#include <bit>
#include <format>

#include "assertume.hpp"
#include "blake2b.hpp"
#include "blake2bavx2.hpp"
#include "cast.hpp"
#include "randomxparams.hpp"

namespace modernRX::blake2b {
    namespace {
        template<bool Last>
        void compress(Context& ctx) noexcept;

    void hash(std::span<std::byte> output, const_span<std::byte> input) noexcept {
        // Some assumptions were made to optimize this function:
        //   - This function is only called with input that size is between 1 and 256.
        //   - This function is only called with output that size is equal to 32 or 64.
        static_assert(Rx_Block_Template_Size <= 256, "Below assumption can be made only if blockchain's block template size is lesser than VM's RegisterFile, which is 256 bytes long");
        ASSERTUME(input.size() > 0 && input.size() <= 256);
        ASSERTUME(output.size() == Max_Digest_Size / 2 || output.size() == Max_Digest_Size);

        const uint32_t digest_size{ static_cast<uint32_t>(output.size()) };

        // Initialize context.
        Context ctx{ digest_size };

        // Special case when input size is lesser-equal than block size.
        if (input.size() <= Block_Size) {
            update(ctx, input);
            final(output, ctx);
        // With above assumption its known that no more than two blocks will be compressed, so we can unroll loop.
        update(ctx, input.subspan(0, Block_Size));
        update(ctx, input.subspan(Block_Size));
        final(output, ctx);

    inline namespace internal {
        Context::Context(const uint32_t digest_size) noexcept
            : digest_size{ digest_size } {
            using namespace intrinsics;

            const ymm<uint64_t> digest_size_ymm{ avx2::vset<uint64_t>(0, 0, 0, 0x01010000 ^ digest_size) };
            state[0] = avx2::vxor<uint64_t>(state[0], digest_size_ymm);

        template void update<true>(Context&, const_span<std::byte>) noexcept;
        template void update<false>(Context&, const_span<std::byte>) noexcept;

        template<bool Empty>
        void update(Context& ctx, const_span<std::byte> input) noexcept {
            static_assert(Rx_Block_Template_Size + sizeof(Rx_Argon2d_Salt) + 40 <= Block_Size, "Below assumption can be made only if blockchain's block template size + argon2d salt + 40 (size of argon2d params) is lesser than blake2b's single block size");
            // This assumption can be made because it is never called with empty input and always with one that is lesser-equal than block size.
            ASSERTUME(input.size() > 0 && input.size() <= Block_Size);

            if constexpr (!Empty) {
                std::memcpy(ctx.block.data() + (ctx.counter % Block_Size), input.data(), input.size());

            ctx.counter += input.size();

        void final(std::span<std::byte> hash, Context& ctx) noexcept {
            // This assumption can be made because this function is only called by argon2d with 64 or 1024 bytes long hash buffer.
            ASSERTUME(hash.size() == 32 || hash.size() == 64);


            // Copy state into output buffer.
            std::memcpy(hash.data(), ctx.state.data(), hash.size());

    namespace {
        // Compress does all the magic with compressing block buffer. Works differently for last and non-last block buffer.
        // Optimized with AVX2 intrinsics.
        template<bool Last>
        void compress(Context& ctx) noexcept {
            using namespace intrinsics;

            // Prepare block for permutations.
            alignas(64) const_array<ymm<uint64_t>, 8> msg{
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 16),
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 32),
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 48),
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 64),
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 80),
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 96),
                avx2::vbcasti128<uint64_t>(ctx.block.data() + 112)

            // Used in ROUND macro.
            auto m{ msgPermutation<0, 0>(msg) };

            // Initialize working vector.
            auto v1{ ctx.state[0] }; // {h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3]}
            auto v2{ ctx.state[1] }; // {h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7]}
            auto v3{ IV1 }; // {IV[0], IV[1], IV[2], IV[3]}
            auto v4{ IV2 }; // {IV[4] ^ ctx.count, IV[5], IV[6] ^ oneof(0xffffffff, 0), h[7]}
            v4 = avx2::vxor<uint64_t>(v4, avx2::vset<uint64_t>(0, (Last ? std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() : 0ULL), 0, ctx.counter));

            // Prepare rotation constants. Taken from: https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/blob/1.0.16/src/libsodium/crypto_generichash/blake2b/ref/blake2b-compress-avx2.h
            const auto rot24{ avx2::vsetrepi8<uint64_t>(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10) };
            const auto rot16{ avx2::vsetrepi8<uint64_t>(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9) };

            // Make cryptographic message mixing (12 rounds)
            ROUND(0, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(1, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(2, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(3, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(4, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(5, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(6, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(7, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(8, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(9, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);

            // Round 10 is the same as round 0, and round 11 is the same as round 1
            ROUND(0, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);
            ROUND(1, msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, rot24, rot16);

            // Finalize compression
            ctx.state[0] = avx2::vxor<uint64_t>(ctx.state[0], avx2::vxor<uint64_t>(v1, v3));
            ctx.state[1] = avx2::vxor<uint64_t>(ctx.state[1], avx2::vxor<uint64_t>(v2, v4));

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