#include <vector>

#include "reciprocal.hpp"
#include "superscalar.hpp"

namespace modernRX {
    namespace {
        constexpr reg_idx_t Register_Needs_Displacement{ 5 }; // This register cannot be destination for IADD_RS.
        constexpr uint32_t Rx_Superscalar_Op_Max_Latency{ maxOpLatency(isa) }; // Maximum latency of all instructions (in cycles of reference CPU).
        constexpr uint32_t Rx_Superscalar_Max_Schedule_Cycle{ Rx_Superscalar_Latency + Rx_Superscalar_Op_Max_Latency }; // Maximum number of cycles in a schedule.

        // Definition of table 6.3.1 from https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#631-decoding-stage
        constexpr std::array<DecodeBuffer, 6> Decode_Buffers{
            DecodeBuffer{ 4, 8,  4, 0 },
            DecodeBuffer{ 7, 3,  3, 3 },
            DecodeBuffer{ 3, 7,  3, 3 },
            DecodeBuffer{ 4, 9,  3, 0 },
            DecodeBuffer{ 4, 4,  4, 4 },
            DecodeBuffer{ 3, 3, 10, 0 },

        // Holds information about port busyness at given cycle.
        // This has size of 8 instead of 3 (which is number of unique ports used for scheduling), 
        // to not bother with mapping given ExecutionPort to its proper index.
        using PortsSchedule = std::array<std::array<bool, Rx_Superscalar_Max_Schedule_Cycle>, 8>;

        // Holds information about single register.
        struct Register {
            uint32_t availability_cycle{ 0 }; // Which cycle the register will be ready.
            std::optional<uint32_t> last_src_value{ std::nullopt }; // The last operation source value (nullopt = constant, 0-7 = register).
            SuperscalarInstructionType last_group{ SuperscalarInstructionType::INVALID }; // The last operation that was applied to the register.

        // Holds information about all registers.
        using RegisterFile = std::array<Register, Register_Count>;

        // Holds information about simulated ASIC latencies for every register and selected address register.
        struct AsicContext {
            std::array<uint32_t, Register_Count> latencies{}; // Estimated latencies for every register.
            uint32_t max_latency{ 0 }; // Max estimated latency over all registers.
            reg_idx_t max_latency_register{ 0 }; // Register index that holds max estimated latency. Used as address reigster for superscalar program.

        // Holds information about current state of generated program.
        struct ProgramContext {
            uint32_t throwaway_count{ 0 }; // Increases when current instruction dont fit in decode buffer. Resets after proper decode buffer slot filling.
            uint32_t mul_count{ 0 }; // Number of multiplication instructions in program.
            uint32_t cycle{ 0 }; // Simulated CPU cycle. Greater-equal than current decode cycle.
            uint32_t dependency_cycle{ 0 }; // Macro-op scheduled cycle + its latency.
            uint32_t decode_cycle{ 0 }; // Current decode cycle.
            uint32_t program_size{ 0 }; // Number of superscalar instructions in program buffer.
            bool ports_saturated{ false }; // Changed to true when no other macro-op could be scheduled.

            // Returns true if generator stopping criteria is met.
            [[nodiscard]] bool done() const noexcept {
                return ports_saturated || decode_cycle >= Rx_Superscalar_Latency || program_size >= Rx_Superscalar_Max_Program_Size;

            // Advances program context to next cycle.
            void advance() noexcept {

        [[nodiscard]] std::pair<std::array<ExecutionPort, 2>, std::optional<uint32_t>> scheduleOp(const PortsSchedule& ports, const MacroOp& op, const uint32_t cycle, const uint32_t dependency_cycle) noexcept;
        [[nodiscard]] std::pair<ExecutionPort, std::optional<uint32_t>> scheduleUop(const PortsSchedule& ports, const ExecutionPort uop_port, const uint32_t cycle) noexcept;

        void findAvailableRegisters(std::vector<reg_idx_t>& available_registers, const RegisterFile& registers, const uint32_t cycle) noexcept;
        [[nodiscard]] bool needRegisterDisplacement(const_span<reg_idx_t> available_registers) noexcept;
        void updateAsicContext(AsicContext& asic_ctx, const SuperscalarInstruction& instr) noexcept;

    Superscalar::Superscalar(const blake2b::Random& blakeRNG) noexcept
        : blakeRNG(blakeRNG) {}

    SuperscalarProgram Superscalar::generate() {
        constexpr uint32_t Max_Throwaway_Count{ 256 }; // Number of max tries in case when instruction dont fit in decode buffer.

        // Available registers holds indexes of registers ready at a given CPU cycle.
        std::vector<reg_idx_t> available_registers;

        SuperscalarProgram prog{};
        PortsSchedule ports{};
        RegisterFile registers{};
        AsicContext asic_ctx{};
        SuperscalarInstruction instruction{};

        for (ProgramContext ctx{}; !ctx.done(); ctx.advance()) {
            // Each decode cycle decodes 16 bytes of x86 code.
            const auto& decode_buffer{ selectDecodeBuffer(instruction.type(), ctx.decode_cycle, ctx.mul_count) };

            // Select instruction for every non-zero value slot in buffer.
            for (uint32_t decode_buffer_slot = 0; decode_buffer_slot < decode_buffer.size() && decode_buffer[decode_buffer_slot] > 0; ++decode_buffer_slot) {
                const auto top_cycle{ ctx.cycle };

                // Select new instruction if previous already issued (all its macro ops are already scheduled).
                if (instruction.issued()) {
                    if (ctx.done()) {
                        return prog; // Termination condition reached.
                    const auto instruction_type{ selectInstructionTypeForDecodeBuffer(decode_buffer, decode_buffer_slot) };
                    instruction = initializeInstruction(instruction_type);

                const auto& [op, op_index] { instruction.nextOp() };

                // Calculate the earliest cycle when this macro-op (all of its uOPs) could be scheduled for execution.
                const auto& [schedule_ports, min_schedule_cycle] { scheduleOp(ports, op, ctx.cycle, ctx.dependency_cycle) };
                if (!min_schedule_cycle.has_value()) {
                    return prog; // Cannot schedule instr anymore, ports are saturated.
                auto schedule_cycle{ min_schedule_cycle.value() };

                // Precheck: if there are not available registers at schedule_cycle + Rx_Max_Op_Latency
                // no need to check source/dest register availability anyway.
                if (op_index == instruction.srcOpIndex() || op_index == instruction.dstOpIndex()) {
                    // Do not check registers that would exceed program limits.
                    const uint32_t future_schedule_cycle{ std::min(schedule_cycle + Rx_Superscalar_Op_Max_Latency - 1, Rx_Superscalar_Max_Schedule_Cycle - 1) };
                    findAvailableRegisters(available_registers, registers, future_schedule_cycle);

                    if (available_registers.size() == 0) {
                        ctx.cycle += 4;

                        if (ctx.throwaway_count < Max_Throwaway_Count) {
                            --decode_buffer_slot; // SuperscalarInstruction invalidated, but we dont want to skip current buffer slot.

                            // Try another instruction for this slot.

                        // Max throwaway count reached for current slot.
                        // Abort this decode buffer completely and go to next decode cycle.

                // Find a source register (if applicable) that will be ready when this instruction executes
                // according to rules in: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#634-operand-assignment
                if (op_index == instruction.srcOpIndex()) {
                    for (uint32_t forward = 0; !instruction.src_register.has_value() && forward < Rx_Superscalar_Op_Max_Latency; ++forward) {
                        findAvailableRegisters(available_registers, registers, schedule_cycle);

                        // No available registers, try next cycle.
                        if (available_registers.empty()) {

                        // If there are only 2 available registers for IADD_RS and one of them is r5, select it as the source because it cannot be the destination.
                        // Check rules in table 6.1.1: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#61-instructions
                        if (instruction.type() == SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_RS && needRegisterDisplacement(available_registers)) {
                            instruction.src_value = instruction.src_register = Register_Needs_Displacement;

                        instruction.src_register = selectRegister(available_registers);
                        instruction.src_value = instruction.srcRegisterAsSrcValue() ? instruction.src_register : std::nullopt;

                // Find a destination register that will be ready when this instruction executes
                // according to rules in: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#634-operand-assignment
                if (op_index == instruction.dstOpIndex()) {
                    uint32_t forward{ 0 };
                    for (; forward < Rx_Superscalar_Op_Max_Latency; ++forward) {

                        for (reg_idx_t i = 0; i < registers.size(); ++i) {
                            // Register must be available to use at given cycle.
                            if (registers[i].availability_cycle > schedule_cycle) {

                            // R5 cannot be used as destination for IADD_RS.
                            if (instruction.type() == SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_RS && i == Register_Needs_Displacement) {

                            // Cannot be the same as src_register unless instruction allows for that.
                            if (i == instruction.src_register && !instruction.dstRegisterAsSrcRegister()) {

                            // Cannot perform current operation on given register
                            // if it belongs to the same group and is using the same src_value as a previous operation on this register.
                            if (registers[i].last_group == instruction.group() && registers[i].last_src_value == instruction.src_value) {

                            // Cannot perform another multiplication on given register unless throwaway counter is greater than 0.
                            if (ctx.throwaway_count == 0 && instruction.group() == SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_R && registers[i].last_group == SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_R) {


                        // No available registers, try next cycle.
                        if (available_registers.empty()) {

                        instruction.dst_register = selectRegister(available_registers);

                    if (forward == Rx_Superscalar_Op_Max_Latency) {
                        if (ctx.throwaway_count < Max_Throwaway_Count) {
                            --decode_buffer_slot; // Instruction invalidated, but we dont want to skip current buffer slot.

                            // Try another instruction for this slot.

                        // Max throwaway count reached for current slot.
                        // Abort this decode buffer completely and go to next decode cycle.

                ctx.throwaway_count = 0;

                // Recalculate when the instruction can be scheduled for execution based on operand availability.
                const auto& [recalculated_schedule_ports, recalculated_schedule_cycle] { scheduleOp(ports, op, schedule_cycle, ctx.dependency_cycle) };
                if (!recalculated_schedule_cycle.has_value()) {
                    return prog; // Cannot schedule instr anymore, ports are saturated.
                schedule_cycle = recalculated_schedule_cycle.value();

                // Update port availability.
                ports[static_cast<uint8_t>(recalculated_schedule_ports[0])][schedule_cycle] = true;
                ports[static_cast<uint8_t>(recalculated_schedule_ports[1])][schedule_cycle] = true;

                // Calculate when the result will be ready.
                ctx.dependency_cycle = schedule_cycle + op.latency;

                // If this instruction writes the result, modify destination register information.
                if (op_index == instruction.resultOpIndex()) {
                    Register& reg{ registers[instruction.dst_register] };
                    reg.availability_cycle = ctx.dependency_cycle; // At this point dependency_cycle is equal to retire cycle.
                    reg.last_group = instruction.group();
                    reg.last_src_value = instruction.src_value;

                ctx.cycle = top_cycle;
                ctx.ports_saturated |= (schedule_cycle >= Rx_Superscalar_Latency);

                // When all macro-ops of the current instruction have been issued, vadd instruction into the program.
                if (instruction.issued()) {
                    prog.instructions[ctx.program_size++] = instruction;
                    prog.size = ctx.program_size;

                    updateAsicContext(asic_ctx, instruction);
                    prog.address_register = asic_ctx.max_latency_register;

                    ctx.mul_count += isMultiplication(instruction.type());

        return prog;

    const DecodeBuffer& Superscalar::selectDecodeBuffer(const SuperscalarInstructionType type, const uint32_t decode_cycle, const uint32_t mul_count) noexcept {
        // If the current RandomX instruction is "IMULH", the next fetch configuration must be 3-3-10
        // because the full 128-bit multiplication instruction is 3 bytes long and decodes to 2 uOPs on Intel CPUs.
        // Intel CPUs can decode at most 4 uOPs per cycle, so this requires a 2-1-1 configuration for a total of 3 macro ops.
        if (type == SuperscalarInstructionType::IMULH_R || type == SuperscalarInstructionType::ISMULH_R) {
            return Decode_Buffers[5];

        // To make sure that the multiplication port is saturated, a 4-4-4-4 configuration is generated if the number of multiplications
        // is lower than the number of cycles.
        if (mul_count < decode_cycle + 1) {
            return Decode_Buffers[4];

        // If the current RandomX instruction is "IMUL_RCP", the next buffer must begin with a 4-byte slot for multiplication.
        if (type == SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_RCP) {
            return blakeRNG.getUint8() % 2 ? Decode_Buffers[0] : Decode_Buffers[3];

        // Default: select a random fetch configuration (pick one of: 0, 1, 2, 3).
        return Decode_Buffers[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 4];

    SuperscalarInstructionType Superscalar::selectInstructionTypeForDecodeBuffer(const DecodeBuffer& decode_buffer, const uint32_t buffer_index) noexcept {
        constexpr std::array<SuperscalarInstructionType, 4> slot_3{ SuperscalarInstructionType::ISUB_R, SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_R, SuperscalarInstructionType::IMULH_R, SuperscalarInstructionType::ISMULH_R };
        constexpr std::array<SuperscalarInstructionType, 2> slot_4{ SuperscalarInstructionType::IROR_C, SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_RS };
        constexpr std::array<SuperscalarInstructionType, 2> slot_7{ SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_C7, SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_C7 };
        constexpr std::array<SuperscalarInstructionType, 2> slot_8{ SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_C8, SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_C8 };
        constexpr std::array<SuperscalarInstructionType, 2> slot_9{ SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_C9, SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_C9 };

        // Not all decode buffer configurations contain 4 slots, but for simplicity it is implemented
        // as an array of 4 elements, instead of vector with variable size, thus second condition is needed.
        const bool is_last_index{ (buffer_index + 1 == decode_buffer.size()) || (decode_buffer[buffer_index + 1] == 0) };

        switch (decode_buffer[buffer_index]) {
        case 3:
            if (is_last_index) {
                // If its last index in buffer, it can also select `IMULH` instructions, thus modulo 4.
                return slot_3[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 4];

            // For any other buffer index it can only select between ISUB and IXOR.
            return slot_3[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 2];
        case 4:
            // If this is the 4-4-4-4 buffer, issue multiplications as the first 3 instructions.
            if (decode_buffer == Decode_Buffers[4] && !is_last_index) {
                return SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_R;

            return slot_4[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 2];
        case 7:
            return slot_7[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 2];
        case 8:
            return slot_8[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 2];
        case 9:
            return slot_9[blakeRNG.getUint8() % 2];
        case 10:
            return SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_RCP;

    SuperscalarInstruction Superscalar::initializeInstruction(const SuperscalarInstructionType type) noexcept {
        SuperscalarInstruction instruction{
            .info{ &isa[static_cast<uint8_t>(type)] },

        switch (type) {
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::ISUB_R: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_R: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_R: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::INVALID: // Do nothing for these instructions.
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_RS:
            instruction.mod = blakeRNG.getUint8();
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IROR_C:
            do { instruction.imm32 = blakeRNG.getUint8() % 64; } while (instruction.imm32 == 0);
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_C7: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_C8: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IADD_C9: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_C7: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_C8: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IXOR_C9:
            instruction.imm32 = blakeRNG.getUint32();
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IMULH_R: [[fallthrough]];
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::ISMULH_R:
            // For some reason it takes 4 bytes, instead of 1 from blake2b generator (which would be suitable for picking register idx).
            // Additionally for other instructions src_value defines only if instruction use constant value or value from one of registers as a source
            // and is used for choosing destination register, but not used during execution.
            // However, for some reason it may assign any uint32 value to src_value, not only those in range 0-7,
            // but greater values are invalid (as register indexes) anyway. Those greater values cannot be treated
            // as a single constant source (thus nullopt like in other instructions), because it could possibly 
            // change behaviour in deciding about destination register.
            // This seems like an overlook in original implementation or i dont understand something.
            // Anyway it has to stay this way.
            instruction.src_value = blakeRNG.getUint32(); 
        case SuperscalarInstructionType::IMUL_RCP:
            do { instruction.imm32 = blakeRNG.getUint32(); } while (instruction.imm32 == 0 || std::has_single_bit(instruction.imm32));
            instruction.reciprocal = reciprocal(instruction.imm32);

        return instruction;

    uint8_t Superscalar::selectRegister(const_span<reg_idx_t> available_registers) noexcept {
        return available_registers.size() == 1 ? available_registers[0] : available_registers[blakeRNG.getUint32() % available_registers.size()];

    namespace {
        // Returns up to two ExecutionPort and a cycle for which given macro-op should be scheduled according to rules: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#633-port-assignment
        std::pair<std::array<ExecutionPort, 2>, std::optional<uint32_t>> scheduleOp(const PortsSchedule& ports, const MacroOp& op, const uint32_t cycle, const uint32_t dependency_cycle) noexcept {
            // Operations that does not require any execution port are eliminated, eg. MOV R,R does not need to occupy any execution unit (mov elimination).
            if (!op.requiresPort()) {
                return std::make_pair(std::array<ExecutionPort, 2>{ ExecutionPort::NONE, ExecutionPort::NONE }, cycle);

            // If this macro-op depends on the previous one, increase the starting cycle if needed.
            // Only IMUL_RCP are dependent and this handles an explicit dependency chain in IMUL_RCP.
            uint32_t schedule_cycle{ op.dependent ? std::max(cycle, dependency_cycle) : cycle };

            // Operations with single uOp need to check availability of only one execution port.
            if (!op.fused()) {
                const auto& [uop_port, uop_schedule_cycle] { scheduleUop(ports, op.ports[0], schedule_cycle) };
                return std::make_pair(std::array<ExecutionPort, 2>{ uop_port, ExecutionPort::NONE }, uop_schedule_cycle);

            // Macro-ops with 2 uOps are scheduled conservatively by requiring both uOps to execute in the same cycle
            while (schedule_cycle < Rx_Superscalar_Max_Schedule_Cycle) {
                const auto& [uop1_port, uop1_schedule_cycle] { scheduleUop(ports, op.ports[0], schedule_cycle) };
                const auto& [uop2_port, uop2_schedule_cycle] { scheduleUop(ports, op.ports[1], schedule_cycle) };

                if (uop1_schedule_cycle != uop2_schedule_cycle || !uop1_schedule_cycle.has_value()) {

                return std::make_pair(std::array<ExecutionPort, 2>{ uop1_port, uop2_port }, uop1_schedule_cycle);

            return std::make_pair(std::array<ExecutionPort, 2>{ ExecutionPort::NONE, ExecutionPort::NONE }, std::nullopt);

        // Return single ExecutionPort and cycle for which given uOp should be scheduled according to rules: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#633-port-assignment
        // The scheduling here is done optimistically by checking port availability in order P5 -> P0 -> P1 to not overload
        // port P1 (multiplication) by instructions that can go to any port.
        std::pair<ExecutionPort, std::optional<uint32_t>> scheduleUop(const PortsSchedule& ports, const ExecutionPort uop_port, const uint32_t cycle) noexcept {
            auto schedule_cycle{ cycle };

            const auto canScheduleToPort = [&](const ExecutionPort port) noexcept {
                const bool can_schedule{ (static_cast<uint8_t>(port) & static_cast<uint8_t>(uop_port)) != static_cast<uint8_t>(ExecutionPort::NONE) };
                const bool is_busy{ ports[static_cast<uint8_t>(port)][schedule_cycle] };

                return can_schedule && !is_busy;

            while (schedule_cycle < Rx_Superscalar_Max_Schedule_Cycle) {
                if (canScheduleToPort(ExecutionPort::P5)) {
                    return std::make_pair(ExecutionPort::P5, schedule_cycle);

                if (canScheduleToPort(ExecutionPort::P0)) {
                    return std::make_pair(ExecutionPort::P0, schedule_cycle);

                if (canScheduleToPort(ExecutionPort::P1)) {
                    return std::make_pair(ExecutionPort::P1, schedule_cycle);


            return std::make_pair(ExecutionPort::NONE, std::nullopt);

        // Fills available_registers vector with registers indexes that are ready for given cycle (included).
        // Used to refresh list of ready registers before selecting one as a source or desination.
        void findAvailableRegisters(std::vector<reg_idx_t>& available_registers, const RegisterFile& registers, const uint32_t cycle) noexcept {

            for (reg_idx_t i = 0; i < registers.size(); ++i) {
                if (registers[i].availability_cycle <= cycle) {

        // Returns true if there are only two available registers and one of them cannot be selected as a destination register.
        // Used to select proper source register.
        bool needRegisterDisplacement(const_span<reg_idx_t> available_registers) noexcept {
            return available_registers.size() == 2 && (available_registers[0] == Register_Needs_Displacement || available_registers[1] == Register_Needs_Displacement);
        // Should be called immediately after last macro-op of given instruction was issued.
        void updateAsicContext(AsicContext& asic_ctx, const SuperscalarInstruction& instr) noexcept {
            // Pick max latency between source and destination.
            const auto src_register{ instr.src_register.has_value() ? instr.src_register.value() : instr.dst_register};
            const uint32_t dst_latency{ asic_ctx.latencies[instr.dst_register] + 1 };
            const uint32_t src_latency{ instr.dst_register != src_register ? asic_ctx.latencies[src_register] + 1 : 0 };
            asic_ctx.latencies[instr.dst_register] = std::max(dst_latency, src_latency);

            // Update max latency register.
            const bool greater_latency{ asic_ctx.latencies[instr.dst_register] > asic_ctx.max_latency };
            const bool equal_latency_and_lesser_idx{ asic_ctx.latencies[instr.dst_register] == asic_ctx.max_latency && instr.dst_register < asic_ctx.max_latency_register };

            if (greater_latency || equal_latency_and_lesser_idx) {
                asic_ctx.max_latency_register = instr.dst_register;
                asic_ctx.max_latency = asic_ctx.latencies[instr.dst_register];

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