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Two by Two Matrix Jacobians

168 μs

This notebook emphasizes the multiple views of Jacobians with examples of 2x2 matrix functions.

In particular we will see the

  • Symbolic "vec" format producing 4x4 matrices (generally n² by n² or mn by mn)

  • Numerical formats

  • The important Linear Transformation view

  • Kronecker notation

  • An example using ForwardDiff automatic differentiation

We also emphasize that matrix factorizations are also matrix functions, just as much as the square and the cube.

2.4 ms
3.6 s
4.3 ms

Symbolic Matrices

134 μs
101 ms


10.8 s


18.1 ms


The vec command in Julia and in standard mathematics flattens a matrix column by column.

186 μs
8.7 μs

1) The matrix square function

135 μs


674 ms
2.5 ms

Symbolic Jacobian

The Jacobian of the (flattened) matrix function X² symbolically

166 μs
jac (generic function with 1 method)
292 μs


1.2 s

Numerical Jacobian

125 μs


985 ms
92.4 ms
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.00140007  0.0020001
 0.00300015  0.00440022
67.0 ms

Linear Transformation Jacobian

Notice: there is no flattening; this is just matrix to matrix.

160 μs