Last updated: 2021-03-29
Checks: 7 0
Knit directory: R_gene_analysis/
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.
Great! Since the R Markdown file has been committed to the Git repository, you know the exact version of the code that produced these results.
Great job! The global environment was empty. Objects defined in the global environment can affect the analysis in your R Markdown file in unknown ways. For reproduciblity it’s best to always run the code in an empty environment.
The command set.seed(20200917)
was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.
Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.
Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.
Great job! Using relative paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it easier to run your code on other machines.
Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.
The results in this page were generated with repository version 764ad7b. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.
Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish
or wflow_git_commit
). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
Ignored files:
Ignored: .Rhistory
Ignored: .Rproj.user/
Untracked files:
Untracked: data/Brec_R1.txt
Untracked: data/Brec_R2.txt
Untracked: data/CR15_R1.txt
Untracked: data/CR15_R2.txt
Untracked: data/CR_14_R1.txt
Untracked: data/CR_14_R2.txt
Untracked: data/KS_R1.txt
Untracked: data/KS_R2.txt
Untracked: data/NBS_PAV.txt.gz
Untracked: data/NLR_PAV_GD.txt
Untracked: data/NLR_PAV_GM.txt
Untracked: data/PAVs_newick.txt
Untracked: data/PPR1.txt
Untracked: data/PPR2.txt
Untracked: data/SNPs_newick.txt
Untracked: data/bac.txt
Untracked: data/brown.txt
Untracked: data/cy3.txt
Untracked: data/cy5.txt
Untracked: data/early.txt
Untracked: data/flowerings.txt
Untracked: data/foregeye.txt
Untracked: data/height.txt
Untracked: data/late.txt
Untracked: data/mature.txt
Untracked: data/motting.txt
Untracked: data/mvp.kin.bin
Untracked: data/mvp.kin.desc
Untracked: data/oil.txt
Untracked: data/pdh.txt
Untracked: data/protein.txt
Untracked: data/rust_tan.txt
Untracked: data/salt.txt
Untracked: data/seedq.txt
Untracked: data/seedweight.txt
Untracked: data/stem_termination.txt
Untracked: data/sudden.txt
Untracked: data/virus.txt
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Pred.result.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.Df.tValue.StdErr.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.GWAS.Results.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.MAF.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Chromosomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.QQ-Plot.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.FarmCPU.Yield.phenotype_view.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.Df.tValue.StdErr.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.GWAS.Results.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.Log.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.MAF.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Chromosomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.Optimum.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.PRED.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.QQ-Plot.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.ROC.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.ROC.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.GLM.Yield.phenotype_view.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.Df.tValue.StdErr.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.GWAS.Results.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.Log.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.MAF.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Chromosomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.Optimum.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.PRED.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.QQ-Plot.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.ROC.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.ROC.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLM.Yield.phenotype_view.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Pred.result.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.Df.tValue.StdErr.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.GWAS.Results.csv
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.MAF.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Chromosomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.Manhattan.Plot.Genomewise.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.QQ-Plot.pdf
Untracked: output/GAPIT/GAPIT.MLMM.Yield.phenotype_view.pdf
Unstaged changes:
Modified: code/
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/gwas.Rmd
) and HTML (docs/gwas.html
) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 764ad7b | Philipp Bayer | 2021-03-29 | wflow_publish(“analysis/gwas.Rmd”) |
Rmd | bd5506f | Philipp Bayer | 2021-03-29 | missing commits |
html | 2844fd3 | Philipp Bayer | 2021-02-09 | Add changes, add missing yield |
html | e519122 | Philipp Bayer | 2020-12-11 | Build site. |
html | 83dc49a | Philipp Bayer | 2020-12-11 | Trace deleted files |
Rmd | dae157b | Philipp Bayer | 2020-09-24 | Update of analysis |
html | dae157b | Philipp Bayer | 2020-09-24 | Update of analysis |
Let’s run a GWAS via GAPIT using the NLR genes as input, and the PCs calculated using SNPs
First, we have to make the principal components - making them based on NLR genes alone is probably garbage. Let’s make them based on all publicly available SNPs from here.
I ran the following on a bigger server which is why it’s marked as not to run when I rerun workflowr.
if (!file.exists('data/')) {
download.file('', 'data/')
#We have to convert the big vcf file
if (!file.exists("data/snp.gds")) {
vcf.fn <- 'data/'
snpgdsVCF2GDS(vcf.fn, "data/snp.gds", method="biallelic.only")
genofile <- snpgdsOpen('data/snp.gds')
# Let's prune the SNPs based on 0.2 LD
snpset <- snpgdsLDpruning(genofile, ld.threshold=0.2, autosome.only=F) <- unlist(unname(snpset))
# And now let's run the PCA
pca <- snpgdsPCA(genofile,, num.thread=2, autosome.only=F)
saveRDS(pca, 'data/pca.rds')
OK let’s load the results I made on the remote server and saved in a file:
# load PCA
pca <- readRDS('data/pca.rds')
A quick diagnostic plot
tab <- data.frame( = pca$,
EV1 = pca$eigenvect[,1], # the first eigenvector
EV2 = pca$eigenvect[,2], # the second eigenvector
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
plot(tab$EV2, tab$EV1, xlab="eigenvector 2", ylab="eigenvector 1")
head(tab) EV1 EV2
1 AB-01 -0.03587935 0.008552839
2 AB-02 -0.03681818 0.010897831
3 BR-01 -0.01975551 -0.016854610
4 BR-02 -0.01651350 -0.015271782
5 BR-03 -0.01702049 -0.018778840
6 BR-04 -0.01639033 -0.021407320
Alright, now we have SNP-based principal components. We’ll use the first two as our own covariates in GAPIT.
I wrote a Python script which takes the NLR-only PAV table and turns that into HapMap format with fake SNPs, see code/
myY <- read.table('data/yield.txt', head = TRUE)
myGD <- read.table('data/NLR_PAV_GD.txt', head = TRUE)
myGM <- read.table('data/NLR_PAV_GM.txt', head = TRUE)
CV = tab,
GD = myGD,
GM = myGM, = 0, # turn off PCA calculation
model = c('GLM', 'MLM','MLMM','FarmCPU'),
[1] "--------------------- Welcome to GAPIT ----------------------------"
Loading required package: multtest
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames,
dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, grep,
grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply, match, mget,
order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, Position, rank,
rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Loading required package: gplots
Attaching package: 'gplots'
The following object is masked from 'package:multtest':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
Loading required package: LDheatmap
Loading required package: genetics
Loading required package: combinat
Attaching package: 'combinat'
The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
Loading required package: gdata
gdata: Unable to locate valid perl interpreter
gdata: read.xls() will be unable to read Excel XLS and XLSX files
gdata: unless the 'perl=' argument is used to specify the location of a
gdata: valid perl intrpreter.
gdata: (To avoid display of this message in the future, please ensure
gdata: perl is installed and available on the executable search path.)
gdata: Unable to load perl libaries needed by read.xls()
gdata: to support 'XLX' (Excel 97-2004) files.
gdata: Unable to load perl libaries needed by read.xls()
gdata: to support 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files.
gdata: Run the function 'installXLSXsupport()'
gdata: to automatically download and install the perl
gdata: libaries needed to support Excel XLS and XLSX formats.
Attaching package: 'gdata'
The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: gtools
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: mvtnorm
The R-Genetics project has developed an set of enhanced genetics
packages to replace 'genetics'. Please visit the project homepage
at for informtion.
Attaching package: 'genetics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
%in%, order
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
%in%, as.factor, order
Loading required package: ape
Loading required package: compiler
Loading required package: EMMREML
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: scatterplot3d
[1] "All packages are loaded already ! GAPIT.Version is 2020.10.24, GAPIT 3.0"
Warning in if (model %in% c("gBLUP", "cBLUP", "sBLUP")) {: the condition has
length > 1 and only the first element will be used
[1] "GLM" "MLM" "MLMM" "FarmCPU"
[1] "--------------------Processing traits----------------------------------"
[1] "Phenotype provided!"
[1] "The 1 model in all."
[1] "GLM"
[1] "GAPIT.DP in process..."
[1] "GAPIT will filter marker with MAF setting !!"
[1] "The markers will be filtered by SNP.MAF: 0"
[1] "Calculating kinship..."
[1] "Number of individuals and SNPs are 1110 and 486"
[1] "Calculating kinship with VanRaden method..."
[1] "substracting P..."
[1] "Getting X'X..."
[1] "Adjusting..."
[1] "Calculating kinship with VanRaden method: done"
[1] "kinship calculated"
[1] "Creating heat map for kinship..."
[1] "Kinship heat map created"
[1] "Adding IDs to kinship..."
[1] "Writing kinship to file..."
[1] "Kinship save as file"
[1] "Kinship created!"
[1] "GAPIT.Genotype.View .Two pdf generate.successfully!"
[1] "GAPIT.DP accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "Processing trait: Yield"
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View in press..."
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View .output pdf generate.successfully!"
[1] "--------------------Phenotype and Genotype ----------------------------------"
[1] "VanRaden"
[1] "There are 1 traits in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 769 individuals in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 486 markers in genotype data."
[1] "Phenotype and Genotype are test OK !!"
[1] "--------------------GAPIT Logical ----------------------------------"
[1] "GAPIT.IC in process..."
[1] "@@@@"
[1] "There are 769 common individuals in genotype , phenotype and CV files."
[1] "The dimension of total CV is "
[1] 769 3
[1] "GAPIT.IC accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT.SS in process..."
[1] "------------Examining data (QC)------------------------------------------"
[1] "QC is in process..."
[1] "Removing duplicates..."
[1] "Removing NaN..."
[1] "Remove duplicates for GT..."
[1] "Remove duplicates for KI..."
[1] "Remove duplicates for Z (column wise)..."
[1] "Maching Z with Kinship colwise..."
[1] "Maching Z without origin..."
[1] "Maching GT and CV..."
[1] "QC final process..."
[1] "GAPIT.QC accomplished successfully!"
[1] "Try to group from and to were set to 1"
[1] "------------Examining data (QC) done-------------------------------------"
[1] "-------------------Sandwich burger and dressing------------------------"
Warning in GAPIT.Main(Y = ic_Y, GD = DP$GD[, -1], GM = DP$GM, KI = ic_KI, : The
upper bound of groups ( is not sufficient. both boundries were set to a
and GLM is performed!
Warning in GAPIT.Main(Y = ic_Y, GD = DP$GD[, -1], GM = DP$GM, KI = ic_KI, : The
upper bound of groups ( is not sufficient. both boundries were set to
their minimum and GLM is performed!
[1] "-------------------------Iteration in process--------------------------"
[1] "Total iterations: 1"
[1] "Compressing and Genome screening..."
[1] "-------Mixed model with Kinship-----------------------------"
Warning in rm(eig.L): object 'eig.L' not found
Warning in rm(dfs): object 'dfs' not found
Warning in rm(stats): object 'stats' not found
Warning in rm(effect.est): object 'effect.est' not found
Warning in rm(ps): object 'ps' not found
Warning in rm(nobs): object 'nobs' not found
Warning in rm(maf): object 'maf' not found
Warning in rm(rsquare_base): object 'rsquare_base' not found
Warning in rm(rsquare): object 'rsquare' not found
Warning in rm(df): object 'df' not found
Warning in rm(tvalue): object 'tvalue' not found
Warning in rm(stderr): object 'stderr' not found
[1] "1 of 1 -- Vg= 0 VE= 0.4285 -2LL= 1527.72 Clustering= average Group number= 1 Group kinship= Mean"
[1] "---------------------Sandwich bottom bun-------------------------------"
[1] "Compression"
Type Cluster Group REML VA VE
[1,] "Mean" "average" "1" "1527.72215091163" "0" "0.428537009456797"
[1] "--------------------Final results presentations------------------------"
[1] "Generating summary"
[1] "Genomic Breeding Values (GBV) ..."
[1] "Writing GBV and Acc..."
[1] "GBV and accuracy distribution..."
[1] "Compression portfolios..."
[1] "Compression Visualization done"
Type Cluster Group REML VA VE
[1,] "Mean" "average" "1" "1527.72215091163" "0" "0.428537009456797"
[1] "p3d objects transfered"
[1] "Merge BLUP and BLUE"
[1] "GAPIT before BLUP and BLUE"
Warning in, BLUE, by.x = "Taxa", by.y = "Taxa"): column
names 'NA', 'NA' are duplicated in the result
[1] "GAPIT after BLUP and BLUE"
[1] "Exporting BLUP and Pred"
[1] "GLM.Yield has been analyzed successfully!"
[1] "The results are saved in the directory of C:/temp/R_gene_analysis"
[1] "before ending GAPIT.Main"
[1] "GAPIT.ID in process..."
[1] "GAPIT.Compression.Visualization"
[1] "Pie chart"
[1] "Filtering SNPs with MAF..."
[1] "Calculating FDR..."
[1] "QQ plot..."
[1] "Manhattan plot (Genomewise)..."
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Manhattan plot (Chromosomewise)..."
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 1 chromosome "
[1] "select 1 candidate significont markers in 2 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 3 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 4 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 5 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 6 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 7 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 8 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 9 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 10 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 11 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 12 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 13 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 14 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 15 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 16 chromosome "
[1] "select 1 candidate significont markers in 17 chromosome "
[1] "manhattan plot on chromosome finished"
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Association table..."
[1] "Joining tvalue and stderr"
[1] "Creating ROC table and plot"
Warning in coefficient * sqrt(Vp): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log): 1 x value <= 0 omitted from
logarithmic plot
[1] "ROC completed!"
[1] "ROC table and plot created"
[1] "MAF plot..."
[1] "GAPIT.Interactive.Manhattan"
[1] "m" "q"
[1] "GAPIT.ID accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Result are saved"
[1] "It is OK to see this: 'There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)'"
[1] "--------------------Processing traits----------------------------------"
[1] "Phenotype provided!"
[1] "The 2 model in all."
[1] "MLM"
[1] "Processing trait: Yield"
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View in press..."
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View .output pdf generate.successfully!"
[1] "--------------------Phenotype and Genotype ----------------------------------"
[1] "VanRaden"
[1] "There are 1 traits in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 769 individuals in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 486 markers in genotype data."
[1] "Phenotype and Genotype are test OK !!"
[1] "--------------------GAPIT Logical ----------------------------------"
[1] "GAPIT.IC in process..."
[1] "@@@@"
[1] "There are 769 common individuals in genotype , phenotype and CV files."
[1] "The dimension of total CV is "
[1] 769 3
[1] "GAPIT.IC accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT.SS in process..."
[1] "------------Examining data (QC)------------------------------------------"
[1] "QC is in process..."
[1] "Removing duplicates..."
[1] "Removing NaN..."
[1] "Remove duplicates for GT..."
[1] "Remove duplicates for KI..."
[1] "Remove duplicates for Z (column wise)..."
[1] "Maching Z with Kinship colwise..."
[1] "Maching Z without origin..."
[1] "Maching GT and CV..."
[1] "QC final process..."
[1] "GAPIT.QC accomplished successfully!"
[1] "Try to group from and to were set to 1"
[1] "------------Examining data (QC) done-------------------------------------"
[1] "-------------------Sandwich burger and dressing------------------------"
Warning in GAPIT.Main(Y = ic_Y, GD = DP$GD[, -1], GM = DP$GM, KI = ic_KI, : The
upper bound of groups is too high. It was set to the size of kinship!
Warning in GAPIT.Main(Y = ic_Y, GD = DP$GD[, -1], GM = DP$GM, KI = ic_KI, : The
lower bound of groups is too high. It was set to the size of kinship!
[1] "-------------------------Iteration in process--------------------------"
[1] "Total iterations: 1"
[1] "Compressing and Genome screening..."
[1] "-------Mixed model with Kinship-----------------------------"
Warning in rm(dfs): object 'dfs' not found
Warning in rm(stats): object 'stats' not found
Warning in rm(effect.est): object 'effect.est' not found
Warning in rm(ps): object 'ps' not found
Warning in rm(nobs): object 'nobs' not found
Warning in rm(maf): object 'maf' not found
Warning in rm(rsquare_base): object 'rsquare_base' not found
Warning in rm(rsquare): object 'rsquare' not found
Warning in rm(df): object 'df' not found
Warning in rm(tvalue): object 'tvalue' not found
Warning in rm(stderr): object 'stderr' not found
Warning in if (! {: the condition has length > 1 and only the first
element will be used
Warning in if ( BLUE = NA: the condition has length > 1 and only the
first element will be used
Warning in rm(Dt): object 'Dt' not found
[1] "1 of 1 -- Vg= 0.0355 VE= 0.3664 -2LL= 1468.64 Clustering= average Group number= 1110 Group kinship= Mean"
[1] "---------------------Sandwich bottom bun-------------------------------"
[1] "Compression"
Type Cluster Group REML VA
[1,] "Mean" "average" "1110" "1468.63986406051" "0.0354993169203866"
[1,] "0.366370311036981"
[1] "--------------------Final results presentations------------------------"
[1] "Generating summary"
[1] "Genomic Breeding Values (GBV) ..."
[1] "GAPIT.GS accomplished successfully!"
[1] "Writing GBV and Acc..."
[1] "GBV and accuracy distribution..."
[1] "Compression portfolios..."
[1] "Compression Visualization done"
Type Cluster Group REML VA
[1,] "Mean" "average" "1110" "1468.63986406051" "0.0354993169203866"
[1,] "0.366370311036981"
[1] "p3d objects transfered"
[1] "Merge BLUP and BLUE"
[1] "GAPIT before BLUP and BLUE"
[1] "GAPIT after BLUP and BLUE"
[1] "Exporting BLUP and Pred"
[1] "MLM.Yield has been analyzed successfully!"
[1] "The results are saved in the directory of C:/temp/R_gene_analysis"
[1] "before ending GAPIT.Main"
[1] "GAPIT.ID in process..."
[1] "GAPIT.Compression.Visualization"
[1] "Pie chart"
[1] "Filtering SNPs with MAF..."
[1] "Calculating FDR..."
[1] "QQ plot..."
[1] "Manhattan plot (Genomewise)..."
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Manhattan plot (Chromosomewise)..."
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 1 chromosome "
[1] "select 1 candidate significont markers in 2 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 3 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 4 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 5 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 6 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 7 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 8 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 9 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 10 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 11 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 12 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 13 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 14 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 15 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 16 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 17 chromosome "
[1] "manhattan plot on chromosome finished"
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Association table..."
[1] "Joining tvalue and stderr"
[1] "Creating ROC table and plot"
Warning in coefficient * sqrt(Vp): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log): 1 x value <= 0 omitted from
logarithmic plot
[1] "ROC completed!"
[1] "ROC table and plot created"
[1] "MAF plot..."
[1] "GAPIT.Interactive.Manhattan"
[1] "m" "q"
[1] "GAPIT.ID accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Result are saved"
[1] "It is OK to see this: 'There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)'"
[1] "--------------------Processing traits----------------------------------"
[1] "Phenotype provided!"
[1] "The 3 model in all."
[1] "MLMM"
[1] "Processing trait: Yield"
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View in press..."
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View .output pdf generate.successfully!"
[1] "--------------------Phenotype and Genotype ----------------------------------"
[1] "MLMM"
[1] "There are 1 traits in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 769 individuals in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 486 markers in genotype data."
[1] "Phenotype and Genotype are test OK !!"
[1] "--------------------GAPIT Logical ----------------------------------"
[1] "GAPIT.IC in process..."
[1] "@@@@"
[1] "There are 769 common individuals in genotype , phenotype and CV files."
[1] "The dimension of total CV is "
[1] 769 3
[1] "GAPIT.IC accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT.SS in process..."
[1] "GWAS by MLMM method !!"
[1] "The Kinship is provided by user !!"
null model done! pseudo-h= 0.149
step 1 done! pseudo-h= 0.133
step 2 done! pseudo-h= 0.12
step 3 done! pseudo-h= 0.1
step 4 done! pseudo-h= 0.084
step 5 done! pseudo-h= 0.082
step 6 done! pseudo-h= 0.072
step 7 done! pseudo-h= 0.06
step 8 done! pseudo-h= 0.047
step 9 done! pseudo-h= 0.039
backward analysis
creating output
[1] 39 444 451 481 484 262 457 8 450
Warning in write.csv(Pred, paste("GAPIT.", DP$kinship.algorithm,
".Pred.result.csv", : attempt to set 'col.names' ignored
[1] "GAPIT.ID in process..."
[1] "Filtering SNPs with MAF..."
[1] "Calculating FDR..."
[1] "QQ plot..."
[1] "Manhattan plot (Genomewise)..."
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Manhattan plot (Chromosomewise)..."
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 1 chromosome "
[1] "select 1 candidate significont markers in 2 chromosome "
Warning in cor(X[, candidata], subGD[, k]): the standard deviation is zero
Warning in cor(X[, candidata], subGD[, k]): the standard deviation is zero
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 3 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 4 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 5 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 6 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 7 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 8 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 9 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 10 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 11 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 12 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 13 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 14 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 15 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 16 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 17 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 18 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 19 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 20 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 21 chromosome "
[1] "manhattan plot on chromosome finished"
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Association table..."
[1] "Joining tvalue and stderr"
[1] "Creating ROC table and plot"
[1] "ROC table and plot created"
[1] "MAF plot..."
[1] "GAPIT.Interactive.Manhattan"
[1] "m" "q"
[1] "GAPIT.ID accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Result are saved"
[1] "It is OK to see this: 'There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)'"
[1] "--------------------Processing traits----------------------------------"
[1] "Phenotype provided!"
[1] "The 4 model in all."
[1] "FarmCPU"
[1] "Processing trait: Yield"
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View in press..."
[1] "GAPIT.Phenotype.View .output pdf generate.successfully!"
[1] "--------------------Phenotype and Genotype ----------------------------------"
[1] "FarmCPU"
[1] "There are 1 traits in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 769 individuals in phenotype data."
[1] "There are 486 markers in genotype data."
[1] "Phenotype and Genotype are test OK !!"
[1] "--------------------GAPIT Logical ----------------------------------"
[1] "GAPIT.IC in process..."
[1] "@@@@"
[1] "There are 769 common individuals in genotype , phenotype and CV files."
[1] "The dimension of total CV is "
[1] 769 3
[1] "GAPIT.IC accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT.SS in process..."
Loading required package: bigmemory
Loading required package: biganalytics
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: biglm
Loading required package: DBI
[1] "--------------------- Welcome to FarmCPU ----------------------------"
[1] "FarmCPU Started..."
[1] "Current loop: 1 out of maximum of 10"
[1] "seqQTN"
[1] "scanning..."
[1] "number of covariates in current loop is:"
[1] 2
Warning in diag(wwi) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
[1] "Current loop: 2 out of maximum of 10"
[1] "optimizing possible QTNs..."
[1] "seqQTN"
[1] 39 481 320 8 372 262 156 295
[1] "scanning..."
[1] "number of covariates in current loop is:"
[1] 10
Warning in diag(wwi) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(wwi) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
[1] "Current loop: 3 out of maximum of 10"
[1] "optimizing possible QTNs..."
Warning in if ( != 0 & != -1 & !is.null(seqQTN)) seqQTN =
union(seqQTN, : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be
[1] "seqQTN"
[1] 39 481 8 262 320 295 156 372
[1] "scanning..."
[1] "number of covariates in current loop is:"
[1] 10
Warning in diag(wwi) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(wwi) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in sqrt(diag(iXX) * ve): NaNs produced
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Warning in diag(iXX) * ve: Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
Use c() or as.vector() instead.
[1] "**********FarmCPU ACCOMPLISHED SUCCESSFULLY**********"
[1] "FarmCPU has been done succeedly!!"
[1] 39 481 8 262 320 295 156 372
Warning in write.csv(Pred, paste("GAPIT.", DP$kinship.algorithm,
".Pred.result.csv", : attempt to set 'col.names' ignored
[1] "GAPIT.ID in process..."
[1] "Filtering SNPs with MAF..."
[1] "Calculating FDR..."
[1] "QQ plot..."
[1] "Manhattan plot (Genomewise)..."
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Manhattan plot (Chromosomewise)..."
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 1 chromosome "
[1] "select 1 candidate significont markers in 2 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 3 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 4 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 5 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 6 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 7 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 8 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 9 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 10 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 11 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 12 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 13 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 14 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 15 chromosome "
[1] "select 0 candidate significont markers in 16 chromosome "
[1] "select 1 candidate significont markers in 17 chromosome "
[1] "manhattan plot on chromosome finished"
[1] "GAPIT.Manhattan accomplished successfully!zw"
[1] "Association table..."
[1] "Joining tvalue and stderr"
[1] "Creating ROC table and plot"
[1] "ROC table and plot created"
[1] "MAF plot..."
[1] "GAPIT.Interactive.Manhattan"
[1] "m" "q"
[1] "GAPIT.ID accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Results are saved"
[1] "GAPIT accomplished successfully for multiple traits. Result are saved"
[1] "It is OK to see this: 'There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)'"
Warning in if (file.output & !SNP.test & model_store %in% c("gBLUP", "cBLUP", :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
if (! dir.exists('output/GAPIT')){
for(file in list.files('.', pattern='GAPIT*')) {
file.copy(file, 'output/GAPIT')
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17134)
Matrix products: default
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=English_Australia.1252
attached base packages:
[1] compiler parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[8] methods base
other attached packages:
[1] biganalytics_1.1.21 biglm_0.9-2 DBI_1.1.0
[4] foreach_1.4.8 bigmemory_4.5.36 scatterplot3d_0.3-41
[7] EMMREML_3.1 Matrix_1.2-18 ape_5.3
[10] genetics_1. mvtnorm_1.1-1 MASS_7.3-51.6
[13] gtools_3.8.1 gdata_2.18.0 combinat_0.0-8
[16] LDheatmap_0.99-8 gplots_3.0.3 multtest_2.42.0
[19] Biobase_2.46.0 BiocGenerics_0.32.0 SNPRelate_1.20.1
[22] gdsfmt_1.22.0 GAPIT3_3.1.0 workflowr_1.6.2.9000
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_1.0.5 lattice_0.20-41 getPass_0.2-2
[4] ps_1.3.4 rprojroot_1.3-2 digest_0.6.25
[7] R6_2.4.1 backports_1.1.10 stats4_3.6.3
[10] bigmemory.sri_0.1.3 evaluate_0.14 httr_1.4.2
[13] pillar_1.4.4 rlang_0.4.7 rstudioapi_0.11
[16] whisker_0.4 callr_3.4.4 rmarkdown_2.3
[19] splines_3.6.3 stringr_1.4.0 httpuv_1.5.4
[22] xfun_0.17 pkgconfig_2.0.3 htmltools_0.5.0
[25] tibble_3.0.2 codetools_0.2-16 crayon_1.3.4
[28] later_1.1.0.1 bitops_1.0-6 grid_3.6.3
[31] nlme_3.1-148 lifecycle_0.2.0 git2r_0.27.1
[34] magrittr_1.5 KernSmooth_2.23-17 stringi_1.5.3
[37] fs_1.5.0.9000 promises_1.1.1 ellipsis_0.3.1
[40] vctrs_0.3.1 iterators_1.0.12 tools_3.6.3
[43] glue_1.4.2 processx_3.4.4 survival_3.2-3
[46] yaml_2.2.1 caTools_1.18.0 knitr_1.29