#pragma once

* Single-threaded implementation of Superscalar program generator based on: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#6-superscalarhash
* Execution of Superscalar program is enhanced by JIT compiler and AVX2 intrinsics.
* This is used by RandomX to generate read only dataset.
* Uses Blake2bRandom as a source of random numbers.

#include "avx2.hpp"
#include "blake2brandom.hpp"
#include "instructionset.hpp"
#include "randomxparams.hpp"

namespace modernRX {
    inline constexpr uint32_t Register_Count{ 8 }; // Number of registers used in CPU simulation.
    inline constexpr uint32_t Rx_Superscalar_Max_Program_Size{ 3 * Rx_Superscalar_Latency + 2 }; // Maximum number of instructions in a program.

    // Alias for register index type.
    using reg_idx_t = uint8_t;

    // Holds state for a single superscalar instruction.
    struct SuperscalarInstruction {
        const SuperscalarInstructionInfo* info{ &isa[static_cast<uint8_t>(SuperscalarInstructionType::INVALID)] }; // SuperscalarInstruction template.
        uint8_t op_index{ 0 }; // Current macro operation index to issue.

        std::optional<reg_idx_t> src_register{ std::nullopt }; // Source register index. (nullopt = no source register used).
        std::optional<uint32_t> src_value{ std::nullopt }; // SuperscalarInstruction source value. (nullopt = constant, 0-7 = src_register)
        reg_idx_t dst_register{ 0 }; // Destination register index. Valid instruction must always point to some register.

        uint32_t imm32{ 0 }; // Immediate (constant) unsigned 32-bit value.
        uint8_t mod{ 0 }; // Used to modify source register value.

        uint64_t reciprocal{ 0 }; // Reciprocal of imm32. Used for IMUL_RCP instruction.

        // Returns numbers of bits from mod used for shifting.
        [[nodiscard]] uint8_t modShift() const noexcept {
            return (mod >> 2) % 4;

        // Returns true if current op_index points to invalid macro-op.
        // Should be used to check if instruction was fully issued or was invalidated.
        [[nodiscard]] bool issued() const noexcept { 
            return info->ops[op_index].size == 0; 

        // Returns current macro-op and increments macro-op index.
        [[nodiscard]] std::pair<const MacroOp&, const uint8_t> nextOp() noexcept {
            return std::make_pair(std::ref(info->ops[op_index - 1]), op_index - 1);

        // Invalidates instruction by seting its template to INVALID type.
        void invalidate() noexcept { 
            info = &isa[static_cast<uint8_t>(SuperscalarInstructionType::INVALID)]; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] SuperscalarInstructionType type() const noexcept { 
            return info->type; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] SuperscalarInstructionType group() const noexcept { 
            return info->group; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] bool srcRegisterAsSrcValue() const noexcept { 
            return info->src_register_as_src_value; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] bool dstRegisterAsSrcRegister() const noexcept { 
            return info->dst_register_as_src_register; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] std::optional<uint8_t> srcOpIndex() const noexcept { 
            return info->src_op_index; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] uint8_t dstOpIndex() const noexcept { 
            return info->dst_op_index; 

        // Wrapper function over SuperscalarInstructionInfo.
        [[nodiscard]] uint8_t resultOpIndex() const noexcept {
            return info->result_op_index;

    // Holds information about the size of the next macro operations that should be scheduled. 
    // A single buffer must contain combinations that add up to 16 bytes. Not all slots are required to have value greater than 0.
    using DecodeBuffer = std::array<uint32_t, 4>;

    // Holds information about generated superscalar program.
    struct SuperscalarProgram {
        std::array<SuperscalarInstruction, Rx_Superscalar_Max_Program_Size> instructions{}; // Superscalar instructions.
        uint32_t size{ 0 }; // Number of instructions in buffer.
        reg_idx_t address_register{ 0 }; // Address register used for dataset generation.

    // Defines superscalar program generator.
    class Superscalar {
        // Creates new superscalar program generator and initializes random source with provided blakeRNG generator.
        [[nodiscard]] explicit Superscalar(const blake2b::Random& blakeRNG) noexcept;

        // Generates superscalar program based on rules defined in https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#6-superscalarhash.
        // Resulting program dependes on internal state of blakeRNG random generator.
        [[nodiscard]] SuperscalarProgram generate();
        // Return decode buffer configuration, which defines 3 or 4 macro operation slots such that the size of each group is exactly 16 bytes.
        // Rules for selection are defined in: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#631-decoding-stage
        // In a case when random selection is needed, blakeRNG is used to provide random values.
        // instr defines last fetched instruction.
        // decode_cycle defines current decoding cycle number.
        // mul_count defines number of currently fetched IMUL* instructions.
        [[nodiscard]] const DecodeBuffer& selectDecodeBuffer(const SuperscalarInstructionType instr, const uint32_t decode_cycle, const uint32_t mul_count) noexcept;

        // Returns an instruction that should be fetched next, based on given decode_buffer and index pointing to the buffer slot (which holds instruction size in bytes).
        // Rules for selection are defined in: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#632-instruction-selection
        // In a case when given slot may be occupied by several instructions, blakeRNG is used to randomly select next instruction.
        [[nodiscard]] SuperscalarInstructionType selectInstructionTypeForDecodeBuffer(const DecodeBuffer& decode_buffer, const uint32_t buffer_index) noexcept;

        // Initializes instructions depending on a given type
        // according to rules from table 6.1.1: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/specs.md#61-instructions
        [[nodiscard]] SuperscalarInstruction initializeInstruction(const SuperscalarInstructionType type) noexcept;

        // Randomly selects a register index from passed available registers.
        [[nodiscard]] uint8_t selectRegister(const_span<reg_idx_t> available_registers) noexcept;

        blake2b::Random blakeRNG;

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