Last updated: 2020-10-11

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Knit directory: genes-to-foodweb-stability/

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    Untracked:  output/critical-transitions-keystone.RData
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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 761af40 mabarbour 2020-10-11 Refocus analysis on keystone gene result.


# load data
timeseries_df <- read_csv("output/timeseries_df.csv") %>%
  mutate(# this makes the intercept correspond to rich = 1, rather
         # than the biologically implausible rich = 0
         rich = rich - 1,
         # now rich and temp coefficients will correspond to +1 genotype and +1 C
         temp = ifelse(temp == "20 C", 0, 3),
         uniq = paste(Cage, temp, com, Week_match, sep = "-"),
         Week_match.1p = 1 + Week_match) # analysis doesn't like initial Week_match = 0, so I just added 1

# filter dataset for multivariate analysis.
# I only retain data for which all species had positive abundances at the previous time step
full_df <- filter(timeseries_df, BRBR_t > 0, LYER_t > 0, Ptoid_t > 0) %>%
  mutate(aop2_genotypes = Col + gsm1, # corresponds to average effect of genotype with a null AOP2- allele
         AOP2_genotypes = AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) # correspond to average effect of genotype with a functional AOP2+ allele
## source in useful functions

# functions for plotting feasibility domains and calculating normalized angles from critical boundary
# functions for non-equilibrium simulation
# general functions for evaluating what percentage of posterior is aop2 > AOP2 for the LYER-Ptoid boundary. these functions were important for guiding my model selection

Full model

This model corresponds to equation 1 in the Supplementary Material of the paper. Note that BRBR = aphid Brevicoryne brassicae, LYER = aphid Lipaphis erysimi, and Ptoid = parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae.

# BRBR <- bf(log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ 
                       0 + intercept + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) + 
                        (log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t))*(temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes) +
                        log(Biomass_g_t1) +
                        (1 | Cage) +
                        ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE))

# LYER <- bf(log1p(LYER_t1) ~ 
                       0 + intercept + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) + 
                        (log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t))*(temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes) +
                        log(Biomass_g_t1) +
                        (1 | Cage) +
                        ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE))

# Ptoid <- bf(log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ 
                       0 + intercept + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) + 
                        (log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t))*(temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes) +
                        log(Biomass_g_t1) +
                        (1 | Cage) +
                        ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE))

Set priors

Intrinsic growth rates

# from Jahan et al. 2014, Journal of Insect Science
# Table 4 lambda (finite rate of increase, discrete time analogue of intrinsic growth rate)
# calculated on a per-day basis and not logged. This is why I multiply by 7 and then take the natural logarithm
Jahan.r.BRBR <- log(c(1.42, 1.36, 1.32, 1.35, 1.40, 1.33, 1.38, 1.37) * 7)
mean(Jahan.r.BRBR) # 2.26
[1] 2.257713
sd(Jahan.r.BRBR) # 0.02
[1] 0.02468356
# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean(Jahan.r.BRBR), sd = 1))

prior.r.BRBR <- "normal(2.26, 1)"

# from Taghizadeh 2019, J. Agr. Sci. Tech.
# Table 2 lambda (finite rate of increase, discrete time analogue of intrinsic growth rate)
# calculated on a per-day basis and not logged. This is why I multiply by 7 and then take the natural logarithm
Tag.r.LYER <- log(c(1.35, 1.30, 1.26, 1.23) * 7)
mean(Tag.r.LYER) # 2.20
[1] 2.196059
sd(Tag.r.LYER) # 0.04
[1] 0.04028153
# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean(Tag.r.LYER), sd = 1))

prior.r.LYER <- "normal(2.20, 1)"

# random effects prior based on variance among cultivars
# I'm just going to use this for all of them <- mean(c(sd(Jahan.r.BRBR), sd(Tag.r.LYER)))
# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean =, sd = 0.5))

prior.random.effects <- "normal(0.03, 0.5)"

# I don't have a great sense for the growth rate of the parasitoid, other than that it should be negative
# this seems like a reasonable starting point

# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean = -1.5, sd = 1))

prior.r.Ptoid <- "normal(-1.5, 1)"

Intra- and interspecific interactions

I assume they are weak, i.e. much less than \(|1|\). I also assume that all species exhibit intraspecific competition, aphids have negative interspecific effects with each other, but positive interspecific effects on the parasitoid. I also assume parasitoids have negative interspecific effects on the aphids.

## intraspecific, 0 = no density dependence. this occurs because of offset in model.
# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean = -0.1, sd = 0.5))

prior.intra.BRBR <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)"
prior.intra.LYER <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)"
prior.intra.Ptoid <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)"

## negative interspecific, 0 = no interaction
# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean = -0.1, sd = 0.5))

# most of these values are less than 1, which
# is indicative of saturating effects
prior.LYERonBRBR <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)" 
prior.PtoidonBRBR <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)"
prior.BRBRonLYER <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)"
prior.PtoidonLYER <- "normal(-0.1, 0.5)"

## positive interspecific
# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean = 0.1, sd = 0.5))

# most of these values are less than 1, which
# is indicative of saturating effects
prior.BRBRonPtoid <- "normal(0.1, 0.5)"
prior.LYERonPtoid <- "normal(0.1, 0.5)"

AOP2 effects

It was unclear to me a priori exactly how allelic differences at AOP2 would affect species’ growth rates or intra- and interspecific interactions. Therefore, I assumed these effects on specific rates could be positive or negative, but would likely be between -1 and 1 (i.e., not ridiculously large). <- "normal(0, 0.5)"

Note that in a previous version of this analysis I assessed the effects of genetic diversity, which is why this is called The prior remains the same though, as including both AOP2\(-\) and AOP2\(+\) in the same model corresponds to the effect of genetic diversity (i.e. average effect of adding one genotype to the population).

Temperature effects

As with AOP2 it was unclear to me a priori how warming would affect species’ growth rates or intra- and interspecific interactions; therefore, I used the same prior as for AOP2.

prior.temp <- "normal(0, 0.5)"

Biomass effects

For both aphids, I thought that increasing biomass would increase their intrinsic growth rates, but only weakly, because I didn’t expect biomass to be limiting.

# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean = 0.1, sd = 0.5))

prior.AphidBiomass <- "normal(0.1, 0.5)"

For the parasitoid, it was unclear to me whether increasing biomass would have positive or negative effects. I could imagine both, as increasing biomass may increase the search effort of parasitoids, resulting in a negative effect on their growth rate. Alternatively, more biomass may increase the quality of aphids, which could increase the parasitoid’s growth rate. Therefore, I specified a normal prior with mean = 0 and SD = 0.5, so that most of the distribution lied between -1 and 1 (i.e. saturating negative or positive effects).

# visualize prior
hist(rnorm(1000, mean = 0, sd = 0.5))

prior.PtoidBiomass <- "normal(0, 0.5)"


I first fit a complete model with AOP2\(-\) (aop2_genotypes), AOP2\(+\) (AOP2_genotypes), and temperature (temp) effects. <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/") 

# print summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ 0 + intercept + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) + (log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)) * (temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes) + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ 0 + intercept + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) + (log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)) * (temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes) + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ 0 + intercept + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) + (log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)) * (temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes) + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.47      0.10    -0.65    -0.27 1.00     3459     4671
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.14      0.11    -0.34     0.09 1.00     6057     6167
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.50      0.08    -0.66    -0.33 1.00    10763     5975

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.31      0.11     0.05     0.51 1.00      919
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.14      0.09     0.01     0.33 1.00     1600
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.12 1.00     5292
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1227
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      4030
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     4483

Population-Level Effects: 
                                         Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                        1.66      0.70     0.31     3.06
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t                      0.09      0.16    -0.22     0.40
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t                     -0.04      0.17    -0.37     0.30
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                    -0.98      0.10    -1.17    -0.79
log1pBRBRt1_temp                            -0.27      0.28    -0.83     0.27
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes                   0.08      0.39    -0.69     0.81
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes                  -0.06      0.39    -0.82     0.71
log1pBRBRt1_logBiomass_g_t1                 -0.24      0.24    -0.72     0.23
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp                -0.08      0.06    -0.19     0.03
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes      -0.02      0.09    -0.18     0.14
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes      -0.07      0.08    -0.23     0.08
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t:temp                -0.00      0.06    -0.12     0.11
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes      -0.04      0.09    -0.21     0.13
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes       0.09      0.08    -0.08     0.24
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp                0.12      0.04     0.04     0.20
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes      0.11      0.06    -0.00     0.23
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes     -0.04      0.06    -0.16     0.07
log1pLYERt1_intercept                        3.03      0.68     1.70     4.38
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                      0.46      0.14     0.19     0.73
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                     -0.77      0.15    -1.08    -0.47
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                    -0.74      0.09    -0.92    -0.56
log1pLYERt1_temp                             0.08      0.26    -0.43     0.59
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes                  -0.01      0.36    -0.70     0.71
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes                   0.59      0.36    -0.11     1.29
log1pLYERt1_logBiomass_g_t1                 -0.05      0.21    -0.46     0.36
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp                -0.03      0.05    -0.12     0.07
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes      -0.10      0.08    -0.25     0.05
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes      -0.11      0.07    -0.25     0.02
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t:temp                 0.01      0.05    -0.09     0.11
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes       0.07      0.08    -0.08     0.22
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes       0.02      0.07    -0.13     0.17
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp               -0.01      0.04    -0.09     0.06
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes      0.11      0.06     0.01     0.22
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes     -0.11      0.05    -0.21     0.00
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                      -2.11      0.60    -3.30    -0.94
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                     0.51      0.10     0.32     0.70
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                     0.09      0.12    -0.13     0.32
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.08      0.07    -0.21     0.06
log1pPtoidt1_temp                            0.47      0.23     0.01     0.91
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes                  0.14      0.34    -0.52     0.81
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes                 -0.36      0.34    -1.03     0.33
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1                -0.77      0.17    -1.10    -0.43
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp               -0.17      0.03    -0.24    -0.10
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes     -0.06      0.05    -0.16     0.04
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes     -0.06      0.05    -0.15     0.03
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t:temp                0.03      0.04    -0.05     0.11
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes      0.02      0.06    -0.09     0.14
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes      0.12      0.06     0.01     0.23
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp               0.03      0.03    -0.03     0.08
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes     0.06      0.04    -0.03     0.14
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes    -0.04      0.04    -0.12     0.05
                                         Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                    1.00     7944     6027
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t                  1.00     4474     5458
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t                  1.00     3890     5233
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                 1.00     6127     6113
log1pBRBRt1_temp                         1.00     7434     6524
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes               1.00     9159     6370
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes               1.00     8608     6290
log1pBRBRt1_logBiomass_g_t1              1.00     9932     6798
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp             1.00     5776     5870
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes   1.00     5430     5991
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes   1.00     6455     7067
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t:temp             1.00     5876     5692
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes   1.00     5185     5743
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes   1.00     6058     6330
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp            1.00     6966     6843
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes  1.00     6468     6098
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes  1.00     7198     6516
log1pLYERt1_intercept                    1.00     6965     5990
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                  1.00     5218     5603
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                  1.00     5166     5926
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                 1.00     5785     6635
log1pLYERt1_temp                         1.00     7154     6150
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes               1.00     8810     5937
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes               1.00     8612     6413
log1pLYERt1_logBiomass_g_t1              1.00    10326     6103
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp             1.00     7095     6140
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes   1.00     5825     5219
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes   1.00     6817     6285
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t:temp             1.00     6409     6299
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes   1.00     5583     5710
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes   1.00     6447     6026
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp            1.00     8368     6836
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes  1.00     6783     6242
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes  1.00     7780     6627
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                   1.00     6000     5841
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                 1.00     7508     6234
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                 1.00     5773     6074
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     6550     6132
log1pPtoidt1_temp                        1.00     6574     5690
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     7574     6101
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     7131     5984
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1             1.00    11457     6585
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp            1.00     8851     6041
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes  1.00     8913     5663
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes  1.00     9908     6458
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t:temp            1.00     7510     5666
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes  1.00     6799     6398
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes  1.00     7319     6417
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp           1.00     7660     6157
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes 1.00     7282     6258
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes 1.00     8621     6077

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.09      0.06     0.98     1.21 1.00     2301     4483
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.91      0.04     0.83     0.99 1.00     7388     6274
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.76      0.03     0.69     0.83 1.00    13820     5807

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.51      0.05     0.40     0.61 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.07      0.07    -0.21     0.07 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.02      0.07    -0.11     0.15 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      6490     6463
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    10375     6715
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)    13143     6359

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

Below, I inspect which parameters may be safely omitted from the model. It seemed reasonable that if 90% of the posterior probability distribution of the parameter included zero, then I could safely drop it from the model. Therefore, I proceeded with this criteria, starting with the highest-order terms:

# higher-order temperature effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(, regex_pars = "_t:temp$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # suggests dropping all, but temp effect on reciprocoal BRBR-Ptoid interaction

# higher-order aop2 effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(, regex_pars = "_t:aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # suggests dropping all but AOP2- effects on Ptoid interactions with LYER and BRBR.

# check biomass effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(, regex_pars = "_logBiomass_g_t1$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # drop biomass effect on BRBR and LYER

# other terms currently have higher-order effects with temp and AOP2 present, 
# need to drop these higher-order terms before examining these main effects

I focus on aop2_genotypes effects, but I make sure to always include AOP2_genotypes in the model. That way, I’m estimating the effect of genotypes with null AOP2\(-\) allele after controlling for the effect of genotypes with a functional AOP2\(+\) allele.

Let’s check how the full model does in reproducing the observed effects of the null AOP2\(-\) in increasing LYER-Ptoid persistence.

aop2_LPbound_BayesP aop2_LPbound_effect 
           0.326000           -5.957124 

aop2_LPbound_BayesP calculates the percentage of posterior samples where the null AOP2\(-\) allele increases LYER-Ptoid persistence relative to the functional AOP2\(+\) allele (as inferred by an increase in its normalized angle). aop2_LPbound_effect calculates the change in the normalized angle from the LYER-Ptoid feasibility boundary for AOP2\(-\) relative to AOP2\(+\). As you can see, the full model is unable to reproduce the observed effects of the null AOP2\(-\) allele in increasing LYER-Ptoid persistence.

Model selection

Reduced model 1

Drop terms

Based on the above plots, I dropped the following higher-order terms:

Effects on BRBR_t1:

  • (log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):temp
  • (log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):aop2
  • log(Biomass_g_t1)

Effects on LYER_t1:

  • (log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):temp
  • (log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):aop2
  • log(Biomass_g_t1)

Effects on Ptoid_t1

  • (log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):temp
  • (log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):aop2

Refit model

# update formulas <- update(, .~. 
                            -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):aop2_genotypes 
                            -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):AOP2_genotypes 
                            -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):temp
                            -log(Biomass_g_t1)) <- update(, .~. 
                            -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):temp 
                            -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):aop2_genotypes 
                            -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t)):AOP2_genotypes
                            -log(Biomass_g_t1)) <- update(, .~. 
                             -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):temp 
                             -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):aop2_genotypes 
                             -(log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t)):AOP2_genotypes)

# fit update model
reduced.1.brm <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/reduced.1.brm.keystone.rds") 

# print model summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):temp + log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes + log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) - 1 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes + log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) - 1 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(BRBR_t):temp + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) - 1 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.43      0.09    -0.62    -0.24 1.00     3321     4350
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.08      0.10    -0.28     0.14 1.00     5321     5660
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.47      0.08    -0.63    -0.31 1.00    10081     6281

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.29      0.11     0.04     0.49 1.00      974
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.15      0.09     0.01     0.34 1.00     1461
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.12 1.00     5171
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1090
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      2928
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     4125

Population-Level Effects: 
                                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                       1.86      0.51     0.84     2.85
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t                    -0.07      0.09    -0.25     0.10
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t                     0.06      0.11    -0.15     0.27
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.97      0.10    -1.16    -0.78
log1pBRBRt1_temp                           -0.72      0.09    -0.89    -0.55
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes                 -0.24      0.17    -0.57     0.10
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes                  0.15      0.17    -0.18     0.47
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp               0.16      0.03     0.10     0.22
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes     0.11      0.06    -0.00     0.23
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes    -0.06      0.06    -0.17     0.05
log1pLYERt1_intercept                       3.60      0.51     2.62     4.62
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                     0.22      0.08     0.07     0.38
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                    -0.68      0.11    -0.90    -0.48
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.74      0.09    -0.92    -0.55
log1pLYERt1_temp                            0.01      0.06    -0.10     0.12
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes                 -0.03      0.16    -0.35     0.29
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes                  0.18      0.16    -0.13     0.49
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes     0.09      0.06    -0.02     0.20
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes    -0.10      0.05    -0.21     0.00
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                     -2.62      0.48    -3.58    -1.71
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                    0.35      0.06     0.22     0.47
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                    0.32      0.07     0.18     0.46
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t                  -0.04      0.04    -0.11     0.03
log1pPtoidt1_temp                           0.67      0.12     0.44     0.90
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes                 0.12      0.06    -0.00     0.25
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes                -0.09      0.06    -0.20     0.02
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1               -0.76      0.17    -1.09    -0.41
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp              -0.17      0.02    -0.22    -0.12
                                        Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                   1.00     6157     5398
log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t                 1.00     3181     4898
log1pBRBRt1_log1pLYER_t                 1.00     2789     4943
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     4025     5440
log1pBRBRt1_temp                        1.00     5759     5772
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     4990     5437
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     5360     5945
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp           1.00     7507     5961
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes 1.00     4454     5503
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes 1.00     4983     5830
log1pLYERt1_intercept                   1.00     5051     5913
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                 1.00     3986     4881
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                 1.00     3717     4238
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     3874     5325
log1pLYERt1_temp                        1.00     4901     5656
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     5083     5643
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     4481     5077
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes 1.00     4544     5624
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes 1.00     4541     5230
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                  1.00     4473     5102
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                1.00     5813     5444
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                1.00     6228     6316
log1pPtoidt1_log1pPtoid_t               1.00     7439     6040
log1pPtoidt1_temp                       1.00     5247     5460
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes             1.00     7483     6501
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes             1.00     9384     5787
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1            1.00     5708     5754
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp           1.00     5825     6122

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.11      0.06     1.00     1.23 1.00     2840     4430
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.91      0.04     0.83     1.00 1.00     6503     6666
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.76      0.03     0.70     0.84 1.00    14431     5870

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.53      0.05     0.43     0.62 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.06      0.07    -0.20     0.08 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.03      0.07    -0.10     0.16 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      7014     6336
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)     7955     6672
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)    10786     5868

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

# higher-order temperature effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_t:temp$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # retain these higher-order effects

# higher-order aop2 effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_t:aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) 

# lower-order temp effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_temp$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # drop temp on LYER as there are no higher-order terms

bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # retain all, because of higher-order terms for BRBR and LYER

# check biomass effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_logBiomass_g_t1$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90)

# check other interaction terms
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_log1pPtoid_t$", prob = 0.80, prob_outer = 0.90) # drop intraspecific effect of Ptoid

bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_log1pLYER_t$", prob = 0.80, prob_outer = 0.90) # drop LYER effect on BRBR

bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.1.brm, regex_pars = "_log1pBRBR_t$", prob = 0.80, prob_outer = 0.90) # drop intraspecific effect of BRBR

Since there are still terms to drop based on my 90% criteria, Reduced model 1 is an intermediate model that I don’t use in my model comparison.

Reduced model 2

Drop terms

Based on the above plots, I dropped the following terms:

Effects on BRBR_t1:

  • log1p(BRBR_t)
  • log1p(LYER_t)

Effects on LYER_t1:

  • temp

Effects on Ptoid_t1:

  • log1p(Ptoid_t)

Refit model

# update formulas <- update(, .~. -log1p(BRBR_t) -log1p(LYER_t)) <- update(, .~. -temp) <- update(, .~. -log1p(Ptoid_t)) 

# fit new model
reduced.2.brm <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/reduced.2.brm.keystone.rds") 

# print model summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):temp + log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes + log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) - 1 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes + log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) - 1 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(BRBR_t):temp + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) - 1 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.45      0.09    -0.62    -0.27 1.00     4131     5750
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.10      0.09    -0.28     0.09 1.00     6407     6523
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.49      0.08    -0.65    -0.33 1.00    12076     6190

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.25      0.10     0.03     0.43 1.00     1110
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.14      0.09     0.01     0.32 1.00     1877
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.11 1.00     4674
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1675
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      3273
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     3649

Population-Level Effects: 
                                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                       1.78      0.28     1.22     2.35
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.97      0.10    -1.16    -0.79
log1pBRBRt1_temp                           -0.71      0.08    -0.86    -0.56
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes                 -0.25      0.17    -0.58     0.08
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes                  0.15      0.16    -0.16     0.47
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp               0.17      0.03     0.11     0.23
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes     0.12      0.06     0.00     0.24
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes    -0.06      0.06    -0.17     0.05
log1pLYERt1_intercept                       3.51      0.47     2.58     4.44
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                     0.23      0.05     0.13     0.34
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                    -0.67      0.08    -0.83    -0.52
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.73      0.09    -0.91    -0.55
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes                 -0.03      0.16    -0.33     0.30
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes                  0.18      0.15    -0.12     0.47
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes     0.09      0.06    -0.02     0.20
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes    -0.10      0.05    -0.20     0.00
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                     -2.89      0.38    -3.66    -2.14
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                    0.35      0.06     0.23     0.48
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                    0.35      0.06     0.23     0.48
log1pPtoidt1_temp                           0.67      0.12     0.44     0.90
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes                 0.11      0.06    -0.02     0.24
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes                -0.08      0.06    -0.19     0.03
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1               -0.73      0.17    -1.06    -0.39
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp              -0.17      0.02    -0.22    -0.12
                                        Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                   1.00     4258     5480
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     4185     4922
log1pBRBRt1_temp                        1.00     8284     5845
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     5290     5928
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     5543     6129
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp           1.00     8537     5921
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes 1.00     5093     5764
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes 1.00     5576     6064
log1pLYERt1_intercept                   1.00     5752     6253
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                 1.00     7208     5388
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                 1.00     5839     5821
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     4785     5511
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     6140     5964
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     5914     5975
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes 1.00     6028     5872
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes 1.00     5963     6009
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                  1.00     5615     5914
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                1.00     6287     5661
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                1.00     7928     6576
log1pPtoidt1_temp                       1.00     5426     5126
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes             1.00     8165     6011
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes             1.00     9176     6614
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1            1.00     6590     6103
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp           1.00     5636     5247

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.11      0.06     1.00     1.23 1.00     3535     5493
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.91      0.04     0.83     1.00 1.00     7690     6459
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.76      0.03     0.70     0.83 1.00    13065     5490

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.52      0.05     0.41     0.61 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.05      0.07    -0.19     0.09 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.03      0.07    -0.10     0.16 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      9083     6456
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    10207     6645
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)    13091     6708

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

# higher-order aop2 effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.2.brm, regex_pars = "_t:aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) 

# note that one of these intervals doesn't quite meet our 90% criteria and is right on the edge.
broom.mixed::tidy(reduced.2.brm, parameters = "b_log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", conf.level = 0.90)
# A tibble: 1 x 6
  component term                           estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
  <chr>     <chr>                             <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 cond      b_log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t:ao…   0.0921    0.0565 -5.93e-4     0.183
# but since the 90% interval is admittedly a bit arbitrary, we can explore effect effect of retaining all terms in this model.

bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.2.brm, regex_pars = "_aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # retain all because of presence of higher-order terms

Now let’s check how well the model performed in capturing the effect of AOP2\(-\) on LYER-Ptoid persistence.

pp_aop2_LP_persist(reduced.2.brm, temp.cond = 1.5, aop2.cond = 2)
aop2_LPbound_BayesP aop2_LPbound_effect 
           0.727250            2.300524 

Only 73% of the posterior samples support a positive effect of AOP2\(-\) relative to AOP2\(+\) on LYER-Ptoid persistence. Note that we are still on our way to identify a model based on the 90% cutoff, but I show it above to show that this model still doesn’t appear to adequately capture the effect of AOP2.

Reduced model 3

Drop terms

Based on the above plots, we will drop the following term:

Effects on BRBR_t1:

  • keep all

Effects on LYER_t1:

  • log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes

Effects on Ptoid_t1:

  • keep all

Refit model

# update formulas <- <- update(, .~. -log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes -log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes) <- 

# fit new model
reduced.3.brm <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/reduced.3.brm.keystone.rds") 

# print model summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):temp + log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes + log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) - 1 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) - 1 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(BRBR_t):temp + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) - 1 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.44      0.09    -0.61    -0.26 1.00     3416     5639
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.10      0.09    -0.28     0.09 1.00     4644     5847
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.49      0.08    -0.65    -0.33 1.00     8174     6274

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.25      0.10     0.03     0.42 1.00     1003
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.13      0.08     0.00     0.30 1.00     1505
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.11 1.00     4167
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1717
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      2795
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     3395

Population-Level Effects: 
                                        Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                       1.77      0.27     1.24     2.30
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.97      0.09    -1.14    -0.79
log1pBRBRt1_temp                           -0.71      0.08    -0.86    -0.56
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes                 -0.14      0.15    -0.44     0.17
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes                  0.03      0.15    -0.26     0.33
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp               0.17      0.03     0.12     0.23
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes     0.07      0.05    -0.03     0.18
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes    -0.02      0.05    -0.11     0.08
log1pLYERt1_intercept                       3.42      0.46     2.54     4.34
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                     0.22      0.05     0.12     0.33
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                    -0.65      0.08    -0.81    -0.50
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                   -0.72      0.05    -0.82    -0.62
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes                  0.20      0.08     0.04     0.36
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes                 -0.08      0.08    -0.24     0.08
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                     -2.89      0.39    -3.65    -2.14
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                    0.35      0.06     0.23     0.47
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                    0.35      0.06     0.23     0.47
log1pPtoidt1_temp                           0.67      0.12     0.45     0.90
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes                 0.11      0.06    -0.01     0.24
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes                -0.08      0.06    -0.19     0.03
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1               -0.72      0.17    -1.06    -0.39
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp              -0.17      0.02    -0.22    -0.12
                                        Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept                   1.00     3179     4132
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     3169     4459
log1pBRBRt1_temp                        1.00     5940     5796
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     4417     5370
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     4516     5430
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp           1.00     6556     6240
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes 1.00     4542     5435
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes 1.00     4388     4959
log1pLYERt1_intercept                   1.00     4006     4886
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t                 1.00     6287     5296
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t                 1.00     3912     4901
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t                1.00     4759     5589
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes              1.00     8243     5803
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes              1.00     7897     5484
log1pPtoidt1_intercept                  1.00     4020     4325
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t                1.00     4776     5015
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t                1.00     5249     6065
log1pPtoidt1_temp                       1.00     3955     5008
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes             1.00     5978     5934
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes             1.00     6630     6094
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1            1.00     4506     5806
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp           1.00     4077     5458

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.12      0.06     1.00     1.23 1.00     3046     4810
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.92      0.04     0.84     1.01 1.00     6147     6172
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.76      0.03     0.70     0.83 1.00     9954     5747

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.52      0.05     0.41     0.61 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.04      0.07    -0.18     0.10 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.05      0.07    -0.07     0.18 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      6928     5912
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)     6580     5511
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     8599     6182

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

# check highest-order aop2 effects
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.3.brm, regex_pars = "_t:aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # now it appears we should drop the Ptoid:aop2 effect on BRBR.

This is still an intermediate model because not all terms meet our 90% criteria.

Reduced model 4

Drop terms

Based on the above plots, I dropped the following terms:

Effects on BRBR_t1:

  • log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes

Effects on LYER_t1:

  • keep all

Effects on Ptoid_t1:

  • keep all

Refit model

# update formulas <- update(, .~. -log1p(Ptoid_t):aop2_genotypes -log1p(Ptoid_t):AOP2_genotypes) <- <- 

# fit new model
reduced.4.brm <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/reduced.4.brm.keystone.rds") 

# print model summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):temp + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) - 1 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) - 1 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(BRBR_t):temp + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) - 1 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.43      0.09    -0.61    -0.26 1.00     2702     4557
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.10      0.10    -0.28     0.10 1.00     4647     5689
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.49      0.08    -0.65    -0.33 1.00     6850     6068

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.26      0.10     0.04     0.44 1.00     1062
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.13      0.08     0.01     0.31 1.00     1621
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.11 1.00     3903
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1121
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      2399
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     3149

Population-Level Effects: 
                              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
log1pBRBRt1_intercept             1.62      0.21     1.22     2.05 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t         -0.91      0.05    -1.01    -0.80 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_temp                 -0.71      0.08    -0.86    -0.56 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes        0.04      0.09    -0.15     0.22 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes       -0.01      0.09    -0.18     0.16 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp     0.17      0.03     0.11     0.23 1.00
log1pLYERt1_intercept             3.46      0.45     2.58     4.36 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t           0.23      0.05     0.12     0.33 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t          -0.66      0.08    -0.82    -0.50 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t         -0.72      0.05    -0.82    -0.62 1.00
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes        0.20      0.08     0.04     0.37 1.00
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes       -0.08      0.08    -0.24     0.08 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_intercept           -2.89      0.38    -3.65    -2.16 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t          0.35      0.06     0.23     0.48 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t          0.35      0.06     0.22     0.48 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_temp                 0.67      0.12     0.44     0.90 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes       0.11      0.06    -0.02     0.23 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes      -0.08      0.06    -0.19     0.03 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1     -0.72      0.17    -1.06    -0.39 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp    -0.17      0.02    -0.22    -0.12 1.00
                              Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept             3444     4225
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t          3868     4922
log1pBRBRt1_temp                  4252     4630
log1pBRBRt1_aop2_genotypes        4631     4990
log1pBRBRt1_AOP2_genotypes        4932     5592
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp     4972     5121
log1pLYERt1_intercept             3889     4763
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t           4957     5715
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t           3270     3814
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t          4256     4865
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes        6445     5580
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes        6817     6491
log1pPtoidt1_intercept            3133     4611
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t          3936     4783
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t          5082     5460
log1pPtoidt1_temp                 3413     4651
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes       5411     5549
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes       5701     6162
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1      4225     4641
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp     3641     5206

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.12      0.06     1.01     1.24 1.00     3045     5241
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.92      0.04     0.84     1.01 1.00     5976     6022
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.76      0.03     0.70     0.83 1.00     9296     6248

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.53      0.05     0.43     0.62 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.03      0.07    -0.18     0.10 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.05      0.06    -0.07     0.18 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      6477     6412
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)     5985     5627
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     9611     6499

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

# check aop2 effects on growth rates
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.4.brm, regex_pars = "_aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) # drop aop2 effect on BRBR

Again, this model is still an intermediate one because not all terms meet the 90% criteria.

Reduced model 5

Drop terms

Based on the above plots, I dropped the following terms:

Effects on BRBR_t1:

  • aop2_genotypes

Effects on LYER_t1:

  • keep all

Effects on Ptoid_t1:

  • keep all

Refit model

# update formulas <- update(, .~. -aop2_genotypes -AOP2_genotypes) <- <- 

# fit new model
reduced.5.brm <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/reduced.5.brm.keystone.rds") 

# print model summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):temp + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) - 1 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) - 1 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + temp + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(BRBR_t):temp + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) - 1 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.43      0.09    -0.60    -0.25 1.00     2966     4900
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.10      0.09    -0.28     0.09 1.00     3993     5073
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.50      0.08    -0.65    -0.33 1.00     7256     6067

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.24      0.10     0.03     0.42 1.00     1060
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.13      0.08     0.01     0.31 1.00     1476
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.11 1.00     4300
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1646
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      2398
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     3639

Population-Level Effects: 
                              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
log1pBRBRt1_intercept             1.65      0.16     1.33     1.96 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t         -0.90      0.05    -1.00    -0.80 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_temp                 -0.70      0.08    -0.86    -0.56 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp     0.17      0.03     0.11     0.22 1.00
log1pLYERt1_intercept             3.48      0.46     2.59     4.38 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t           0.23      0.05     0.12     0.34 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t          -0.66      0.08    -0.82    -0.50 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t         -0.72      0.05    -0.82    -0.62 1.00
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes        0.19      0.08     0.04     0.34 1.00
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes       -0.08      0.07    -0.22     0.07 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_intercept           -2.89      0.39    -3.65    -2.14 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t          0.35      0.06     0.23     0.47 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t          0.35      0.06     0.23     0.48 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_temp                 0.67      0.12     0.44     0.89 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes       0.11      0.06    -0.02     0.24 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes      -0.08      0.06    -0.19     0.03 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1     -0.72      0.17    -1.05    -0.39 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp    -0.17      0.02    -0.22    -0.12 1.00
                              Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept             3211     5020
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t          2994     5018
log1pBRBRt1_temp                  3830     5069
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp     4287     5481
log1pLYERt1_intercept             3845     5019
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t           5273     5250
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t           3512     4369
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t          4063     4867
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes        6884     6090
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes        7173     6224
log1pPtoidt1_intercept            3774     4961
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t          3767     5311
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t          5302     5846
log1pPtoidt1_temp                 3292     4569
log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes       5728     5884
log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes       6122     6041
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1      4707     5635
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp     3672     5118

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.12      0.06     1.02     1.24 1.00     2575     4739
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.92      0.04     0.84     1.01 1.00     5398     5315
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.76      0.03     0.70     0.83 1.00     9242     5156

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.53      0.05     0.43     0.62 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.03      0.07    -0.17     0.11 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.05      0.06    -0.07     0.18 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      5770     5034
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)     6362     5950
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     7912     6294

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

# no more higher-order terms, so check aop2 effects on growth rates
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.5.brm, regex_pars = "_aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) 

Now, we have a model where all terms meet our 90% criteria. Let’s evaluate it’s effect on LYER-Ptoid persistence.

pp_aop2_LP_persist(reduced.5.brm, temp.cond = 1.5, aop2.cond = 2)
aop2_LPbound_BayesP aop2_LPbound_effect 
           0.999500            8.399152 

There is clear evidence that AOP2\(-\) promotes LYER-Ptoid persistence relative to AOP2\(+\) in this model.

Reduced model 6

What about a model where we use a 95% cutoff?

bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.5.brm, regex_pars = "_aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.95) # suggest dropping aop2 effect on Ptoid.

Drop terms

Based on the above plots, I dropped the following terms:

Effects on BRBR_t1:

  • keep all

Effects on LYER_t1:

  • keep all

Effects on Ptoid_t1:

  • aop2_genotypes

Refit model

# update formulas <- <- <- update(, .~. -aop2_genotypes -AOP2_genotypes) 

# fit new model
reduced.6.brm <- brm(
  data = full_df,
  formula = mvbf(,,,
  iter = 4000,
  prior = c(# growth rates
            set_prior(prior.r.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.LYER, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.r.Ptoid, class = "b", coef = "intercept", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # intraspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.intra.BRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.intra.LYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # negative interspecific effects
            #set_prior(prior.LYERonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonBRBR, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidonLYER, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            # positive interspecific effects
            set_prior(prior.BRBRonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.LYERonPtoid, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # aop2 effects
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:aop2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # AOP2 effects
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:AOP2_genotypes", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # temp effects
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),  
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pBRBR_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pLYER_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.temp, class = "b", coef = "log1pPtoid_t:temp", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # biomass effects
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            #set_prior(prior.AphidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.PtoidBiomass, class = "b", coef = "logBiomass_g_t1", resp = "log1pPtoidt1"),
            # random effects
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pBRBRt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pLYERt1"),
            set_prior(prior.random.effects, class = "sd", resp = "log1pPtoidt1")),
  file = "output/reduced.6.brm.keystone.rds") 

# print model summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity
         mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: log1p(BRBR_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(Ptoid_t) + temp + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(Ptoid_t):temp + offset(log1p(BRBR_t)) - 1 
         log1p(LYER_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + log1p(Ptoid_t) + aop2_genotypes + AOP2_genotypes + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + offset(log1p(LYER_t)) - 1 
         log1p(Ptoid_t1) ~ intercept + log1p(BRBR_t) + log1p(LYER_t) + temp + log(Biomass_g_t1) + (1 | Cage) + ar(time = Week_match.1p, gr = Cage, p = 1, cov = FALSE) + log1p(BRBR_t):temp + offset(log1p(Ptoid_t)) - 1 
   Data: full_df (Number of observations: 264) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 4000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup samples = 8000

Correlation Structures:
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
ar_log1pBRBRt1[1]     -0.44      0.09    -0.62    -0.27 1.00     3100     5419
ar_log1pLYERt1[1]     -0.10      0.09    -0.28     0.09 1.00     4104     5506
ar_log1pPtoidt1[1]    -0.51      0.08    -0.67    -0.34 1.00     6900     6072

Group-Level Effects: 
~Cage (Number of levels: 60) 
                           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      0.26      0.09     0.05     0.43 1.00     1117
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      0.14      0.08     0.01     0.31 1.00     1497
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     0.04      0.03     0.00     0.11 1.00     4067
sd(log1pBRBRt1_Intercept)      1266
sd(log1pLYERt1_Intercept)      2530
sd(log1pPtoidt1_Intercept)     2959

Population-Level Effects: 
                              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
log1pBRBRt1_intercept             1.64      0.16     1.33     1.95 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t         -0.90      0.05    -1.00    -0.80 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_temp                 -0.70      0.08    -0.85    -0.55 1.00
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp     0.17      0.03     0.11     0.22 1.00
log1pLYERt1_intercept             3.47      0.45     2.58     4.37 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t           0.22      0.05     0.12     0.32 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t          -0.66      0.08    -0.82    -0.50 1.00
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t         -0.72      0.05    -0.82    -0.62 1.00
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes        0.18      0.08     0.03     0.34 1.00
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes       -0.07      0.07    -0.22     0.07 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_intercept           -3.27      0.33    -3.93    -2.61 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t          0.36      0.06     0.24     0.48 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t          0.41      0.06     0.29     0.52 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_temp                 0.69      0.12     0.46     0.91 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1     -0.48      0.12    -0.72    -0.24 1.00
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp    -0.17      0.02    -0.22    -0.12 1.00
                              Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
log1pBRBRt1_intercept             2978     4898
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t          2836     4637
log1pBRBRt1_temp                  3243     4442
log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp     3756     4658
log1pLYERt1_intercept             3465     5026
log1pLYERt1_log1pBRBR_t           4789     5496
log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t           3104     4700
log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t          3854     5858
log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes        6625     5942
log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes        7016     6078
log1pPtoidt1_intercept            3848     5285
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t          3549     4560
log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t          6140     5560
log1pPtoidt1_temp                 3036     4935
log1pPtoidt1_logBiomass_g_t1      7092     5945
log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp     3320     5609

Family Specific Parameters: 
                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma_log1pBRBRt1      1.12      0.06     1.01     1.23 1.00     3054     4964
sigma_log1pLYERt1      0.92      0.04     0.84     1.01 1.00     6289     5285
sigma_log1pPtoidt1     0.77      0.03     0.70     0.84 1.00    10444     5885

Residual Correlations: 
                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      0.53      0.05     0.43     0.61 1.00
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)    -0.02      0.07    -0.15     0.12 1.00
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     0.06      0.06    -0.06     0.19 1.00
                                 Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pLYERt1)      6302     6231
rescor(log1pBRBRt1,log1pPtoidt1)     6574     5788
rescor(log1pLYERt1,log1pPtoidt1)     8877     5625

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Inspect credible intervals

# confirm aop2 effects on growth rates
bayesplot::mcmc_intervals(reduced.6.brm, regex_pars = "_aop2_genotypes$", prob = 0.66, prob_outer = 0.90) 

Check effect of AOP2\(-\).

pp_aop2_LP_persist(reduced.6.brm, temp.cond = 1.5, aop2.cond = 2)
aop2_LPbound_BayesP aop2_LPbound_effect 
           0.996000            3.743655 

The effect size is cut in half and the probability of this positive effect decreases slightly. In my mind, this indicates that it’s a bit worse than the 90% cutoff model in reproducing our observed data. Still, it also points to the fact that the effect of null AOP2\(-\) allele on LYER growth rates is the primary driver.

Structural stability of dominant food chain

Although we already identified which model is most approrpriate, now we are going to delve deeper into the specific effects.

aop2.brm <- reduced.5.brm

Reproduce Fig. 4

Since our observational data indicated clear effects of AOP2 gene on the persistence of the LYER-Ptoid subcommunity, I restrict our subsequent analysis to this effect (i.e. no temperature).

Note that I did not specify an effect of AOP2 on the intra- or interspecific interactions in LYER or Ptoid. Therefore, the interaction matrix is the same for both AOP2\(-\) and AOP2\(+\).

Also, I did this comparison at an imaginary midpoint of temperature, i.e. temp = 1.5. In this food chain, temperature only had a clear effect on the parasitoid’s intrinsic growth rate, so I only add the temperature effect here.

coef.aop2 <- fixef(aop2.brm)[,"Estimate"]

# value of rich to condition
temp.cond <- 1.5 # 1.5 = 21.5 C
# I chose 1.5 to condition on
# an imaginary average between temperature treatments
# note that setting it to zero, represents temp = 20 C

# interaction matrix for all levels of aop2
aop2.mat <- matrix(c(coef.aop2["log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t"], 
                      0), # set to zero because there was no clear evidence for intraspecific Ptoid effect
                    ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
           [,1]       [,2]
[1,] -0.6577923 -0.7203533
[2,]  0.3499795  0.0000000
AOP2.mat <- aop2.mat

# growth rates with aop2 allele (both genotypes)
aop2.IGR <- matrix(c(coef.aop2["log1pLYERt1_intercept"] + coef.aop2["log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes"]*2,
                      coef.aop2["log1pPtoidt1_intercept"] + coef.aop2["log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes"]*2 + coef.aop2["log1pPtoidt1_temp"]*temp.cond),
                    ncol = 1)
[1,]  3.852553
[2,] -1.665569
# growth rates with AOP2 allele (both genotypes)
AOP2.IGR <- matrix(c(coef.aop2["log1pLYERt1_intercept"] + coef.aop2["log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes"]*2,
                      coef.aop2["log1pPtoidt1_intercept"] + coef.aop2["log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes"]*2 + coef.aop2["log1pPtoidt1_temp"]*temp.cond), 
                    ncol = 1)
[1,]  3.319372
[2,] -2.048295

Plot the effect of AOP2 gene on structural stability.

# get raw data for manually making plot
get_FD.2sp <- FeasibilityDomain2sp(A = list(aop2.mat, AOP2.mat),
                     r = list(aop2.IGR, AOP2.IGR),
                     labels = c("aop2", "AOP2"),
                     normalize = TRUE) %>%
  rename(aop2 = A_ID) 

# Draw polygon for feasibility domain
# from:
# define the circle; add a point at the center if the 'pie slice' if the shape is to be filled
circleFun <- function(center=c(0,0), diameter=1, npoints=100, start=0, end=2, filled=TRUE){
  tt <- seq(start*pi, end*pi, length.out=npoints)
  df <- data.frame(
    x = center[1] + diameter / 2 * cos(tt),
    y = center[2] + diameter / 2 * sin(tt)
  if(filled==TRUE) { #add a point at the center so the whole 'pie slice' is filled
    df <- rbind(df, center)

# new version
alpha_level <- 0.01
ggplot(filter(get_FD.2sp, Type == "r"), aes(x = Sp_1, y = Sp_2)) + 
  # draw intrinsic growth rate vectors
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = Sp_1, yend = Sp_2, color = aop2), 
               arrow = arrow(type = 'open', length = unit(0.1,"cm"))) +
  # draw critical boundary (remove for final plot after adjusting geom_polygon)
  geom_segment(data = filter(get_FD.2sp, Type == "A")[1,], # just need one lower bound
               aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = Sp_1, yend = Sp_2, linetype = "Critical\nboundary"),
               color = "black",
               size = 0.5) + 
  xlab("Aphid growth rate (normalized)") + 
  ylab("Parasitoid growth rate (normalized)") +
  # illustrate circular nature of feasibility domain
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0.0,-0.75), expand = F) + 
  # make alpha very low for final plot to provide better looking arrows with keynote
  # scale_alpha_manual(values = c(alpha_level, alpha_level), labels = c("AOP2\u2013","AOP2+"), name = "") +
  # adjusted until critical boundary was correct, then removed critical boundary for final plot
  geom_polygon(data=circleFun(c(0,0), diameter = 2, start=0, end=-0.156, npoints=100, filled=TRUE), 
               aes(x,y), alpha = 0.1, inherit.aes = F) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 18, line_size = 1)

# changes for final version
# alpha = aop2 in geom_segment(aes())
# uncomment scale_alpha_manual
# remove dotted line for critical boundary
# ggsave("figures/keystone-structural-stability-forkeynote.pdf", width = 8, height = 8, units = "in")

I then used Keynote to manually add images and text to create the final version presented in Figure 4 of the main text.

And just as a quick check, the above plot suggests that the community is only feasible (all three species have positive abundances at equilibrium) when the plant population has both genotypes with AOP2\(-\) allele, which is true:

-inv(aop2.mat) %*% aop2.IGR
[1,] 4.759048
[2,] 1.002409
-inv(AOP2.mat) %*% AOP2.IGR 
[1,]  5.8526128
[2,] -0.7363496

Non-equilibrium simulation (Fig. S5)

The above plot illustrates the effect of AOP2 on the structural stability of the equilibrium abundances of species. I can explore whether our results hold in a non-equilibrium scenario that better characterizes our observational data.

To do this, I look at the the effect of AOP2 across a range of initial conditions for the abundances of LYER and Ptoid. I get this data by simulating community dynamics with the observed effects of AOP2 across a range of initial conditions. I restricted our simulation to 10 time steps, as BRBR went extinct commonly at week 7 (experiment was 17 weeks long). I also set an extinction threshold of 2 individuals.

LP_duration <- 10
LP_threshold <- log(2) # set threshold of two individuals in the populations
res <- 0.1
LP_test_df <- expand.grid(LYER = seq(1, 6, by = res), Ptoid = seq(1, 6, by = res))

## simulate population dynamics and determine which species goes extinct

# aop2
FE_LP_aop2 <- list()
for(i in 1:length(LP_test_df$LYER)){
  FE_LP_aop2[[i]] <- first_extinction_2sp(Initial.States = c(LYER = LP_test_df[i,"LYER"], Ptoid = LP_test_df[i,"Ptoid"]), 
                                          Interaction.Matrix = aop2.mat + diag(2), 
                                          IGR.Vector = aop2.IGR, 
                                          Duration = LP_duration, 
                                          threshold = LP_threshold)
FE_LP_aop2_df <- bind_cols(LP_test_df, plyr::ldply(FE_LP_aop2)) %>%
  mutate(allele = "aop2")

# AOP2
FE_LP_AOP2 <- list()
for(i in 1:length(LP_test_df$LYER)){
  FE_LP_AOP2[[i]] <- first_extinction_2sp(Initial.States = c(LYER = LP_test_df[i,"LYER"], Ptoid = LP_test_df[i,"Ptoid"]), 
                                           Interaction.Matrix = AOP2.mat + diag(2), 
                                           IGR.Vector = AOP2.IGR, 
                                           Duration = LP_duration, 
                                           threshold = LP_threshold)
FE_LP_AOP2_df <- bind_cols(LP_test_df, plyr::ldply(FE_LP_AOP2)) %>%
  mutate(allele = "AOP2")

# get observed data on initial abundances of LYER and Ptoid after BRBR went extinct
LP_actual_df <- timeseries_df %>%
  filter(BRBR_t == 0, LYER_t > 0, Ptoid_t > 0) %>%
  group_by(Cage) %>% # rich, 
  summarise_at(vars(LYER_t, Ptoid_t), list(first = first)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(#rich = rich + 1, 
         log1p_LYER_t_first = log1p(LYER_t_first),
         log1p_Ptoid_t_first = log1p(Ptoid_t_first)) %>%

The graph below shows a couple of useful things. First, our predictions hold for outside of equilibrium. That is, there is a greater likelihood of LYER-Ptoid persistence when there are genotypes with the null AOP2\(-\) allele in the population.

It’s also important to note that there is a region of parameter space where LYER goes extinct before Ptoid, which would eventually lead to the collapse of the Ptoid since it has lost its resource. This is not possible if I were to assume the community is at equilibrium.

cbPalette <-  viridis::viridis(4)

bind_rows(FE_LP_aop2_df, FE_LP_AOP2_df) %>%
  mutate(allele = factor(allele, labels = c("AOP2\u2013","AOP2+"))) %>%
  mutate(species = ifelse( == T, "Food chain persists", species),
         fspecies = factor(species, levels = c("LYER","Ptoid","Food chain persists"), labels = c("Complete collapse","Aphid only","Food chain persists"))) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = LYER, y = Ptoid, fill = fspecies)) + # fspecies
  geom_tile() +
  facet_grid(~allele) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "Critical transition", values = cbPalette[1:3]) + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1, max(LP_actual_df$log1p_LYER_t_first)), 
                  ylim = c(1, max(LP_actual_df$log1p_Ptoid_t_first))) +
  xlab("Aphid initial abundance (log scale)") +
  ylab("Parasitoid initial abundance (log scale)") +
  theme_cowplot() +
  theme(strip.background = element_blank()) 

# ggsave(filename = "figures/MAR1-nonequilibrium-foodchain-AOP2.pdf", width = 6, height = 5, device=cairo_pdf)

Remember though that our real communities are also stochastic, which is something I did not include in this non-equilibrium simulation. Below, I explicitly address stochasticity by estimating the uncertainty in our observed “mean” effects of AOP2 on structural stability.

Posterior estimates (Fig. S4)

The above is a nice visualization of the central tendency, but it doesn’t illustrate the uncertainty in the effect of AOP2 on structural stability. To get at this, I need to use the posterior samples from our model.

# note that this is virtually the same code in AOP2-LYER-Ptoid-persistence.R, but I detail
# it here for transparency and plotting.

# get posterior predictions
pp.aop2_model <- posterior_samples(aop2.brm, pars = "^b")

# calculate structural stability when aop2 = 2
aop2_stability <- apply(
  MARGIN = 1, 
  FUN = function(x) { 
    tmp.mat = matrix(c(x["b_log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t"], x["b_log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t"],
                       x["b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t"], 0), 
                     ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    tmp.r = matrix(c(x["b_log1pLYERt1_intercept"] + x["b_log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes"]*2,
                     x["b_log1pPtoidt1_intercept"] + x["b_log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes"]*2 + x["b_log1pPtoidt1_temp"]*temp.cond),
                   ncol = 1)
    FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid = as.numeric(BoundaryLYER.Ptoid(tmp.mat, tmp.r)["boundary"])
    c(FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid = FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid)
aop2_stability.df <- data.frame(
  allele = "aop2",
  posterior_sample = 1:nrow(pp.aop2_model),
  FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid = aop2_stability

# calculate structural stability when rich = 2
AOP2_stability <- apply(
  MARGIN = 1, 
  FUN = function(x) { 
    tmp.mat = matrix(c(x["b_log1pLYERt1_log1pLYER_t"], x["b_log1pLYERt1_log1pPtoid_t"],
                       x["b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pLYER_t"], 0), 
                     ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    tmp.r = matrix(c(x["b_log1pLYERt1_intercept"] + x["b_log1pLYERt1_AOP2_genotypes"]*2,
                     x["b_log1pPtoidt1_intercept"] + x["b_log1pPtoidt1_AOP2_genotypes"]*2 + x["b_log1pPtoidt1_temp"]*temp.cond),
                   ncol = 1)
    FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid = as.numeric(BoundaryLYER.Ptoid(tmp.mat, tmp.r)["boundary"]) 
    c(FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid = FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid)
AOP2_stability.df <- data.frame(
  allele = "AOP2",
  posterior_sample = 1:nrow(pp.aop2_model),
  FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid = AOP2_stability

# combine data
all.aop2_stability.df <- bind_rows(aop2_stability.df, AOP2_stability.df)

Reproduce Fig. S4

# subsample 1/8 of the posterior to make it easier to visualize
rsamp <- sample(1:8000, size = 1000)

# plot
all.aop2_stability.df %>%
  filter(posterior_sample %in% rsamp) %>%
  mutate(n.allele = as.numeric(as.factor(allele))) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = n.allele, y = FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = posterior_sample), alpha = 0.1) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "line", color = "firebrick1", size = 1) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point", color = "firebrick1", size = 1.5) +
  theme_minimal_hgrid() +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Allele", breaks = c(1,2), labels = c("AOP2\u2013", "AOP2+"), expand = c(0.1,0.1)) +
  ylab("Normalized angle from critical boundary") 

# ggsave(filename = "figures/MAR1-posterior-foodchain-AOP2.pdf", width = 6, height = 5, device=cairo_pdf)

Calculate the percentage of posterior estimates where genetic diversity increased the structural stability of the community.

# organize data
aop2_LPbound <- all.aop2_stability.df %>%
  select(allele, posterior_sample, FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid) %>%
  spread(allele, FeasibilityBoundaryLYER.Ptoid) %>%
  mutate(allele_effect = `aop2` - `AOP2`)

# calculate percentage
mean(aop2_LPbound$allele_effect > 0)
[1] 0.9995
# calculate effect size
[1] 8.399152
# note that this was all done in
aop2_LPbound_BayesP aop2_LPbound_effect 
           0.999500            8.399152 
# but I broke it down to facilitate transparency and for plotting

Let’s look at the effect of AOP2\(-\) on LYER and Ptoid’s intrinsic growth rates.

[1] 0.1882475
mean(pp.aop2_model$b_log1pLYERt1_aop2_genotypes > 0)
[1] 0.992875
[1] 0.1101749
mean(pp.aop2_model$b_log1pPtoidt1_aop2_genotypes > 0)
[1] 0.95825

Structural stability of initial food web

I use the same model as I did for the effect of AOP2 aop2.brm.

temp_model <- aop2.brm

Reproduce Fig. S1

coef.temp <- fixef(temp_model)[,"Estimate"]

# we don't include AOP2 gene value, so it estimates at zero
# for both AOP2_genotypes and aop2_genotypes, i.e., an imaginary
# allele that reflects the intercept.
temp.cond <- 3

# interaction matrix when temp = 20 C
temp20.mat <- matrix(c(0, 
                     ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

# growth rates when temp = 20 C
temp20.IGR <- matrix(c(coef.temp["log1pBRBRt1_intercept"],
                     ncol = 1)

# interaction matrix when temp = 23 C
temp23.mat <- matrix(c(0, 
                       coef.temp["log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t"] + coef.temp["log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp"]*temp.cond,
                       0,# constrained to biologically reasonable value of zero, rather than negative estimate # coef.temp["log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t"] + coef.temp["log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp"]*3,
                     ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

# growth rates when temp = 23 C
temp23.IGR <- matrix(c(0.1, # constrained to biological reasonable value of 0.1, rather than negative estimate # coef.temp["log1pBRBRt1_intercept"] + coef.temp["log1pBRBRt1_temp"]*temp.cond,
                       coef.temp["log1pPtoidt1_intercept"] + coef.temp["log1pPtoidt1_temp"]*temp.cond),
                     ncol = 1)

# assess feasibility
-1*inv(temp20.mat) %*% temp20.IGR # all species persist
[1,] 3.684269
[2,] 4.544427
[3,] 1.827313
-1*inv(temp23.mat) %*% temp23.IGR # BRBR goes extinct
[1,] -7.2344347
[2,]  2.5306054
[3,]  0.2534261
# plot structural stability
constraints.matrix <- matrix(c(-1,0,0,
                             ncol = 3, byrow = T)
PlotFeasibilityDomain3sp(A = list(temp20.mat, temp23.mat, constraints.matrix),
                         r = list(temp20.IGR, temp23.IGR, temp23.IGR), # IGR doesn't matter for constraints
                         A.color = c("steelblue","firebrick1","grey"),
                         r.color = c("steelblue","firebrick1","grey"),
                         normalize = TRUE,
                         sphere.alpha = 0,
                         arc.width = c(2,2,2),
                         barb.n = 2,
                         species.labels = c("B","L","P")) 
# add axes
rgl.lines(x = c(0,1.1), y = c(0,0), z = c(0,0), color = "black", lwd = 3)
rgl.lines(x = c(0,0), y = c(1.1,0), z = c(0,0), color = "black", lwd = 3)
rgl.lines(x = c(0,0), y = c(0,0), z = c(-1.1,0), color = "black", lwd = 3)

# visualize in .html file
# note that I reproduce this visualization in `code/temperature-structural-stability-fig.R`
RGL scene containing:
  material: default material properties
  objects:  list of 40 object(s):
             surface text text text linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip points text text text linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip points text text text linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip linestrip points lines lines lines light background background 
  root: a root subscene

From the above figure, it appears that the L-P boundary determines the feasibility of the community (alpha.A23 below). Therefore, I focus on estimating the normalized angle of the intrinsic growth rate from this critical boundary.

# calculate angle from critical boundary L-P for 23 C community
FeasibilityBoundary(temp23.mat, temp23.IGR)["alpha.A23"] 

Posterior estimates

# get posterior predictions
pp.temp_model <- posterior_samples(temp_model, pars = "^b")

Inspect parameter estimates to ensure they are biologically reasonable.

# most BRBR intrinsic growth rates are predicted to become negative with warming,
# which is not biological realistic. I will constrain these to a small positive value of 0.1
pp.temp_model %>%
  mutate(pp_ID = 1:nrow(.),
         r_BRBR_20 = b_log1pBRBRt1_intercept,
         r_BRBR_23 = b_log1pBRBRt1_intercept + b_log1pBRBRt1_temp*3) %>%
  select(pp_ID, r_BRBR_20, r_BRBR_23) %>%
  gather(key = temp, value = r, -pp_ID) %>%
  filter(pp_ID %in% rsamp) %>% # subsample to avoid crowding plot
  ggplot(., aes(x = temp, y = r)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = pp_ID), alpha = 0.1) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point", col = "red", size = 2) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted", color = "red") 

# the effect of BRBR on the parasitoid at warmer temperatures apparently
# becomes negative quite frequnetly. Rather than setting it to zero, I used a more conservative
# approach, by constraining the lower bound to zero, allowing positive effects
# in the posterior samples.
pp.temp_model %>%
  mutate(pp_ID = 1:nrow(.),
         BRBR_Ptoid_20 = b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t,
         BRBR_Ptoid_23 = b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t + `b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp`*3) %>%
  select(pp_ID, BRBR_Ptoid_20, BRBR_Ptoid_23) %>%
  gather(key = temp, value = inter, -pp_ID) %>%
  filter(pp_ID %in% rsamp) %>% # subsample to avoid crowding plot
  ggplot(., aes(x = temp, y = inter)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = pp_ID), alpha = 0.1) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point", col = "red", size = 2) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted", color = "red")

# rarely is the parasitoid's intrinsic growth rate estimated as positive, 
# althought it should be negative
pp.temp_model %>%
  mutate(pp_ID = 1:nrow(.),
         r_BRBR_20 = b_log1pPtoidt1_intercept,
         r_BRBR_23 = b_log1pPtoidt1_intercept + b_log1pPtoidt1_temp*3) %>%
  select(pp_ID, r_BRBR_20, r_BRBR_23) %>%
  gather(key = temp, value = r, -pp_ID) %>%
  # use all samples to see occasional unrealistic estimate # filter(pp_ID %in% rsamp) %>% # subsample to avoid crowding plot
  ggplot(., aes(x = temp, y = r)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = pp_ID), alpha = 0.1) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point", col = "red", size = 2) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted", color = "red") 

Note that some of the posterior samples can be biologically unfeasible, such as aphids with negative intrinsic growth rates. I restrict our inference to those parameters that are feasible. For example, if an aphid’s intrinsic growth rate was estimated as negative, I manually set it to a small positive value of 0.1. In terms of the interactions, I ensured that any apparent negative effects of aphids on the parasitoids was unrealistic, so I constrained this parameter to be zero or positive.

Note that if I went ahead without this biological restriction, our results remain qualitatively the same.

# get posterior samples of structural stability
temp20C_stability <- apply(
  MARGIN = 1, 
  FUN = function(x) { 
    tmp.mat = matrix(c(0,
                     ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
    # constrain BRBR-Ptoid interaction to a min of zero
    if(tmp.mat[3,1] < 0){
       tmp.mat[3,1] <- 0
    tmp.r = matrix(c(x["b_log1pBRBRt1_intercept"],
                   ncol = 1)
    # constrain BRBR intrinsic growth rate to positive values
    if(tmp.r[1] < 0){
      tmp.r[1] <- 0.1 # small positive value
    # constrain Ptoid intrinsic growth rate to negative values
    if(tmp.r[3] > 0){
      tmp.r[3] <- -0.1 # small negative value
    Feasibility = as.numeric(FeasibilityBoundary(tmp.mat, tmp.r)["feasibility"])
    FeasibilityBoundary23 = as.numeric(FeasibilityBoundary(tmp.mat, tmp.r)["alpha.A23"])
    Extinctions = paste0(which(-1*inv(tmp.mat) %*% tmp.r < 0), collapse = ",")
    Resilience = max(Re(eigen((tmp.mat + diag(3)))$values))
    list(tmp.mat = tmp.mat,
         tmp.r = tmp.r,
         Feasibility = Feasibility,
         FeasibilityBoundary23 = FeasibilityBoundary23,
         Extinctions = Extinctions,
         Resilience = Resilience)
temp20C_stability.df <- data.frame(
  temp = "20 C",
  posterior_sample = 1:nrow(pp.temp_model),
  Feasibility = unlist(lapply(temp20C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$Feasibility)),
  FeasibilityBoundary23 = unlist(lapply(temp20C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$FeasibilityBoundary23)),
  Extinctions = unlist(lapply(temp20C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$Extinctions)),
  Resilience = unlist(lapply(temp20C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$Resilience))

temp23C_stability <- apply(
  MARGIN = 1, 
  FUN = function(x) { 
    tmp.mat = matrix(c(0,#x["b_log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t"] + x["b_log1pBRBRt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp"]*3, 
                       x["b_log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t"] + x["b_log1pBRBRt1_log1pPtoid_t:temp"]*3,
                       x["b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t"] + x["b_log1pPtoidt1_log1pBRBR_t:temp"]*3, 
                     ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
    # constrain BRBR-Ptoid interaction to a min of zero
    if(tmp.mat[3,1] < 0){
       tmp.mat[3,1] <- 0
    tmp.r = matrix(c(x["b_log1pBRBRt1_intercept"] + x["b_log1pBRBRt1_temp"]*3,
                     x["b_log1pPtoidt1_intercept"] + x["b_log1pPtoidt1_temp"]*3),
                   ncol = 1)
    # constrain BRBR intrinsic growth rate to positive values
    if(tmp.r[1] < 0){
      tmp.r[1] <- 0.1 # small positive value
    # constrain Ptoid intrinsic growth rate to negative values
    if(tmp.r[3] > 0){
      tmp.r[3] <- -0.1 # small negative value
    Feasibility = as.numeric(FeasibilityBoundary(tmp.mat, tmp.r)["feasibility"])
    FeasibilityBoundary23 = as.numeric(FeasibilityBoundary(tmp.mat, tmp.r)["alpha.A23"])
    Extinctions = paste0(which(-1*inv(tmp.mat) %*% tmp.r < 0), collapse = ",")
    Resilience = max(Re(eigen((tmp.mat + diag(3)))$values))
    list(tmp.mat = tmp.mat,
         tmp.r = tmp.r,
         Feasibility = Feasibility,
         FeasibilityBoundary23 = FeasibilityBoundary23,
         Extinctions = Extinctions,
         Resilience = Resilience)
temp23C_stability.df <- data.frame(
  temp = "23 C",
  posterior_sample = 1:nrow(pp.temp_model),
  Feasibility = unlist(lapply(temp23C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$Feasibility)),
  FeasibilityBoundary23 = unlist(lapply(temp23C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$FeasibilityBoundary23)),
  Extinctions = unlist(lapply(temp23C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$Extinctions)),
  Resilience = unlist(lapply(temp23C_stability, FUN = function(x) x$Resilience))

all.temp_stability.df <- bind_rows(temp20C_stability.df, temp23C_stability.df) 

Reproduce Fig. S2

# Boundary determined by LYER-Ptoid (23)
all.temp_stability.df %>%
  filter(posterior_sample %in% rsamp) %>% # plot subset of posterior for easier visualization
  mutate(n.temp = as.numeric(as.factor(temp))) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = n.temp, y = FeasibilityBoundary23)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = posterior_sample), alpha = 0.1) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "line", color = "red", size = 1) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point", color = "red", size = 1.5) +
  theme_minimal_hgrid() +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Temperature", breaks = c(1,2), labels = c("20 C", "23 C"), expand = c(0.1,0.1)) +
  ylab("Normalized angle from critical boundary")

# ggsave(filename = "figures/MAR1-posterior-initial-temp.pdf", height = 5, width = 6)

## calculate percentage of posterior estimates where temperature decreases structural stability
# organize data
FeasibilityBoundary23_df <- all.temp_stability.df %>%
  select(temp, posterior_sample, FeasibilityBoundary23) %>%
  spread(key = temp, value = FeasibilityBoundary23) %>%
  mutate(Diff = `23 C` - `20 C`)
# calculate percentage
mean(FeasibilityBoundary23_df$Diff < 0)
[1] 1

Non-equilibrium simulation (Fig. S3)

noneq_temp20 <- SimulateCommunityDynamics(IGR.Vector = temp20.IGR, Interaction.Matrix = (temp20.mat + diag(3)), Duration = 9) %>% mutate(temp = "20 C")

noneq_temp23 <- SimulateCommunityDynamics(IGR.Vector = temp23.IGR, Interaction.Matrix = (temp23.mat + diag(3)), Duration = 7) %>% mutate(temp = "23 C")

bind_rows(noneq_temp20, noneq_temp23) %>%
  gather(Species, value = "Abundance", -Week, - temp) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Week, y = Abundance, color = Species)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~temp, ncol = 1) +
  theme_minimal_hgrid() +
  ylab("Abundance (log scale)") +
  scale_color_viridis_d(labels = c("B. brassicae","L. erysimi","D. rapae"))

# ggsave(filename = "figures/MAR1-nonequilibrium-initial-temp.pdf", height = 5, width = 6)

Save analysis

Write out an .RData file to use for the Supplementary Online Materiak.

save.image(file = "output/structural-stability-keystone.RData")

R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/libblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/

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