Last updated: 2021-06-24

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: genes-to-foodweb-stability/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
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    Ignored:    output/.Rapp.history

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  .genes-to-foodweb-stability.Rproj.swp
    Untracked:  analysis/foodweb-persistence.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/foodweb-transitions.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/plant-growth-no-insects-lme.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/prep-timeseries.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/structural-stability.Rmd
    Untracked:  code/summarize_stability_metrics.R
    Untracked:  data/InsectAbundanceSurvival.csv
    Untracked:  data/insect_abundance_data_2018-09-26_underneathleaf.csv
    Untracked:  figures/MAR1-parameter-plot.pdf
    Untracked:  figures/aop2-genos-coxadjcurve.pdf
    Untracked:  figures/aop2-genotypes-multistate.pdf
    Untracked:  figures/cage-dynamics-20C.pdf
    Untracked:  figures/cage-dynamics-23C.pdf
    Untracked:  figures/keystone-coxadjcurve.pdf
    Untracked:  figures/keystone-effect-model-comparison-ratio.pdf
    Untracked:  output/all.mar1.brm.adj.rds
    Untracked:  output/all.mar1.brm.unadj.ar2.lag.rds
    Untracked:  output/all.mar1.brm.unadj.noBRBRonLYER.rds
    Untracked:  output/all.mar1.brm.unadj.rds
    Untracked:  output/all.mar1.brm.unadj.xAOP2.rds
    Untracked:  output/initial.mar1.brm.adj.rds
    Untracked:  output/initial.mar1.brm.unadj.rds
    Untracked:  output/time-series-data.RData

Unstaged changes:
    Deleted:    analysis/about.Rmd
    Deleted:    analysis/community-persistence-keystone.Rmd
    Deleted:    analysis/critical-transitions-keystone.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/index.Rmd
    Deleted:    analysis/plant-growth-no-insects.Rmd
    Deleted:    analysis/structural-stability-keystone.Rmd
    Deleted:    code/AOP2-LYER-Ptoid-persistence.R
    Modified:   code/
    Deleted:    code/glm-ftest.R
    Modified:   code/plot-feasibility-domain.R
    Deleted:    code/prep-time-series.R
    Modified:   code/simulate-community-dynamics.R
    Deleted:    code/temperature-structural-stability-fig.R
    Modified:   data/
    Deleted:    data/arabidopsis_clean_df.csv
    Modified:   figures/AOP2-growth-no-insects.pdf
    Modified:   figures/MAR1-nonequilibrium-foodchain-AOP2.pdf
    Deleted:    figures/MAR1-nonequilibrium-initial-temp.pdf
    Modified:   figures/MAR1-posterior-foodchain-AOP2.pdf
    Deleted:    figures/MAR1-posterior-initial-temp.pdf
    Deleted:    figures/initial-foodweb-structural-stability.png
    Modified:   figures/keystone-gene.pdf
    Modified:   figures/keystone-structural-stability-forkeynote.pdf
    Modified:   output/
    Deleted:    output/
    Deleted:    output/plant-growth-no-insects.RData
    Deleted:    output/reduced.1.brm.keystone.rds
    Deleted:    output/reduced.2.brm.keystone.rds
    Deleted:    output/reduced.3.brm.keystone.rds
    Deleted:    output/reduced.4.brm.keystone.rds
    Deleted:    output/reduced.5.brm.keystone.rds
    Deleted:    output/reduced.6.brm.keystone.rds
    Deleted:    output/timeseries_df.csv

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There are no past versions. Publish this analysis with wflow_publish() to start tracking its development.

Wrangle data

# Load and manage data
df <- read_csv("data/InsectAbundanceSurvival.csv") %>%
  # renaming for brevity
  rename(cage = Cage, 
         com = Composition,
         week = Week,
         temp = Temperature,
         rich = Richness) %>%
  mutate(cage = as.character(cage),
         fweek = factor(ifelse(week < 10, paste("0", week, sep=""), week)),
         temp = ifelse(temp=="20 C", 0, 1)) %>%
  arrange(cage, week)

# create data for multi-state survival analysis
state_df <- df %>%
  # counter information is not relevant (because it is the same), so we summarise across it
  group_by(cage, fweek, week, temp, rich, Col, gsm1, AOP2, AOP2.gsoh, com) %>% 
  summarise_at(vars(BRBR_Survival, LYER_Survival, Mummy_Ptoids_Survival), list(mean)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  # create possible food-web states
  mutate(BRBR = ifelse(BRBR_Survival == 1, "BRBR", ifelse(BRBR_Survival == 0, "0", NA)),
         LYER = ifelse(LYER_Survival == 1, "LYER", ifelse(LYER_Survival == 0, "0", NA)),
         Ptoid = ifelse(Mummy_Ptoids_Survival == 1, "Ptoid", ifelse(Mummy_Ptoids_Survival == 0, "0", NA))) %>%
  mutate(state = paste(BRBR, LYER, Ptoid, sep = "-"),
         cage = as.character(cage)) %>%
  # these variables are no longer needed
  select(-BRBR, -LYER, -Ptoid) %>%
  # remove all instances where all species have been labelled extinct for more than 1 week "NA-NA-NA".
  # also, only keep observations after 2 weeks when we added the parasitoid (full community)
  filter(state != "NA-NA-NA", week > 2) %>%
  mutate(week_since = week - 2) 

# replace NA with zeros for state variable
state_df$state <- gsub("NA","0", state_df$state)

# everything appears in order
arrange(state_df, cage, week_since) %>% select(cage, week_since, BRBR_Survival, LYER_Survival, Mummy_Ptoids_Survival, state) 
# A tibble: 710 x 6
   cage  week_since BRBR_Survival LYER_Survival Mummy_Ptoids_Surviv… state      
   <chr>      <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>                <dbl> <chr>      
 1 1              1             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
 2 1              2             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
 3 1              3             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
 4 1              4             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
 5 1              5             0             0                    1 0-0-Ptoid  
 6 1              6            NA            NA                    0 0-0-0      
 7 10             1             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
 8 10             2             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
 9 10             3             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
10 10             4             1             1                    1 BRBR-LYER-…
# … with 700 more rows

Multi-state Markov model with msm

# state transitions for all cages and time points
msm::statetable.msm(state = state, subject = cage, data = state_df)
from              0-0-0 0-0-Ptoid 0-LYER-0 0-LYER-Ptoid BRBR-LYER-Ptoid
  0-0-Ptoid          22         7        0            0               0
  0-LYER-0            1         0      131            0               0
  0-LYER-Ptoid        5        12       26          242               0
  BRBR-LYER-Ptoid     0        10        0           50             144
# turn state into numeric values, which is necessary for the analysis
state_df$state_type <- with(state_df, ifelse(state == "BRBR-LYER-Ptoid", 1,
                                             ifelse(state == "0-LYER-Ptoid", 2,
                                                    ifelse(state == "0-LYER-0", 3,
                                                           ifelse(state == "0-0-Ptoid", 4,
                                                                  ifelse(state == "0-0-0", 5, NA))))))
# no NAs
which($state_type) == T)
# inspect states
statetable.msm(state = state_type, subject = cage, data = state_df)
from   1   2   3   4   5
   1 144  50   0  10   0
   2   0 242  26  12   5
   3   0   0 131   0   1
   4   0   0   0   7  22
# specify allowed transitions
Q <- rbind(c(0,1,0,1,0),

# give informative labels
rownames(Q) <- colnames(Q) <- c("1-1-1","0-1-1","0-1-0","0-0-1","0-0-0")

# everything appears in order
      1-1-1 0-1-1 0-1-0 0-0-1 0-0-0
1-1-1     0     1     0     1     0
0-1-1     0     0     1     1     0
0-1-0     0     0     0     0     1
0-0-1     0     0     0     0     1
0-0-0     0     0     0     0     0
# we use this initial transition matrix by specifying "gen.inits = T" in msm model
crudeinits.msm(state_type ~ week_since, subject = cage, data = state_df, qmatrix = Q)
           1-1-1      0-1-1        0-1-0       0-0-1       0-0-0
1-1-1 -0.2941176  0.2450980  0.000000000  0.04901961 0.000000000
0-1-1  0.0000000 -0.1333333  0.091228070  0.04210526 0.000000000
0-1-0  0.0000000  0.0000000 -0.007575758  0.00000000 0.007575758
0-0-1  0.0000000  0.0000000  0.000000000 -0.75862069 0.758620690
0-0-0  0.0000000  0.0000000  0.000000000  0.00000000 0.000000000
# fit model
AOP2_foodweb.msm <- msm(state_type ~ week_since, 
                         subject = cage, 
                         data = state_df, 
                         qmatrix = Q, 
                         gen.inits = TRUE,
                         # for "3-5" (aphid alone to collapse) and "4-5" (ptoid alone to collapse), 
                         # I don't expect there to be any genetic effects, because the aphid alone 
                         # will likely persist regardless of plant genetics. similarly, a parasitoid
                         # population without any aphids will inevitably go extinct. 
                          covariates = list("1-2" =~ I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh),
                                            "1-4" =~ I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh),
                                            "2-3" =~ I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh),
                                            "2-4" =~ I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh)),
                          obstype = 1)

# hazard ratios for each food-web transition
$`I(Col + gsm1)`
                     HR         L         U
1-1-1 - 0-1-1 0.9442035 0.6251704 1.4260437
1-1-1 - 0-0-1 0.9222300 0.2975583 2.8582907
0-1-1 - 0-1-0 0.8370570 0.4655484 1.5050303
0-1-1 - 0-0-1 0.3292210 0.1483872 0.7304303
0-1-0 - 0-0-0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
0-0-1 - 0-0-0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000

$`I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh)`
                     HR         L        U
1-1-1 - 0-1-1 0.9732554 0.6506339 1.455851
1-1-1 - 0-0-1 1.2270368 0.3875724 3.884743
0-1-1 - 0-1-0 0.8579613 0.4747299 1.550561
0-1-1 - 0-0-1 0.7437616 0.2954229 1.872506
0-1-0 - 0-0-0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000
0-0-1 - 0-0-0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000

Reproduce Fig. S4

# for coxph analysis (multistate), this may not be completely necessary
AJ_state_df <- state_df %>%
  # convert Ptoid only state to collapsed state, which is inevitable
  mutate(state_adj = ifelse(state == "0-0-Ptoid", "0-0-0", state)) %>%
  # convert state into a factor for analysis
  mutate(fstate = factor(state_adj, levels = c("BRBR-LYER-Ptoid","0-LYER-Ptoid","0-LYER-0","0-0-0"))) %>%
  mutate(rich_temp = paste(rich, temp, sep = "_")) %>%
  mutate(aop2_genotypes = factor(Col+gsm1, levels = c(0,1,2), labels = c("AOP2\u2013 = 0", "AOP2\u2013 = 1", "AOP2\u2013 = 2")))

# get food-web transitions as a function of number of aop2 genotypes
aop2_AJ <- survfit(Surv(I(week_since-1), week_since, fstate) ~ aop2_genotypes, data = AJ_state_df, id = cage)
tidy_aop2_AJ <- tidy(aop2_AJ)
tidy_aop2_AJ$strata <- sub(pattern = "aop2_genotypes=", replacement = "", x = tidy_aop2_AJ$strata)

# plot
plot_aop2_genotypes_multistate <- ggplot(tidy_aop2_AJ, aes(x = time + 2, y = estimate)) +
  geom_area(aes(fill = state)) +
  facet_wrap(~strata) +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Food-web state", labels = c("Arabidopsis only","Aphid only","Food chain","Initial")) +
  xlab("Week of experiment") +
x11(); plot_aop2_genotypes_multistate
#ggsave(plot = plot_aop2_genotypes_multistate, filename = "figures/aop2-genotypes-multistate.pdf", width = 6, height = 5, device=cairo_pdf)

Assess robustness of AOP2 effect on food chain persistence

## Organize data for analysis

# LYER-Ptoid cages at least at one time point
LP_cages <- unique(filter(state_df, state == "0-LYER-Ptoid")$cage)
# should be 50 cages, and it is
[1] 50
# filter and manage data
LP_transit_df <- state_df %>% 
  filter(cage %in% LP_cages, state != "BRBR-LYER-Ptoid") %>%
  # omit BRBR from consideration
  select(-BRBR_Survival) %>% 
  # omit rows where we already know either LYER or Ptoid went extinct
  na.omit() %>% 
  mutate(# assume these two states are the same, i.e. to get to 0-0-0, had to go through 0-0-Ptoid
         state_adj = ifelse(state %in% c("0-0-Ptoid","0-0-0"), "0-0-Ptoid", state))

# confirm levels
unique(LP_transit_df$state_adj) #fstate)
[1] "0-LYER-Ptoid" "0-LYER-0"     "0-0-Ptoid"   
# get start times after BRBR went extinct
get_LP_transit_start <- LP_transit_df %>%
  group_by(cage) %>%
  arrange(week_since) %>%
  mutate(start = first(week_since)) 

# all looks in order
get_LP_transit_start %>% arrange(cage) %>% data.frame()
    cage fweek week temp rich Col gsm1 AOP2 AOP2.gsoh            com
1     12    07    7    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
2     12    08    8    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
3     12    09    9    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
4     12    10   10    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
5     12    11   11    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
6     12    12   12    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
7     12    13   13    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
8     12    14   14    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
9     12    15   15    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
10    12    16   16    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
11    12    17   17    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
12    13    06    6    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
13    13    07    7    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
14    13    08    8    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
15    13    09    9    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
16    13    10   10    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
17    13    11   11    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
18    13    12   12    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
19    13    13   13    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
20    13    14   14    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
21    13    15   15    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
22    13    16   16    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
23    13    17   17    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
24    14    08    8    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
25    14    09    9    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
26    14    10   10    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
27    15    07    7    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
28    15    08    8    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
29    15    09    9    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
30    15    10   10    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
31    15    11   11    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
32    15    12   12    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
33    15    13   13    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
34    15    14   14    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
35    15    15   15    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
36    17    08    8    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
37    17    09    9    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
38    18    07    7    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
39    18    08    8    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
40    18    09    9    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
41    18    10   10    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
42    18    11   11    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
43    18    12   12    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
44    18    13   13    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
45    18    14   14    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
46    18    15   15    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
47    18    16   16    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
48    20    07    7    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
49    20    08    8    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
50    20    09    9    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
51    20    10   10    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
52    20    11   11    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
53    20    12   12    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
54    20    13   13    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
55    22    07    7    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
56    22    08    8    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
57    23    07    7    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
58    23    08    8    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
59    23    09    9    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
60    23    10   10    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
61    23    11   11    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
62    23    12   12    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
63    23    13   13    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
64    23    14   14    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
65    23    15   15    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
66    23    16   16    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
67    25    06    6    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
68    25    07    7    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
69    25    08    8    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
70    26    07    7    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
71    26    08    8    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
72    27    07    7    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
73    27    08    8    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
74    28    06    6    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
75    28    07    7    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
76    28    08    8    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
77    29    06    6    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
78    29    07    7    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
79    29    08    8    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
80    29    09    9    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
81    29    10   10    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
82    29    11   11    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
83    29    12   12    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
84    29    13   13    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
85    29    14   14    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
86    29    15   15    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
87    30    08    8    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
88    30    09    9    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
89    30    10   10    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
90    30    11   11    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
91    30    12   12    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
92    30    13   13    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
93    30    14   14    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
94    31    07    7    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
95    31    08    8    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
96    31    09    9    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
97    31    10   10    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
98    31    11   11    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
99    31    12   12    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
100   31    13   13    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
101   31    14   14    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
102   32    05    5    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
103   32    06    6    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
104   32    07    7    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
105   32    08    8    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
106   32    09    9    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
107   32    10   10    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
108   32    11   11    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
109   32    12   12    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
110   32    13   13    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
111   32    14   14    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
112   32    15   15    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
113   33    05    5    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
114   33    06    6    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
115   33    07    7    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
116   33    08    8    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
117   33    09    9    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
118   33    10   10    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
119   34    06    6    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
120   34    07    7    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
121   34    08    8    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
122   34    09    9    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
123   35    06    6    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
124   35    07    7    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
125   36    04    4    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
126   36    05    5    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
127   36    06    6    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
128   36    07    7    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
129   36    08    8    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
130   36    09    9    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
131   36    10   10    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
132   36    11   11    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
133   36    12   12    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
134   36    13   13    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
135   36    14   14    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
136   36    15   15    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
137   37    06    6    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
138   37    07    7    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
139   37    08    8    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
140   37    09    9    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
141   37    10   10    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
142   37    11   11    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
143   37    12   12    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
144   37    13   13    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
145   37    14   14    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
146   37    15   15    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
147   37    16   16    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
148   37    17   17    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
149   38    04    4    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
150   38    05    5    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
151   38    06    6    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
152   38    07    7    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
153   38    08    8    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
154   38    09    9    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
155   38    10   10    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
156   38    11   11    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
157   38    12   12    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
158   38    13   13    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
159   38    14   14    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
160   39    07    7    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
161   39    08    8    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
162   39    09    9    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
163    4    07    7    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
164    4    08    8    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
165    4    09    9    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
166   40    04    4    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
167   40    05    5    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
168   40    06    6    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
169   40    07    7    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
170   40    08    8    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
171   40    09    9    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
172   40    10   10    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
173   40    11   11    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
174   40    12   12    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
175   40    13   13    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
176   40    14   14    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
177   40    15   15    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
178   40    16   16    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
179   41    08    8    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
180   41    09    9    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
181   41    10   10    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
182   42    06    6    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
183   42    07    7    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
184   43    06    6    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
185   43    07    7    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
186   43    08    8    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
187   43    09    9    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
188   43    10   10    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
189   43    11   11    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
190   43    12   12    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
191   45    06    6    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
192   45    07    7    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
193   45    08    8    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
194   45    09    9    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
195   45    10   10    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
196   45    11   11    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
197   45    12   12    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
198   45    13   13    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
199   45    14   14    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
200   45    15   15    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
201   45    16   16    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
202   45    17   17    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
203   46    06    6    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
204   46    07    7    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
205   46    08    8    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
206   47    04    4    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
207   47    05    5    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
208   47    06    6    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
209   47    07    7    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
210   47    08    8    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
211   47    09    9    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
212   47    10   10    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
213   47    11   11    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
214   47    12   12    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
215   47    13   13    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
216   47    14   14    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
217   47    15   15    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
218   48    06    6    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
219   48    07    7    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
220   48    08    8    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
221   48    09    9    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
222   49    07    7    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
223   49    08    8    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
224   49    09    9    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
225   49    10   10    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
226   49    11   11    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
227   49    12   12    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
228   49    13   13    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
229    5    08    8    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
230    5    09    9    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
231    5    10   10    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
232    5    11   11    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
233    5    12   12    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
234    5    13   13    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
235    5    14   14    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
236    5    15   15    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
237    5    16   16    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
238   50    06    6    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
239   50    07    7    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
240   50    08    8    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
241   50    09    9    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
242   50    10   10    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
243   50    11   11    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
244   50    12   12    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
245   50    13   13    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
246   50    14   14    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
247   50    15   15    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
248   50    16   16    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
249   50    17   17    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
250   51    05    5    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
251   51    06    6    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
252   51    07    7    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
253   52    05    5    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
254   52    06    6    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
255   52    07    7    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
256   52    08    8    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
257   52    09    9    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
258   52    10   10    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
259   52    11   11    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
260   53    08    8    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
261   53    09    9    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
262   53    10   10    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
263   53    11   11    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
264   53    12   12    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
265   53    13   13    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
266   53    14   14    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
267   53    15   15    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
268   53    16   16    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
269   53    17   17    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
270   54    04    4    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
271   54    05    5    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
272   54    06    6    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
273   54    07    7    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
274   54    08    8    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
275   54    09    9    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
276   54    10   10    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
277   54    11   11    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
278   54    12   12    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
279   54    13   13    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
280   54    14   14    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
281   54    15   15    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
282   55    07    7    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
283   55    08    8    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
284   56    06    6    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
285   56    07    7    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
286   57    06    6    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
287   57    07    7    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
288   58    05    5    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
289   58    06    6    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
290   58    07    7    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
291   58    08    8    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
292   58    09    9    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
293   58    10   10    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
294   58    11   11    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
295   58    12   12    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
296   58    13   13    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
297   58    14   14    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
298   58    15   15    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
299   58    16   16    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
300   58    17   17    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
301   59    05    5    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
302   59    06    6    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
303   59    07    7    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
304   59    08    8    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
305   59    09    9    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
306   59    10   10    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
307   59    11   11    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
308   59    12   12    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
309    6    07    7    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
310    6    08    8    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
311    6    09    9    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
312    6    10   10    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
313    6    11   11    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
314    6    12   12    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
315    6    13   13    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
316    6    14   14    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
317    6    15   15    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
318    6    16   16    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
319   60    05    5    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
320   60    06    6    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
321   60    07    7    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
322    7    07    7    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
323    7    08    8    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
324    8    06    6    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
325    8    07    7    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
326    8    08    8    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
327    9    07    7    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
328    9    08    8    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
329    9    09    9    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
330    9    10   10    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
331    9    11   11    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
332    9    12   12    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
333    9    13   13    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
334    9    14   14    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
335    9    15   15    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
    LYER_Survival Mummy_Ptoids_Survival        state week_since state_type
1               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
2               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
3               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
4               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
5               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
6               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
7               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
8               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
9               1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
10              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
11              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
12              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
13              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
14              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
15              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
16              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
17              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
18              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
19              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
20              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
21              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
22              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
23              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
24              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
25              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
26              1                     0     0-LYER-0          8          3
27              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
28              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
29              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
30              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
31              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
32              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
33              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
34              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
35              0                     1    0-0-Ptoid         13          4
36              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
37              1                     0     0-LYER-0          7          3
38              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
39              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
40              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
41              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
42              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
43              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
44              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
45              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
46              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
47              0                     1    0-0-Ptoid         14          4
48              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
49              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
50              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
51              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
52              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
53              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
54              1                     0     0-LYER-0         11          3
55              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
56              1                     0     0-LYER-0          6          3
57              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
58              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
59              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
60              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
61              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
62              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
63              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
64              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
65              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
66              1                     0     0-LYER-0         14          3
67              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
68              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
69              0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          6          4
70              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
71              0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          6          4
72              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
73              0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          6          4
74              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
75              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
76              0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          6          4
77              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
78              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
79              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
80              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
81              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
82              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
83              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
84              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
85              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
86              0                     0        0-0-0         13          5
87              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
88              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
89              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
90              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
91              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
92              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
93              1                     0     0-LYER-0         12          3
94              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
95              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
96              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
97              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
98              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
99              1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
100             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
101             1                     0     0-LYER-0         12          3
102             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
103             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
104             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
105             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
106             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
107             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
108             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
109             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
110             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
111             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
112             1                     0     0-LYER-0         13          3
113             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
114             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
115             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
116             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
117             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
118             1                     0     0-LYER-0          8          3
119             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
120             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
121             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
122             1                     0     0-LYER-0          7          3
123             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
124             1                     0     0-LYER-0          5          3
125             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          2          2
126             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
127             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
128             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
129             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
130             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
131             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
132             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
133             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
134             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
135             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
136             0                     0        0-0-0         13          5
137             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
138             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
139             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
140             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
141             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
142             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
143             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
144             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
145             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
146             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
147             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
148             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
149             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          2          2
150             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
151             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
152             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
153             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
154             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
155             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
156             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
157             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
158             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
159             1                     0     0-LYER-0         12          3
160             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
161             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
162             1                     0     0-LYER-0          7          3
163             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
164             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
165             1                     0     0-LYER-0          7          3
166             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          2          2
167             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
168             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
169             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
170             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
171             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
172             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
173             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
174             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
175             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
176             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
177             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
178             1                     0     0-LYER-0         14          3
179             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
180             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
181             1                     0     0-LYER-0          8          3
182             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
183             0                     0        0-0-0          5          5
184             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
185             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
186             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
187             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
188             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
189             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
190             1                     0     0-LYER-0         10          3
191             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
192             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
193             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
194             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
195             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
196             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
197             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
198             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
199             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
200             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
201             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
202             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
203             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
204             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
205             1                     0     0-LYER-0          6          3
206             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          2          2
207             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
208             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
209             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
210             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
211             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
212             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
213             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
214             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
215             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
216             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
217             1                     0     0-LYER-0         13          3
218             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
219             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
220             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
221             1                     0     0-LYER-0          7          3
222             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
223             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
224             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
225             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
226             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
227             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
228             1                     0     0-LYER-0         11          3
229             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
230             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
231             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
232             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
233             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
234             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
235             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
236             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
237             1                     0     0-LYER-0         14          3
238             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
239             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
240             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
241             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
242             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
243             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
244             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
245             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
246             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
247             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
248             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
249             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
250             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
251             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
252             0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          5          4
253             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
254             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
255             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
256             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
257             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
258             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
259             1                     0     0-LYER-0          9          3
260             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
261             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
262             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
263             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
264             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
265             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
266             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
267             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
268             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
269             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
270             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          2          2
271             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
272             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
273             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
274             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
275             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
276             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
277             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
278             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
279             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
280             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
281             0                     1    0-0-Ptoid         13          4
282             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
283             0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          6          4
284             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
285             0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          5          4
286             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
287             0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          5          4
288             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
289             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
290             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
291             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
292             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
293             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
294             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
295             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
296             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
297             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
298             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
299             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         14          2
300             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         15          2
301             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
302             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
303             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
304             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
305             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
306             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
307             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
308             1                     0     0-LYER-0         10          3
309             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
310             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
311             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
312             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
313             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
314             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
315             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
316             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
317             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         13          2
318             0                     0        0-0-0         14          5
319             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          3          2
320             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
321             0                     1    0-0-Ptoid          5          4
322             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
323             1                     0     0-LYER-0          6          3
324             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          4          2
325             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
326             0                     0        0-0-0          6          5
327             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          5          2
328             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          6          2
329             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          7          2
330             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          8          2
331             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid          9          2
332             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         10          2
333             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         11          2
334             1                     1 0-LYER-Ptoid         12          2
335             1                     0     0-LYER-0         13          3
       state_adj start
1   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
2   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
3   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
4   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
5   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
6   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
7   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
8   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
9   0-LYER-Ptoid     5
10  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
11  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
12  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
13  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
14  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
15  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
16  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
17  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
18  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
19  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
20  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
21  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
22  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
23  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
24  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
25  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
26      0-LYER-0     6
27  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
28  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
29  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
30  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
31  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
32  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
33  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
34  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
35     0-0-Ptoid     5
36  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
37      0-LYER-0     6
38  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
39  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
40  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
41  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
42  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
43  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
44  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
45  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
46  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
47     0-0-Ptoid     5
48  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
49  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
50  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
51  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
52  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
53  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
54      0-LYER-0     5
55  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
56      0-LYER-0     5
57  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
58  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
59  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
60  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
61  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
62  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
63  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
64  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
65  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
66      0-LYER-0     5
67  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
68  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
69     0-0-Ptoid     4
70  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
71     0-0-Ptoid     5
72  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
73     0-0-Ptoid     5
74  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
75  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
76     0-0-Ptoid     4
77  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
78  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
79  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
80  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
81  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
82  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
83  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
84  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
85  0-LYER-Ptoid     4
86     0-0-Ptoid     4
87  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
88  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
89  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
90  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
91  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
92  0-LYER-Ptoid     6
93      0-LYER-0     6
94  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
95  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
96  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
97  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
98  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
99  0-LYER-Ptoid     5
100 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
101     0-LYER-0     5
102 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
103 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
104 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
105 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
106 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
107 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
108 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
109 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
110 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
111 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
112     0-LYER-0     3
113 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
114 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
115 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
116 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
117 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
118     0-LYER-0     3
119 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
120 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
121 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
122     0-LYER-0     4
123 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
124     0-LYER-0     4
125 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
126 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
127 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
128 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
129 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
130 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
131 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
132 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
133 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
134 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
135 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
136    0-0-Ptoid     2
137 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
138 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
139 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
140 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
141 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
142 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
143 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
144 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
145 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
146 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
147 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
148 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
149 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
150 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
151 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
152 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
153 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
154 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
155 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
156 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
157 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
158 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
159     0-LYER-0     2
160 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
161 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
162     0-LYER-0     5
163 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
164 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
165     0-LYER-0     5
166 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
167 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
168 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
169 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
170 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
171 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
172 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
173 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
174 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
175 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
176 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
177 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
178     0-LYER-0     2
179 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
180 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
181     0-LYER-0     6
182 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
183    0-0-Ptoid     4
184 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
185 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
186 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
187 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
188 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
189 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
190     0-LYER-0     4
191 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
192 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
193 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
194 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
195 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
196 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
197 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
198 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
199 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
200 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
201 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
202 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
203 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
204 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
205     0-LYER-0     4
206 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
207 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
208 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
209 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
210 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
211 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
212 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
213 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
214 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
215 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
216 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
217     0-LYER-0     2
218 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
219 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
220 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
221     0-LYER-0     4
222 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
223 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
224 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
225 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
226 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
227 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
228     0-LYER-0     5
229 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
230 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
231 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
232 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
233 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
234 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
235 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
236 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
237     0-LYER-0     6
238 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
239 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
240 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
241 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
242 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
243 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
244 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
245 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
246 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
247 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
248 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
249 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
250 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
251 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
252    0-0-Ptoid     3
253 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
254 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
255 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
256 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
257 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
258 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
259     0-LYER-0     3
260 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
261 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
262 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
263 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
264 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
265 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
266 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
267 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
268 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
269 0-LYER-Ptoid     6
270 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
271 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
272 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
273 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
274 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
275 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
276 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
277 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
278 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
279 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
280 0-LYER-Ptoid     2
281    0-0-Ptoid     2
282 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
283    0-0-Ptoid     5
284 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
285    0-0-Ptoid     4
286 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
287    0-0-Ptoid     4
288 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
289 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
290 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
291 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
292 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
293 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
294 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
295 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
296 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
297 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
298 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
299 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
300 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
301 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
302 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
303 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
304 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
305 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
306 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
307 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
308     0-LYER-0     3
309 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
310 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
311 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
312 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
313 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
314 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
315 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
316 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
317 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
318    0-0-Ptoid     5
319 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
320 0-LYER-Ptoid     3
321    0-0-Ptoid     3
322 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
323     0-LYER-0     5
324 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
325 0-LYER-Ptoid     4
326    0-0-Ptoid     4
327 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
328 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
329 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
330 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
331 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
332 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
333 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
334 0-LYER-Ptoid     5
335     0-LYER-0     5
# convert to Cox data frame for analysis
LP_transit_cox_df <- get_LP_transit_start %>%
  arrange(cage, week_since, state_adj) %>% 
  select(cage, start, week_since, temp:com, state_adj) %>%
  group_by(cage) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), last)) %>%
  mutate(#any_event = ifelse(state_adj == "0-LYER-Ptoid", 0, 1),
         fstate = factor(state_adj, levels = c("0-LYER-Ptoid","0-LYER-0","0-0-Ptoid")))

# all looks good, 50 data points
LP_transit_cox_df %>% data.frame()
   cage start week_since temp rich Col gsm1 AOP2 AOP2.gsoh            com
1    12     5         15    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
2    13     4         15    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
3    14     6          8    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
4    15     5         13    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
5    17     6          7    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
6    18     5         14    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
7    20     5         11    0    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
8    22     5          6    0    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
9    23     5         14    0    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
10   25     4          6    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
11   26     5          6    0    1   1    0    0         0            Col
12   27     5          6    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
13   28     4          6    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
14   29     4         13    0    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
15   30     6         12    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
16   31     5         12    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
17   32     3         13    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
18   33     3          8    1    1   1    0    0         0            Col
19   34     4          7    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
20   35     4          5    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
21   36     2         13    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
22   37     4         15    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
23   38     2         12    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
24   39     5          7    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
25    4     5          7    0    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
26   40     2         14    1    2   0    1    0         1 gsm1_AOP2.gsoh
27   41     6          8    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
28   42     4          5    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
29   43     4         10    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
30   45     4         15    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
31   46     4          6    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
32   47     2         13    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
33   48     4          7    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
34   49     5         11    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
35    5     6         14    0    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
36   50     4         15    1    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
37   51     3          5    1    1   0    1    0         0           gsm1
38   52     3          9    1    1   0    0    1         0           AOP2
39   53     6         15    1    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
40   54     2         13    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
41   55     5          6    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
42   56     4          5    1    1   0    0    0         1      AOP2.gsoh
43   57     4          5    1    2   0    0    1         1 AOP2_AOP2.gsoh
44   58     3         15    1    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
45   59     3         10    1    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
46    6     5         14    0    2   1    0    1         0       Col_AOP2
47   60     3          5    1    2   0    1    1         0      gsm1_AOP2
48    7     5          6    0    4   1    1    1         1           Poly
49    8     4          6    0    2   1    0    0         1  Col_AOP2.gsoh
50    9     5         13    0    2   1    1    0         0       Col_gsm1
      state_adj       fstate
1  0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
2  0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
3      0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
4     0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
5      0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
6     0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
7      0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
8      0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
9      0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
10    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
11    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
12    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
13    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
14    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
15     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
16     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
17     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
18     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
19     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
20     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
21    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
22 0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
23     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
24     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
25     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
26     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
27     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
28    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
29     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
30 0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
31     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
32     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
33     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
34     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
35     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
36 0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
37    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
38     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
39 0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
40    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
41    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
42    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
43    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
44 0-LYER-Ptoid 0-LYER-Ptoid
45     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
46    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
47    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
48     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
49    0-0-Ptoid    0-0-Ptoid
50     0-LYER-0     0-LYER-0
# multi-state model
LP_multi_coxph <- coxph(Surv(start, week_since, fstate) ~ I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh), LP_transit_cox_df, id = cage) # clear effect of AOP2-
LP_multi_cox.zph <- cox.zph(LP_multi_coxph) 
LP_multi_cox.zph # AOP2+ appears to violate cox assumption for food-chain to aphid transition
                         chisq df     p
I(Col + gsm1)_1:2       0.1859  1 0.666
I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh)_1:2 6.0580  1 0.014
I(Col + gsm1)_1:3       0.5699  1 0.450
I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh)_1:3 0.0761  1 0.783
GLOBAL                  6.6677  4 0.155
plot(LP_multi_cox.zph[2]) # if anything, it appears we are underestimating the destabilizing effect of AOP2+, as it appears to initially increase the likelihood of a transition to the aphid only food web.

coxph(list(Surv(start, week_since, fstate) ~ 1,
           1:2 ~ I(Col+gsm1),
           1:3 ~ I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh)), LP_transit_cox_df, id = cage)
coxph(formula = list(Surv(start, week_since, fstate) ~ 1, 1:2 ~ 
    I(Col + gsm1), 1:3 ~ I(Col + gsm1) + I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh)), 
    data = LP_transit_cox_df, id = cage)

1:2                coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z     p
  I(Col + gsm1) -0.2036    0.8158   0.2993    0.3115 -0.653 0.513

1:3                      coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z        p
  I(Col + gsm1)       -1.0565    0.3477   0.4442    0.2881 -3.667 0.000246
  I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.5170    0.5963   0.4577    0.4004 -1.291 0.196658

 States:  1= (s0), 2= 0-LYER-0, 3= 0-0-Ptoid 

Likelihood ratio test=7.5  on 3 df, p=0.05758
n= 50, number of events= 43 
# even after dropping AOP2+ effect on 1:2 transition, doesn't affect previously identified effect on food-chain to collapse.

coxph(Surv(start, week_since, fstate) ~ strata(temp) + I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh), LP_transit_cox_df, id = cage) # still a clear effect of AOP2- after stratifying by temperature
coxph(formula = Surv(start, week_since, fstate) ~ strata(temp) + 
    I(Col + gsm1) + I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh), data = LP_transit_cox_df, 
    id = cage)

1:2                      coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z     p
  I(Col + gsm1)       -0.2150    0.8066   0.3102    0.3245 -0.662 0.508
  I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.1750    0.8395   0.3112    0.3023 -0.579 0.563

1:3                      coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z       p
  I(Col + gsm1)       -0.8798    0.4149   0.4245    0.2805 -3.136 0.00171
  I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.5574    0.5727   0.4290    0.3847 -1.449 0.14742

 States:  1= (s0), 2= 0-LYER-0, 3= 0-0-Ptoid 

Likelihood ratio test=6.68  on 4 df, p=0.154
n= 50, number of events= 43 
# note we can reproduce the multi-state model by focusing piecewise on this hazard rate 
coxph(Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) + I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh), LP_transit_cox_df) # id = cage no longer needed, including it gives the same results.
coxph(formula = Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ 
    strata(temp) + I(Col + gsm1) + I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh), data = LP_transit_cox_df)

                       coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z      p
I(Col + gsm1)       -0.8798    0.4149   0.4245 -2.072 0.0382
I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.5574    0.5727   0.4290 -1.299 0.1939

Likelihood ratio test=5.91  on 2 df, p=0.05202
n= 50, number of events= 17 
# this is good because then we can see what happens if we account for other sources of non-independence
coxph(Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) + I(Col+gsm1), LP_transit_cox_df) # effect persists when we have a more favorable event-to-variable ratio, although the coefficient has a slightly different meaning alone, so we retain both in the model.
coxph(formula = Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ 
    strata(temp) + I(Col + gsm1), data = LP_transit_cox_df)

                 coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z     p
I(Col + gsm1) -0.7242    0.4847   0.3663 -1.977 0.048

Likelihood ratio test=4.15  on 1 df, p=0.0416
n= 50, number of events= 17 
coxph(Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) + I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh) + cluster(com), LP_transit_cox_df) # as before, we observe potentially anti-conservative results when clustering at com level.
coxph(formula = Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ 
    strata(temp) + I(Col + gsm1) + I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh), data = LP_transit_cox_df, 
    cluster = com)

                       coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z       p
I(Col + gsm1)       -0.8798    0.4149   0.4245    0.3372 -2.609 0.00907
I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.5574    0.5727   0.4290    0.2783 -2.003 0.04522

Likelihood ratio test=5.91  on 2 df, p=0.05202
n= 50, number of events= 17 
# results are robust to mixed-effect models
coxme(Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) + I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh) + (1|com), LP_transit_cox_df)
Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
  Data: LP_transit_cox_df
  events, n = 17, 50
  Iterations= 2 14 
                    NULL Integrated    Fitted
Log-likelihood -43.95128  -40.99597 -40.99107

                  Chisq df        p   AIC   BIC
Integrated loglik  5.91  3 0.116040 -0.09 -2.59
 Penalized loglik  5.92  2 0.052038  1.91  0.24

Model:  Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) +      I(Col + gsm1) + I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) + (1 | com) 
Fixed coefficients
                          coef exp(coef)  se(coef)     z     p
I(Col + gsm1)       -0.8798872 0.4148297 0.4246916 -2.07 0.038
I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.5573989 0.5726967 0.4292309 -1.30 0.190

Random effects
 Group Variable  Std Dev      Variance    
 com   Intercept 0.0199914171 0.0003996568
coxme(Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) + I(Col+gsm1) + I(AOP2+AOP2.gsoh) + (1|com/temp), LP_transit_cox_df)
Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
  Data: LP_transit_cox_df
  events, n = 17, 50
  Iterations= 2 14 
                    NULL Integrated    Fitted
Log-likelihood -43.95128  -40.99625 -40.98585

                  Chisq   df        p   AIC   BIC
Integrated loglik  5.91 4.00 0.205970 -2.09 -5.42
 Penalized loglik  5.93 2.01 0.052023  1.91  0.24

Model:  Surv(start, week_since, fstate %in% c("0-0-Ptoid")) ~ strata(temp) +      I(Col + gsm1) + I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) + (1 | com/temp) 
Fixed coefficients
                          coef exp(coef)  se(coef)     z     p
I(Col + gsm1)       -0.8799935 0.4147856 0.4247821 -2.07 0.038
I(AOP2 + AOP2.gsoh) -0.5574958 0.5726412 0.4293484 -1.30 0.190

Random effects
 Group    Variable    Std Dev      Variance    
 com/temp (Intercept) 0.0199972339 0.0003998894
 com      (Intercept) 0.0199914116 0.0003996565

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/libblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] coxme_2.2-16    bdsmatrix_1.3-4 broom_0.7.6     survival_3.2-11
 [5] msm_1.6.8       cowplot_1.1.1   forcats_0.5.1   stringr_1.4.0  
 [9] dplyr_1.0.6     purrr_0.3.4     readr_1.4.0     tidyr_1.1.3    
[13] tibble_3.1.2    ggplot2_3.3.3   tidyverse_1.3.1 workflowr_1.6.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] httr_1.4.2        sass_0.4.0        jsonlite_1.7.2    viridisLite_0.4.0
 [5] splines_4.1.0     modelr_0.1.8      bslib_0.2.5.1     assertthat_0.2.1 
 [9] expm_0.999-6      highr_0.9         cellranger_1.1.0  yaml_2.2.1       
[13] pillar_1.6.1      backports_1.2.1   lattice_0.20-44   glue_1.4.2       
[17] digest_0.6.27     promises_1.2.0.1  rvest_1.0.0       colorspace_2.0-1 
[21] htmltools_0.5.1.1 httpuv_1.6.1      Matrix_1.3-4      pkgconfig_2.0.3  
[25] haven_2.4.1       mvtnorm_1.1-2     scales_1.1.1      later_1.2.0      
[29] git2r_0.28.0      generics_0.1.0    farver_2.1.0      ellipsis_0.3.2   
[33] withr_2.4.2       cli_2.5.0         magrittr_2.0.1    crayon_1.4.1     
[37] readxl_1.3.1      evaluate_0.14     fs_1.5.0          fansi_0.5.0      
[41] nlme_3.1-152      xml2_1.3.2        tools_4.1.0       hms_1.1.0        
[45] lifecycle_1.0.0   munsell_0.5.0     reprex_2.0.0      compiler_4.1.0   
[49] jquerylib_0.1.4   rlang_0.4.11      grid_4.1.0        rstudioapi_0.13  
[53] labeling_0.4.2    rmarkdown_2.8     gtable_0.3.0      DBI_1.1.1        
[57] R6_2.5.0          lubridate_1.7.10  knitr_1.33        utf8_1.2.1       
[61] rprojroot_2.0.2   stringi_1.6.2     Rcpp_1.0.6        vctrs_0.3.8      
[65] dbplyr_2.1.1      tidyselect_1.1.1  xfun_0.23