 48 44 32 45
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 64 56 44 28
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 38 44 22 20
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 38 29 13 15
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 74 68 34 25
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 80 92 10 10
SD-72 SD-72 1 1 68 56 20 21
wild_type SD-72 1 1 56 62 6 2
wild_type SD-72 1 1 32 52 7 5
wild_type SD-72 1 1 48 52 42 47
wild_type SD-72 1 1 50 49 5 5
wild_type SD-72 1 1 74 66 6 9
wild_type SD-72 1 1 56 52 9 5
wild_type SD-72 0 1 91 85 0 0
wild_type SD-72 0 1 84 76 16 6
wild_type SD-72 0 1 66 78 12 7
wild_type SD-72 0 1 96 94 8 4
wild_type SD-72 0 1 80 66 16 14
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 11 9 34 53
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 26 28 32 34
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 10 14 16 15
SD-5 wild_type 1 1 22 18 46 50
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 76 66 20 15
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 32 28 28 30
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 34 55 10 6
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 76 34 0 0
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 36 44 28 33
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 62 62 0 0
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 21 8 18 14
SD-5 wild_type 0 1 62 60 18 22
SD-5 SD-5 1 1 23 25 54 61
wild_type SD-5 1 1 14 14 89 71
wild_type SD-5 1 1 0 0 44 56
wild_type SD-5 1 1 0 1 28 46
wild_type SD-5 1 1 11 3 75 57
wild_type SD-5 1 1 3 1 52 46
wild_type SD-5 0 1 43 53 23 23
wild_type wild_type 0 1 61 64 40 36
wild_type wild_type 0 1 67 70 16 12
wild_type wild_type 0 1 34 40 16 20
wild_type wild_type 0 1 27 18 26 17
wild_type wild_type 0 1 68 60 27 26
wild_type wild_type 0 1 76 56 10 6
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 68 52 11 9
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 62 72 0 0
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 60 63 0 0
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 16 18 18 6
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 25 32 0 0
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 50 63 30 13
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 19 18 4 3
SD-Mad wild_type 1 2 12 16 9 8
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 43 37 7 11
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 30 36 0 0
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 37 30 19 4
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 15 15 8 9
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 22 21 8 14
SD-Mad wild_type 0 2 0 3 0 0
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 0 1 17 17
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 14 14 17 15
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 2 5 37 40
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 14 12 60 83
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 9 3 40 45
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 11 12 32 29
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 2 0 0 22 16
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 23 20 4 9
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 26 26 12 12
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 39 31 0 0
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 50 47 7 6
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 55 57 8 7
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 56 51 0 0
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 2 55 53 0 0
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 2 68 72 1 1
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 15 27 0 0
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 22 23 3 4
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 28 31 0 0
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 51 44 9 3
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 17 15 1 5
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 94 96 13 6
wild_type SD-Mad 1 2 45 48 0 0
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 28 27 23 28
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 26 30 6 7
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 34 38 14 15
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 29 27 8 4
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 68 60 15 15
wild_type SD-Mad 0 2 14 29 4 4
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 62 41 0 2
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 56 52 9 12
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 67 66 0 0
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 32 29 2 0
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 23 21 13 19
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 6 7 0 1
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 15 15 5 2
SD-72 wild_type 1 2 7 12 2 2
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 45 45 27 45
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 78 62 3 6
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 28 24 2 4
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 43 34 16 17
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 16 20 25 20
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 35 39 0 0
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 7 11 8 9
SD-72 wild_type 0 2 11 4 0 0
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 61 54 11 17
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 50 39 15 18
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 48 58 0 1
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 31 27 18 18
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 49 39 6 5
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 14 10 10 8
SD-72 SD-72 1 2 24 28 4 2
wild_type SD-72 1 2 37 48 1 1
wild_type SD-72 1 2 30 33 5 13
wild_type SD-72 1 2 11 17 27 16
wild_type SD-72 1 2 5 3 0 0
wild_type SD-72 1 2 37 26 6 9
wild_type SD-72 1 2 5 12 13 12
wild_type SD-72 1 2 19 10 4 0
wild_type SD-72 0 2 68 68 3 4
wild_type SD-72 0 2 37 39 10 12
wild_type SD-72 0 2 36 25 10 14
wild_type SD-72 0 2 25 32 8 4
wild_type SD-72 0 2 20 29 1 2
wild_type SD-72 0 2 30 51 2 1
wild_type SD-72 0 2 9 12 7 7
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 5 2 20 25
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 2 3 32 44
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 5 4 12 17
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 8 6 11 10
SD-5 wild_type 1 2 6 6 19 8
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 2 11 0 0
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 12 22 8 4
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 5 5 0 0
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 11 19 2 4
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 3 4 0 0
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 12 15 1 0
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 15 16 8 11
SD-5 wild_type 0 2 38 48 5 4
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 18 20 4 3
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 10 11 8 7
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 5 5 8 9
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 12 4 19 19
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 4 2 4 8
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 12 14 16 20
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 2 0 2 9
SD-5 SD-5 1 2 1 4 0 0
wild_type SD-5 1 2 0 1 47 39
wild_type SD-5 1 2 10 12 81 76
wild_type SD-5 1 2 5 5 50 55
wild_type SD-5 1 2 11 10 34 35
wild_type SD-5 1 2 0 0 27 37
wild_type SD-5 1 2 1 1 15 17
wild_type SD-5 1 2 1 2 21 27
wild_type SD-5 1 2 0 1 31 29
wild_type SD-5 0 2 2 4 15 18
wild_type wild_type 0 2 13 17 6 4
wild_type wild_type 0 2 10 17 2 0
wild_type wild_type 0 2 2 8 0 0
SD-Mad wild_type 1 3 6 16 6 4
SD-Mad wild_type 0 3 0 4 5 7
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 0 0 5 7
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 6 12 0 0
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 0 0 1 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 2 3 0 2 6 5
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 55 59 13 10
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 60 53 0 2
SD-Mad SD-Mad 1 3 41 38 9 12
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 3 24 21 5 1
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 3 23 29 1 1
SD-Mad SD-Mad 0 3 12 18 12 8
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 30 32 9 6
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 9 12 7 7
wild_type SD-Mad 1 3 36 38 12 6
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 28 36 0 0
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 34 52 10 6
wild_type SD-Mad 0 3 8 0 6 10
SD-72 wild_type 1 3 26 17 24 10
SD-72 wild_type 0 3 30 56 1 3
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 16 5 4 2
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 2 3 0 2
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 4 3 2 3
SD-72 SD-72 1 3 0 0 2 0
SD-72 SD-72 0 3 6 9 1 3
wild_type SD-72 1 3 20 16 13 8
wild_type SD-72 1 3 15 6 4 9
wild_type SD-72 1 3 47 47 34 23
wild_type SD-72 1 3 37 45 4 7
wild_type SD-72 1 3 32 40 20 13
wild_type SD-72 0 3 15 13 2 0
wild_type SD-72 0 3 5 9 0 1
wild_type SD-72 0 3 0 2 0 0
wild_type SD-72 0 3 2 9 1 1
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 2 0 0 0
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 7 5 17 20
SD-5 wild_type 1 3 5 0 29 20
SD-5 wild_type 0 3 1 5 0 0
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 0 2 9 13
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 4 1 8 12
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 3 4 7 20
SD-5 SD-5 1 3 4 3 4 9
SD-5 SD-5 0 3 14 20 15 9
wild_type SD-5 1 3 3 1 17 10
wild_type SD-5 1 3 0 0 15 16
wild_type SD-5 1 3 2 5 11 8
wild_type SD-5 1 3 9 5 14 17
wild_type SD-5 1 3 5 0 0 0
wild_type SD-5 0 3 43 34 7 1
wild_type SD-5 0 3 30 26 18 10
wild_type SD-5 0 3 4 10 0 0
wild_type wild_type 0 3 35 30 8 11
wild_type wild_type 0 3 24 21 0 0
wild_type wild_type 0 3 21 22 5 10
wild_type wild_type 0 3 2 19 3 1

Raw data from Experiment 2

SD SD_parent sex_of_embryos block initial_number_larvae surviving_SD_offspring surviving_CyO_offspring Dead_offspring
SD-5 dad female 1 50 17 28 5
SD-5 dad female 1 51 25 26 0
SD-5 dad female 1 50 27 19 4
SD-5 dad female 2 50 21 14 15
SD-5 dad female 2 45 18 20 7
SD-5 dad female 2 37 13 13 11
SD-5 dad female 3 50 20 21 9
SD-5 dad female 3 50 18 25 7
SD-5 dad female 3 50 14 21 15
SD-5 dad female 3 50 20 24 6
SD-5 dad female 3 50 19 23 8
SD-5 dad female 3 50 18 19 13
SD-5 dad female 3 50 14 23 13
SD-5 dad female 4 48 21 19 8
SD-5 dad female 4 48 21 23 4
SD-5 dad female 4 34 18 15 1
SD-5 dad male 1 48 20 25 3
SD-5 dad male 1 46 19 26 1
SD-5 dad male 1 47 24 14 9
SD-5 dad male 1 30 9 13 8
SD-5 dad male 2 45 14 22 9
SD-5 dad male 2 35 13 17 5
SD-5 dad male 2 35 19 13 3
SD-5 dad male 3 49 25 18 6
SD-5 dad male 3 50 17 27 6
SD-5 dad male 3 49 18 21 10
SD-5 dad male 3 50 18 19 13
SD-5 dad male 3 50 17 23 10
SD-5 dad male 3 50 21 16 13
SD-5 dad male 3 24 12 8 4
SD-5 dad male 4 41 15 16 10
SD-5 dad male 4 39 17 13 9
SD-5 dad male 4 39 6 4 29
SD-5 mum female 1 50 13 23 14
SD-5 mum female 1 50 18 22 10
SD-5 mum female 1 50 16 20 14
SD-5 mum female 1 50 19 21 10
SD-5 mum female 2 50 20 22 8
SD-5 mum female 2 50 18 23 9
SD-5 mum female 2 50 18 21 11
SD-5 mum female 2 50 22 21 7
SD-5 mum female 3 50 18 20 12
SD-5 mum female 3 50 28 15 7
SD-5 mum female 3 50 12 22 16
SD-5 mum female 3 50 33 16 1
SD-5 mum female 3 50 24 22 4
SD-5 mum female 3 50 13 28 9
SD-5 mum female 3 50 21 22 7
SD-5 mum female 4 50 25 14 11
SD-5 mum female 4 50 10 28 12
SD-5 mum female 4 21 7 5 9
SD-5 mum male 1 49 11 27 11
SD-5 mum male 1 50 11 15 24
SD-5 mum male 1 50 9 15 26
SD-5 mum male 1 49 20 15 14
SD-5 mum male 1 49 10 15 24
SD-5 mum male 1 49 12 20 17
SD-5 mum male 1 46 14 15 17
SD-5 mum male 2 49 17 12 20
SD-5 mum male 2 50 22 15 13
SD-5 mum male 2 50 17 21 12
SD-5 mum male 2 50 14 21 15
SD-5 mum male 2 37 9 11 17
SD-5 mum male 3 50 19 24 7
SD-5 mum male 3 50 24 14 12
SD-5 mum male 3 50 30 16 4
SD-5 mum male 3 50 23 21 6
SD-5 mum male 3 50 21 24 5
SD-5 mum male 3 50 19 10 21
SD-5 mum male 4 47 17 15 15
SD-5 mum male 4 47 16 15 16
SD-72 dad female 1 48 20 20 8
SD-72 dad female 1 50 12 26 12
SD-72 dad female 2 33 16 14 3
SD-72 dad female 2 41 17 18 6
SD-72 dad female 2 32 15 11 6
SD-72 dad female 2 42 15 10 17
SD-72 dad female 3 50 20 21 9
SD-72 dad female 3 50 23 25 2
SD-72 dad female 3 50 22 25 3
SD-72 dad female 3 50 17 24 9
SD-72 dad female 3 50 17 27 6
SD-72 dad female 3 51 27 24 0
SD-72 dad female 3 50 22 21 7
SD-72 dad female 3 49 20 24 5
SD-72 dad female 4 48 26 17 5
SD-72 dad female 4 50 18 27 5
SD-72 dad male 1 41 17 14 10
SD-72 dad male 1 41 23 8 10
SD-72 dad male 1 43 20 17 6
SD-72 dad male 2 39 9 7 23
SD-72 dad male 2 7 3 4 0
SD-72 dad male 3 50 25 19 6
SD-72 dad male 3 49 26 17 6
SD-72 dad male 3 50 25 21 4
SD-72 dad male 3 49 17 21 11
SD-72 dad male 3 50 28 15 7
SD-72 dad male 3 50 20 26 4
SD-72 dad male 3 49 17 19 13
SD-72 dad male 3 41 13 20 8
SD-72 dad male 4 43 17 13 13
SD-72 dad male 4 13 1 10 2
SD-72 mum female 1 49 24 18 7
SD-72 mum female 1 50 23 21 6
SD-72 mum female 1 50 23 21 6
SD-72 mum female 1 50 21 20 9
SD-72 mum female 1 28 17 8 3
SD-72 mum female 1 50 30 17 3
SD-72 mum female 2 50 22 25 3
SD-72 mum female 2 50 22 13 15
SD-72 mum female 2 50 24 20 6
SD-72 mum female 2 50 19 26 5
SD-72 mum female 2 50 22 17 11
SD-72 mum female 2 50 23 20 7
SD-72 mum female 2 50 26 21 3
SD-72 mum female 2 50 26 22 2
SD-72 mum female 3 49 31 18 0
SD-72 mum female 3 50 27 18 5
SD-72 mum female 3 50 23 23 4
SD-72 mum female 3 50 24 22 4
SD-72 mum female 3 50 29 19 2
SD-72 mum female 3 50 17 28 5
SD-72 mum female 3 50 21 25 4
SD-72 mum female 4 49 22 20 7
SD-72 mum female 4 48 23 17 8
SD-72 mum male 1 47 21 14 12
SD-72 mum male 1 49 17 17 15
SD-72 mum male 1 49 21 17 11
SD-72 mum male 1 49 15 23 11
SD-72 mum male 1 49 27 20 2
SD-72 mum male 2 49 17 19 13
SD-72 mum male 2 49 28 13 8
SD-72 mum male 2 49 20 17 12
SD-72 mum male 2 49 20 15 14
SD-72 mum male 2 50 24 17 9
SD-72 mum male 2 50 20 20 10
SD-72 mum male 2 49 16 19 14
SD-72 mum male 2 49 23 17 9
SD-72 mum male 2 27 14 8 5
SD-72 mum male 3 50 21 18 11
SD-72 mum male 3 50 20 25 5
SD-72 mum male 3 49 19 21 9
SD-72 mum male 3 49 27 20 2
SD-72 mum male 3 99 40 49 10
SD-72 mum male 3 48 20 21 7
SD-72 mum male 3 72 16 16 40
SD-72 mum male 4 32 11 11 10
SD-72 mum male 4 34 15 10 9
SD-72 mum male 4 39 22 6 11
SD-Mad dad female 1 43 17 19 7
SD-Mad dad female 2 45 20 24 1
SD-Mad dad female 2 47 17 19 11
SD-Mad dad female 3 50 30 17 3
SD-Mad dad female 3 50 27 14 9
SD-Mad dad female 3 50 21 19 10
SD-Mad dad female 3 50 19 14 17
SD-Mad dad female 4 46 26 17 3
SD-Mad dad female 4 46 21 21 4
SD-Mad dad female 4 30 12 16 2
SD-Mad dad male 1 42 14 21 7
SD-Mad dad male 1 40 19 12 9
SD-Mad dad male 2 37 15 17 5
SD-Mad dad male 2 34 14 10 10
SD-Mad dad male 3 50 21 23 6
SD-Mad dad male 3 50 25 22 3
SD-Mad dad male 3 50 26 15 9
SD-Mad dad male 3 50 17 29 4
SD-Mad dad male 3 48 23 17 8
SD-Mad dad male 4 38 20 16 2
SD-Mad dad male 4 41 17 19 5
SD-Mad mum female 1 50 24 20 6
SD-Mad mum female 1 49 27 22 0
SD-Mad mum female 1 50 16 28 6
SD-Mad mum female 1 52 25 27 0
SD-Mad mum female 1 26 13 11 2
SD-Mad mum female 2 49 19 23 7
SD-Mad mum female 2 50 16 21 13
SD-Mad mum female 2 50 19 23 8
SD-Mad mum female 2 49 21 18 10
SD-Mad mum female 2 50 17 31 2
SD-Mad mum female 2 49 19 15 15
SD-Mad mum female 2 49 19 25 5
SD-Mad mum female 2 49 17 24 8
SD-Mad mum female 3 50 27 15 8
SD-Mad mum female 3 50 20 20 10
SD-Mad mum female 3 50 19 23 8
SD-Mad mum female 3 50 7 15 28
SD-Mad mum female 4 49 24 23 2
SD-Mad mum female 4 50 26 20 4
SD-Mad mum female 4 21 10 8 3
SD-Mad mum male 1 49 20 11 18
SD-Mad mum male 1 49 30 17 2
SD-Mad mum male 1 50 26 16 8
SD-Mad mum male 1 50 26 18 6
SD-Mad mum male 1 49 15 19 15
SD-Mad mum male 1 24 10 10 4
SD-Mad mum male 2 49 25 18 6
SD-Mad mum male 2 49 14 24 11
SD-Mad mum male 2 49 20 21 8
SD-Mad mum male 2 48 24 21 3
SD-Mad mum male 2 50 23 21 6
SD-Mad mum male 2 50 19 19 12
SD-Mad mum male 2 50 15 24 11
SD-Mad mum male 2 50 16 18 16
SD-Mad mum male 2 50 26 16 8
SD-Mad mum male 2 50 22 19 9
SD-Mad mum male 2 49 16 18 15
SD-Mad mum male 3 50 23 18 9
SD-Mad mum male 3 50 26 10 14
SD-Mad mum male 3 50 23 18 9
SD-Mad mum male 4 45 17 20 8

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] dplyr_0.8.0.1    kableExtra_0.9.0 knitr_1.23      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.2         pillar_1.3.1.9000  compiler_3.5.1    
 [4] git2r_0.23.0       highr_0.8          workflowr_1.3.0   
 [7] tools_3.5.1        digest_0.6.20      evaluate_0.14     
[10] tibble_2.0.99.9000 viridisLite_0.3.0  pkgconfig_2.0.2   
[13] rlang_0.4.0        rstudioapi_0.10    yaml_2.2.0        
[16] xfun_0.8           stringr_1.4.0      httr_1.4.0        
[19] xml2_1.2.0         fs_1.3.1           hms_0.4.2         
[22] rprojroot_1.3-2    tidyselect_0.2.5   glue_1.3.1.9000   
[25] R6_2.4.0           rmarkdown_1.13     readr_1.1.1       
[28] purrr_0.3.2        magrittr_1.5       whisker_0.3-2     
[31] backports_1.1.2    scales_1.0.0       htmltools_0.3.6   
[34] assertthat_0.2.1   rvest_0.3.2        colorspace_1.3-2  
[37] stringi_1.4.3      munsell_0.5.0      crayon_1.3.4