1. bloguen(1)
  2. bloguen(1)


bloguen - Generate a blogue from a flat TOML-based descriptor


bloguen IN_DIR OUT_DIR


Generate an ePub book from a simple plaintext descriptor.

Exit values and possible errors:

1 - I/O error
2 - parsing error
3 - file not found
4 - file in wrong state
5 - file parsing failed
6 - required element missing



File to parse, must exist, must comply with the DESCRIPTOR FORMAT.


File to write the book to, parent directory needn't exist.


Blogue descriptors are TOML files named blogue.toml, where all keys except for name are optional:

# The blogue's display name.
name = 'Блогг'

# The blogue's main author(s).
# Overriden by post metadata, if present.
# If not present, defaults to the current system user's name,
# which, if not detected, errors out.
author = 'nabijaczleweli'

# Data to put before post HTML, templated.
# Default: `"$ROOT/header.html"`, then `"$ROOT/header.htm"`.
header_file = 'header.html'

# Data to put after post HTML, templated.
# Default: `"$ROOT/footer.html"`, then `"$ROOT/footer.htm"`.
footer_file = 'footer.html'

# Subfolder to move assets to, relative to the output root, if present.
# The value is stripped of leading slashes.
# All backslashes are normalised to forward ones.
# The value is ended off with a slash, if not already specified.
# No override is applied if not present – assets are copied alongside the posts' HTML.
asset_dir_override = 'assets/'

# Default post language.
# Overriden by post metadata, if present.
# If not present, defaults to the current system language,
# which, if not detected, defaults to en-GB.
language = 'en-GB'

# A set of style descriptors.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
styles = ['link://nabijaczleweli.xyz/kaschism/assets/column.css'
          'literal:.indented { text-indent: 1em; }',

# A set of style descriptors.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
scripts = ['link:/content/assets/syllable.js',
           'literal:document.getElementById(\"title\").innerText = \"Наган\";',

# Where and which machine datasets to put.
# Each value here is a prefix appended to the output directory
# under which to put the machine data.
# Values can't be empty (to put machine data at post root use "./").
JSON = 'machine/'

# Where and which feeds to put.
# Each value here is a file path appended to the output directory
# into which to put the machine data.
RSS = 'feeds/rss.xml'
Atom = 'atom.xml'

# Additional static data to substitute in header and footer for all posts.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
key_1 = 'data_1'
key_2 = 'data_2'

# Metadata specifying how to generate the blogue index file.
# If not present, index not generated.
# All keys are optional
# Data to put start index HTML with, templated.
# Default: `"$ROOT/index_header.html"`, then `"$ROOT/index_header.htm"`,
#     then `"$ROOT/idx_header.html"`, then `"$ROOT/idx_header.htm"`.
header_file = 'index_header.html'

# Data to put in index HTML for each post, templated.
# Default: `"$ROOT/index_center.html"`, then `"$ROOT/index_center.htm"`,
#     then `"$ROOT/idx_center.html"`, then `"$ROOT/idx_center.htm"`.
center_file = 'index_center.html'

# Data to put to end index HTML with, templated.
# Default: `"$ROOT/index_footer.html"`, then `"$ROOT/index_footer.htm"`,
#     then `"$ROOT/idx_footer.html"`, then `"$ROOT/idx_footer.htm"`.
footer_file = 'index_footer.html'

# The order to put center templates in.
# If not present, defaults to forward.
center_order = "forward|backward"

# A set of style descriptors.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
styles = ['link://nabijaczleweli.xyz/kaschism/assets/column.css'
          'literal:.indented { text-indent: 1em; }',

# A set of style descriptors.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
scripts = ['link:/content/assets/syllable.js',
           'literal:document.getElementById(\"title\").innerText = \"Наган\";',

# Additional static data to substitute in header and footer.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
index_key_1 = 'index_data_1'
index_key_2 = 'index_data_2'


Posts reside in directories parallel to blogue.toml, whose names match #+. YYYY-MM-DD [HH-MM[-SS]] name, in files named post.md.

In addition to post.md, the folder may contain automatically-copied assets, a tags file containing one tag per line, and a metadata.toml, which obeys the METADATA FORMAT


Additional post metadata is contained in files named metadata.toml, where all keys are optional:

# Post language override.
# If not present, default post language is used.
language = "pl"

# Post author override.
# If not present, default post author is used.
author = "Enet4"

# A set of tags.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
# Added to tags in the tags file
tags = ["maths", "abstract"]

# A set of style descriptors.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
styles = ['link://nabijaczleweli.xyz/kaschism/assets/column.css'
          'literal:.indented { text-indent: 1em; }',

# A set of style descriptors.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
scripts = ['link:/content/assets/syllable.js',
           'literal:document.getElementById(\"title\").innerText = \"Наган\";',

# Additional static data to substitute in header and footer.
# If not present, defaults to empty.
post_key_1 = 'post_data_1'
post_key_2 = 'post_data_2'


The post header and footer, as well as index header, center, and footer are formatted in a Rust-format-like fashion, where {var} denotes the insertion of variable var, and {{/}} literal {/}.

language                – post language in BCP47 format
                        – en-GB
number                  – default-formatted post number
                        – 14
title                   – post title
                        – release-front - a generic release front-end
author                  – post author
                        – nabijaczleweli
raw_post_name           – post name as it appeared on the filesystem
                        – 004. 2018-03-30 Stir plate
normalised_post_name    – normalised post name
                        – 004. 2018-03-30 06-00-51 Stir plate
blog_name               – blog name
                        – Блогг
bloguen-version         – current version of bloguen
                        – v0.1.1
tags                    – ↓
                        – <span class="post-tag">maths</span>…
tags()                  – all post tags with the default class (post-tag)
                        – <span class="post-tag">maths</span>…
tags(class)             – all post tags with the specified class, headers and footers
                        – <span class="пост-таг">maths</span>…
styles                  – all post styles with their headers and footers
                        – <style type="text/css">* {color: magenta;}</style>…
scripts                 – all post scripts with their headers and footers
                        – <script type="text/javascript">alert("hewwo")</script>…
data-name               – passed-in data under the name key
                        – hewwo
date(post, format)      – post date formatted with DATE FORMAT
                        – Thu,  6 Sep 2018 18:32:22 +0200
date(now_utc, format)   – current date in UTC formatted with DATE FORMAT
                        – Thu,  6 Sep 2018 18:32:22 +0200
date(now_local, format) – current date in local timezone formatted with DATE FORMAT
                        – Thu,  6 Sep 2018 18:32:22 +0200
machine_data(kind)      – machine data of the specified kind
                        – {"number": 3, "language": "en-GB", …}…
pass_paragraphs(n, var) – parse var and write up to n HTML paragraphs of its contents
                        – <p>Paragraph 1</p> <p>Paragraph 2</p>…


Any of: rfc2822, rfc_2822, RFC2822, RFC_2822 – RFC2822

Any of: rfc3339, rfc_3339, RFC3339, RFC_3339 – RFC3339

Anything else: strftime() format


Written by nabijaczleweli <nabijaczleweli@gmail.com>


To all who support further development, in particular:





  1. bloguen developers
  2. November 2019
  3. bloguen(1)