Last updated: 2020-11-19

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: pools-projects/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  IRB/
    Untracked:  analysis/pilot-study-CFA.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/pilot-study-EFA.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/pilot-study-data-management.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/pilot-study-power-calculation.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/pools-definitions.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/power-calculation.Rmd
    Untracked:  code/load_packages.R
    Untracked:  code/r_functions.R
    Untracked:  code/test_data.Rmd
    Untracked:  code/test_data.nb.html
    Untracked:  data/data-2020-11-04/
    Untracked:  data/data-2020-11-16/
    Untracked:  data/pilot-data-item-review.xlsx
    Untracked:  data/sim_test.RData
    Untracked:  data/~$pilot-data-item-review.xlsx
    Untracked:  item-review-1/
    Untracked:  item-review-2/
    Untracked:  output/pilot-data-item-review.xlsx
    Untracked:  papers/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/_site.yml
    Modified:   analysis/index.Rmd
    Modified:   pools-projects.Rproj

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-- Attaching packages -------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 --
v ggplot2 3.3.2     v purrr   0.3.4
v tibble  3.0.3     v dplyr   1.0.1
v tidyr   1.1.1     v stringr 1.4.0
v readr   1.3.1     v forcats 0.5.0
-- Conflicts ----------------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Attaching package: 'data.table'
The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':

    between, first, last
The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':

This is lavaan 0.6-7
lavaan is BETA software! Please report any bugs.
This is semTools 0.5-3
All users of R (or SEM) are invited to submit functions or ideas for functions.

Attaching package: 'semTools'
The following object is masked from 'package:readr':

Warning: package 'MIIVsem' was built under R version 4.0.3
This is MIIVsem 0.5.5
MIIVsem is BETA software! Please report any bugs.
This is simsem 0.5-15
simsem is BETA software! Please report any bugs.
simsem was first developed at the University of Kansas Center for
Research Methods and Data Analysis, under NSF Grant 1053160.

Attaching package: 'simsem'
The following object is masked from 'package:lavaan':

Warning: package 'naniar' was built under R version 4.0.3
Warning: package 'ggcorrplot' was built under R version 4.0.3
Loading required package: multilevel
Loading required package: nlme

Attaching package: 'nlme'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':

Loading required package: MASS

Attaching package: 'MASS'
The following object is masked from 'package:patchwork':

The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':


Attaching package: 'psychometric'
The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':


Attaching package: 'psych'
The following object is masked from 'package:psychometric':

The following object is masked from 'package:simsem':

The following object is masked from 'package:semTools':

The following object is masked from 'package:lavaan':

The following objects are masked from 'package:ggplot2':

    %+%, alpha
Warning: package 'nFactors' was built under R version 4.0.3
Loading required package: lattice

Attaching package: 'nFactors'
The following object is masked from 'package:lattice':


Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':

mydata <- read.table("data/data-2020-11-16/pools_data_split2_2020_11_16.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

# transform responses to (-2, 2) scale
mydata[, 7:63] <- apply(mydata[,7:63], 2, function(x){x-3})

Data Summary

  mydata[, c(paste0("Q4_",c(1:5,8:11, 15:19)),
             paste0("Q5_",c(1:6, 8, 12)),
             paste0("Q6_",c(1:8, 11)),
             paste0("Q7_",c(2, 4:5, 7:8, 12:14)))]
      vars   n  mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew kurtosis   se
Q4_1     1 312 -0.62 0.85   -1.0   -0.63 1.48  -2   2     4  0.28     0.06 0.05
Q4_2     2 312 -0.80 0.78   -1.0   -0.82 0.00  -2   2     4  0.64     1.07 0.04
Q4_3     3 312 -0.54 0.85   -1.0   -0.54 1.48  -2   2     4  0.35     0.47 0.05
Q4_4     4 312 -0.47 0.85    0.0   -0.46 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.01     0.12 0.05
Q4_5     5 312 -0.75 0.87   -1.0   -0.81 1.48  -2   2     4  0.61     0.32 0.05
Q4_8     6 312 -0.81 0.85   -1.0   -0.86 1.48  -2   2     4  0.50     0.16 0.05
Q4_9     7 312 -0.61 0.97   -1.0   -0.66 1.48  -2   2     4  0.45    -0.29 0.05
Q4_10    8 312 -0.46 0.80    0.0   -0.41 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.19     0.30 0.05
Q4_11    9 312 -0.52 0.95   -1.0   -0.56 1.48  -2   2     4  0.26    -0.26 0.05
Q4_15   10 312 -0.71 0.88   -1.0   -0.75 1.48  -2   2     4  0.34    -0.32 0.05
Q4_16   11 312 -0.67 0.93   -1.0   -0.72 1.48  -2   2     4  0.23    -0.50 0.05
Q4_17   12 312 -0.90 0.93   -1.0   -0.99 1.48  -2   2     4  0.53    -0.47 0.05
Q4_18   13 312 -0.72 0.79   -1.0   -0.74 0.00  -2   2     4  0.49     0.33 0.04
Q4_19   14 312 -0.51 0.97   -0.5   -0.54 0.74  -2   2     4  0.22    -0.38 0.06
Q5_1    15 312 -0.47 0.95   -1.0   -0.49 1.48  -2   2     4  0.19    -0.49 0.05
Q5_2    16 312 -0.04 1.01    0.0    0.01 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.20    -0.49 0.06
Q5_3    17 312 -0.41 1.04    0.0   -0.43 1.48  -2   2     4  0.26    -0.52 0.06
Q5_4    18 312  0.46 1.10    1.0    0.55 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.80    -0.15 0.06
Q5_5    19 312  0.45 1.06    1.0    0.52 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.78    -0.16 0.06
Q5_6    20 312 -0.15 0.92    0.0   -0.14 1.48  -2   2     4  0.03    -0.07 0.05
Q5_8    21 312 -0.16 1.07    0.0   -0.13 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.09    -0.66 0.06
Q5_12   22 312 -0.20 1.01    0.0   -0.18 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.10    -0.29 0.06
Q6_1    23 312 -1.32 0.86   -1.5   -1.48 0.74  -2   2     4  1.52     2.55 0.05
Q6_2    24 312 -0.96 0.91   -1.0   -1.07 0.00  -2   2     4  0.98     0.92 0.05
Q6_3    25 312 -1.01 0.92   -1.0   -1.13 1.48  -2   2     4  1.03     1.03 0.05
Q6_4    26 312 -0.89 0.94   -1.0   -0.99 1.48  -2   2     4  0.84     0.64 0.05
Q6_5    27 312 -0.61 1.10   -1.0   -0.69 1.48  -2   2     4  0.57    -0.45 0.06
Q6_6    28 312 -1.18 0.79   -1.0   -1.29 0.00  -2   2     4  1.08     1.68 0.04
Q6_7    29 312 -0.89 0.88   -1.0   -0.95 1.48  -2   2     4  0.61     0.19 0.05
Q6_8    30 312 -0.85 0.83   -1.0   -0.90 0.00  -2   2     4  0.70     0.77 0.05
Q6_11   31 312 -0.31 0.98    0.0   -0.30 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.11    -0.29 0.06
Q7_2    32 312 -0.35 0.89    0.0   -0.33 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.35    -0.09 0.05
Q7_4    33 312 -0.21 0.94    0.0   -0.18 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.07    -0.15 0.05
Q7_5    34 312 -0.21 0.94    0.0   -0.19 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.14     0.12 0.05
Q7_7    35 312  0.57 1.07    1.0    0.66 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.86     0.08 0.06
Q7_8    36 312 -0.19 0.94    0.0   -0.16 0.00  -2   2     4 -0.07     0.03 0.05
Q7_12   37 312  0.38 1.07    1.0    0.44 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.55    -0.17 0.06
Q7_13   38 312  0.49 1.11    1.0    0.56 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.50    -0.42 0.06
Q7_14   39 312  0.56 1.04    1.0    0.64 1.48  -2   2     4 -0.69     0.00 0.06


Model 1

Maximum Likelihood

mod1 <- "
EL =~ Q4_1 + Q4_2 + Q4_3 + Q4_4 + Q4_5 + Q4_8 + Q4_9 + Q4_10 + Q4_11 + Q4_15 + Q4_16 + Q4_17 + Q4_18 + Q4_19
SC =~ Q5_1 + Q5_2 + Q5_3 + Q5_4 + Q5_5 + Q5_6 + Q5_8 + Q5_12
IN =~ Q6_1 + Q6_2 + Q6_3 + Q6_4 + Q6_5 + Q6_6 + Q6_7 + Q6_8 + Q6_11
EN =~ Q7_2 + Q7_4 + Q7_5 + Q7_7 + Q7_8 + Q7_12 + Q7_13 + Q7_14

EL ~~ EL + SC + IN + EN
SC ~~ SC + IN + EN
IN ~~ IN + EN
EN ~~ EN

fit1 <- lavaan::cfa(mod1, data=mydata)
summary(fit1, standardized=T, fit.measures=T)
lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 69 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                         84
  Number of observations                           312
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                              2124.858
  Degrees of freedom                               696
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              8846.565
  Degrees of freedom                               741
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.824
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.812

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)             -13071.075
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)     -12008.646
  Akaike (AIC)                               26310.149
  Bayesian (BIC)                             26624.561
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        26358.142

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.081
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.077
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.085
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.080

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  EL =~                                                                 
    Q4_1              1.000                               0.658    0.774
    Q4_2              0.891    0.062   14.261    0.000    0.587    0.750
    Q4_3              1.023    0.067   15.358    0.000    0.674    0.796
    Q4_4              1.034    0.066   15.544    0.000    0.681    0.804
    Q4_5              0.990    0.069   14.257    0.000    0.652    0.749
    Q4_8              0.939    0.069   13.689    0.000    0.618    0.725
    Q4_9              1.008    0.078   12.867    0.000    0.664    0.688
    Q4_10             0.930    0.064   14.644    0.000    0.613    0.766
    Q4_11             1.088    0.076   14.348    0.000    0.716    0.753
    Q4_15             0.963    0.071   13.544    0.000    0.634    0.718
    Q4_16             0.941    0.076   12.408    0.000    0.620    0.667
    Q4_17             0.856    0.077   11.130    0.000    0.563    0.607
    Q4_18             0.980    0.062   15.887    0.000    0.645    0.818
    Q4_19             1.115    0.077   14.418    0.000    0.734    0.756
  SC =~                                                                 
    Q5_1              1.000                               0.547    0.575
    Q5_2              1.144    0.130    8.792    0.000    0.625    0.619
    Q5_3              1.250    0.136    9.170    0.000    0.684    0.657
    Q5_4              1.593    0.154   10.326    0.000    0.871    0.792
    Q5_5              1.548    0.149   10.387    0.000    0.846    0.800
    Q5_6              1.310    0.128   10.225    0.000    0.716    0.779
    Q5_8              1.527    0.149   10.234    0.000    0.835    0.780
    Q5_12             1.111    0.129    8.603    0.000    0.607    0.600
  IN =~                                                                 
    Q6_1              1.000                               0.587    0.686
    Q6_2              1.218    0.095   12.824    0.000    0.714    0.786
    Q6_3              1.258    0.097   13.010    0.000    0.738    0.799
    Q6_4              1.236    0.098   12.674    0.000    0.725    0.776
    Q6_5              0.855    0.112    7.663    0.000    0.501    0.456
    Q6_6              1.050    0.082   12.784    0.000    0.616    0.784
    Q6_7              1.226    0.092   13.345    0.000    0.719    0.822
    Q6_8              1.164    0.087   13.314    0.000    0.683    0.820
    Q6_11             1.029    0.100   10.258    0.000    0.603    0.619
  EN =~                                                                 
    Q7_2              1.000                               0.654    0.737
    Q7_4              0.926    0.084   11.058    0.000    0.605    0.643
    Q7_5              1.077    0.083   12.945    0.000    0.704    0.747
    Q7_7              1.146    0.094   12.134    0.000    0.749    0.702
    Q7_8              1.103    0.083   13.372    0.000    0.721    0.771
    Q7_12             1.083    0.095   11.449    0.000    0.708    0.665
    Q7_13             0.635    0.100    6.365    0.000    0.415    0.376
    Q7_14             1.017    0.093   10.969    0.000    0.665    0.638

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  EL ~~                                                                 
    SC                0.205    0.032    6.505    0.000    0.571    0.571
    IN                0.267    0.034    7.767    0.000    0.691    0.691
    EN                0.309    0.038    8.080    0.000    0.718    0.718
  SC ~~                                                                 
    IN                0.169    0.028    6.038    0.000    0.528    0.528
    EN                0.275    0.038    7.180    0.000    0.771    0.771
  IN ~~                                                                 
    EN                0.257    0.035    7.422    0.000    0.671    0.671

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
    EL                0.434    0.054    8.040    0.000    1.000    1.000
    SC                0.299    0.056    5.337    0.000    1.000    1.000
    IN                0.344    0.051    6.741    0.000    1.000    1.000
    EN                0.427    0.058    7.335    0.000    1.000    1.000
   .Q4_1              0.290    0.025   11.525    0.000    0.290    0.400
   .Q4_2              0.268    0.023   11.664    0.000    0.268    0.438
   .Q4_3              0.263    0.023   11.375    0.000    0.263    0.366
   .Q4_4              0.254    0.022   11.314    0.000    0.254    0.354
   .Q4_5              0.332    0.028   11.665    0.000    0.332    0.438
   .Q4_8              0.346    0.029   11.778    0.000    0.346    0.475
   .Q4_9              0.490    0.041   11.912    0.000    0.490    0.527
   .Q4_10             0.264    0.023   11.575    0.000    0.264    0.413
   .Q4_11             0.391    0.034   11.645    0.000    0.391    0.432
   .Q4_15             0.377    0.032   11.804    0.000    0.377    0.484
   .Q4_16             0.479    0.040   11.975    0.000    0.479    0.555
   .Q4_17             0.545    0.045   12.115    0.000    0.545    0.632
   .Q4_18             0.206    0.018   11.189    0.000    0.206    0.331
   .Q4_19             0.403    0.035   11.629    0.000    0.403    0.428
   .Q5_1              0.604    0.051   11.879    0.000    0.604    0.669
   .Q5_2              0.630    0.054   11.722    0.000    0.630    0.617
   .Q5_3              0.614    0.053   11.547    0.000    0.614    0.568
   .Q5_4              0.452    0.043   10.396    0.000    0.452    0.373
   .Q5_5              0.403    0.039   10.275    0.000    0.403    0.360
   .Q5_6              0.333    0.031   10.569    0.000    0.333    0.394
   .Q5_8              0.449    0.043   10.555    0.000    0.449    0.392
   .Q5_12             0.654    0.055   11.793    0.000    0.654    0.640
   .Q6_1              0.387    0.033   11.660    0.000    0.387    0.529
   .Q6_2              0.315    0.029   10.974    0.000    0.315    0.382
   .Q6_3              0.308    0.028   10.838    0.000    0.308    0.362
   .Q6_4              0.347    0.031   11.072    0.000    0.347    0.397
   .Q6_5              0.955    0.078   12.246    0.000    0.955    0.792
   .Q6_6              0.238    0.022   11.001    0.000    0.238    0.386
   .Q6_7              0.249    0.024   10.541    0.000    0.249    0.325
   .Q6_8              0.228    0.022   10.571    0.000    0.228    0.328
   .Q6_11             0.587    0.049   11.913    0.000    0.587    0.617
   .Q7_2              0.359    0.033   10.914    0.000    0.359    0.457
   .Q7_4              0.520    0.045   11.561    0.000    0.520    0.587
   .Q7_5              0.392    0.036   10.815    0.000    0.392    0.442
   .Q7_7              0.576    0.051   11.202    0.000    0.576    0.507
   .Q7_8              0.356    0.034   10.549    0.000    0.356    0.406
   .Q7_12             0.633    0.055   11.446    0.000    0.633    0.558
   .Q7_13             1.046    0.085   12.275    0.000    1.046    0.859
   .Q7_14             0.644    0.056   11.586    0.000    0.644    0.593


fit1 <- lavaan::cfa(mod1, data=mydata, ordered=T)
Warning in lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats, : lavaan WARNING:
    The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters (vcov)
    does not appear to be positive definite! The smallest eigenvalue
    (= -1.720588e-17) is smaller than zero. This may be a symptom that
    the model is not identified.
summary(fit1, standardized=T, fit.measures=T)
lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 67 iterations

  Estimator                                       DWLS
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                        201
  Number of observations                           312
Model Test User Model:
                                              Standard      Robust
  Test Statistic                              2549.695    2222.269
  Degrees of freedom                               696         696
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.437
  Shift parameter                                          447.847
       simple second-order correction                             

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                            113152.945   17274.138
  Degrees of freedom                               741         741
  P-value                                        0.000       0.000
  Scaling correction factor                                  6.799

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.984       0.908
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.982       0.902
  Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
  Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.093       0.084
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.089       0.080
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.096       0.088
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
  Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.074       0.074

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                           Robust.sem
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  EL =~                                                                 
    Q4_1              1.000                               0.815    0.815
    Q4_2              0.958    0.030   31.941    0.000    0.781    0.781
    Q4_3              1.039    0.029   36.179    0.000    0.846    0.846
    Q4_4              1.042    0.028   37.342    0.000    0.849    0.849
    Q4_5              0.981    0.033   29.651    0.000    0.799    0.799
    Q4_8              0.958    0.034   27.917    0.000    0.781    0.781
    Q4_9              0.953    0.035   27.360    0.000    0.776    0.776
    Q4_10             1.007    0.031   32.389    0.000    0.821    0.821
    Q4_11             1.018    0.033   31.193    0.000    0.829    0.829
    Q4_15             0.957    0.030   31.435    0.000    0.780    0.780
    Q4_16             0.910    0.031   28.934    0.000    0.742    0.742
    Q4_17             0.821    0.038   21.493    0.000    0.669    0.669
    Q4_18             1.051    0.029   35.739    0.000    0.856    0.856
    Q4_19             1.007    0.030   33.139    0.000    0.821    0.821
  SC =~                                                                 
    Q5_1              1.000                               0.783    0.783
    Q5_2              0.860    0.046   18.535    0.000    0.673    0.673
    Q5_3              0.926    0.052   17.815    0.000    0.725    0.725
    Q5_4              1.046    0.046   22.706    0.000    0.819    0.819
    Q5_5              1.077    0.045   23.921    0.000    0.843    0.843
    Q5_6              1.027    0.049   21.132    0.000    0.804    0.804
    Q5_8              0.995    0.051   19.418    0.000    0.779    0.779
    Q5_12             1.017    0.051   19.765    0.000    0.796    0.796
  IN =~                                                                 
    Q6_1              1.000                               0.757    0.757
    Q6_2              1.108    0.045   24.546    0.000    0.840    0.840
    Q6_3              1.058    0.049   21.527    0.000    0.801    0.801
    Q6_4              1.062    0.046   22.874    0.000    0.804    0.804
    Q6_5              0.731    0.057   12.885    0.000    0.554    0.554
    Q6_6              1.124    0.052   21.505    0.000    0.851    0.851
    Q6_7              1.193    0.059   20.355    0.000    0.903    0.903
    Q6_8              1.121    0.052   21.466    0.000    0.849    0.849
    Q6_11             1.130    0.062   18.216    0.000    0.856    0.856
  EN =~                                                                 
    Q7_2              1.000                               0.831    0.831
    Q7_4              0.843    0.038   22.316    0.000    0.701    0.701
    Q7_5              0.948    0.038   25.129    0.000    0.788    0.788
    Q7_7              0.837    0.043   19.240    0.000    0.695    0.695
    Q7_8              0.959    0.040   24.249    0.000    0.797    0.797
    Q7_12             0.844    0.044   19.218    0.000    0.702    0.702
    Q7_13             0.484    0.054    8.890    0.000    0.403    0.403
    Q7_14             0.803    0.046   17.628    0.000    0.668    0.668

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  EL ~~                                                                 
    SC                0.385    0.031   12.441    0.000    0.603    0.603
    IN                0.440    0.033   13.191    0.000    0.713    0.713
    EN                0.491    0.028   17.588    0.000    0.725    0.725
  SC ~~                                                                 
    IN                0.356    0.033   10.644    0.000    0.600    0.600
    EN                0.490    0.032   15.155    0.000    0.753    0.753
  IN ~~                                                                 
    EN                0.453    0.035   13.107    0.000    0.720    0.720

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
   .Q4_1              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_2              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_3              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_4              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_5              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_8              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_9              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_10             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_11             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_15             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_16             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_17             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_18             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q4_19             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_1              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_2              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_3              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_4              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_5              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_6              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_8              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q5_12             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_1              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_2              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_3              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_4              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_5              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_6              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_7              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_8              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q6_11             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_2              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_4              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_5              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_7              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_8              0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_12             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_13             0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .Q7_14             0.000                               0.000    0.000
    EL                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    SC                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    IN                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    EN                0.000                               0.000    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
    Q4_1|t1          -1.062    0.088  -12.101    0.000   -1.062   -1.062
    Q4_1|t2           0.153    0.071    2.147    0.032    0.153    0.153
    Q4_1|t3           1.449    0.106   13.658    0.000    1.449    1.449
    Q4_1|t4           2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q4_2|t1          -0.993    0.085  -11.632    0.000   -0.993   -0.993
    Q4_2|t2           0.521    0.075    6.972    0.000    0.521    0.521
    Q4_2|t3           1.732    0.127   13.613    0.000    1.732    1.732
    Q4_2|t4           2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q4_3|t1          -1.198    0.093  -12.870    0.000   -1.198   -1.198
    Q4_3|t2           0.040    0.071    0.565    0.572    0.040    0.040
    Q4_3|t3           1.449    0.106   13.658    0.000    1.449    1.449
    Q4_3|t4           2.006    0.157   12.746    0.000    2.006    2.006
    Q4_4|t1          -1.150    0.091  -12.627    0.000   -1.150   -1.150
    Q4_4|t2          -0.153    0.071   -2.147    0.032   -0.153   -0.153
    Q4_4|t3           1.426    0.105   13.620    0.000    1.426    1.426
    Q4_4|t4           2.144    0.178   12.067    0.000    2.144    2.144
    Q4_5|t1          -0.930    0.083  -11.142    0.000   -0.930   -0.930
    Q4_5|t2           0.448    0.074    6.082    0.000    0.448    0.448
    Q4_5|t3           1.383    0.102   13.529    0.000    1.383    1.383
    Q4_5|t4           2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q4_8|t1          -0.812    0.080  -10.117    0.000   -0.812   -0.812
    Q4_8|t2           0.457    0.074    6.194    0.000    0.457    0.457
    Q4_8|t3           1.547    0.113   13.751    0.000    1.547    1.547
    Q4_8|t4           2.341    0.215   10.896    0.000    2.341    2.341
    Q4_9|t1          -0.955    0.084  -11.340    0.000   -0.955   -0.955
    Q4_9|t2           0.235    0.072    3.275    0.001    0.235    0.235
    Q4_9|t3           1.090    0.089   12.282    0.000    1.090    1.090
    Q4_9|t4           2.070    0.166   12.448    0.000    2.070    2.070
    Q4_10|t1         -1.198    0.093  -12.870    0.000   -1.198   -1.198
    Q4_10|t2         -0.227    0.072   -3.163    0.002   -0.227   -0.227
    Q4_10|t3          1.603    0.117   13.751    0.000    1.603    1.603
    Q4_10|t4          2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q4_11|t1         -1.007    0.086  -11.727    0.000   -1.007   -1.007
    Q4_11|t2          0.032    0.071    0.452    0.651    0.032    0.032
    Q4_11|t3          1.150    0.091   12.627    0.000    1.150    1.150
    Q4_11|t4          2.006    0.157   12.746    0.000    2.006    2.006
    Q4_15|t1         -0.905    0.083  -10.941    0.000   -0.905   -0.905
    Q4_15|t2          0.302    0.072    4.176    0.000    0.302    0.302
    Q4_15|t3          1.342    0.100   13.421    0.000    1.342    1.342
    Q4_15|t4          2.489    0.251    9.915    0.000    2.489    2.489
    Q4_16|t1         -0.823    0.081  -10.222    0.000   -0.823   -0.823
    Q4_16|t2          0.170    0.071    2.373    0.018    0.170    0.170
    Q4_16|t3          1.304    0.098   13.300    0.000    1.304    1.304
    Q4_16|t4          2.341    0.215   10.896    0.000    2.341    2.341
    Q4_17|t1         -0.539    0.075   -7.194    0.000   -0.539   -0.539
    Q4_17|t2          0.521    0.075    6.972    0.000    0.521    0.521
    Q4_17|t3          1.362    0.101   13.477    0.000    1.362    1.362
    Q4_17|t4          2.726    0.330    8.259    0.000    2.726    2.726
    Q4_18|t1         -1.105    0.089  -12.370    0.000   -1.105   -1.105
    Q4_18|t2          0.413    0.073    5.635    0.000    0.413    0.413
    Q4_18|t3          1.521    0.111   13.738    0.000    1.521    1.521
    Q4_18|t4          2.489    0.251    9.915    0.000    2.489    2.489
    Q4_19|t1         -0.967    0.085  -11.438    0.000   -0.967   -0.967
    Q4_19|t2          0.000    0.071    0.000    1.000    0.000    0.000
    Q4_19|t3          1.105    0.089   12.370    0.000    1.105    1.105
    Q4_19|t4          2.006    0.157   12.746    0.000    2.006    2.006
    Q5_1|t1          -1.076    0.088  -12.192    0.000   -1.076   -1.076
    Q5_1|t2           0.008    0.071    0.113    0.910    0.008    0.008
    Q5_1|t3           1.020    0.086   11.822    0.000    1.020    1.020
    Q5_1|t4           2.144    0.178   12.067    0.000    2.144    2.144
    Q5_2|t1          -1.323    0.099  -13.362    0.000   -1.323   -1.323
    Q5_2|t2          -0.521    0.075   -6.972    0.000   -0.521   -0.521
    Q5_2|t3           0.502    0.074    6.750    0.000    0.502    0.502
    Q5_2|t4           1.697    0.124   13.669    0.000    1.697    1.697
    Q5_3|t1          -1.020    0.086  -11.822    0.000   -1.020   -1.020
    Q5_3|t2          -0.048    0.071   -0.678    0.498   -0.048   -0.048
    Q5_3|t3           0.881    0.082   10.738    0.000    0.881    0.881
    Q5_3|t4           1.769    0.131   13.539    0.000    1.769    1.769
    Q5_4|t1          -1.404    0.103  -13.577    0.000   -1.404   -1.404
    Q5_4|t2          -0.835    0.081  -10.326    0.000   -0.835   -0.835
    Q5_4|t3          -0.310    0.072   -4.289    0.000   -0.310   -0.310
    Q5_4|t4           1.182    0.092   12.791    0.000    1.182    1.182
    Q5_5|t1          -1.521    0.111  -13.738    0.000   -1.521   -1.521
    Q5_5|t2          -0.823    0.081  -10.222    0.000   -0.823   -0.823
    Q5_5|t3          -0.302    0.072   -4.176    0.000   -0.302   -0.302
    Q5_5|t4           1.267    0.096   13.166    0.000    1.267    1.267
    Q5_6|t1          -1.449    0.106  -13.658    0.000   -1.449   -1.449
    Q5_6|t2          -0.457    0.074   -6.194    0.000   -0.457   -0.457
    Q5_6|t3           0.812    0.080   10.117    0.000    0.812    0.812
    Q5_6|t4           1.769    0.131   13.539    0.000    1.769    1.769
    Q5_8|t1          -1.120    0.090  -12.457    0.000   -1.120   -1.120
    Q5_8|t2          -0.378    0.073   -5.187    0.000   -0.378   -0.378
    Q5_8|t3           0.586    0.076    7.746    0.000    0.586    0.586
    Q5_8|t4           1.664    0.121   13.709    0.000    1.664    1.664
    Q5_12|t1         -1.120    0.090  -12.457    0.000   -1.120   -1.120
    Q5_12|t2         -0.466    0.074   -6.305    0.000   -0.466   -0.466
    Q5_12|t3          0.801    0.080   10.012    0.000    0.801    0.801
    Q5_12|t4          1.697    0.124   13.669    0.000    1.697    1.697
    Q6_1|t1           0.000    0.071    0.000    1.000    0.000    0.000
    Q6_1|t2           1.198    0.093   12.870    0.000    1.198    1.198
    Q6_1|t3           1.633    0.119   13.736    0.000    1.633    1.633
    Q6_1|t4           2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q6_2|t1          -0.605    0.076   -7.965    0.000   -0.605   -0.605
    Q6_2|t2           0.790    0.080    9.907    0.000    0.790    0.790
    Q6_2|t3           1.362    0.101   13.477    0.000    1.362    1.362
    Q6_2|t4           2.144    0.178   12.067    0.000    2.144    2.144
    Q6_3|t1          -0.484    0.074   -6.528    0.000   -0.484   -0.484
    Q6_3|t2           0.801    0.080   10.012    0.000    0.801    0.801
    Q6_3|t3           1.426    0.105   13.620    0.000    1.426    1.426
    Q6_3|t4           2.070    0.166   12.448    0.000    2.070    2.070
    Q6_4|t1          -0.625    0.076   -8.185    0.000   -0.625   -0.625
    Q6_4|t2           0.596    0.076    7.856    0.000    0.596    0.596
    Q6_4|t3           1.426    0.105   13.620    0.000    1.426    1.426
    Q6_4|t4           2.006    0.157   12.746    0.000    2.006    2.006
    Q6_5|t1          -0.779    0.079   -9.801    0.000   -0.779   -0.779
    Q6_5|t2           0.293    0.072    4.064    0.000    0.293    0.293
    Q6_5|t3           0.905    0.083   10.941    0.000    0.905    0.905
    Q6_5|t4           1.732    0.127   13.613    0.000    1.732    1.732
    Q6_6|t1          -0.353    0.073   -4.851    0.000   -0.353   -0.353
    Q6_6|t2           1.120    0.090   12.457    0.000    1.120    1.120
    Q6_6|t3           1.732    0.127   13.613    0.000    1.732    1.732
    Q6_6|t4           2.489    0.251    9.915    0.000    2.489    2.489
    Q6_7|t1          -0.674    0.077   -8.729    0.000   -0.674   -0.674
    Q6_7|t2           0.558    0.075    7.415    0.000    0.558    0.558
    Q6_7|t3           1.521    0.111   13.738    0.000    1.521    1.521
    Q6_7|t4           2.341    0.215   10.896    0.000    2.341    2.341
    Q6_8|t1          -0.846    0.081  -10.430    0.000   -0.846   -0.846
    Q6_8|t2           0.577    0.076    7.636    0.000    0.577    0.577
    Q6_8|t3           1.574    0.114   13.756    0.000    1.574    1.574
    Q6_8|t4           2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q6_11|t1         -1.047    0.087  -12.009    0.000   -1.047   -1.047
    Q6_11|t2         -0.370    0.073   -5.075    0.000   -0.370   -0.370
    Q6_11|t3          0.980    0.085   11.535    0.000    0.980    0.980
    Q6_11|t4          1.898    0.144   13.171    0.000    1.898    1.898
    Q7_2|t1          -1.076    0.088  -12.192    0.000   -1.076   -1.076
    Q7_2|t2          -0.422    0.073   -5.747    0.000   -0.422   -0.422
    Q7_2|t3           1.215    0.094   12.947    0.000    1.215    1.215
    Q7_2|t4           2.232    0.193   11.570    0.000    2.232    2.232
    Q7_4|t1          -1.267    0.096  -13.166    0.000   -1.267   -1.267
    Q7_4|t2          -0.422    0.073   -5.747    0.000   -0.422   -0.422
    Q7_4|t3           0.869    0.082   10.636    0.000    0.869    0.869
    Q7_4|t4           1.851    0.139   13.323    0.000    1.851    1.851
    Q7_5|t1          -1.182    0.092  -12.791    0.000   -1.182   -1.182
    Q7_5|t2          -0.530    0.075   -7.083    0.000   -0.530   -0.530
    Q7_5|t3           0.980    0.085   11.535    0.000    0.980    0.980
    Q7_5|t4           1.769    0.131   13.539    0.000    1.769    1.769
    Q7_7|t1          -1.547    0.113  -13.751    0.000   -1.547   -1.547
    Q7_7|t2          -0.917    0.083  -11.041    0.000   -0.917   -0.917
    Q7_7|t3          -0.422    0.073   -5.747    0.000   -0.422   -0.422
    Q7_7|t4           1.062    0.088   12.101    0.000    1.062    1.062
    Q7_8|t1          -1.285    0.097  -13.235    0.000   -1.285   -1.285
    Q7_8|t2          -0.493    0.074   -6.639    0.000   -0.493   -0.493
    Q7_8|t3           0.893    0.082   10.840    0.000    0.893    0.893
    Q7_8|t4           1.769    0.131   13.539    0.000    1.769    1.769
    Q7_12|t1         -1.449    0.106  -13.658    0.000   -1.449   -1.449
    Q7_12|t2         -0.930    0.083  -11.142    0.000   -0.930   -0.930
    Q7_12|t3         -0.016    0.071   -0.226    0.821   -0.016   -0.016
    Q7_12|t4          1.150    0.091   12.627    0.000    1.150    1.150
    Q7_13|t1         -1.574    0.114  -13.756    0.000   -1.574   -1.574
    Q7_13|t2         -0.893    0.082  -10.840    0.000   -0.893   -0.893
    Q7_13|t3         -0.137    0.071   -1.921    0.055   -0.137   -0.137
    Q7_13|t4          0.905    0.083   10.941    0.000    0.905    0.905
    Q7_14|t1         -1.633    0.119  -13.736    0.000   -1.633   -1.633
    Q7_14|t2         -1.007    0.086  -11.727    0.000   -1.007   -1.007
    Q7_14|t3         -0.277    0.072   -3.839    0.000   -0.277   -0.277
    Q7_14|t4          0.993    0.085   11.632    0.000    0.993    0.993

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
    EL                0.664    0.034   19.547    0.000    1.000    1.000
    SC                0.613    0.047   13.018    0.000    1.000    1.000
    IN                0.574    0.051   11.165    0.000    1.000    1.000
    EN                0.691    0.043   16.158    0.000    1.000    1.000
   .Q4_1              0.336                               0.336    0.336
   .Q4_2              0.391                               0.391    0.391
   .Q4_3              0.284                               0.284    0.284
   .Q4_4              0.280                               0.280    0.280
   .Q4_5              0.362                               0.362    0.362
   .Q4_8              0.390                               0.390    0.390
   .Q4_9              0.398                               0.398    0.398
   .Q4_10             0.327                               0.327    0.327
   .Q4_11             0.313                               0.313    0.313
   .Q4_15             0.392                               0.392    0.392
   .Q4_16             0.450                               0.450    0.450
   .Q4_17             0.553                               0.553    0.553
   .Q4_18             0.267                               0.267    0.267
   .Q4_19             0.326                               0.326    0.326
   .Q5_1              0.387                               0.387    0.387
   .Q5_2              0.547                               0.547    0.547
   .Q5_3              0.475                               0.475    0.475
   .Q5_4              0.330                               0.330    0.330
   .Q5_5              0.289                               0.289    0.289
   .Q5_6              0.354                               0.354    0.354
   .Q5_8              0.393                               0.393    0.393
   .Q5_12             0.366                               0.366    0.366
   .Q6_1              0.426                               0.426    0.426
   .Q6_2              0.295                               0.295    0.295
   .Q6_3              0.358                               0.358    0.358
   .Q6_4              0.353                               0.353    0.353
   .Q6_5              0.693                               0.693    0.693
   .Q6_6              0.275                               0.275    0.275
   .Q6_7              0.184                               0.184    0.184
   .Q6_8              0.279                               0.279    0.279
   .Q6_11             0.267                               0.267    0.267
   .Q7_2              0.309                               0.309    0.309
   .Q7_4              0.509                               0.509    0.509
   .Q7_5              0.380                               0.380    0.380
   .Q7_7              0.516                               0.516    0.516
   .Q7_8              0.365                               0.365    0.365
   .Q7_12             0.508                               0.508    0.508
   .Q7_13             0.838                               0.838    0.838
   .Q7_14             0.554                               0.554    0.554

Scales y*:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
    Q4_1              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_2              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_3              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_4              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_5              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_8              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_9              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_10             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_11             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_15             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_16             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_17             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_18             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q4_19             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_1              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_2              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_3              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_4              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_5              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_6              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_8              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q5_12             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_1              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_2              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_3              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_4              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_5              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_6              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_7              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_8              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q6_11             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_2              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_4              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_5              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_7              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_8              1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_12             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_13             1.000                               1.000    1.000
    Q7_14             1.000                               1.000    1.000


# get the model implied instrumental variables
Warning in if (trySolve(BetaNA)) {: the condition has length > 1 and only the
first element will be used
Model Equation Information 

 Q4_2  Q4_1
 Q4_3  Q4_1
 Q4_4  Q4_1
 Q4_5  Q4_1
 Q4_8  Q4_1
 Q4_9  Q4_1
 Q4_10 Q4_1
 Q4_11 Q4_1
 Q4_15 Q4_1
 Q4_16 Q4_1
 Q4_17 Q4_1
 Q4_18 Q4_1
 Q4_19 Q4_1
 Q5_2  Q5_1
 Q5_3  Q5_1
 Q5_4  Q5_1
 Q5_5  Q5_1
 Q5_6  Q5_1
 Q5_8  Q5_1
 Q5_12 Q5_1
 Q6_2  Q6_1
 Q6_3  Q6_1
 Q6_4  Q6_1
 Q6_5  Q6_1
 Q6_6  Q6_1
 Q6_7  Q6_1
 Q6_8  Q6_1
 Q6_11 Q6_1
 Q7_4  Q7_2
 Q7_5  Q7_2
 Q7_7  Q7_2
 Q7_8  Q7_2
 Q7_12 Q7_2
 Q7_13 Q7_2
 Q7_14 Q7_2
 Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_2, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_2, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_11, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q7_2, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_4, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_12, Q7_13, Q7_14
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_13, Q7_14 
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_14 
 Q4_1, Q4_2, Q4_3, Q4_4, Q4_5, Q4_8, Q4_9, Q4_10, Q4_11, Q4_15, Q4_16, Q4_17, Q4_18, Q4_19, Q5_1, Q5_2, Q5_3, Q5_4, Q5_5, Q5_6, Q5_8, Q5_12, Q6_1, Q6_2, Q6_3, Q6_4, Q6_5, Q6_6, Q6_7, Q6_8, Q6_11, Q7_4, Q7_5, Q7_7, Q7_8, Q7_12, Q7_13 
fit1 <- MIIVsem::miive(mod1, data=mydata)
Warning in if (trySolve(BetaNA)) {: the condition has length > 1 and only the
first element will be used
MIIVsem (0.5.5) results 

Number of observations                                                    312
Number of equations                                                        35
Estimator                                                           MIIV-2SLS
Standard Errors                                                      standard
Missing                                                              listwise

Parameter Estimates:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Sargan   df   P(Chi)
  EL =~                                                                      
    Q4_1              1.000                                                  
    Q4_2              0.813    0.050   16.136    0.000   57.558   36    0.013
    Q4_3              0.978    0.052   18.928    0.000   45.111   36    0.142
    Q4_4              0.950    0.054   17.449    0.000   52.226   36    0.039
    Q4_5              0.812    0.064   12.705    0.000   89.531   36    0.000
    Q4_8              0.754    0.064   11.764    0.000   89.092   36    0.000
    Q4_9              0.770    0.072   10.678    0.000  126.594   36    0.000
    Q4_10             0.795    0.053   15.081    0.000   69.268   36    0.001
    Q4_11             0.906    0.065   13.909    0.000   97.157   36    0.000
    Q4_15             0.781    0.063   12.397    0.000   96.437   36    0.000
    Q4_16             0.836    0.067   12.512    0.000   78.464   36    0.000
    Q4_17             0.674    0.069    9.729    0.000   93.603   36    0.000
    Q4_18             0.845    0.053   16.028    0.000   69.339   36    0.001
    Q4_19             0.891    0.068   13.201    0.000  118.605   36    0.000
  EN =~                                                                      
    Q7_2              1.000                                                  
    Q7_4              0.808    0.067   12.136    0.000   65.024   36    0.002
    Q7_5              0.933    0.066   14.066    0.000   55.791   36    0.019
    Q7_7              0.853    0.078   10.922    0.000   99.736   36    0.000
    Q7_8              0.883    0.065   13.532    0.000   86.489   36    0.000
    Q7_12             0.838    0.082   10.239    0.000  112.196   36    0.000
    Q7_13             0.411    0.088    4.692    0.000  108.095   36    0.000
    Q7_14             0.761    0.080    9.459    0.000  102.168   36    0.000
  IN =~                                                                      
    Q6_1              1.000                                                  
    Q6_2              1.004    0.063   16.000    0.000   81.381   36    0.000
    Q6_3              0.949    0.065   14.557    0.000   79.387   36    0.000
    Q6_4              0.975    0.069   14.101    0.000   82.202   36    0.000
    Q6_5              0.615    0.089    6.914    0.000   64.094   36    0.003
    Q6_6              0.682    0.059   11.518    0.000  123.462   36    0.000
    Q6_7              0.851    0.066   12.807    0.000  118.819   36    0.000
    Q6_8              0.817    0.063   12.891    0.000  100.842   36    0.000
    Q6_11             0.608    0.080    7.559    0.000  132.969   36    0.000
  SC =~                                                                      
    Q5_1              1.000                                                  
    Q5_2              0.836    0.078   10.755    0.000   74.900   36    0.000
    Q5_3              0.951    0.083   11.438    0.000   50.812   36    0.052
    Q5_4              0.803    0.089    9.041    0.000  155.872   36    0.000
    Q5_5              0.829    0.088    9.452    0.000  136.462   36    0.000
    Q5_6              0.772    0.076   10.183    0.000   93.538   36    0.000
    Q5_8              0.808    0.086    9.428    0.000  124.326   36    0.000
    Q5_12             0.794    0.084    9.500    0.000   81.247   36    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   
    Q4_1              0.000                              
    Q4_10             0.033    0.049    0.684    0.494   
    Q4_11             0.038    0.061    0.627    0.531   
    Q4_15            -0.222    0.059   -3.777    0.000   
    Q4_16            -0.149    0.062   -2.392    0.017   
    Q4_17            -0.487    0.065   -7.535    0.000   
    Q4_18            -0.202    0.049   -4.098    0.000   
    Q4_19             0.042    0.063    0.665    0.506   
    Q4_2             -0.302    0.047   -6.463    0.000   
    Q4_3              0.070    0.048    1.456    0.145   
    Q4_4              0.117    0.051    2.301    0.021   
    Q4_5             -0.251    0.060   -4.208    0.000   
    Q4_8             -0.348    0.060   -5.827    0.000   
    Q4_9             -0.130    0.067   -1.927    0.054   
    Q5_1              0.000                              
    Q5_12             0.181    0.070    2.601    0.009   
    Q5_2              0.355    0.063    5.628    0.000   
    Q5_3              0.044    0.069    0.634    0.526   
    Q5_4              0.839    0.074   11.358    0.000   
    Q5_5              0.845    0.073   11.571    0.000   
    Q5_6              0.216    0.063    3.414    0.001   
    Q5_8              0.226    0.071    3.175    0.001   
    Q6_1              0.000                              
    Q6_11             0.492    0.119    4.125    0.000   
    Q6_2              0.371    0.092    4.017    0.000   
    Q6_3              0.246    0.096    2.556    0.011   
    Q6_4              0.396    0.103    3.864    0.000   
    Q6_5              0.203    0.132    1.540    0.124   
    Q6_6             -0.282    0.088   -3.212    0.001   
    Q6_7              0.236    0.099    2.390    0.017   
    Q6_8              0.233    0.094    2.477    0.013   
    Q7_12             0.677    0.064   10.526    0.000   
    Q7_13             0.639    0.069    9.266    0.000   
    Q7_14             0.829    0.063   13.114    0.000   
    Q7_2              0.000                              
    Q7_4              0.070    0.052    1.346    0.178   
    Q7_5              0.114    0.052    2.193    0.028   
    Q7_7              0.868    0.061   14.165    0.000   
    Q7_8              0.125    0.051    2.457    0.014   

MIIV Categorical

fit1 <- MIIVsem::miive(
  mod1, data=mydata,
    paste0("Q4_",c(1:5,8:11, 15:19)),
    paste0("Q5_",c(1:6, 8, 12)),
    paste0("Q6_",c(1:8, 11)),
    paste0("Q7_",c(2, 4:5, 7:8, 12:14))
Warning in if (trySolve(BetaNA)) {: the condition has length > 1 and only the
first element will be used
Warning in lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats, : lavaan WARNING:
    The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters (vcov)
    does not appear to be positive definite! The smallest eigenvalue
    (= -2.521472e-16) is smaller than zero. This may be a symptom that
    the model is not identified.
MIIVsem (0.5.5) results 

Number of observations                                                    312
Number of equations                                                        35
Estimator                                                     MIIV-2SLS (PIV)
Standard Errors                                                      standard
Missing                                                              listwise

Parameter Estimates:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Sargan   df   P(Chi)
  EL =~                                                                      
    Q4_1              1.000                                                  
    Q4_2              0.872    0.034   26.013    0.000                       
    Q4_3              0.957    0.031   30.734    0.000                       
    Q4_4              0.919    0.039   23.338    0.000                       
    Q4_5              0.767    0.045   16.961    0.000                       
    Q4_8              0.728    0.046   15.666    0.000                       
    Q4_9              0.653    0.051   12.794    0.000                       
    Q4_10             0.824    0.036   22.656    0.000                       
    Q4_11             0.787    0.042   18.937    0.000                       
    Q4_15             0.731    0.041   17.718    0.000                       
    Q4_16             0.776    0.043   18.051    0.000                       
    Q4_17             0.626    0.051   12.294    0.000                       
    Q4_18             0.896    0.041   21.975    0.000                       
    Q4_19             0.748    0.042   17.885    0.000                       
  EN =~                                                                      
    Q7_2              1.000                                                  
    Q7_4              0.674    0.050   13.359    0.000                       
    Q7_5              0.809    0.047   17.046    0.000                       
    Q7_7              0.642    0.056   11.396    0.000                       
    Q7_8              0.746    0.048   15.671    0.000                       
    Q7_12             0.644    0.060   10.708    0.000                       
    Q7_13             0.298    0.067    4.469    0.000                       
    Q7_14             0.571    0.060    9.481    0.000                       
  IN =~                                                                      
    Q6_1              1.000                                                  
    Q6_2              0.834    0.047   17.890    0.000                       
    Q6_3              0.762    0.048   15.791    0.000                       
    Q6_4              0.777    0.045   17.420    0.000                       
    Q6_5              0.442    0.053    8.271    0.000                       
    Q6_6              0.661    0.051   12.916    0.000                       
    Q6_7              0.737    0.051   14.534    0.000                       
    Q6_8              0.741    0.049   14.991    0.000                       
    Q6_11             0.473    0.060    7.843    0.000                       
  SC =~                                                                      
    Q5_1              1.000                                                  
    Q5_2              0.782    0.067   11.646    0.000                       
    Q5_3              0.846    0.060   13.996    0.000                       
    Q5_4              0.667    0.069    9.651    0.000                       
    Q5_5              0.728    0.074    9.899    0.000                       
    Q5_6              0.739    0.062   11.990    0.000                       
    Q5_8              0.684    0.065   10.478    0.000                       
    Q5_12             0.679    0.069    9.802    0.000                       

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] xtable_1.8-4      kableExtra_1.1.0  readxl_1.3.1      nFactors_2.4.1   
 [5] lattice_0.20-41   psych_2.0.7       psychometric_2.2  multilevel_2.6   
 [9] MASS_7.3-51.6     nlme_3.1-148      mvtnorm_1.1-1     ggcorrplot_0.1.3 
[13] naniar_0.6.0      simsem_0.5-15     MIIVsem_0.5.5     lavaanPlot_0.5.1 
[17] semTools_0.5-3    lavaan_0.6-7      data.table_1.13.0 patchwork_1.0.1  
[21] forcats_0.5.0     stringr_1.4.0     dplyr_1.0.1       purrr_0.3.4      
[25] readr_1.3.1       tidyr_1.1.1       tibble_3.0.3      ggplot2_3.3.2    
[29] tidyverse_1.3.0   workflowr_1.6.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] fs_1.5.0           lubridate_1.7.9    webshot_0.5.2      RColorBrewer_1.1-2
 [5] httr_1.4.2         rprojroot_1.3-2    tools_4.0.2        backports_1.1.7   
 [9] R6_2.4.1           DBI_1.1.0          colorspace_1.4-1   withr_2.2.0       
[13] tidyselect_1.1.0   mnormt_2.0.2       emmeans_1.4.8      compiler_4.0.2    
[17] git2r_0.27.1       cli_2.0.2          rvest_0.3.6        xml2_1.3.2        
[21] sandwich_2.5-1     scales_1.1.1       digest_0.6.25      pbivnorm_0.6.0    
[25] rmarkdown_2.5      pkgconfig_2.0.3    htmltools_0.5.0    dbplyr_1.4.4      
[29] htmlwidgets_1.5.1  rlang_0.4.7        rstudioapi_0.11    visNetwork_2.0.9  
[33] generics_0.0.2     zoo_1.8-8          jsonlite_1.7.0     magrittr_1.5      
[37] Matrix_1.2-18      Rcpp_1.0.5         munsell_0.5.0      fansi_0.4.1       
[41] visdat_0.5.3       lifecycle_0.2.0    stringi_1.4.6      multcomp_1.4-13   
[45] yaml_2.2.1         grid_4.0.2         blob_1.2.1         parallel_4.0.2    
[49] promises_1.1.1     crayon_1.3.4       haven_2.3.1        splines_4.0.2     
[53] hms_0.5.3          tmvnsim_1.0-2      knitr_1.29         pillar_1.4.6      
[57] estimability_1.3   codetools_0.2-16   stats4_4.0.2       reprex_0.3.0      
[61] glue_1.4.1         evaluate_0.14      modelr_0.1.8       vctrs_0.3.2       
[65] httpuv_1.5.4       cellranger_1.1.0   gtable_0.3.0       assertthat_0.2.1  
[69] xfun_0.19          broom_0.7.0        coda_0.19-3        later_1.1.0.1     
[73] viridisLite_0.3.0  survival_3.2-3     DiagrammeR_1.0.6.1 TH.data_1.0-10    
[77] ellipsis_0.3.1