Last updated: 2023-11-21

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: Cardiotoxicity/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.1). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

Great! Since the R Markdown file has been committed to the Git repository, you know the exact version of the code that produced these results.

Great job! The global environment was empty. Objects defined in the global environment can affect the analysis in your R Markdown file in unknown ways. For reproduciblity it’s best to always run the code in an empty environment.

The command set.seed(20230109) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.

Using absolute paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it difficult for you and others to run your code on a different machine. Change the absolute path(s) below to the suggested relative path(s) to make your code more reproducible.

absolute relative
C:/Program Files/R_WD/Cardiotoxicity/data/DEG-GO/DAspgostres3.RDS data/DEG-GO/DAspgostres3.RDS

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version cbefbd1. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .RData
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/41588_2018_171_MOESM3_ESMeQTL_ST2_for paper.csv
    Ignored:    data/Arr_GWAS.txt
    Ignored:    data/Arr_geneset.RDS
    Ignored:    data/BC_cell_lines.csv
    Ignored:    data/BurridgeDOXTOX.RDS
    Ignored:    data/CADGWASgene_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/CAD_geneset.RDS
    Ignored:    data/CALIMA_Data/
    Ignored:    data/Clamp_Summary.csv
    Ignored:    data/Cormotif_24_k1-5_raw.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Counts_RNA_ERMatthews.txt
    Ignored:    data/DAgostres24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/DAtable1.csv
    Ignored:    data/DDEMresp_list.csv
    Ignored:    data/DDE_reQTL.txt
    Ignored:    data/DDEresp_list.csv
    Ignored:    data/DEG-GO/
    Ignored:    data/DEG_cormotif.RDS
    Ignored:    data/DF_Plate_Peak.csv
    Ignored:    data/DRC48hoursdata.csv
    Ignored:    data/Da24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/Dx24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/Dx_reQTL_specific.txt
    Ignored:    data/EPIstorelist24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Ep24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/FC_necela.RDS
    Ignored:    data/FC_necela_names.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Full_LD_rep.csv
    Ignored:    data/GOIsig.csv
    Ignored:    data/GOplots.R
    Ignored:    data/GTEX_setsimple.csv
    Ignored:    data/GTEX_sig24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/GTEx_gene_list.csv
    Ignored:    data/HFGWASgene_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/HF_geneset.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Heart_Left_Ventricle.v8.egenes.txt
    Ignored:    data/Heatmap_mat.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Heatmap_sig.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Hf_GWAS.txt
    Ignored:    data/K_cluster
    Ignored:    data/K_cluster_kisthree.csv
    Ignored:    data/K_cluster_kistwo.csv
    Ignored:    data/Knowles_log2cpm_real.RDS
    Ignored:    data/LD50_05via.csv
    Ignored:    data/LDH48hoursdata.csv
    Ignored:    data/Mt24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/NoRespDEG_final.csv
    Ignored:    data/RINsamplelist.txt
    Ignored:    data/RNA_seq_trial.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Seonane2019supp1.txt
    Ignored:    data/TMMnormed_x.RDS
    Ignored:    data/TOP2Bi-24hoursGO_analysis.csv
    Ignored:    data/TR24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/TableS10.csv
    Ignored:    data/TableS11.csv
    Ignored:    data/TableS9.csv
    Ignored:    data/Top2biresp_cluster24h.csv
    Ignored:    data/Var_test_list.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Var_test_list24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Var_test_list24alt.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Var_test_list3.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Vargenes.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Viabilitylistfull.csv
    Ignored:    data/allexpressedgenes.txt
    Ignored:    data/allfinal3hour.RDS
    Ignored:    data/allgenes.txt
    Ignored:    data/allmatrix.RDS
    Ignored:    data/allmymatrix.RDS
    Ignored:    data/annotation_data_frame.RDS
    Ignored:    data/averageviabilitytable.RDS
    Ignored:    data/avgLD50.RDS
    Ignored:    data/avg_LD50.RDS
    Ignored:    data/backGL.txt
    Ignored:    data/burr_genes.RDS
    Ignored:    data/calcium_data.RDS
    Ignored:    data/clamp_summary.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_3hk1-8.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_initalK5.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_initialK5.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_initialall.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotifprobs.csv
    Ignored:    data/counts24hours.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cpmcount.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cpmnorm_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/crispr_genes.csv
    Ignored:    data/ctnnt_results.txt
    Ignored:    data/cvd_GWAS.txt
    Ignored:    data/dat_cpm.RDS
    Ignored:    data/data_outline.txt
    Ignored:    data/drug_noveh1.csv
    Ignored:    data/efit2.RDS
    Ignored:    data/efit2_final.RDS
    Ignored:    data/efit2results.RDS
    Ignored:    data/ensembl_backup.RDS
    Ignored:    data/ensgtotal.txt
    Ignored:    data/filcpm_counts.RDS
    Ignored:    data/filenameonly.txt
    Ignored:    data/filtered_cpm_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/filtered_raw_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/filtermatrix_x.RDS
    Ignored:    data/folder_05top/
    Ignored:    data/geneDoxonlyQTL.csv
    Ignored:    data/gene_corr_df.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gene_corr_frame.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gene_prob_tran3h.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gene_probabilityk5.RDS
    Ignored:    data/geneset_24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_ER.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_LR
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_LR.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_TI.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostrescoNR
    Ignored:    data/gtex/
    Ignored:    data/heartgenes.csv
    Ignored:    data/hsa_kegg_anno.RDS
    Ignored:    data/individualDRCfile.RDS
    Ignored:    data/individual_DRC48.RDS
    Ignored:    data/individual_LDH48.RDS
    Ignored:    data/indv_noveh1.csv
    Ignored:    data/kegglistDEG.RDS
    Ignored:    data/kegglistDEG24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/kegglistDEG3.RDS
    Ignored:    data/knowfig4.csv
    Ignored:    data/knowfig5.csv
    Ignored:    data/label_list.RDS
    Ignored:    data/ld50_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/mean_vardrug1.csv
    Ignored:    data/mean_varframe.csv
    Ignored:    data/mymatrix.RDS
    Ignored:    data/new_ld50avg.RDS
    Ignored:    data/nonresponse_cluster24h.csv
    Ignored:    data/norm_LDH.csv
    Ignored:    data/norm_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/old_sets/
    Ignored:    data/organized_drugframe.csv
    Ignored:    data/plan2plot.png
    Ignored:    data/plot_intv_list.RDS
    Ignored:    data/plot_list_DRC.RDS
    Ignored:    data/qval24hr.RDS
    Ignored:    data/qval3hr.RDS
    Ignored:    data/qvalueEPItemp.RDS
    Ignored:    data/raw_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/response_cluster24h.csv
    Ignored:    data/sampsettrz.RDS
    Ignored:    data/sigVDA24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVDA3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVDX24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVDX3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVEP24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVEP3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVMT24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVMT3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVTR24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVTR3.txt
    Ignored:    data/siglist.RDS
    Ignored:    data/siglist_final.RDS
    Ignored:    data/siglist_old.RDS
    Ignored:    data/slope_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/supp10_24hlist.RDS
    Ignored:    data/supp10_3hlist.RDS
    Ignored:    data/supp_normLDH48.RDS
    Ignored:    data/supp_pca_all_anno.RDS
    Ignored:    data/table3a.omar
    Ignored:    data/test_run_sample_list.txt
    Ignored:    data/testlist.txt
    Ignored:    data/toplistall.RDS
    Ignored:    data/trtonly_24h_genes.RDS
    Ignored:    data/trtonly_3h_genes.RDS
    Ignored:    data/tvl24hour.txt
    Ignored:    data/tvl24hourw.txt
    Ignored:    data/venn_code.R
    Ignored:    data/viability.RDS

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp1
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp2
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp3
    Untracked:  3hr all.pdf
    Untracked:  Code_files_list.csv
    Untracked:  Data_files_list.csv
    Untracked:  Doxorubicin_vehicle_3_24.csv
    Untracked:  Doxtoplist.csv
    Untracked:  EPIqvalue_analysis.Rmd
    Untracked:  GWAS_list_of_interest.xlsx
    Untracked:  KEGGpathwaylist.R
    Untracked:  OmicNavigator_learn.R
    Untracked:  SigDoxtoplist.csv
    Untracked:  analysis/cellcycle_kegg_genes.R
    Untracked:  analysis/ciFIT.R
    Untracked:  analysis/export_to_excel.R
    Untracked:  analysis/featureCountsPLAY.R
    Untracked:  cleanupfiles_script.R
    Untracked:  code/biomart_gene_names.R
    Untracked:  code/constantcode.R
    Untracked:  code/corMotifcustom.R
    Untracked:  code/cpm_boxplot.R
    Untracked:  code/extracting_ggplot_data.R
    Untracked:  code/movingfilesto_ppl.R
    Untracked:  code/pearson_extract_func.R
    Untracked:  code/pearson_tox_extract.R
    Untracked:  code/
    Untracked:  code/spearman_extract_func.R
    Untracked:  code/venndiagramcolor_control.R
    Untracked:  figS1024h.pdf
    Untracked:  individual-legenddark2.png
    Untracked:  installed_old.rda
    Untracked:  motif_ER.txt
    Untracked:  motif_LR.txt
    Untracked:  motif_NR.txt
    Untracked:  motif_TI.txt
    Untracked:  output/DNR_DEGlist.csv
    Untracked:  output/DNRvenn.RDS
    Untracked:  output/DOX_DEGlist.csv
    Untracked:  output/DOXvenn.RDS
    Untracked:  output/EPI_DEGlist.csv
    Untracked:  output/EPIvenn.RDS
    Untracked:  output/FC_necela.RDS
    Untracked:  output/Figures/
    Untracked:  output/GTEXv8_gene_median_tpm.RDS
    Untracked:  output/GTEXv8_gene_tpm_heart_left_ventricle.RDS
    Untracked:  output/KEGGcellcyclegenes.RDS
    Untracked:  output/Knowles_log2cpm.csv
    Untracked:  output/MTX_DEGlist.csv
    Untracked:  output/MTXvenn.RDS
    Untracked:  output/SETA_analysis_reyes.RDS
    Untracked:  output/TRZ_DEGlist.csv
    Untracked:  output/TableS8.csv
    Untracked:  output/Volcanoplot_10
    Untracked:  output/Volcanoplot_10.RDS
    Untracked:  output/allfinal_sup10.RDS
    Untracked:  output/counts_v8_heart_left_ventricle_gct.RDS
    Untracked:  output/crisprfoldchange.RDS
    Untracked:  output/endocytosisgenes.csv
    Untracked:  output/gene_corr_fig9.RDS
    Untracked:  output/legend_b.RDS
    Untracked:  output/motif_ERrep.RDS
    Untracked:  output/motif_LRrep.RDS
    Untracked:  output/motif_NRrep.RDS
    Untracked:  output/motif_TI_rep.RDS
    Untracked:  output/output-old/
    Untracked:  output/rank24genes.csv
    Untracked:  output/rank3genes.csv
    Untracked:  output/
    Untracked:  output/sequencinginformationforsupp.csv
    Untracked:  output/sequencinginformationforsupp.prn
    Untracked:  output/sigVDA24.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVDA3.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVDX24.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVDX3.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVEP24.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVEP3.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVMT24.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVMT3.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVTR24.txt
    Untracked:  output/sigVTR3.txt
    Untracked:  output/supplementary_motif_list_GO.RDS
    Untracked:  output/toptablebydrug.RDS
    Untracked:  output/trop_knowles_fun.csv
    Untracked:  output/tvl24hour.txt
    Untracked:  output/x_counts.RDS
    Untracked:  reneebasecode.R

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/GTEx_genes.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/Knowels_trop_analysis.Rmd
    Modified:   output/daplot.RDS
    Modified:   output/dxplot.RDS
    Modified:   output/epplot.RDS
    Modified:   output/mtplot.RDS
    Modified:   output/plan2plot.png
    Modified:   output/trplot.RDS
    Modified:   output/veplot.RDS

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/GO_after_comments.Rmd) and HTML (docs/GO_after_comments.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd cbefbd1 reneeisnowhere 2023-11-21 adding links

FC_mine <- readRDS("data/toplistall.RDS")
TRZ_list <- FC_mine %>% 
  filter(id=="TRZ",P.Value < 0.05) #%>% 
backGL <- read_csv("data/backGL.txt", 
    col_types = cols(...1 = col_skip()))

TRZ_list3h <- FC_mine %>% 
  filter(id=="TRZ",P.Value < 0.05, time == "3_hours")
TRZ_list24h <- FC_mine %>% 
  filter(id=="TRZ",P.Value < 0.05, time == "24_hours")

TRZ nom de (3 & 24 hour)

# TRZresgenes <- gost(query = TRZ_list$ENTREZID,
#                     organism = "hsapiens",
#                     significant = FALSE,
#                     ordered_query = TRUE,
#                     domain_scope = "custom",
#                     measure_underrepresentation = FALSE,
#                     evcodes = FALSE,
#                     user_threshold = 0.05,
#                     correction_method = c("fdr"),
#                     custom_bg = backGL$ENTREZID,
#                     sources=c("GO:BP","KEGG"))
# saveRDS(TRZresgenes,"data/DEG-GO/TRZresgenes.RDS")
TRZresgenes <- readRDS("data/DEG-GO/TRZresgenes.RDS")

TRZnom <- gostplot(TRZresgenes, capped = FALSE, interactive = TRUE)
TRZnomtable <- TRZresgenes$result %>% 
  dplyr::select(c(source, term_id,
                   term_size, p_value))# %>% 

TRZnomtable %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = 6, .funs = scientific_format()) %>%
  kable(., ) %>%
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
    full_width = FALSE,
    position = "left",
    bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
  ) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
source term_id term_name intersection_size term_size p_value
GO:BP GO:1902746 regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 2 8 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0098722 asymmetric stem cell division 1 2 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0042078 germ-line stem cell division 1 2 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0098728 germline stem cell asymmetric division 1 2 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:1902747 negative regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 2 5 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0048133 male germ-line stem cell asymmetric division 1 2 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0035810 positive regulation of urine volume 2 10 6.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0044849 estrous cycle 2 14 7.09e-02
GO:BP GO:0010801 negative regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 2 15 8.54e-02
GO:BP GO:1900745 positive regulation of p38MAPK cascade 2 22 8.66e-02
GO:BP GO:0034599 cellular response to oxidative stress 3 218 8.66e-02
GO:BP GO:1901386 negative regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 2 14 8.66e-02
GO:BP GO:0035809 regulation of urine volume 2 14 8.66e-02
GO:BP GO:0030857 negative regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 2 31 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0098708 glucose import across plasma membrane 1 5 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0120162 positive regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 3 72 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0098739 import across plasma membrane 3 130 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1901020 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 2 28 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0150104 transport across blood-brain barrier 2 72 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0045210 FasL biosynthetic process 1 1 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1900744 regulation of p38MAPK cascade 2 32 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0098704 carbohydrate import across plasma membrane 1 5 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1901385 regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 2 29 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0019249 lactate biosynthetic process 1 3 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0018345 protein palmitoylation 1 30 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0140271 hexose import across plasma membrane 1 5 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 1 4 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0051764 actin crosslink formation 1 9 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0070306 lens fiber cell differentiation 2 30 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0043949 regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 2 17 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0007281 germ cell development 2 194 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0043619 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to oxidative stress 1 7 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0042918 alkanesulfonate transport 1 6 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0048762 mesenchymal cell differentiation 4 205 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0038066 p38MAPK cascade 2 42 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0008356 asymmetric cell division 1 14 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 1 8 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0089718 amino acid import across plasma membrane 2 38 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0051939 gamma-aminobutyric acid import 1 3 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0051946 regulation of glutamate uptake involved in transmission of nerve impulse 1 3 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0060251 regulation of glial cell proliferation 1 26 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0060252 positive regulation of glial cell proliferation 1 14 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0010719 negative regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 2 29 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0006979 response to oxidative stress 3 328 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0060485 mesenchyme development 4 250 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0061643 chemorepulsion of axon 1 6 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0062197 cellular response to chemical stress 3 269 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0051941 regulation of amino acid uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1 3 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0018231 peptidyl-S-diacylglycerol-L-cysteine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine 1 21 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0022412 cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism 2 255 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1904059 regulation of locomotor rhythm 1 3 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0010232 vascular transport 2 72 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1990708 conditioned place preference 1 2 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0015734 taurine transport 1 6 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1904350 regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1 13 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:2001258 negative regulation of cation channel activity 2 31 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0014015 positive regulation of gliogenesis 1 44 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0001837 epithelial to mesenchymal transition 3 139 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0014009 glial cell proliferation 1 40 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1905165 regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1 11 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1903170 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 2 35 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0015757 galactose transmembrane transport 1 4 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1904351 negative regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1 5 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1902966 positive regulation of protein localization to early endosome 1 10 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1902965 regulation of protein localization to early endosome 1 10 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0017145 stem cell division 1 25 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1902946 protein localization to early endosome 1 12 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0003018 vascular process in circulatory system 3 198 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0010799 regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 2 35 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0015800 acidic amino acid transport 2 39 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0018230 peptidyl-L-cysteine S-palmitoylation 1 21 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:1905166 negative regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1 5 9.28e-02
GO:BP GO:0120161 regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 3 115 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:0045226 extracellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1 2 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:1905668 positive regulation of protein localization to endosome 1 14 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:1900625 positive regulation of monocyte aggregation 1 3 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:0048232 male gamete generation 2 346 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:0046379 extracellular polysaccharide metabolic process 1 2 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:0007283 spermatogenesis 2 333 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:0007288 sperm axoneme assembly 1 20 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:1905666 regulation of protein localization to endosome 1 15 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:1900623 regulation of monocyte aggregation 1 3 9.49e-02
GO:BP GO:0106106 cold-induced thermogenesis 3 116 9.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0070345 negative regulation of fat cell proliferation 1 4 9.57e-02
GO:BP GO:0045666 positive regulation of neuron differentiation 1 63 9.57e-02
GO:BP GO:0018198 peptidyl-cysteine modification 1 41 9.57e-02
GO:BP GO:0000379 tRNA-type intron splice site recognition and cleavage 1 3 9.96e-02
GO:BP GO:0014013 regulation of gliogenesis 1 66 9.96e-02
GO:BP GO:0003013 circulatory system process 4 445 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0006044 N-acetylglucosamine metabolic process 1 16 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthetic process 2 54 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0019933 cAMP-mediated signaling 2 35 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0051387 negative regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1 3 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:1900127 positive regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1 4 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:1990845 adaptive thermogenesis 3 127 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0003333 amino acid transmembrane transport 2 70 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0015812 gamma-aminobutyric acid transport 1 11 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0120316 sperm flagellum assembly 1 27 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0070286 axonemal dynein complex assembly 1 21 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0051935 glutamate reuptake 1 4 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0070837 dehydroascorbic acid transport 1 7 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0090500 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition 1 4 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0032328 alanine transport 1 13 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:1905146 lysosomal protein catabolic process 1 19 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0051926 negative regulation of calcium ion transport 2 45 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0007276 gamete generation 2 465 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0003351 epithelial cilium movement involved in extracellular fluid movement 1 30 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0070373 negative regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 2 58 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0034089 establishment of meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 1 4 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0007039 protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1 22 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0046330 positive regulation of JNK cascade 2 71 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0006858 extracellular transport 1 33 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0019852 L-ascorbic acid metabolic process 1 10 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:1901334 lactone metabolic process 1 10 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0060437 lung growth 1 4 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0042752 regulation of circadian rhythm 2 93 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0010887 negative regulation of cholesterol storage 1 8 1.07e-01
GO:BP GO:1901071 glucosamine-containing compound metabolic process 1 19 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0070487 monocyte aggregation 1 4 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0002036 regulation of L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1 6 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0042698 ovulation cycle 2 54 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:1901842 negative regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 4 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0001659 temperature homeostasis 3 135 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0036010 protein localization to endosome 1 28 1.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0032413 negative regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity 2 52 1.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0048609 multicellular organismal reproductive process 2 538 1.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0106072 negative regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 8 1.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0070295 renal water absorption 1 6 1.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0031397 negative regulation of protein ubiquitination 2 76 1.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0051933 amino acid neurotransmitter reuptake 1 5 1.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0070344 regulation of fat cell proliferation 1 8 1.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 2 558 1.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0006497 protein lipidation 1 89 1.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0038003 G protein-coupled opioid receptor signaling pathway 1 5 1.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0044458 motile cilium assembly 1 46 1.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0031400 negative regulation of protein modification process 4 396 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0050767 regulation of neurogenesis 3 302 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0042158 lipoprotein biosynthetic process 1 92 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0032410 negative regulation of transporter activity 2 59 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0003006 developmental process involved in reproduction 2 603 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0045664 regulation of neuron differentiation 1 137 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:1900125 regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1 6 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0060449 bud elongation involved in lung branching 1 7 1.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0002088 lens development in camera-type eye 2 57 1.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0043951 negative regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1 10 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0051382 kinetochore assembly 1 17 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0042754 negative regulation of circadian rhythm 1 8 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0050769 positive regulation of neurogenesis 1 190 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0019953 sexual reproduction 2 633 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:1904063 negative regulation of cation transmembrane transport 2 64 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0030512 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 2 85 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0032874 positive regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 2 95 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0106070 regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 11 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0006865 amino acid transport 2 103 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:1903321 negative regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 2 86 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0070304 positive regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 2 97 1.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0006040 amino sugar metabolic process 1 34 1.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0016202 regulation of striated muscle tissue development 1 13 1.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0010885 regulation of cholesterol storage 1 13 1.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0010717 regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 2 87 1.36e-01
GO:BP GO:1905039 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport 2 111 1.36e-01
GO:BP GO:1903825 organic acid transmembrane transport 2 112 1.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0003097 renal water transport 1 7 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0045596 negative regulation of cell differentiation 5 471 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0070341 fat cell proliferation 1 11 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:1901019 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 2 70 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0045475 locomotor rhythm 1 13 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0005976 polysaccharide metabolic process 2 81 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0019935 cyclic-nucleotide-mediated signaling 2 52 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0042157 lipoprotein metabolic process 1 116 1.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0034766 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 2 70 1.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0051962 positive regulation of nervous system development 1 222 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0051383 kinetochore organization 1 21 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 2 549 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0046328 regulation of JNK cascade 2 113 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0015711 organic anion transport 3 270 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0045662 negative regulation of myoblast differentiation 1 20 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0035082 axoneme assembly 1 54 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0010958 regulation of amino acid import across plasma membrane 1 14 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0051960 regulation of nervous system development 4 357 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:1903789 regulation of amino acid transmembrane transport 1 14 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0018107 peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 2 96 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:1901874 negative regulation of post-translational protein modification 2 98 1.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0050435 amyloid-beta metabolic process 1 48 1.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0010888 negative regulation of lipid storage 1 15 1.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0098712 L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1 11 1.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0048634 regulation of muscle organ development 1 14 1.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0034085 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion 1 10 1.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0060349 bone morphogenesis 2 74 1.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0048843 negative regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 1 26 1.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0042063 gliogenesis 1 244 1.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0050872 white fat cell differentiation 1 15 1.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0051386 regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1 11 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:1900747 negative regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1 8 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0045595 regulation of cell differentiation 8 1122 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0010878 cholesterol storage 1 18 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0051580 regulation of neurotransmitter uptake 1 15 1.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0018210 peptidyl-threonine modification 2 103 1.53e-01
GO:BP GO:2000678 negative regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 1 17 1.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0051549 positive regulation of keratinocyte migration 1 11 1.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0072348 sulfur compound transport 1 36 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0043618 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to stress 1 33 1.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0001933 negative regulation of protein phosphorylation 3 265 1.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0006089 lactate metabolic process 1 16 1.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0048511 rhythmic process 3 233 1.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0001578 microtubule bundle formation 1 79 1.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0070486 leukocyte aggregation 1 9 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0030213 hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1 10 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0036302 atrioventricular canal development 1 12 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:1901841 regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 12 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0003014 renal system process 2 76 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0015804 neutral amino acid transport 1 43 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0048841 regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 1 31 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:1902548 negative regulation of cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1 10 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0043543 protein acylation 1 193 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0010838 positive regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 1 9 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0097722 sperm motility 1 62 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0034508 centromere complex assembly 1 29 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0051547 regulation of keratinocyte migration 1 13 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0030317 flagellated sperm motility 1 62 1.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0043065 positive regulation of apoptotic process 4 394 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0016339 calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules 1 30 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0007254 JNK cascade 2 137 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport 2 141 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0043620 regulation of DNA-templated transcription in response to stress 1 38 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0006388 tRNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 1 13 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0006487 protein N-linked glycosylation 1 65 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0010720 positive regulation of cell development 1 318 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0007623 circadian rhythm 2 160 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 1 69 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0001539 cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility 1 72 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0000394 RNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 1 14 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0017015 regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 2 126 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0043153 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod 1 23 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0043068 positive regulation of programmed cell death 4 403 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0048846 axon extension involved in axon guidance 1 35 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0042326 negative regulation of phosphorylation 3 290 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:1902284 neuron projection extension involved in neuron projection guidance 1 35 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051177 meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 1 11 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:1901201 regulation of extracellular matrix assembly 1 15 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0034763 negative regulation of transmembrane transport 2 96 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0021591 ventricular system development 1 29 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0022414 reproductive process 2 924 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0055012 ventricular cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1 15 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0043271 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transport 2 88 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0060285 cilium-dependent cell motility 1 72 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0000003 reproduction 2 933 1.66e-01
GO:BP GO:1903844 regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 2 127 1.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0009648 photoperiodism 1 24 1.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0043517 positive regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 16 1.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0090101 negative regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 2 122 1.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0032872 regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 2 153 1.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0001822 kidney development 3 246 1.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0040037 negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1 16 1.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0070302 regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 2 157 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0071526 semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway 1 44 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0090181 regulation of cholesterol metabolic process 1 27 1.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0009649 entrainment of circadian clock 1 27 1.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0015813 L-glutamate transmembrane transport 1 18 1.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0050919 negative chemotaxis 1 42 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0030517 negative regulation of axon extension 1 41 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0072001 renal system development 3 253 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:2001257 regulation of cation channel activity 2 100 1.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0030856 regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 2 100 1.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0060602 branch elongation of an epithelium 1 15 1.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0007017 microtubule-based process 2 757 1.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0051546 keratinocyte migration 1 15 1.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0071498 cellular response to fluid shear stress 1 19 1.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0043950 positive regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1 5 1.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0003341 cilium movement 1 97 1.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0010874 regulation of cholesterol efflux 1 31 1.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0003417 growth plate cartilage development 1 14 1.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0030010 establishment of cell polarity 2 135 1.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0007286 spermatid development 1 108 1.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0071174 mitotic spindle checkpoint signaling 1 43 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0007094 mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1 43 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0036120 cellular response to platelet-derived growth factor stimulus 1 20 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0071173 spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1 43 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0048515 spermatid differentiation 1 114 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0099111 microtubule-based transport 1 192 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0045841 negative regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 1 45 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0009988 cell-cell recognition 1 31 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:1900746 regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1 18 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0098810 neurotransmitter reuptake 1 21 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0031577 spindle checkpoint signaling 1 44 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:1901861 regulation of muscle tissue development 1 34 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0033046 negative regulation of sister chromatid segregation 1 45 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0051180 vitamin transport 1 29 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0042755 eating behavior 1 16 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0033048 negative regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1 45 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:2000816 negative regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 1 45 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0051301 cell division 1 569 1.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0042177 negative regulation of protein catabolic process 1 100 1.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0051938 L-glutamate import 1 24 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:1905819 negative regulation of chromosome separation 1 46 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:1902100 negative regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1 46 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0051985 negative regulation of chromosome segregation 1 46 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:2000647 negative regulation of stem cell proliferation 1 18 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0007517 muscle organ development 2 279 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0036119 response to platelet-derived growth factor 1 22 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0010563 negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 3 335 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0021756 striatum development 1 18 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process 2 212 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0045936 negative regulation of phosphate metabolic process 3 334 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0043409 negative regulation of MAPK cascade 2 145 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0048011 neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1 23 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0001755 neural crest cell migration 1 49 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:1905953 negative regulation of lipid localization 1 31 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0006612 protein targeting to membrane 1 120 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:1902547 regulation of cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1 20 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0007189 adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 2 71 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0003091 renal water homeostasis 1 14 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0043408 regulation of MAPK cascade 4 473 1.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0090497 mesenchymal cell migration 1 51 1.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0033047 regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1 51 1.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0051783 regulation of nuclear division 2 115 1.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0050922 negative regulation of chemotaxis 1 44 1.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0035265 organ growth 2 128 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0048512 circadian behavior 1 30 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0051248 negative regulation of protein metabolic process 5 799 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0051403 stress-activated MAPK cascade 2 188 1.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0006767 water-soluble vitamin metabolic process 1 50 1.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0045839 negative regulation of mitotic nuclear division 1 53 2.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0010883 regulation of lipid storage 1 38 2.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0007622 rhythmic behavior 1 32 2.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0007130 synaptonemal complex assembly 1 10 2.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0032331 negative regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 1 18 2.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0050771 negative regulation of axonogenesis 1 59 2.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0010965 regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 1 56 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0045661 regulation of myoblast differentiation 1 60 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0051955 regulation of amino acid transport 1 28 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0031098 stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 2 194 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0031345 negative regulation of cell projection organization 2 154 2.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0034260 negative regulation of GTPase activity 1 25 2.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0006833 water transport 1 12 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0001504 neurotransmitter uptake 1 29 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0009250 glucan biosynthetic process 1 40 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0060441 epithelial tube branching involved in lung morphogenesis 1 21 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0051784 negative regulation of nuclear division 1 56 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0051306 mitotic sister chromatid separation 1 59 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:1901798 positive regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 28 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0005978 glycogen biosynthetic process 1 40 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0060284 regulation of cell development 1 593 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0045776 negative regulation of blood pressure 1 30 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0051093 negative regulation of developmental process 5 654 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0045597 positive regulation of cell differentiation 1 618 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function 5 730 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0003416 endochondral bone growth 1 22 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:1903169 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 2 120 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0033344 cholesterol efflux 1 41 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0070193 synaptonemal complex organization 1 13 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0021544 subpallium development 1 19 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0003401 axis elongation 1 25 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0035116 embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis 1 17 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0090162 establishment of epithelial cell polarity 1 30 2.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0050890 cognition 2 226 2.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0045744 negative regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 36 2.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0070293 renal absorption 1 24 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0043392 negative regulation of DNA binding 1 44 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0006469 negative regulation of protein kinase activity 2 173 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0040036 regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1 25 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0046323 glucose import 1 55 2.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0001654 eye development 3 273 2.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0061037 negative regulation of cartilage development 1 23 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0060317 cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1 28 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0030212 hyaluronan metabolic process 1 21 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0007179 transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 2 177 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0014032 neural crest cell development 1 70 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0150063 visual system development 3 274 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0032371 regulation of sterol transport 1 45 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0032374 regulation of cholesterol transport 1 45 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:2000677 regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 1 43 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0050891 multicellular organismal-level water homeostasis 1 17 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0098868 bone growth 1 23 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0048880 sensory system development 3 276 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0090150 establishment of protein localization to membrane 1 258 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 744 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0034405 response to fluid shear stress 1 31 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:1905818 regulation of chromosome separation 1 69 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0048864 stem cell development 1 75 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0048384 retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 1 27 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0048566 embryonic digestive tract development 1 20 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0000132 establishment of mitotic spindle orientation 1 32 2.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0032885 regulation of polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1 32 2.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0031396 regulation of protein ubiquitination 2 194 2.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0060351 cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis 1 25 2.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0016051 carbohydrate biosynthetic process 2 160 2.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0000165 MAPK cascade 4 553 2.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0043516 regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 36 2.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0006605 protein targeting 1 310 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0038179 neurotrophin signaling pathway 1 36 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0002931 response to ischemia 1 48 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0060271 cilium assembly 1 296 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0042044 fluid transport 1 19 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0014033 neural crest cell differentiation 1 79 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0051304 chromosome separation 1 75 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0048048 embryonic eye morphogenesis 1 25 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0030516 regulation of axon extension 1 82 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 5 1150 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0033673 negative regulation of kinase activity 2 191 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0043410 positive regulation of MAPK cascade 3 316 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0002068 glandular epithelial cell development 1 28 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0035137 hindlimb morphogenesis 1 21 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0040020 regulation of meiotic nuclear division 1 19 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0003008 system process 6 1194 2.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0014911 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1 32 2.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0046942 carboxylic acid transport 2 213 2.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0140013 meiotic nuclear division 2 117 2.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0098916 anterograde trans-synaptic signaling 2 490 2.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0007268 chemical synaptic transmission 2 490 2.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0015849 organic acid transport 2 214 2.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0019229 regulation of vasoconstriction 1 38 2.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0099537 trans-synaptic signaling 2 494 2.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0045445 myoblast differentiation 1 90 2.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0044782 cilium organization 1 317 2.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0007163 establishment or maintenance of cell polarity 2 197 2.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0051172 negative regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 9 1832 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0032881 regulation of polysaccharide metabolic process 1 35 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0085029 extracellular matrix assembly 1 36 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0038084 vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1 35 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0040001 establishment of mitotic spindle localization 1 37 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0030071 regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 1 87 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:1900026 positive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1 37 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0090311 regulation of protein deacetylation 1 44 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0035725 sodium ion transmembrane transport 1 112 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0051294 establishment of spindle orientation 1 37 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0099536 synaptic signaling 2 512 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0007018 microtubule-based movement 1 300 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 2 1186 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0051310 metaphase chromosome alignment 1 87 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0045944 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 918 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:1902099 regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1 88 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:1902475 L-alpha-amino acid transmembrane transport 1 51 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0048640 negative regulation of developmental growth 1 94 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0008284 positive regulation of cell population proliferation 1 886 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0007091 metaphase/anaphase transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 91 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0060348 bone development 2 157 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0050793 regulation of developmental process 5 1813 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0061387 regulation of extent of cell growth 1 96 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:2001251 negative regulation of chromosome organization 1 89 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0032922 circadian regulation of gene expression 1 63 2.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0050795 regulation of behavior 1 41 2.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0010837 regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 1 33 2.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0044784 metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1 92 2.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0045892 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 1005 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0051094 positive regulation of developmental process 1 957 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0006486 protein glycosylation 1 185 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0043413 macromolecule glycosylation 1 185 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0060560 developmental growth involved in morphogenesis 2 207 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0046580 negative regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1 46 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0042632 cholesterol homeostasis 1 58 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0044042 glucan metabolic process 1 65 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0007193 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 37 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0007264 small GTPase mediated signal transduction 3 413 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0008037 cell recognition 1 82 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0090092 regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 2 211 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1902533 positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction 5 707 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1902679 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 1014 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0055092 sterol homeostasis 1 59 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0005977 glycogen metabolic process 1 64 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1903046 meiotic cell cycle process 2 132 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0019915 lipid storage 1 68 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0019233 sensory perception of pain 1 39 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle 4 941 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1902532 negative regulation of intracellular signal transduction 3 445 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0031641 regulation of myelination 1 35 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1903320 regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 2 232 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0010389 regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 94 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0006766 vitamin metabolic process 1 75 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0000280 nuclear division 3 343 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0033045 regulation of sister chromatid segregation 1 99 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1 997 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0070085 glycosylation 1 197 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1904659 glucose transmembrane transport 1 84 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0032890 regulation of organic acid transport 1 48 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0030182 neuron differentiation 1 1058 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0051303 establishment of chromosome localization 1 93 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0048705 skeletal system morphogenesis 2 155 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0071560 cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 2 222 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0051348 negative regulation of transferase activity 2 225 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0051253 negative regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 1112 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0008645 hexose transmembrane transport 1 87 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0007156 homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules 1 102 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0019218 regulation of steroid metabolic process 1 68 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0009101 glycoprotein biosynthetic process 2 251 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0048675 axon extension 1 108 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0060425 lung morphogenesis 1 39 2.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0048468 cell development 2 1950 2.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0015749 monosaccharide transmembrane transport 1 88 2.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0008306 associative learning 1 65 2.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0071559 response to transforming growth factor beta 2 227 2.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0042310 vasoconstriction 1 51 2.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0048699 generation of neurons 1 1120 2.59e-01
GO:BP GO:1902749 regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1 105 2.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0071702 organic substance transport 7 2133 2.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0050000 chromosome localization 1 101 2.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0014706 striated muscle tissue development 2 214 2.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0030335 positive regulation of cell migration 3 408 2.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0015807 L-amino acid transport 1 62 2.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0002066 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development 1 39 2.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0045934 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 1203 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051058 negative regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 1 52 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0006094 gluconeogenesis 1 70 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0006112 energy reserve metabolic process 1 72 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0007088 regulation of mitotic nuclear division 1 99 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051924 regulation of calcium ion transport 2 167 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0010977 negative regulation of neuron projection development 1 117 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0043407 negative regulation of MAP kinase activity 1 50 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0032330 regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 1 36 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0034219 carbohydrate transmembrane transport 1 95 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0072657 protein localization to membrane 1 530 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:1903053 regulation of extracellular matrix organization 1 47 2.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0019319 hexose biosynthetic process 1 73 2.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0043616 keratinocyte proliferation 1 39 2.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0051240 positive regulation of multicellular organismal process 1 1103 2.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0006814 sodium ion transport 1 158 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0051293 establishment of spindle localization 1 49 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0030301 cholesterol transport 1 81 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0033554 cellular response to stress 7 1662 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0120031 plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly 1 463 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0032412 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 2 189 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0006835 dicarboxylic acid transport 1 61 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0050768 negative regulation of neurogenesis 1 113 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0007188 adenylate cyclase-modulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 2 113 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0007129 homologous chromosome pairing at meiosis 1 24 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0045893 positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 1298 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0022008 neurogenesis 1 1297 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0051983 regulation of chromosome segregation 1 121 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0007416 synapse assembly 1 153 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0030031 cell projection assembly 1 473 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0051588 regulation of neurotransmitter transport 1 71 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:1900024 regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1 54 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:2000147 positive regulation of cell motility 3 421 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0035924 cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1 54 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:1902680 positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 1305 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0051952 regulation of amine transport 1 56 2.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0051961 negative regulation of nervous system development 1 119 2.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0048285 organelle fission 3 387 2.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process 3 439 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0051668 localization within membrane 1 611 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0051653 spindle localization 1 53 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0050770 regulation of axonogenesis 1 139 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0046364 monosaccharide biosynthetic process 1 82 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0022898 regulation of transmembrane transporter activity 2 200 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0007062 sister chromatid cohesion 1 52 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0007631 feeding behavior 1 51 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0040017 positive regulation of locomotion 3 429 2.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0070372 regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 2 192 2.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 2 249 2.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0000086 G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 130 2.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0060350 endochondral bone morphogenesis 1 47 2.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0051254 positive regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 1425 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pathway 1 36 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0015918 sterol transport 1 93 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0014910 regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1 57 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 7 1318 2.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0007093 mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1 137 2.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0008643 carbohydrate transport 1 114 2.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0098657 import into cell 3 664 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0015837 amine transport 1 59 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0032355 response to estradiol 1 79 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0080135 regulation of cellular response to stress 3 585 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0008283 cell population proliferation 2 2340 2.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0009895 negative regulation of catabolic process 1 287 2.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0090287 regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus 2 261 2.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0008285 negative regulation of cell population proliferation 4 643 2.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0030330 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 70 2.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0032409 regulation of transporter activity 2 212 2.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration 4 707 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0006024 glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process 1 59 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0090596 sensory organ morphogenesis 2 179 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0051480 regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1 39 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0032368 regulation of lipid transport 1 91 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0045143 homologous chromosome segregation 1 32 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0044839 cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1 145 2.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0008203 cholesterol metabolic process 1 99 2.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0070192 chromosome organization involved in meiotic cell cycle 1 35 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0061061 muscle structure development 2 552 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0006023 aminoglycan biosynthetic process 1 61 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0070371 ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 2 211 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:1990138 neuron projection extension 1 149 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0014909 smooth muscle cell migration 1 64 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0045935 positive regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 1589 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0042176 regulation of protein catabolic process 1 328 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0034762 regulation of transmembrane transport 3 392 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0009100 glycoprotein metabolic process 2 315 3.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0140962 multicellular organismal-level chemical homeostasis 1 48 3.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0051445 regulation of meiotic cell cycle 1 45 3.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0018193 peptidyl-amino acid modification 1 866 3.02e-01
GO:BP GO:1901873 regulation of post-translational protein modification 2 302 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0006476 protein deacetylation 1 81 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0048562 embryonic organ morphogenesis 2 186 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0006886 intracellular protein transport 1 803 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0048871 multicellular organismal-level homeostasis 4 570 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:1902652 secondary alcohol metabolic process 1 106 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0030308 negative regulation of cell growth 1 161 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0008361 regulation of cell size 1 160 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0008543 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1 59 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0051101 regulation of DNA binding 1 102 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0061035 regulation of cartilage development 1 53 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0045913 positive regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 1 61 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0007015 actin filament organization 1 372 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0008015 blood circulation 2 372 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0090066 regulation of anatomical structure size 2 395 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0090090 negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1 114 3.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0042127 regulation of cell population proliferation 1 1568 3.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0002067 glandular epithelial cell differentiation 1 49 3.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0051321 meiotic cell cycle 2 183 3.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0048870 cell motility 2 1169 3.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0016125 sterol metabolic process 1 108 3.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0051129 negative regulation of cellular component organization 2 592 3.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0008277 regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 93 3.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0001570 vasculogenesis 1 67 3.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0007423 sensory organ development 3 395 3.22e-01
GO:BP GO:1901991 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1 165 3.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0019932 second-messenger-mediated signaling 2 182 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility 4 741 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0098742 cell-cell adhesion via plasma-membrane adhesion molecules 1 165 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0055085 transmembrane transport 4 1014 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0043010 camera-type eye development 2 237 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0055088 lipid homeostasis 1 116 3.25e-01
GO:BP GO:1905952 regulation of lipid localization 1 110 3.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0014812 muscle cell migration 1 75 3.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0098813 nuclear chromosome segregation 2 264 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0035601 protein deacylation 1 91 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0000070 mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1 178 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:1904062 regulation of monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 2 232 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0007049 cell cycle 7 1515 3.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0006357 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 1764 3.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0098732 macromolecule deacylation 1 92 3.29e-01
GO:BP GO:1901137 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process 3 544 3.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0043087 regulation of GTPase activity 2 288 3.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0097746 blood vessel diameter maintenance 1 98 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0035296 regulation of tube diameter 1 98 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0050920 regulation of chemotaxis 1 143 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0000075 cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1 184 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0035150 regulation of tube size 1 98 3.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0006366 transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 1852 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process 2 375 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0071897 DNA biosynthetic process 1 174 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:1901566 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process 2 1496 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0048869 cellular developmental process 13 2943 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0007399 nervous system development 1 1886 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0030154 cell differentiation 13 2942 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0007612 learning 1 114 3.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0048588 developmental cell growth 1 194 3.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0007178 transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 2 298 3.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0071363 cellular response to growth factor stimulus 3 549 3.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0072091 regulation of stem cell proliferation 1 58 3.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0040012 regulation of locomotion 4 762 3.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0007411 axon guidance 1 177 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0010557 positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 1896 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0097485 neuron projection guidance 1 177 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:1903510 mucopolysaccharide metabolic process 1 75 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0030178 negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 1 140 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0050878 regulation of body fluid levels 2 237 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0045132 meiotic chromosome segregation 1 51 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:1903829 positive regulation of protein localization 1 392 3.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0016525 negative regulation of angiogenesis 1 71 3.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0070588 calcium ion transmembrane transport 2 221 3.44e-01
GO:BP GO:1901796 regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 102 3.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0048589 developmental growth 3 522 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0009891 positive regulation of biosynthetic process 1 1972 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0048863 stem cell differentiation 1 196 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0090288 negative regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus 1 80 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0043255 regulation of carbohydrate biosynthetic process 1 79 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0070887 cellular response to chemical stimulus 1 1857 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 1 204 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:2000181 negative regulation of blood vessel morphogenesis 1 72 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:1901343 negative regulation of vasculature development 1 72 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0031328 positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 1958 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0034446 substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1 90 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0070925 organelle assembly 1 828 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:1990830 cellular response to leukemia inhibitory factor 1 86 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0051100 negative regulation of binding 1 133 3.46e-01
GO:BP GO:1990823 response to leukemia inhibitory factor 1 87 3.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0010558 negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 1669 3.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0033138 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1 68 3.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0070848 response to growth factor 3 571 3.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0044344 cellular response to fibroblast growth factor stimulus 1 81 3.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0031327 negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 1708 3.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0042472 inner ear morphogenesis 1 59 3.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0071901 negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1 96 3.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0009890 negative regulation of biosynthetic process 1 1721 3.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0071347 cellular response to interleukin-1 1 64 3.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0001657 ureteric bud development 1 75 3.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0045930 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle 1 209 3.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0000819 sister chromatid segregation 1 217 3.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0051897 positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1 78 3.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0072163 mesonephric epithelium development 1 76 3.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0072164 mesonephric tubule development 1 76 3.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0050796 regulation of insulin secretion 1 119 3.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0035556 intracellular signal transduction 9 2036 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0010721 negative regulation of cell development 1 190 3.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0008217 regulation of blood pressure 1 114 3.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051239 regulation of multicellular organismal process 1 2052 3.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0071774 response to fibroblast growth factor 1 85 3.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0065004 protein-DNA complex assembly 1 171 3.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0001823 mesonephros development 1 77 3.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0030036 actin cytoskeleton organization 1 566 3.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0051173 positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 2367 3.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0030203 glycosaminoglycan metabolic process 1 87 3.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0050804 modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 1 343 3.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0099177 regulation of trans-synaptic signaling 1 344 3.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0001505 regulation of neurotransmitter levels 1 132 3.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0033044 regulation of chromosome organization 1 235 3.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0010959 regulation of metal ion transport 2 271 3.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0006006 glucose metabolic process 1 153 3.84e-01
GO:BP GO:1901988 negative regulation of cell cycle phase transition 1 234 3.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3 684 3.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 2069 3.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0055007 cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1 108 3.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0010811 positive regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 1 99 3.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0002062 chondrocyte differentiation 1 89 3.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0030855 epithelial cell differentiation 3 439 3.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0042471 ear morphogenesis 1 73 3.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0006022 aminoglycan metabolic process 1 92 3.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0006936 muscle contraction 1 266 3.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0001667 ameboidal-type cell migration 2 358 3.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 2131 3.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0007626 locomotory behavior 1 139 3.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0072089 stem cell proliferation 1 84 3.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0048638 regulation of developmental growth 1 254 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0002065 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell differentiation 1 80 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0090276 regulation of peptide hormone secretion 1 135 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0015031 protein transport 1 1366 4.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0046907 intracellular transport 1 1440 4.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0030073 insulin secretion 1 144 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0030029 actin filament-based process 1 643 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0002791 regulation of peptide secretion 1 137 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 2518 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0140014 mitotic nuclear division 1 251 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0030326 embryonic limb morphogenesis 1 89 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0035113 embryonic appendage morphogenesis 1 89 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0090087 regulation of peptide transport 1 139 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0006355 regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 2560 4.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0034502 protein localization to chromosome 1 101 4.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0070555 response to interleukin-1 1 82 4.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0060537 muscle tissue development 2 347 4.02e-01
GO:BP GO:2001141 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 2577 4.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 2607 4.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0051051 negative regulation of transport 2 317 4.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0051241 negative regulation of multicellular organismal process 4 744 4.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0033135 regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1 97 4.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic process 5 1092 4.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0040013 negative regulation of locomotion 1 262 4.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0034329 cell junction assembly 1 347 4.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0072330 monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1 146 4.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0043547 positive regulation of GTPase activity 1 211 4.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0097435 supramolecular fiber organization 1 666 4.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 1 2297 4.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0006351 DNA-templated transcription 1 2669 4.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0045184 establishment of protein localization 1 1468 4.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0051656 establishment of organelle localization 2 397 4.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0032774 RNA biosynthetic process 1 2699 4.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0007059 chromosome segregation 2 360 4.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0048585 negative regulation of response to stimulus 5 1267 4.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0010948 negative regulation of cell cycle process 1 271 4.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0060828 regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1 214 4.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0007127 meiosis I 1 73 4.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0006816 calcium ion transport 2 275 4.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0048565 digestive tract development 1 92 4.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0051252 regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 2824 4.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0006810 transport 2 3294 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process 1 187 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0050808 synapse organization 1 373 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0043067 regulation of programmed cell death 5 1124 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 1 2846 4.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0061982 meiosis I cell cycle process 1 77 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0010634 positive regulation of epithelial cell migration 1 132 4.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0045444 fat cell differentiation 1 187 4.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0032535 regulation of cellular component size 1 306 4.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0009968 negative regulation of signal transduction 4 1017 4.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0040011 locomotion 4 854 4.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0032446 protein modification by small protein conjugation 3 759 4.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0048754 branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube 1 121 4.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0023051 regulation of signaling 9 2560 4.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0015850 organic hydroxy compound transport 1 181 4.30e-01
GO:BP GO:1901617 organic hydroxy compound biosynthetic process 1 174 4.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0006950 response to stress 1 2763 4.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0034765 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 2 296 4.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 9 2567 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0055123 digestive system development 1 100 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0048731 system development 1 2886 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0048568 embryonic organ development 2 314 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0008366 axon ensheathment 1 116 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:1901990 regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1 305 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0007272 ensheathment of neurons 1 116 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0030072 peptide hormone secretion 1 169 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0008033 tRNA processing 1 131 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0042552 myelination 1 114 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0042221 response to chemical 1 2456 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0003012 muscle system process 1 334 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0007605 sensory perception of sound 1 97 4.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0035051 cardiocyte differentiation 1 134 4.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0034654 nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process 1 3054 4.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0019219 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 3059 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0051234 establishment of localization 2 3453 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:1903522 regulation of blood circulation 1 197 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0051896 regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1 123 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0035108 limb morphogenesis 1 113 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0035107 appendage morphogenesis 1 113 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0002790 peptide secretion 1 173 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0018130 heterocycle biosynthetic process 1 3115 4.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0072331 signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 163 4.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0019438 aromatic compound biosynthetic process 1 3116 4.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0072073 kidney epithelium development 1 113 4.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0120036 plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 1 1203 4.38e-01
GO:BP GO:1902850 microtubule cytoskeleton organization involved in mitosis 1 157 4.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0046883 regulation of hormone secretion 1 171 4.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0051179 localization 4 3983 4.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0035264 multicellular organism growth 1 124 4.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0007611 learning or memory 1 201 4.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0071705 nitrogen compound transport 1 1689 4.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0098662 inorganic cation transmembrane transport 3 537 4.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0030030 cell projection organization 1 1236 4.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0010639 negative regulation of organelle organization 1 310 4.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0050708 regulation of protein secretion 1 186 4.46e-01
GO:BP GO:1901362 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process 1 3221 4.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0008202 steroid metabolic process 1 203 4.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0015833 peptide transport 1 182 4.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0001558 regulation of cell growth 1 352 4.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0060070 canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1 254 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0032102 negative regulation of response to external stimulus 1 291 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0062012 regulation of small molecule metabolic process 1 248 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0051649 establishment of localization in cell 1 1842 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0042770 signal transduction in response to DNA damage 1 180 4.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0043405 regulation of MAP kinase activity 1 141 4.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0098655 monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 3 554 4.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0050954 sensory perception of mechanical stimulus 1 111 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0046578 regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1 156 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0010975 regulation of neuron projection development 1 374 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0009888 tissue development 6 1425 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0061351 neural precursor cell proliferation 1 122 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0007409 axonogenesis 1 350 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0048592 eye morphogenesis 1 114 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0045786 negative regulation of cell cycle 1 337 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0032880 regulation of protein localization 1 719 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0030324 lung development 1 144 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0061138 morphogenesis of a branching epithelium 1 143 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0030323 respiratory tube development 1 148 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0006109 regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 1 147 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0030001 metal ion transport 2 568 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0007275 multicellular organism development 1 3355 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0019216 regulation of lipid metabolic process 1 251 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0010648 negative regulation of cell communication 4 1088 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051235 maintenance of location 1 263 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0030111 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 1 274 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0023057 negative regulation of signaling 4 1090 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0006935 chemotaxis 1 264 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0140694 non-membrane-bounded organelle assembly 1 364 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0043491 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1 144 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0042330 taxis 1 264 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process 1 781 4.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0031399 regulation of protein modification process 4 1096 4.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0032879 regulation of localization 4 1570 4.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0008104 protein localization 2 2128 4.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0070727 cellular macromolecule localization 2 2137 4.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0009967 positive regulation of signal transduction 5 1116 4.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0001501 skeletal system development 2 361 4.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0048839 inner ear development 1 129 4.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0001763 morphogenesis of a branching structure 1 155 4.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0071824 protein-DNA complex organization 2 711 4.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0048736 appendage development 1 141 4.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0060173 limb development 1 141 4.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0044271 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process 1 3743 4.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0006066 alcohol metabolic process 1 263 4.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0046879 hormone secretion 1 212 4.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0009416 response to light stimulus 1 241 4.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 1 275 4.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 2 582 4.84e-01
GO:BP GO:1901987 regulation of cell cycle phase transition 1 387 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0016049 cell growth 1 416 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0060341 regulation of cellular localization 1 805 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0070374 positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 1 120 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0060541 respiratory system development 1 161 4.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0046394 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1 223 4.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0061564 axon development 1 388 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0050679 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 1 152 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0016053 organic acid biosynthetic process 1 224 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0009914 hormone transport 1 217 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0001932 regulation of protein phosphorylation 3 758 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0051640 organelle localization 2 521 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0009755 hormone-mediated signaling pathway 1 142 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0009894 regulation of catabolic process 1 883 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0070647 protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 3 870 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0044772 mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1 411 4.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0045859 regulation of protein kinase activity 2 473 4.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 9 4807 4.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0040007 growth 3 737 4.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 2 456 4.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds 1 288 4.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0010810 regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 1 171 4.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0016477 cell migration 2 1065 4.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0030163 protein catabolic process 1 906 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process 1 841 5.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process 2 684 5.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0043269 regulation of monoatomic ion transport 2 369 5.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0043583 ear development 1 150 5.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0051216 cartilage development 1 149 5.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0006996 organelle organization 2 2974 5.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0042886 amide transport 1 237 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0006399 tRNA metabolic process 1 189 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 2 4100 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0010632 regulation of epithelial cell migration 1 195 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process 2 699 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0002064 epithelial cell development 1 156 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0071356 cellular response to tumor necrosis factor 1 159 5.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0048514 blood vessel morphogenesis 2 461 5.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process 2 703 5.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 1 3587 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0048667 cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation 1 451 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0034330 cell junction organization 1 586 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0009306 protein secretion 1 262 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0051098 regulation of binding 1 314 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0006869 lipid transport 1 271 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0007346 regulation of mitotic cell cycle 1 438 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0035592 establishment of protein localization to extracellular region 1 262 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 1 3773 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0031344 regulation of cell projection organization 2 542 5.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0007507 heart development 2 512 5.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0051171 regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4243 5.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0071692 protein localization to extracellular region 1 266 5.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0034220 monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 2 650 5.21e-01
GO:BP GO:2000241 regulation of reproductive process 1 126 5.21e-01
GO:BP GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 3702 5.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0033036 macromolecule localization 1 2448 5.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0048738 cardiac muscle tissue development 1 202 5.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0022402 cell cycle process 4 1078 5.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 1 4197 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0033365 protein localization to organelle 1 860 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0006812 monoatomic cation transport 2 677 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 3794 5.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 1 4371 5.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 1 3820 5.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0043603 amide metabolic process 1 1003 5.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0034612 response to tumor necrosis factor 1 176 5.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0040008 regulation of growth 1 493 5.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0048598 embryonic morphogenesis 2 438 5.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0006631 fatty acid metabolic process 1 276 5.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0042325 regulation of phosphorylation 3 841 5.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological process 1 4026 5.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0016055 Wnt signaling pathway 1 379 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0036211 protein modification process 1 2751 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0010876 lipid localization 1 309 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0048812 neuron projection morphogenesis 1 500 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0044770 cell cycle phase transition 1 496 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0198738 cell-cell signaling by wnt 1 380 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0120035 regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 1 529 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0003007 heart morphogenesis 1 217 5.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0043549 regulation of kinase activity 2 548 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0120039 plasma membrane bounded cell projection morphogenesis 1 515 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:1903039 positive regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1 157 5.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0006417 regulation of translation 1 373 5.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0048858 cell projection morphogenesis 1 519 5.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0042592 homeostatic process 5 1189 5.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0071495 cellular response to endogenous stimulus 4 1097 5.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0009887 animal organ morphogenesis 3 725 5.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0009314 response to radiation 1 339 5.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0051049 regulation of transport 3 1268 5.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 7 2271 5.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0045765 regulation of angiogenesis 1 200 5.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0032502 developmental process 2 4445 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0051276 chromosome organization 2 533 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0032990 cell part morphogenesis 1 539 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:1901342 regulation of vasculature development 1 202 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0048518 positive regulation of biological process 1 4566 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0010647 positive regulation of cell communication 5 1249 5.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0023056 positive regulation of signaling 5 1252 5.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0043412 macromolecule modification 1 2948 5.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0045165 cell fate commitment 1 157 5.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0051641 cellular localization 1 2822 5.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0051345 positive regulation of hydrolase activity 1 412 5.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0001568 blood vessel development 2 537 5.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0006915 apoptotic process 5 1452 5.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0098609 cell-cell adhesion 1 599 5.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0035295 tube development 3 822 5.68e-01
GO:BP GO:1901565 organonitrogen compound catabolic process 1 1151 5.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0009057 macromolecule catabolic process 1 1215 5.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0018105 peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1 242 5.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0021537 telencephalon development 1 208 5.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0048878 chemical homeostasis 3 689 5.78e-01
GO:BP GO:1903047 mitotic cell cycle process 2 689 5.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0044281 small molecule metabolic process 3 1386 5.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0001944 vasculature development 2 562 5.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0051346 negative regulation of hydrolase activity 1 206 5.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0061448 connective tissue development 1 212 5.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0010631 epithelial cell migration 1 253 5.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0034248 regulation of amide metabolic process 1 426 5.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0051146 striated muscle cell differentiation 1 239 5.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 4563 5.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0090132 epithelium migration 1 253 5.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0072359 circulatory system development 3 888 5.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 4593 5.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0023061 signal release 1 329 5.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0006811 monoatomic ion transport 1 788 5.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0090130 tissue migration 1 257 5.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0050877 nervous system process 1 628 5.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0022409 positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion 1 188 5.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0018209 peptidyl-serine modification 1 254 5.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0009059 macromolecule biosynthetic process 2 5148 5.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0012501 programmed cell death 5 1498 5.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0032989 cellular component morphogenesis 1 627 5.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0016070 RNA metabolic process 1 3573 5.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0030198 extracellular matrix organization 1 233 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0019220 regulation of phosphate metabolic process 3 949 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0008219 cell death 5 1504 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0043062 extracellular structure organization 1 234 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0051174 regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 3 950 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0045229 external encapsulating structure organization 1 234 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0060562 epithelial tube morphogenesis 1 276 5.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0007265 Ras protein signal transduction 1 287 5.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0051223 regulation of protein transport 1 404 5.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0006091 generation of precursor metabolites and energy 1 423 5.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0043687 post-translational protein modification 3 1102 5.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0065009 regulation of molecular function 6 1905 6.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0007420 brain development 2 546 6.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0071900 regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1 274 6.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0010564 regulation of cell cycle process 1 622 6.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0070201 regulation of establishment of protein localization 1 428 6.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0019222 regulation of metabolic process 1 4998 6.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0051338 regulation of transferase activity 2 664 6.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0010817 regulation of hormone levels 1 337 6.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0031589 cell-substrate adhesion 1 271 6.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0044057 regulation of system process 1 398 6.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0051716 cellular response to stimulus 1 4929 6.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis 1 680 6.21e-01
GO:BP GO:0090304 nucleic acid metabolic process 1 4018 6.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0071345 cellular response to cytokine stimulus 2 544 6.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0080134 regulation of response to stress 3 1074 6.25e-01
GO:BP GO:1903530 regulation of secretion by cell 1 382 6.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0006874 intracellular calcium ion homeostasis 1 208 6.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0030522 intracellular receptor signaling pathway 1 256 6.29e-01
GO:BP GO:1903037 regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1 210 6.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0050678 regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 1 268 6.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0065003 protein-containing complex assembly 1 1320 6.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0060322 head development 2 588 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0060429 epithelium development 3 849 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0044283 small molecule biosynthetic process 1 432 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0035239 tube morphogenesis 2 663 6.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0009719 response to endogenous stimulus 4 1260 6.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0055074 calcium ion homeostasis 1 221 6.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0000902 cell morphogenesis 1 740 6.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 2 815 6.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0051046 regulation of secretion 1 413 6.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0007610 behavior 1 439 6.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0006139 nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 4423 6.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0032787 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process 1 434 6.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0007159 leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1 233 6.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 5 1895 6.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0031175 neuron projection development 1 774 6.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process 2 989 6.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0046483 heterocycle metabolic process 1 4537 6.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0044249 cellular biosynthetic process 2 5813 6.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0006725 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process 1 4561 6.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 1 329 6.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0048513 animal organ development 7 2156 6.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0051336 regulation of hydrolase activity 2 680 6.71e-01
GO:BP GO:0006338 chromatin remodeling 1 520 6.71e-01
GO:BP GO:0034097 response to cytokine 2 609 6.71e-01
GO:BP GO:0007600 sensory perception 2 259 6.71e-01
GO:BP GO:1901576 organic substance biosynthetic process 2 5875 6.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0007167 enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway 2 741 6.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0009058 biosynthetic process 2 5912 6.78e-01
GO:BP GO:1901360 organic cyclic compound metabolic process 1 4713 6.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0032101 regulation of response to external stimulus 1 690 6.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0048583 regulation of response to stimulus 8 2877 6.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0050673 epithelial cell proliferation 1 318 6.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0030900 forebrain development 1 290 6.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 3 1130 6.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0019538 protein metabolic process 1 4202 6.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0034641 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4913 6.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0023052 signaling 10 4134 6.97e-01
GO:BP GO:1901575 organic substance catabolic process 1 1731 7.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 1 1964 7.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0007155 cell adhesion 1 996 7.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0048666 neuron development 1 873 7.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0022407 regulation of cell-cell adhesion 1 292 7.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0045785 positive regulation of cell adhesion 1 319 7.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 1 5721 7.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0006412 translation 1 657 7.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0007154 cell communication 10 4210 7.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0034470 ncRNA processing 1 397 7.21e-01
GO:BP GO:0007417 central nervous system development 1 750 7.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0006259 DNA metabolic process 1 886 7.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0010467 gene expression 1 4733 7.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0006325 chromatin organization 1 631 7.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0043043 peptide biosynthetic process 1 677 7.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0002009 morphogenesis of an epithelium 1 415 7.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0001525 angiogenesis 1 389 7.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0032940 secretion by cell 1 573 7.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 5 1557 7.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0033993 response to lipid 1 594 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0033043 regulation of organelle organization 1 1001 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0014070 response to organic cyclic compound 1 634 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 1 2459 7.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0043085 positive regulation of catalytic activity 1 815 7.61e-01
GO:BP GO:1901564 organonitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4919 7.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0140352 export from cell 1 617 7.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0009056 catabolic process 1 2108 7.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0016310 phosphorylation 3 1338 7.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0043604 amide biosynthetic process 1 785 7.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0007169 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway 1 470 7.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis 1 2722 7.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 2 1981 7.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0030003 intracellular monoatomic cation homeostasis 1 364 7.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0098771 inorganic ion homeostasis 1 355 7.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0046903 secretion 1 647 7.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0006873 intracellular monoatomic ion homeostasis 1 369 7.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0048729 tissue morphogenesis 1 501 7.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0009790 embryo development 2 859 7.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0050790 regulation of catalytic activity 3 1349 7.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0044255 cellular lipid metabolic process 1 736 8.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 1 449 8.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0001934 positive regulation of protein phosphorylation 1 465 8.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0055080 monoatomic cation homeostasis 1 410 8.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0006807 nitrogen compound metabolic process 2 7431 8.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0010608 post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression 1 475 8.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0050801 monoatomic ion homeostasis 1 416 8.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0034660 ncRNA metabolic process 1 561 8.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0042327 positive regulation of phosphorylation 1 511 8.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0009628 response to abiotic stimulus 1 848 8.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality 3 2085 8.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0043170 macromolecule metabolic process 2 7084 8.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0007186 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 386 8.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0045937 positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process 1 559 8.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0030155 regulation of cell adhesion 1 535 8.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0010562 positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 1 559 8.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0044093 positive regulation of molecular function 1 1132 8.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0006974 DNA damage response 1 795 8.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0055082 intracellular chemical homeostasis 1 498 8.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0043066 negative regulation of apoptotic process 1 662 8.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0031401 positive regulation of protein modification process 1 664 8.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0050794 regulation of cellular process 1 7632 8.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0043069 negative regulation of programmed cell death 1 685 8.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0044238 primary metabolic process 2 7788 8.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0071310 cellular response to organic substance 3 1390 8.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 4 1889 8.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0009725 response to hormone 1 624 8.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0019725 cellular homeostasis 1 583 9.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0044087 regulation of cellular component biogenesis 1 802 9.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0007165 signal transduction 11 3803 9.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 4 1952 9.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0044237 cellular metabolic process 2 7562 9.21e-01
GO:BP GO:0050789 regulation of biological process 1 8017 9.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0016043 cellular component organization 2 5106 9.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0009605 response to external stimulus 2 1635 9.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0010033 response to organic substance 4 1942 9.31e-01
GO:BP GO:1901700 response to oxygen-containing compound 1 1219 9.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis 2 5307 9.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0048646 anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis 1 868 9.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0010628 positive regulation of gene expression 1 795 9.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0065007 biological regulation 1 8282 9.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0006796 phosphate-containing compound metabolic process 3 2096 9.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0006793 phosphorus metabolic process 3 2118 9.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0000398 mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1 288 9.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0000377 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile 1 288 9.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0000375 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions 1 292 9.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0051247 positive regulation of protein metabolic process 1 1067 9.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0008380 RNA splicing 2 426 9.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0006397 mRNA processing 2 451 9.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0016071 mRNA metabolic process 2 671 9.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0009987 cellular process 1 11410 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0006396 RNA processing 1 928 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0008150 biological_process 1 12027 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0008152 metabolic process 1 8522 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0071704 organic substance metabolic process 1 8176 1.00e+00
KEGG KEGG:05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 4 128 8.80e-03
KEGG KEGG:05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 3 67 1.20e-02
KEGG KEGG:05222 Small cell lung cancer 3 87 1.53e-02
KEGG KEGG:05216 Thyroid cancer 2 35 1.53e-02
KEGG KEGG:05226 Gastric cancer 3 117 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05212 Pancreatic cancer 2 75 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05213 Endometrial cancer 2 57 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05214 Glioma 2 67 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05215 Prostate cancer 1 86 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05217 Basal cell carcinoma 2 49 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:04115 p53 signaling pathway 2 65 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05218 Melanoma 2 58 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 2 75 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05210 Colorectal cancer 2 84 2.29e-02
KEGG KEGG:04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway 2 71 2.96e-02
KEGG KEGG:04068 FoxO signaling pathway 2 109 4.44e-02
KEGG KEGG:04210 Apoptosis 2 118 4.44e-02
KEGG KEGG:00510 N-Glycan biosynthesis 1 48 4.62e-02
KEGG KEGG:05224 Breast cancer 2 117 4.66e-02
KEGG KEGG:04110 Cell cycle 2 151 4.77e-02
KEGG KEGG:04218 Cellular senescence 2 145 4.77e-02
KEGG KEGG:05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma 2 145 5.04e-02
KEGG KEGG:05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 2 153 6.66e-02
KEGG KEGG:04710 Circadian rhythm 1 30 7.37e-02
KEGG KEGG:05016 Huntington disease 1 256 1.00e-01
KEGG KEGG:05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1 303 1.14e-01
KEGG KEGG:04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2 240 1.14e-01
KEGG KEGG:05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 1 56 1.22e-01
KEGG KEGG:05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases 1 385 1.32e-01
KEGG KEGG:04713 Circadian entrainment 1 69 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:05200 Pathways in cancer 3 409 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:04360 Axon guidance 1 162 1.77e-01
KEGG KEGG:04114 Oocyte meiosis 1 108 3.11e-01
KEGG KEGG:04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 1 108 4.34e-01
KEGG KEGG:05206 MicroRNAs in cancer 1 149 5.30e-01
KEGG KEGG:01100 Metabolic pathways 1 1146 5.41e-01
KEGG KEGG:05168 Herpes simplex virus 1 infection 1 415 6.12e-01
KEGG KEGG:00000 KEGG root term 1 5548 6.12e-01
TRZnomtable %>%
  filter(source=="KEGG") %>% 
  mutate_at(.vars = 6, .funs = scientific_format()) %>%
  kable(., caption = "Enrichment of KEGG terms using nominal pvalue TRZ genes in my data") %>%
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
    full_width = FALSE,
    position = "left",
    bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
  ) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
Enrichment of KEGG terms using nominal pvalue TRZ genes in my data
source term_id term_name intersection_size term_size p_value
KEGG KEGG:05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 4 128 8.80e-03
KEGG KEGG:05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 3 67 1.20e-02
KEGG KEGG:05222 Small cell lung cancer 3 87 1.53e-02
KEGG KEGG:05216 Thyroid cancer 2 35 1.53e-02
KEGG KEGG:05226 Gastric cancer 3 117 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05212 Pancreatic cancer 2 75 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05213 Endometrial cancer 2 57 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05214 Glioma 2 67 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05215 Prostate cancer 1 86 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05217 Basal cell carcinoma 2 49 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:04115 p53 signaling pathway 2 65 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05218 Melanoma 2 58 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 2 75 2.09e-02
KEGG KEGG:05210 Colorectal cancer 2 84 2.29e-02
KEGG KEGG:04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway 2 71 2.96e-02
KEGG KEGG:04068 FoxO signaling pathway 2 109 4.44e-02
KEGG KEGG:04210 Apoptosis 2 118 4.44e-02
KEGG KEGG:00510 N-Glycan biosynthesis 1 48 4.62e-02
KEGG KEGG:05224 Breast cancer 2 117 4.66e-02
KEGG KEGG:04110 Cell cycle 2 151 4.77e-02
KEGG KEGG:04218 Cellular senescence 2 145 4.77e-02
KEGG KEGG:05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma 2 145 5.04e-02
KEGG KEGG:05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 2 153 6.66e-02
KEGG KEGG:04710 Circadian rhythm 1 30 7.37e-02
KEGG KEGG:05016 Huntington disease 1 256 1.00e-01
KEGG KEGG:05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1 303 1.14e-01
KEGG KEGG:04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2 240 1.14e-01
KEGG KEGG:05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 1 56 1.22e-01
KEGG KEGG:05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases 1 385 1.32e-01
KEGG KEGG:04713 Circadian entrainment 1 69 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:05200 Pathways in cancer 3 409 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:04360 Axon guidance 1 162 1.77e-01
KEGG KEGG:04114 Oocyte meiosis 1 108 3.11e-01
KEGG KEGG:04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 1 108 4.34e-01
KEGG KEGG:05206 MicroRNAs in cancer 1 149 5.30e-01
KEGG KEGG:01100 Metabolic pathways 1 1146 5.41e-01
KEGG KEGG:05168 Herpes simplex virus 1 infection 1 415 6.12e-01
KEGG KEGG:00000 KEGG root term 1 5548 6.12e-01

TRZ 3 hour nom de

# TRZresgenes3h <- gost(query = TRZ_list3h$ENTREZID,
#                     organism = "hsapiens",
#                     significant = FALSE,
#                     ordered_query = TRUE,
#                     domain_scope = "custom",
#                     measure_underrepresentation = FALSE,
#                     evcodes = FALSE,
#                     user_threshold = 0.05,
#                     correction_method = c("fdr"),
#                     custom_bg = backGL$ENTREZID,
#                     sources=c("GO:BP","KEGG"))
# saveRDS(TRZresgenes3h,"data/DEG-GO/TRZresgenes3h.RDS")
TRZresgenes3h <- readRDS("data/DEG-GO/TRZresgenes3h.RDS")

TRZnom3h <- gostplot(TRZresgenes3h, capped = FALSE, interactive = TRUE)
TRZnomtable3h <- TRZresgenes3h$result %>% 
  dplyr::select(c(source, term_id,
                   term_size, p_value))# %>% 

TRZnomtable3h %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = 6, .funs = scientific_format()) %>%
  kable(., ) %>%
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
    full_width = FALSE,
    position = "left",
    bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
  ) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
source term_id term_name intersection_size term_size p_value
GO:BP GO:1900745 positive regulation of p38MAPK cascade 2 22 6.71e-03
GO:BP GO:1902746 regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 2 8 6.71e-03
GO:BP GO:1902747 negative regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 2 5 6.71e-03
GO:BP GO:0120162 positive regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 2 72 8.98e-03
GO:BP GO:1900744 regulation of p38MAPK cascade 2 32 8.98e-03
GO:BP GO:0038066 p38MAPK cascade 2 42 1.06e-02
GO:BP GO:0010801 negative regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 2 15 1.06e-02
GO:BP GO:0120161 regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 2 115 1.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0106106 cold-induced thermogenesis 2 116 1.12e-02
GO:BP GO:1990845 adaptive thermogenesis 2 127 1.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0001659 temperature homeostasis 2 135 1.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 1 4 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0010719 negative regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 2 29 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0031400 negative regulation of protein modification process 4 396 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0019249 lactate biosynthetic process 1 3 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0001837 epithelial to mesenchymal transition 3 139 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0046330 positive regulation of JNK cascade 2 71 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0051941 regulation of amino acid uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1 3 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0051946 regulation of glutamate uptake involved in transmission of nerve impulse 1 3 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0070345 negative regulation of fat cell proliferation 1 4 1.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0070306 lens fiber cell differentiation 2 30 1.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0051935 glutamate reuptake 1 4 1.65e-02
GO:BP GO:0070304 positive regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 2 97 1.74e-02
GO:BP GO:0032874 positive regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 2 95 1.74e-02
GO:BP GO:0010799 regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 2 35 1.74e-02
GO:BP GO:0002036 regulation of L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1 6 1.86e-02
GO:BP GO:0046328 regulation of JNK cascade 2 113 1.90e-02
GO:BP GO:0030857 negative regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 2 31 2.01e-02
GO:BP GO:0051933 amino acid neurotransmitter reuptake 1 5 2.01e-02
GO:BP GO:0070344 regulation of fat cell proliferation 1 8 2.01e-02
GO:BP GO:0042754 negative regulation of circadian rhythm 1 8 2.27e-02
GO:BP GO:0045210 FasL biosynthetic process 1 1 2.27e-02
GO:BP GO:0043065 positive regulation of apoptotic process 3 394 2.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0007254 JNK cascade 2 137 2.35e-02
GO:BP GO:1903789 regulation of amino acid transmembrane transport 1 14 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0048762 mesenchymal cell differentiation 3 205 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0070341 fat cell proliferation 1 11 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0010958 regulation of amino acid import across plasma membrane 1 14 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0070302 regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 2 157 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0043068 positive regulation of programmed cell death 3 403 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0032872 regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 2 153 2.39e-02
GO:BP GO:0098712 L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1 11 2.44e-02
GO:BP GO:0050872 white fat cell differentiation 1 15 2.44e-02
GO:BP GO:0070373 negative regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 2 58 2.44e-02
GO:BP GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthetic process 2 54 2.44e-02
GO:BP GO:0051580 regulation of neurotransmitter uptake 1 15 2.44e-02
GO:BP GO:2000678 negative regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 1 17 2.44e-02
GO:BP GO:0043408 regulation of MAPK cascade 4 473 2.47e-02
GO:BP GO:0006089 lactate metabolic process 1 16 2.47e-02
GO:BP GO:0001933 negative regulation of protein phosphorylation 3 265 2.73e-02
GO:BP GO:0043153 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod 1 23 2.79e-02
GO:BP GO:0051403 stress-activated MAPK cascade 2 188 2.79e-02
GO:BP GO:0031098 stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 2 194 2.89e-02
GO:BP GO:0031397 negative regulation of protein ubiquitination 2 76 2.97e-02
GO:BP GO:0009648 photoperiodism 1 24 2.97e-02
GO:BP GO:0015813 L-glutamate transmembrane transport 1 18 2.99e-02
GO:BP GO:0009649 entrainment of circadian clock 1 27 2.99e-02
GO:BP GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle 3 941 2.99e-02
GO:BP GO:0042326 negative regulation of phosphorylation 3 290 2.99e-02
GO:BP GO:0060485 mesenchyme development 3 250 3.09e-02
GO:BP GO:0002088 lens development in camera-type eye 2 57 3.09e-02
GO:BP GO:1900623 regulation of monocyte aggregation 1 3 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0045226 extracellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1 2 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0098810 neurotransmitter reuptake 1 21 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0046379 extracellular polysaccharide metabolic process 1 2 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0051938 L-glutamate import 1 24 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0030512 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 2 85 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:1900625 positive regulation of monocyte aggregation 1 3 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0000165 MAPK cascade 4 553 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:1903321 negative regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 2 86 3.11e-02
GO:BP GO:0010717 regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 2 87 3.20e-02
GO:BP GO:0010563 negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 3 335 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0009250 glucan biosynthetic process 1 40 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0018107 peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 2 96 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0045936 negative regulation of phosphate metabolic process 3 334 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0001504 neurotransmitter uptake 1 29 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0005978 glycogen biosynthetic process 1 40 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0051955 regulation of amino acid transport 1 28 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0005976 polysaccharide metabolic process 2 81 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0051387 negative regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1 3 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:1901874 negative regulation of post-translational protein modification 2 98 3.45e-02
GO:BP GO:0048871 multicellular organismal-level homeostasis 2 570 3.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0043392 negative regulation of DNA binding 1 44 3.48e-02
GO:BP GO:1900127 positive regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1 4 3.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0090500 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition 1 4 3.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0089718 amino acid import across plasma membrane 1 38 3.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0000379 tRNA-type intron splice site recognition and cleavage 1 3 3.54e-02
GO:BP GO:2000677 regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 1 43 3.57e-02
GO:BP GO:0018210 peptidyl-threonine modification 2 103 3.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0060437 lung growth 1 4 3.69e-02
GO:BP GO:0002931 response to ischemia 1 48 3.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0070487 monocyte aggregation 1 4 3.93e-02
GO:BP GO:0015800 acidic amino acid transport 1 39 4.03e-02
GO:BP GO:0019229 regulation of vasoconstriction 1 38 4.05e-02
GO:BP GO:0034089 establishment of meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 1 4 4.06e-02
GO:BP GO:1901842 negative regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 4 4.08e-02
GO:BP GO:1902475 L-alpha-amino acid transmembrane transport 1 51 4.30e-02
GO:BP GO:0032922 circadian regulation of gene expression 1 63 4.32e-02
GO:BP GO:0017015 regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 2 126 4.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0070295 renal water absorption 1 6 4.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1903844 regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 2 127 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0005977 glycogen metabolic process 1 64 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0060449 bud elongation involved in lung branching 1 7 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0090101 negative regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 2 122 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:1902533 positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction 4 707 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0060349 bone morphogenesis 2 74 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0032890 regulation of organic acid transport 1 48 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0044042 glucan metabolic process 1 65 4.35e-02
GO:BP GO:0043410 positive regulation of MAPK cascade 3 316 4.41e-02
GO:BP GO:0051248 negative regulation of protein metabolic process 4 799 4.41e-02
GO:BP GO:0042310 vasoconstriction 1 51 4.46e-02
GO:BP GO:1900125 regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1 6 4.52e-02
GO:BP GO:0015807 L-amino acid transport 1 62 4.53e-02
GO:BP GO:0030856 regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 2 100 4.53e-02
GO:BP GO:0006112 energy reserve metabolic process 1 72 4.53e-02
GO:BP GO:0006094 gluconeogenesis 1 70 4.53e-02
GO:BP GO:0019319 hexose biosynthetic process 1 73 4.65e-02
GO:BP GO:0030010 establishment of cell polarity 2 135 4.72e-02
GO:BP GO:0006835 dicarboxylic acid transport 1 61 4.72e-02
GO:BP GO:0051588 regulation of neurotransmitter transport 1 71 4.83e-02
GO:BP GO:0051952 regulation of amine transport 1 56 4.84e-02
GO:BP GO:0046364 monosaccharide biosynthetic process 1 82 4.90e-02
GO:BP GO:0003333 amino acid transmembrane transport 1 70 4.91e-02
GO:BP GO:0080135 regulation of cellular response to stress 3 585 5.05e-02
GO:BP GO:0043409 negative regulation of MAPK cascade 2 145 5.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0003097 renal water transport 1 7 5.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0015837 amine transport 1 59 5.14e-02
GO:BP GO:0042752 regulation of circadian rhythm 1 93 5.33e-02
GO:BP GO:0007049 cell cycle 3 1515 5.42e-02
GO:BP GO:0051101 regulation of DNA binding 1 102 5.53e-02
GO:BP GO:0001654 eye development 3 273 5.66e-02
GO:BP GO:0150063 visual system development 3 274 5.77e-02
GO:BP GO:0048880 sensory system development 3 276 5.88e-02
GO:BP GO:0051386 regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1 11 5.88e-02
GO:BP GO:1900747 negative regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1 8 5.88e-02
GO:BP GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function 4 730 6.19e-02
GO:BP GO:0035296 regulation of tube diameter 1 98 6.19e-02
GO:BP GO:0097746 blood vessel diameter maintenance 1 98 6.19e-02
GO:BP GO:0051549 positive regulation of keratinocyte migration 1 11 6.19e-02
GO:BP GO:0035150 regulation of tube size 1 98 6.19e-02
GO:BP GO:0006469 negative regulation of protein kinase activity 2 173 6.21e-02
GO:BP GO:0006865 amino acid transport 1 103 6.21e-02
GO:BP GO:1905039 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport 1 111 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:1902548 negative regulation of cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1 10 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0030213 hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1 10 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0035810 positive regulation of urine volume 1 10 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0036302 atrioventricular canal development 1 12 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0007179 transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 2 177 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0070486 leukocyte aggregation 1 9 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:1903825 organic acid transmembrane transport 1 112 6.25e-02
GO:BP GO:0051100 negative regulation of binding 1 133 6.32e-02
GO:BP GO:0034085 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion 1 10 6.33e-02
GO:BP GO:0050796 regulation of insulin secretion 1 119 6.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0043517 positive regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 16 6.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0010838 positive regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 1 9 6.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0031396 regulation of protein ubiquitination 2 194 6.54e-02
GO:BP GO:1901841 regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 12 6.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0051547 regulation of keratinocyte migration 1 13 6.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0033673 negative regulation of kinase activity 2 191 6.67e-02
GO:BP GO:0035265 organ growth 2 128 6.71e-02
GO:BP GO:0044849 estrous cycle 1 14 6.72e-02
GO:BP GO:0001505 regulation of neurotransmitter levels 1 132 6.90e-02
GO:BP GO:0006006 glucose metabolic process 1 153 6.97e-02
GO:BP GO:0016051 carbohydrate biosynthetic process 2 160 6.99e-02
GO:BP GO:1901201 regulation of extracellular matrix assembly 1 15 6.99e-02
GO:BP GO:0007163 establishment or maintenance of cell polarity 2 197 7.06e-02
GO:BP GO:0051240 positive regulation of multicellular organismal process 2 1103 7.06e-02
GO:BP GO:0040037 negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1 16 7.08e-02
GO:BP GO:0098739 import across plasma membrane 1 130 7.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0090276 regulation of peptide hormone secretion 1 135 7.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport 1 141 7.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0002791 regulation of peptide secretion 1 137 7.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0030073 insulin secretion 1 144 7.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0007623 circadian rhythm 1 160 7.12e-02
GO:BP GO:0090087 regulation of peptide transport 1 139 7.15e-02
GO:BP GO:0042592 homeostatic process 2 1189 7.33e-02
GO:BP GO:0072330 monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1 146 7.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0060602 branch elongation of an epithelium 1 15 7.41e-02
GO:BP GO:0006388 tRNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 1 13 7.41e-02
GO:BP GO:0090092 regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 2 211 7.42e-02
GO:BP GO:0055012 ventricular cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1 15 7.42e-02
GO:BP GO:0051177 meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 1 11 7.42e-02
GO:BP GO:0045444 fat cell differentiation 1 187 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0071560 cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 2 222 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process 1 187 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0051546 keratinocyte migration 1 15 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0071498 cellular response to fluid shear stress 1 19 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic process 5 1092 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0051348 negative regulation of transferase activity 2 225 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:1901617 organic hydroxy compound biosynthetic process 1 174 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:1903320 regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 2 232 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0000394 RNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 1 14 7.54e-02
GO:BP GO:0071559 response to transforming growth factor beta 2 227 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:1900746 regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1 18 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0036120 cellular response to platelet-derived growth factor stimulus 1 20 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0030072 peptide hormone secretion 1 169 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:1903522 regulation of blood circulation 1 197 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0002790 peptide secretion 1 173 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0035809 regulation of urine volume 1 14 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:1901386 negative regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 14 7.61e-02
GO:BP GO:0046883 regulation of hormone secretion 1 171 7.76e-02
GO:BP GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process 1 212 7.77e-02
GO:BP GO:0071363 cellular response to growth factor stimulus 3 549 7.77e-02
GO:BP GO:0003018 vascular process in circulatory system 1 198 7.77e-02
GO:BP GO:0050708 regulation of protein secretion 1 186 7.77e-02
GO:BP GO:0043067 regulation of programmed cell death 5 1124 7.77e-02
GO:BP GO:0015833 peptide transport 1 182 7.81e-02
GO:BP GO:0031399 regulation of protein modification process 4 1096 7.81e-02
GO:BP GO:1902547 regulation of cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1 20 7.83e-02
GO:BP GO:0048011 neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1 23 7.83e-02
GO:BP GO:0036119 response to platelet-derived growth factor 1 22 7.83e-02
GO:BP GO:0090162 establishment of epithelial cell polarity 1 30 7.91e-02
GO:BP GO:0003417 growth plate cartilage development 1 14 8.01e-02
GO:BP GO:1901798 positive regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 28 8.02e-02
GO:BP GO:0003091 renal water homeostasis 1 14 8.02e-02
GO:BP GO:0070848 response to growth factor 3 571 8.31e-02
GO:BP GO:0048511 rhythmic process 1 233 8.33e-02
GO:BP GO:0043950 positive regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1 5 8.40e-02
GO:BP GO:0009416 response to light stimulus 1 241 8.56e-02
GO:BP GO:0070372 regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 2 192 8.56e-02
GO:BP GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3 684 8.56e-02
GO:BP GO:0046879 hormone secretion 1 212 8.56e-02
GO:BP GO:0034260 negative regulation of GTPase activity 1 25 8.56e-02
GO:BP GO:0060348 bone development 2 157 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:0060441 epithelial tube branching involved in lung morphogenesis 1 21 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:0021756 striatum development 1 18 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:0016053 organic acid biosynthetic process 1 224 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:0046394 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1 223 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:0009914 hormone transport 1 217 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:2000647 negative regulation of stem cell proliferation 1 18 8.58e-02
GO:BP GO:1901873 regulation of post-translational protein modification 1 302 8.66e-02
GO:BP GO:0003401 axis elongation 1 25 8.75e-02
GO:BP GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds 1 288 8.75e-02
GO:BP GO:0140013 meiotic nuclear division 2 117 8.80e-02
GO:BP GO:0090287 regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus 2 261 8.80e-02
GO:BP GO:0006833 water transport 1 12 8.80e-02
GO:BP GO:0015849 organic acid transport 1 214 8.80e-02
GO:BP GO:0046942 carboxylic acid transport 1 213 8.80e-02
GO:BP GO:0040036 regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1 25 8.80e-02
GO:BP GO:0009306 protein secretion 1 262 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0051098 regulation of binding 1 314 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0048705 skeletal system morphogenesis 2 155 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0009967 positive regulation of signal transduction 4 1116 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0042886 amide transport 1 237 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0035592 establishment of protein localization to extracellular region 1 262 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0007423 sensory organ development 3 395 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0043516 regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 36 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0070371 ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 2 211 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0070293 renal absorption 1 24 8.92e-02
GO:BP GO:0032331 negative regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 1 18 8.95e-02
GO:BP GO:0071692 protein localization to extracellular region 1 266 8.98e-02
GO:BP GO:0007130 synaptonemal complex assembly 1 10 9.09e-02
GO:BP GO:0050767 regulation of neurogenesis 1 302 9.15e-02
GO:BP GO:0050891 multicellular organismal-level water homeostasis 1 17 9.23e-02
GO:BP GO:0060317 cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1 28 9.23e-02
GO:BP GO:0030212 hyaluronan metabolic process 1 21 9.23e-02
GO:BP GO:0006631 fatty acid metabolic process 1 276 9.31e-02
GO:BP GO:0032446 protein modification by small protein conjugation 3 759 9.36e-02
GO:BP GO:0034405 response to fluid shear stress 1 31 9.36e-02
GO:BP GO:0000132 establishment of mitotic spindle orientation 1 32 9.36e-02
GO:BP GO:1903046 meiotic cell cycle process 2 132 9.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0021544 subpallium development 1 19 9.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0035116 embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis 1 17 9.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0003416 endochondral bone growth 1 22 9.48e-02
GO:BP GO:0006417 regulation of translation 1 373 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0038179 neurotrophin signaling pathway 1 36 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0070193 synaptonemal complex organization 1 13 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0090311 regulation of protein deacetylation 1 44 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0043010 camera-type eye development 2 237 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0009314 response to radiation 1 339 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0032885 regulation of polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1 32 9.51e-02
GO:BP GO:0015711 organic anion transport 1 270 9.66e-02
GO:BP GO:0042044 fluid transport 1 19 9.94e-02
GO:BP GO:0098868 bone growth 1 23 1.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0061037 negative regulation of cartilage development 1 23 1.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0014911 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1 32 1.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0051960 regulation of nervous system development 1 357 1.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0040001 establishment of mitotic spindle localization 1 37 1.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0038084 vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1 35 1.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0007178 transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 2 298 1.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0051294 establishment of spindle orientation 1 37 1.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0034248 regulation of amide metabolic process 1 426 1.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0048566 embryonic digestive tract development 1 20 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:1901020 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 28 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0023061 signal release 1 329 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0045596 negative regulation of cell differentiation 3 471 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0048384 retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 1 27 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0032881 regulation of polysaccharide metabolic process 1 35 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0085029 extracellular matrix assembly 1 36 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:1900026 positive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1 37 1.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0060351 cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis 1 25 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0008015 blood circulation 1 372 1.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0090066 regulation of anatomical structure size 1 395 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0051223 regulation of protein transport 1 404 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0006091 generation of precursor metabolites and energy 1 423 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0048048 embryonic eye morphogenesis 1 25 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 4 1318 1.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0002068 glandular epithelial cell development 1 28 1.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0035137 hindlimb morphogenesis 1 21 1.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0010837 regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 1 33 1.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0090596 sensory organ morphogenesis 2 179 1.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0006915 apoptotic process 3 1452 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0046580 negative regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1 46 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0070201 regulation of establishment of protein localization 1 428 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0010817 regulation of hormone levels 1 337 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:1901385 regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 29 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0044057 regulation of system process 1 398 1.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0023056 positive regulation of signaling 4 1252 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0010647 positive regulation of cell communication 4 1249 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process 1 375 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0043949 regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1 17 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:1903530 regulation of secretion by cell 1 382 1.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0060425 lung morphogenesis 1 39 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process 1 439 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0048562 embryonic organ morphogenesis 2 186 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0030855 epithelial cell differentiation 3 439 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0040020 regulation of meiotic nuclear division 1 19 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0044283 small molecule biosynthetic process 1 432 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:2001258 negative regulation of cation channel activity 1 31 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0003013 circulatory system process 1 445 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0001932 regulation of protein phosphorylation 3 758 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0034762 regulation of transmembrane transport 1 392 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0012501 programmed cell death 3 1498 1.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0070647 protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 3 870 1.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0008219 cell death 3 1504 1.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0051058 negative regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 1 52 1.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0051046 regulation of secretion 1 413 1.14e-01
GO:BP GO:1903170 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 1 35 1.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0032787 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process 1 434 1.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0043407 negative regulation of MAP kinase activity 1 50 1.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0001822 kidney development 2 246 1.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0051293 establishment of spindle localization 1 49 1.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0051239 regulation of multicellular organismal process 2 2052 1.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0006338 chromatin remodeling 1 520 1.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0031641 regulation of myelination 1 35 1.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0072001 renal system development 2 253 1.20e-01
GO:BP GO:1903053 regulation of extracellular matrix organization 1 47 1.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0043616 keratinocyte proliferation 1 39 1.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0035924 cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1 54 1.21e-01
GO:BP GO:0030330 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 70 1.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0023051 regulation of signaling 3 2560 1.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 3 2567 1.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0051653 spindle localization 1 53 1.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0051321 meiotic cell cycle 2 183 1.24e-01
GO:BP GO:1900024 regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1 54 1.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0002066 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development 1 39 1.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0006476 protein deacetylation 1 81 1.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0042325 regulation of phosphorylation 3 841 1.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0006412 translation 1 657 1.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0014910 regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1 57 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0032330 regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 1 36 1.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0080134 regulation of response to stress 2 1074 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0043043 peptide biosynthetic process 1 677 1.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0006325 chromatin organization 1 631 1.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0032940 secretion by cell 1 573 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 4 997 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0051926 negative regulation of calcium ion transport 1 45 1.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0006024 glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process 1 59 1.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0060284 regulation of cell development 1 593 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0007129 homologous chromosome pairing at meiosis 1 24 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0042698 ovulation cycle 1 54 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0006023 aminoglycan biosynthetic process 1 61 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0014909 smooth muscle cell migration 1 64 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0035601 protein deacylation 1 91 1.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0008543 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1 59 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0098732 macromolecule deacylation 1 92 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0140962 multicellular organismal-level chemical homeostasis 1 48 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0008285 negative regulation of cell population proliferation 1 643 1.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0060350 endochondral bone morphogenesis 1 47 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0071824 protein-DNA complex organization 1 711 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:1902532 negative regulation of intracellular signal transduction 2 445 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0032880 regulation of protein localization 1 719 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0140352 export from cell 1 617 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0007062 sister chromatid cohesion 1 52 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0045913 positive regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 1 61 1.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process 1 781 1.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0043604 amide biosynthetic process 1 785 1.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0071495 cellular response to endogenous stimulus 4 1097 1.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0098657 import into cell 1 664 1.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0032413 negative regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 52 1.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process 1 684 1.50e-01
GO:BP GO:1901796 regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 102 1.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0046903 secretion 1 647 1.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process 1 703 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process 1 699 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0001570 vasculogenesis 1 67 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 744 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0019933 cAMP-mediated signaling 1 35 1.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0060341 regulation of cellular localization 1 805 1.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0014812 muscle cell migration 1 75 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0045143 homologous chromosome segregation 1 32 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0044255 cellular lipid metabolic process 1 736 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0051174 regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 3 950 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0019220 regulation of phosphate metabolic process 3 949 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0006950 response to stress 3 2763 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0070192 chromosome organization involved in meiotic cell cycle 1 35 1.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0032410 negative regulation of transporter activity 1 59 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0061035 regulation of cartilage development 1 53 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0043687 post-translational protein modification 3 1102 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0051093 negative regulation of developmental process 3 654 1.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0033554 cellular response to stress 4 1662 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0051480 regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1 39 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 2 2846 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0016525 negative regulation of angiogenesis 1 71 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0007264 small GTPase mediated signal transduction 2 413 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0002067 glandular epithelial cell differentiation 1 49 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0030335 positive regulation of cell migration 2 408 1.59e-01
GO:BP GO:2000181 negative regulation of blood vessel morphogenesis 1 72 1.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0090288 negative regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus 1 80 1.60e-01
GO:BP GO:1901343 negative regulation of vasculature development 1 72 1.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0010608 post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression 1 475 1.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0009628 response to abiotic stimulus 1 848 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0051445 regulation of meiotic cell cycle 1 45 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:1904063 negative regulation of cation transmembrane transport 1 64 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:1990823 response to leukemia inhibitory factor 1 87 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:1990830 cellular response to leukemia inhibitory factor 1 86 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:1903510 mucopolysaccharide metabolic process 1 75 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0071901 negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1 96 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0045859 regulation of protein kinase activity 2 473 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0044344 cellular response to fibroblast growth factor stimulus 1 81 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0033138 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1 68 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0042472 inner ear morphogenesis 1 59 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0043255 regulation of carbohydrate biosynthetic process 1 79 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0045595 regulation of cell differentiation 4 1122 1.64e-01
GO:BP GO:2000147 positive regulation of cell motility 2 421 1.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0034446 substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1 90 1.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 2 456 1.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0035556 intracellular signal transduction 5 2036 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0051897 positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1 78 1.65e-01
GO:BP GO:1901019 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 70 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0071774 response to fibroblast growth factor 1 85 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0043603 amide metabolic process 1 1003 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0034766 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 1 70 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0040017 positive regulation of locomotion 2 429 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 4 1557 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0048568 embryonic organ development 2 314 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0071347 cellular response to interleukin-1 1 64 1.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0072091 regulation of stem cell proliferation 1 58 1.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0045892 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 1005 1.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0048869 cellular developmental process 3 2943 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0030154 cell differentiation 3 2942 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:1902679 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 1014 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0030203 glycosaminoglycan metabolic process 1 87 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0045132 meiotic chromosome segregation 1 51 1.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0042471 ear morphogenesis 1 73 1.84e-01
GO:BP GO:0048514 blood vessel morphogenesis 2 461 1.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0051172 negative regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 5 1832 1.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0003014 renal system process 1 76 1.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process 1 989 1.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0009887 animal organ morphogenesis 3 725 1.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0010811 positive regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 1 99 1.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0001657 ureteric bud development 1 75 1.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0006022 aminoglycan metabolic process 1 92 1.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0072163 mesonephric epithelium development 1 76 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0051253 negative regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 1112 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0072164 mesonephric tubule development 1 76 1.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0009719 response to endogenous stimulus 4 1260 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0033135 regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1 97 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0043549 regulation of kinase activity 2 548 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0019935 cyclic-nucleotide-mediated signaling 1 52 1.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0001823 mesonephros development 1 77 1.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0070555 response to interleukin-1 1 82 1.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 4 1895 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 3 1130 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0035295 tube development 3 822 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0001501 skeletal system development 2 361 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0000280 nuclear division 2 343 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:1901137 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process 2 544 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0072331 signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1 163 1.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0045934 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 1203 2.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0043271 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transport 1 88 2.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0034763 negative regulation of transmembrane transport 1 96 2.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0036211 protein modification process 5 2751 2.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0051241 negative regulation of multicellular organismal process 3 744 2.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0055085 transmembrane transport 1 1014 2.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0048754 branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube 1 121 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0055007 cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1 108 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0072359 circulatory system development 3 888 2.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0042770 signal transduction in response to DNA damage 1 180 2.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0002062 chondrocyte differentiation 1 89 2.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0072089 stem cell proliferation 1 84 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0007605 sensory perception of sound 1 97 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0010634 positive regulation of epithelial cell migration 1 132 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 1 1150 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0002065 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell differentiation 1 80 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0051896 regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1 123 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0045893 positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 1298 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:1902680 positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 1305 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0022008 neurogenesis 1 1297 2.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0001568 blood vessel development 2 537 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0035113 embryonic appendage morphogenesis 1 89 2.13e-01
GO:BP GO:2001257 regulation of cation channel activity 1 100 2.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0030326 embryonic limb morphogenesis 1 89 2.13e-01
GO:BP GO:1902850 microtubule cytoskeleton organization involved in mitosis 1 157 2.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0051049 regulation of transport 1 1268 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0009101 glycoprotein biosynthetic process 1 251 2.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0034502 protein localization to chromosome 1 101 2.19e-01
GO:BP GO:1901566 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process 1 1496 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0048285 organelle fission 2 387 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0015031 protein transport 1 1366 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0001944 vasculature development 2 562 2.21e-01
GO:BP GO:0044281 small molecule metabolic process 1 1386 2.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0051254 positive regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 1425 2.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0007507 heart development 2 512 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0043405 regulation of MAP kinase activity 1 141 2.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0048565 digestive tract development 1 92 2.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0050954 sensory perception of mechanical stimulus 1 111 2.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0046578 regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1 156 2.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0045184 establishment of protein localization 1 1468 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0031345 negative regulation of cell projection organization 1 154 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0030324 lung development 1 144 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0007127 meiosis I 1 73 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0061138 morphogenesis of a branching epithelium 1 143 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0043412 macromolecule modification 5 2948 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0051338 regulation of transferase activity 2 664 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0030323 respiratory tube development 1 148 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0048598 embryonic morphogenesis 2 438 2.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0043491 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1 144 2.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0061982 meiosis I cell cycle process 1 77 2.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0042552 myelination 1 114 2.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0055123 digestive system development 1 100 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0045935 positive regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 1589 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0007272 ensheathment of neurons 1 116 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0060429 epithelium development 3 849 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0008366 axon ensheathment 1 116 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0048839 inner ear development 1 129 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0006109 regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 1 147 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0035051 cardiocyte differentiation 1 134 2.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0001763 morphogenesis of a branching structure 1 155 2.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0035108 limb morphogenesis 1 113 2.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0035107 appendage morphogenesis 1 113 2.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0072073 kidney epithelium development 1 113 2.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0032879 regulation of localization 1 1570 2.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0016310 phosphorylation 3 1338 2.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0070374 positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 1 120 2.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0060541 respiratory system development 1 161 2.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0035264 multicellular organism growth 1 124 2.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0065009 regulation of molecular function 2 1905 2.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0008033 tRNA processing 1 131 2.43e-01
GO:BP GO:1903169 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 1 120 2.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0009100 glycoprotein metabolic process 1 315 2.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0048589 developmental growth 2 522 2.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0042127 regulation of cell population proliferation 1 1568 2.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0071345 cellular response to cytokine stimulus 2 544 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0003008 system process 1 1194 2.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0050679 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 1 152 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0071705 nitrogen compound transport 1 1689 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0009888 tissue development 4 1425 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0043583 ear development 1 150 2.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0061351 neural precursor cell proliferation 1 122 2.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0048592 eye morphogenesis 1 114 2.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0007189 adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 71 2.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0010810 regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 1 171 2.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0051783 regulation of nuclear division 1 115 2.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0051649 establishment of localization in cell 1 1842 2.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0035239 tube morphogenesis 2 663 2.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 2 4197 2.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0006357 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 1764 2.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0007167 enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway 2 741 2.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0050793 regulation of developmental process 1 1813 2.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0060560 developmental growth involved in morphogenesis 1 207 2.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0010632 regulation of epithelial cell migration 1 195 2.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0071356 cellular response to tumor necrosis factor 1 159 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0007399 nervous system development 1 1886 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0006366 transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 1852 2.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0048736 appendage development 1 141 2.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0060173 limb development 1 141 2.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0010557 positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 1896 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0034097 response to cytokine 2 609 2.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0009755 hormone-mediated signaling pathway 1 142 2.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration 2 707 2.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0031328 positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 1958 2.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0009605 response to external stimulus 1 1635 2.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0009891 positive regulation of biosynthetic process 1 1972 2.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0034612 response to tumor necrosis factor 1 176 2.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0008104 protein localization 1 2128 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0070727 cellular macromolecule localization 1 2137 2.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0010558 negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 1669 2.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0048468 cell development 1 1950 2.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 4 2271 2.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0031327 negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 1708 2.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0045765 regulation of angiogenesis 1 200 2.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0051216 cartilage development 1 149 2.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0009890 negative regulation of biosynthetic process 1 1721 2.91e-01
GO:BP GO:1901342 regulation of vasculature development 1 202 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0003007 heart morphogenesis 1 217 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0045165 cell fate commitment 1 157 2.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0002064 epithelial cell development 1 156 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0048518 positive regulation of biological process 2 4566 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:1903039 positive regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1 157 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0018193 peptidyl-amino acid modification 2 866 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality 1 2085 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility 2 741 2.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 1 249 3.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0051924 regulation of calcium ion transport 1 167 3.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0023052 signaling 2 4134 3.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0018105 peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1 242 3.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0032502 developmental process 2 4445 3.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0071702 organic substance transport 1 2133 3.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0048738 cardiac muscle tissue development 1 202 3.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0006399 tRNA metabolic process 1 189 3.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0051346 negative regulation of hydrolase activity 1 206 3.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0032412 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 189 3.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0051173 positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 2367 3.07e-01
GO:BP GO:0007154 cell communication 2 4210 3.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0040012 regulation of locomotion 2 762 3.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0018209 peptidyl-serine modification 1 254 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0022898 regulation of transmembrane transporter activity 1 200 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0022402 cell cycle process 3 1078 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0014706 striated muscle tissue development 1 214 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 2069 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0019538 protein metabolic process 6 4202 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process 2 841 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0008283 cell population proliferation 1 2340 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0033036 macromolecule localization 1 2448 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0010631 epithelial cell migration 1 253 3.17e-01
GO:BP GO:2000241 regulation of reproductive process 1 126 3.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0090132 epithelium migration 1 253 3.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0007265 Ras protein signal transduction 1 287 3.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0060562 epithelial tube morphogenesis 1 276 3.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0090130 tissue migration 1 257 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0022409 positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion 1 188 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 2131 3.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0032409 regulation of transporter activity 1 212 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0030198 extracellular matrix organization 1 233 3.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0043062 extracellular structure organization 1 234 3.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0071900 regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1 274 3.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0045229 external encapsulating structure organization 1 234 3.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 2518 3.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0006355 regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 2560 3.30e-01
GO:BP GO:2001141 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 2577 3.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 2607 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0043087 regulation of GTPase activity 1 288 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 1 2297 3.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0006351 DNA-templated transcription 1 2669 3.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0032774 RNA biosynthetic process 1 2699 3.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0031589 cell-substrate adhesion 1 271 3.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0021537 telencephalon development 1 208 3.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0051641 cellular localization 1 2822 3.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0007188 adenylate cyclase-modulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 113 3.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0061448 connective tissue development 1 212 3.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0009968 negative regulation of signal transduction 2 1017 3.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0040007 growth 2 737 3.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0051146 striated muscle cell differentiation 1 239 3.50e-01
GO:BP GO:1904062 regulation of monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 1 232 3.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0051252 regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 2824 3.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0050678 regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 1 268 3.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1903037 regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1 210 3.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0050878 regulation of body fluid levels 1 237 3.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0019222 regulation of metabolic process 2 4998 3.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0048731 system development 1 2886 3.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0070588 calcium ion transmembrane transport 1 221 3.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0040011 locomotion 2 854 3.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 1 1964 3.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0034654 nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process 1 3054 3.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0019219 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 3059 3.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0018130 heterocycle biosynthetic process 1 3115 3.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0019438 aromatic compound biosynthetic process 1 3116 3.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0007159 leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1 233 3.77e-01
GO:BP GO:1901564 organonitrogen compound metabolic process 7 4919 3.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0010648 negative regulation of cell communication 2 1088 3.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0023057 negative regulation of signaling 2 1090 3.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0098813 nuclear chromosome segregation 1 264 3.86e-01
GO:BP GO:1901362 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process 1 3221 3.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0030522 intracellular receptor signaling pathway 1 256 3.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 2 4807 3.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0051656 establishment of organelle localization 1 397 3.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0001667 ameboidal-type cell migration 1 358 3.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0019932 second-messenger-mediated signaling 1 182 3.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0010959 regulation of metal ion transport 1 271 3.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0022414 reproductive process 3 924 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0048583 regulation of response to stimulus 2 2877 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0050673 epithelial cell proliferation 1 318 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0000003 reproduction 3 933 4.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0007275 multicellular organism development 1 3355 4.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0006874 intracellular calcium ion homeostasis 1 208 4.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0051051 negative regulation of transport 1 317 4.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0022407 regulation of cell-cell adhesion 1 292 4.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0045785 positive regulation of cell adhesion 1 319 4.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0006810 transport 1 3294 4.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0002009 morphogenesis of an epithelium 1 415 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0001525 angiogenesis 1 389 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0009790 embryo development 2 859 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 1 329 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0006816 calcium ion transport 1 275 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0044271 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process 1 3743 4.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0055074 calcium ion homeostasis 1 221 4.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0051234 establishment of localization 1 3453 4.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0051171 regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 6 4243 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0034765 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 1 296 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0060537 muscle tissue development 1 347 4.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0030900 forebrain development 1 290 4.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0006796 phosphate-containing compound metabolic process 3 2096 4.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0016477 cell migration 2 1065 4.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0006793 phosphorus metabolic process 3 2118 4.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0071310 cellular response to organic substance 3 1390 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0048585 negative regulation of response to stimulus 2 1267 4.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0048878 chemical homeostasis 2 689 4.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0007059 chromosome segregation 1 360 4.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0051640 organelle localization 1 521 4.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0007169 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway 1 470 4.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 6 4371 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 1 3587 4.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 1 3773 4.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0048729 tissue morphogenesis 1 501 4.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0051179 localization 1 3983 4.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 3702 4.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0031344 regulation of cell projection organization 1 542 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 1 549 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0019953 sexual reproduction 2 633 4.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0001934 positive regulation of protein phosphorylation 1 465 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 3794 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0034470 ncRNA processing 1 397 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 1 3820 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 1 4100 4.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0050790 regulation of catalytic activity 1 1349 4.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0043269 regulation of monoatomic ion transport 1 369 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 2 5721 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological process 1 4026 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0051129 negative regulation of cellular component organization 1 592 5.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0048870 cell motility 2 1169 5.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0048513 animal organ development 4 2156 5.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0042327 positive regulation of phosphorylation 1 511 5.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0006974 DNA damage response 1 795 5.18e-01
GO:BP GO:1903047 mitotic cell cycle process 1 689 5.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0045937 positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process 1 559 5.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0010562 positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 1 559 5.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0000377 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile 1 288 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0000398 mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1 288 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0000375 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions 1 292 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 1 449 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 4563 5.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 4593 5.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0030003 intracellular monoatomic cation homeostasis 1 364 5.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0030155 regulation of cell adhesion 1 535 5.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0098771 inorganic ion homeostasis 1 355 5.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0006873 intracellular monoatomic ion homeostasis 1 369 5.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0016070 RNA metabolic process 1 3573 5.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis 1 680 5.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0043066 negative regulation of apoptotic process 1 662 5.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0008380 RNA splicing 1 426 5.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0031401 positive regulation of protein modification process 1 664 5.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 1 815 5.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0061061 muscle structure development 1 552 5.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0043069 negative regulation of programmed cell death 1 685 5.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0006397 mRNA processing 1 451 5.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0051276 chromosome organization 1 533 5.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0007600 sensory perception 1 259 6.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0034660 ncRNA metabolic process 1 561 6.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0051301 cell division 1 569 6.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0007017 microtubule-based process 1 757 6.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0051336 regulation of hydrolase activity 1 680 6.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0090304 nucleic acid metabolic process 1 4018 6.00e-01
GO:BP GO:0055080 monoatomic cation homeostasis 1 410 6.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0050801 monoatomic ion homeostasis 1 416 6.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0048609 multicellular organismal reproductive process 1 538 6.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0007420 brain development 1 546 6.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0098662 inorganic cation transmembrane transport 1 537 6.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0098609 cell-cell adhesion 1 599 6.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0016071 mRNA metabolic process 1 671 6.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0098655 monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 1 554 6.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 1 558 6.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0044087 regulation of cellular component biogenesis 1 802 6.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0007165 signal transduction 2 3803 6.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0006139 nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 4423 6.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0030001 metal ion transport 1 568 6.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 3 1952 6.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0060322 head development 1 588 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0070887 cellular response to chemical stimulus 3 1857 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0016043 cellular component organization 1 5106 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0046483 heterocycle metabolic process 1 4537 6.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0006725 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process 1 4561 6.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 1 582 6.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis 1 5307 6.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0010033 response to organic substance 3 1942 6.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0055082 intracellular chemical homeostasis 1 498 6.55e-01
GO:BP GO:1901360 organic cyclic compound metabolic process 1 4713 6.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0009725 response to hormone 1 624 6.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0010564 regulation of cell cycle process 1 622 6.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0048646 anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis 1 868 6.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0010628 positive regulation of gene expression 1 795 6.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0034641 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4913 6.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 3 1981 6.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0034220 monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 1 650 6.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0006812 monoatomic cation transport 1 677 6.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0019725 cellular homeostasis 1 583 7.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0010467 gene expression 1 4733 7.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0008284 positive regulation of cell population proliferation 1 886 7.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0051247 positive regulation of protein metabolic process 1 1067 7.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 2 1889 7.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0007417 central nervous system development 1 750 7.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0009059 macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 5148 7.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 1 1186 7.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0050877 nervous system process 1 628 7.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0006811 monoatomic ion transport 1 788 7.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0030030 cell projection organization 1 1236 7.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0050794 regulation of cellular process 2 7632 7.71e-01
GO:BP GO:0051716 cellular response to stimulus 2 4929 7.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0007155 cell adhesion 1 996 7.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0006396 RNA processing 1 928 7.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0045944 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 918 7.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0033365 protein localization to organelle 1 860 7.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0044249 cellular biosynthetic process 1 5813 7.93e-01
GO:BP GO:1901576 organic substance biosynthetic process 1 5875 7.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0009058 biosynthetic process 1 5912 8.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0033043 regulation of organelle organization 1 1001 8.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0050789 regulation of biological process 2 8017 8.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0007186 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 386 8.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0042221 response to chemical 3 2456 8.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0065007 biological regulation 2 8282 8.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0006996 organelle organization 3 2974 8.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0006807 nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 7431 9.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0043170 macromolecule metabolic process 1 7084 9.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0044238 primary metabolic process 1 7788 9.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0044237 cellular metabolic process 1 7562 9.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 2 2459 9.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis 2 2722 9.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0009987 cellular process 1 11410 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0008152 metabolic process 1 8522 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0008150 biological_process 1 12027 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0071704 organic substance metabolic process 1 8176 1.00e+00
KEGG KEGG:05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 3 128 3.30e-04
KEGG KEGG:04115 p53 signaling pathway 2 65 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 3 67 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05212 Pancreatic cancer 2 75 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05222 Small cell lung cancer 3 87 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05213 Endometrial cancer 2 57 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05214 Glioma 2 67 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05216 Thyroid cancer 2 35 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 2 75 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05217 Basal cell carcinoma 2 49 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05218 Melanoma 2 58 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05210 Colorectal cancer 2 84 5.89e-04
KEGG KEGG:04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway 2 71 7.65e-04
KEGG KEGG:05226 Gastric cancer 3 117 1.09e-03
KEGG KEGG:04210 Apoptosis 2 118 1.09e-03
KEGG KEGG:04068 FoxO signaling pathway 2 109 1.09e-03
KEGG KEGG:05224 Breast cancer 2 117 1.21e-03
KEGG KEGG:04218 Cellular senescence 2 145 1.24e-03
KEGG KEGG:04110 Cell cycle 2 151 1.24e-03
KEGG KEGG:05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma 2 145 1.31e-03
KEGG KEGG:05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 2 153 1.78e-03
KEGG KEGG:04710 Circadian rhythm 1 30 3.41e-03
KEGG KEGG:04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2 240 3.55e-03
KEGG KEGG:05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 1 56 6.16e-03
KEGG KEGG:04713 Circadian entrainment 1 69 8.57e-03
KEGG KEGG:05200 Pathways in cancer 2 409 9.94e-03
KEGG KEGG:04114 Oocyte meiosis 1 108 1.57e-01
KEGG KEGG:05206 MicroRNAs in cancer 1 149 2.40e-01
KEGG KEGG:05168 Herpes simplex virus 1 infection 1 415 2.41e-01
KEGG KEGG:00000 KEGG root term 2 5548 3.61e-01
TRZnomtable3h %>%
  filter(source=="KEGG") %>% 
  mutate_at(.vars = 6, .funs = scientific_format()) %>%
  kable(., caption = "Enrichment of KEGG terms using nominal pvalue TRZ 3hour genes in my data") %>%
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
    full_width = FALSE,
    position = "left",
    bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
  ) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
Enrichment of KEGG terms using nominal pvalue TRZ 3hour genes in my data
source term_id term_name intersection_size term_size p_value
KEGG KEGG:05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 3 128 3.30e-04
KEGG KEGG:04115 p53 signaling pathway 2 65 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 3 67 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05212 Pancreatic cancer 2 75 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05222 Small cell lung cancer 3 87 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05213 Endometrial cancer 2 57 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05214 Glioma 2 67 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05216 Thyroid cancer 2 35 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 2 75 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05217 Basal cell carcinoma 2 49 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05218 Melanoma 2 58 5.02e-04
KEGG KEGG:05210 Colorectal cancer 2 84 5.89e-04
KEGG KEGG:04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway 2 71 7.65e-04
KEGG KEGG:05226 Gastric cancer 3 117 1.09e-03
KEGG KEGG:04210 Apoptosis 2 118 1.09e-03
KEGG KEGG:04068 FoxO signaling pathway 2 109 1.09e-03
KEGG KEGG:05224 Breast cancer 2 117 1.21e-03
KEGG KEGG:04218 Cellular senescence 2 145 1.24e-03
KEGG KEGG:04110 Cell cycle 2 151 1.24e-03
KEGG KEGG:05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma 2 145 1.31e-03
KEGG KEGG:05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 2 153 1.78e-03
KEGG KEGG:04710 Circadian rhythm 1 30 3.41e-03
KEGG KEGG:04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2 240 3.55e-03
KEGG KEGG:05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 1 56 6.16e-03
KEGG KEGG:04713 Circadian entrainment 1 69 8.57e-03
KEGG KEGG:05200 Pathways in cancer 2 409 9.94e-03
KEGG KEGG:04114 Oocyte meiosis 1 108 1.57e-01
KEGG KEGG:05206 MicroRNAs in cancer 1 149 2.40e-01
KEGG KEGG:05168 Herpes simplex virus 1 infection 1 415 2.41e-01
KEGG KEGG:00000 KEGG root term 2 5548 3.61e-01

TRZ 24 hour nom de

# TRZresgenes24h <- gost(query = TRZ_list24h$ENTREZID,
#                     organism = "hsapiens",
#                     significant = FALSE,
#                     ordered_query = TRUE,
#                     domain_scope = "custom",
#                     measure_underrepresentation = FALSE,
#                     evcodes = FALSE,
#                     user_threshold = 0.05,
#                     correction_method = c("fdr"),
#                     custom_bg = backGL$ENTREZID,
#                     sources=c("GO:BP","KEGG"))
# saveRDS(TRZresgenes24h,"data/DEG-GO/TRZresgenes24h.RDS")
TRZresgenes24h <- readRDS("data/DEG-GO/TRZresgenes24h.RDS")

TRZnom24h <- gostplot(TRZresgenes24h, capped = FALSE, interactive = TRUE)
TRZnomtable24h <- TRZresgenes24h$result %>% 
  dplyr::select(c(source, term_id,
                   term_size, p_value))# %>% 

TRZnomtable24h %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = 6, .funs = scientific_format()) %>%
  kable(., ) %>%
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
    full_width = FALSE,
    position = "left",
    bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
  ) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
source term_id term_name intersection_size term_size p_value
GO:BP GO:0098728 germline stem cell asymmetric division 1 2 6.00e-02
GO:BP GO:0048133 male germ-line stem cell asymmetric division 1 2 6.00e-02
GO:BP GO:0042078 germ-line stem cell division 1 2 6.00e-02
GO:BP GO:0098722 asymmetric stem cell division 1 2 6.00e-02
GO:BP GO:0015757 galactose transmembrane transport 1 4 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0098708 glucose import across plasma membrane 1 5 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0098704 carbohydrate import across plasma membrane 1 5 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0062197 cellular response to chemical stress 3 269 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0061643 chemorepulsion of axon 1 6 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0060252 positive regulation of glial cell proliferation 1 14 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0060251 regulation of glial cell proliferation 1 26 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0051939 gamma-aminobutyric acid import 1 3 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0051764 actin crosslink formation 1 9 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0006979 response to oxidative stress 3 328 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0048232 male gamete generation 2 346 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0014009 glial cell proliferation 1 40 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0043619 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to oxidative stress 1 7 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0042918 alkanesulfonate transport 1 6 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0008356 asymmetric cell division 1 14 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0014015 positive regulation of gliogenesis 1 44 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0007283 spermatogenesis 2 333 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0007288 sperm axoneme assembly 1 20 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 1 8 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0034599 cellular response to oxidative stress 3 218 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0022412 cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism 2 255 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0018345 protein palmitoylation 1 30 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0018231 peptidyl-S-diacylglycerol-L-cysteine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine 1 21 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0018230 peptidyl-L-cysteine S-palmitoylation 1 21 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0017145 stem cell division 1 25 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0015734 taurine transport 1 6 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0007281 germ cell development 2 194 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0010232 vascular transport 2 72 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1902965 regulation of protein localization to early endosome 1 10 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1902966 positive regulation of protein localization to early endosome 1 10 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1904059 regulation of locomotor rhythm 1 3 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1904350 regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1 13 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1904351 negative regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1 5 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1905165 regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1 11 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1905166 negative regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1 5 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1905668 positive regulation of protein localization to endosome 1 14 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0150104 transport across blood-brain barrier 2 72 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1902946 protein localization to early endosome 1 12 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1990708 conditioned place preference 1 2 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:0140271 hexose import across plasma membrane 1 5 9.34e-02
GO:BP GO:1905666 regulation of protein localization to endosome 1 15 9.57e-02
GO:BP GO:0018198 peptidyl-cysteine modification 1 41 9.78e-02
GO:BP GO:0045666 positive regulation of neuron differentiation 1 63 9.78e-02
GO:BP GO:0014013 regulation of gliogenesis 1 66 1.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0006044 N-acetylglucosamine metabolic process 1 16 1.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0070286 axonemal dynein complex assembly 1 21 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0015812 gamma-aminobutyric acid transport 1 11 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0120316 sperm flagellum assembly 1 27 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:1905146 lysosomal protein catabolic process 1 19 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0070837 dehydroascorbic acid transport 1 7 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0032328 alanine transport 1 13 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0003351 epithelial cilium movement involved in extracellular fluid movement 1 30 1.10e-01
GO:BP GO:1901334 lactone metabolic process 1 10 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0006858 extracellular transport 1 33 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0010887 negative regulation of cholesterol storage 1 8 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0007039 protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1 22 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0007276 gamete generation 2 465 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0019852 L-ascorbic acid metabolic process 1 10 1.11e-01
GO:BP GO:1901071 glucosamine-containing compound metabolic process 1 19 1.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0036010 protein localization to endosome 1 28 1.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0048609 multicellular organismal reproductive process 2 538 1.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0106072 negative regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 8 1.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0044458 motile cilium assembly 1 46 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0042158 lipoprotein biosynthetic process 1 92 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0045664 regulation of neuron differentiation 1 137 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0098739 import across plasma membrane 2 130 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0038003 G protein-coupled opioid receptor signaling pathway 1 5 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0006497 protein lipidation 1 89 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 2 558 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0003006 developmental process involved in reproduction 2 603 1.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0019953 sexual reproduction 2 633 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0035810 positive regulation of urine volume 1 10 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0106070 regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 11 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0051382 kinetochore assembly 1 17 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0043951 negative regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1 10 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0050769 positive regulation of neurogenesis 1 190 1.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0006040 amino sugar metabolic process 1 34 1.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0016202 regulation of striated muscle tissue development 1 13 1.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0010885 regulation of cholesterol storage 1 13 1.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0044849 estrous cycle 1 14 1.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0045475 locomotor rhythm 1 13 1.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0042157 lipoprotein metabolic process 1 116 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0045662 negative regulation of myoblast differentiation 1 20 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0051962 positive regulation of nervous system development 1 222 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0035082 axoneme assembly 1 54 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0051383 kinetochore organization 1 21 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 2 549 1.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0050435 amyloid-beta metabolic process 1 48 1.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0010888 negative regulation of lipid storage 1 15 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0048634 regulation of muscle organ development 1 14 1.63e-01
GO:BP GO:0089718 amino acid import across plasma membrane 1 38 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0010878 cholesterol storage 1 18 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0048843 negative regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 1 26 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0042063 gliogenesis 1 244 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0003018 vascular process in circulatory system 2 198 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:1901386 negative regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 14 1.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0072348 sulfur compound transport 1 36 1.71e-01
GO:BP GO:0043618 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to stress 1 33 1.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0035809 regulation of urine volume 1 14 1.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0001578 microtubule bundle formation 1 79 1.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0050767 regulation of neurogenesis 1 302 1.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0030317 flagellated sperm motility 1 62 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0043543 protein acylation 1 193 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0034508 centromere complex assembly 1 29 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0015804 neutral amino acid transport 1 43 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0097722 sperm motility 1 62 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0048841 regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 1 31 1.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0006487 protein N-linked glycosylation 1 65 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0043620 regulation of DNA-templated transcription in response to stress 1 38 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:1902284 neuron projection extension involved in neuron projection guidance 1 35 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0048846 axon extension involved in axon guidance 1 35 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0015800 acidic amino acid transport 1 39 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0016339 calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules 1 30 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 1 69 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0010720 positive regulation of cell development 1 318 1.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0021591 ventricular system development 1 29 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0051960 regulation of nervous system development 1 357 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0022414 reproductive process 2 924 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0060285 cilium-dependent cell motility 1 72 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0001539 cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility 1 72 1.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0000003 reproduction 2 933 1.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0071526 semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway 1 44 2.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0090181 regulation of cholesterol metabolic process 1 27 2.02e-01
GO:BP GO:0003013 circulatory system process 3 445 2.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0030517 negative regulation of axon extension 1 41 2.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0045595 regulation of cell differentiation 4 1122 2.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0050919 negative chemotaxis 1 42 2.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0007017 microtubule-based process 2 757 2.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0043949 regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1 17 2.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0033048 negative regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1 45 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:1901861 regulation of muscle tissue development 1 34 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0003341 cilium movement 1 97 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:1901020 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 28 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0099111 microtubule-based transport 1 192 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0051301 cell division 1 569 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:1902100 negative regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1 46 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0045841 negative regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 1 45 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0007094 mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1 43 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0071174 mitotic spindle checkpoint signaling 1 43 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0010874 regulation of cholesterol efflux 1 31 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0051180 vitamin transport 1 29 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0042755 eating behavior 1 16 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0051985 negative regulation of chromosome segregation 1 46 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0033046 negative regulation of sister chromatid segregation 1 45 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:2000816 negative regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 1 45 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0071173 spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1 43 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0009988 cell-cell recognition 1 31 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0007286 spermatid development 1 108 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:1905819 negative regulation of chromosome separation 1 46 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0042177 negative regulation of protein catabolic process 1 100 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0031577 spindle checkpoint signaling 1 44 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0048515 spermatid differentiation 1 114 2.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0007517 muscle organ development 2 279 2.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0003333 amino acid transmembrane transport 1 70 2.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0006612 protein targeting to membrane 1 120 2.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0001755 neural crest cell migration 1 49 2.08e-01
GO:BP GO:1905953 negative regulation of lipid localization 1 31 2.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0090497 mesenchymal cell migration 1 51 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0050922 negative regulation of chemotaxis 1 44 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0033047 regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1 51 2.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0048512 circadian behavior 1 30 2.14e-01
GO:BP GO:1901385 regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1 29 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0006767 water-soluble vitamin metabolic process 1 50 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0045839 negative regulation of mitotic nuclear division 1 53 2.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0010883 regulation of lipid storage 1 38 2.17e-01
GO:BP GO:0007622 rhythmic behavior 1 32 2.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0050771 negative regulation of axonogenesis 1 59 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0010965 regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 1 56 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0045661 regulation of myoblast differentiation 1 60 2.20e-01
GO:BP GO:2001258 negative regulation of cation channel activity 1 31 2.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0060284 regulation of cell development 1 593 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0045776 negative regulation of blood pressure 1 30 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0051784 negative regulation of nuclear division 1 56 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0051306 mitotic sister chromatid separation 1 59 2.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0015711 organic anion transport 2 270 2.28e-01
GO:BP GO:1903170 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 1 35 2.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0045597 positive regulation of cell differentiation 1 618 2.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0033344 cholesterol efflux 1 41 2.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0050890 cognition 2 226 2.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0045744 negative regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 36 2.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0046323 glucose import 1 55 2.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0014032 neural crest cell development 1 70 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0032371 regulation of sterol transport 1 45 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0032374 regulation of cholesterol transport 1 45 2.45e-01
GO:BP GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 744 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:1905818 regulation of chromosome separation 1 69 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0019933 cAMP-mediated signaling 1 35 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0090150 establishment of protein localization to membrane 1 258 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0006865 amino acid transport 1 103 2.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0048864 stem cell development 1 75 2.52e-01
GO:BP GO:1905039 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport 1 111 2.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1903825 organic acid transmembrane transport 1 112 2.54e-01
GO:BP GO:0060271 cilium assembly 1 296 2.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0006605 protein targeting 1 310 2.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0014033 neural crest cell differentiation 1 79 2.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0030516 regulation of axon extension 1 82 2.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0051304 chromosome separation 1 75 2.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0051926 negative regulation of calcium ion transport 1 45 2.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0098916 anterograde trans-synaptic signaling 2 490 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0007268 chemical synaptic transmission 2 490 2.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0099537 trans-synaptic signaling 2 494 2.71e-01
GO:BP GO:0045445 myoblast differentiation 1 90 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0044782 cilium organization 1 317 2.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0007193 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 37 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0042632 cholesterol homeostasis 1 58 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0030071 regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 1 87 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0045944 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 918 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0043413 macromolecule glycosylation 1 185 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0035725 sodium ion transmembrane transport 1 112 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0045892 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 1005 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0007018 microtubule-based movement 1 300 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0048640 negative regulation of developmental growth 1 94 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0044784 metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1 92 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0007091 metaphase/anaphase transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 91 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 2 1186 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0032413 negative regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 52 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0042698 ovulation cycle 1 54 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0061387 regulation of extent of cell growth 1 96 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0008037 cell recognition 1 82 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0055092 sterol homeostasis 1 59 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0006766 vitamin metabolic process 1 75 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0008284 positive regulation of cell population proliferation 1 886 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0006486 protein glycosylation 1 185 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0099536 synaptic signaling 2 512 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0051310 metaphase chromosome alignment 1 87 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0051094 positive regulation of developmental process 1 957 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:1902099 regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1 88 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:1902679 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 1014 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0010389 regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 94 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0050795 regulation of behavior 1 41 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0050793 regulation of developmental process 5 1813 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:2001251 negative regulation of chromosome organization 1 89 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0019915 lipid storage 1 68 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport 1 141 2.74e-01
GO:BP GO:0032410 negative regulation of transporter activity 1 59 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0008645 hexose transmembrane transport 1 87 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:1904659 glucose transmembrane transport 1 84 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0007156 homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules 1 102 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1 997 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0033045 regulation of sister chromatid segregation 1 99 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0070085 glycosylation 1 197 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0019218 regulation of steroid metabolic process 1 68 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0051303 establishment of chromosome localization 1 93 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0048675 axon extension 1 108 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0019233 sensory perception of pain 1 39 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0051253 negative regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 1112 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0030182 neuron differentiation 1 1058 2.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0048468 cell development 2 1950 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0019935 cyclic-nucleotide-mediated signaling 1 52 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0015749 monosaccharide transmembrane transport 1 88 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0008306 associative learning 1 65 2.76e-01
GO:BP GO:0048699 generation of neurons 1 1120 2.78e-01
GO:BP GO:1902749 regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1 105 2.80e-01
GO:BP GO:1904063 negative regulation of cation transmembrane transport 1 64 2.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0050000 chromosome localization 1 101 2.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0045934 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 1203 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0007088 regulation of mitotic nuclear division 1 99 2.86e-01
GO:BP GO:0010977 negative regulation of neuron projection development 1 117 2.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0034219 carbohydrate transmembrane transport 1 95 2.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0045596 negative regulation of cell differentiation 2 471 2.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0072657 protein localization to membrane 1 530 2.89e-01
GO:BP GO:1901019 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 70 2.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0006814 sodium ion transport 1 158 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0051240 positive regulation of multicellular organismal process 1 1103 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0034766 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 1 70 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0030301 cholesterol transport 1 81 2.92e-01
GO:BP GO:0120031 plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly 1 463 2.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0050768 negative regulation of neurogenesis 1 113 2.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0007416 synapse assembly 1 153 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:1902680 positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 1305 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0030031 cell projection assembly 1 473 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0051983 regulation of chromosome segregation 1 121 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0022008 neurogenesis 1 1297 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0045893 positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 1298 2.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0051961 negative regulation of nervous system development 1 119 2.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0051668 localization within membrane 1 611 3.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0050770 regulation of axonogenesis 1 139 3.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0009101 glycoprotein biosynthetic process 1 251 3.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0007631 feeding behavior 1 51 3.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0000086 G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 130 3.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0015918 sterol transport 1 93 3.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pathway 1 36 3.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0051254 positive regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 1425 3.09e-01
GO:BP GO:0007093 mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1 137 3.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0008643 carbohydrate transport 1 114 3.11e-01
GO:BP GO:0042752 regulation of circadian rhythm 1 93 3.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0051783 regulation of nuclear division 1 115 3.13e-01
GO:BP GO:0032355 response to estradiol 1 79 3.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0033554 cellular response to stress 1 1662 3.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0008283 cell population proliferation 2 2340 3.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0009895 negative regulation of catabolic process 1 287 3.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0032368 regulation of lipid transport 1 91 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0044839 cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1 145 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0008203 cholesterol metabolic process 1 99 3.23e-01
GO:BP GO:0045935 positive regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 1589 3.24e-01
GO:BP GO:1990138 neuron projection extension 1 149 3.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0042176 regulation of protein catabolic process 1 328 3.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0061061 muscle structure development 2 552 3.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0003014 renal system process 1 76 3.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 4 1150 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0018193 peptidyl-amino acid modification 1 866 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0034763 negative regulation of transmembrane transport 1 96 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0007015 actin filament organization 1 372 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0008361 regulation of cell size 1 160 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0090090 negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1 114 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0031345 negative regulation of cell projection organization 1 154 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0043271 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transport 1 88 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0006886 intracellular protein transport 1 803 3.26e-01
GO:BP GO:1902652 secondary alcohol metabolic process 1 106 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0003008 system process 4 1194 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0030308 negative regulation of cell growth 1 161 3.28e-01
GO:BP GO:0042127 regulation of cell population proliferation 1 1568 3.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0009100 glycoprotein metabolic process 1 315 3.31e-01
GO:BP GO:0048870 cell motility 2 1169 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0016125 sterol metabolic process 1 108 3.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0051129 negative regulation of cellular component organization 2 592 3.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0008277 regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 93 3.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0046942 carboxylic acid transport 1 213 3.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0015849 organic acid transport 1 214 3.34e-01
GO:BP GO:1901991 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1 165 3.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0098742 cell-cell adhesion via plasma-membrane adhesion molecules 1 165 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0051172 negative regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 1832 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0007189 adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 71 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:2001257 regulation of cation channel activity 1 100 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:1905952 regulation of lipid localization 1 110 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0055088 lipid homeostasis 1 116 3.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0000070 mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1 178 3.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0006357 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 1764 3.48e-01
GO:BP GO:0050920 regulation of chemotaxis 1 143 3.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0000075 cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1 184 3.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0071897 DNA biosynthetic process 1 174 3.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0007612 learning 1 114 3.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0006366 transcription by RNA polymerase II 1 1852 3.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0007399 nervous system development 1 1886 3.57e-01
GO:BP GO:1901566 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process 2 1496 3.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0048588 developmental cell growth 1 194 3.58e-01
GO:BP GO:0010557 positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 1896 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0030178 negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 1 140 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0097485 neuron projection guidance 1 177 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0007411 axon guidance 1 177 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0070887 cellular response to chemical stimulus 1 1857 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0031328 positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 1958 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0071702 organic substance transport 6 2133 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0051093 negative regulation of developmental process 2 654 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 1 204 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0060560 developmental growth involved in morphogenesis 1 207 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:1903829 positive regulation of protein localization 1 392 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0048762 mesenchymal cell differentiation 1 205 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration 2 707 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0048863 stem cell differentiation 1 196 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0009891 positive regulation of biosynthetic process 1 1972 3.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0070925 organelle assembly 1 828 3.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0010558 negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 1669 3.68e-01
GO:BP GO:0031327 negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 1708 3.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0009890 negative regulation of biosynthetic process 1 1721 3.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0045930 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle 1 209 3.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0000819 sister chromatid segregation 1 217 3.83e-01
GO:BP GO:1903169 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 1 120 3.87e-01
GO:BP GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility 2 741 3.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0051239 regulation of multicellular organismal process 1 2052 3.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0065004 protein-DNA complex assembly 1 171 3.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0008217 regulation of blood pressure 1 114 3.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0010721 negative regulation of cell development 1 190 3.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process 1 212 3.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0014706 striated muscle tissue development 1 214 3.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0051173 positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 2367 3.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0030036 actin cytoskeleton organization 1 566 3.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0098657 import into cell 2 664 3.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0050804 modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 1 343 3.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0099177 regulation of trans-synaptic signaling 1 344 3.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0040012 regulation of locomotion 2 762 3.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0033044 regulation of chromosome organization 1 235 3.99e-01
GO:BP GO:1901988 negative regulation of cell cycle phase transition 1 234 4.06e-01
GO:BP GO:0030154 cell differentiation 2 2942 4.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0048869 cellular developmental process 2 2943 4.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0007623 circadian rhythm 1 160 4.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 2069 4.08e-01
GO:BP GO:0006936 muscle contraction 1 266 4.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0060485 mesenchyme development 1 250 4.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0007626 locomotory behavior 1 139 4.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 2131 4.16e-01
GO:BP GO:0048638 regulation of developmental growth 1 254 4.18e-01
GO:BP GO:0015031 protein transport 1 1366 4.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0046907 intracellular transport 1 1440 4.19e-01
GO:BP GO:0030029 actin filament-based process 1 643 4.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0140014 mitotic nuclear division 1 251 4.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 2518 4.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0006355 regulation of DNA-templated transcription 1 2560 4.21e-01
GO:BP GO:2001141 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 1 2577 4.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 2607 4.24e-01
GO:BP GO:0043547 positive regulation of GTPase activity 1 211 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0040013 negative regulation of locomotion 1 262 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:1901137 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process 1 544 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0097435 supramolecular fiber organization 1 666 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0006351 DNA-templated transcription 1 2669 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0034329 cell junction assembly 1 347 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 1 2297 4.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0045184 establishment of protein localization 1 1468 4.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0032774 RNA biosynthetic process 1 2699 4.29e-01
GO:BP GO:0010948 negative regulation of cell cycle process 1 271 4.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0060828 regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1 214 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0007188 adenylate cyclase-modulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 113 4.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0051252 regulation of RNA metabolic process 1 2824 4.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0050808 synapse organization 1 373 4.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0098813 nuclear chromosome segregation 1 264 4.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0006810 transport 2 3294 4.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 1 2846 4.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0001822 kidney development 1 246 4.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0032535 regulation of cellular component size 1 306 4.46e-01
GO:BP GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 1 249 4.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0015850 organic hydroxy compound transport 1 181 4.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0006950 response to stress 1 2763 4.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0072001 renal system development 1 253 4.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0051924 regulation of calcium ion transport 1 167 4.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0048731 system development 1 2886 4.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0042221 response to chemical 1 2456 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:1901990 regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1 305 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0003012 muscle system process 1 334 4.53e-01
GO:BP GO:0051234 establishment of localization 2 3453 4.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0040011 locomotion 2 854 4.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0019219 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 3059 4.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0034654 nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process 1 3054 4.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0032412 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 1 189 4.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0018130 heterocycle biosynthetic process 1 3115 4.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0120036 plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 1 1203 4.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0019438 aromatic compound biosynthetic process 1 3116 4.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0051179 localization 4 3983 4.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0022898 regulation of transmembrane transporter activity 1 200 4.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0007611 learning or memory 1 201 4.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0071705 nitrogen compound transport 1 1689 4.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0030030 cell projection organization 1 1236 4.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0010639 negative regulation of organelle organization 1 310 4.64e-01
GO:BP GO:1901362 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process 1 3221 4.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0098662 inorganic cation transmembrane transport 2 537 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0008202 steroid metabolic process 1 203 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0062012 regulation of small molecule metabolic process 1 248 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0001558 regulation of cell growth 1 352 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0060070 canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1 254 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0019932 second-messenger-mediated signaling 1 182 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0001667 ameboidal-type cell migration 1 358 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0051649 establishment of localization in cell 1 1842 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0032102 negative regulation of response to external stimulus 1 291 4.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0032409 regulation of transporter activity 1 212 4.75e-01
GO:BP GO:0098655 monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 2 554 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0048511 rhythmic process 1 233 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0010975 regulation of neuron projection development 1 374 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0007409 axonogenesis 1 350 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0032880 regulation of protein localization 1 719 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0045786 negative regulation of cell cycle 1 337 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0043087 regulation of GTPase activity 1 288 4.77e-01
GO:BP GO:0030111 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 1 274 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0140694 non-membrane-bounded organelle assembly 1 364 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0006935 chemotaxis 1 264 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0019216 regulation of lipid metabolic process 1 251 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0030001 metal ion transport 2 568 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0051235 maintenance of location 1 263 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process 1 781 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0007275 multicellular organism development 1 3355 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0042330 taxis 1 264 4.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0008104 protein localization 2 2128 4.87e-01
GO:BP GO:0070727 cellular macromolecule localization 2 2137 4.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0055085 transmembrane transport 3 1014 4.89e-01
GO:BP GO:0007059 chromosome segregation 1 360 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0060537 muscle tissue development 1 347 4.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0006066 alcohol metabolic process 1 263 4.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0044271 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process 1 3743 4.96e-01
GO:BP GO:0060341 regulation of cellular localization 1 805 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 1 275 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0016049 cell growth 1 416 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0051248 negative regulation of protein metabolic process 1 799 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:1901987 regulation of cell cycle phase transition 1 387 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 2 582 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:1904062 regulation of monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 1 232 4.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0061564 axon development 1 388 4.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0090066 regulation of anatomical structure size 1 395 4.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0000280 nuclear division 1 343 4.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0048585 negative regulation of response to stimulus 3 1267 5.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0009894 regulation of catabolic process 1 883 5.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 9 4807 5.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0044772 mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1 411 5.04e-01
GO:BP GO:0070588 calcium ion transmembrane transport 1 221 5.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0016477 cell migration 2 1065 5.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0030163 protein catabolic process 1 906 5.10e-01
GO:BP GO:0030335 positive regulation of cell migration 1 408 5.10e-01
GO:BP GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process 1 841 5.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0051656 establishment of organelle localization 1 397 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0050878 regulation of body fluid levels 1 237 5.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0006996 organelle organization 2 2974 5.21e-01
GO:BP GO:2000147 positive regulation of cell motility 1 421 5.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 2 4100 5.25e-01
GO:BP GO:0048285 organelle fission 1 387 5.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0034330 cell junction organization 1 586 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0006869 lipid transport 1 271 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 1 3587 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0040017 positive regulation of locomotion 1 429 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0048667 cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation 1 451 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0007346 regulation of mitotic cell cycle 1 438 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 1 3773 5.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0051171 regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4243 5.33e-01
GO:BP GO:0034220 monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 2 650 5.34e-01
GO:BP GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 1 3702 5.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0010959 regulation of metal ion transport 1 271 5.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0033036 macromolecule localization 1 2448 5.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0033365 protein localization to organelle 1 860 5.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0006812 monoatomic cation transport 2 677 5.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 1 4197 5.38e-01
GO:BP GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 1 4371 5.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 1 3794 5.40e-01
GO:BP GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 1 3820 5.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0007264 small GTPase mediated signal transduction 1 413 5.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process 1 439 5.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0040008 regulation of growth 1 493 5.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0043603 amide metabolic process 1 1003 5.41e-01
GO:BP GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological process 1 4026 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0198738 cell-cell signaling by wnt 1 380 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0120035 regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 1 529 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0051051 negative regulation of transport 1 317 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0010876 lipid localization 1 309 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0044770 cell cycle phase transition 1 496 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0036211 protein modification process 1 2751 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0048812 neuron projection morphogenesis 1 500 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0016055 Wnt signaling pathway 1 379 5.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0120039 plasma membrane bounded cell projection morphogenesis 1 515 5.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0048589 developmental growth 1 522 5.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0031344 regulation of cell projection organization 1 542 5.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0048858 cell projection morphogenesis 1 519 5.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0006816 calcium ion transport 1 275 5.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0032502 developmental process 2 4445 5.61e-01
GO:BP GO:0032990 cell part morphogenesis 1 539 5.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0048518 positive regulation of biological process 1 4566 5.62e-01
GO:BP GO:0043412 macromolecule modification 1 2948 5.64e-01
GO:BP GO:0051641 cellular localization 1 2822 5.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0034765 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 1 296 5.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051345 positive regulation of hydrolase activity 1 412 5.66e-01
GO:BP GO:0051640 organelle localization 1 521 5.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0098609 cell-cell adhesion 1 599 5.73e-01
GO:BP GO:1901565 organonitrogen compound catabolic process 1 1151 5.73e-01
GO:BP GO:0009057 macromolecule catabolic process 1 1215 5.80e-01
GO:BP GO:0051276 chromosome organization 1 533 5.85e-01
GO:BP GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process 1 375 5.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0008015 blood circulation 1 372 5.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 1 4563 5.91e-01
GO:BP GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 1 4593 5.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0006811 monoatomic ion transport 1 788 5.97e-01
GO:BP GO:0050877 nervous system process 1 628 5.98e-01
GO:BP GO:0009059 macromolecule biosynthetic process 2 5148 6.01e-01
GO:BP GO:1902532 negative regulation of intracellular signal transduction 1 445 6.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0009968 negative regulation of signal transduction 2 1017 6.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0032989 cellular component morphogenesis 1 627 6.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0016070 RNA metabolic process 1 3573 6.01e-01
GO:BP GO:0010564 regulation of cell cycle process 1 622 6.27e-01
GO:BP GO:0019222 regulation of metabolic process 1 4998 6.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0043269 regulation of monoatomic ion transport 1 369 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0051716 cellular response to stimulus 1 4929 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0008285 negative regulation of cell population proliferation 1 643 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0007420 brain development 1 546 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis 1 680 6.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0032879 regulation of localization 3 1570 6.37e-01
GO:BP GO:1903047 mitotic cell cycle process 1 689 6.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0090304 nucleic acid metabolic process 1 4018 6.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0034762 regulation of transmembrane transport 1 392 6.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0023057 negative regulation of signaling 2 1090 6.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0010648 negative regulation of cell communication 2 1088 6.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0065003 protein-containing complex assembly 1 1320 6.44e-01
GO:BP GO:0060322 head development 1 588 6.52e-01
GO:BP GO:0040007 growth 1 737 6.56e-01
GO:BP GO:0000902 cell morphogenesis 1 740 6.67e-01
GO:BP GO:0007610 behavior 1 439 6.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0006139 nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1 4423 6.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0031175 neuron projection development 1 774 6.78e-01
GO:BP GO:0046483 heterocycle metabolic process 1 4537 6.81e-01
GO:BP GO:0044249 cellular biosynthetic process 2 5813 6.82e-01
GO:BP GO:0006725 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process 1 4561 6.83e-01
GO:BP GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process 1 684 6.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0071824 protein-DNA complex organization 1 711 6.88e-01
GO:BP GO:1901576 organic substance biosynthetic process 2 5875 6.88e-01
GO:BP GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process 1 699 6.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0009058 biosynthetic process 2 5912 6.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process 1 703 6.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 1 815 6.93e-01
GO:BP GO:1901360 organic cyclic compound metabolic process 1 4713 6.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0032101 regulation of response to external stimulus 1 690 6.94e-01
GO:BP GO:0019538 protein metabolic process 1 4202 7.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0009888 tissue development 2 1425 7.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0034641 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4913 7.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0051241 negative regulation of multicellular organismal process 1 744 7.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0048513 animal organ development 3 2156 7.10e-01
GO:BP GO:1901575 organic substance catabolic process 1 1731 7.14e-01
GO:BP GO:0007155 cell adhesion 1 996 7.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 1 1964 7.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0048666 neuron development 1 873 7.15e-01
GO:BP GO:0051336 regulation of hydrolase activity 1 680 7.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0044281 small molecule metabolic process 2 1386 7.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 1 5721 7.20e-01
GO:BP GO:0007417 central nervous system development 1 750 7.30e-01
GO:BP GO:0006259 DNA metabolic process 1 886 7.30e-01
GO:BP GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 2 1318 7.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0010467 gene expression 1 4733 7.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 1 1895 7.42e-01
GO:BP GO:0023051 regulation of signaling 4 2560 7.49e-01
GO:BP GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle 1 941 7.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 4 2567 7.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0051049 regulation of transport 2 1268 7.50e-01
GO:BP GO:0035556 intracellular signal transduction 3 2036 7.51e-01
GO:BP GO:0048878 chemical homeostasis 1 689 7.59e-01
GO:BP GO:0033993 response to lipid 1 594 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0033043 regulation of organelle organization 1 1001 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 1 2459 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0014070 response to organic cyclic compound 1 634 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0043085 positive regulation of catalytic activity 1 815 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:1901564 organonitrogen compound metabolic process 1 4919 7.60e-01
GO:BP GO:0009056 catabolic process 1 2108 7.65e-01
GO:BP GO:0007600 sensory perception 1 259 7.70e-01
GO:BP GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function 1 730 7.72e-01
GO:BP GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis 1 2722 7.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 2 1981 7.79e-01
GO:BP GO:0022402 cell cycle process 1 1078 7.85e-01
GO:BP GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 3 2271 8.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0006807 nitrogen compound metabolic process 2 7431 8.32e-01
GO:BP GO:0048583 regulation of response to stimulus 4 2877 8.43e-01
GO:BP GO:0043170 macromolecule metabolic process 2 7084 8.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0023052 signaling 7 4134 8.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0007186 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1 386 8.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0044093 positive regulation of molecular function 1 1132 8.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process 1 989 8.57e-01
GO:BP GO:0007154 cell communication 7 4210 8.69e-01
GO:BP GO:0050794 regulation of cellular process 1 7632 8.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0007049 cell cycle 1 1515 8.93e-01
GO:BP GO:0044238 primary metabolic process 2 7788 8.95e-01
GO:BP GO:0065009 regulation of molecular function 2 1905 8.99e-01
GO:BP GO:0050790 regulation of catalytic activity 1 1349 9.03e-01
GO:BP GO:0042592 homeostatic process 1 1189 9.05e-01
GO:BP GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 2 1889 9.12e-01
GO:BP GO:0044237 cellular metabolic process 2 7562 9.22e-01
GO:BP GO:0050789 regulation of biological process 1 8017 9.26e-01
GO:BP GO:0016043 cellular component organization 2 5106 9.27e-01
GO:BP GO:1901700 response to oxygen-containing compound 1 1219 9.35e-01
GO:BP GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis 2 5307 9.36e-01
GO:BP GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality 2 2085 9.37e-01
GO:BP GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 1 1952 9.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0009605 response to external stimulus 1 1635 9.39e-01
GO:BP GO:0065007 biological regulation 1 8282 9.47e-01
GO:BP GO:0007165 signal transduction 5 3803 9.55e-01
GO:BP GO:0010033 response to organic substance 1 1942 9.90e-01
GO:BP GO:0008150 biological_process 1 12027 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0071704 organic substance metabolic process 1 8176 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0008152 metabolic process 1 8522 1.00e+00
GO:BP GO:0009987 cellular process 1 11410 1.00e+00
KEGG KEGG:05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 1 128 7.07e-02
KEGG KEGG:05215 Prostate cancer 1 86 7.07e-02
KEGG KEGG:00510 N-Glycan biosynthesis 1 48 7.29e-02
KEGG KEGG:05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1 303 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:05016 Huntington disease 1 256 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases 1 385 1.68e-01
KEGG KEGG:04360 Axon guidance 1 162 2.12e-01
KEGG KEGG:04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 1 108 4.86e-01
KEGG KEGG:01100 Metabolic pathways 1 1146 5.69e-01
KEGG KEGG:00000 KEGG root term 1 5548 6.01e-01
TRZnomtable24h %>%
  filter(source=="KEGG") %>% 
  mutate_at(.vars = 6, .funs = scientific_format()) %>%
  kable(., caption = "Enrichment of KEGG terms using nominal pvalue TRZ 24hour genes in my data") %>%
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
    full_width = FALSE,
    position = "left",
    bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")
  ) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
Enrichment of KEGG terms using nominal pvalue TRZ 24hour genes in my data
source term_id term_name intersection_size term_size p_value
KEGG KEGG:05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 1 128 7.07e-02
KEGG KEGG:05215 Prostate cancer 1 86 7.07e-02
KEGG KEGG:00510 N-Glycan biosynthesis 1 48 7.29e-02
KEGG KEGG:05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1 303 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:05016 Huntington disease 1 256 1.56e-01
KEGG KEGG:05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases 1 385 1.68e-01
KEGG KEGG:04360 Axon guidance 1 162 2.12e-01
KEGG KEGG:04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 1 108 4.86e-01
KEGG KEGG:01100 Metabolic pathways 1 1146 5.69e-01
KEGG KEGG:00000 KEGG root term 1 5548 6.01e-01

Link to other pages here:

[Knowles troponin data]

GO analysis on after_comments data [here]

R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)

Matrix products: default

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