Processing math: 100%
  • Function to make the mating table
    • An example of a mating type table
  • Function to determine the mating type frequencies for the population
  • Define the main simulation function
  • Define a wrapper used to run the main simulation on a data frame of parameters
  • Define the parameter space to investigate
  • Run the simulation
  • Make Figure 3

Last updated: 2019-03-12

Checks: 5 1

Knit directory: fitnessCostSD/

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Function to make the mating table

The “mating table” is list of all the possible mating types (e.g. wild-type mother with a SD-heterozygote father, etc etc), which lists the possible offspring genotypes and their associated frequencies. The precise values in the mating table are a function of k (i.e. the strength of segregation distortion) and the sex ratio bias in heterozygote males. We assume that the meiosis is Mendelian except in SD-heterozygote males, and that all cross except those with a SD-heterozygote father produce a 50:50 sex ratio.

make_mating_table <- function(k, mating_types, SR_bias_in_hetero_males){

  offspring <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(mating_types))
  make_offspring <- function(row, type, zygote_freq){
    data.frame(mother = mating_types$mother[row],
               father = mating_types$father[row],
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  g0 <- c("wild_type_female", "wild_type_male",
          "hetero_female_maternal", "hetero_male_maternal")
  g1 <- c("wild_type_female", "wild_type_male",
          "hetero_female_paternal", "hetero_male_paternal")
  g2 <- c("wild_type_female", "wild_type_male",
          "hetero_female_maternal", "hetero_male_maternal",
          "hetero_female_paternal", "hetero_male_paternal",
          "homo_female", "homo_male")
  g3 <- c("hetero_female_maternal", "hetero_male_maternal",
          "homo_female", "homo_male")
  g4 <- c("hetero_female_maternal", "hetero_male_maternal",
          "homo_female", "homo_male")
  p1 <- c(0.25*(1 - k)*(1 + SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 0.25*(1 - k)*(1 - SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 
          0.25*(1 + k)*(1 + SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 0.25*(1 + k)*(1 - SR_bias_in_hetero_males))
  p2 <- c(0.125*(1 - k)*(1 + SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 0.125*(1 - k)*(1 - SR_bias_in_hetero_males),
          0.125*(1 - k)*(1 + SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 0.125*(1 - k)*(1 - SR_bias_in_hetero_males),
          0.125*(1 + k)*(1 + SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 0.125*(1 + k)*(1 - SR_bias_in_hetero_males),
          0.125*(1 + k)*(1 + SR_bias_in_hetero_males), 0.125*(1 + k)*(1 - SR_bias_in_hetero_males))
  rep25 <- rep(0.25, 4)
  rep5  <- rep(0.5, 2)
  offspring[[1]]  <- make_offspring(1, c("wild_type_female", "wild_type_male"), rep5)
  offspring[[2]]  <- make_offspring(2, g0, rep25)
  offspring[[3]]  <- make_offspring(3, g0, rep25)
  offspring[[4]]  <- make_offspring(4, c("hetero_female_maternal", "hetero_male_maternal"), rep5)
  offspring[[5]]  <- make_offspring(5, g1, p1)
  offspring[[6]]  <- make_offspring(6, g2, p2)
  offspring[[7]]  <- make_offspring(7, g2, p2)
  offspring[[8]]  <- make_offspring(8, g3, p1)
  offspring[[9]]  <- make_offspring(9, g1, p1)
  offspring[[10]] <- make_offspring(10, g2, p2)
  offspring[[11]] <- make_offspring(11, g2, p2)
  offspring[[12]] <- make_offspring(12, g3, p1)
  offspring[[13]] <- make_offspring(13, c("hetero_female_paternal", "hetero_male_paternal"), rep5)
  offspring[[14]] <- make_offspring(14, g4, rep25)
  offspring[[15]] <- make_offspring(15, g4, rep25)
  offspring[[16]] <- make_offspring(16, c("homo_female", "homo_male"), rep5)
  output <-"rbind", offspring)
  names(offspring) <- paste(mating_types[,1], mating_types[,2], sep = " x ")

An example of a mating type table

An example of the output of make_mating_table(), under the assumptions that there is strong but incomplete segregation distortion, and that male SD heterozygotes produce a somewhat female-biased sex ratio.

mating_types <- expand.grid(mother = c("wild_type_female",
                            father = c("wild_type_male",
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  k = 0.9, 
  SR_bias_in_hetero_males = 0.4) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(height = "500px")
mother father type zygote_freq
wild_type_female wild_type_male wild_type_female 0.5000
wild_type_female wild_type_male wild_type_male 0.5000
hetero_female_maternal wild_type_male wild_type_female 0.2500
hetero_female_maternal wild_type_male wild_type_male 0.2500
hetero_female_maternal wild_type_male hetero_female_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_maternal wild_type_male hetero_male_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal wild_type_male wild_type_female 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal wild_type_male wild_type_male 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal wild_type_male hetero_female_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal wild_type_male hetero_male_maternal 0.2500
homo_female wild_type_male hetero_female_maternal 0.5000
homo_female wild_type_male hetero_male_maternal 0.5000
wild_type_female hetero_male_maternal wild_type_female 0.0350
wild_type_female hetero_male_maternal wild_type_male 0.0150
wild_type_female hetero_male_maternal hetero_female_paternal 0.6650
wild_type_female hetero_male_maternal hetero_male_paternal 0.2850
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal wild_type_female 0.0175
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal wild_type_male 0.0075
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_female_maternal 0.0175
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_male_maternal 0.0075
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_female_paternal 0.3325
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_male_paternal 0.1425
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal homo_female 0.3325
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_maternal homo_male 0.1425
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal wild_type_female 0.0175
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal wild_type_male 0.0075
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_female_maternal 0.0175
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_male_maternal 0.0075
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_female_paternal 0.3325
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal hetero_male_paternal 0.1425
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal homo_female 0.3325
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_maternal homo_male 0.1425
homo_female hetero_male_maternal hetero_female_maternal 0.0350
homo_female hetero_male_maternal hetero_male_maternal 0.0150
homo_female hetero_male_maternal homo_female 0.6650
homo_female hetero_male_maternal homo_male 0.2850
wild_type_female hetero_male_paternal wild_type_female 0.0350
wild_type_female hetero_male_paternal wild_type_male 0.0150
wild_type_female hetero_male_paternal hetero_female_paternal 0.6650
wild_type_female hetero_male_paternal hetero_male_paternal 0.2850
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal wild_type_female 0.0175
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal wild_type_male 0.0075
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_female_maternal 0.0175
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_male_maternal 0.0075
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_female_paternal 0.3325
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_male_paternal 0.1425
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal homo_female 0.3325
hetero_female_maternal hetero_male_paternal homo_male 0.1425
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal wild_type_female 0.0175
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal wild_type_male 0.0075
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_female_maternal 0.0175
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_male_maternal 0.0075
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_female_paternal 0.3325
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal hetero_male_paternal 0.1425
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal homo_female 0.3325
hetero_female_paternal hetero_male_paternal homo_male 0.1425
homo_female hetero_male_paternal hetero_female_maternal 0.0350
homo_female hetero_male_paternal hetero_male_maternal 0.0150
homo_female hetero_male_paternal homo_female 0.6650
homo_female hetero_male_paternal homo_male 0.2850
wild_type_female homo_male hetero_female_paternal 0.5000
wild_type_female homo_male hetero_male_paternal 0.5000
hetero_female_maternal homo_male hetero_female_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_maternal homo_male hetero_male_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_maternal homo_male homo_female 0.2500
hetero_female_maternal homo_male homo_male 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal homo_male hetero_female_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal homo_male hetero_male_maternal 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal homo_male homo_female 0.2500
hetero_female_paternal homo_male homo_male 0.2500
homo_female homo_male homo_female 0.5000
homo_female homo_male homo_male 0.5000

Function to determine the mating type frequencies for the population

Given a set of genotype frequencies, it is simple to calculate the frequencies of each mating type. First, we implement selection, such that each genotype is represented in the mating types according to the product of its frequency and its fitness. Second, we determine the frequency of cross between male genotype i and female genotype j as i×j.

find_mating_type_frequencies <- function(pop, mating_types){
  # Implement selection
  pop$prop <- pop$prop * pop$fitness
  pop$prop <- pop$prop / sum(pop$prop)
  # Mating type freq is f_1 * f_2, post selection
  mating_types %>%
    mutate(mating_freq = pop$prop[match(mating_types$mother, pop$type)] * pop$prop[match(mating_types$father, pop$type)])

Define the main simulation function

This function iterates over generations, implementing selection and reproduction each time, until either A) the SD allele fixes, B) the SD allele goes extinct, or C) the generation timer expires.

# Helper function to calculate the frequency of the SD allele
calc_prop_SD <- function(pop){
  (sum(pop$prop[1:4]) + 2 * sum(pop$prop[5:6])) / 2

run_simulation <- function(generations,
  # Make the initial population
  pop <- data.frame(
    type = c("wild_type_female",
    prop = c(rep(0.5  * (1 - initial_freq_SD)^2, 2),
             rep(0.25 * (1 - initial_freq_SD) * initial_freq_SD, 2),
             rep(0.25 * (1 - initial_freq_SD) * initial_freq_SD, 2),
             rep(0.5  * initial_freq_SD^2, 2)), 
    fitness = c(1, 1, w_hetero_female_maternal,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
  # Make the mating table used for this simulation run
  mating_table <- make_mating_table(k, mating_types, SR_bias_in_hetero_males)
  # Iterate over generations
  for(i in 1:generations){
    # Find the mating type frequencies, find the offspring frequencies, and renormalise the frequencies to sum to one
    prop_col <- mating_table %>%
      left_join(find_mating_type_frequencies(pop, mating_types), 
                by = c("mother", "father")) %>%
      mutate(offspring_freq = mating_freq * zygote_freq) %>%
      group_by(type) %>%
      summarise(prop = sum(offspring_freq)) %>%
      mutate(prop = prop / sum(prop)) %>%
    # Calculate the frequency of SD. 
    # Quit early if SD fixed/extinct-ish
    prop_SD <- calc_prop_SD(pop %>% mutate(prop = prop_col))
    # if( print(pop)   # FOR DEBUGGING
    pop <- pop %>% mutate(prop = prop_col)
    if(prop_SD > 0.99) return(pop) 
    if(prop_SD < 0.0001) return(pop)

Define a wrapper used to run the main simulation on a data frame of parameters

A helper function that runs run_simulation() on a data frame of parameter values.

run_many_simulations <- function(parameters){
  mating_types <- expand.grid(mother = c("wild_type_female",
                              father = c("wild_type_male",
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  # Carefully pass all the parameters to run_simulation()
  run_one_simulation <- function(row, parameters, mating_types){
    genotypes <- run_simulation(
      generations = parameters$generations[row],
      k = parameters$k[row],
      w_hetero_female_maternal = parameters$w_hetero_female_maternal[row],
      w_hetero_female_paternal = parameters$w_hetero_female_paternal[row],
      w_hetero_male_maternal = parameters$w_hetero_male_maternal[row],
      w_hetero_male_paternal = parameters$w_hetero_male_paternal[row],
      w_homo_male = parameters$w_homo_male[row],
      w_homo_female = parameters$w_homo_female[row],
      SR_bias_in_hetero_males = parameters$SR_bias_in_hetero_males[row],
      initial_freq_SD = parameters$initial_freq_SD[row],
      mating_types = mating_types
    output <- data.frame(parameters[row, ]) %>% as_tibble()
    output$genotypes <- list(genotypes %>% select(-fitness))
  # Loop over all the different parameter spaces
  lapply(1:nrow(parameters), run_one_simulation, parameters = parameters, mating_types = mating_types) %>%"rbind", .) %>% 
    mutate(prop_SD = map_dbl(genotypes, calc_prop_SD))

Define the parameter space to investigate

Used to define the parameter spaces that are plotted in Figure 3.

imprint_cost <- 0.2 
resolution <- 101
resolution_y <- 91
gen <- 10000

parameters <- rbind(
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = 1,
    w_homo_male = 1,
    w_homo_female = 1,
    facet = "Cost free",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = .8,
    w_homo_male = .8,
    w_homo_female = .8,
    facet = "Dominant cost",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = 1,
    w_homo_male = 0,
    w_homo_female = 0,
    facet = "Recessive lethal",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = .8,
    w_homo_male = 0,
    w_homo_female = 0,
    facet = "Recessive lethal plus heterozygote cost",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_male = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_female = 1 - imprint_cost,
    facet = "Cost of paternal inheritance (PI)",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_male = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_female = .8 - imprint_cost,
    facet = "Dominant cost plus cost of PI",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_male = 0,
    w_homo_female = 0,
    facet = "Recessive lethal plus cost of PI",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_male = 0,
    w_homo_female = 0,
    facet = "Recessive lethal, heterozygote cost, and cost of PI",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = 1,
    w_homo_male = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_female = 1 - imprint_cost,
    facet = "Cost of maternal inheritance (MI)",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = .8,
    w_homo_male = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_homo_female = .8 - imprint_cost,
    facet = "Dominant cost plus cost of MI",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = 1,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = 1 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = 1,
    w_homo_male = 0,
    w_homo_female = 0,
    facet = "Recessive lethal plus cost of MI",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
    generations = gen,
    k = seq(0, 1, length = resolution),
    w_hetero_female_maternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_female_paternal = .8,
    w_hetero_male_maternal = .8 - imprint_cost,
    w_hetero_male_paternal = .8,
    w_homo_male = 0,
    w_homo_female = 0,
    facet = "Recessive lethal, heterozygote cost, and cost of MI",
    SR_bias_in_hetero_males = seq(-0.9, 0.9, length = resolution_y),
    initial_freq_SD = 0.01
) %>% as_tibble()

Run the simulation

  cores <- 7
  # Divide the job into 100 equal-ish chunks so that we can see the % completion as it proceeds
  split_parameters <- split(parameters, sample(1:100, nrow(parameters), replace = TRUE))
  for(i in 1:length(split_parameters)){
    chunk_size <- floor(nrow(split_parameters[[i]]) / cores)
    simulation_output <- split(split_parameters[[i]], c(rep(1:(cores-1), each = chunk_size), 
                                                        rep(cores, nrow(split_parameters[[i]]) - chunk_size*(cores-1)))) %>%
      future_lapply(run_many_simulations) %>%"rbind", .)
    saveRDS(simulation_output, paste("data/simulation_output_", i, ".rds", sep = ""))
 simulation_output <- list.files(path = "data", pattern = "simulation_output_", full.names = TRUE) %>%
   lapply(readRDS) %>%"rbind", .)
 saveRDS(simulation_output, "data/simulation_output.rds")
} else {
  simulation_output <- readRDS("data/simulation_output.rds")
  if(nrow(simulation_output) != nrow(parameters)){
    pasted_done <- apply(simulation_output[, names(simulation_output) %in% names(parameters)], 1, paste0, collapse = "_")
    pasted_to_do <- apply(parameters, 1, paste0, collapse = "_")
    trimmed_parameters <- parameters[!(pasted_to_do %in% pasted_done), ]

    cores <- 7
    # Divide the job into 100 equal-ish chunks so that we can see the % completion as it proceeds
    split_parameters <- split(trimmed_parameters, sample(1:10, nrow(parameters), replace = TRUE))
    for(i in 1:length(split_parameters)){
      chunk_size <- floor(nrow(split_parameters[[i]]) / cores)
      simulation_output <- split(split_parameters[[i]], c(rep(1:(cores-1), each = chunk_size), 
                                                          rep(cores, nrow(split_parameters[[i]]) - chunk_size*(cores-1)))) %>%
        future_lapply(run_many_simulations) %>%"rbind", .)
      saveRDS(simulation_output, paste("data/simulation_output_surplus_", i, ".rds", sep = ""))
    simulation_output <- list.files(path = "data", pattern = "simulation_output_", full.names = TRUE) %>%
      lapply(readRDS) %>%"rbind", .)
    saveRDS(simulation_output, "data/simulation_output.rds")
# delete individual files
# unlink(list.files(path = "data", pattern = "simulation_output_", full.names = TRUE))

Make Figure 3

fig_3 <- simulation_output %>% 
  ggplot(aes(k, SR_bias_in_hetero_males, fill = prop_SD)) +
  geom_blank() +
  geom_raster() + 
  stat_contour(aes(z = prop_SD), colour = "grey10") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "black", linetype = 3) +
  labs(x = "Strength of segregation distortion (K)", 
       y = "Sex ratio bias in SD heterozygotes\n(postive means more daughters, negative means more sons)") +
  facet_wrap(~ facet, labeller = labeller(facet = label_wrap_gen(35))) + 
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlGnBu", direction =  1, name = expression(paste("", hat(paste("p")), " (SD)")), limits = c(0,1)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), labels = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = "black", size = .8),
        strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "grey90", size = .8),
        legend.position = "bottom")

ggsave(fig_3, filename = "figures/fig3.pdf", height = 9, width = 9)

Version Author Date
6b03f9c lukeholman 2019-03-12

Figure 3: The equilibrium frequency reached by the allele, ˆp(SD), depends on the strength of segregataion distortion (K = 0 indicates fair meiosis, K = 1 means that heterozygotes transmit only the allele) and the direction and strength of sex ratio bias in the progeny of heterozygote males. The four columns make different assumptions about the fitness costs to individuals carrying the allele (see Results), while the three rows assume either that has no parent-of-origin-specific effects on fitness (top row), or that is especially costly when paternally inherited (middle row) or maternally inherited (bottom row).

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_3.1.0      kableExtra_0.9.0   future.apply_1.0.1
[4] future_1.11.1.1    dplyr_0.8.0.1      purrr_0.3.1       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.0         RColorBrewer_1.1-2 highr_0.7         
 [4] plyr_1.8.4         pillar_1.3.1.9000  compiler_3.5.1    
 [7] git2r_0.23.0       workflowr_1.2.0    tools_3.5.1       
[10] digest_0.6.18      gtable_0.2.0       viridisLite_0.3.0 
[13] evaluate_0.11      tibble_2.0.99.9000 pkgconfig_2.0.2   
[16] rlang_0.3.1        rstudioapi_0.9.0   yaml_2.2.0        
[19] parallel_3.5.1     withr_2.1.2        stringr_1.3.1     
[22] httr_1.3.1         knitr_1.20         xml2_1.2.0        
[25] fs_1.2.6           globals_0.12.4     hms_0.4.2         
[28] grid_3.5.1         rprojroot_1.3-2    tidyselect_0.2.5  
[31] glue_1.3.0.9000    listenv_0.7.0      R6_2.4.0          
[34] rmarkdown_1.10     readr_1.1.1        magrittr_1.5      
[37] whisker_0.3-2      backports_1.1.2    scales_1.0.0      
[40] codetools_0.2-15   htmltools_0.3.6    assertthat_0.2.0  
[43] rvest_0.3.2        colorspace_1.3-2   labeling_0.3      
[46] stringi_1.3.1      lazyeval_0.2.1     munsell_0.5.0     
[49] crayon_1.3.4