Last updated: 2022-10-08

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Genome variation and function 1

Goal: Today, we learn about how to analyze genetic variants between individuals of the same species.

  1. How to read a “variant call format” (VCF) file

  2. How to investigate the phenotypic effect of variants

1 Variant call format

Interpret a VCF file

ref: Variant calling format: VCF file

ref: How to read a VCF file

Header with “#” — information field.

CHROM: chromosome of the variant location

POS: position of the variant

ID: ID of each variant to make it easy to manage

REF: reference allele (the same type as the reference genome)

ALT: alternative allele (the mutant type which is different from the reference genome)

QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT: variant calling quality and other detail of the variant

Samples… Genotype. “0” means “reference type”, “1” means “alternative type”


  1. The first variant is at chromosome 2, 81170 base.

  2. The first variant’s reference allele is C, alternative allele is T.

  3. For The first variant, Sample1’s genotype is C/C, Sample2’s is C/C, Sample3’s is C/T.

2 The effect of genetic variants

You found a genetic variant in your sequenced individual. You want to investigate the potential effect of the variants.

Assume that you found the following deletion polymorphism at in a rabbit genome.

12: 107,236,296-107,236,969

Go to the Variant Effect Predictor

Input the following information:

Species - rabbit (Oryctolagus_cuniculus)

Variant - 12 107236296 107236969 DEL + deletion1

the variant format, left to right … chromosome, starting point, ending point, kind, strand, variant ID (you can name it as you like)


You can also find various acceptable input formats here

The result shows that the deletion is affecting a gene, SLC35F1, by causing coding sequence variant, splice variant, feature truncation and intron variant. You can modify the result table by clicking “show/hide columns”

Now you found that the variant is overlapping a gene, and you want to know the function of the gene.

Click “ENSOCUG00000015307” to know more about this gene.

Sometimes, gene function information is not well described in non-model species. But in other species such as mouse, the homologous gene function may have been investigated.

In the gene page, you can investigate its evolutionary history and potential function.

Evolutionary insights

Let’s explore “gene gain/loss tree” “Onthologies”and “Phenotypes”

Gene gain/loss tree

Most of mammalian species have two copies of this gene.

See what is happening in fish!

Gene Ontology The gene is related to “transmembrane transtport”.

Phenotypes. There is no phenotype information for this gene in rabbits, but there are some reports in mouse and rat, such as leukocyte cell number etc.

3 Hands-on part

Now, you have a VCF file - click here of dogs (Canis_lupus_familiaris).

Please explore the genetic variation in the file with the tools above.

Questions 1

Q1-1. How many variants are there in the VCF file?

Q1-2. How many individuals are there in the VCF file?

Q1-3. What is the genotype of sample 1 for variant 1?

Q1-4. What is the reference and alternative alleles of variant 2?

Q1-5. Please describe the genotype frequency of variant 3.

Q1-6. Please describe the allele frequency of variant 15.


Click to display

A1-1. 15 variants

A1-2. 18 samples

A1-3. GG



There are sixteen 0|0, one 0|1 and one 1|1 individuals.

Each genotype frequency is:

G/G:0.056 (1 out of 18)

G/GGG:0.89 (16 out of 18)

GGG/GGG:0.056 (1 out of 18)


There are fifteen 0|0, two 0|1 and one 1|1 individuals.

There are 2 * 18 = 36 alleles (each individual has two alleles)

Each allele frequency is:

A allele: 0.89 (15 * 2 + 2 * 1 = 32, 32 our of 36)

G allele: 0.11 (2 * 1 + 1 * 2 = 4, 4 out of 36)

Questions 2

Q2-1 How many genes were overlapped with submitted variants?

Q2-2 How many variants are overlapped with intronic regions?

Q2-3 How many variants are known, and how many are not reported?

Q2-4 What kind of exonic variants are there?

Q2-5 What are the predicted amino acid changes by the “missense variant” among them? Which exon is it?


Click to display

A2-1. Three (LCT, SPOPL, UBXN4)

A2-2. Ten variants

A2-3. Nine variants are already reported (existing), and six variants are not reported (novel).

A2-4. inframe_insertion, synonymous_variant, frameshift_variant, missense_variant

A2-5. Q -> R (Glutamine -> Arginine), the 8th of the 17 exons.

Questions 3

Q3-1 What is the “ontology” of the LCT gene?

Q3-2 What is the phenotype of the LCT-deficient rodents?

Q3-3 Do mammalian and non-mammalian species have the same number of the LCT gene?


Click to display


Molecular function: protein homodimerization activity

Cellular component: plasma membrane

Biological process: metabolic process

— LCT is located in membrane, and contributes to metabolic process with its protein homodimerization activity.

Show/hide columns (1 hidden)


Lactose Intolerance, Diarrhea, colitis etc.


Most mammals have one LCT gene. Fish species have variable number of LCT gene, such as eight genes in Bicolor damselfish.