Last updated: 2021-06-30

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: mapme.protectedareas/

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The command set.seed(20210305) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 3281b07. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .RData
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data-raw/addons/docs/rest/
    Ignored:    data-raw/addons/etc/
    Ignored:    data-raw/addons/scripts/

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/gfw.rmd) and HTML (public/gfw.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd de24570 Om Bandhari 2021-06-30 create gfw rmd analysis

# load required libraries
library("rmarkdown") # only used for rendering tables for this website

starttime<-Sys.time() # mark the start time of this routine to calculate processing time at the end


Maps for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (MAPME) is a joint initiative by KfW, MapTailor Geospatial Consulting GbR, and Agence Française de Développement (AFD). MAPME is an open framework that develops and promotes open source data and tools for the relevant project management stages. It consists of the following core components: (i) Good practice guidance that describes workflows for using remote sensing data and products for planning, monitoring and evaluation (ii) Project-related support with remote sensing analyses. Open source code and tools provided via open code repositories (iii) User-tailored trainings. More information can be found on the MAPME project homepage.

In this analysis section, we are going to download and analyse Global Forest Watch datasets using mapme.forest package.

Global Forest Watch makes available global data products produced by Hansen et al (2018) by examining Landsat satellite data to characterize global forest extent, annual loss, and gain.

We can find following data layers in the GFW data set:

Treecover2000: This layer gives the tree canopy cover for year 2000, defined as canopy closure for all vegetation taller than 5m in height, measured in percentage ranging from 0 to 100 percent.

Loss: This layer gives the tree cover loss during the study period, defined as a complete stand-replacement disturbance (i.e., a change from a forest to non-forest state).

Gain: Tree cover gain summarized during the period 2000–2012, defined as the inverse of the information contained in the ‘Loss’ layer (a non-forest to forest change entirely within the study period).

Lossyear: Year of gross tree cover loss event. Tree cover loss during the study period, defined as a stand-replacement disturbance, or a change from a forest to non-forest state. Encoded as either 0 (no loss) or else a value in the range 1–20, representing loss detected primarily in the year 2001–2020.

Processing workflow

The purpose of this analysis is to compute tree cover, loss year and co2 emission from the global forest watch rasters. For this, following processing routine is followed:

Download and prepare wdpa polygons

For this analysis, we would choose one WDPA polygon from the country Brazil. We can download the WDPA polygons from the package wdpar and then filter out the desired polygon using WDPAID with package dplyr. We will then reproject the downloaded polygon sample to WGS84.

# load sample WDPA polygon from country: Brazil
br <- wdpa_fetch("BRA")%>%
  filter(WDPAID %in% 16078)
# reproject to the WGS84
br <- st_transform(br,
                   "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
# plot the polygon

Download and prepare raster data

From the package mapme.forest we will now download the global forest watch rasters for the year 2020 (which is the latest update) using function downloadGFW. The script below download the three rasters i.e. tree cover 2000, loss year, and CO2 emission.

# download GFW data for the area of interest (latest rasters)
raster_files = downloadfGFW(shape = br,
                            basename = "",
                            dataset = "GFC-2020-v1.8",
                            outdir = paste0(tempdir(),"/global_forest_watch/"),
                            keepTmpFiles = F)
# plot tree cover

# plot loss year

# plot co2 emission

Compute zonal statistics

Now, we have already prepared polygon and raster data, we will compute zonal statistics using function statsGRASS from package mapme.forest.

First of all, we should get path to those downloaded rasters in the temporary directory.

# get the file paths to the raster files
treeCover = paste0(tempdir(),"/global_forest_watch/_treecover2000.tif")
lossYear = paste0(tempdir(),"/global_forest_watch/_lossyear.tif")
co2Layer = paste0(tempdir(),"/global_forest_watch/_co2_emission_.tif")

Since the function statsGRASS is based on GRASS, we should provide path to the working installation of GRASS GIS version >=7.0.0.

grass = "/usr/lib/grass78"

The function statsGRASS requires few arguments:

  • @grass: path to the grass
  • @addon_base: loads r.area addon, if not found, installs automatically
  • @areas: polygon of interest
  • @idcol: unique value of zone
  • @thresholdClump: threshold value of forest areas to be considered in pixels
  • @thresholdCover: percentage of canopy cover (value differs with forest definition )
  • @saveRaster: If T, saves raster for given zone else does not.
zonal_stats = statsGRASS(grass = grass, 
                       addon_base = "./data-raw/addons", 
                       areas = br, 
                       tree_cover = treeCover, 
                       tree_loss = lossYear, 
                       tree_co2 = co2Layer, 
                       idcol =  "WDPA_PID", 
                       thresholdClump = 6, 
                       thresholdCover = 10, 
                       years = 2001:2020, 
                       saveRaster = F)
Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple
mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the
Projection information updated
Writing layer `poly_1' to data source `/tmp/RtmpFlIprU/file1cb076f9e0cd/poly_1.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
Writing 1 features with 0 fields and geometry type Multi Polygon.
Over-riding projection check
Importing raster map <raw_cover>...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100%
Over-riding projection check
Importing raster map <loss>...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100%
Over-riding projection check
Importing raster map <co2>...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100%
projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:       0
datum:      wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      28:08:10.745534S
south:      28:11:40.072304S
west:       49:26:10.353419W
east:       49:22:59.262848W
nsres:      0:00:00.898398
ewres:      0:00:00.901371
rows:       233
cols:       212
cells:      49396
Pass 1 of 2...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100%
Generating renumbering scheme...
   0%   2%   4%   6%   8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  24%  26%  28%  30%  32%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  46%  48%  50%  52%  54%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  68%  70%  72%  74%  76%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  90%  92%  94%  96%  98% 100%
Pass 2 of 2...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100%
r.clump complete. 238 clumps.
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99%Writing...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99%Done!
Adding raster map <raw_cover@1> to group
Adding raster map <loss@1> to group
Adding raster map <co2@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2000@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2001@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2002@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2003@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2004@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2005@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2006@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2007@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2008@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2009@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2010@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2011@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2012@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2013@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2014@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2015@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2016@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2017@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2018@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2019@1> to group
Adding raster map <y2020@1> to group
Check if OGR layer <poly_1> contains polygons...
   0% 100%
Creating attribute table for layer <poly_1>...
Default driver / database set to:
driver: sqlite
database: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db
Importing 1 features (OGR layer <poly_1>)...
   0% 100%
Registering primitives...

Cleaning polygons
Breaking polygons...
Breaking polygons (pass 1: select break points)...
Breaking polygons (pass 2: break at selected points)...
Removing duplicates...
Breaking boundaries...
   0% 100%
Removing duplicates...
Cleaning boundaries at nodes...
Merging boundaries...
Removing dangles...
Building areas...
   0% 100%
Removing bridges...
Registering primitives...

Building areas...
   0% 100%
Attaching islands...
   0% 100%
Finding centroids for OGR layer <poly_1>...
   0% 100%
Writing centroids...
1 input polygons
Total area: 1.47065E+07 (1 areas)
Copying features...
  50% 100%
Building topology for vector map <poly@1>...
Registering primitives...

Building areas...
   0% 100%
Attaching islands...
   0% 100%
Attaching centroids...
   0% 100%
Reading areas...
   0% 100%
Writing raster map...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100% complete.
   0%   2%   4%   6%   8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  24%  26%  28%  30%  32%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  46%  48%  50%  52%  54%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  68%  70%  72%  74%  76%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  90%  92%  94%  96%  98% 100%
Removing raster <area_t>
Removing raster <bc>
Removing raster <binary_cover>
Removing raster <clump>
Removing raster <clump_rm>
Removing raster <co2>
WARNING: Raster map <loss@1> is a base map. Remove reclassed map <lt@1>
Removing raster <loss_t>
Removing raster <lt>
WARNING: Raster map <mask@1> is a base map. Remove reclassed map <mask2@1>
Removing raster <mask2>
Removing raster <polyr>
Removing raster <raw_cover>
Removing raster <y2000>
Removing raster <y2001>
Removing raster <y2002>
Removing raster <y2003>
Removing raster <y2004>
Removing raster <y2005>
Removing raster <y2006>
Removing raster <y2007>
Removing raster <y2008>
Removing raster <y2009>
Removing raster <y2010>
Removing raster <y2011>
Removing raster <y2012>
Removing raster <y2013>
Removing raster <y2014>
Removing raster <y2015>
Removing raster <y2016>
Removing raster <y2017>
Removing raster <y2018>
Removing raster <y2019>
Removing raster <y2020>
Removing vector <poly>
Removing imagery group <output>

Now, we can have a look at the zonal statistics result.

# view area statistics from year 2000 to 2020
# view area loss statistics from year 2000 to 2020
# view CO2 emission statistics from year 2000 to 2020

In the end we are going to have a look how long the rendering of this file took to get an idea about the processing speed of this routine.

Time difference of -2.000098 mins

R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C           LC_TIME=C.UTF-8       
 [7] LC_PAPER=C.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C              LC_ADDRESS=C          

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] rmarkdown_2.6    dplyr_1.0.6      wdpar_1.0.6      terra_1.2-15    
[5] sf_0.9-8         mapme.forest_1.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.6          countrycode_1.2.0   lattice_0.20-44    
 [4] tidyr_1.1.3         class_7.3-19        assertthat_0.2.1   
 [7] rprojroot_2.0.2     digest_0.6.27       utf8_1.2.1         
[10] R6_2.5.0            trend_1.1.4         evaluate_0.14      
[13] e1071_1.7-7         httr_1.4.2          pillar_1.6.0       
[16] rlang_0.4.11        curl_4.3.1          whisker_0.4        
[19] raster_3.4-10       R.utils_2.10.1      R.oo_1.24.0        
[22] exactextractr_0.6.1 rgdal_1.5-23        stringr_1.4.0      
[25] igraph_1.2.6        proxy_0.4-26        compiler_3.6.3     
[28] httpuv_1.6.1        xfun_0.20           pkgconfig_2.0.3    
[31] rgrass7_0.2-5       htmltools_0.5.1.1   tidyselect_1.1.1   
[34] tibble_3.1.1        workflowr_1.6.2     codetools_0.2-18   
[37] XML_3.99-0.3        fansi_0.5.0         crayon_1.4.1       
[40] later_1.2.0         R.methodsS3_1.8.1   rappdirs_0.3.3     
[43] grid_3.6.3          jsonlite_1.7.2      lifecycle_1.0.0    
[46] DBI_1.1.1           git2r_0.28.0        magrittr_2.0.1     
[49] units_0.7-1         KernSmooth_2.23-20  stringi_1.6.2      
[52] fs_1.5.0            promises_1.2.0.1    sp_1.4-5           
[55] ellipsis_0.3.2      generics_0.1.0      vctrs_0.3.8        
[58] tools_3.6.3         glue_1.4.2          purrr_0.3.4        
[61] parallel_3.6.3      yaml_2.2.1          extraDistr_1.9.1   
[64] SDMTools_1.1-221    classInt_0.4-3      knitr_1.30