badgetools library  v0.51.1
Collection of convenience functions for the Parallax eBadge
badgetools.h File Reference

This library provides convenient functions for a variety of Parallax eBadge operations. More...

#include "simpletools.h"
#include <stdint.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define ON   1
 For turning blue LEDs on. Example: led(0, ON) would turn the LED by the P27 label on.
#define OFF   0
 For turning off blue or RGB LEDs. Examples: led(1, OFF), would turn the LED by the P26 label off. rgb(L, OFF) would turn off the left rgb LED, and rgbs(OFF, OFF) would turn off the left and right RGB LEDs.
#define L   1
 For selecting the left of the two RGB LEDs. Example: rgb(L, RED) would set the left RGB LED to the color red.
#define R   0
 For selecting the right of the two RGB LEDs. Example: rgb(R, GREEN) would set the right RGB LED to the color green.
#define BLUE   (1)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to blue. Examples: rgb(L, BLUE) sets the left RGB LED blue. rgbs(BLUE, BLUE) would set both RGB LEDs blue.
#define GREEN   (2)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to green. Examples: rgb(R, GREEN) sets the right RGB LED to green. rgbs(GREEN, GREEN) would set both RGB LEDs green.
#define CYAN   (3)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to cyan. Examples: rgb(L, CYAN) sets the left RGB LED to cyan. rgbs(CYAN, CYAN) would set both RGB LEDs cyan.
#define RED   (4)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to red. Examples: rgb(R, RED) sets the right RGB LED red. rgbs(CYAN, CYAN) would set both RGB LEDs red.
#define MAGENTA   (5)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to magenta. Examples: rgb(L, MAGENTA) sets the left RGB LED magenta. rgbs(MAGENTA, MAGENTA) would set both RGB LEDs magenta.
#define YELLOW   (6)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to yellow. Examples: rgb(L, YELLOW) sets the left RGB LED yellow. rgbs(YELLOW, YELLOW) would set both RGB LEDs yellow.
#define WHITE   (7)
 For setting an RGB LED's color to white. Examples: rgb(L, WHITE) sets the left RGB LED white. rgbs(WHITE, WHITE) would set both RGB LEDs white.


int badge_setup (void)
 Set up all available badge drivers. Call this function at the start of any given program to allow access to ensure that the rest of this library's functions work properly. More...
LED Lights
void led (int n, int state)
 Set a blue LED (from 0 to 5) to a state (ON or OFF). Examples: led(1, ON) turns the blue LED next to the P26 label on. led(3, OFF) turns the blue LED by the P15 label off. More...
void leds (int bits)
 Sets the on/off states of the 6 blue LEDs with a number that contains six binary 1/0 digits. How does the 6 digit binary number work? Count the number of digits from the right, and that's the led number used in the led(int n, int state) function. For example, leds(0b110010) is equivalent to these six led calls: led(5, ON); led(4, ON); led(3, OFF); led(2, OFF); led(1, ON); led(0, OFF). More...
void rgb (int side, int color)
 Sets the color of the left or right RGB LED. Examples: rgb(L, RED) makes the left RGB LED glow red. rgb(R, GREEN) makes the right one glow green. Color options include BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, YELLOW, RED, MAGENTA, WHITE. You can also use OFF to make a light that is glowing turn off. The numeric values of these are listed in Macros -> RGB LEDs. More...
void rgbs (int colorL, int colorR)
 Set both RGB LED colors with one function call. See rgb function for color options. More...
Touch Buttons
int button (int pad)
 Gets the state of a touch button (1) pressed, (0) not pressed. Numbering {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0} maps the pads by {OSH, P17, P16, P15, P25, P26, P27}. Example: int state = button(3); If state stores 1, it means the pad next to the P15 label is pressed. If it instead stores 0, the button is not pressed. More...
int buttons (void)
 Gets the states of all seven touch buttons, and returns them in a value with 1s and 0s that correspond to each touch button. Example: int states = buttons(); If states stores 0b1110010, it means: {OSH-pressed, P17-pressed, P16-pressed, P15-not pressed, P25-not pressed, P26-pressed, P27-not pressed}. More...
Contact Storage
int store (char *contact)
 Store a character string of up to 128 characters to EEPROM. Example: char s[] = "abcd"; store(s);. More...
int stored (char *s)
 Check if a string has already been stored in EEPROM. Example: if(!stored("abcd")) store("abcd");. More...
void retrieve (char *contact, int recIdx)
 Copy string with a certain index number from EEPROM to a character array. More...
int eeprint (const char *fmt,...)
 Use to store strings to EEPROM in a manner similar to displaying combinations of strings and variables in the SimpleIDE terminal with the print function. Examples: eeprint("Hello EEPROM"); float f = PI; int n = 4s; char s[] = "PI and answer to universe"; eeprint("%1.3f\n%03d\n %30s\n", f, n, s); // Result to EEPROM: "Hello EEPROM"[0]"3.141"[10]"042" [10]"PI and answer to universe"[10][0]. This information can be conveniently retrieved back from EEPROM and placed in variables with the eescan function. More...
int eeprinted (const char *fmt,...)
 Can be called before storing a record with eeprint. Example: if(!eeprinted("Hello EEPROM") eeprint("Hello EEPROM");. More...
int eescan (int recIdx, const char *fmt,...)
 Use to retrieve strings to EEPROM in a manner similar to retrieving strings that represent combinations of strings and variables from the SimpleIDE terminal with the scan function. Examples: This example will retrieve the what the eeprint examples stored in EEPROM: char s1[14]; eescan(1, "%s", s1); float f; int n; char s2[30]; eescan("%f%d%s", f, n, s2); // Result: s1 = "Hello EEPROM", f = 3.141, n = 42, s2 = "PI and answer to universe". More...
int contacts_count ()
 Find out how many contacts are currently stored in EEPROM. This is useful for setting up a loop to fetch all contacts. More...
void contacts_eraseAll ()
 Erases user portion of EEPROM by placing 255 in each cell. This erasure affects addresses 32768 through 65535.
void contacts_displayAll ()
 Display all contacts in SimpleIDE Terminal.
void contacts_setStartAddr (int address)
 Set the start address of the contacts. This can be used to reserve some user EEPROM space for other purposes before the start of the contacts. More...
void ee_writeByte (unsigned char value, int addr)
 Store a byte value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. More...
char ee_readByte (int addr)
 Get a byte value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. More...
void ee_writeShort (short value, int addr)
 Store a short value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. A short value occupies two bytes, so the next value should be stored at an address value that's two bytes higher. More...
short ee_readShort (int addr)
 Get a short value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. If you are fetching several short values, make sure to add 2 to the addr value with each successive call. More...
void ee_writeInt (int value, int addr)
 Store an int value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. An int value occupies four bytes, so the next value should be stored at an address value that's four bytes higher. More...
int ee_readInt (int addr)
 Get an int value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. If you are fetching several int values, make sure to add 4 to the addr value with each successive call. More...
void ee_writeFloat32 (float fpVal, int addr)
 Store a 32-bit precision floating point value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. A 32-bit value occupies four bytes so if you are storing values in a sequence, make sure to add 4 to each addr parameter value. More...
float ee_readFloat32 (int addr)
 Fetch a 32-bit precision floating point value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. A 32-bit value occupies four bytes so if you are fetching values in a sequence, make sure to add 4 to each addr parameter value. More...
void ee_writeStr (char *s, int n, int addr)
 Store a string of byte values starting at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. More...
char * ee_readStr (unsigned char *s, int n, int addr)
 Fetch a string of byte values starting at a certain address in Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. More...
Infrared Communication
int send (char *s)
 Send a character string to another badge. Example: char s[] = "Hello other badge"; send(s);. More...
int receive (char *s)
 Receive a character string from another badge. More...
void irclear (void)
 Clear the infrared send/receive buffers. The most common use of this function is to clear any stray messages that my have arrived before receiving a contact from another badge.
int irprint (const char *fmt,...)
 Use to store transmit strings to another badge in a manner similar to displaying combinations of strings and variables in the SimpleIDE terminal with the print function. Examples: irprint("Hello eBadge"); float f = PI; int n = 4s; char s[] = "PI and answer to universe"; irprint("%1.3f\n%03d\n %30s\n", f, n, s); // Result to other badge: "Hello EEPROM"[0]"3.141"[10]"042"[10]"PI and answer to universe"[10][0]. This information can be conveniently received by the other badge using the irscan function. More...
int irscan (const char *fmt,...)
 Use to receive strings over IR from another badge in a manner similar to retrieving strings that represent combinations of strings and variables from the SimpleIDE terminal with the scan function. Examples: This example will retrieve what the irprint examples transmitted to the other badge: char s1[14]; eescan(1, "%s", s1); float f; int n; char s2[30]; eescan("%f%d%s", f, n, s2); // Result: s1 = "Hello EEPROM", f = 3.141, n = 42, s2 = "PI and answer to universe". More...
void ir_send (char *s, int ssize)
 Transmits a string with a specified number of characters over IR. More...
int ir_receive (char *s, int ssize)
 Receive a string with a specified maxiumum number of characters over IR. More...
oLED Screen Display (Basics)
int oledprint (const char *fmt,...)
 Use to display strings on the oLED display in a manner similar to displaying combinations of strings and variables in the SimpleIDE terminal with the print function. Example: oledprint("Hello!!!"); text_size(SMALL); cursor(0, 4); float f = PI; int n = 4s; char s[] = "PI and Universe"; oledprint("%1.3f, %03d\n%30s", f, n, s); // Result to oLED display: Upper half large print by default - Hello!!! Small print line 4: 1.414, 042 Line 5 "PI and Universe". More...
void text_size (int size)
 Set the text size to either 32x16 pixel (LARGE) or 7x5 (SMALL) characters. Examples: text_size(LARGE);...text_size(SMALL)...text_size(LARGE). More...
void cursor (int col, int row)
 Position the cursor to a certain column and row for printing text on the oLED display. Column can be 0 to 7 and row can be 0 or 1 in default LARGE text mode. In SMALL text mode, column can be 0 to 31, and row can be 0 to 7. More...
void string (char *str)
 Display a character string on the oLED display. More...
int clear (void)
 Clear the display. More...
void invert (int i)
 Invert (or not) the pixel colors in the display. Use invert(0) for white pixels on a black background, or invert(1) for black pixels on a white background.
void point (int x, int y, int color)
 Plot a point on the oLED screen. More...
void line (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int c)
 Plot a line on the oLED screen. More...
void box (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int c)
 Plot a box on the oLED screen. More...
void boxFilled (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int c)
 Plot a filled box on the oLED screen. More...
void triangle (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int c)
 Plot a triangle on the oLED screen. More...
void triangleFilled (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int c)
 Plot a filled triangle on the oLED screen. More...
void circle (int x0, int y0, int r, int c)
 Plot a circle on the oLED screen. More...
void circleFilled (int x0, int y0, int r, int c)
 Plot a filled circle on the oLED screen. More...
void shape (char *img, int bw, int xtl, int ytl, int xpics, int ypics)
 Place a shape defined by a char array of pixels on the oLED display. See 11 Shapes to Display.side for example. More...
void rotate180 ()
 Rotate the screen image 180 degrees. See 05 Display Upside- Down.side for example.
void screen_auto (int state)
 Cause function calls like oledprint, point, and others to appear immediately after the function is called with screen_auto(1). To make multiple changes before manually updating with a call to screen_update, use screen_auto(0). See 04 Screen Auto ON OFF.side for example. More...
int screen_getAuto ()
 Check if function calls like oledprint, point, and others are set to appear (1) immediately after the function is called or (0) if multiple changes are made before manually updating with a call to screen_update. More...
int screen_update (void)
 Manually update the screen image after. Typically used after multiple oLED function calls after screen_auto(0). See 04 Screen Auto ON OFF.side for example. More...
oLED Screen Display (Intermediate)
int screen_scrollRight (int scrollStart, int scrollStop)
 Cause the screen to scroll to the right with screen_scrollRight(0, 15). More...
int screen_scrollLeft (int scrollStart, int scrollStop)
 Cause the screen to scroll to the left with screen_scrollLeft(0, 15). More...
int screen_scrollRightDiag (int scrollStart, int scrollStop)
 Cause the screen to scroll diagonally to the right with screen_scrollRightDiag(0, 15). More...
int screen_scrollLeftDiag (int scrollStart, int scrollStop)
 Cause the screen to scroll diagonally to the left with screen_scrollLeftDiag(0, 15). More...
int screen_scrollStop (void)
 Stop screen scrolling action. More...
void screen_image (char *imgaddr)
 Display an image using an array holding an image generated by software that is compatible with the screen's scanning. See 12 Image to Display.side for an example. More...
void dev_ee_show (int byteCount, int address)
 Display EEPROM contents as a combination of printable characters and numeric values (when not printable) in square brackets [], See 02 View First and Last 64 Bytes with Terminal.side for example. More...


#define SCR_BLACK   (0)
 Sets an oLED screen pixel to black. Example: point(27, 35, SCR_BLACK) sets a pixel 27 from the right and 35 down to black.
#define SCR_WHITE   (1)
 Sets an oLED screen pixel to white. Example: point(100, 50, SCR_WHITE) sets a pixel 100 from the right and 50 down to white.
#define SCR_XOR   (3)
 Applies XOR operation to pixels in a shape. Example: shape(frog, XOR, 36, 12, 30, 40) would invert the pixels in the frog shape array. the black pixels would be made white and vice-versa.
#define LARGE   1
 For setting oLED character size to 32x16 pixels. Example: text_size(LARGE).
#define SMALL   0
 For setting oLED character size to 7x5 pixels. Example: text_size(SMALL).
#define AY   0
 For choosing the accelerometer's y-axis. Example accel(AY) returns the component of the earth's gravitational field acting on the accelerometer's y-axis.
#define AX   1
 For choosing the accelerometer's x-axis. Example accel(AX) returns the component of the earth's gravitational field acting on the accelerometer's x-axis.
#define AZ   2
 For choosing the accelerometer's z-axis. Example accel(AZ) returns the component of the earth's gravitational field acting on the accelerometer's z-axis.
int accel (int axis)
 Measures acceleration and tilt on one of 3 axes (AX, AY, or AZ) in terms of centigravity (cg) units, which is 100ths of 1 gravity (1 g). With the badge laying flat on a table, the AX is left/right, AY is forward/backward, and AZ is up/down. Example: int x = accel(AX) copies the accelerometer measurement into the x variable. The result will be 0 if held flat, and could go as high as +100 if held on its left edge, or -100 if held on its right edge. Note, the accelerometer's actual resolution is in 64ths of a 1 g. More...
void accels (int *x, int *y, int *z)
 Measures acceleration and tilt on all 3 axes (x, y, and z) in terms of centigravity (cg) units, which is 100ths of 1 gravity (1 g). More...
int accel_shaken (void)
 Check if accelerometer was shaken recently, within the last half second. More...

Detailed Description

This library provides convenient functions for a variety of Parallax eBadge operations.

Parallax Inc.

Note: This is the early adopter version of a library that is fairly new and still a work-in-progress. If you find what you feel are errors or omissions that should be addressed in an upcoming revision, please email


Definition in file badgetools.h.

Function Documentation

int accel ( int  axis)

Measures acceleration and tilt on one of 3 axes (AX, AY, or AZ) in terms of centigravity (cg) units, which is 100ths of 1 gravity (1 g). With the badge laying flat on a table, the AX is left/right, AY is forward/backward, and AZ is up/down. Example: int x = accel(AX) copies the accelerometer measurement into the x variable. The result will be 0 if held flat, and could go as high as +100 if held on its left edge, or -100 if held on its right edge. Note, the accelerometer's actual resolution is in 64ths of a 1 g.

axisThe AX, AY, or AZ sensing axis.
int accel_shaken ( void  )

Check if accelerometer was shaken recently, within the last half second.

1 if shaken, 0 if not.
void accels ( int *  x,
int *  y,
int *  z 

Measures acceleration and tilt on all 3 axes (x, y, and z) in terms of centigravity (cg) units, which is 100ths of 1 gravity (1 g).

*xAddress of the variable for storing the x-axis measurement.
*yAddress of the variable for storing the y-axis measurement.
*zAddress of the variable for storing the z-axis measurement.
int badge_setup ( void  )

Set up all available badge drivers. Call this function at the start of any given program to allow access to ensure that the rest of this library's functions work properly.

A call to this function sets up these badge subsystems: oLED display, LED, RGB LED, touch buttons, accelerometer, infrared communication, and EEPROM storage. Example badge_setup().

void box ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  c 

Plot a box on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of one corner of the box. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of one corner of the box. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
x1The x coordinate of a corner diagonal from the first corner.
y1The y coordinate of the corner diagonal from the first corner.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
void boxFilled ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  c 

Plot a filled box on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of one corner of the box. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of one corner of the box. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
x1The x coordinate of a corner diagonal from the first corner.
y1The y coordinate of the corner diagonal from the first corner.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
int button ( int  pad)

Gets the state of a touch button (1) pressed, (0) not pressed. Numbering {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0} maps the pads by {OSH, P17, P16, P15, P25, P26, P27}. Example: int state = button(3); If state stores 1, it means the pad next to the P15 label is pressed. If it instead stores 0, the button is not pressed.

Binary 1 if pressed; 0 if not pressed.
int buttons ( void  )

Gets the states of all seven touch buttons, and returns them in a value with 1s and 0s that correspond to each touch button. Example: int states = buttons(); If states stores 0b1110010, it means: {OSH-pressed, P17-pressed, P16-pressed, P15-not pressed, P25-not pressed, P26-pressed, P27-not pressed}.

A 7-bit value with binary 1/0 digits indicating the on/off state of the 7 touch buttons. The rightmost binary digit indicates the state of the upper-right button by the P27 label. The second from the right indicates the state of the button by the P26 label, and so on, up through the 5th from the right,
void circle ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  r,
int  c 

Plot a circle on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of the center of the circle. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of the center of the circle. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
rThe radius of the circle.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
void circleFilled ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  r,
int  c 

Plot a filled circle on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of the center of the circle. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of the center of the circle. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
rThe radius of the circle.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
int clear ( void  )

Clear the display.

Returns cursor to top-left 0, 0.

int contacts_count ( )

Find out how many contacts are currently stored in EEPROM. This is useful for setting up a loop to fetch all contacts.

Number of contacts.
void contacts_setStartAddr ( int  address)

Set the start address of the contacts. This can be used to reserve some user EEPROM space for other purposes before the start of the contacts.

addressEEPROM starting address for contact storage.
void cursor ( int  col,
int  row 

Position the cursor to a certain column and row for printing text on the oLED display. Column can be 0 to 7 and row can be 0 or 1 in default LARGE text mode. In SMALL text mode, column can be 0 to 31, and row can be 0 to 7.

colthe column (character position) from left.
rowthe row (line number) from top.
void dev_ee_show ( int  byteCount,
int  address 

Display EEPROM contents as a combination of printable characters and numeric values (when not printable) in square brackets [], See 02 View First and Last 64 Bytes with Terminal.side for example.

byteCountNumber of bytes to display.
addressStarting EEPROM address.
char ee_readByte ( int  addr)

Get a byte value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM.

addrThe EEPROM address that with the byte value that should be fetched.
value The byte value stored by the EEPROM at the address specified by the addr parameter.
float ee_readFloat32 ( int  addr)

Fetch a 32-bit precision floating point value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. A 32-bit value occupies four bytes so if you are fetching values in a sequence, make sure to add 4 to each addr parameter value.

Make sure that the Math box is checked in the Project Manager. In Simple View, click the Show Project Manager button in SimpleIDE's bottom-left corner. Then click the Linker tab, and check the Math Lib box.

addrThe EEPROM address with the 32-bit floating point float value that should be fetched.
value The float value stored by the EEPROM at the specified address.
int ee_readInt ( int  addr)

Get an int value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. If you are fetching several int values, make sure to add 4 to the addr value with each successive call.

addrThe EEPROM address with the int value that should be fetched.
value The int value stored by the EEPROM at the specified address.
short ee_readShort ( int  addr)

Get a short value from a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. If you are fetching several short values, make sure to add 2 to the addr value with each successive call.

addrThe EEPROM address with the int value that should be fetched.
value The int value stored by the EEPROM at the specified address.
char* ee_readStr ( unsigned char *  s,
int  n,
int  addr 

Fetch a string of byte values starting at a certain address in Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM.

sAddress of a char array to receive the string of bytes fetched from EEPROM.
nThe number of bytes to copy from EEPROM to the array.
addrThe EEPROM address of the first byte in the string.
The address of the array that stores the characters that were fetched.
void ee_writeByte ( unsigned char  value,
int  addr 

Store a byte value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM.

valueThe byte value to store in EEPROM.
addrThe EEPROM address where the value is to be stored.
void ee_writeFloat32 ( float  fpVal,
int  addr 

Store a 32-bit precision floating point value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. A 32-bit value occupies four bytes so if you are storing values in a sequence, make sure to add 4 to each addr parameter value.

Make sure that the Math box is checked in the Project Manager. In Simple View, click the Show Project Manager button in SimpleIDE's bottom-left corner. Then click the Linker tab, and check the Math Lib box.

fpValThe 32-bit floating point float value to store in EEPROM.
addrThe EEPROM address where the value is to be stored.
void ee_writeInt ( int  value,
int  addr 

Store an int value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. An int value occupies four bytes, so the next value should be stored at an address value that's four bytes higher.

valueThe int value to store in EEPROM.
addrThe EEPROM address where the value is to be stored.
void ee_writeShort ( short  value,
int  addr 

Store a short value at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM. A short value occupies two bytes, so the next value should be stored at an address value that's two bytes higher.

valueThe int value to store in EEPROM.
addrThe EEPROM address where the value is to be stored.
void ee_writeStr ( char *  s,
int  n,
int  addr 

Store a string of byte values starting at a certain address in the Propeller Chip's dedicated EEPROM.

sAddress of a char array containing the string of bytes.
nThe number of bytes to copy from the array.
addrThe EEPROM address of the first byte in the string.
int eeprint ( const char *  fmt,

Use to store strings to EEPROM in a manner similar to displaying combinations of strings and variables in the SimpleIDE terminal with the print function. Examples: eeprint("Hello EEPROM"); float f = PI; int n = 4s; char s[] = "PI and answer to universe"; eeprint("%1.3f\n%03d\n %30s\n", f, n, s); // Result to EEPROM: "Hello EEPROM"[0]"3.141"[10]"042" [10]"PI and answer to universe"[10][0]. This information can be conveniently retrieved back from EEPROM and placed in variables with the eescan function.

String length can be 128 or less.

*fmta print compatible format string.
...a print compatible list of arguments.
Record index number in EEPROM.
int eeprinted ( const char *  fmt,

Can be called before storing a record with eeprint. Example: if(!eeprinted("Hello EEPROM") eeprint("Hello EEPROM");.

String length can be 128 or less.

*fmta print compatible format string.
...a print compatible list of arguments.
0 if not in EEPROM, or the record number if it is.
int eescan ( int  recIdx,
const char *  fmt,

Use to retrieve strings to EEPROM in a manner similar to retrieving strings that represent combinations of strings and variables from the SimpleIDE terminal with the scan function. Examples: This example will retrieve the what the eeprint examples stored in EEPROM: char s1[14]; eescan(1, "%s", s1); float f; int n; char s2[30]; eescan("%f%d%s", f, n, s2); // Result: s1 = "Hello EEPROM", f = 3.141, n = 42, s2 = "PI and answer to universe".

String length can be 128 or less.

recIdxAn integer record index value.
*fmta print compatible format string.
...a print compatible list of arguments.
The number of blocks successfully scanned.
int ir_receive ( char *  s,
int  ssize 

Receive a string with a specified maxiumum number of characters over IR.

ssize can be 128 or less.

*sAddress of the character array to store the string that was received.
ssizeMaximmum size of the string.
The length of the sting.
void ir_send ( char *  s,
int  ssize 

Transmits a string with a specified number of characters over IR.

ssize can be 128 or less.

*sAddress of a string to send.
ssizeMaximmum size of the string.
int irprint ( const char *  fmt,

Use to store transmit strings to another badge in a manner similar to displaying combinations of strings and variables in the SimpleIDE terminal with the print function. Examples: irprint("Hello eBadge"); float f = PI; int n = 4s; char s[] = "PI and answer to universe"; irprint("%1.3f\n%03d\n %30s\n", f, n, s); // Result to other badge: "Hello EEPROM"[0]"3.141"[10]"042"[10]"PI and answer to universe"[10][0]. This information can be conveniently received by the other badge using the irscan function.

String length can be 128 or less.

*fmta print compatible format string.
...a print compatible list of arguments.
Record index number in EEPROM.
int irscan ( const char *  fmt,

Use to receive strings over IR from another badge in a manner similar to retrieving strings that represent combinations of strings and variables from the SimpleIDE terminal with the scan function. Examples: This example will retrieve what the irprint examples transmitted to the other badge: char s1[14]; eescan(1, "%s", s1); float f; int n; char s2[30]; eescan("%f%d%s", f, n, s2); // Result: s1 = "Hello EEPROM", f = 3.141, n = 42, s2 = "PI and answer to universe".

Total string length can be 128 or less.

*fmta print compatible format string.
...a print compatible list of arguments.
The number of blocks successfully scanned.
void led ( int  n,
int  state 

Set a blue LED (from 0 to 5) to a state (ON or OFF). Examples: led(1, ON) turns the blue LED next to the P26 label on. led(3, OFF) turns the blue LED by the P15 label off.

nThe number of the LED to turn on or off. This number can be in the 0 to 5 range. The numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} control the LEDs by the labels {P27, P26, P25, P15, P16, P17}.
stateValue that turns the LED on or off. Use ON or 1 to turn the LED on, or OFF or 0 to turn the LED off.
void leds ( int  bits)

Sets the on/off states of the 6 blue LEDs with a number that contains six binary 1/0 digits. How does the 6 digit binary number work? Count the number of digits from the right, and that's the led number used in the led(int n, int state) function. For example, leds(0b110010) is equivalent to these six led calls: led(5, ON); led(4, ON); led(3, OFF); led(2, OFF); led(1, ON); led(0, OFF).

bitsThe value with six binary digits that controls each light. A 1 in the rightmost digit does the same thing as led(0, ON), and a 0 would be the same as led(0, OFF). A 1 in the second digit from the right would do the same thing as led(1, ON), and so on...
void line ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  c 

Plot a line on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of the first point in the line. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of the first point in the line. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
x1The x coordinate of the second point in the line.
y1The y coordinate of the second point in the line.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
int oledprint ( const char *  fmt,

Use to display strings on the oLED display in a manner similar to displaying combinations of strings and variables in the SimpleIDE terminal with the print function. Example: oledprint("Hello!!!"); text_size(SMALL); cursor(0, 4); float f = PI; int n = 4s; char s[] = "PI and Universe"; oledprint("%1.3f, %03d\n%30s", f, n, s); // Result to oLED display: Upper half large print by default - Hello!!! Small print line 4: 1.414, 042 Line 5 "PI and Universe".

String length can be 128 or less. Word wrap is automatic if line width is exceeded.

*fmta print compatible format string.
...a print compatible list of arguments.
Record index number in EEPROM.
void point ( int  x,
int  y,
int  color 

Plot a point on the oLED screen.

xNumber of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
ythe number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top)to 63 (bottom). Color is 1 for white, 0 for black.
colorThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
int receive ( char *  s)

Receive a character string from another badge.

String length can be 128 or less.

*sAddress of the character array to store the string that was received.
The length of the string.
void retrieve ( char *  contact,
int  recIdx 

Copy string with a certain index number from EEPROM to a character array.

String length can be 128 or less.

*contactAddress of the array where the string should be copied.
recIdxIndex number of the string.
void rgb ( int  side,
int  color 

Sets the color of the left or right RGB LED. Examples: rgb(L, RED) makes the left RGB LED glow red. rgb(R, GREEN) makes the right one glow green. Color options include BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, YELLOW, RED, MAGENTA, WHITE. You can also use OFF to make a light that is glowing turn off. The numeric values of these are listed in Macros -> RGB LEDs.

sideWhich side of the oLED screen (L or R) the RGB LED is on.
colorRBG LED color setting. Options include BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, YELLOW, RED, MAGENTA, WHITE, and OFF.
void rgbs ( int  colorL,
int  colorR 

Set both RGB LED colors with one function call. See rgb function for color options.

colorLThe color of the left RGB LED.
colorRThe color of the right RGB LED.
void screen_auto ( int  state)

Cause function calls like oledprint, point, and others to appear immediately after the function is called with screen_auto(1). To make multiple changes before manually updating with a call to screen_update, use screen_auto(0). See 04 Screen Auto ON OFF.side for example.

state1 enables auto-update, 0 disables it.
int screen_getAuto ( )

Check if function calls like oledprint, point, and others are set to appear (1) immediately after the function is called or (0) if multiple changes are made before manually updating with a call to screen_update.

1 if auto-update is enabled, or 0 if it is not.
void screen_image ( char *  imgaddr)

Display an image using an array holding an image generated by software that is compatible with the screen's scanning. See 12 Image to Display.side for an example.

Although scanning starts at the top-left, each pixel in the byte advances downward. After displaying the 8 vertical pixels, it steps to the right a pixel for the next byte. The next byte starts one pixel to the right.

*imgaddrAddress of the byte array with the 128x64 pixel image to be displayed..
int screen_scrollLeft ( int  scrollStart,
int  scrollStop 

Cause the screen to scroll to the left with screen_scrollLeft(0, 15).

int screen_scrollLeftDiag ( int  scrollStart,
int  scrollStop 

Cause the screen to scroll diagonally to the left with screen_scrollLeftDiag(0, 15).

int screen_scrollRight ( int  scrollStart,
int  scrollStop 

Cause the screen to scroll to the right with screen_scrollRight(0, 15).

int screen_scrollRightDiag ( int  scrollStart,
int  scrollStop 

Cause the screen to scroll diagonally to the right with screen_scrollRightDiag(0, 15).

int screen_scrollStop ( void  )

Stop screen scrolling action.

int screen_update ( void  )

Manually update the screen image after. Typically used after multiple oLED function calls after screen_auto(0). See 04 Screen Auto ON OFF.side for example.

int send ( char *  s)

Send a character string to another badge. Example: char s[] = "Hello other badge"; send(s);.

*sAddress of a string to send.
Length of the string that was sent.
void shape ( char *  img,
int  bw,
int  xtl,
int  ytl,
int  xpics,
int  ypics 

Place a shape defined by a char array of pixels on the oLED display. See 11 Shapes to Display.side for example.

*imgarray's address (its name without the square brackets).
bwCan be SCR_WHITE for 1s drawing white pixels, SCR_BLACK for 1s drawing black pixels, or SCR_XOR for inverting.
xtlThe shape's x top-left coordinate.
ytlThe shape's y top-left coordinate.
xpicsThe shape's width in pixels.
ypicsThe shape's height in pixels.
int store ( char *  contact)

Store a character string of up to 128 characters to EEPROM. Example: char s[] = "abcd"; store(s);.

String length can be 128 or less.

contactAddress of the string.
Index of the record in EEPROM. The first record gets an index of 0, the second an index of 1, and so-on.
int stored ( char *  s)

Check if a string has already been stored in EEPROM. Example: if(!stored("abcd")) store("abcd");.

*s The address of the string that should be checked against strings stored in EEPROM. String length can be 128 or less.

1 if a matching record was found, or 0 if not.
void string ( char *  str)

Display a character string on the oLED display.

String length can be 128 or less. Word wrap is automatic if line width is exceeded.

*strAddress of string to be displayed.
void text_size ( int  size)

Set the text size to either 32x16 pixel (LARGE) or 7x5 (SMALL) characters. Examples: text_size(LARGE);...text_size(SMALL)...text_size(LARGE).

sizeSize of characters, either LARGE (32x16 pixels) or SMALL (7x5 pixels).
void triangle ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  c 

Plot a triangle on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of one corner of the triangle. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of one corner of the triangle. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
x1The x coordinate of the second corner.
y1The y coordinate of the second corner.
x2The x coordinate of the third corner.
y2The y coordinate of the third corner.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.
void triangleFilled ( int  x0,
int  y0,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  c 

Plot a filled triangle on the oLED screen.

x0The x coordinate of one corner of the triangle. Measured as a number of pixels from left side of screen. The value increases from 0 (left) to 127 (right).
y0The y coordinate of one corner of the triangle. Measured as a number of pixels from the top of the screen. The value increases from 0 (top) to 63 (bottom).
x1The x coordinate of the second corner.
y1The y coordinate of the second corner.
x2The x coordinate of the third corner.
y2The y coordinate of the third corner.
cThe pixel color 1 for white, 0 for black.