[][src]Function tweetr::ops::start_daemon::post_tweet

pub fn post_tweet<'a, W: Write>(
    tweet: &mut QueuedTweet,
    on_behalf_of: &User,
    app: &Token<'a>,
    verbose: bool,
    output: &mut W
) -> Outcome

Post the specified tweet on behalf of the specified user and application, optionally printing progress.

The tweet is updated with the data returned by the Twitter API.


let now = Local::now();
let now = now.with_timezone(now.offset());

let mut tweet = QueuedTweet {
    author: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
    time: now,
    content: "This tweet will be posted, no matter the cost!".to_string(),
    time_posted: None,
    id: None,

let result = start_daemon::post_tweet(&mut tweet, &User {
    name: "nabijaczleweli".to_string(),
    id: 0x81423,
    access_token_key: "529443-FNlJkpZCE7a4Bbd7f1k65GtgaH7SmHlReWSESD4".to_string(),
    access_token_secret: "GVQDq88qLtJ45KR6u44A6AljW31JSSippjdipQg6gPYE5".to_string(),
}, &AppTokens {
    key: "qzuqpwr101q4RtK9mDorI9ndm".to_string(),
    secret: "HW4YG3Kdcap5ovcZ5fZfBJFedKR6GQe9MtZDS9Gm34hXiirkU5".to_string(),
}.into(), false, &mut vec![]);

assert_eq!(result.exit_value(), 0);