class: left bottom hide-count background-image: url(assets/images/bench-accounting-xxeAftHHq6E-unsplash.jpg) background-size: 100% background-position: top background-color: #eff0f2 <div class="talk-logo drake-logo"></div> .talk-meta[ .talk-title[ # Reproducible machine learning workflows ] .talk-author[ Patrick Schratz ] .talk-date[ September 27th, 2019 ] ] --- class: top hide-count center middle .f1.large[ <img class="icon-huge pr3" src="assets/images/desktop-download.svg" width="50px"/> .code.moffitt-blue[usethis::use_course("mlr-org/mlr3-learndrake")] ] .f1.large[ <img class="icon-huge pr3" src="assets/images/mark-github.svg" width="70px"/> [[mlr-org/mlr3-learndrake]]( ][Find someone to sit next to and share laptops] <br><br> .small[ (_Slide style and content borrowed from [Garrick Aden-Buie](
) ] --- class: inverse center middle hide-count ## What is drake? -- ![](assets/images/drake-meme.jpg) --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-16.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-17.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-18.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-19.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-20.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-21.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-22.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-23.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-24.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-25.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-26.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-27.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-28.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-29.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-30.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-31.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-32.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: middle background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/messy-workflow-32.jpg') background-size: contain .f2.moffitt-bg-light-blue-o90.white.pa5.shadow-3[ * Will this work when I come back to it later? * What happens if I re-run _everything_? * Am I certain that the results are still valid? ] --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/project-spectrum-33.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/project-spectrum-34.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/project-spectrum-35.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/project-spectrum-36.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-37.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-38.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-39.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-40.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-41.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-42.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-43.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-44.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-45.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-46.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-47.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-48.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-49.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-50.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-51.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-52.jpg') background-size: contain --- class: hide-count animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drawn/drake-intro-53.jpg') background-size: contain --- layout: true class: animated fadeIn background-image: url('assets/images/drake-infographic.svg') background-size: 100% background-position: 40% left (_borrowed from [ropensci/drake]( --- .bg-white.h-100.w-80.fixed.o-90.cover-2-3[ <!-- Cover left two items of drake infographic --> ] --- .bg-white.h-100.w-80.fixed.o-90.cover-3[ <!-- Cover left items of drake infographic --> ] --- <!-- Full drake infographic --> --- layout: false class: inverse middle center # drake Essentials --- layout: false # `_drake.R` .flex[ .w-40[ The main settings file - sources all R functions - sources all "drake-plans" and binds them together - sets the execution parameters in `drake_config()` - called by `r_make()` at the start of every run ] .w-70[ <center><img src="assets/images/drake-config.png" width="620px"/></center> ] ] --- ## .pkg[drake] "targets" - _targets_ are simple R objects which **know their dependencies** - _targets_ represent all intermediate or final results of your project - _targets_ live in the **drake-cache** (`.drake` directory) and can from there be loaded into the global environment using `loadd()` #### Advantages - No need to use `saveRDS()`/`save()` anymore to store intermediate outputs - Quick-load _targets_ under cursor in RStudio via addin - visualize dependencies via `r_vis_drake_graph()` --- # `r_vis_drake_graph()` Shows how all _targets_ are connected <center><img src="assets/images/r-vis-drake-graph.png" width="480px"/></center> --- ## How does drake help you in your daily work? - Knows the execution order of your **complete** analysis ```r r_vis_drake_graph() ``` - Enables **running** your complete project in **one call** ```r r_make() ``` - Tracks metadata of each _target_ (runtime, etc.) - If you make a substantial change downstream, all subsequent _targets_ will be updated (plots, tables, models, etc.) --- ## But wait, there's more! There is a lot more that .pkg[drake] can do, including: - [Predict total runtime]( of your plan ```r r_predict_runtime() ``` - Support for [large plans]( by using wildcards and functions `map()`, `cross()` and `combine()` - [Parallel computation]( of _targets_ via packages - .pkg[future] - .pkg[clustermq] (HPC) - Support for many HPC schedulers (SLURM, SGE, PBS, LSF) via package .pkg[clustermq] --- ### Learn more with these resources .flex[ .w-40.ph4[ Drake * [User Manual]( * [Package Docs]( * [ropensci/drake]( * [drake-faq]( * [wlandau/drake-examples]( * [wlandau/learndrake]( * [mlr-org/mlr3-learndrake]( ] .w-60.ph4[ Functions * [Advanced R: Functions]( * [Functions - Nice R Code]( * [Programming with R: Creating Functions]( ] ] .small[ **Icons** by [Github octicons]( and the following [Noun Project]( icon creators: [Kirby Wu, TW](, [Iga](, [Lil Squid](, [Wichai Wi](, [Nick Kinling]( **Built with** [rmarkdown](, [xaringan](, [xaringanthemer](, [remark.js](, [tachyons.css](, [animate.css]( ] --- layout: false ## Personal FAQ (1/2) .small[ + What is the difference between `drake::make()` and `drake::r_make()`? > `r_make()` runs in a fresh R session via package .pkg[callr] and sources the config before every run. No need to source the config yourself and then run `make(config)`. See also [drake-manual/safer-interactivity]( + How do I parallelize code within targets? > By passing `prework = quote(future::plan(future.callr::callr, workers = <n>))` or a similar parallel plan to `drake_config()` in `_drake.R`. Do not use `future::plan()` within scripts/functions. + I have no idea what the status of my running computation is. Is there a way to see it? > Yes, either use `drake::progress()`, `drake::finished()` or `drake::failed()`. Optionally make the output more verbose using `drake::progress() %>% print(n = 200)`. ] --- layout: false ## Personal FAQ (2/2) .small[ + Everything in the drake manual is forcing me to use functions but I am used to scripts mainly. What is better with functions? > Project structure and organization is eminently important. A function-based workflow enhances reproducibility and leads to a more clean project structure. See [this discussion]( for more information. + Is there a convenient way to load targets quickly? > Yes! With the installation of .pkg[drake] there is an addin called "load targets under cursor" that lets you load the R object under your cursor when its bound to a keyboard shortcut. Mine is bound to "CTRL + L". + What about other addins and keyboard shortcuts? > Take a look into the "Addins" menu in RStudio for a list of avaiable addins. I have the followings addin/shorcut bindings: `r_vis_drake_graph()` -> "CTRL + Shift + V"; `r_outdated()` -> "CTRL + Shift + O"; "load target under cursor" -> "CTRL +L" ] <style type="text/css"> .talk-logo { width: 200px; height: 231px; position: absolute; top: 25%; left: 12%; } .drake-logo { background-image: url('assets/images/drake-logo.svg'); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .talk-meta { font-family: Overpass; position: absolute; text-align: left; bottom: 10px; left: 25px; } .talk-author { color: #444; font-weight: bold; font-family: "Work Sans"; font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1em; } .talk-date { color: #666; font-size: 1.25em; font-family: "Work Sans"; line-height: 0; } .icon-huge { position: relative; top: 35px; } .icon-medium { position: relative; top: 35px; widht: 50%; } .cover-2-3 { left: 33%; } .cover-3 { left: 66%; } </style>